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The Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 4
Late Viable News. Mary's Geranium. A GREAT MYSTERY. Mary's A DtxtUWALL STO1tY. whack Even Edison liar Been Unable to 1 " Please, ma'am, this is froth the Manse ; Solve. h the boy waits an answer," and our smart With ail the paraphernalia of the modern young Johanna handed the a dainty note, physical and electrical laboratory, theinstru- A. Temporary Calm in. Russia—An Anar which still after the lapse of t twenty change- meats of precision that will handle a million - 0140 Arrested in Paris,- koperor Wil- ful years lies in a corner of my big odd des!*, th of an vasal as readily as a laborer his pick lien a Kovements-- Stanleys Account rather c tt It cont Berta. but xceeoxn lin - and shovel ; With all the evolutiou oing of the Forest Dwarfs. minister for early gooseberries fora saying oil through generations ogf scientists andthe the Russia, bas quieted down again, so far as girl of seventeen. ,• I have just left,': he bosom of natost ure, w t esdoubt if science of secrete r is. auy an outside view is concerned, but every day wrote, "and she expressed aw'tshfor some; closer to the isolation or interruation of the or so new tracks of conspirators are being she is far gone in coustunption but at peace mierobe of the magnet. It is absurd to sup- '. with (sod, I am thankful to believe, full of discovered. In some way it is becoming deep love to ; and firm trust in, her 1.edeclu- pose thata ardenedmary energy o is ioi all. sed he suspected that the young Gland Duke Con- er. eite lives in Warden's Lane, and would transfer of of 4a that oe eregy once tof actual work stautine is mixed up in these latest plots, lunch like to see you." would destroy the magnetic power, yet such i Quickly as possible the pretty Manse destruction not only does nottake place, but 4 conflicting stories about lain, one that he ed with rosebuds exquisitely gemmed with the very esterase of the power strengthens will soon be made Minister of Pulaie Irl- the rairdrO lS of a assinn suennlershow err the magnet. A n sechoreshoe of steel may be 1 I hastened to the arden a few amperes in ten seconds by the enllmeut of siruetion, the other that the Czar had stern. Next morning g a few am res from a hatter a, ridecellausl ly repsir landed him and even niacet.^.teal to sett ' 1 for the first ripe strawberries. The small amount of energy : it to141,arrd such ntag lark s �..} carol, the pigeons soft eeeiag, net fah lift many pounds of iron in contact. banishing hint for having written a poem and the thrush's deep, mellow, flute -like But without contact it may lift and hold a Le.,..".. inhlg Liberal ideas. This latter is the warbling, formed a char•Inrng matillade. you tdof iron Basil}y, Itwill hold that tin " - probable tale of the two. Long, their, iieeea mist, clouds cui;Iinc ower for =eternity, and every second of that time the top of our grand old ben, melted into without end the ma 1 Bch of the last three reigns has peen the most intense blue background ; the un- magnet t into ceivi energy troubled by a. C ntstantine of ate own who .ratfilcd frith, in the high tide, lay like a cel- until it foots tip au almost inconceivable to- trembled the centre of a more or less open far• ,ver mirror ; while the fraeranee of the ger- geous iamer-betas came delectously wafted tional mutiny about the Russian Court. .upon the gentlest southern bieezes, making The ecce cion of Nicholas to the throne Ul .it really hard to believe that sickness and da"'a was merkeel by a teeritie fight with pen existed in such a bright and beautiful and the telegraph yesterday lnmug ht irwi• bnx.cet 11'.lb ,1,it.t, d the golden frit cover - g rapealiot and cavalry in St. Isaac's -square, Moseaw. to quell a hostile demoustration in favor of Itis brother VMnetttntine. Thirty years later, when the youngeAlexauder began to reign, his brother Constantine in turn was for years the faros of the elemental world. Yet so it was. Seen afterwards I found myself in the squalid (hht•y neighbourhood of aVarden,s Trane. ' Maybe y e're wanting Alexander the painter s hoose," said an old man, with a friendly nod, et high street corner, observ- ng my evident perplexity where to twat; opposed to the Czars liberal policy, and is "it's past up the; midi;le of the dost --his even believed to have subsidized the first lasses: is verylow.°' attempt on the Lames life. I tfueckly reached the door: This man is DO satin"" iii yitlts and tot a 1ue Lord bless ye for coating, my dor, much occupied with hip personal conlfort4 1t:lg;, cried the poor another, burateng anal diversions to be datagerous but hie son mato ,a tined o£ grief,end sey eg; my star t;oustantine is only thirty-two; he is active. trautically ; '"she's weary far ye awful." popular and the best educated of the Bus- 1 stepped in nervously. , It was a =ser- e; Prince`, with a goad knowledge of able Poon, with damp, e.rully earthen floor, science and broad political opinions. It and the sorest and scantiest of furniture. Ile su-presin{ theretoro brat the ublio sue- 1" us• In a: scall recess, partly enrtaened, teas the re:int piceau should connect frim titlt the low, rough bed on which lay the conemnp- p tine girl. A Tale of a Tourist, disaffection, autd it is not improbable that ate I coal: n stool beside her ; anti an s",he Have you anything to gave a poor man, will sooner or laver play a big part on Mus- covite , p olities. fixed her large blue eyes upon me onteutl', m „ um .' suddenly a brilliant aunh:am flitted across The voice was that of a wan, haggard and the white forehead—the picture of a ma- dilapitl:tted'ttrendic:rnt. Hat in band, with bowed held and humble mien, he stood in the presence of the elle lit asewife, says the Cp, hicag;o'.1Tibune. The stand Mew through his totatty, un- kempt hair, and his, tales looked mournfully'. out through the endeasnres of his shoes in a' weird. gaga cure way that would }ave drawn a sigh trap r a wax figure or melted the heart of a bisalt -tender: "Have yen walked far, this womb:gag" elle asked. `• e', mum," replied the jaded pilgrim, "I leave hoofed it, or about tenor 'toren rails."" "Are you hullgryt" • "Powerful genet In the sltoma.'h, like." The tender lw warted young woman manta - tea a few moments. "I have =thne but a boup•bone and some colli tripe to offer you," she add, "but you are welcome to them." The tourist shook his head sadly. "'Bilged to you, norm," he responded. in in a hollow voice, "but I'tu a vegetarian. Hain't got no hang and eggs, I reckon?" "I einem). to say I have not, Basta)! 1" she exclaimed, as the forlorn applicant for charity turned to go. "Wouldn t you like en:nothingg in the way of clothing, my poor maul" "1 es'an," he repliedratefully. "If you've got any old clothes about the house, 'd be gad to et 'em." With alight -step, and a heart full of happiness at the prosp net of being able to Jo good to a suffering fellow -creature, she left hon and returned presently with a small bundle. "Here is a garment I heard my husband say he should not wear again," said the young wife. "It is perfectly clean, and met as good as new." "May I ask what it is, mum t" "Itis a flannel shirt." "Been washed?" "Oh, certainly—three or four times." The battered tramp jammed his hat on his head, and went slowly down the steps. "Madam," he said, with a hopeless, just - as -I -expected intonation in his rich, South- western MissoTri voice, "that is the twenty- sixth flannel shut that's been stuck at me since I left East St. Louis, and I've got a pocket full of 'em." And as the hot sun came out from behind a cloud, and beamed down pitilessly on the dusty highway, the weary wanderer took from his bundle a jagged hunk of tobacco, looked at it in a hesitating and uncertain way, put it in his pocket, and starte d across the street in the direction of a house from which there seemed to emanate, as it were, a suggestion of fried pork. tai of actual power. Not alone that, but the magnet of one pound lifting power to -day I may and will be stronger to -morrow. Where does all thus really tremendous amount of energy come front? By what in- ecrutableproeess doesthe mere rnagnetizatian of a bar of steel make of it alnaehine for the transformation of energy ? Not O. reectory or storage derece, which, liken steel spring, honestly gives back approximately all it has received, put ;t. perpetual transforming or converting machine. There is a hidden pro- cess going on of some kind ; energy is going into the naag,;net all the tome it is doing work —energy in some form. t1'lreredocsit comet front --gravity! atmosphere? solarrays?earth trUi•rents ? Zt Ito can say ? It is a great prob. leen, worthy of a lifeline of indefatieabe research. It is a =cacao, and it will be discovered, and the discovery will make electricity the gated of nature'a forces and stem will become a cleat vision of the dark ages of the past—Madeira? Review. The !cdrlienciattre Etl;;e has secured from Stanley a unset interesting series of lettere, meat, but a picture I tan never forget. the least of which deals h u-gely weds tale "glad you have the sun, Clear Mary," 1 awed tribe of the forest. He rays they are sail, turning to the small window. whtvh 1 the oldest aristocracy in the world. ,loth had not until then speeielly ltotieed, iustetutious mating back fifty centeatacs. What wild sire be without it':" inter - They are ruled by a Queer., a heasu u1, rupted tate mother, "that's all she cares for, charming fettle woman, who Was exeepteon-'per thing,"+oho added, pointing to en im- ki ally nd to Stanicv and his comrades. vie menee pot upon the broad sill, in which grew intended to bring her to Europe along I etas a tttagntiiseut geranium, a perfect bush, quite other dwarfs, but she was so ill on the road covering the eracked pants, with a do: alt, or'. that eke had to be sent back, and the others more, richest flower bunches of the most died when they emerged from tate forest to delis stn pale hirci; ; "bet its all to one tide. osfetFlcm, hem -ever. andre are ttiple- maki 11*0 ,ye see sloe's ayyelsraying • there'me tunt sa e pot fol. ieture Queen a ifoospeeuatts figura iu iris lu,"k• in it : the, foolish creator l-- ita all a 1;o- \laA, remark- ably. 114,11 1" " No i "d, Zaire tk :miler, not the lea at " * ti „;1111 burst I distinctly st;e the ppietura, 1 u,swervd, rising taitl t ail hnv, A Fil'ia'l court slab Just sentenced to fix• autl deIighteilyexaminingthe.leaties. Hower, vett months and a tine of t• 1itrarte Anareldst stalks, teem, in feet, the entire plant, (send• ostle evho has been laboring to import in heavily in one direction, literally turn - der raid rapine into this vague popular ing; its back upon everything except the anon. He was living by means of an single grand object—the dazzling noon -day seem weekly paper in Paris in which he sun. pecitieally urged the sacking; of the prinei- "Weel, weel, maybe e're for making pal lsoupercrrd slid shops on May I):ty and pictures too—Hoot 1 there is a rap - the assassination of the Rothschilds and pin;' !— other vultures of finance. The exemplary And I was not sorry when the garrulous handling of this gentleman seems to have old bttdy liceetil• disappeared, shut the door considerably abated the enthusiasm of hie .dud left t.- Molle, colleagues, '•.t nee.. leautiful picture, dear," I said, '•eaUn e .; my seat, "your own very picture, dart' ; l,t;' jest as the natural sun silents upon ..cul r ran11u0, so the Saviour's face, 'above .:10 1,I ig1itie s of the sun," is shining( clown 'alai tht. titanic upon you 1 while, by His gram, ,,to ; are 4 i,nstuitly looking up to Jesus ---to --.-esus :,illy." "Opt yeti," she replied so softly, "that is' Inst tvitat I like to think of•—Jesus' face shining on 111e. Will you please react about it?" So, taking out of any pocket the taxa-:re:1 nAd Bible, now at the very page open upon lay desk, I read the marvellous tlatnsfigur- ttion story, nod the most precious Revelation guomise: -" And they shall see his face. ' !Melt a happy hour it was 1 And daily (except once), for the following two and a half mouths God permitted me to visit Mary, hringing her the ehoicest of our fruits and flowers, anal learning from her lessons for which 1311'1.11 thank Him throughout etern- ity, At length came the earthly farewell. It was a calm, lovely autumnal afternoon, the His °hoioe of Three Hats. 12th of October, 1869. On reaching War- den's Lane, I found the little room full of weeping neighbours, and our minister beside the bet., engaged in earnest prayer. Beauti- ful as ever in the last, long, lingering, west- ern sunbeams, bloomed the pink geranium ; and sweet as ever—nay, sweeter—was the smile that rested upon the young face, as the glad, glad spirit, washed whiter than snow in the blood of Jesus, was about to eater the eternal sunshine of His personal presence. We enjoined in singing— "The hour of my departure's come, I hear the voice that calls me home. By -and by the blue eyes closed, the pulse ceased its beating—Mary had seen the King. I could not hide my tears, but they were tears of exceeding joy. I really felt I could catch the song, as, angel -attended, she swept through the palace gates : " I shine in the light of God ; His likeness stamps my brow ; Through the shadow of death my feet have trod, But I reign in glary' now!" Thrice blessed for you and me, dear read- er, if we, too, have learn't that " in the light of the King's countenance is life," life spiritual here, life eternal hereafter—that the smile of Jesus, when our souls, like the beautiful sun -turned geranium, keep looking. continually upward and heavenward, can brighten earth's darkest and loneliest path- way, and deprive even death of its terror and its gloom. !'ht- 41t ,rfw care a (live dcunplt k ,, ,aI o ` � iron rnttih••ent alt int u. artificers i u It 1r �, e u ivory cola prob slily the only tnon4,. snow wee in Atlee,. more effectual perhaps have been the report:. of the reception accorded to M. Car - riot in the South, where Bishops and old nobles vied with magistrates and chitin' functionaries in extending a cordial rock ptioi, to the President of the republic. Nothing so satisfactory bas happened since the dot:11- fall of Beulangism, and the French people are extracting a good deal ofjustifiable plea- sure from the episode. Young William, having said and dons, nothing for upward of a week, suspicion is forming that he has changed his mind and gone off on another tack. Much astonish- ment has been created throughout Germany by the news that yesterday the teaching of the Polish language in all the public schools of the city of .Posen -was suddenly suspend- ed without warning. This gives an uneasy notion of Caprivi's views on the subject of non -Germanic people, and there are ruiuore of approaching measures a;3ainst the Jaws in consequence. It was a lovely day in April. George pro- posed a walk and Julie gladly assented " What hat shall I wear ?" she asked, " I have three." i1 Oh i I don't know," " Shall it be the red one. It is very becom- ing. It looks like a big red bird alighting on my hair." No," said George, slowly, "not the red one." " Wretch ! And the first time I wore it was the first time you kissedme. Have you forgotten that ?" No, but that kiss only made me more miserable, for you kept me in suspense long afterwards." "• Well, then, what's the matter with the blue hat with the moss roses ? It is awfully pretty—coquettish, you know, and when I wear it a little on one side I look like—what was the expression yon used—oh ! yes, like a laughing bouquet. Very pretty of you, .bio, sir, All right. t'll wear the blue." 1 t—ee f c No, no," cried George ; " please don't." " Oh 1 you ungrateful roan 1 Yet I wore that hat the first time I sat on your knee— that morning in the park, you know." "And how long did you stay there ? About fifteen seconds. Then you fancied you heard a footstep and jumped up." " Then I have no choice. I must wear the mauve bonnet with the vine leaves." " Yes ! yes f" exclaimed George, " wear that by all means." " And why do you like that so much, pray. ?" • "" Because—" " Well, because ?" asked Julie, who was gradually getting very red. Because you wore that bonnet when— when—oh ! hang it all !—that evening after the theatre, you know—" But Julie had vanished. When she return- ed she wove the mauve bonnet and a good deal more face powder than usual.—[From the French of CatulIe Mendes. "Mr. Prettyboy hasbeen pressingme or a song," said Miss Sweetlips, as she rose from the sofa and came forward to the piano. .And then she wondered why she blushed and everybody smiled. )any a man' is ready to raise an objection who couldn't raise it cent. A sugar-bowl—sweet girl exercising in a bowling alley, JOHN LA.BATT S Indian Pali 41e and XXX rown Stouf Highest awaras ana :tledals for Purity and Excel lenee at Centeunial Exhibition, Phil adelphia, 1876; Canada, 1876 ; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, France, 1878. TESTIMONIAlLS SELECTED Prot, H H Croft, Public Analyst,: Toronto, says;—"Z find it to be perfectly sound aontaii,iu{ 110 impurities or adultery alior.s, and can strongly recommend it as perfeetly pure and a. very superior malt liquor." John B Itdwa*•its, Professor of Chem fstrv,Montreal. says: "I And them to be remarkably Sound ales, brewed from pure malt and Imps, Rev. P: S. Bd. Page *Professor of Chernie'try. Laval ITh,ver city, Quebeo, says •--"I balm analyzed the Indian Pal i.le manufactured b rjohnLabatt,London, Ontario, andlare found it a lightale, containing but little alcohol, of R deli- eiaus Savor, and a! .a 'ver) agreeable taste and superior quality. and Conspires with the beat imported ales. I have alsoanalysed the Porter XXX Stout of the same brewery, W1404 is of excellent ipaality; its Sayer in very agreeable it is a tonic wore energetics than the above ale, for it is a little richer in alcohol, and can be compared advantage- ously with any imported article. ASIC YOUR (31-1100 ER FOR IT intima MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Square m Upright PIANOFORTES. The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Use. The Heintzmen Pianos acro noted for. Their Full,, Rich, Pure Singing Tone, Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their Perfectly Even Wen Balanced &Oa The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanship Send For Illustrated Catalovue. Y- lY�i3,�''''�i�efi�"il.�i.�t.>! and C5Si�:.e� Factory:West Toronto Junotioii r • J.. oPvo 1.. o, Row Lost, How Restored Just published, a new edition of 11t. Culver - Wears Celebrated Essay ora h, radlealcure of sra56utowee ms. or incapacity induced by excess or early indiscretion. The celebrated author, to this admirable essay, clearly demonstrate' from a thirty fears' eneoessful practice, that the alar in consequences of self. abuse may be radically cure; pointing out a mode of aura at once sinipls, oortain and %Reotuel, by means of which every *utterer, no matter shat his oenditlon may be, may Cure (himself cheaply, pri- vately andrsilieaiiy. re' This lecture should be in the hands of every ytlltitit and every =net tbeland flout under peal, In a plain envelope, to any ad tis,postpaid, on receipt of four cants, or two pesters stamps. saeuplss of Mistletoe tree. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Ann Street New York 4€88.1y Gems From Different Authors. I find the gayest castles in the air that were ever piled, far better for comfort and usefulness than the dungeons in the air that are daily dug and caverned out by grumbling and discontented people. Anonymous. Grace alone can preserve grace. When we get a particular blessing we need another to preserve it. —Adam Clark. Temptations are a file which rubs off the rust of self-confidence Fenlon. Religion is no value to a merchant unless it keeps him from putting false labels on his goods; or to a plasterer unless it keeps him from putting up a ceiling he knows will crack in six months ; or to a farmer unless it keeps him from putting the only sound pip- pins en top of the barrel.—Talmage., Love and a cough cannot be concealed. —Latin Proverb. The olily path to a tranquil life is through virtue—Juvenal. There is no small pleasure in pure water. -Ovid. Men's conversation islike their life. —Seneca. I hold this to be the 'rule' of life: Too much of anything is bad. --Terence. A Washington man has discovered that tall, slender girls take to greyhounds and dogs of similar build, while short, plump girls are invariably seen on the streets with pugs, poodles, and canines of kindred shape. This is natural enough. It springs from the feminine love of symmetry. A short, put'gy girl would appear doubly so by the side ot. lean, long greyhound. A tall, thin girl leading a pugwould look like a broom- stick. True resignation, which always brings with it the confidence that unchangeable goodness will make even the disappointment of our hopes and the contradictions of life con- ducive to some benefit, casts a. grave but tranquil light over the prospect of even a toilsome and troubled life. ',This needs a stamp," said the post -mas- ter as the cockroach crawled out of the mail- bag, Past Office Box 450 "Papa, what is a green grocer?" "He's a grocer who tries to sell sugar without sand, in it." Ague, Malarial and Bilious Complaints so prevalent in the Spring and Pallmay bepre- vented and tinted by a timely use of Bur- dock Blood Bitters to purify and tone the system. T. Walker,Toronto, recommends Burdock Blood Bitters as an invigorator of the liver and kidneys, and for poverty of the blood from any cause. It cured him., One person may not succeed in 'dispelling all the miasma of the earth, but if he can only, cleanse one little corner of it, if he can but send through the murkey air one cool, bracing, healthy gale, he will do much better than to sit under his vine, appalled by the greatness of the evil.—[Gail Hamilton. WEAK ME Nand tT'G�Br can quickly cure them- aelv©s of Wasting Vitality, Lost *4aahood, from youthful errors, etc., gniotea at faomo. Book ou all private diseases sent free (scaled). Perfectly reliable. Over 90 years' experience. Address -- G=3 3D E'ILL CO., TON,ONTO, Canada. LADIES our"Rsliatlorwomen"iasafoenda)woya reliable; bettor than Ergot, Oxide.Tanay or Pennyroyal Flue. Insures regularity. Pend ler particulars. Address viILDID 2 t,L llONTO, Canada. ttT" EARDS FORCED an smoothest facer. heir Ego on ba at heads, in au to W days. Magic. Latest and grcateet achievement of modern science 1 Most wen• derfui dlaco,ery of the age. Like no other preparation! Magical, sure, almost iastaataneaua in action 1 Boys with c•hiskers I Bald heads "haired t" Carlon/ spectacles, but i'°"' -°truths. Only genuine article in market. and certain to give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Price $1 a bottle, or three bottles for 52. Each bottle lasts ono month. Address A. DIXON, Box 905, TORONTO, CANADA. MASAIME CIOVHSR E'S PSEPAEIATI4S, 1 (Genu, 4 Ai10 sirt{l1t AE prmouo inn sant wnU ^.323 ILtYi'6.{i Y Iy:RA9Ytt Dormaaatioo re w soppornnoua bait without laniary to the akin. Warranted. Pricu el. VWPLES AND ZLA�i�HEAISS B a=vra from y} 10 to sd day t. W arrsetteed..,gPricepfor ii days treatment, $L VlW 6I.C®�� EW!PaLLS Ear.^'9 ponplo whoa. 'noon. ppant lo a matter of eel:el-08e, whether because 1t la •.:, a:m. sortable or un0sktonabdo—FAT VOLES uaing Ao?••. ;QItPTJX.II5OE Pir.Ls'• lose 16.Iba a month. !They nae,. ao aiolmess !contain no poison, sad never fall. Prlco for oat, nianntthha .treatment, ✓$3; or tiu*a maathe aoalioino, ash. CON711.1.0011 WAFERS '11,124071,- 8{g,sr7r the skits, desllop the'orm. Harmlesa. Permanent 1.1k�trefits,• "Warranted. Price j1 a bar, or six bones for 8a. id'dr'ase• AgHDADell GIOVANNNANI, *le 29C Sing Street West Torantl. amt. 1 oti GO'04.;„,��T " �n0i �'' C" �p • V ti0 e, G N' � ; i5� • say • oea •fi>� �`�~ 2 G� ea" G +' Z'c, Z"iPc sem ! �oGK, cat' ?, L G i caao t' �1 as. �G Ot O ��C •, te'yc ,o .,�� �a��•p��yc ° '� a• •`O $' p?oa�•°o •g ,,O o o1 .i* cps NO> 1,° a�kJ C/ ' oo�' ZS' % •p . t° ci` Cpl' .<,),.> �� `�' G O .,, 1; 9' tigA`tigp aytiro ',e t. i. dN ,y: •ct Y q9' 1`I' r� �1 lel GJ'' Manufactured only by Tli.lmas Holloway, 78, Now Oxford Street, 1 late 133, Oxf ud Sts,et, Loudon. ate' Parchasors should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots' If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious. xeter Luibor Yard The Undersigned wishes t®ormhe public in general that he keeps --constantly in stock— All Kinds of BUiLCDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. A large stock of EEemlock always on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half. and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &c. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.=-Dompetitioli challenged. The best and the largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. her bhorou;".fly seasoned and randy for use. No shri-Ika assured. A call will beer out the above, THE OLD ESTABLISHED Jas. Willis, anager A certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catmdls in all its stages. ilfi f, �° ,> . SOOTHING, CLIMES% 4 ..A..t. HEALING. InstantReliof, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible, Many so-called diseases are n: 1y symptoms of ata.•rh, .such as headache, p s 1 deafness, losing nose of smell, foul breath 1 .. ,l .ng and spitting, nausea, general- feeling of'ilebi 111•, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or fun `:ed syinptoms, you have Catarrh, and shouldloseno time in procuring A bottle of NAstrBALI/. De warned an time, .tgl`oted'cold in head results in Catarrh, follower{ I y consumption and death. NASar, Baru is sold by druggists, or will be gent, poet paid, on receipt of r ciao (so cents and Sx.00) by addressmg FtitFORI) e, 00., 03(103VILLE, Our. lea, Beware of imitations sin tlar in dams ar ;rsi LT AGENT: Hay Township Farmers' Mut- ue'l Fire Insurance Co. A PURELY WARMERS' COMPANY. Live Stook also insured. when in the fields. or on the road in shame of owner, or servants aleomaaufaotaeer of the Improved Surprise Washer and Wringer Machines. Agent for Tomb Stones and the Watson „Implements. Undertaking prouaply attnndea to. G. I.IOLTZMAN, hurls t ailfd '�. ' iaili1'S24" [. 41441 ',i'�•' a 7 1 f Ili lir •V]Y"�, �F;} 4i0E1:7.1PIIC1'1;;Rat.PI(JA1ritleVftIlSJd. • NermaneDllPoat- I • tions guaranteed. Sailers and Expenses relict. t'ic1M liar advan ages' to beginners. Stade complete, with faat-SellIng specialties. OVOTPII'T IIMRE. We guarantee what we advertise. Write ItSM'®WPf 33.0 `PYE.Et, lVnreer'ynnen, ,Toronto, Ont. fThie bougie lo reliable.)