HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 2sufferers
1t()DI Stomach awl Liver derange-
uzeuts Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sic 1,--
$eactaohe, and Constipation --and a safe
and certain relief in
Ayer's Pills. In all
cases where a ca-
thartie is needed],
these Pillsarrereeom-
mendedl by leading
Dr. T. E. Hastings,
of .Baltimore, say e:
"Ayer's Pills are the
belt cathartic and
aperient within the
reach of my profess
Dr. John.W, Brown, of Oceana, W.
'Va., writes : " I have prescribed Ayer's
rills in my practice, and find them ex-
cellent. I urge their general use in
"For a number of years I was afflicted
with biliousness which. almost destroyed
any health. I tried various remedies,
*at nothing afforded me any relief until
T began to take Ayer's Pills,"—G. S.
Vanderlich, Scranton-, Pa.
'en hare used Ayer's Pills for the past
'thirty years, and amu satisfied I sltalnld
net be alive today if it had not been
for thele. They cured axe of dy spi: sial
'wvllen all other remedies failed, and their
•wreasional use has kept me in a heatiihy
•L;N1.dition ever since."—T. P. Brown,
'Chester, i'
"'Having been subject, for Years, to
ttmstipation, without being able to and
t,luch relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills,
-al deem it both a duty and a pleasure
ar, testify that I have derived great ben-
• eat :freul their nse. For over two yearn
itaait 1 have tat:en one of these Pill*
t =ryy. ght, before retiring. I would DOt
willingly be without thein," -- G. W.
state eau, :It; East .fain st., Carlisle, Pa.
Ayer's fills have been used in my
family upwards of twenty years, and
tray a completely veriaed all that is
els ted for them. In attacks of
amt. which.' sufferedman` Years, they
'CHAPTER XIV. body' had access to the rooms -until the police
When Volutes returned with the child to took possession of all Mr. benne s things
Kensington, Mrs. Burton was still absent this removed them. The maul remembered
from home, wwhiell was a very remarkable ineking the relieetion that evening, when
fact in regard to thatt domesticated little wvo- a the news of Mr. runes arrest was in every-
body's and one tvllitriz the eand-humeluetl body s heeds, how glad 1Mza.:Musgravemust the other way as far asthe Marble: Arch and
b have felt for not taking the apartments. I back to the same place, keeping the ' ik
All this made an interesting tea ; but the just inside the railings."
prate ieal aspect of the information presented "Is it true you left the Park by Grosvenor
itself later. It was seven o'clock when Burton" oaten,
To some extet this was the ease, for, as came home that evening, and he -foregoing to , "Quite true. I thoug=ht it a -as later. end
Frank Holmes gave little Nellie a darting sleep, he confided toe his mife `theet Iteof the it never thought of the gate at Mount Street
kiss and a sixpence, Burton and his \wifa case reg eraing,�thel wweeeeper 1 , . beim . open,
t were seen towing up the street. He wwas exactly as C zaeroft had related it to I "" While you Were 'Stith Musgrave did na
l glad to meet Burton, ill order to obtain from ' Holmes Mee Burton's reasoning powers person pass near you, either in the Park or
hint confirmation of the news brought In' not being great, site could make nothing of outside in the street?"
Mr. Clayton elle problem, and foil asleep • But soon . "" No, except a w enre.1 outside the rail-
Thestorvwwasanextraoreiinarvone,andMrs after she awoke in the morning, the hatter Ings, who was walking quickly towards Ox -
Burton, Medlin,. and proud, was the heroine —as one closely. indentified with domestic ford Street, 1 should not have noticed her,
of it. The little woman would hardly have interests--•w:is In her powerful mind again, xlnh that she stopped for an instant, and
consented to the death of a dog, if it lead she informed hien that alight be worth his something in her fig;,or attitr des gene -
bitten bitten Iter ellild ; but she had glut the last ; while to 11uve a souk at :Ins. Musgrave's Mlase�« vo a'start. Then she hurried lie 1 . ,
rivet in ('laude 1 Inn's' fats' witllallt a qualm. 1 handwwr sten, in the marriage register. }} and lee laughed, explaining that at first
This was because; she had no thonght of that i ""What reason had you, Mrs. Burton, glance' he fancied it was his wife, whom he
unfortunate iailividualat all, either thoughts Holenesinquired et this point, "for suspect- hats left at the hotel in bed.''
• being centred in the reward and promotion Ing Mrs. Musgrave'!" t "" You did not see'bins again?"
awaiting; her husband upon; successfully prow -1 "" Bless you, Mr Holmes," said Burton, ^ ' I slid lot, except onto ; this was next
laughing. she hail no reason at all 1 She evening.
junlpei et it, which is woman's way ;encs,1 c" Slmday evening'r said l�lalmes with
what is ,Wore," Ile added, Elle mined come surprise.
straight too, for we didn't haveto look twice "" Yes, when' I wars going to dinner," was
"tob me- answer.
• Morelli' e t 1e ilia
ucw 1 relit the ,n
signature L
at tine
` some •t t•
evident that,at s m ex r
handwriting Il t it was e x eat f
• t that wasthe Identical •w
rain tli,t ,ap
to that meeting with Musgrave in the
" There is no need to task my, memory ;I
remember it well,"
"" Where did you meet him?"
" Near the small gate facing South Street
--a little to the south side of it. He was there
before me ; he had been dieing somewhere,
he said, Oxford Street way. We were not
five minutes together."
"Which wa • did he go away?"
"Towards Hyde Park Corner. I went on
neighbor who resumed. charge of Nelite de -
dared uupreeedente.l. But no doubt she
conjectured, Mrs Burton had met herhusbaad
and was waiting w come home with him
int; les Mase,
It was Mrs. Burton,"then, who had est•
abled her husband to indentify Mrs Mus-
grave as the tally who hail been the nu tiler -
en's agent in luring the poor governess to the
place where she receive her death -blow,
1 Craeroft, with warrants for the arrest of i we wanted." orihnary reason, Fenno would not go beyond
1 Musgrave and his wife, was already on his " Poor creature," said Holmes ; "what a this. He would not say, what passed be -
1 way to 11oVi11e_ Theeaptainnf t110 steamer' pity • ! tween them on this occasion, lout atllultted
had sleet). teIegra lhel to by the owners' at But I don't suppose," observed Burton, • that 11e started immediately for Dover.
the request of the authorities --to await a " that if they give their evideuee freely, it Why had he taken no luggage with. him ?i
' messenger trarrVingf Alespetclles for the taw- will ]natter lauds to them."• Ile replied, for want of time to go, back,.
' cruor-1keuernl of Canada. Of eoltr;e tete Holmes made no reply, but resting his el- and Ileeltusl: Musgrave pr°M1-4(1 to. Selo]. it
"messenger" was the officer with the war- bows on Ids kuces, wwastauried in thought far next day. He further declared that he was.
1 rants. "messenger"
Musgrave and his wife gave . several minutes. Then he asked Burton if absolutely ignorant of the murder 11Utn1 he
evidence for este Crown, they would by put he had ever seen the register of the marriage was arrestee, for it, As to the Dewey, he
in the dock as accessories, of Julius Vernon and :Margaret Neale. would only say that he owed Musgrave
vh' h I piles, ""()f course they will ive evidence, to •" c ftainly. We had it photographed. about one-fourth of the am080t of theeheque,
affv, ':ed me greater relief t►tan any Me . saws themselves," said Ho rates, with air op -Here is a copy." which it ,was vitally necessary for hint to
kin; > e ar tried." Thomas 1'..cldauraa pressive consciousness of the startling revel- . 1{e_produced the paperfroin apocket•book Pty that night --there was an tcceptauce
Belly Springs,' Texas. miens that would be made. It would be j and Holmes perused it attentively. There due ; this was all.
a ee awkward fur Himself if Musgrave, made were the signatures of " Julius Venton" But here Crudie took hien by surprise.
'Ayer's . known the fact that he hail been the de si isprawled anti splashed, as already desurib- " Whose name was to that a000ptanco?
` ye s i i ; -Wry of this fatal information taut had kept tl oris, " Margaret Neale ;"' "" J. O, Spiller" and
Out wan it, luau ; We know it ewe far ed!"
nateennt1 alt ; silence ; but he cared little foe this—he felt I " C. Smith being zwitnesses. He remember- Very well ; it was Mr. Clayton's," he
" himself beginniig to care little about any- ed what Miusgreve had told him of his sigm .ausweret, reddening anddroppiugbls eyes,
Dr. J. C. Ayer sic Go„ Lowell, Mass. thing flow, , ingthe register as "" ..T. O. Spitler," maim ex- ""Naw you know why I had to find the
Bold by all Druggists and Dealers 1n Ueda -inn Tet, as the relation pro eedetl of the ?singe- I amused this signature a tth close interest, ,money ; I was completely in lrispoti<er..'
lar manner in which Mrs. Burton's quick in -1 He could have sworn, now, that Musgrave "Did he hand you the ae eeptanee in ex•
' telligenee was enabled to make the important never wrote that siguature. I change fon the cheque?"
discovers, !felines was startled, taiee, with "bVeL, Burton," he said, standing tip and No ; not until he should he satisfied
the force of an electric shock, and a trans- . drawing a deep breath, "an extraordinat� about rho cheque gaiug tlstroug;h alt right
formation aecue passed before Ids mina which ' eeeneo lent of your ease is earning shout, t he kept both." r
literally dumfounded him with astonish- believe. Will you let nse know as soon as With regard to the mode of making the
meat. Musgrave aud his wife Have been arrested F ,pointment the newspaper •-
An open chetah door on a week -day was an You will herr early ta•morrow, I will bo l none ave°nut, when qucstianed, comes -
attraction wvhielt Mrs. Burton never resisted at env rooms till one o'clock." jlUlliled with that given by Musgrave. He
unless pressed. for time. Two three min -said heluui never seen Musgrave58ifo. Ile
P Burton promised to let him know int- , refused
utas su�ficed for her purpose, One ulorniug, Mediately tlto arrests wt•ero teIegrlptted by 1 a on t refused state in such a way astoshow
-•x- IS 4-
Valves, iron & Lead Pipe,
Loom Pulley 011ors,Steaa
Jet Pumps, Farm Pumps,
Wind MNis, Cream Separ-
ators, Dairy and Laundry
on her way front Channel L'rossPistrlet Rail-
way, she was passing St. Martin's -le Grand,
and seeing the floor open, went up the steps
with Nellie, and remained a few Minutes in-
side, near the door. She noticed a lady and
gentleman sitting further up, as if waiting
for something or somebody. There was 110
other person in the church. The ellild
stmnbled when Mrs. Batten was about to ton was.e"
leave, and the sound attracting their anew ti
is quieter now," Mr Clayton told Iaww y er, if there is anything clear to my
tion, tho parties glanced round, whispered him, "ands she has gone to her own room mind under the sun, it is the mystery of
gentleman a moment, and then the gentlenn for the evening. -Frank," ho said most Julius Vernon. Musgrave is the roan ,
made a sign to Mrs. Burton and walked earnestly, "I ant afraid this affair will kill (TO DE CONTINCED.)
Via Alum. Utensils, down to her. He tola her that the lady and her. If she had killed the girl with her
Nothing Injurious. he were going to be married—they own hand,she could hardlyfeel wale. .
536 CRAIG STREET, A Suineless Girl
MONTREAL. were entire strangers in London—he show- Nothing will make her feel that she is quite REI�1lfD EUfSYWHEflEtthelicense d would 1 There is a girl in Worcester, lIassael,us-
-1acr°it. that on this point nothing should be got
"Thanks, Burton come amnia to me from him.
yourself if you eau, and Imnay tell yousomc-
thing that will startle you." Then he went Then they carne away. lir, C'rudte was
away, • leavingthem puzzled as to his p1)1011ed as to the object bisHolmes had before
meaning. P i him in this interview ; but his curiosity was
On his ways back to his lodgings he called not satisfied until they were hack ir, the
at Cadogan Placa to enquire how Mary slaty Glay- t pr;; `l1 Create 'Ike said to the astonished
ed her teense i all ww•eu t she blameless in the matter."
oblige them by witnessing the ceremony? efts, who can sleep only with her body bent
Tho lady carte along while lie was speaking, Holmes knew this, but believed that backward into a circle and her feet crossed
and when she joiners in the request, Mrs there was more : however, he was silent. under her chit. This alley seem incredible,
Burton consented, The lnarrla o ceremony Sllc will be better tomorrow, he said. „ but it is absolutely t1•ue, The girl is now 11,
is dear to elle female heart, and 1( is wwuu,a,1`s "'She will nevorbe thesamechild—never, years old. When she was four she hats an
first duty to aid and allot on every occasion. "'Yon must lose no time in taking her out attack of cerebro -spinet meningitis, whielt
Besides, the bride was very beautiful, and of London, Mr. Clayton. But site will soon left her spine as limp as a piece of rope. She
altogether the whole roceediug, was pro- be better." 1 can stand erect only by taking hold of eme-
iuteresting. Thepmarriage took Mr. Clayton, pressed hint to remain for , thing higher than her head, She is Alvina
place, and the names the contracting parties elinuer ;but he pleaded several things to da, Goodman the daughter of a French iron
and went HAD i C W't LE AT H E R d 1 D Miusgravened in "—described ister waste widower—and
ohn his rooms he sat down and . The tw wrote aent he s lettor, i moulder. hon a reporter saw the girl a clay or
"'Lucy Morelli," described as spinster. The which he presently despatchedto Mr. Cradle two ago she was crawling and wriggling
SPOOL 'gentleman signed nervously; the lady—con- by a commissionaire from Ins club. He about on the kitchen floor of the tenement
trary to rule—quite the reverse. dined, and read the newspaper up to ten where her parents live. As she twisted her
Thanking Mrs. Burton, tney walked out o a ock, when he returned and went to bed. head from side to side her black eyes and
'COTTON At eleven o'clock next morning he was at her constant undulations fairlymade one
TRUNKS of the chards, and proceeded together
down the street and went into the Granas Mr. Cradle's office and saw that gentleman. ",feel that he was looking at a human snake.
.fox• Hand and In tis World. Hotel. Mrs Burton's interest in the parties Vti ell, Mr. Holmes, I went, as you re- 1 The girl is intelligent, and has full posses-
Use. at. whose marriage she had just oilici- q?tested, to Faure this morning, and put to sion of her mental faculties. She speaks
d. EYELBIGg ated could not be expected to sub- him the questions yon indicated. He re- English and French with equal facility, and
3$A$ �U SUPERIOR. MONTREAE; side all at once; the great need of the fused to answer thein." her mother claims that she 1s as bright as
_ ASK FOR IT. Soleilfii. for no Db 11Bj01 moment was some friend to discourse with I t, After a minutes thought Holmes asked :: the average girl of her age.
on the subject. Sherememberedone, who was Could you get me an interview with him . " Show the gentleman how you sleep,
HOTEL BA LSI O R A L a housemaid in that hotel, and whom she I would rather not have to do it ; but I will Alvina, said the mother.
■ had not seen for some months. Having call- make him speak. The girl, rising to her feet bent her body
ed and found her, she invited her to tea in l The solicitor expressed his readiness to backward, and without an effort rested her
the evening ; and it happening to be another accompany him at once. On the way to the ; head on the floor and crossed her feet under
housemaid's evening out, this lady also -be- ' prisonHolmes told him allabout the discov- ' her chin. This was repeated several times,
ing a friend of the former—was included in ery of the advertisemnt and of the connec- I and then, as a further exhibition of her
the invitation. 3 tion of the Mesgi1ves with the matter. He elastic anatomy, she lay down flat on her
Burton did not come home to tea that also related Musgrave's statement to him- +' face and easily touched her ears -with her
evening, which made the affair the more en• Self. 1 toes. Then consldering t]ie interview closed,
joyable, the best of men being deficient of 1 " My dear sir," exclaimed the solicitor , he began to devour a huge plate of meal
LEATHER BOARD sympathy in such a matter. The information ' aghast, "" where is the use of going further. bread, and in a fewminutes had tucked away
that Mr andMrs Musgrave had been married Those people will hang him.'' 1 in her supple frame enough food to supply a
COMPANY, that morning was a considerable shock to the 1 " Let us see, first, the effect the news will working man with a days rations.
Manufacturers of two ladies from the Grand Hotel, and was have on your client, Mr. Cradle." I Mrs. Goodnow could give no explanation
ASBESTOS MILLBOA 1 outside the pale of comment; until the date I When they were introduced to the cell in of the strange physical condition of her
Steam Packing, of their, arrival at the hotel was recalled„. which Faune was confuted, pity took the daughter other than that which has been
proving that they had stayed there to fulfil t edge off Frank Ilolmes's abhorrence of the mentioned above. The best doctors of the
the requirements of the law as to residence t unfortunate man. His hair was turned gray, city have examined her and have been oblig-
before they could obtain a license. The fact I and his eyes were almost as colourless as his . ed to confess than it is a phenomenal case
that they had leftLondonthatvery day, soon face. A more helpess, apathetic look no and one in which they can afford no relief.
after the marriage, was corroborative of the human countenance could wear. . 1 Last summer Alvina was taken to the hos-
foregoing supposition, and it was a consider- He started on seeing Holmes ; then a tinge pital, and before a clinic of doctors was
able surprise both to Mrs Burton and her' of shame crossed his face, after which lie Photographed in the position she assumes,
friend's friend, who was a Miss Browning. I dropped his eyes and set his features into a and the case was decided as one of the most
BLUEBut this young woman based her surprise on' look of obstinacy.•(remarkable cases known in medical history.
very noticeable grounds Granting—as I "Now, Faune," said Holmes, losing no Although a careful examination of the child's
seemed to have been clearly the case—that time, "you have chosen to refuse any assist- body was made, not a mark or blemish could
THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. they were waiting to complete the condition ance to your solicitor •in •preparing your de- be found upon it.
of residence before they could Be married, it ! fence. If you suppose, however, that your 1 various questioned,
she went through thatoc he
followed that their one object in staying ing
wproceedings have remained sed a mystery, u
1 Y1fs
herpain and that,in fact,the only
' sioned no
s c
London was to be married. This cin aY
b o
- u.a
g are h stale with Musgrave has left . thous n : position in which she could sleepcomfortably
what had Mrs. Musgrave's motive been for and has taken him the five thousand � Y
looking for lodgings in another part of Lon- Ipounds you gave him that night in Hyde ; was with her head and feet in close proximity.
don ? It was suggested that they might' Park. He told me the story of his relations Several museum agents have visited the
n elargesums for the rivi-
hon c end offered
have intended rumoring to lodgings, as being with you before he left. Would you like to house,P.
cheaper and more private, after their mar- hear it ?" iloge of exhibiting the little girl, but in every
riage ; but against this was the fact that Faune made a movement of interest. i instance they have been refused.
they had lost no time in quitting London al- ! Holmes then related it to him in detail.
together.But was it certain that Ml
h •s.effectwasexactlyExtraordinary bisooverof a '
The as he anticipated. toRing.
c a d.
n AYg
Musgrave had been doing this? Miss I The prisoner stood up with inflamed face A servant boy was sent into the town with,
Browning was in possession of undoubted and denounced the story as an infamous fab- a valuable ring. He took it out of its box to,
proof of the fact. Her mother rented rication. admire it, and, passing over a plank bridge,
a house in Mount Street, and let it out "Very well," said Holmesquietly."They. let it fall on a muddy bank. Not being able
in apartments ; and the daughter happen- ; have been arrested,' and are being brought . to find it, he roe away to sea, finally settled
ed to be there the morning Mrs. Musgrave back. Musgrave will swear all this against in a colony, made a large fortune, came back
' called to look at the rooms, and recognis- ! you ; and Mr. Crudie will warn you of the ' after many years, and bought the estate
ed her. They were the rooms which Mr. 1 danger of the evidence,if you do not see it on which he had been a servant. One day,
pm Irsanh,te.'9rf , Faune had occupied ; and when he had been ' yourself. Or are you content to allow the while walking over his land with a friend, he
sad Inkstand absent a week, and seeinthat he was be- I world to believe you murdered your wife, ' came to the plank bridge,• and there told his
au to one• • hind with the rent, Mrs, Browning, sensible , and bribed this men with five thousand _ story,. ."I could swear,' said he, pushing hit
of losing money, tentatively put a card in pounds to keepsilent ? That is how the stick nto the rnucl, "to the very spot on
the window. The lady saw the card, and i case stands. The police have the original of which the ring dropped:" When he withdrew
called to look at the rooms: 1t was bel e' your advertisement to Musgrave making his stick, the rine was on the end of it.
gg g Y P Y g
W`a�awu\\Qhssn‘ pori. e�h`l�' end..;`t`s`��nt'�•`'�eenea..a; e
for infants and Children.
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[recommend itavsuperior toanyprescriprdon gnaw. Stomach, Die , Bre ria ion.
ltaxtlwi,, to me," ILA. ARCHER,' - S- A., Sillsgostion, Wora,$r Styes ani , asrd promotes dl -
11180. Oxford St..l3.00klys,,, N, withouu;1 urlolsg metnostien.
Tan CE:, -1-1 t Ve n'oo, 77MnrrayStreet, N. F.
Santa fe no-mt..
I;r Chraiga 5r 01 p. m. Sun filen ,Wed 'li obit
Ar, Fitt„ as cit.
1•:25p. M. Men 'Tues ITflur at lona
At. Rett*lnson - f,3ll p. m, kion 'rues four -]?'a Jtrau
Tr' nktl It
Ar. r ,,. T NV �, i a,. Is 1
a .-•• R• na. Toes ed F i
e I
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alr,AIbu#uerquo I2 O5.111• Wed ''' pF i Sat Stun Tue.
Ar Albuis tv,• •. legs r. nn. Thur •Fri S Sn i a
let n ou weti
Ar. ,eE r
� 1.Isa, 1 a.
s a `Jp•,u, hear ct t'Sat 6uu Eon 'ted
a i
A n e & a
As a Dlego. . . S , tn. T ur
r h �r 'Sat 6uu
Mei* Wed.
Voz get the only Hue of thrluslt cars udthaut change Chicago to Lift,
Augelta, and you save "i hours tin e,
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all other kinds.
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Accommodation for 400 guests.
Bates: tl TT �OODRUFF,
$u to s3 per day'. , s Manager.
Bole Ag'ts far Canada,
Wholesale Imp'trs of
Thie ie a Perfect Fried,*
21 DeBresoles St,
POSTN&4F, P.4.
005 -rims
flu ID1 EEF
'flab Ink enough to W:MO
tiatfieete paper atone tiling
or any injurious meletiais.
Toro�TO, O$T,
E. W. GI1.LE;T T, C,IICAOO, u,&,
suggested that it might have e
h been curiosity los
thea appointment : it is known gave �.,
p w you a him
y to see the. rooms in which the accuaed.mur- • p
the cheque, because hepaid'President Carnot was speaking to
Ii+a� 7,
it in to his ac- While P es
qP g
derer'had lived. The
sang pen or kind oftnke dried byg, s aiclama! acts alanswer was that same count inthe bank."some officials at Toulon the other day, his
3h ta-ruhbernoczvotaa}'teed•Used'by a ere w�„, t was impossible, that it was later in the How can I disprove anything he likes servant, who somewhat resembles the Presi-
.•bnrtlesin tl T=setedy wt o k °" e:., y% day when the news of Faune's arrest became . to swear? I have no witnesses." dent came out and. got - into a waiting
�Tdteatanieloe-plates to sou per:a
wKth a meh apmpkg go known. Besides,.Mrs. Musgrave merely 'You can answer any question your soli- carriage. The officer 'immediately saluted,
-5 Pan, i bin, P. O. Stamps Woe. bo# sOOverp+emsdwalked into the bed chamber and sitting- citor puts to you ; he will make the best use the band played, and the carriage accent.,
it iOOp Titbit's Book seat fREL f{Wntlaa tel . room, and remarking that they were too of such light as you give him. Atpresent, all paned by a guard of honor dashed off,
4,. w. • '1 ' r, T ma:4 j' . ligsmall, went away again. After that, no- . he requires of you is to task your memory a Leaving the President behind hi the lurch.
Is publisoed every Thursday morn ng,at
lfais•strect,nearlyopposite Fitton% Zowelery
Siute,Faaeter,tlnt.,by John White a Sozeay.ro'
eltat *Inert:on, per liue 2 oeate
bleb subaequeatiusertton,l,er 1ine,,,3aent,e,
To insure tusertion, advertisements should
sent in notieterthan Wednesday morning
! the largest wad best equipped to the County
f Enron, AU work entrusted to us will recoil'
zrprompt attention.
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t If aperson orders his paper discontinued
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watch rn the world. 1•erfect
timekeeper wva"antedheary.
limb sent's dues
with works end eases of
equal value. Gas realer la
each locality eat secure enc
free, to cher with our lairs
;,.r-•• and valuable teofElousenaotd
5 •'r Samples. Th a samples, as welt
as the watch, are tree. Al the work 701
need iso Is to show what w0 me yyon to the who call your
llendsand neighbors and those about you het alwayarerulta
invaluable trade for us,whItltbeide feryo,p'awhen once started, r
and thus we are repaid. We pay all acerae, freirht, aro. Ante
you know au if you would like to go to work for us, you c 4
nam from 81an 10 to 500 per week and upwards. Address,
Stinson of Co„ Ilex 819. Portland, Maine.
Who 11loat SuccessfulRemedyever discov
credo as It is not blister. Bead proof bel oww and
OFrfen ov Cuannra A. SNYDER,
BR11ED10t 09
ELMWOOD, /LA, Bone e,1S8&
da StaavinCebyhhfozen bttls
would 1Bco prices in larger quantity. I think it 1s
ono of tho best liniment^ on earth. I havo used It
en my stabled for threo yams. r
Yours truly, Cafes. A. 8wwaa.
nsoomars, N. Y., Novembers, I859.
DR. D. J. Ias•DALL Co.
Dear Sirs : I desire to give you teetitaonial of my
good opinion of your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have
'used ft for Lameness, Stiff Joints and
5 avins, and I have found 10 a sure cure, I cord/.
ally recommend it to all horsemen.
Yours truly. A. H. GILBERT,
Ifaneger Troy Laundry Stables,
SANT, WINTON Com'rr, OHIO, Dec. 19, 1858.
Du. B. J. 1 s5DALL Co.
Gents : I feel it my duty to say wvhat•I have done
with your Kendall's Spavin Ore. Ihave cured
tweutyyAve horses that had aJ plvus, ten of
Bing Boris. nine afRtuted wit Big Head and
get=of Mo Jaw. Sino I nave had one of ygUr
boobs and folt0w,'ed the diredtions, I hive 'never
lost a case of a31y.3,1nd.
Yours truly, 4 DREW Tcmezn,
Horse Doctor.
Price SI per bottle, or six bottles for $5.. r,
gists yae°gcitfiehu'�rug,0aaddress oprice by tepro.-
tors. Ds. B. J. KENDALL Co., 8nosburgh Valle, V,
And all points west of the Missour Rive
via the
Santa Fe route
For particulars and ticke•s s•e your
eared ticket agent, or address
GEO. E. GILMAN, Pasaesger Agent,
74 Grstwold st, Detroit, Mich
General Pass. ani Ticket Agent
Topeka, Kansas.
9Cords 'N IO HOURS
Runs Easyy
:ie,( ONE MAN. Write fordeecr]p t alo0ue
in n
tee 0 cars idell laundredi 10 eo e
¢ I I r:.s,
Ua, i P
bare sawed
treat 4 to a cord d ti
a W¢ Hour ereoee
1a11 used. y
y Agency can 7 �5
cRi bo had. ng saws
shore is
vacancy. ♦ NEW INVENTION for Ming nhwe cont free
with each moetitnotby tho neo of ttIN tool everybody
oan file their own e1yre now And elo ltbetter than the
greatest expert can Without it.
erose.eut aW
sp� ve
who 0105
cawd DtlAoO ua
have one. No to peytNem osulnatarof„ a. Ask
your dealer or write FOLDING SAWING
CHINE CO., 808 to811 Si. Canal St., Chicago, 10,
851011 10101 ON
One of the
EST Tel -C
taco es i n■
p j,. E
the world. (�Arodcee nm
ie, anoqualed, and to Introduce our
1101auperlor 11030 11 ,a-sndrnr3
to ONE rnacsly in enol locallky,
m above. Only those who w
to u, at once ane malt° save f
the chanon. All yeti have to do to
raen,. le to chow oar geode to
those who ane—year na'tehbo,e
and those around you. Tho be -
Veiling of this advertisement
shown the small and of eha tele -
cut f'%',o, the appooranoe of it reduced to
scope, The .�..�
about the fiftieth part of iia bulk. It is a grand double ease tele-
scope, as large as is easy to carry. We Will also show you how you
can make from 53 to E10 a day at least, from the etart,wleh-
out esp.rionoe. Better write at onoer W e p0y all ex pram chargee.
Address, xi. HALLETT Ss Co„ Boa 880, PORTLAND, MAINE.
a package of goods worth
two dollars to manufacture, and a large
eMu[-„ •. �• /,v 100p Ploture Book, that will surely put you
C. H . ar � A R S 0 w' � ^ 0.�, - on tho road n a handsome fortune. Write
�e'W f -i f [ ttl V quit k, aud Bond tSa. ellvnr, to help pay poi-
tt1Se, Mention this paper.
`ter oA �..: i- I M' O ( Ea M o A. W. 16INNEYe'L %rm.utth, N. S.