HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-01-13, Page 10*thilt Wit is **Wilma •for Minified Ad& nes or less. 50c; 10c for each additional line. '25c extra, for office box number. • TM -WAX, Vt114 103 rolls:441W Ada 0,1`,,C/411 BA415.. Charge - of 25c Oxtra IP • • ads not paid,by SATURDAY NOON of-'weph of pUbftc.t1oi Y..doitx ON COB OR HAM- MERED into meal ready to bed. JAS. A. MeMILLEN, phone 104432 Goderich. R.R. 1, Gode- rich, Ont. 2x SPRING • FLOWERS IN POTS,' Hyacinths and, Narcissus. Spec- ial for this week '$1.0() up. GODE- RICH FLOWERS, Bruce street. ••,' Phone 105. , 1952 G.M.C. 1/2 -TON TRUCK,. 30,000 miles, one owner, new paint, new oversized rear, tires Heater and,defroster fan. Trailer', ' attachment. Truck in good shape • throughout. 'SKY HARBOR AIR1 SERVICES. Phone 1180, Goderich. 2-3x 1947 STUDEBAKER COACH, SUN visor, radio. Phone 825M. 2x ITSE.12i BOY'S BROWN OVIAFe.." COAT, size 14, like new; 2 pair boy's trousers, sizes 10 and 14; suit coat, size 14; man's navy blue suit, excellent conditioln; man's AavY 9,yQrcoat and plaid wind' breaker; lady's raccoon and musk= rat coats, cloth coats, girl's navy blazer and' dress, size 12. May be seen at GIFT AND CRAFT SHOP, West street. -2 MALCOLM mATHERs__:_ 46 West' St., Phone 1115-W Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker All types ,of Properties for sale. MALCOLM MATHERB, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE -SIX-ROOM HOUSE, FOUR YEARS old, close to Square and schools. Oil and air conditioned heating. Finished basement, attached gar- age, three bedrooms. Apply 54 South street. . 1-2x 2. Real Estate Wanted PETER S. MacEWAN , REALTOR, Listings and enquiries invited.' 48 West Street. Phone 230. WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO, ' ' PERTIES for sale. No charge to ou until property is sold MALCOLM MATHERS, R e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode, rich, Phone 1.15W. -12tf WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- ' ' PERTIES for sale. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phofie,18W. , .39tf. GARDEN • TRACTOR WITH plow and harrow, also , stone - boat; all white enamel coal and woodstove. Phone 941R. -2 ."MTE • BALLERINA, FORMAL size 12, excellent conditio , worn only once, Reasonable. Phone 7603. , • -2 • IF BACKACHES ARE SLOWING -11- you up,, take RUMACAPS and help yourself' to° relief, from pains" and aches. Ask your Druggist. 41-4549-2-6 PER,SON WANTS TO BUY house in town. No mediators. Write BOX 188, SIGNAL -STAR. 2-3x ,(1,LIENT WANTS , TO BUY A nice cottage or bungalow. JOHN BOSVELD , Real Estate Broker. Phone 1108. -2 THE CANADIAN ARMY OFFERS YOU A STEADY JOB MTH C.:1)CD PAY EXCELLENT PENSION PLAN AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTION, LEARNING A USE- FUL TRADE, AND , OVERSEAS SERVICE See your local litexuiting Officer TOWN HALL GODERICH EVERY WEDNESDAY 10'A.M.6.45 P.M. OR Apply direct to No. 7 Personnel Depot, LONDON, Ontario Bring proof of age .and education. -51-3 &LEK gpl.. TO REPORT NEWS of wornen's activities for weekly newspaper. Full time em- ployment for the right person. Typewriting an advantage. Apply GEORGE ELLIS, The Signal -Star. -51-1-2 WOMEN. THE CANADIAN ARMY offers you a fine career as a NURSING ASSISTANT To qualify you must be SINGLE, 19 TO 30 YEARS OF AGE • GRADE X EDUCATION SEE THE RECRUITING 014110ER AT GODERICH TOWN HALLEVERY .WEDNESDAY 10 A.M. TO 6.45 P.M. -2-3 Euichre, "500" and dance al -MacKay Hall, Friday, January 14, at .8 p.pa., sponsored by P.T.A. Lunch, prizes. 75c admission. -14 Knox Church Men's Club oyster supper on. Friday, February 4, at 6.30 p.m., at Knox Church audi- torium. Outstandng entertain- ment from Toronto. Admission,, $i per person. -2-4 Euchre party and buffet lunch, St, George's PariSh Hall, Friday, January 21, at 8.15 p.m. Sponsor- ed by the Margaret Seager Club. Admission 50c. Prizes.., -2-3 Bridge, and "500" in Masonic Hall on Thursday, _January 20th, at 8.15 p.m., sponsored by Gode- rich Ladies' Lawn Bowling Associ- ation. Special flow, pr4§*'. Admis- sion 50c per person. • 7-2 Card party at Carlow Hall, Thursday, January 13, at 8.30 p.m., sponsored by Tiger Dunlop Insti- tute. Good prizes, lunch. '' - 2x North Street Evening Auxiliary will hold their annual pot luc fee supper in the church hall Ob. Monday, January 17, at 6.15 p.m. -2 FOR SALE.—USED REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ' eases and washing machines at, BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE AP- PLIANCES, Goderich, your head, quarters for hearing 'aid batteries. • " Hygienic ruppries (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope' with price list. Six sam- ples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53.• NOV-RUBBER. CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. REPRESENTATIVES WANTED "1" to be trained to become demon- strators for Tupperware Home Parties exclusive in Goderich and district. Highest -commission paid. For full particulars write MRS. DOROTHY SHOWLER, 229 Giles street, London, Ont. -2 START YOUR OWN BUSINESS— Supply Families of Goderich with daily -used Nationally Adver- tised necessities. Weekly profits of $60 to $75 at start possible for hustler. Can be increased with experience. To apply, write to F. GRANGER, 350 St. Roch street, Montreal, Que. -2-4 , • 3 Bedroom Bungalow—West End Now,% under „: construction and available early in 1955, this brand new •,bungalow haslarge living room, Modern kitchen and three comfortable bedrooms, full base - Aleut, forced air oil heating. Very reasonable price. , Apartment Building As investment will yield 14% gross. Good state of repair. * • • LISTINGSAND INQUIRiES IN- . VITED Phone 766 Hami Street• .Goderich SALESMAN WANTED BY Established Firm, to Sell Specialty Line Unlimited Opportunity for Right Person. Preferably married. Selling ex- perience helpful, but not essential since we have our own training plan. Must have late model, car, and good references. Anyone not interested in full-time employment need not 'apply. For further particulars or ap- pointment, phone or write JACKSON HOMES LTD. Phone 3-W • • tiSeaforth, Ont. -1-3 OLD HORSES WANTED AT, 3c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILB,ERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col lect 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. -2tf 100 CORDS OF WOOD, 54" long, 6" or up in diameter. Phone 1563W2. 24x 13, Personal NURSING itomE, PLEASANT surroundings at 53 North street:. Q.,PoVed by Registered Nurse. Properly balanced home -cooked fneals—tray service. Private and sem,T.-private rooms.. Phone 1593. -45tf WORKING. MAN, FMR -!J• moderate means, in •fifties, would like to correspond with and meet respectable single woman or widow between forty and. 434. with view to marriage. Strictly confidential. Reply to 130X 189, LIGNALZTAR. 2-4x The WCTU will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Johnston; Tues- day, January 18, at 2.30, p.m. Roll call, "New Beginnings." -2 Goderich branch of the- Perth - Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society's general meeting Will be held Friday, January ga, at 8.15, p.m., at MacKay Hall. Dr. Aldis is to be the speaker. A film de- picting the work of the Society will also be shown. All those in- terested in this Society, are wel- come. Representatives are the various toWn organizations are asked to attend. -2-3 10. Briefs 14. In Memoriam held at the kende of Mrs. S. C: Anderson, St. Patrick street, on iTuesday evening. Nominations for 1955 Officers were•Made under the conVenership- of Mrs. Geor,ge Ellis. Ms. Glon Hays, educational, secretary, report- ed'that tvvo, cheques for $25 each had been 'forwarded to Carol Ann .Vander Meer and Delmar Maize, winners of .the •• Monetary ,Assist- ance awards for Grades 11 and 12.' As a project for 1055, it was decided to 'revive a former chapter interest, that of adopiing a rural tsrchicoot411 inctaanrio7dperartv wilrmededois.e- to provide it with. a basic li An interesting article .on "Integra- tion of New. Canadians" was read by Mrs. Clayton Edward; convener of Empire and World Affairs. Mrs., George Parsons, member - hip convener, presented Mrs. Robert Aldis, a new member, who was welcomed into the chapter. Ri5DGES:--,-In loving 'memory of 4 - dear husband and father, David Rodges, who passed away January 12, 1953. —Ever remembered :by wife and family. • -2- YOUNG—In proud and everlast- ing remembrance of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Mrs. .Cephas Young," who passed away January 13, 1949. We_ who loved you sadly miss- you, As it dawns ,another year; In ,our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are ever, near. Your memory to us is a keepSake, With., which we never will part; Though God has you in His keeping We still have you in our hearts. Just to be with us in the same old way, Would be our -dearest wish today. —Sadly missed and always re- membered by husband Cephas, daughter Ruby, son-in-law cHarry, and grandchildren Art and Dianne. 2x "THE HOME Q111TASTY PASTRY' Pumpkin Spice Calies--40c each with raspberry filling and Butter Creme Icing. CHERRY BOSTON AND BOSTON CREAM P1ES-60c each BUTTERSCOTCH MERINGUE PIES -45c each FIG AND. WALNUT ICEBOX COOKIES -24C doz. WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY AND BIRTHDAY CAKES SPECIALTY c, PHONE 465 - '4! QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. Name the capital cities of British. ColumNa, Saskatchewan, On- tario,rNew Brunswick. ' 2. How many miles of paved high- ways has Canada? How, many miles of railway track? 3. Name the five American states that touch the international boundary from Lake Superior to the Pacific. 4. Is the average weekly spending of the federal government $30 , million a week, $60 million a week, $90 minion a week. 5. Which of the following ,, indus- tries employs the greatest num- ber of Canadians: agriculture, mining,•inanufa.cturing, con- struction? ANSWERS: 5. Manufacturing now employs as many Canadians as are employed in agriculture, mining and construction combined. 3. Minnesota,. North. Dakota, Mon- tana, Idaho, Washington. 1. Vic- toria, B.C. Regina, Sask., Toronto, Ont.,, Fredericton, N.B. 4. $90 million a ..week. 2. About 26,000 miles of paved righway, 43,000 miles of single track railway lines. QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. What, territory," adjoining Can- ada,erwaas?once known as Russian Aiic 2.In Canada's retail stores are more men or women employed as sales 3. 'What proport*, of Canadian households have automobiles? '-'Washing machines? Telephones? Mechanical refrigerators? 4. Federal government spending on defence totals V billion this year. Is this mdre, or less, than. Ottawa's non -defence spending? 5. In. 1945 Canadian manufacturing workers earned ,on the average $30.98 a week. What is the average, weekly -pay lixlay?„. ANSWERS: 5. $57.70 per,'Week. 3..Automobiles 55 per cent; wash- ing machines 83 per cent; 'tele- phones 69 per cent; refrigerators 71 per cent. 1. Alaska, which was bought by the ,U.S. from Russia -in 1867. 4. Ottawa!s non -defence spending this year will - be about $3 billion. 2. .Of 180,000 sales clerks, 95,000 are women., 7. To Rent A PAR,TMENT, HOT WATER '`'` heated, self-contained, two bedrooms. Phone 200W, after 5 p.m., 1014J. -2tf Mcrst substantial two-storey brick three -apartment .,.house, automatic heating,4good location, price $7,500. Investigate this investinent. ••• Insul brick five -room bungalow, price $5,000. Easy. terms. , q‘•-• , • One of .the better homes in GOdelich,' close -to Square. With all' the modern conveniences. Priced right for quick sale. Buying or selling Farms—Homes - Calk, :.AJOHN BOSVELO Real Estate Broker 40-- Wellesley • Street, Goderich -Phone 1108. NS'l.L tAtigic THREE BEDROOM tottage, hardwood floors, insul- heavy',Viring, sun porch, at- ehed garage,.. mew oil furnace. ilei;••! ed. 123 Bruce '•••41.(g, MAKE 1955 YOUR BEST YEAR! Be your own boss! Sell house- hold necessities with high com- mission. No experience necessary! •Small capital needed. Openings 'in your surroundings. Write for free catalogue and details. FAMI- LEX, 1600 Delorirnier, Dept. A., Montreal. • -2 REPARE N OW _ FOR TOP wages, better jobs, and security in one. of these steady top paid trades. TELEVISION SERVICING OIL BURNER MECHANICS REFRIGERATION SERVICING AIR CONDITIONING DIESEL MECHANICS • MACHINE SHOP DRAFTING Keep present income while learn- ing theory and follow with prac- tical ,shop training at your con- venience. •14''. Several students report financing training, through extra income. Write for free, information. STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE Box 190, Signal -Star. Name Address City 'POUR -ROOM APART 1111 E "A' to rent. Oil heated, private kitchen and washr-oom. Available between January 18 and 20. Phone 288. -2-3 REE -ROOM APARTMENT with new bathroom. Built-in cupboards. HOt and cold water. Overlooking the Square. Apply J. A. CAMPBELL. -2 IMMEDIATE POSSESS I 0 N, small chilflren no bar—second floor new thiplex, five rooms. and bath; 800 square . feet floor space, lots of extra storage space, separate entrance from private driveway, heated, hot water on tap. This is a very fine apartment, and needs to' be seen to be ap- preciated. Rent reasonable. '131 Picton street, phone 1386. R. A. JACKSON. -2tf APARTMEN T,- • SFJ F -C ONTAJN- ED, five rooms and bath, new- ly decorated. Close to Sq. -dare. Phone 668W or 295. -2 7*- 10.03S..it shiver and shake. and sometimes stat meekly by and, 'never utter a peep , oar is a "sissy" and can ' lusi t take t is ' on t0 suffer the inconveniences of a car tichieright when you need it. UPPER AND LOWER APART- "' MENT. Each four rooms. Hard- wood floors downstairs. Furnace. Phone 328. 48x FIVE -ROOMED SELFLCONTAIN- ED unfurnished apartment. Also two -roomed self-contained partly furnished ap,artment. MISS MARY B. HOWELL. Phone 213W. 46tf APARTMENT CLOSE TO Square. Immediate possession. Telephone 282. 40tf LARGE FRONT BED SITTING room, heated, furnished, hot and cold water, grill privileges, suitable for couple or two girls. MRS. KEN. ALLIN, Victoria street, phone 594J. -49 Call at Johnnie'S' Plade arthe rear of the Royal Hotel on Nelson street. We have -all kinds of used furniture, skates and stoves rat reasonable prices. • 2x Dbn't forget the sale at Ross Shoe Shop. Discounts up 'to 20%. -2 Order Shell furnace oil - and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank ruck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 98. -39tf Picture framing. We are now equipped to do picture framing. Goodselection of mouldings. Mac- Laren's Studio (at Clinton Tuesday and Thursday afternoons). -51tf NEW SPLE-CONTAINED, HEAT- ED apartments With four -piece bath, Laundry facilities 'available and Master TV *aerial hook-up, If desired. For further particulars apply in person to JAMES BISSET, 143 St. George's Crescent. 51-1x THREE-ROOM APARTMENT with three-piece bath: Apply IVAN LOUZON, East street. -14 FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, one block from Square, available February 1. Phone 328. -1tf SMALL STUCCO COTME, ALL ecinveniences. Shower, oil heated; unfurnished but would furnish for steady tenant if de - 'sired. MRS. KEN ALLTN, 54 Victoria street. •• -2 11. Auction Sales THE BROTHER AND SISTER OF -I" John II. Reid are very grate- ful to those who sent flowers, loaned cars, sent messages of sym- pathy or assisted in any way at the time of their bereavement. -2 THE RELATIVES OF THE LATE1 -1' Hannah J. Hogan take this ,means of thanking those wholoan- .ed cars, sent spiritual bouquets, or expressed their sympathy in any way. -2 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at 178 Cambridge street in Town of Goderich, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 at 1.30 p.m. White 'enamel range with water front; kitchen table and chairs; Quebec heating stove; 6 dining rem chairs and buffet; wine studio couch; Lazy boy chair and stool (new); number of rocking occasional chairoand small tables; Sparton radio; Rayrx'ond drophead sewint•machine; card table; maga- zine rack; 3 furnished bedrooms including beds, dressers, • stands; innerspring,. mattresses (new); quilts, blankets and, 'bed linens; electric lamps; 'scatter mats; Beat- ty electric washing machine; quantity of dishes; kitchen uten- sils; sealers; lawnmower; garden tools; \ small hand Wagon; man's bicycle and many other •articles. Property—At the same place, at 3 the property will be offered for sale, five rooms and three-piece bath, basement, recently covered with red brick siding; storm win- dows and large garden. TERMS—Chattels cash. Proper- ty -16% down, balance in 30 days. Reserve bid. Estate of the late Mrs. Eliza Clark. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. R. C. HAYS, Solicitor for Estate. •; WD TO RENT. titre ant 1ngsi1. sties. tit00g:187 AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY AND BEEF CATTLE At Elton MoLelland's Sales Barn at Bervie, • FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 at 1.30 p.m. The usual lineup of stock will be sold. A chest Of silverware will be given along with three door prizes. -2 12.- Tenders Wanted MRS. WM. • J. JEWELL AND family wish to thank those who were so kind and thoughtful for thefn, those who sent flowers, loaned cars and those who sent message S of sympathy. -2 WISH TO THANK THE nurses and staff of the hos- pital for kindness shown to Bever- ly while she was a patient there. Thanks also to Drs. J. M. Graham, Dr. N. C. Jackson and Dr. J. W. Wallace and to all our friends and neighbors who' sent cards, flowers and gifts to her. MR. AND ,MRS. ED. saturoN. 2x MARKED SEALED TENDERS --11- will be received up to Janu- ary .17, 1955, for caretaking Of. schools and grounds No. 1, No. 2, No. 6, No. 7, No., 8, N. 9 and Nile. ,Duties to start on February lat.' Any' tender not necessarily de- 'cepted. / WM. WATSON, ; 'Secretary -Treasurer for Colborne Township School :Area. 4-2' AIRS. W. J. WESTLAKE WOULD like to thank sDr. N. C. Jack-, son,, the staff in. the hospital wing, S'alitfard Community Club, and all those who remembered Mrs. Wade at 'Christmas and during the past year. 2x MRS. FRED TAYLOR AND FAm- :•--7 ILY wisli.to express their ap- preciation of the kindness shown in theirrecent bereavement, for the many floral tributes and mes- sages of 'sympathy and special thanks to'Dr. Watters. 2x 16. Engageinents' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark, R.R. 5, Goderich, -wish to- announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Marion Clark, to Kenneth Earl Horton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horton, Goderich. Wed- ding will take place in February. 2x MARKED SEALED TENDERS will be received up to January 17, 1965, ••for green 13ody. wood, half 'maple and beech, to be spgit trid' piled in blocks not under air Ans. or over 10 ids. to be delivered to the following schools by March 1, 4 cords 12 ins. long 4,coj4iJs,:12 ins. long; No. 7, cord, itib, long; cords, " :long; 44o. 8,, 9 cords, id ins., No. 9, 5. totda„ IC ins. long. r foif,dAr, ha. itet0:PaOlk ted**Oa 11)446 Area. 18. Births CAMPBFjJ,.--At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on January 10, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, R.R. 3, Goderieli, a daughter. RAFIIIIBY.—At the Nursing liome,, Rivers, Manitoba, on January 4, 1955, to Sgt. and Mrs. Wm. J. Raithby, a daughter, Dawn Marie, SCHILBE.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on January 6, 19550 to Mr. and Mrs. Laird Sehilbe, Goderich, a daughter., VANSTONE.—At Alexlindra Hos- pital, Goderich,, on January 9, 1955, to Mr. *id Mrs. Verdun Vanstone, R.R. 4, Goderich, a daughter, Victoria. Grace. Guaranteed ram service. WILF REINHART ELECTRIC,. Hamiltoz street„ phone 466. • -12 Easter is some time .away yet but, this'. youngster will be all set for it when it does come because of this Easter bunny he got for Christmas. —Toronto Telegram. HAVE ,YOUR OLD OAK FLOOR, 11--- sanded and have.the new light finish. Phone CREE 'COOK, Clin- ton, 233.' _ -2tf SKILLED TV ,AERIAL SkitvICE. Aerials installed as low as $49. Aerials moved — rentals. Work fully guaranteed -for one year, HURON TOWER INSTALLATION,' -South street, Goderich; phone 1344M, 134tf OXANciNG AND LOANS AT - lower cost on new and late model used ears and trucks and new /form ,machinery. ' HAROLD W., mu, 08 Hamilton itoet; Goderiell.47tf OVA FRAMESI • " for • raotrivevetwitrr's