HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 3Established 1877. B. S. o'Mrr, ,iiixL. BAKir'h, EXETER,N- ONT. Transacts a g eneralbanking business. Receives the accounts of merchants and °thereon favorable tame. Offore every a000mmodation consistent with safe and c ons ervative ban k' n sprizmples. ?rivepercent interest allowed on deposits. Uraftsissuedpmyableat euy office of the eferohautsBank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, ct MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES eggtZT THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1890.. EDITORAL NOTES. W. R. Mettaorrll has again been selected as the Conservative Stan- dard bearer of the city of London. 'Ya must apologise to Ur Bishop' for associating; his name with the Bible Society ineetieg, recently held in Exeter, a report of which appeared in our last issue. We do not know that there is the slightest affinity between A1r. Bishop and Bible Societies, but there must surely be a coincidence in his name thus getting mixed in the affair. AN exchange says : " That it is "rumored that Mr M. Y. McLean "of Seaforth will receive the nom- "inatlon at the grit convention of "South Huron, for the Local, Mr. "Bishop, if not actually declining, "being quite indifferent. Whether "like Cal. Ross, he has interpreted "the handwriting on the wall as "adverse to the chances of Mowat "supporters, our iatforinant saith "not." No, Air. Bishop does not perceive danger ahead, and will handle the oars at all hazards. ve canvass he Inas been prosecut- ing for the petit eight months counts for something. and it is not probahls that he will vacate the seat, Whet than by battle, uuless a comfortab`.e berth be provided in lieu thereof. The harness fits Mr, Bishop too well. Tem Huron Signal understands "that Ila:..G sieelared his intention not resigning at the close of tne "present term, Mr. Arch. Bishop, "the popular representative of "South Huron, may not again be a "candidate for the Legislature. In "such an event we knowofnomore "worthy successor than Mr. M. Y. "McLean, editor of the Huron Ex- "positor, Seaforth." What has the Signal got against our friend, Bishop ? Our cotem. ie diligent in its endeavor to shunt this gentle- man, as note its words of a few years ago when it styled him an "old stick." Mr. Bishop has served the party faithfully, and while he is robust enough to withstand the trials of election and parliamentary life, he is likely to be the stand• and bearer of the Reform party. The Signal would do well to direct its attentions to West Huron. There is not the least possibility of Mr. Bishop resigning. Tux following which is taken from aha Windsor Record, the grit organ of the Coun..y of Essex, where Mr. Cleary, a relative of Archbishop p ClearS • , is the Grit can- didate, had a remarkable article the other day, on the approaching local elections. It quoted the fol- lowing from the Mail :--"Like "•Achettes, however, the ',Govern - "mens of Mr. Mowat has one vul- "nerable spot, namely, its connec- "tion with the Roman Catholic "hierarchy, and this weakness may "yet prove fatal to it." The Re- cord which is published in a Cath- olic constituency, then proceeds to comment as follows :—"This is "really the policy upon which the "Government go to the ,,country, "and upon which they rely to be "again placed in power. * * * "The issue is plain." This is a most humiliating confession for a Reformer to have to make. In a Catholic riding, which has usually been Conservative, the grits place a bigoted Catholic in the field, and do not hesitate to assert that they expect him to be elected solely be- cause the Mowat Government and t the Roman Catholic Ca clic 1 ' Iterarclly understand one another. The Equal Rights vote in Ottawa I hit the Liberal candidate very hard, It appears bound to cut a swath some way, and as ivlr. Mowat is the first to come within reach of its scythe. he may lie with the stubble ere long. IT is stated with assurance that Mr. Robert McMordie, of Kippea will enter the election contest in South Huron on the Equal Rights ticket. Mr, McMordie is a popu- lar gentleman and will no doubt poll a very large vote, :Mr. Mc• 11'Iordie is one 01 the disgusted Re- formers. Now that the House of Com- mons has decided to work six days a week, to give up Mondays to Government business and to lush things generally, prorogation may be regarded as lir sight. The next week or two will witness a regular slaughter of the innocents in the way of bills that have been stand. ing on the order paper since the session opened. TIM claim that Ontario has a large surplus has of late been modi- fied to the extent that it is now Wait -tied that the surplus is nearly as large as when Sandfield Mac- donald left office. What does this mean ? In plain language the meaning of it is that, despite the sales of timber plaits and the is- suing of annuities, Qatari° has been livrug beyond her income and is now worse oil than she was eighteen years ago. But it is not alone in this respect that the people have been made to '" pay through the nose " for the luxury of enjoy- ing the Mowat Government. Many expenses have been made to fall on the pockets of the people, notably so in the case of school books. The prices of these are notoriously and grievously excessive, and all that a greater profit might go into the pockets of the owners of Mr. i .iowat's personal organ. Iu this latter connection the manner in which the people have been robbed is shameful. We were casually informed by a gentleman the other day,. -..-L.es. i1 .....r.). ,.. ., „'.,„nets Reformer, and who was one of the monopolists, that Mr. Mowat and his allies of the Educational De- partment displayed a decidedly ex- travagant spirit in the issuing of new school books. A very strong friend of Mr. Mowat's, when things were dull in the publishing line, would have a reader, geography or other book prepared, and sub- mitted. It would scarcely be ex- amined when the publisher was given inetrnctions to publish it, the government compelling its use. This has been done many times, and not because educatio gal in- terests demanded it, but because one of Mr. Mowat's political friends desired it. These are bare facts to which innumerable other charges could be added, and it is no wonder that a great many Reformers have lett tha party to join the Equal Rights people. The Windsor Record says :-"Wrn. Miller, who hails from Kingston, but who has been some time in Dakota, has arrived here. He took some money to Dakota with him, and when he struck Detroit he had fifteen cents. He says man of the people out there - Y P A are star' ing, and he was glad to get home. 11 e has no further use for Dakota." In Canada it is not an easy matter to obtain a divorce and some think we should have a divorce court. On this it may be observed that in all countries where divorce can only be obtained for one cause, the family life of the people is purer and better than in countries where divorces are easily obtained. The social evils resulting from lax laws of this kind have 'been shown upin startling colors by the press of the United States recently. A business has been develop- ed that emphasizes the depravity of .human nature in a manner very shock- ing to well -regulated minds. The Flack scandal in New York has exposed the methods pursued by divorce lawyers. It appears that they paid men and' women spies to shadow and tempt in- tended victims into vice in order to make money out of the resulting law- suits. We are told that for a price these sharks will rum ' a man's business and disrupt his home. Furthermore, it has been shown that a man with a grudge to satisfy can appeal to one of these divorce mills and a bappy home is broken up. A jealous wife can get evidence of her husband's guilt trumped up in abund- ance by witnesses who snake a regular. business of perjury. The, bare recital of facts so shocking is enough to justify the unwillingness of Canadian legislators to give countenance to , the proposition of establishing a divorce court for the Dominion. NEW light has been thrown upon the Irish land question which shows that the landlords, are not so undeserving of sympathy as their opponents 'would have the world believe. The fact that this new light comes from froth, one of the most determined partisans of the tenants, adds to its credibility. It says that Mr. Balfour's Act is really for the benefit not of the Irish landlords, but of the English mort- faagees. The greater portion of Irish estates are mortgaged. The talc in their value has rendered it impossible for the mortgagees either to sett then at a price to cover the advance or to obtain full interest' on the loan. The Irish landlord would get absolutely noth- ing by selling. All would go to the mortgagees. The Irish landlords are beginning to see this and ap- pear to be as little in favor of the bill as the rest of their countrymen. Under these conditions it is no wonder that the landlords should object to have na alternative, but that tat submitting to spoliation for the benefit of their tenants or beggary dor the satisfaction of their creditors. Wisconsin is agitated just now over a quaation similar to that which is attract - mg so much Attention in Ontario, It appears that the foreign element, prin- cipally composed of Germans, has con- cetsred a strong objection to the law which provides for compulsory education in the English language, and has had sufficient power to induce the Democrats of Milwaukee to adopt their demand for its repeal. This bas stirred up con- siderable feeling; and threatens to split the Democratic party in the state. But the (german Lutherans, who are the principal opponents of the lane, both on religious and national grounds, refuse all compromise. As a result it is expect. ell that the English-speaking Democrats will unite with the Republicans for the preservation of the public schools. The settlement of the dispute will be watched with interest in this country. • 4 DIED. cDoranz,L—In Hibbert, en the 18th ult , Mrs Duncan 3loDougall, aged 54 years. Nanta—In Fullerton, en the 19th ult., Margaret :garb), aged 78 yearn and 8 mos, Cocxwxza-In Crediton, on the 28th nit., Johannah Cookwill, beloved wife of Wm. Cockwili, aged 70 years. Kr:axan--In Stephan, an trio 27th ult., Jamea Nestle. eldo.t son of Mr. Thomas Beetle, aged 14 yem s. Love -On Sunday, April 20th 1890, James S. Long, 8th con. of McGillivray, in Iris 70th year. Cmenxtr-In Blanchard, at tho residence of Iter son-in-law, Mr, Debt. Beatty, on the 18th ult., Mrs. diary Cherry, aged SI r c__ .. •. a a-_:, rx..vo AL Vaugbau, Challenge Accepted. To Mr. Thos. Murdock. llonsaii, Dn ut Sia. -It is not my desire to match my untreinodcolt "Sir Bonner" ina racoon any track, much less for money however 1 hereby accept the challenge to plaoo him against "Amber F." for a half mile or mile dash, os heats, to bo trotted on a straight course, at a point amicably decided on. Race to take Place at close of season or at once. Exo'or, April 280,,1890 HOS. BISSETT, See A dry, hacking cough keepsthe bron- chial tubes in a state of constant irritation, which, if not speedily removed, may lead to bronchitis. No prompter remedy can be bad than Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, which is both an anodyne and expectorant. According to the asseseor's returns Woodstock's population and assess- ment have increased during the past year -the former 415, and the Latter S155,890. NOT A CYCLONE. If I were Queen of France, Or what's better, Popo of Rome, I would buy Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder, For my Cook, and take it home. Thomas Kimber, a young Englishman, has disappeared from Montreal. The bed clothes in his room at the Grand Central hotel were found covered with blood and a blood.stained razor was found. The detec- tives are investigating. M1ssens. C. 0. Timmins & Co. Gents. -Having used MINABD'S LINI- MENT for several years in my stable, I attest to its being the best thing I know of for horse flesh. In the family, we have used it for every purpose that a liniment is ed or, adapted f p itbeing recommended to ns by the late Dr. J. L- R. Webster. Personally I find it the best allayer of neuralgic pain I have ever used. B. TITIIe, Proprietor Yarmouth Livery Stable. San Francisco, Cal., April 24 -One of the most severe shocks of earthquake experi- enced here fora long time was felt in this city and neighboring localities a little atter 3.30 this morning. The bulldiuge were shaken percertibly and persons aroused ,from their sleep. Plastering fell from walls in places, but no serious damage has been reported. The earthquake shook at May- field was very severe. The railroad bridge was rendered impassable, as the piers, sixty feet high, settled a few inches and the rails spread apart about a foot. The ground in places settled nix to twelve inches. Rail- road travel will be delayed. The earthquake was general in this section. THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST 100 doses for 100 cents, Burdook Blood Bitters. Does your 'bead ache? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. Ie your blood impure? Take 13urdook Blood Bitters. Are you Costive? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. Are you Bilious? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. Are you dyspeptic? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 cont a dose, 1 cent a dose, Burdock Blood Bitters. EASILY ASCERTAINED It is easy to find out from anyone who has used it, the virtues of EIagyard's Yellow Oil for all painful andinflammatory troubles, rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, frost bites, burns, brnisee, sprains,` contracted cords, stiff joints, aches, paine and soreness of any kind,it has no superior. Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians F ER . BROS.' STAR GROCERY Just Received a d>- Hennesey'sfkandyin Casks Also other grades Brandy WHOI. ESAL. Lake Huron, Ls,bratorWhite root Irrxpox'tatton, of and Cates. Corby Whiskey French & Domestic Wines. AND RFT,A.IL Fish & Trout in Bolsa i 2 Blois Just receive a consl4-n- , ment of This Season's Teas: Our Grocery Deuartment is Complete X. Every Br'anols,. DR. W. II. GRAHAM, Rum: 7,U2,7I, 198 .K,.%ng . Street West, Toronto. Ont TREATS CHRONIC DISEASES --and given Special attention to SKIN .DISEASE$, as Pimples. Ulcers, eto, PRIVATE DISEASES -and Diseases of a Private I Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, Yarioocele. Nervous De- bility, etc., (the result of youthful lolly and excels,) Meet. and Striating of long Standing. DISEASES OF WOMEN -Painful, Profuse or Sup- pressed Menstruation. Ulceration, Leucorrbwa. and all Office Hours -011,m to 8 pint, Displacements of the Womb, Sandoval P.m. to 3 p.tn, A Danger Signal A Cold in the Head may be antis termeda danger signal, waroiulryou that if neglected that dangerous and disagreeable disease, Catarrh, is sure to follow, porhar'e leading to t;onsutuption and the grave. At no season of the year ie Cold in the Bead more provaleut than during the Spring tnontbs,and at leo ether season do the people of this uauatry enter more generally from Catarrh, with all its aisegreeable and annoyiog effects. Lo not for an 'patent neglect either of these troubles, but apply Na leLUAGlt,riteonlyremedythatwillsiveinstantreliefandeffect; althorough care. The following testimoulels from among thousands In our penmen bear witness to its maim; reeds. Alex. Buns, Sudbury. Ont., says: I my state that I hove been affected with Catarrh amen or eight years. And it was attended by consequent ermptomssuch as foul .:reath con- stant droppieg into the tbroat,hawking and spitting. partial dcafnese, ringing, in tbo ears and eickning pains in the head directly over either eye. I nave used powders and douches. but All to no effect; the only result arising from the use of such wastemporary roliet,fol• lowed by the usual symptoms in a more ag grewsted forth. The remits arising from the use of lineal Balm: Sweet breatb, stoppage of the droppings into tbo throe; (consequently love hawktngend spitting.) elearncsi of bear - leg. and not eerie since I began its use bare I had pain in the head. In fact. it is my opinion. that a careful and persistent use of the Balm will effect a care in tea worst mese of catarrh.. l� sal Balm Instantly Relieves CoIcl in dead. A, W. ?.fallory, Mallorytown, Ont.. says: My daughter Fettered fur years from a most distressing and annoying Catarrh. Her ease wee under the trontmentfemtnent'ahysioinue in the United. Status and Canada. Two months' ttso of Nasal Balm tine had more benefciai effect than all former treatments combined. L. D. Dion, Dept. Railways and Canals, 0ttawa,says: Lain very glad to give you to- day the testimony that Naha Balm has com- pletely cured my catarrh, from which I suf- fered for nearly throe years. T. D, 1). Loyd, 8 Clarence street, Toronto. says : 1 wteh hero to testify to the unequalled. healing powers of your Nasal Balm, 1 have been troubled for flare Seers by what the doe ;ors call p"rs Asa car t nasal catarrh„and I ha a tried v evcry thing in the city that could be obtained In e the shape relief c f trrh any and found no 41) PormAnon' relief £torn any of them till a r ilalm.and I find that even one bottle has done Inc more good than all the medicines put toe gather that I have persecuted myself with be- fore' I was very much treaded with spitting and hawking, especially in the morning. so much so that soy throat was continually in a raw condition. but I ata new beginning to know what itis to be able to speak freely. I shall not fail to recommend tt to any of ray friends suffering from the likedisoafs OF 0A;NA.DA: Thadiroct route between the West and all points on the Lower St, Gawreuce and Bale cies Chalons, Province of Quebec ; also for New Brunswicir,Nova seotia,princa Edward CapoBretonlalands,audliewfoundlsudand St. Pierre, Fxproas trains leave l'Iontreal and Helif= dally iiiundaya e;cepted) and run through without change between these point+.in 50 house. Tito through express train cars of the ln* tercolonial Railway are brilliantlyprsgkted by electricity and heated by steam trout Che locomotive, thus greatly inoreastng the corn- fort and safety of travellers. Now and elegant buffo; sleeping and day cararan on through expresitratns. Oauadian'Europearx Mail and Paeseuger Route. tient by leaving Moos et alioniti riday morning will join outward snail steamer at Balifax on Saturday. The attention of shippers is directed tothe superior facilitiesogered by this routojor the transport of flour and ttenerol merchan- dise intended tar the Bastern Provinces and Newfoundland ; also tor shipments of grain sndproduceintended for toe European nosr. het, about tba route a sy be o fro l lit ed and nd;passenger rates on applrcatfon to WEA TI1.F.ltSTON, t0igelokil*reS5IncuaBcot.Toonta D POTTfl GEE. Lailwav o ce�Sionoten r Ae Dov, frig/1ono day advised me to try your Nasal asaI halm Positively Otu?es Catarrh. D. Derbyshire, alayor of Brooltville and President of the Ontario Creamery Asseein- een, sura : Nasal Balm heats the world far tion. a It et aatod rola front the first npelica-� Sewed work a speciality. atarrh and Gold in the Head.ead. In my own One Door South of Post O.oe —11E HAS -. A NEW AND COMPLETE ---STOCK OF---- Bots & Shoes. Isaaeleraterman.Imperial 011 Ca's Petrolea. Bepaising promptly attended to. Ont., saes; Nasal Balm gave Inc tba most per- fect sattsfection of any medicine I ever used for Cold in the Ilend. 1 round itoasy to use, vuiok in giving relief, and effect a omelette cure 1n a maple of hours. If Nasal Balm is not ken in stook by your dealer it will be sent post paid on receipt of price (50 0 onts for small and $1 for largo size bottles) by addressing FULFORD &CO., Brookville, Ont; "EeDIghN BnU R°G,' J REMOVE D Will stand for mares this season as follows: Monday, April 28th, leave his own stable, Hone gall, and north to Dixon's hotel, Brucefield, for noon ; thence to Carl's hotel, Seaforth, for , night. Tuesday,Commeroial hotel, Clinton,' for noon ; thenoo to Swartz's hotel. Bayfield, for night. Wednesday, south on Bronson Line to Blake. for noon ; thence to Dashwood, for night. Thursday. south to Khiva, thence oust to Hill's hotel, Crediton, for noon ; thence via London Road to Exeter, to Hawkshaw's hotel, for nicht. Friday, via London Road to his own stable for noon and remain until the following Monday morning. Jaetee BaRRr, Prop. dATANTED CeTo l ADDI61Vleis'pl girls ns nnprontices to dresa making, 0 f7 taClS at once to� Lr DAVIDSONBROS., Builders and Contrao- orshave removed to Swat low's old stand, cor- ner Main and Gidley streets and are prepared to sell Doors. Sash and Blinds and 'Moulding cheaper than any other firm in town. Build- ings oontractod for, Plans. Specifics tions and Estimates furnished if required. All work done with neatness and despatch and satisfac- ion given. Seasoned Lumber always on hand Davidson Eros., WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON MRS. E. DICKEY. j Crediton. t NOTICE, ARE YOU A FARMER ? Go to the NEAR NORTH-WEST and secure A meeting of the share holders of the Exeter land in tbo most fertile region in the world, Salt Co will be hold in the Town Hall on Fri- close to the gr oat markets of St. Paul. Minne- day avg., May 80th. A full attendance is apolis and Duluth, where thorn is a ready near - requested. T. B, Carling. Secy-Treas, ket for all the produets"of the farm, In ono rear von can save enough in railway freights alone to pay for a farm in a thickly settled district whore exist all the advantages of schools, ohurahes, and general civilization, You can procure for sixty Dents an aore, as a first instalment-b+fiance on long;time a t interest --n fame in the most flourishing State on the continent, described by the celebrated English oliicor, Col. Butler, as -Fs RTrin neYO\D nsaenn'Trov." Remember that 400miles from a stripping port means Is cents a bushel for freight and elevator obarges, all of which you can save by settling on the lands here offered, ARE YOU A MECHANIC ? You are certain of employment at high wages in Minnesota, Factory hands and skilled laborers of every kind who want to better their fortunes should go to the progressive State of Minnesota. Rsustixnan that less than twenty Conservative Association A meeting of the above Association will bo held in BOSSENBEERY'S HALL, MENSALL, —oN— Tuesday, May 0, '90 commencing at one o'clock in the afternoon. for the purpose of placing a supporter of Mr. W. R. Meredith in the field for the local elec- tion. Eaoh polling division will be entitled to five delegates,and the Vioe Presiaonts of the dollarswill carry you to the great oitios and Municipalities are hereby instruntod to see rising towns of Minnesota which are growing that a full delegation is duly appointed and faster than any others in the world; St. Pant present at the meeting: and Minnonpolis are ppractically one greet city with a combined po elation of half a million. . JOHN TORRANCE, MILLER J. WHITE p tit n President. Secretary. THE GREAT LAND GRANT NOTICE. ., _Fresh and New STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Just arrived at the family Grocery, Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A beautiful piece of glass— ware given away with one lb. Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before.pur: sise chasing where. GEORGE PURYIS, G. A HYND MAN, Masonic Temple, Lommet, Ontario, Canada. Minard's Liniment Lumberxnan's friend: of the St. Paul, Minneapolis ,& Manitoba Rail- way -much of it withheld from settlement for years -is now thrown wide open andpoppula ion is flowing in amain, but there is room for all. SPECIAL EXCURSION S At Rates which are Praotienily ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP GOOD FOR RETURN WITHIN 30 DAYS From date of eels, will leave alt Canadian points for MINNE SO TA April 22nd and May 20th, 1890 Special inducements to Homeseekors accom- panying May excursion. Further Particulars on application to J. BOOK.WALTER, Land Commissioner Great Northern Railway, St. Paul, Minnesota, or to the Travelling Land Agent of the Company, GEO. MANSON Spring Goods In order to make apace for Spring Goods We will close the Balance Our Winter Stock AT COST PRICE FCR odeba viz OITIA"1” INCLUDING Overcoats for Men and Boys, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs, Persian Lamb and Astrachen Caps,( A nice stock of Fur .Trimmings, Gents' heavy wool -lined hid Mitts and Gloves, for 75 cents, worth $1 Ladies' Fur Capes e.2 We cannot be undersold in Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash J MATHESON Dominion LaIratry HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs; Patent Medi- cines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, School Books and Stationary Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco, Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand Prescriptions carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember the place, Sign, GOLDEN MORTAR, Main St. W. limning