HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-01-20, Page 8FY
Girls' •
1 w director • f -ox the C oderieh
TrUmpet Band, Rod Janise,
sa, commenced his duties last
f Il t1 •sday
4: liaise, who said he plans
to the iris band at the
bre level of quality which
c '�;gh � Y e'
4 h in wirmut several
�4�eelii� g
a years
has had number of y ars
in ad-
t►f music teaching
to; having been engaged in
aiusiical: work in Western Canada.
Pleading guilty In ,a eat of
in scion
v- venison-h� �.
hamp .
out of aeasein, laid tender the Garvie
,and Fisheries Act, 'Alex'Thofrtpson,.
Goderich, was ' fined $50 and Costs
by eMagistrate D. E. Holmes in
court here last Thursday.
Crown AttorneyH• Glenn Hays
to a report
said that according
Made by W. R. Worinworth, Wing -
a, conservation officer for the
h-andWdfa Wildhfe Division of the
` i
Ontario Department of Lands and
Forests, the accused had ,12 'pounds
He comes, to Goderich' after three of deer meat in . his ' possession
years of service in the RCAF and when police made a search of his
• was ,stationed., at Centralia for home.
some 'tin e. The magistrate, in imposing the
Re has taken up residence at penalty, warned that another ,con -
248' ..Gibbons street with; his wife vietion against the accused any -
and son, and intends to open a time within the next two years on
school of :Music along with his a similar charge would warrant
doubling the fine.
Everett Elliott, also Of Goderich,
heard a similar charge against him
adjourned one week for hearing
upon the request of his lawyer,
Frank Donnelly.-
father, Leo Janise, who has led
• and organized several bands in
The biggera man's head gets,
the easier
it is to fill his " shoes.
The House of Stone, Canada's oldest and finest makers of custom
tailored clothes, requires' a representative in this area. The
representative selected will be either an aggressive men's
furnishing store, a salesman presently calling on the public
in another line such as insurance, or a service store such as
a dry cleaning establishment. There is no investment to make
and handsome .dividends await a full or part time representa-
tive. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by en-
quiring for details. Write to: • The House of Stone 160 John
Street,, Toronto, Ontario.
Farnous Trichol�gist. Tells
Truth About Saving
And Improving. Hair
Demonstration To Be Held Here
This' new method of home treat-
ment of saving and growing thick-
er hair will be demonstrated in
Goderich, Ont., Friday ONLY
Jan. 21: .These private individual
demonstrations will . be held at
the Bedford Hotel on Fri. ONLY,
Jan. 21, 12 noon to 9 p.m.
.Halifax, Dec. :31—In an inter-
view here today, William L. Keele,
internationally famous trichology
gist and director of the Keele Hair
and Scalp Specialist, said "There
are 18 'different scalp disorders
that cause most men and women
to lose hair. , Using . common
.sense, a ,person must realize no
one tonic or so-called cure-all
could correct all the disorders,"
he explained.
"The Keele firm, recognizing that
most people are skeptical of claims
that hair can be grown on balding
heads offer a guarantee," Keele
said. •
Once a .person avails himself
:te the Keele tt'.eatment his skep-
`t`Th sir- ra diately disappears. To
insure this, we offer this guaran-
tee. '"If you are not completely
satisfied with your hair progress
- at the end of 30 days your money
will be returned."
the Trichologist is quick to
hopeless ca'se's that they can-
-he ad. But the helpless,
.are' e . :•Only if "4 Man is
i to ,.shiOWO.bald is he in the
s >'e a is• zz nof�riatten,
tYtxy`- .or' tolor' ess the eele
ant call o�, 71► .17. .y;ronde s.
p, ,.,p; l0 , t' 't dei
4:V ' ebt !l�"• �tilaitN
By -Laws Pa
At Ing
etit o�
In ' owns ��
The inaugural meeting of the
West Wawanosh Township Council
was held on January 10. 'After
the reeve and four councillors had
subscribed to the necessary declar-
ations of office, business of the
year was started.
No.1 5
BY-law.1 95 , naming the
township officials for 1955 and
stating their salaries was passed.
The clerk was instructed to adver-
tise in The Lucknow Sentinel and
The Goderich Signal -Star for ap-
plications for the position of Town-
ship Assessor, salary to be $300.00
per , annum. All applications are
to be sealed, plainly marked "ap-
plication," and to be sent. to the
Township Clerk. All applications
are to be in by 6 p.m., February 5.
By-law No. 2, autkorizing the
reeve and the treasurer 'to borrow
up to $20,000 for current expendi-
tures was read a third time and
passed. Bylaw No. 3 was given
first and second readings and was
to be forwarded to the YAMS -ter of
Lands and Foiests for ' approval.
It deals with reforestation projects
in the Township.
William Ceaser, Fred McQuillin
and William Kinahan were re -ap-
pointed to the Township Commit-
tee for Brucillosis •-Control Act:
John, McQuillin was appointed
schol attendance officer for 1955
at a salary of $10. • •
The Clerk was instructed to ap-
ply for the grant concerning the
calfhood vaccination prigram of
1954. A. T. Bosonquet, director of
Public Welfare, appeared before
Council in regard to welfare prob-
lems. • The Clerk 'was instructed to
publish the minutes of Council
meetings in the two local weekly
The following accounts were
ordered paid: Judge H. D. Long,
Court of Revision, 1954 voters' list,
$10; It Glenn Hays; certifying 1954
,voters'. last, $7; J. F. )Foran,
pil� and rev g1954 vocteqrms
;list, $25.60; A. Rollinson, envelopes
• 'La 'ren Reid,
stamps, $5.42, 'a� ce
loss of house,
tare 1a
refundon 1954-s
$22.80; Kenneth. Cameron, postage
• stamps, $5; Philip MacMillan,, re-
e-'fund of 1954 Federation of
$2.51; W. M,eQu•• i
culture fees, ",
'refund, $2.48;
Archie MacMillan,
'refund, $6.10; Ontario • Association
of Rural Municipalities, member-
ship fee, $10; Huron County Soil
and Crop ' Improvement Association
grant, $25; Howard Thompson, in.
I specter s fees, Brucillosis program,
$22.49; William ..E. Good, fees,
$22.40; Frank McQuillin, fees,
$22.40; Allan 1Vriller, fees, $22.40.
Highway .accounts paid—Lorne
Ivens, part salary, $22.50; Russel
Phillips, sanding roads, $13.30;
Albert Phillips, sanding, $16.80;
• Lloyd ` 'Phillips,san*ding,- $4.20,
Gordon McDonald, sanding, $13.30;
Ronald Alton, sanding,.g8qq,
Clayton Anderson, sanding, $44.90;
Leslie Schultz, sanding, $3.50; Nor-
man McDonald, sanding with truck,
$67.50; Robert Mole, sanding,
$41.60; Chas. Rivett, sanding,
$13.25; Harvey Alton, sanding,
$21.00; E. W. Rice, salt, $6.90;
;Miller and Co., salt, $3.45; D. R.
Finlayson, salt, $11.50; K. K. Dew-
' son, salt, $34.65; G. C. Greer,
'stamps, $5:00; Dominion Road Ma-
chinery Company, .bolts, $4.05; Im-
perial Oil Ltd., motor oil, $13.30;
Norman McDonald, snowplowing,
$198,00; Gus Devereaux, salt, $2.30;
•Robt. S•tothers, welding, ' $4.00;
;Everett 'Errington, welding, $10.60.
Next meeting. was scheduled for
;'February 8.
Protest Of Cheese Imports To Be Made
Ey Huron Federation Of Agriculture
N s
A meetingof the executive •and
board of 'directors of the Huron
County Federation of Agriculture
was held last week in Clinton with
lthe president, Wilfred Shortreed,
Walton, presiding.
Mrs. Tait Clark," ' Goderich, re-
ported on the women's committee
meeting of the Ontario Federation
of Agriculture, stating that snggpport
is 'being given to .the establishing
of an Agnes. Macphail 'memorial
scholarship fund drive. Mrs. Clark
stated that she did not agree with
the representatives from the Can-
anadian Association of Consumers
examination and no appoietment is
After the examination the per-
son is told the required length of
treatment and how much it will
After starting treatment, the
person makes regular reports to
the Keele firm in Halifax • to check
the • progress of the home treat-
To spread the opportunity of
normal, healthy hair, to the " thou-
sands who are.'.desperately looking
for help, independent Trichologists
are visiting various cities through-
out Canada to 'conduct 'examina-
tions and start home treatment.
"We have no cure-all for slick,
shiny, baldness," Keele empha-
sizes. "If there is fuzz, the root
is still capable of creating hair and
we can perform what seems to be
a ,miracle."
1 There is one thing Keele wants
to be certain every man and wo-
man knows. If a recession ap-
pears at the temples or a spot
begins to show up on the crown
;cif the head there is something
wrong and it should be given im-
mediate attention.
"If 'clients follow our directions
during treatment, and after they.!
finish the course there is no rea-
son why they will not have hate
all the rest of their lives," Keele-
said, "Our firm iT- definitely be-
hiind nth :-treatment, At all depends
'on the rrindiv dualcli' nt's. „faithful
observation of a few stple rules.,'
'4140W' YOUR .HAIR?
If- i or'" e..
�y v{► ri .yd�iu till 1"rlehesfer+.
g n ; ., Adel at the Bedford
�. r°i owl'
4'I h Ont,,,,ep � .
NIL lane �„ 1 .naan
p. .,public is ,tri vital .,>"
Y , . ,ioty frer�+yfd II
$10,000 To $15,000
Due to expansion of our sales
organization- and greater accept-
ance of our product I need an
assistant who is capable of hand-
ling, training other men, as well
as having the ability to sell him-
self. Applicant must be between
the ages of 30-40, able to get
along with other people. Must
oe able to promote and get things
done. This is not an office posi-
tion. Man -selected will be fully
trained on company policies, ad-
vertising and sales promotion.
Opr company is national there-
fore this job offers right man
plenty of opportunity and scope.
Man selected must be highly re-
garded citizen in his own com-
munity. Product is backed with
national advertising, is now being
handled by some of the largest
firms in this country. Product is
used commercially by farms. Re-
peat business insures large earn-
ing for this man. Late model
car essential. Reply in confidence
„to Mr. E. McLachlan, Vice Presi-
dent, Na-Churs, 2 Langarth St., W.,
London, ,Ontario -2
'". D►
Canada • has a
• butter otoek
hand toda3tf approcttim.
*00,000,000 Pounds; a mighty ini-
+press_ive sounding figure:
But, say members: of the Ontario
Cream Producers' . • Marketing
Board, such a plight change -na-
•t asa extra �e
�kOnal apl)etiN ��
sou 'soon
Of toast every moaning" Could
iv ole' in
put an equally imgares� a h:
' he stock an hand.
Canadians usually. Consume
about 7.50,000 :pounds of butter'per
day, which is ' a- fair amount of
butter.. Because -.of ,this-..na�iional
ppetite- for the g. Iden predtta, t of
e Dominion's farms, dailyani
feel that any stock less than.
20,000,000 pounds is dangerous.
Any emergency could easily cut
into' the stocks on hand- in. -short
order, but in addition there - is the
natter of -Canada's rapidly growing
populati n which will, in due
course, boost the daily total con-
"sumption of butter:
who criticized the quality of beef
hat is being offered for sale.
Howard Pym, Centralia, presi-
dent of the Huron County Junior
Farmers; reporting on the 'Ontario f•
winter conference, said he was par -
titularly impressed with the public l'
speaking competition "'and the trio j
and ,quartet competitions.
Reports Given
President Shortreed, and vice-
presidents, Douglas McNeil, Carlow
and Winston-Shapton, Exeter, gave,
concise reports on the open meet-
ing ' of the Ontario Federation.
They said that the annual Meeting
date might; be 'changed from Janu-
ary to November to lend additional
weight to the O.F.A. brief to ,the
Ontario Cabinet—which is present-
ed at the end of November each
year. They also said that the
O.F.A. budget for 1955 will be in-
creased by 10 per cent.
R. S. • McKercher, Dublin, ..the
1:uron County dieeetor ..to the On-.
fario Beef Producers' Association
.reporting on the meeting of the
executive and directors of that or-
ganization, said that the organiz-
ation was progressing in its efforts
to set_upsa eonstitution-with• repre-
sentation on the directorate ac-
cording to production. " -''
It was reported to the meeting
that the calfhood vaccination cam-
paign in the townships of Morris
and Usborne is being favorably
received by farmers. '
Protest Imports •
Secretarysfield'man Gordon Greig,
BI'uevale, , was instructed to con-
tact the ;federal members of parlia-
ment from Huron County to pro-
test the importation of New 'Zea-
land cheese into Canada at a tune
when dairy farmers were coaitrib-
uting thousands of dollars to a
Hund • to export all available surplus
cheese to Great Britain.
Bert Lobb, Holmesville pr esi-
dent of the Huron County Hog -Pr+o-
ducers' Association announced that
the annual 'meeting will be held
in the agricultural office. board
:rooms, Clinton on February 3 with
Jack Whyte, Stratford, as guest
'speaker. Representatives of the
;Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing
!Board and the United -Livestock
Sales e willi1 be hand., on an . • -
New Modern
One Bay.. Service
OOD Elital
Apply • . •
Ifs ,r1Mi I• �:
ti t'
feta . Petroleum
+ 1.
a '
' A request.to re[�nnegotiations
regarding a revision of salar sche
received Y e is
du was x v y God r #�
Publie fb - 1 oa- atits ina inaugur-
al meeting on .Wednesday evening
ef• .last : week.
ry ,,ry�
illi the
request C '
The ane fit
.: Relations cojnmit-';
tee, and was referred to the board's
School Management. and Teachers,'
Jelations committees for ' consider
ation. • f • •
Harold shore was '.elected chair
mala of the board, succeeding Carl ,
•ton .Worsen. Donald C. Aberhart
was named, vice-chairman. 'S. H.
-Blake was re -appointed secretary -
Committees are: Property —
Burns Ross, Carlton Worsell and
Riobert. Rae; ''School Management
and Teachers' Relations, Donald C.
Aberhart 'Mrs. C. Edward and
Ralph Blackstone; , Finance, Carl,
ton Worsen, James Naf el. and Mrs.
C. Edwards Supply and.Contingent,
Robert Rae, Donald C. Aberhart
an�Ralph Blackstone:
- ., ' r
+KLNGSBR Jan. 19: -Mr .. he-board..a Iso ee 'et
ved a letter
and Mrs. Charles Dalton Diane from' the` Public Utilities Commis -
and David, of Niagara Falls, were sion replying to -the board's .re -
recent visitors at the home of Mr. quest that . a PUC pole' line on
and Mrs, Jerry Dalton. . • Gibbons street in , front of the
Mrs. T. Dwyer and son, Edward,- school be • moved back flush , with
of Kinkora, visited at -the Koine of the sidewalk.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Frayne last The letter said the request had
week. - been discussed at a PUC meeting
:Chris Morebeck, of Toronto, and at was • decided to take no
visited at his home here recently, action unless the school board was
Congratulations to Miss Ruth 'willin'g' to pay the cost of replacing
Keane who has been successful in the present lines and structure.
her examinations as a Registered Rev. Dr. K. E. Taylor was re
Certified Nursing Assistant ,. at appointed as , the board's repre-
Wingham hospital. sentative on the Public Library
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert •Frayne re- 'Board for a one-year period ' and
turned . to their home here after Dr. N. C. Jackson was re -appointed
as representative on the Goderich
District Collegiate Board. '
a two-week' visit with relatives in
Funeral Held. Requiem High
Mass was • ung- at St. "'Joseph's
Church last Thursday at 10 a.m.
for the late Bridgette McCarthy,
by Rev. H. Van Vynckt,: P.P. . She
Was the daughter . of "the , late •Mr.
and Wee... Charles McCarthy and
wee' born in Ashfi'etd Township 86
years ago, but in later years , she
made her home with' her sister
Elizabeth in Petosky, Mich. Inter-,
ment was made in St. Joseph's
cemetery, Kingsbridge." - Friends
or relatives attending the funeral
from a distance were .Miss' Eliza=
beth. McCarthy, of Petosky; Mr. .and
`Mrs. Jack .Long, and William Long;
of Detroit; Mrs. Jack O'Malley, of
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose
Cassen, of Detroit; John • Hussey,
of Colborne' Township. d
Father Dies.—Sympathy is ex-
tended to the Joseph Courtney
family,„ on the 'death of -their
father; 'Who died- at Alexandra hos-
pital, Goderich, on Tuesday, Janu-
ary 11 .atter a • short 'illness fallow-
ing a heart,attack. • Surviving are
five children, Mrs. Jas. O'Neill
(Ozella), Mrs. J. Parrish (Mary);
Mrs. - R. Haddon (Louise), Martin
and Patrick at home, and 10 grand-
children. All were present for the
funeral, except Mrs. Parrish who
recently returned to her home. in
Calgary. • Requiem High Mass was
sung by Rev. Father Van Vynckt,
P.P. on Friday _at 10 a.m., with
burial in St. Joseph's cemetery.
The pallbearers were' John S. Dal=
ton, John G Kelly, Leo Courtney,
Ewart Jamison, Wilfred Parrish,
Lorne 'Parrish. Relativesfrom a
distance 'present for -the -- flii oral”
were Mr. and -Mrs. Mrs. R. Haddon, of
Flint, Mich.; Mr. Owen and sister,
from Flint; Mr. and: Mrs. Fitz:
patrick, Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick
and.Kennetheof Winghum.
Wifey—"There are times when
I wish 'I were a man."
Wifey--"When I pass a millin-
er's shop and think how happy I
could make my wife by giving her
a present of a new hat."
Saturday, Jan. 22
JACKPOT OP '$42.00 ' for' fill hO'uae. in •52 calls.
If not won on Saturpla r, value 01 Jackpot and also
number of calls will be raised each week until • it
is ,von.
4 SPECIALS -hare the Wealth
JUItpot- 5c" or 5 for COO ",
R : o}g�ra °' cods c.
as --'°P f$
Awards Damages
In Court Action
onald oone$' x _. , [ i
T tows , e M elu.
$3'50 0 Omni' $ '; - gas $4247
special: 'damages;and damages apiece
alltnE I . on aha fr the
� f � � o� lA
Plaintiff in the action was John.
Joseph , Poll' ;g yver of the other
vehicle' involve:
Fine of X10 and casts : 'with. -an
alternative sof . ti ' - e. days in . jail
' d. n.
a' '
s .. a, k
pose .
Damages totalling$10,779.10
were awarded in Ontario Supreme
Court sittings which concluded
here last week, presided over by
Mr., Justice J. Maurice King, in a
non -jury action arising out •of a
traffic accident which occurred on
Christinas Eve, 1953, on Highway
No. 4 near Exeter.
Damages to Ralph Ronald Boone,
driver of 'one of the cars. involved •
in the accident and 'a member of
the RCAF at Centralia, totalled
$6,579.10. The balance went to 1i
his three -.sons,.. who were occup-
ants of the car at the time of the
Robert Charles _ Boone will re-
ceive $2,500; Wayne Paul Dennis
Boone will receive $1,000 and Ken -
e oX $pec 'when hey.
u -b the
wa e
The charger s .. +� y
• ag'istrate foil one of ' careless
xivin •
'Crown torney ;Ai Glenn ; Hays
"se out, of a -
said the:.,O�a: arose.
traffic,;aecld.. nt atintersection
'� .. s on
-' Water
of :"�l'e� an +m.... cot
i- .
b He ��
hough ' flick had the -ri of
s swas
wi said 8
tilt's e
at an excessive rate of speed.
that's why ! bought a
-1144 , d�
r} •
with 16" guide bar
and chain r
AStrunk cuts trees right down • '
to the grounds You don't have the trouble and expense of
stump remdyel. You can run a tractor, disc, combine, over the
fisld easily. And you get more lumber out of every tree, too.
You'll like Strunk's Farm Model P . The saw without "gad-
gefi', and complicated parts. No worry 'about breakdowns or.
repair bilis. It's •got features you'll like—burn-proof, triple
Fife guide bar; the famous float -type carburetor.. for twa posi-
tion cutting et lull speed, positive chain tightener,, pistol grip
and perfect balance for easy handling without tiring. It's a
simple, rugged saw— pecked with power end a glutton for
Geo. Wraith1
lrrtV•�l✓ffltV�a/cels+�.►o�.�•.►s+..s�.�+...r•..�•..i•e.►4✓+aororprsrt�.I•f1�IM .
REG $389.50
This .9-1/2 cu.
ft. model has
16. 4 • square
feet of 'shelf
l o area.; Full
width, 42 ,lb.
frozen . food
• chest •and.. -full
width meat keeper, 4 -snap -release ice trays. Keeps'
2/3 of a bushel of fruits and Vegetables. Has 3" handi-
dbor ghe1' es, With butter keeper. - Trigger -latch door
has balloon type seal. Famous 'Tecumseh. "Econo-
Power" unit is quiet and trouble free. Unit guaranteed --
5 years: Porcelain enaniel interior.- ' „. -
GOV SET\ FOR, BAs' ®OM and
Pi1COHEN. 35, 1 'V'ALUE.
l B ACH. TO JE -
I , TABLE er1:e'f1t
44 GUEST ,
beg #,1 OuaSty
0 Olt