HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-01-06, Page 11•
Seven separate rating groups mean you pay only the
amount needed to insure drivers like yourself
State Farm -policyholders hi Canada have always been grouped on the
basis of tvhere they live. They've paid rate based on the cost of protecting
inernhers who live in ar.ea.slike ;their own.
-NoviOn.,,addiViQnst;111glagrLare t -9 ---be further gmuPeci ,b3r- .g°•
use csf air . . . and accident experience. •
Now iweach rating territory, each Member will pay onlythe- minimum
ak1ot necessary to protect car owners like 4imself. • t
-2. ' ,..,,21. ...
- -
*- 'Is' the Principal, Do you. use the- Are . cal male
". 14114101i 'RATING :P.g0UP ',. ,driver of the car car for, pleasure • .
, drivers of the .car
.ARE. `Yoti, IN? ,... .• ,,.,/-5,yeili's of age if:64in g„ only? living '''in your
or.older?. 1Driving to or household .25
SlOply - boswer„ these questions • ,. . ,
.,' 'tram work " or aseyearof age* or.
pnd �etermine ...which hortzantat • ' by •farmer .er oter;
7--grCtivr-kif-atiswe4-11trybtr. ,— ' -clergyman'. on
•, • ' , -.. . , • sidered.pleasure •,
•7Principol :dri;:ier‘age 23 ear' older.
11A Na male drivel., under'25;---Pleastire YES'
• use only. No -occident's. by Male
driyerin past 3,years.
• Principal driver age 25 „or older.
•15- No male drier under 25.
• lleasure use only; •
'have all mole
.oiserators of the
tar,living in your
• household driven
:withOut an •auto.
occident in the
Liability„ collision, comprehensive rates now average
ln below the rates charged by most other companies
• State " Farm members have always enjoyed State Farm's outstanding
insurance,protection and dependable claim service—across the Dominion
and in° the U.S.A.—at remarkably low cost. •
That's because State Farm Mutual deliberately avoid.s careless . . reckless
... irresponsible motorists. It seeks to insure careful drivers On0—the kind
who have, few accidents and cost less to insure. -State Farm passes back to•
these members—in the form of low rates—the savings -that careful driving
makes possible..
Now, State Farm's new, improved "Careful Driver Rating Plan"' has
made possible a brand-new rate structure which Makes State Farm
insurance an even better buy.
Because now Statelarnazates-for--mos t-coileragefor Whatever kind of
li—vate passenger car.you drive ... wherever you live ... average 15%•below
the cost of equivalent protection with most other insurance companies!
,,,t4,:ix ,-triolt0.:4;'$
mas holidays at thejj
h�rnes, 0 Chopin,te; Miss,
Winga P
Houston, 'to
to P .
vrenrlg;.to SS. Ieolap-
Harry Yunalin i to S.S..011, DalY:ngbiit,
t oe. ,bliitfruni 160 os :IL :0403i„. Donald0.,A, A. . : , f.MacKay, Ross, , to
Miss Frances Houston, 4”, LOX-
tiwie'ntsP,en1V1ti.aia ldelYIVIrdia.7W-s waiolsjitoen;
Mrslo)Catherine Dobie, , who - has
been visiting her son, Eugene
WESTFIELD, jam 5.—Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Deans, and family, of
Guelph, were New Year's visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc-
Miss 'Lorna Buphanan, of Lon-
Alon,'„ spent New. .Year's with her
parents, Mr. . and Mrs. jOhp
Buchanan. . • • •
Cecil Caranbell, of Exeter, spent
New Year's with his parents, Mr.
and"Mrs. Howard Campbell.
Miss Betty Rodger,- of Goderich,
was a New Year's visitor with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmer-
son Rodger.
-Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell,
Gerald and Gwen, spent Wednes-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.-
Kalmer Dawson, of Dungannon.
• Service was cancelled at the.
Westfield Church on 'Sunday on ac-
count of the icy condition ,of the
Mrs. John Buchanan;had the mis-
fortune to fall on the ice and cut
her head which required several
, •
Principal driver age 25 or alder. ' .......,,,
S2A Pleasiare ase only. ,,No accident 'by - YE
.,. mole driver in.past 3 years.
•. „ ...•• ,
" Principal. driVer age 2.5' or older.
3A Business use. NO4acCident by male
driVer-in bast 3 years.
Principal` driver a• ge 25 or older..
• ausiness use. - . ,
NOTE: new State Farm rates will 'take effect for present State Farm members
with renewal notices, mailed after January..14, 1955..
Most members will pay less for their -auto insurance. Some will pery Imre. But
everyone will pay less than he would for equivalent protection from most other
insurance companies.
over *msflson ecors. mar* 'by for thanany other insurptrice. companY.
oi4$00.,et too,- Toronto 5, Ontario .
Automobik Insurance Company and its wholly owned affiliates:
t •
Gordon Ross Smith is a patient,
in Wingham hospital wth pieu
Pte. William Rodger; of •Xiver°
wash, spent New Year's with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eminerson
Harold 'Bell has aecepted 4$0SI-.':'
tion in Toronto,.
Rey de Haas, of Aubtirn, spent
New Year's with his ..brother, Cecil ,
de Haas, at the home of Alvin.
Snell. -
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger ,
and, , boys were New Year' guests
of Mr.:- and Mrs. Everett Taylor
of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman
and Harvey spent the holiday at •
Jordon Station and Niagara Fall&
Second Mate Ronald Taylor is
•Spending the winter 4nonths with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .,Bert
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell
were a Ridgetown on Sunday,
having accompanied Gerald back •
to Ridgetown Agricultural School,
where he will resume his studies.
sent. The treasurer's report show-
ed a balance over $200. Donations
CREWE, Jan. 5. — Mrs: Janes of $5 each -were voted to theun- •
and Mildred, of Win„gnam; spent '
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. B. I
Shackleton. .........., ____
, 1
Mr., and Mrs. C. Crozier and
family vi&ted ii$ London on Wed-
nesday. • ,. '
M. and Mrs. M. Henry and I
family, of , Amberley, visited on -
Tuesday evening with Mr. and
rs. C.nnig,au-and--David. i
Dave and, Bert McWhinney and i
Edna were Clinton visitors on New
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Culbert and
gannon library;Ca.nadian Sayptlie
Children fund and the Children's
Aid Society, of Goderieh. Mrs. D.
Philips reported on the recording
for the museum and it was decided
to accept a share of the expense.
Plans were made to hold a card
party in the near future. • The
motto was given . by Mrs. W. A.
'Culbert. Several carols were sung,
Tom were guests of Mr. and Mrs. NELE, Jan. 5. — Mr. and Mrs.
Allan 'Ritchie on New Year's.':onntalvdisMiteoKrsenwziiet„ho!m, Ttoraonndto,manrsd.,
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. .and Mrs. Tom Philips and Alice, R.N., of London, were re -
H. Phalli's on Sunday evening Robert Bogie
Chester Finnigan is attending a
short course of, Club leaders in
Guelph at O.A.C. this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Anderson and Andy,
of Lucknow; Case McAllister, of
Chatham, were Sunday evening
visitors- with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Women's Institute.—On Thurs-1
daY evening,' December 30, at the I`
home of Mrs. Popp, the Dungan-
non Women's Institute held their
Christmas meeting. Mrs. Brooks
was in charge of the meeting and
the roll call was answered by 29
members. Two visitors were pre-,
A new systemof lowtr auto in-
surance rates, averaging 15% be-
low those 'generally charged in
'Ontario, was *minced '',4anuary
1st by State. FarnAtfflual.,Autorno-
bile Insurance CoMpany. Under
the plan, rates for drivers who
have been accident free for three
years or more are up to 20% lower
than for drivers with accident re-
'Anal officials of the company
„stated that the plan would mean
savings for a majority of present
State Farm members as well as for,
new policyholders joining up. Call-
ed the "Careful , Driver Rating
Plan," , it grOups driversby age
and use of car; as well as by ac-
cident record. Premiums are paid
in convenient semi-annual install-
ments, without extra charge.
The company cited as examples
the new State Farm rates for Tor-
• onto on a 1954 sikcylinder'Chevro-
let four -door Bel -Air sedan. For
A pleasure car with all driVers
• over age 24, accident free for three
years, _ liability, insurance 1 of
$115,000/20,000/5,000 limits would7
cost $11.30 each six months. The
rate for $50 deductable ' collision
would be $12.60, comprehensive
$4.00, medical payments $2.00 and
passenger hazard 50c. New mei-
berg joining up also pay a small
non-reCurring -- membership fee.
Rates are slightly higher' in some
urban areas, lower in others, in -
at .33 Moor Street' gest "e"fb
for State Farm Mutual trel! ate
now protects more than 3,300;
car *owners. - •
has be North Amarica's largest
auto in3urer for thirteen years rid
chiodainriagdia: ruraladmitteisrrtittoatryive. Ott,
quarters in Bloomington, Minais,
State Farni. Mutual, with bead -
of Mr. Mark To
zt .* IttSitlent Iunder Cie tifantiger.,
Ott, I. DLI** is 414
0189 1- ual and if
M. and Mrs. Les Pentland, Ann
,and Gail, spent Christmas week in
Landon 'with Mr. ;arid Mrs. Jack
Mrs. Ainelia Mcilwain spent New
Year's at Carlow with' ,Mr. and
Mrs. F. McIllw.'ain and Glenda. . •
, Miss Mary Currey spent New
Year's in Goderich with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McMillan.
Sacrament of 'the Lord's Supper
was observed in Nile Church last,
Funeral Service for the late ,
Frederick Taylor was held in Nile
Church by Rev. G Watt. Many
old neighbors and friends -from
the 'boundary and quite a number
from McGaw; where he lived in
recent years, attended. • Burial
Was in Dungannon-, cemetery, .
- • -
The "annual meeting of, the Bible
Class of Victoria Street United
'Church Sunday School washeldon
December 31 at the home of Mrs.
Alden Allin. There were 1 mem-
bers present.
The election of officers resulted.,
as falloWs: President, Mrs. N. Mc-
Kinnon; vice-president, Mrs. A.
Allin; -secretary-treasurer, William
Mew; teacher, Ars: J. Cranston;
assistant teachers; Warner Walter ,
and Henry Leishman; flower and
card Mrs. F. Seabrook;•
visiting committee, Mrs. L. Walter,
Mrs,. M. Horton and Mrs. Frank "
Wilson. A short program and
lunch were enjoyed.
The death occurred On Decem-
ber 15 of Patrick Kennedy- Wil-
iam, 53, at the Turk Convalescent
Home, Petosky, Mich.
He was the only surviving meml,
ber of the family of the late Mr.
-and Mrs. Raby Williams, of cop.
borne Township, and was -the
youngest of eight children. • He
was educated at SaltfOrd and at
,Goelerich Collegiate Institute, '
Although handicapped by a eri,
pled arm,he operated a news deal-
er business • in, Petosky for' over
25 years until his retirement in
Ms only surviving relatives are
rat! nephews, Harry Williams,
atfard; nog A:1 Williattg* Torotto;
net Williams, ICA14111426q1,
OdWattl AUtgatAtql,"
o three nieces, Mrs,'Sweet' (Elsie
ifliams), of '`
nes (In Wiiliams), of Co1borne