The Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-01-20, Page 3pt •lucknss, the ladies of the North Stet , A last ' e+ the sumer. 'nus was 'held The -r'et ring sed nt, Walkom;, the 'grodp for their selleactt splendidcooperation during? her tutee .years .0/#00. In the • unanotnleb1e abse, elenr istec, .R+er .'D W ialiiaxns gave •al. shoataddress is, to d the. ")1,new;. Nate- of o cer.s: o s :, preeiden`t, .,M1 . t : ,&a -Veen; president, Mrs. H Gardiner; Sec,and vice- resldent,.Mns `°H IHughes; third' vice presidents ' rs. J.. Me - Leah' recording secreta y,, MO. G. Mathieson; laUs,sietant : secretary, Mrs. J. M. Graham; treasurer, Mrs. Len Westbrook assistant trenenr- eer, Mrs, Charles Adams; corres- `ponding secrerta,ry., Mrs. Kingswell; press secretary, Mrs. Archie Hamil- ton; ,pianist, Mars. J. ,Snider:, flower committee, Miss A�a�,,y B•uehanan, Mrs. Francis ,Overholt; personage committee,, Mrs. E.;Priv ham, Mrs. E. Westbrook; "Colunion corn -5 mattes, .Mrs Charles Mills, Mrs. 11..... Turner and Mrs. W. F. Price. Mrs. • Ei%ris teak, charge of the meeting far new .business. It was announced the congregational meeting would be held en Wed- nesday evening,, February 2, with lunch .served aftard. The sum 'of $200 was donated to Five Oaks; a United Church Training School, by the V.A. this year.. . PRESENTATION • Prior to her departure for Lon. don to :assume ..new e.ngploymeint, Miss .Agnes_ Chishholm, of Goderich, was honored by her co-workers at the 'Clinton Radar School at a social" evening and was presented with .a sterling sliver- .embossed relish dish. • .77 WILLIAM I DALE°"' _ `Warden isi Huron County last year, who officiated Tuesday afternoon at the opening session of County Council in in- stalling Reeve -Earl Campbell, of Hay Township as Warden for 1955. Mr. Dale was representative of Hullett Township on- County Council, retiring from office at the 'end of last year. •.. 0101 ,. '.ear ----No: UNG BY-LAW A RANK INJS ;.E3/ 1; SOME More than .75 people attended garages. If they could not rebuild a meeting in the.: Town gale* fit on presexit. cites should their build- Wednesday- uild- Wednesday . event g• efe last week Ings • be 75 per cent destroyed,; it called by the Goderich Area Plan- woultUnet he very pleasant for the garage owners, he ,said. Mr,, W. A:' Tipple, interested in ,location's of Imperial Oil Stations, did not approve of a by-law which would not allow a, station to be. re -built in "A" zone should it be 75 per cent destroyed and which would not allow any improvement on the present station at the cor- ner of Nelson and Victoria street's. He , feat the 'station at that location was a creditable one to the town from the standpoint of appearance and the proposed by-law threaten- ed it becoming otherwise. The local business zone is a ,—"A -Ralik- Inluistice" square bounded by Nelson, Water- ! "There are certain things in ,leo and Victoria streets and Elgin n this new by-law that "struck me as avenue with Court House Spquare needing same change," said Mr: in the centre of it. The present Frank Dannelly. He felt it was proposed by-Iaw states that exist- I "a rank injustice" that if the ter- ing buildings in which certain busi- taro buildings were 75 per ce}it de- nesses are being carried on con -1 strayed the businesses• in' them trary to the use permitted in the I could not rebuild there. He point - local business zone will not be af- led out that if the owners wanted fected at present. However, if the to sell, improve or expand their proposed by-law goes through ,the aforementioned businesses will not be permitted to expand and if they are destroyed (by fire, for example) to the extent of 75 per cent or more of the value of the building in which they are located, they can not be rebuilt• on their present sites but must go to a zone in which they are permitted. .Among the businesses so affected are garages, service stations, • cleaning or pressing establishments, milk bottling or distribution establish- meKts, cold storage warehouses, laundries or egg processing plants. A Hardship Present at the meeting were re - hang Board for the purposes of hearing complaints or suggestions in connection with the proposed, zoning 'by-law for •Groderich. The majority of connalainants felt that the by-law in its present fel^m was 'unnecessarily harsh and .rigid and unless changes were made in it unjustified losses would be the. lot of a number of people affected by it. , While many felt that zoning of the town was a good • idea, they also maintained they saw no neces- sity for some of the .rulings, par- .-w..titularly...in..thaloeal,.business zone, BAPTIST 'MISSION CIRCLE The Senior Mission Circle of •the Baptist fihiarch net 'Thursday last with a gOiod attendance at the The :average value of a mink home of Mrs. ' Frith. The preen fe elt to the Canadian. fur farmer is dent, Mrs. Raithby, opened the .under wenty dome's. meeting : Mrs, Ferguson conduct- • GQDER[CH PAVILION DANC1:N„G EVERY 'WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY T91GHTS. !dtll '1955 • SATURDAY NIGHT—PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY NIGHT •15 SQUARE DANCE NIGHT With CLARENCEE PETRIE ;and the NIGHT HAWKS. The Pavilion is available for afternoon and evening rentals. The management caters to luncheons, banquets, wedding receptions, etc.- Phone 675 or 41.9: ed a ..Bible quiz and Mrs. Johnston gave interesting Temperance. facts_ The roll call was answered with a Biblit' 1 promise.. Rev. Mr. Find- lay indlay took the devotional period and read Scriptures. . This circle offered to sponsor the newly organized Mission Band,, which meets Fridays after school, with Mrs. Findley and Mrs. Gain - ham in charge. February. 15 . will be the next meeting date for the -Mission Circle when a missionary cavalcade will be held in the church. Sunday, February 20 this Circle will'have charge of a fireside hour when Rev. L. Gregazy will be the speaker. Mrs. Besse and Mrs. Wilson read interesting letters ,from Miss Ida White, India. Inanch was served at the conclusion by the hostess. Mother (who is teaching her child the alphabet)—"Now, dearie, what comes after `g'?" The Child—"Whizz' businesses they would be severely hampered by the new regulations. Mr. R. C. Hays felt no zoning was necessary in theolder part of the town but that it might be used to good effect in the new part. He said there are enough building by-laws' in the town right now but they all don't seem to be enforced. If any more are needed the Muni- cipal Act can provide them without resorting to any zoning by-law, he stated. Mayor J .E. Huckins, an ex - officio member of •the planning board, explained that the purpose of the zoning by-law was to ,pre- vent any hodge-podge building presentatives of gams s, service around town and planning for the stations, cleaning and pressing future so that building in • Gode- establishments and milk bottling rich might be done in an "orderly establishments to protest. the pro- and proper manner. He stated posed by-law with respect to the ++ that one of the first things ' any local business zone. They felt that I industry asks about when consider - if they were not allowed to expand, Ing a town to locate in is whether if necessary, orto rebuild on their , it is zoned or not. present sites, if, their buildings 1 Making Over Homes. were 75 per cent destroyed, it Mr. John MacDonald complain - would create a definite hardship ed about the proposed restrictions with v radiapartments. to one for them, g a Home over in Mr.. J. ' K. Hunter, chairman 01 Several. the meeting who serves the hoard ng the meeting did in an advisoryrcapacity ofi thelikewise. pointed Ing out h t the receive all A signed petition by residents of wascoin- St. • Patrick street between Col- •f• ••••••N••N••••••••••••N•••••• e•••!••••••••• plain which .would be_ -dealt with borne and Waterloo streets t a as a local business zone and by th board 'and the complainant`sobjected to it being classified informed of decisions imde awanted it to be in "A>' rest,• laterdate., "� `Mr.Stan Prevett said he "feltdence zone, saying it would de- creasethe value of thei'..1T'SRE °� the planningboard had. a town properties which on ` that street would be difficult to zone ,j if it were not in • satisfactorily but hoped that the �' zone. • ' • board would come up . with some- Mr. Cliff Lowery. presented a �.t�I' thing which would solve problems. Toronto ruling on dry cleaning •• 'he Show Th.at Drew) A Full cruse 1 tae felt the present by-law was "n establishments which placed them little too harsh for us here ire in a favorable category when Only • sGoderich to consume all in one dry cleaning, non -inflammable • bite." He could see nothing wrong liquids were, used in the plant, • La,st our e_ • with garages situated in the .down- at Those who registered complaints town area and pointed out that the meeting were assured their • , unsightly buildings,had • been complaints would be given every ®, cleaned up and replaed with gar -1 consideration. • 111SEQQND ANNUAL'.•• 0 • age buildings to suit the area• Mayor J. E. Huckins painted out He felt that • he spoke for other that another meeting at a future date would be held when another • •garage owners when he took ex • Arieb.. .. • iception to prohibiting garagesrevised proposed zoning by-law- from rebuilding in' the local. busi- would be presented r -for the eon- _ n•e$s zone should they happen tosideration of ratepayers."• ®��have their buildings 75 per cent The meeting was opened and •closed b® destroyed. Y Mr. George Ellis, chair®, Mr. Don Aberhart thou.ghst like m''an of the' Goderiel-Area Plan- • wise, pointing out that consider -W'in'g Board', with Mr. J. K. Hunter, ••• able money had been spent on the solicitor for the Planning Beard • • chairing the' meeting for the ques- t • - _� ton and answer period. Other • WITH. ALL NEVI TALENT members of the Goderich Area s� � S��G�STi��S To Planning Board are: Cecil Hoffman, Malcolm Mathers, W. Anderson, ® ■ a ,. ` � Clayton Laithwaite, Garnet Mathie- s Friday',,Jap. 21 _ Col logiate Audi i HOME OWNERS Dave Harman and yJ.- Berry, ., o .the latter being secretary -treasur- er. Mayor J. E. Huckins is a mem- son,• Beautify your kitchen.with built- Mber of the board ex -officio while • 0Ovtstan'ding comedian and 'ventriloquist. ...A brand'new in cupboards to your specifica-_ B. M. Ross serves in an advis-'> Cy Leonard ant playing in this part of the county for the first time.tions.. _ 0101.. 0101. 0101.0101 0101 • ,0101._ *Johnny . Dash -First -prize winner on CBC -TV "Pick the Stars" show. • A Tile your present floors in colors RE 'bRTS ARE EEAED fastmoving, show -stopping juggler and unicycle per- to suit your taste. BY WOMAN'S AUXILIARY former. ! t*r • AlbDorothy', Stedman :Vivacious acrobatic dancing star—just back from a tour J entertaining troops in Korea. • • el Everett Myers_.,�Canada's top magician. See his "Moments In Magic." • M S .. Dalt a.Jp�ile`--' Pianist..piekect to accompany' the famous "Crew Cuts" at • 7 the Casir•�o In Toronto. • ENTERTAINMENT 8.1 -0. -P.M. TICIKETSS_ $i.00 I Beautify the walls in your home with plywood finishes. • AT ITS BEST • •••••••.••••••.•00••••••••••••••••••••••lit•••O'•••••O••NAi••i410•0•S41iii••i•• 41111100111111.11111111101.1.... AT TELEPHONE THE 1150 TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT 4*1ow.. ThUtws , Fri. ,and 'Safi.— Alan Ladd Shelley Winters and J. Carroll Naish As the Sioux migrate intoa Canada, following the Custer rxias- • saere, the -Cree defence is aided by a vigorous R.C.M.P. sergeant. , •1` A KATC IEWAN" e hnicolor Mon., Tues. and Wed.— . r Randolph Scoff, Phyllis Kirk and Lex Barker A story of ' 1869, ,Afire the Northern carpetbaggers ravaged' -Vaal-and .the p .ains ren struck backln, del lance. ."Thunder Over 'the'l i " .. gid •its,Warn er-Coiol' ,,, ', 'r' , �Comn - iti1� rfi Vllyin' t', '.1three '11 etrrii ni 11t1 tai l' tinter t. a'u , eVithtticeit r . rti - 0101 Change your basement into a rec- reation room or your attic into useful space or an apartment. Workmanship by skilled tabor. Free estimates . on any alterations or roofing contracts. ' Thank you. Bruce E. Ryan BUILDWG CONTRACTOR 175 Brock St. Goderich, Ont. Phone 1455W 2-34 THE LAID AL 47 ADVENruRE.STORIES AT THEIR BEST. AT• PHONE Now—Thurs., Fri. and Sat.— Phil Carey, Dorothy Patrick and• Thos. Ferguson In the rolling hills of South Dakota a fiery stallion .sets •the plot for tale of romance and adventure. "OUTLAW STALLION" In Technicolor Mon., Tues. and Wed.- • John Wayne, Adele Mara and John Agar _.Dotvrli' in the South Seas a tiny island. ereates a legend of eon- , quest and strife. • tr 'Ds: `01? IWO MA" , 0101 ..- tning eo d'e , Murphy and Virglriia ' tailmouif' In 'Valk East On deacon.' 01,01•. .,„ 4 ,. +'oar; With the president, Mrs. • R. Needham, in the chair, the regular meeting of St. G"eorge's Woman's Auxiliary was held in the Guild Roam. The Scripture reading was taken. by Mrs. Fred Hunt and the Litany Prayers by Mrs. H. Tichborne. The Dorcas convener, Mrs. Fred Sturdy, gave a report en the list of articles needed for a girl in the Residential School ,at Cardston, Alberta, also that.' a parcel of mitts and woollen caps ,had been sent to the Prayer Partner in Saskatchewan. " Mrs. H. Tichborne, social service con- vener, reported on 'calls made to sick and shut-ins, also on Christ- mas parcels which had been' de- livered to several peo file at Christ- mas time. Miss Etta Sanrlts, envelope secre- tary, reported. all -sets of 'envelopes had "been given out. Mrs. Love, representative to the Cancer So- ciety, reported on a well attended meeting had in MacKay 'Hall. Mrs. K. Taylor offered to help Mrs. D. Wilson with the Girl's Branch • of the W.A. Mrs. T. Pritchard, as educational secretary, took the,first part of .-the study book for the ooining year. . ' The president closed themeet: ing with prayer, after which tea was served by Mrs. Riley and her committee. BRIDGE CLUB STANDING The following' is the 'standing of the playing of six ;tables of ' bridge on Monday of last:, Week by Gode-. ri;eh Duplicate' Bridge Club: 1. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ivan Papernick; 2. Mrs. J R. 'Wheeler-and....Mr-s. -.i.- V.- Thomas; 3, Mrs. George ' Paterson and Mrs. C. A. Reid; 4. Mrs. Harold Drennan and Mrs. J. K., Hunter. On January 17, six tables. played' with the following 'winners: • 1. Mr. 'and Mrs. J, " , Minter, 761)4 points; 2. ',Mr. and Mrs. M. F'. Noble, 69 �11o:nts; 3. Mrs.:A.•.A...,Ni 1, and M>r. ••� Donnelly, 60% pai»ts; ' 4, M'r. and Mrs. E. L. neat, 59 points. stow KumitO ; CAS ,are' RY TRU= `"Hit nie easy" read %metal sign on ' the rear of a ear -.ark=. 0101 ed in fru ; of , the ':.Esquire sGrzull . Monday morning.•' But the driver of a vege- table delivery truck from be - Graze fiend eitlieor doesn't lieve in signs or the snow on his wird ow, after Monday's heavy snowfall, hampered vision. He was, backing his truck into, what he thought was an open parking 'space : on the 'Square. Tat wasnit. The back of his truck jammed the back of the parkedover earthe. And after it metal was damaged with one word pretty well obliterated so that it now- reads,' "Hitt me." -- Boston Lady—"How much are these string beans?" Boston huckster.--. "Seventy-five cents a quart." Lady—"Isn't that rather altitudi- nous?" Huckster •-,-• "yes, madam; but these are very high-strung beans." "CLEANING COMMENTS" STAINS FROM BEVERAGES will damage garments quickly. Take them immediately to your Dry- cleaner for expert professional -attention. GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS Phone 122 West St. "Your Cleaner Is YourC,lbthes Best Friend" _ (11111111111111111.1.11111116. DIPATERN, REVIVAL FOA p LIMITED TIME Etmo 1847 ROGERS BROS. Canada's Pines, Sam -plata Ood Expiring date is Feb. 25, 1955 Reg. Belk EAST ST. GODERIGH BOP DON'T WORRY ABOUT TV SERVICE THIS 15 OUR BUSINESS RADIO, TV & SOUND 'SERVICE. B. R. Munday Phone 498 127 Widder St. 49tf STORE MANAGE '' GOING TO - ANO!..'RM, g • Manager of the•;. Stedranfs ;Storms in Groderich for the past six .years,: 3 Drysdale has ,beenro te. by the ,h; atransferred Hanover, where' he ill o -.e p• new,. brancji store. n u this ?fie wiwee11k: etandke. over his new duties A, native of Halifax, N,S+„ ' Mr. „Drysdale came to Goderieh from, Toronto and 'has beep: active m the work of the Goderieh Lions Club; Goderich Junior Chamber of Commerce and North 1.010, w aF' ite, A r He"ee Al heLio a • lrg sere hhlase umberi Mr. ;el. a'. dauOltteT been, watt the for 1.4 YreVst New age ' 'of store will be 1.109 d is coming acre It 1, 1 .p y�.2 .Myi Private radio sta ao,, m er ' a quarter of a + Street year tor the . xn ??y a ; , • 'CIIE SQUIRE, SRI --Menu for the week Fri., Jan. 21—GRILLED .SALMON CUTLET with sliced lemon 79•, Sat„ Jan. 22 --MINCED SIRLOIN PATTIES in tomato sauce @ISA { Sun., Jan. 23 ---SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN (quarter). chicken) . Mon., Jan. 24.—BAKED HAM with scalloped potatoes Tues., Jan. 25—LARGE BAKED BREADED PORK CHOP in tomato sauce 85c Thurs., Jan. 27—SWISS STEAK in rich mushroom sauce..,. THE ABOVE INCLUDES HOME MADE SOUP Ott TOMATO JUICE AND DESSERT. SPECIALS CHANGE DAILY NON Mar P Attention All Truck Owners DCS YOU KNOW... nee that under the Highway • Traffic Act you ane, in da rge1r of prosecution if you get, into an accident sod have not turn signals on your truck. .WHY MAKE A CHANCE? Have them put on today at Gardner Motor or Sales, REMEMBER—FOR THE BEST CAM, YOUR ,0;; CAN HAVE FOR SPARKLING PE1 ,)F'O,lyl; ThT WINTER DRIVING TAKE IT , TO Tm1,... TRAINED PERSONNEL AT ' Gardner M for Sales Your Chevrolet -Oldsmobile dl.raier, VICTORIA ST. We turn the S?OTL!GHT. on MONT .BBYS1 • , _ .* • Floor Polisher $59.95 FOR RENT—$1 per day. •••••q•••••••••••••••••••••••••• End Tables -20 o DISCOUNT •w•••Nr•N••••••••••••••••••••• Washing Machine $iqq.oO ■ a $50 for your old machine regardless of condition. SUPREME PILI OFO Off Continental $138.00 HEADROARD, IF. DES E •••••••••••••••••••••mso.i peue, •Chetterbed . Reg. $189.00 Special -$125.00 ►•••1•••••N••••••• DUO THE+R • SPACE HEATER. AT SPEC'IAL. ''WINTER 01 , AR MN••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t i••NI SNI I. NF1 aw�a'!rx.'i�if; is