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The Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 6
EC496 ZY47; 1) i,T TIzrvtr t , SEEM' S , altoczsxme Wholesale & Retail Mitchell will celebrate Canada's 1 National holiday—Dominion Day. f Mr. Hugh AI, Chesney of Tucker. smith. who leas bee° a severe sufferer from cancer in the stomach for several months, passed away on Tuesday last at the age of 62 years; BUILDERS HARDWARE. Steel nails, glass, plate, diamond star, double thiek stained and engraved, leeks, gravity, hinges, piaster hair, calcine plas- ter, Akron, and I'ort1laad, cements, tar, piach, felt and lining papers. CARRIAGE HA RDW ARE. Bar iron, blarl:smith's coal, horse nails, ear bolts, patent wheels, bent stuff, hues, spokes, shafts, rims, par. leather, dashes, trlmmiag , cowboy tops, Noble & Roar or Brant ^ el varnishes, muslin, dock, drill, tv ILL SUPPLIES. Ire piping, Naives, miples, asbestus, hemp and Rubber peekings, rubber au1 leather beitiegs, lace leather. SPORTING MATERIAL. Breaeinloed'hag rifle and shot gees, powaler, shot, cape, primers. wads, fishing rode, lines, hooks, FARMERS' SUPPLIES. New seeds, all kinds to hand, red clover, timothy. flax, meng,el, tnruip, white corn, carrot, eke. These seeds are absolutely fresh. Berle Annealed, galvauized wires, cedar posts and stakes. TINWARE D$Px5.BTMEN1'. 1 urnaees, stoves, milk cans, cream cans, pails, Xanzer cookers cute troughing and roofing done cheap. GROCERIES. New goods ---full line. in. exchange. Produce taken The above all at ROCK BOTTOM The congregation of St, James church, St. Marva, have taken the necessary steps to secure the appoint- ment of a rector to fill the vacancy cm.oasioned by the late lamenteddeath of the Rev. T. W. laagahy. Miss Hattie O'Donoghue, teacher in School Section No. 3, Catholic settle- ment, Biddulph, has secured a similar position in Winnipeg, and left foe that place last Wednesday, The congregation of the Egmondville Presbyterian church, have extended a call to the Rev. George 1N'eedhane ot Corunna, Lambton county. Tho mat- ter will likely be decided at the next meeting of the Huron Presbytery. It was with feelings of intense regret that the neighbors and many friends of the late Mrs. Duncan McDougall of Steffa, heard of her death on the evg. of Friday, 18th ult , from the effects of cancer. Her death, however, was not sudden or unexpected. By the law passed at the last session of the Ontario Legislature, the pay of jurors was increased front $1.50 to $2 per day. Thejurorsat the .Hent assizes were pleasantly surprised when banded the chequea far 2 per day, none of them being aware of the change in the pal. Barber eros, of Snowflake, Southern. Dlaliltoba,forwer L uronites, completedthe aceding of four hundred acres on the 21st ult. Six teams were employed about fifteen days. Tho -thirds of this large acreage has been sown in wheat, and the balance in oats and barley. The many friends of the Rev. T. G. Thompson, formerly of Brueefiettl, will be pleased awl learn that he is an lo - ENGLAND AND HER COLONIES OF ONE MIND. It is wonderful with what celerity and certainty the benefits of a great diseorery originated in England are communicated to our possessions in all parts of the world, As the pulsations of the heart send the stream of life tbrough every fibre of the frame, so does each beneficial development in science, emanating from British genius and skill, disseminate its blessings through. out the whole British Empire. The general nae in all our colonies of lionkown,y's cele- brated medicines is a striking illustration of Ode fact. Starting, forty years ago, from Vac great centre, with the sanetion of the home millions as their credentials, they have found their way unto the remotest sections of that vast colonial large upon which the sun never sets. The axiom that greatness does not receive due honour in its own country, fails in the ease of Tnosres IloLLowAz, His new and simple, yet rapid and effective remedies. were traoroughiy appreciated at the outset by the people of England of every class, and foreign ezperi. ince has merely oonf rmed the verdict of the British publio. The Canadas, the least remote of our important transatlantic possessions, were the first to echo the laudations bestowed upon the preparations here. They appear to haye displayed the ineffective prescrip- tion of the provincial pharmacopoeia with singular dispatch. The stereotyped prow - Miens for fever sed ague, dyspepsia, scrofula, 40. were at once superseded by them, and the press announced their aures as the eosnmenooment of a 10.1w era in the sanitary history of British America. To suppose diet the colonial popularity of the preparations is the mere reflection of her European fame. would be to undervalue both the sagacity and the independence of our beithern beyond the Bea, They may receive our opinions with respeot, but they test themin the crucible of experiment before adopting them. They try our reme, dies for the disorders of the body politic. andof the human frame by the same rile, Weare our system of jurisprudence fits their necessities, they apply it, and when our medicines prove to be specifics for the lead- ing diseases of the soil anti climate, they joyfully aer.ept and employ them. Hence ee consider the popularity of Holloway's remedies in the colonies as direct a saliva.meat to the inventor as the encomiums passed neon them here,-Laueasliire Pioneer. It S. sated in Ontario. He lira accepted a Call from %Paterdown Presbyterian W. R. incur, Jai ROWa,F&, congregation, Wentworth county, and ilali>1=het'. Pr„}nrietor. was inducted 1n thatcharge on Monday ussommesemasossmeasmassomenseassseess1 of last week. The fanners of Huron and Ashfield townships, have formed themselvea into a jnrnt stock company to ere.;t a grist mill inUemlock City. They have over the amount of money required— some six thousand dollars—and the building is to be erected as soon as they gat the charter. DISTRICT DOINGS.. .2'1,e Latest Current Yews Throughout the District, The youths of Clinton play base ball on Sunday. The authorities are ob- Jecting. Clinton will not celebrate 24U1 Alay by any special demonstration, owing to leak of financial encouragement. Air. Watson, who runs the Commer. clad hotel in Clinton, has leased Mr, SSchattara' hotel, Kippers. Mr. John Templeton ofTc.ckersmith, returned home from the old country on Friday last. Mr, '3eorge Kidd left Seaforth on Tuesday last to push his fortunes in 10 Southern States. Zr.AR. Skinner has the contract tor treat watering this year in. $t. Marys. 1'he contract price 1s $2,161 per day. 3Ir. T. ©livor, an employee of the Stapleton saw m111, near Goderioh, had one of his lege broken last week by a log rolling against it. Mr, Thomas Dark, one of the oldeat wild at one time beet known residents of Goderieh, died last week at the age of 83 yearn. Messrs. Green Bros. of Parkhill. last week sold their jewelry business to Mr Jas. G. Russell, formerly of Flesherton, Ont The merchants of Wingham have agreed to close their stores at 7 o'clock each evening, excepting Saturdays, during the summer months. Mrs MaClenchy ot the Goshen Line, Stanley, we are sorry to say, very ill, with slight hopes of recovery, as Is also Mrs. Conoit of the Parr Line. Mr. John Beattie has sold the Hogg farm in efcaiilop to Mr. Win, Hender- son for $8,000, being $75 more than he paid for it. This indicates an increase ii farm lands within a week. The other day, Mrs. Rutherford of Sylvan, displayed a duck egg, which measured in circumferences 8 7-8 ins, and 7 1-16 inches respectively, and whose weight was 6 oz. The Galt band tournament commit. tee collected $403 from the hotel keepers of that town in a few days and $500 from other citizens. Galt ie the stuff to get up a show. The chattels belonging to the estate of John Harmer of Fullerton, were disposed of on Monday. They realized $607. The farm brought $10 over the upset prl0e($3500,) and was purchased by Mr. JohnPridbam, A five-year-old son• of R. Dawaon, west ward, St Marys, was set upon Sat- urday evening by a savage dog belong- ing to G. Lucas and terribly lacerated before he could be secured from the ferocious brute. "The Mitchell Recorder says : Since Thursday night of last week the town, 80 far as the streets are concerned. has been in darkness." Every couple of nights the dynamos got out of kilter, and the people are left in darkness, which fact is proot positive that electric lighting has not reached perfection. By some means the boat houses at the Salable river at Ailsa Craig took fire the other slay and were entirely consumed. Five boats were burned, belonging to Messrs. E. B. Smith, E. McAlpine, John Kennedy, Jno Bowlon and F. Cameron. All their fishing tackle was also burned. 'i'lio cause of fire is not known. The telegram that postmaster Camp- bell of Goderieh, received from Wis- consin on March 12th, concerning one John McKenzie baying been killed in liaVvrard. in that state, referred to John McKenzie, son of the late Capt. Peter McKenzie, who sailed the famous Maitland from Goderieh. John was the youngest son. The jury in the St. George accident trial Friday morning brought in answers to tbe various questions submitted to them by Judge Rose,finding negligence against the defendants—the G. T. R Co—on the questions of the speed of the train, the tire of the engine, and the ties of the bridge. This practi- cally amounts to a verdict for the plain- tiffs, The several cases will now be taken up separately and the amount of d images assessed. The Grits of North Perth met in con- vention Thursday last at Milverton, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Local Legislature for the com- ing contest. Mr. J. H. Schmidt of Stratford; received the nomination of the convention, but he declined to ac- cept it. Several other gentlemen present were nominated, but finally all withdrew, with the exception of Mr. Robert Cleland, reeve of Elms., who I oeived the unanimous support of the convention. On Thursday last, Sam'l McMordie, a younger son of Mr. 11. Mcieforaie of London Road, near Kippen; met with a painful accident. He wad running over a pile ot stones, when by some means he fell and broke a small bone in his arm. A Lucan correspondent writes: Mr. Wm. Major, acting as immigration agent here,has had a company of young Englishmen sent him this week to place out amongst the farmers to learn Canadian farming. They have all been provided for. 14IAEKE EREEPORTS. E Rod Wheat Spring Wneat,... Barley Oats ... Clover Ssed Timothy ' Peas Corn Eggs Butter l?'lourpe rb is/ Potatoee,per bushel Apples,per oag Drie4Applespr b (*eine per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per lb Chickensperpr iiogs,dressedperl0O Beef , aidesrough, ... ' dressed Sheepskins ea 61 Oaliskins Wool per lb .,. aayporton Onionsnerbusp Woodperoord P▪ M M▪ k MPG ac sumacs 00 90 to 00 95 • 00 90 to 00 95 ▪ 90 Eo X30 800 to 325 1 50 so 2 ee 53 to 55 0 40 to 52 8 60 8 14 to 0. 15 0060616 40 to 040 ICOt0IC0 0 480050 O06to007 008 to 10 005 to 007 025 to 030 450to500 400 to 525 200 to 250 8SOto850 060 to 80 050 to 0 90 018 to 020 6 51 107 00 0 50 t 0 0 00 25Qto300 Y, MA Mk Pall Wheal 0 tis 0 90 Spring Wheat ..... 0 85 0 90 Barley I 0 85 038 Oats 0 26 .1 27 Glover Seed . 3 CO 3 50 Timothy .., 2 00 4 00 Pose ....... ... .., , Q53 0 54 Butter . 1s 0 16 Poffstoea per bag 75 90 Apples per bush ...... ..... .. 0 55 Wool per lb 20 0 20 Hay perten 5 50 650 Bran per tau „14 00 14 00 Shorts " " ... ••b00Q 0 0000 Owenealper lso .......... ....... Lsdiea who are troubled, with roughness of the skin or cracked. should loop a bottle of Paris?an Balm in the house. it is delightfully Petr fumed and softens, heals and beautifies the The most destructive flood ever known in the history of north Texas is now passing through the Triuity River. In front of Dallas it is two miles wide. Great d,.mame has been done. The floods continue in Louisiana, while windstorms and cl mil - bursts aro reported Frain Arkanaas and Taeutaoky. THE. PUBLIC WARNED. Many people are deceived into neglecting bad blood, dyspepsia, constipation, oto., and thus allow these and other diseases to become established, Aot promptly by using nature's blood purifying tonin, Burdock Blood Bitters, whieh regulates tbe entire system, curing all diseases of the stomach, liver, kidnol a and bowels. A SEASONABLE HINT. During the breaking up of winter, damp, chilly weather prevails, and rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sore throat, croup, quinsy and other painful effects of sudden cold aro 001:011300. Hagyard's Yellow Oil is a truly valuable household remedy for all such nomplaints. Great preparations are being made for a mammoth demonstration on the 12th July next in Clinton. An im- mense gathering is expected. The business men and citizens generally are taking hold of the matter. The town council will assist and has made liberal appropriation to further the arrangements. Both the Council and Board of Trade will officially welcome the visitors upon the occasion. I n short everytbing appears to be pointing to a red letter day in Clinton. We admire their push and wish them every success. Mr. David Cough, of the 13th con., Hibbert, died on Friday morning last and was buried at McTaggart's hill, on Saturday. A large concourse of people followed his remains to their last rest- ing place. He went to California last fall, and not being able to work much on account of poor health. he returned this spring to Manitoba. While these he had an attack of la grippe, which developed into a kind of ohronio in- flammation of the Lungs, from which he never recovered. He reached home on Wednesday night, April 16th, and was then almost a skeleton. He was 18 years and 6 months of age. As two young men of Wingllem, were out driving one day last week, they noticed a grain bag lying on the road side. One of(them jumped out of the buggy to pick it up, but, Oh 1 horrors I just as he touched the bag it moved, so did Ab. about four feet rp in the air. However, when he reacheal the earth .gain he began to examine the bag as well as he couldwithout touching it. It must be a baby? no, it moves too swift, well it's a pig sure? Alter a grind deal of urging from Jim,. who feels quite sate in the buggy, Ab. finally opens the bag and out Jumps a large sized cat, The Parkhill cricket club has bean re -organized with the following gentle- men, as officers: President, J. M Duff; Vice -Pres., 0. Currie ; Sec -Teas , Jas. W. Green i Captain, E. M. Bigg. Com- mittee, J. Ross, .a. Large. A. large number will take part in the game the coming season if suitable grounds can be secured. Mr. Thomas Carter bas disposed of his farm of 30 acres, on the 9th con., Goderieh township; to Mr Thos. Cook, for the sum of $2,700, to be paid by $100 a year for 27 years. This is $90 an acre, yet the friends of annexattcn claim that farm lands are being sacri- ficed. They are beginning to realize, however, that their cry rs not very patent. Childret, of , l0;' Pitcfer'S (,rastJ:'rc • LONDON. Wheat.92o to 95e per bus. Oats, 32oto 370 per bus. Peas, 69e to 75e per bus. Bar - ler, Malting• 43 to 48a per bus. Barley Feed, Seto to 410 per bus Corn, 450 to 47to per bushel. TORONTO. Toronto, May 1, Wheat Fall— No. Z. 91e to 95e per bus : red winter,No.2.96o to 99 per bus. iifanitoba No.1 hara;,11 to 117 ?,Io. 2,1 09 to 1 12 ; PEAS 55* to 60o nor bus. OATS 35o to36cerbus. ,FLOUR. extra, $3.80 to 83.85 per bpi; straight roller. 54.00 to 44.05; sarong bakers.$4,00 to $4.`0. BARLEY, No 2, 50c to 51o. A Trans -Continental Innovation Sleeping oar passengers for Pacific coast points via the Chicago, Milwaukee tL St. Paul and Celan PacificOverland Fast Mail time no longer have to wait in line at Conu- eil Bluffs Transfer Station to obtain aleep- ing car berth Ioservatiana went of tbe \fia- Sauri River. The new arrangements made by the Chi - sago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway obetate all each delay and annoyance, For furtherparticulers enquire of nearest Coupon Ticket Agent or address A.E,H. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil- waukee, Wis. FARMERS, THRESHERS, ANL OWNERS USE. LARI)INE MACHINE OIL 1 TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTRER.. Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole manufacturers of the Genuine Lardine. Also Cylinder, Wool and. Harness Oils.. McW LL BROS. & CO., TOROTQ 11=1111011:o Antos ToMoTnzne.—Areyou diaturoedat nightaud broken of your rest bya sick child suffering acid crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? if so Rend at once and got R bottle of",Mrs.Winslow's Seething Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willreiieve the poor little sufferer ins inediatell lsonoud upon it, lnothere; thorn le r..mistako about it. It euros Dysentery and 1)iarrbrea, regulates the Stomach and Bowote,ouro8 Wind Collo, softens the Gums. reducesIntlamoiutfou, and gives tone and energy tothe whole system. ',Ur a. Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the proscription at ono of the oldest anti beat female Sphysicians and nurses in the United tates and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Ptioo twenty -Ave pouts a bottle. Bo surd and ask for'lifns WINanow'e 0°OTUXNO atilt➢ "said no other iud. HIGH TIME TO BEGIN. After a long winter the system needs a thorough cleansing, toning and regulating to remove impurities and prepare for sum- mer. Thousands of testimonials show that Burdock Blond Bitters is the best spring medicine ever discovered, producing a fool- ing of buoyancy and strength. It removes that tired. worn out feeling, and restores lost apptt''e. Harold Scott, aged three months, and Harry Marshal, aged seven weeks, wore. found smothered under the pillows at Mrs Josephine De Ballor's baby farming place on Seventh avenue, New York, Monday. How it ha, pened is a mystery. STIX. the strength of this artiolo is extraordinary. After being cemented most articles will break in another place rather than where cemented. Price 15 cants from druggists. The heaviest hail storm on record passed aver Baltimore, M. D., Monday. Many thousand windows in the city wore broken and many persons were injured by the hail- stones, which are reported to have been as large as men's fists. AUTUMN ANXIRTIES. I had a very bad cough this fall, but Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cured me com • pletely. E. ROnINsose Waahago. Pectoral Balsam cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis and all throat and long troubles. Brantford, Friday, carried by-laws for $163,233 to establish a fire alarm system in public buiidings, to extend sewers and waterworks and to build a new school. The tug McArthur was burned at Collins' Bay Friday. Lose $30,000 . Cough No More. Your cough may lead to disease of the Lungs' `herefore do not neglect it. Wilson's Wild Cherry will cure it quickly and effectually. For Col ds, Crcup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis. Loss of voice, ete., no medicine equals Wilson's Wild Cherry, as thousands testify. Sold by all druggists. • Choice Seeds B-t7'Y Mangel Seed, Carrot Seed, Fodder Corn Seed, Turnip Seed, etc.. CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired from practice. hav- ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and' all throat and luug affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make is known to his suffering fellows. actuated by this motive ane a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, the recipe. in German. French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper. W. A. Novas, 820 Powers' 'Block, ooh- ester,N. Y. When Baby was sick. we gavo hor Castorite When she was a Child, she cried: for Castoria• When she became I4ias, she clang to Uaetoria, Whou she had Children, she gave thein Castoric, FROM FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. Somebody Must HSA HETOATE. THE THE , 'UESTION IS who bought that bankrupt stook ? Several have advertis- ed as selling cheap- I want it distinctly understood 1_ l O UTE & CO. and raise a first-class crop. It will pay you. It always pays. IO':E FOR SALE BVTTER & -W'-A. TTEee. TO NERVOU'S,DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address;we willmail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining alt about Dr. Dye's Celebrated' Electro -Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated System, and how they will quiekiyrestore you tovigor and man- hood health. Pamphlet free. It you are thus, afflicted , w ewill sendyou a Belt and Appliances on trial. Vor.reto BELT Co.. Marshall .Mich DOUPE & CO, - Kirkton, a:hni 1y1c$!fee eete r,) n 0 rM 1, 0 O z? nP'11 0 0 I did not get it and do not want it. Z manufacture all my own Tinware and handle no Bankrupt stocks, and ant in a position at all times to offer good well -made tinware at Iower prices than any other house can sell their two years and a half shop worn goods tor, 1 alk you to come and inepeet tey stock and you will be convinced that r am speaking the truth. Aly stock is all made of the best tin that can be had in the market and am selling away down, COAL OIL Always on lianal. Don't forget the ataud. Will SIGN OF Falland, THE; BIG 1: _ Elephant, One door north Dr. Lutz. THIt BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET l NOW IN STOOK! Large assortment of Builders Hardware at lowest prices. Barbed, Buckthorn, Annealed and Galvanized 'Wires— full line. • FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. BABY CARRIAGES and BOYS WAGONS, LAWN MOWERS. Eavotronghing, 8e, per foot. Agents, Raymond I1tI:tchinos BISSETT BROS. Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price. CENTRAL Drug Store est Ordered Clothing pro dueed:in.Exeter Gentlemen I eave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors; the best stock of Fine Trin\mings, and - the bee Cutting in Town ,,you are sure of atiefae- fon t S NIELL. A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- er the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C LUTZ. FAiL and Y1fl!tt G-OO1S _ I have just received my large consignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now selling off niy Previous Stock ! At figures away down, I do not believe in carrying over goods until another year, and will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Rather than hold them over. MY STOCK is the best assorted in town and of first quality goods I am here to exebange goods with the public for cash` or pro- duce and am bound to do it. J. P. ROSS Market Store, EXETER. Nov. 13, 1839.1; vv. 4, japrr Boot & Shoo Maker Has opened business in ' the premises of R. SPICIER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones° Sewed WorkaSnecialty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT. DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST-OLA.SS FU RNITURF AT LOWER RATES TI -IAA SHAM COCl —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN OALL GIDLEY'S --ONLY FIRST. -CLASS— lteliabl€ Goods At Prices Lower that so-cs; .. led Cheap Houses can givf 'Undertaking in all g Branches. S.. GIDLEY r ' (Successor Id C. & 8. Girlie]) ODDFELEOW'S 13L001