HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 5• B. B. • AN EXCITING SUSPENSE. Executing a Man supposed to Have Been Reprieved, Burdock Blood Bitters A prisouer was one February morning marched out fromet cell in the Sedgwick "Is a purely vegetable componnd,possesaing: perfect regulating powers over all the organa of the system, and controlling their store - Awns. It so purifies the blood that it CURES .111.1 blood humors and diseases, from a coni anon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and this combined with its unrivalledregulating, toleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver, kic'Ineys, bowels and eikin, render ie unequalled as a pure for alli a7iseases of the SKIN County (Kan.) jail to die upon t is scaffold for one of the most heinous crimes ever com- mitted in the Indian Territory, He had been sentenced by Judge Foster at the pre- ceding term of the District Court, and had maintained throughout his imprisonment the most stoical indifference talus fate, and on this February morning be noted more as if he were going to liberty than tothe scafiblcl. PERSONALS. THE WORLD'S NOTED ERAS. Prince Bismarck's pension, which has been L Have Pima That HavvLeft Endnrtog Stamp for represented as being very large, really All Left ding Ages.. amounts to only 18,000 marks, or less than $4,500. The era of Abraham began Occ. 1, B. C. ---- - 2016. Mr. Walpole, chief Parliamentary report- The era of Augustus began in the year of er of Hansard's staff, recently uudeztook to Rome 727, twenty-seven years before the accustomed to wander in the spirit over the write out in long hand three columns of the Christian era, trout streams, what ala itching must possess small type of the Times in as many hours. The era of Tyre began B. C. 125, in the him to seize a modern rod from the hands of ; As each column contained an average of year of Rome 628, and in the 186th of the a modern fisherman and have a cast : Izaak i. 2,200 words, it was believed to be an im- Seleueidee or Grecian era, was accustomed to use worms and bugs and possible feat, but it was accomplished in two other slimy and creepy things for bait, but The era of Antioch fixed tbe creation B. he used them •with such success that be has hours and three quarters, C, 5462, After 285, However, it eoineidedbeen rightly tendered tap honor of having PTSHROD EVOLUTION, From the Hickory sapling to the Poisbed Bamboo. If Izaak Walton, who is pretty generally regarded as the father of artistic angling; la with the Alexandrian era, been the founder of the line of aesthetic dis- A wooden pen about forty feet square and The German Emperor last year conferred The era of the Hegira dates from the eiples whose skill and powers have continued twelve feet high had been built oa the west 5,10$ decorations, iinclnding tat of the Red flight of 3fohammed from Mecca to Medina to increase. I end of the little brick Sail, and at the centre Eagle to 2,086 persons, the Crown Order to on the 15th or 16th of July, A. 1) 622, The primitive rod in this country Was the ; of this the gallows had been erected. 1,199 and the Hohenzollern Order to 254. The Chinese era beetles B. C. 222,77, but sapling cut in the woods, Hickory was • - The execution was the first that had taken Fourteen new Knights of the Black Eagle b � S since the year 1G3 E. C. Chinese writers have chosen ley the settlers. #o tlo their fishing with place in the State for seventeen years, and were created, andhfteenpersonswere honor- dated the year from the accession of the, on account of its pliability and strength. people had cone from miles with the hope ed with the 3male Order of Louise. One of witnessing it. All night long parties of erson alone received the Order of Merit. rb-dly curious people had been encamped P Teo From one to two bottles will cure bolls, upon the square. Not more than fifteen An original ranted edition of the famouspirnples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter, j people were to be admitted within the en- Metter of Christos H Columbus from Palos is and all the simple forms of skin disease, From two to four bottles will cure salt rheum or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, a% soesses, running sores,and all skin eruptions Itis noticeable that sufferers from skin DISEASES lore nearly always aggravated by intolerable itching, but this quickly aubsidos on the vemovsl of the disease by B.B.B. Passing an to graver yet prevalent diseases, such es srcrofulous swellings, humors and SCROFULA "Wellavc undoubted proof that from three 'to six bottles used internally and by outward application (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parts, will effect a cure. The great mission of B.13. B. is to regulate the Saver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrongg action of the stomach. send to open the sluice -ways of the system nod feet pinioned, Jtee k stood wit to ea ry off all clogged and impure more- hand upon the leverof the drop and the Mous, allowing nature thus to aid recovery . finers of the other just torching the poor r most his e tartan 1 g awe and remove without fail fellow's hack aaylu�, in assuring tones : '"Now bee good boy -aped closure, and on account of my connection with one of the local paters I was one of these. The condemned man walkers coolly into his death -pen and looked around him. Passing lightly up the steps he sat down upon the platform and began to remove his boots, remarking jolringly to one of the deputies that ""it is bars leek to die with one's boots on." There hal been no little difraculty in se• curing some one to operate the dropand et hist, as the usual resort, "Comanche Jack" was pressed, apparently very unwillingly, into the service. Jack had the reputation of having presided at twenty-four similar af- fairs, iaesides being the means of assisting.a score of desperadoes out of the world in various other ways, On such an important occasion as a hangin' it was to him absolutely neceiasary that his sensitive nature be well fortified by a liberal supply of Territory te'lniskey. When the black cap had been pulled over the condemned man's face and bis hands a substalet al meal ; and if he Ls a singer To: h one l a sfpeaker, let him do so after, and never be ore, using the voice. Let him smoke a mild llavanaleor along-stemmedpipe charg- ed with some cool -smoking tobacco. If the charms of the Cigarette are irresistible, let it be smoked through a mouthpiece which is P her . said to have been recently discovered in Spain. It is alleged to bear internal evidence of having been put in type at Barcelona about April 10, 1493. It is a four-page folio, and is said to be " undoubtedly the copy from which the small quarto in the Ambrosias Library at Milan was printed." u n o esusehie or • g o bre ht , the f orest k reigning emperor, B 2,s ug p -,y The Csesareau era of Antioch was lustreyet' while the Indians before them knew of tuted in consequence of the victory of mare its worth.How ofn the { salla, gained by Julius Caesar in the year of breed trout stream a angler the hfllsghas been Ptome 706 and B. C. 48. surprised to meet an urchin, with his trous- t The era of �abonna.ssar began Feb. 26, B. ars rolled up as high as they could go, lazily O. 747. It continued until the death cf wading down the stream, swim; a hickory Alexander the Greatf and was thence wand over his head as he cast bis book well brought down to the reign of Antonius Pius- ''bated with two or three fat angle worms 1 The Hindoo era is quite complicated and Perhaps it's an off day for fly fishing. and its elucidation bas given rise to much eon- all the combinations of color and soft silken troveray. The current era -.•the fourth of haekles or feathers will not tempt the spot. the world'a existence, the Kai Yug-began ted beaaties in the pools. Then how meta ger, ineignifzcant the well equipped angler, with bee forty dollar split bamboo, his handsome wading etockhi s, leis oiled silk line, and his fine plaited t:out creel, feels as the youth with a in lifts out a relent fish from the the bubbling foam, anti ••rots Alleani's voice seems to roll on in endless l3. C. 3101. splendor. Receutly at a benefit concert iii The Breech republic era began Sept. 22, Paris Miss Sybil Sanderson failed to keep 1792. The republican calendar was first her appointtl ent, and Albani, who happened used on the 26th of November, 1793, and to bean the audience, volunteered to come, was discontinued Dee. 31, 1805, when the to the beneficiary's relief. She then went Georgian was resumed, neon the stage, and, seated in a cheer, she The Persian ern, began on the accession it in," so to speak, b offering to sell It for do �' y Bait the chanter are being now so largo that standing fatigues of Kang I ezclogird to the throne of Persiahalf a dollar , Wit , her, she sang the air from Favorite with June ere 4. D. wee The Persian ei r wee' that the cottntry -boy would beat the artie- ! the sante incomparable voice of old, readjusted in A.D. 1075, end the s stem titan&ler oygly tune, -- continues to the present time, ) But sometimes the tables are changed and SirMore11 Mackenzie's advice is: Anyone The Jewish era was adopted inthefiftecnth olu his da ityarriificial it abyeen$iva ricut stretele of virtue, let ht. who finds total abstinence too heroic a century, The Jews date from the creation, over the bait fishers files, These hi ekary n smoke Duly after of the world which they consider to havo sapling anglers are not to be laughed at. taken place 3760 years and three menthe Ruch sticks have also served many a fisher• before the announcement of the Christian,atrouting locality with- ' man caveat in a fine trou silt y , era. out his rod. 1 The Alexandrian era of tbe creatiou of From these crude beginnings the hand - the world was axed at 5502 years before , sometacklecf thepresent angler was gradual. Owlet, a0 that A. D. 1 corresponds withaly evolved. The fist improvement an the, the Alexandrian yearof the creation 5503. fold bent bone or pronged book was the put,} This computation was continued until the which was bent up in the middle. With• 1 year A. D. 284, but in A. 1).285 ten yeare'out any barb an the book. of course the were subtraeted. fish had every chance to work of; but some The era of in began at the comeliest -big stories of angling with 'pin hooks are of that country'by Augustus. B. C. 38. It handed down from the early fishing times in • There is an element of anti.climaz in. Rue was adopted in Portugal, Africa, and dee' this country. lave pound pike are claimed nee prompt return to the perils from which southern provinces of France. It WAS'i to have been secured in Take Ontario by so he was, apparently, unwillingly rescued. abolished in Catalonia in 1180 ; in Aragon, lsimple a device. Horse hairlines succeeded National jealousies and interestaundoubtcd 1350 ; in Valencia, 3358, and in. Castile isrthe bark fibers and vines. The hairs were ly have had much to do with his decision, 1393, butte prevailed in Portugal as late as' twisted neatly and proved strong. It isnot but in view of what Stanley says as to the 1415 or 1422. i so long ace that horse hair linea could lm scthe wans lthof thanon which obable that he E;uiu's re- d it The 40 ten commences in the year of" Incl. arta-mil y has mover are's tail hair was sat dfactoril P . Rose 442, twelve years after the death of, y turn. Germany is azmply taking ilnmcdi�etc Alexander, Il. G. 311, This assn is at}Ills explained by the experts,• • BAD BLOOD Liver complaint, biliousness, dyapepsiaasitlk headache, dropsy, rheumatism, and every species of disease arising from disordered Inner, kidneys, stomach, bowels and blood. We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B. Should any person be dissatisfled afterusing the drat bottle, we will refund the money= applicetionpersonally or by letter.. We will also be glad to send testimonials and in- formation proving the effects of B. B. B. in 'the above named diseases, on application to T. MILBURN & CO., Toronto, Ont, A �+ j� THE Oe. Alsly rTIMES.R If S . Bond Gold Watch.71 i•all tarb OO. until lately. lint $ watch In the World. i'w+ect Um,keeprr. war. ranted. Heavy' 'et old Hunting Came. Both Witt • w4 gents' slaw, with world an o■,aa of equal Taloa. Ono Por.ou1,i.i his. rattly can swum ono nee. ather with our.3�argg.a Andral. aabio Its. of Household Samples. Thou simples, 11 wall as eke watch, Ira aeod irree, and after you kers kopt 'then ht your bone for 2 months and shown than to those whew? h.,. tailed, the bacons your own property_,_ Those ko ..-rile t n... -an ha sets of receivingt Watch mud aampIoa. no�a y .11 w lr.trt, eta Addro„ 11141asoa At tio.. Boz YI.t, Portland, Wahl** EMO Mind wandering mired. Books ]carnal in ono reading, Trutimonla1; from aY parts of the globe. Proepootus PWT rata, aunt on application to Prof. A. Loisetto, RN nth Avu. ;low Pork. "-ANY MAN. I. 'Who is Week. Nervous, Debilitated, ' 3aotnhia Polly and Ignorance nes Tr- VedowaTMs Vigor of Body, lMlincl and manhood, cousins eshauettng drains upon the Fountains of Life. Headache, laokache, DreadfulDresms, We kn_eo td alazery, Bashfuinoos b Scolety, atplesccre4nti:eFtigbea-aAtheEffaOw, 'eu'NfSte to Early P3esr,ay, ed,tteurirkhlr rt '*insanity, will tied in our specific Bo. 2S a %sitive cure. 2,t ima arts Youthful .rc•'' jr t ato: s the vital Power in old and ' Dung. strengthens and invigo:saes she Grain l d Nerves, builds tip the mttl1�ocgular stem ad arouses into agtleft tea tvlloIo p_,_1'rai energy of the human frame.:,With our n.ogg39e 3To, 5S the meet obat nate case an be c'. - d Is • ee alor`�1s, and recent ones in less tbcn ,,'a-. Saps. Ch package contains two weeks treat spent. co S. Cures Guaranteed. Our spec ' ] Fo. 24 is an infalifblo Cur•© for all private Dreeasoa no matter of how long stand- Toronto. Bold under our written et:Oran•wee t. �et a Oo ; °.L Price 05. Toronto Medioint W '_.'\IDI ESS ONLY. _ FRENCH RSCULATIOIN QILLR Far &ug or to Ergot, Tansy, Pemnvroyyal no Ox}cb 5ors:ed by the thousands or lades• Who ase i, MONTHLY. Never Pail. neUevn pan, INS REGULARITY, Flew:ant and Effectual. Price, $2, Toronto Medicine Co. Toronto. Ont. BlEAD-MAKER'S Mtn FJuts'ro atm f1alrleRtrran FOR SALE BY AU, OEALUSIII 0 Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS 'Butcher & General Dealer -IN ILL RIINDSOP- ...EAT VI S *steamers supplied T13B8DAYS, TRIMS. A'Yf3 Awn fiA.TUBDAYB at their :esidence ORDERS LBFT AT TER SHOP WILL RE OEIVE FRQMPT ATTENTION. .dowing-)iuehine Ti To at oneo .etahl Iph tendo In all porta, b • I 1¢ eta onr minims P g �.yyLj,�p'u�Ayryl;L� n geode where,WIlI odrpeople a La eco d drum, wo wall sed ayo0 to o to person in each looaetytite wry brat sewing- hint made n the tIld, with all the attochmea a. Wo will also rendfreea uo.npletc lino or our costly and vslunble art. samples. In return we' ink that you show what the aced, l thorn who tmty ca11 at your home. sled after a months nil shall beand�IItt ��rourown proppertr..7`his and hr¢elate id nmdo aver the sI<Lm•ae,e patents, whleli have run out • tefooi a beeturia a -.,a outlt sold for MOS, with Ileo. attachments, and now eerie for Seto. Hest, strongest, mod use. Nl maehino in rho world. All 'ls. roe. No capitol required. rialo,. 'brief lnrireei oma given. `C`nom who write to as at ansa eon se,. cure ;a'ro ., the oat aewang-moohio. In the vro*id. owd rho :'Snort lino of works of high art over ekown together in hawks. ' JIB.UB at GO., Boa ' 40. lairs sans. Haartne. L Th, y l kept clean with ultra•M'ohammedau strict. The gaen there penohad scarcely been neaps, Let bum retain from smoking i closed when there arose on the out" ide an B p pe• uproar wldeb appeared to increase is vol- cigar, or cigarette to the bitter and it may be WOO awl intensity each second. A messes- added, rank. and oily end. ger was seen running towards the jail carry - night his hand alarge envelope, he crawl made way forhini to pass and soon be fell almost breathless against theboards. 1 "Here's a letter from the President," cried a voice as the letter was thrown into the luclosure. ""His repric e e "," yelled a score of voices from the outside. dust then ""Comanche Jack," imagining, no doubt, that a mob was about to rescue the prison- er, ""N er>. anti having by his soar ung words, Now steps to better her position in Afuca. 'Iha use among almost all the people of Levant, A reel tt is sat used byy sateen fishers o be a goad boy," got the coudenened man rubber forests in the basin of the Arutrhimi `lee down;