HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-01-06, Page 11• Seven separate rating groups mean you pay only the amount needed to insure drivers like yourself State Farm -policyholders hi Canada have always been grouped on the basis of tvhere they live. They've paid rate based on the cost of protecting inernhers who live in ar.ea.slike ;their own. -NoviOn.,,addiViQnst;111glagrLare t -9 ---be further gmuPeci ,b3r- .g°• use csf air . . . and accident experience. • ..- Now iweach rating territory, each Member will pay onlythe- minimum ak1ot necessary to protect car owners like 4imself. • t -2. ' ,..,,21. ... - - .-- *- 'Is' the Principal, Do you. use the- Are . cal male ". 14114101i 'RATING :P.g0UP ',. ,driver of the car car for, pleasure • . , drivers of the .car .ARE. `Yoti, IN? ,... .• ,,.,/-5,yeili's of age if:64in g„ only? living '''in your or.older?. 1Driving to or household .25 SlOply - boswer„ these questions • ,. . , .,' 'tram work " or aseyearof age* or. pnd �etermine ...which hortzantat • ' by •farmer .er oter; 7--grCtivr-kif-atiswe4-11trybtr. ,— ' -clergyman'. on •, • ' , -.. . , • sidered.pleasure •, driving Have ... •7Principol :dri;:ier‘age 23 ear' older. 11A Na male drivel., under'25;---Pleastire YES' • use only. No -occident's. by Male driyerin past 3,years. • Principal driver age 25 „or older. •15- No male drier under 25. • lleasure use only; • 'have all mole .oiserators of the tar,living in your • household driven :withOut an •auto. occident in the aSt4;years., Liability„ collision, comprehensive rates now average ln below the rates charged by most other companies • State " Farm members have always enjoyed State Farm's outstanding insurance,protection and dependable claim service—across the Dominion and in° the U.S.A.—at remarkably low cost. • That's because State Farm Mutual deliberately avoid.s careless . . reckless ... irresponsible motorists. It seeks to insure careful drivers On0—the kind who have, few accidents and cost less to insure. -State Farm passes back to• these members—in the form of low rates—the savings -that careful driving makes possible.. Now, State Farm's new, improved "Careful Driver Rating Plan"' has made possible a brand-new rate structure which Makes State Farm insurance an even better buy. Because now Statelarnazates-for--mos t-coileragefor Whatever kind of li—vate passenger car.you drive ... wherever you live ... average 15%•below the cost of equivalent protection with most other insurance companies! ,,,t4,:ix ,-triolt0.:4;'$ havere ,: after1 he mas holidays at thejj h�rnes, 0 Chopin,te; Miss, Winga P Houston, 'to X.amat to P . Miss :C.. Colborne; vrenrlg;.to SS. Ieolap- Harry Yunalin i to S.S..011, DalY:ngbiit, Auburn t oe. ,bliitfruni 160 os :IL :0403i„. Donald0.,A, A. . : , f.MacKay, Ross, , to .0C: Miss Frances Houston, 4”, LOX- tiwie'ntsP,en1V1ti.aia ldelYIVIrdia.7W-s waiolsjitoen; Mrslo)Catherine Dobie, , who - has been visiting her son, Eugene WESTFIELD, jam 5.—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deans, and family, of Guelph, were New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- Dowell. Miss 'Lorna Buphanan, of Lon- Alon,'„ spent New. .Year's with her parents, Mr. . and Mrs. jOhp Buchanan. . • • • Cecil Caranbell, of Exeter, spent New Year's with his parents, Mr. and"Mrs. Howard Campbell. Miss Betty Rodger,- of Goderich, was a New Year's visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmer- son Rodger. -Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, Gerald and Gwen, spent Wednes- day evening with Mr. and Mrs.- Kalmer Dawson, of Dungannon. • Service was cancelled at the. Westfield Church on 'Sunday on ac- count of the icy condition ,of the roads. Mrs. John Buchanan;had the mis- fortune to fall on the ice and cut her head which required several stitches, , • Principal driver age 25 or alder. ' .......,,, S2A Pleasiare ase only. ,,No accident 'by - YE .,. mole driver in.past 3 years. •. „ ...•• , • " Principal. driVer age 2.5' or older. 3A Business use. NO4acCident by male driVer-in bast 3 years. Principal` driver a• ge 25 or older.. • ausiness use. - . , —7NEW-SrATETTA-RM- RATES AVER'AGING NOTE: new State Farm rates will 'take effect for present State Farm members with renewal notices, mailed after January..14, 1955.. Most members will pay less for their -auto insurance. Some will pery Imre. But everyone will pay less than he would for equivalent protection from most other insurance companies. re over *msflson ecors. mar* 'by for thanany other insurptrice. companY. oi4$00.,et too,- Toronto 5, Ontario . • Automobik Insurance Company and its wholly owned affiliates: .,STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE tCPMPANY t • Gordon Ross Smith is a patient, in Wingham hospital wth pieu mania. Pte. William Rodger; of •Xiver° wash, spent New Year's with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eminerson Rodger: Harold 'Bell has aecepted 4$0SI-.':' tion in Toronto,. Rey de Haas, of Aubtirn, spent New Year's with his ..brother, Cecil , de Haas, at the home of Alvin. Snell. - Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger , and, , boys were New Year' guests of Mr.:- and Mrs. Everett Taylor of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman and Harvey spent the holiday at • Jordon Station and Niagara Fall& Second Mate Ronald Taylor is •Spending the winter 4nonths with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .,Bert Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell were a Ridgetown on Sunday, having accompanied Gerald back • to Ridgetown Agricultural School, where he will resume his studies. • sent. The treasurer's report show- ed a balance over $200. Donations CREWE, Jan. 5. — Mrs: Janes of $5 each -were voted to theun- • and Mildred, of Win„gnam; spent ' Monday with Mr. and Mrs. B. I Shackleton. .........., ____ , 1 Mr., and Mrs. C. Crozier and family vi&ted ii$ London on Wed- nesday. • ,. ' M. and Mrs. M. Henry and I family, of , Amberley, visited on - Tuesday evening with Mr. and rs. C.nnig,au-and--David. i Dave and, Bert McWhinney and i Edna were Clinton visitors on New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Culbert and gannon library;Ca.nadian Sayptlie Children fund and the Children's Aid Society, of Goderieh. Mrs. D. Philips reported on the recording for the museum and it was decided to accept a share of the expense. Plans were made to hold a card party in the near future. • The motto was given . by Mrs. W. A. 'Culbert. Several carols were sung, topic. Tom were guests of Mr. and Mrs. NELE, Jan. 5. — Mr. and Mrs. Allan 'Ritchie on New Year's.':onntalvdisMiteoKrsenwziiet„ho!m, Ttoraonndto,manrsd., family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. .and Mrs. Tom Philips and Alice, R.N., of London, were re - H. Phalli's on Sunday evening Robert Bogie Chester Finnigan is attending a short course of, Club leaders in Guelph at O.A.C. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson and Andy, of Lucknow; Case McAllister, of Chatham, were Sunday evening visitors- with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran. Women's Institute.—On Thurs-1 daY evening,' December 30, at the I` home of Mrs. Popp, the Dungan- non Women's Institute held their Christmas meeting. Mrs. Brooks was in charge of the meeting and the roll call was answered by 29 members. Two visitors were pre-, INSURANC'E RATES ?OR' CARS ARE LOWERED A new systemof lowtr auto in- surance rates, averaging 15% be- low those 'generally charged in 'Ontario, was *minced '',4anuary 1st by State. FarnAtfflual.,Autorno- bile Insurance CoMpany. Under the plan, rates for drivers who have been accident free for three years or more are up to 20% lower than for drivers with accident re- cords. 'Anal officials of the company „stated that the plan would mean savings for a majority of present State Farm members as well as for, new policyholders joining up. Call- ed the "Careful , Driver Rating Plan," , it grOups driversby age and use of car; as well as by ac- cident record. Premiums are paid in convenient semi-annual install- ments, without extra charge. The company cited as examples the new State Farm rates for Tor- • onto on a 1954 sikcylinder'Chevro- let four -door Bel -Air sedan. For A pleasure car with all driVers • over age 24, accident free for three years, _ liability, insurance 1 of $115,000/20,000/5,000 limits would7 cost $11.30 each six months. The rate for $50 deductable ' collision would be $12.60, comprehensive $4.00, medical payments $2.00 and passenger hazard 50c. New mei- berg joining up also pay a small non-reCurring -- membership fee. Rates are slightly higher' in some urban areas, lower in others, in - at .33 Moor Street' gest "e"fb for State Farm Mutual trel! ate now protects more than 3,300; car *owners. - • has be North Amarica's largest auto in3urer for thirteen years rid chiodainriagdia: ruraladmitteisrrtittoatryive. Ott, quarters in Bloomington, Minais, ari State Farni. Mutual, with bead - Hi of Mr. Mark To zt .* IttSitlent Iunder Cie tifantiger., Ott, I. DLI** is 414 0189 1- ual and if M. and Mrs. Les Pentland, Ann ,and Gail, spent Christmas week in Landon 'with Mr. ;arid Mrs. Jack Harcourt. Mrs. Ainelia Mcilwain spent New Year's at Carlow with' ,Mr. and Mrs. F. McIllw.'ain and Glenda. . • , Miss Mary Currey spent New Year's in Goderich with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMillan. Sacrament of 'the Lord's Supper was observed in Nile Church last, Sunday. Funeral Service for the late , Frederick Taylor was held in Nile Church by Rev. G Watt. Many old neighbors and friends -from the 'boundary and quite a number from McGaw; where he lived in recent years, attended. • Burial Was in Dungannon-, cemetery, . - • - BaBLE CLASS NAMES SLATE OF OFITOERS The "annual meeting of, the Bible Class of Victoria Street United 'Church Sunday School washeldon December 31 at the home of Mrs. Alden Allin. There were 1 mem- bers present. The election of officers resulted., as falloWs: President, Mrs. N. Mc- Kinnon; vice-president, Mrs. A. Allin; -secretary-treasurer, William Mew; teacher, Ars: J. Cranston; assistant teachers; Warner Walter , and Henry Leishman; flower and card Mrs. F. Seabrook;• visiting committee, Mrs. L. Walter, Mrs,. M. Horton and Mrs. Frank " Wilson. A short program and lunch were enjoyed. OBITUARY PATRICK KENNEDY WILLIAMS The death occurred On Decem- ber 15 of Patrick Kennedy- Wil- iam, 53, at the Turk Convalescent Home, Petosky, Mich. He was the only surviving meml, ber of the family of the late Mr. -and Mrs. Raby Williams, of cop. borne Township, and was -the youngest of eight children. • He was educated at SaltfOrd and at ,Goelerich Collegiate Institute, ' Although handicapped by a eri, pled arm,he operated a news deal- er business • in, Petosky for' over 25 years until his retirement in MO. Ms only surviving relatives are rat! nephews, Harry Williams, atfard; nog A:1 Williattg* Torotto; net Williams, ICA14111426q1, OdWattl AUtgatAtql," o three nieces, Mrs,'Sweet' (Elsie ifliams), of '` nes (In Wiiliams), of Co1borne ,