HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 10Established 1877
B. . ,. r1' XL,.
• Transacts al;eneralbankingbusines.e.
Receives the accounts of merebauts and
others on favorable terms.
Oars every accommodation consistent with
safeandcon eervativebankingprinciples,
Fisoper Dont interestallowed an deposits.
Uraftsissued payable et any office of the
Kereln ants Rank.
THE extent to which the people
of Ontario are being bled by the
Minister of Education may be
judged from the fact that as the
election approaches he reduced the
price of one of the fchool books
iron re to fy cents per copy. The
prices of school books have been
most extortionate. The people
have been bled of enormous sums
in order that the political friends
of Mr, Ross might be enriched..
acted more in accord with the
principle of good government.
How are the interests of the farmer
and mechanic to be advanced by
this exaggerated and absurd regard
for pomp and "dignity" on the part
all Mr. Mowat and his allies,
Dundas Banner, -"John Waters has
been nominated for Ncrth "Kiddlesex, Re
a a s you
belongs to the still kind, arid, y
know, atilt Waters run deep."
John will ge very deep this time
-so deep as to never come to the
surface again -as a politician.
POLITICAL, morality must be at a
very low ebb in this Cauadaof ours,
especially in this province, if we
may believe what the politicians
say of each other. Taking the
surface indications by what has so
far appeared, there seem to be
grave r.:asons for the belief that a
great deal retrains to be unearthed,
rate, it appearss from the
published correspondence that the
contractors of the Parliament build•
ings are getting a big tiling out of
the job, at the expense of the tax-
payer. However this may be,
enough has been said and publish.
ed. to make the public insist en a
complete investigation, Charges
such as have been bandied about
cannot be refuted with mere denials,
Honorable gentlemen cannot, in
justice to themselves, rest udder
such allegations. Nor can the
moral sense of the community be
silenced by saying one party is as
bad as the other. It may be an
unpleasant fact that contracts for
public works have been manipulat-
ed so as to provide election funds,
and that our ttnpappy party politics
have, by reason of their bitterness,
led men who would disdain a
thought of dishonesty in ordinary
affairs to assess contractors for
party purposes. Degradation of
this kind is not unnatural where
politicians are very poor and the
prizes for political success very
ricb. TIhe force of this observation
is apparent when we contrast con-
temporary Canadian political
morals with those prevailing in
England. But this only shows
more clearly how imperative it is
that latent forces of outraged
public opinion should be brought
to bear for the purification of
public life. Mr. Mowat has had
control of affairs too long; he is
becoming too reckless and bossy ;
and until a change is made the
people of Ontario may expect to
suffer extortion in an increased
PEOPLE have wondered where
the Ilotiva► Government have se-
cured the enormous sums which
they spend at every election to
return their candidates. One
source of revenue }last been reveal-
ed. The.y are assessing their em-
plov°ees, some of them ,ati high as
silo,. This furnishesa larger fund,
which, corruptly obtained, must be
used for corrupt purposes.
Deniiat.INo and falsification are
found in close companionship in
the ranks of Mowatism. When
the now notorious Preston dunning
circular to the civil servants was
first published, the Globe, doubt-
less instructed by the Grit organiz-
er, stated that only four of such
demands were sent out. Naw, if
that number stands confessed, it
argues on the face of it a greater
number. It shows that the col-
lection of a boodle fund for election
purposes was systematic, and that
it should be restricted to four
persons is hard to believe. As a
matter of fact, we learn from the
Belleville Intelligencer, that eigh-
teen of the precious documents
were sent to that city, at least six
to Kingston, Guelph has furnished
one for publication, and the rest of
the Province is yet to be heard
froth• In this connection, says our
contemporary, it is pertinent to ask
why the Mowat Government have
been insisting that the salaries of
certain officials who are paid by the
counties shall be increased ? It is
that they may more readily be
blackmailed for contributions to the
huge bribery fund which is being
piled up at Toronto This is a
matter that appeals to every rate-
payer, if the salaries of officials,
especially those paid by the rate-
payers of the county, are to be
raised for the purpose ;of enabling
them to be squeezed out of money
to raise a fund with which to bribe
A Candidate Chosen.
A eonveutiou of the Conservatives of
South Huron, was held at Ilensall on Tues-
day last, :There was a lull delegation
present, and much enthusiasm manifested.
The following persons were nominated in
order as given; T, 13, °Arline, Exeter; G
E. Cresswell, Seaforth ; IL Either, Credi-
ton ; John Torrance, Stauleyo President ;
Dr. Rollins, Exeter; G, E. Jackson, Eg-
rnondville ; John 13eacem, Cliutou ; Robt,
Wilson. mayor of Seaforth ; J. G, Uolniee
ToroutQ. Speeches were made by all
1 Holmes, and all
the candidates, except .1r m f d
declining the nomination, Mr. Holmes
was made the unanimous choice After
passing the usual resolutions, and giving
accustomed cheers, the meeting closed,
every man leaving with a full determina-
tion that Mr, Homes will win, if assiduous
work counts for anything. Ur Holmes, the
Candidate, is one ot the foremost lawyers
in Toronto ; le secretary of the Provincial
Equal Rights Association and is a man
worthy and qualified for the position, He
is a Huron man, having been barn and
raised in Rlyth, so that, in a true sense he
is nct a stranger to ns. Mr. H, will visit
the county this week and will conduct the
campaign personally, be being one of the
greatest orators and debaters of the age.
Ax exchange exclaims that there
is $7,000,000 in the Provincial
treasury, and asks the people if the
Mowat Government have not been
economical and saving. How did
they accumulate this amount ?
Simply by the sale of timber limits.
And how are they spending half of
this amount ? In the erection of
palatial buildings for the govern-
ment, which were estimated at the
outset would cost only $75o,000.
Instead of spending $3,000,000 on
buildings, if they had returned a
portion of the great surplus to the
people from year to year, develop-
ing- the country, opening the mines,
encouraging colonization, draining
the wet lands, giving more to agri-
culture, to the production of animals
of a better kind, especially in the
more rural parts, helping immigra-
tion, of a desirable class ; and in
many other ways promoting solid
asefulness among the people, rather
than boasting .ofa large hoard in
the treasury that is put toxic) further
use than to build a costly pile as a
monument to official folly -and
vanity, on pretence that the "digni-
ty" of the country is likely to suffer
from not doing it, they would have.
Provincial Finances.
The Manitobaand Nerthwertern
Railway Company has sold its land
grant, about 4.00,000 ;teres, to a syndi-
eate of English and Scoteb capitalists,
who rill inaugurate a gigantic coloniza-
tion scheme.
Manitoba is going to hare gopher
legislation. Ontario is engaged in pretty
much the same kind of a hunt, but its
prey are the two legged governmental
gophers, who have been undermining
the proviuce for twenty years and. more,
Look out for storms, earthquakes and
all sorts of cosmic convulsions, Wiggins
says theta will be nothing serious for
the next few years, Ile is one of those
prophets whose .predictions must be
taken in a contrary sense to be properly
Another new Canadian enterprise is
announced, called the Lake Superior
Queen Silver Mining Company. Its ob-
jeet is to acquire and develop mining
property in the Thunder Bay district,
The capital is $175,000 The English
Board is fairly good. Mr. John Mc-
Donald, of Winntrcg, is the only Can -
tiara member of the Managing Board,
The total export from Canada, iniad
ing coin and bullion, for lire nine
months main; March 31.last, are $7,
607,036 in excess of the amount for the
corresponding nine months of the pre-
ceding year. The exports of coin and
bullion the past nine months are $1,349,-
1,349,.306, against $1,707,483 for the corres-
pending nine months of 1888-9,
Hollanders have the reputation of be-
ing keen, practical and successful busi-
ness men: Therefore their proposition
for a European combination against the
United States system of trade indicates
more than ordinary irritation and may
mean a good dent In 1889 the United
States exported $532,000,000 worth of
farm pruduats. This was all surplus
product, which the country could not
possibly consume.
In 1871 the expenditure of the On-
tario Government out of the,consolidat-
ed revenue amounted to $1,220 351.
Last year it amounted to $2,648,971.
Increase in expenditure $1,428,620
or 117 per cent.
In 1871 the surplus in hand or invest-
ed in interest-bearing securities was
$3,637,979. See statement 11, at page
21 of the public recounts for 1871, signed
"A. Mackenzie, treasurer." In 1889
there still remained -special deposits in
banks $411,742,7'7 and Dominion bonds
Just Received a di-
Hernnesey'sBrandyn Casks
Also other grades Brandy
root Importation of
and Cases, Corby Whiskey
French & Domestic Wines. •
Lake Huron Latbrador kite Fish it Trout in Blois. 1-2 Bbls
Just received a eons) -n- went of This Season s Teas=
Our Grocery Deuartnent is Complete
I . Every Branch.
CHB MIRIBT Thoroughbred Running ONIA , �.
will stand for mares this season as follows
- Vegetables
—and all—.
Monday. April 28th 1 M 4 bl H
for noon ; thence to Carl's hotel, Seaforth. for
night. Tuesday,Gommercial hotel, Clinton,!
for noon; thenee to Swartz's hotel, Bayfield.1
for night Wednesdav, south on Blouson
Ione to Melte. for noon ; thence to Dashwood.
tar night; Thursday- south to hilus, thence
CAA to I' 111'abetongrediton, for neon • menace
tot sha s
Read aoecr. I wli w
v' London Ra dE 1a
haul, for nitrbC, kriday,� to London fiend to
his own. stable for noon and remain until the
fellowieg Monday morning. JA s a BERRY.
on ay. . pit leave .. as ow'z brie,
. e, 0i�-
sail. and north, to Dixon's hotel. tueefieLd.
Farm Produce.
Crain, Wool, and
Dressed Hcgs,
The new styles of ballot boxes to be
used in pending bye -elections for the
House of Commons are three in number,
and all do away with the system of paper
ballots. Marbles or little wooden or
iron plugs will be used instead. This
may be an improvement, and these con-
tests will furnish a satisfactory experi-
ment. It is rather atavisms that after
trying many elaborate ways of balloting
reversion should be made to the system
in vogue at Athens thousands of years
A Toronto clergyman preaching on
the labor question, declared that the
only true solution of it was in the pract-
ice of the Golden Rule by both the em-
ployers and the employees. The same
might be said of most other questions
now distracting society. But does not
the simple proposition contain a confes-
sion that neither class acts upon the
principle of doing as it would be done
by. But to put it squarely would, per-
haps, be too sweeping a condemnation
of the industrial system. That "en-
lightened self-interest," of which pol-
itical economists have so much to say,
ought, however, to show the practical
$2,000,000. wisdom of the clergyman's sermon.
In addition to these sums, Mr. Ross What the world really needs is more
makes a parade of some mortgages "re practical Christianity among all classes
sale of lands for Mimico cottages and on week days.
parliament buildings." This asset is no
part of Sanfield Macdonald's surplus,
and it will be swallowed up several
times over in the new provincial build-
ings, which will cost fully $3,000,000.
Also Mr. Ross credits himself with
some drainage loans and debentures.
In the
first place,
payments of principal
and interest on these debentures are not
now promptly met, and there is little
doubt that in the end the accounts will
take the course taken by the old muni-
cipal loan fund -the province will write
the sums off as uncollectable. But in
the next niece the amounts are mort-
gaged to pay sums borrowed on an-
But let us put it the other way :
Surplus claimed by Mr. Ross $1,194,537.98
Annuities 792,512 85
Actual Surplus $402,025.13
DAVIDSON BROS., Builders and Gontrae-
will be opened on the orshavo removed to Swallow's old stand, cor-
ner Alain aud Gidley streets and aro propared
to sell Doors, Sash and Blinds and Moulding
cheaper than any other nim in town. 1uUd-
ingsoontraoted far. Plana. Speoifiertionsand
Estimates furnished if required- All work
done with neatness and dewatab and satisfac-
ton gluon. Seasoned iunlberalvrays on hand
Davidson. giros,,
Town, Ha/ Graz/m/4 74
E ret01'y 074
The new buildings at Toronto will take
more than $1,500,000 yet ; and' consid-
erable sums are pledged to railways.
Last year $1,421.579 was withdrawn
from special deposit, and $1,261,742 was
The Mowat government is yearly dis-
sipating its capital and discounting the
Wilful Wickedness.
Hanging having been voted cruel,
brutal and demoralizing in the State of
New York, and "electrocution," the
substitute for it, being of doubtful le-
gality and certainty, the sudden passage
of an act doing away with capital punish-
ment altogether is not astonishing. Half
1 are
r besides I�emin er
a dozen murderers
in prison under sntoace of death, th, but
the new law reprieves them. The right
to inflict capital punishment is now soley
in the hands of the murderers active and
prospective. In a country where nearly
everybody carries a,revolver it is quite
probable that this right will be exercised
with less reserve than if the state had
not divested itself of the power to kill a
man occasionally in the public interest as
any private person may now do in his
own interest. The only defence left is
to make murder punishable by im-
prisonment for life without possibility of
commutation .
In spite of the extremely hostile legis-
lation, the Chinese population in the
United. States is increasing at an enor-
mous rate annually. It is alleged, and
with some show of reason, that the in-
crease comes from over the Mexican
and Canadian frontiers. The tax of
fifty dollars on every Chinaman enter-
ing this country has merely improved
without checking the influx from Asia
on our Pacific coast, and once the
Chinese get ashore, it is hard to prevent
them from slipping across so open a
border as the imaginary line that forms
the boundary between Canada and the
United States. In Mexico there is no
bar of any kind: 'to Chinese immigration
and from that quarter most of the un-
welcome immigrants find their way into
the Land of Promise. So long, how-
ever, as Chinamen who are only worth
five cents a day athome are worth
a dollar a day in America, the influx
will continue. Therere is bnt one remedy.
that is?to make all Chinamen contri-
band, if such i thing is possible.
MJ.'X' .0„ L -89Q.
to be continued weekly.
IIARKET HOURS : 7 a. m. to 1
o'clock p. m.
This market is established by Village
by-law. By order.
R� _F7'es1, and New
Good. Salary and Expenses, or Gommiesion,
Paid to the right mem 1 want Icon 2,5 to 59
years of age to sell a full lino of erst class
Nursery Stock, All stook guatantoed• Apply
at once, stating age and references.
C. L. BOOTI/Br. itoohester, N. Z.
To the Editor of the gxeter Times.
Sin -You deserve the thanks of our
citizens for the plain way in which you
have denounced the destroying of windows
and other property by some destructive
boys. After what you said I am surprised
to learn that on Sunday last, two large
boys who were pupils a few months ago;
went into the,pnblie school grounds and
wilfully destroyed the flower -beds made by
the teacher and pupils on Arbor Day. Is
it, not the duty of our school Board or
Principal to see tha,tthese young "Vandals"
receive the punishment they so mach de.
serve ? It can be stopped in no other way:
5 Packs of Cards, FREE
Ono Peek, May I. C.U.Ilone: Ono Paok
Escort; One Pack, Flirtation; One Pack, Hold
to the light; One Pack. Our Sofq just holds
two Ono sample book full of Nov -)ties, all
FREE, if you send5e. silver, for postage.
A-. W SIZTMsTM'Y', Yarmouth N 5,
Just arrived at the family Grocery. Also
Pore Extracts and Spices.
A beautiful piece of glass—
ware given away with one lb.
11la,yell's I3aking Powder.
Dashwood Boller Flour fir sole.
Call and examine our goods before pur:
ohaeing elsewhere.
The direct route between the Wept and all
points on mho Lower St. Lawrence and Bade
ties Obaletr,Pxovinoeof Quebec; also for
New1lrunawick,Nava Seetia,Prince Edward
CepopretonIslonde, anou
dNewfndlanu and
St. p)err o ,
lsxnrees traine leave Montreal end ifa]lta$
daily tetindaya excepted) and run through
without ebange between tkese poiutsin 30
The through express train cars of the In-
tereelonlal Rai1Ra'y aro brilliantlyliglatQd
by electricity aadheated by steam front the
locomotive. thus greatly increasing the corn,
fort and safety of travellers,
NOW and elegant bntletsleeping and day
oararuu anthrone!' oxpresetralns.
Stanley has accomplished more than any
Mon to take orders for Nurecry Stook, on Sal- other discoverer before him and has made
ary or Comimasion. 1 can make a sucoossful for himself a name that will go rolling
s Aa T E S 1I N- down for coming ages. People will hear
of bis achievements with wonder and
ot anyone who will work and follow my in- amazement, and on all sides decorations
atructiona. Will furnish handsome outfit free and honors will overwhelm him•
and pay your salary or oommission every During his late expedition much labor
Zook. Write for terms at once. and inconvenience would have been obviat-
E. 0.OItAII Alf. Nurseryman,
11fohl61St Toronto. Ont , ed by a liberal use of
Barber Shop
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Hair ontting in the latest
style of the art.
Every attention paid to nutting
Ladies arras CM?rldren's Hair.
The Molsons Bank
Paid up Capital ... ... $`x,000,00
RestFund ... --. ... 1,000,00
Head Office , Montreal.
20branohof0oesintneDominion. Agoneie
in the Dominion,U. S.A.and Europe.
Exeter Branch,
lawful from
Open everylaw y, l0a.m to3 .m
SATURDAYS,10 a.m. to 1 p. m,
4 PerCent. per annum allowedformoney on
Deposit Receipts
0.O TO -
Goldsmith 1' Hall!
OR 'Y' OU t—.
Canadian -European Mail and
Passenger Route.,
p.iasongerafor Great Britain or the couti-
nont by leaving flied cal on t?'riday morning
will join outward mail steamer at Halifax
on Saturday.
Tbo attention of shippers is dlreetod totho
superior facilitiesoflored by this route ;or
the transport of tfour and gonerol merchan-
dise intended for the Eastern Provinces and
Newfoundland ; also tor shipments of grain
audproduceintet,dod for too Enropoannrar,
TtaketaMa be obtained analinformation
about the roue ; also freight and ypassonger
rates on application to
N. e� ernFreigh esPaeeengerA ant
9311nasinaouselilook:York iit.ioronlo
Chief Superintendent
Railway ofilce.3foaeton.N..n.,Nov. 3;t. '59.
OQoo Zirctusozi
by the means of which all dirt and infec-
tions of disease can beremoved and utterly
destroyed. .
washing compound that has ever been dis-
covered, and the people of Canada use
and appreciate it more every day.
Be sure and ask your grocer for C. W.
C. and let no amount of plausible excess
induce you to take a substitute.
B� RT COTTOSd, London, Ont ,
Wholesale Agent
g Porsonalattentiongiven to repairing of
watches,oleeks andiewelry:
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL
%aur chane in Life
One Door South
of Post Office
---III: HAS --
A. NEW AND COilll"i4Erf1i
--STOCK. 01? ----
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Go to the NEAR NORTH-WEST and secure
land in the most fertile region 112 the world.
close to the peat markets of St. Paul. Minne-
apolis and Duluth, where there is a road mar-
ket for all the products of the farm, 1 n one
Year you can save enoughin railway freights
alone to pay for a farm in a thickly settled
district where exist all the advantages of
schools, churches, and general civilization,
You can procure for sixty cents an acre, as a
first instalment -b" lance on long time at low
interest --a farm in the most flourishing State
en the continent, described by the celebrated
English officer. Col. Butler, as ".FERTILE BEYOND
DEsCRIPTiON." Remember that 400 miles from
a shipping port means 15 cents a bushel for
can save by st and ettling r on thoc lands h hero cch offered
You are certain of employment at high
wages in Minnesota, Factory hands and skilled
laborers of every kind who want to better their
fortunes should go to the progressive State of
Minnesota. REMEMBEO that less than twenty
dollarswill carry you to the great oitios and
rising towns of Minn, sota which are growing
faster than any others in the world; St. Paul
and Minims polls are practically one great city
with a combined population of half a million.
of the St. Paul. Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail-
way -much of it withheld from settlement !or
is flowing in amain Ibutthereen i r ond moforla all. ion
At Rates which are Praetioally
From date of sale, will leave all Canadian
points for
Eyes Tested
r1•' S MURRAY.
Practical Optician,
Graduate Optic School .N.7.
Eyes tested defective sight restoredby the
aid of fine glass, a. Large assortment of the
finestgiassosonhand. Acall solicited.
-� B. avLcrmRiA.Y,
160 DZT2Ta-41..S-BT London.'
Spring Goods'
In order to make space for Spring Goods
We will close the
Balance Our Winter Stock
Overcoats for Men and Boys,
Ladies' and Gents' Furs,
Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs,
Persian Lamb and Astrachen Caps,'
A nice stock of Fur Trimmings,
Gents' heavy wool -lined laid Mitts and
Gloves, for
75 cents, worth $1
'Ladies' Fur Capes $2
We cannot be undersold in
Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash
Dominion Labrat:ry
April 22nd and May 20th, 1890
Speoiai inducements to Homeseokers accom-
panying May excursion.
Further Particulars on application
BoORWALTER, Land Commission
Northern Rairway, St. Paul Minnesota, or to
the Travelling Land Agent of the Company,
ltrasonio Temple,
noN Canada. Ontario,
p Los
Liniment Lomberrnan's friend.
Pure Drugs, Patent MOir
cines Dye -stuffs,
Perfumery and Toilet
School Books and Stationary
Photo Frames, Albums,
Purses, etc.
Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco.
Also a large assortment
of Toilet and Bath
Sponges always
on hand
Prescriptions carefully pre-
' pared from the purest
Remember the place, Sign,
Main St.,
W, Brawiing