HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-12-09, Page 4P 4,,,A pio •f' Y MR, t 'ttot*saa i ..Marked lake i.Yers from the Glenora ell o the De Artment 'of *ds,=CI Forests ohave been Pate; by alr - in eastern Lake UAW, part of the study pro - pt, bleln0__.. :rrkd out by the Great Lakes Fisheries Research Committee, An old Iranian folk tale holds that the world is perched between the horns of a cow and when the cowbecomes tired and shakes her head the earth quakes. Iar'GODE -rtIONALSTAR Be Considerate!. Stop and consider the Christ- mas shoppers looking for parking space with their • cars on the Square. They want to park close Ili, ,. ► / A Bwwldilg Good.Citizenship on the Presentations of honors and won the Bank of Commerce award, prizes to 349 farm young people brought to ar climax another suc- cessful year in the history of 4-I1 Club work in Huron County last Friday night at the annual Achieve- ment Night exercises in Exeter. The program saw prizes totalling $2,400 in cash presented to the young people who earned them with their work in the 24 4-11 Clubs in the county. Trophies, certificates, awards and crests were also presented. Principal speaker of the occas - as one of the happiest Yu$e gifts. Come in and choose from our large and beautiful selection. ~JEWELLER PHONE 123 donated by. the Blyth and Auburn branches, for obtaining the ht es standing in 4-H Dairy Calf Club work. This presentation was made by J. McDougall, Blyth, man- ager of the Blyth branch. Anne 'Rodd, R.R. 2, Lucknow, a member of the Lucknow 4-11 Beef Calf Club, was awarded the Senator Golding Junior Showmanship trophy, donated and presented by Senator W. H. Golding, Seafortb, as the grand champion shownn in 4-130 Beef Calf Clubs in the county. A member of the Blyth 441 ion was E. S. Manning, president, Dairy Calf Club, Nancy Carter, Canadian Council on 4-11 clubs, R.R. 1, Wingham, won the A. Y. who was introduced by , G. W. McLean Trophy, donated and pre - Montgomery, agricultural repre- sented by A. Y. McLean,. Seaforth, Robert Campbell, R.R. 1, Dublin,1 in 4-11 Dairy Calf Clubs. sentative for Huron County. to the grand champion . showman president of •the Huron County Joanne McCullough, R.R. 3, Clin- Club Leaders' Association, was , ton, a member of the Bayfield 4-H An accident doesn't always, in - chairman. Beef Calf Club, was presented by jure the person causing it. So Lloyd Holland, Clinton, was pre- , Heber J. L. Eedy, Dungannon, and often it is the innocent bystander sented with the Elston Cardiff , George Kennedy, Lucknow, with who is the victim, safety officials Citizenship trophy, donated by the Huron Hereford Association of the Ontario Department of Elston Cardiff, MP, Brussels, to , Past Presidents' trophy for Lands and Forests point out. the 4-I1 member in Huron deemed ', showing the champion Hereford! For example, they report, re - by „nomination to be outstanding , calf at the County Championship cently at a bush camp some of the all round 4-H member. Kenneth 4-11 Beef Calf Club show in 1954, younger workers were throwing Campbell, R.R. 1, Dublin, was pre-; Harman Brodhagen, R.R. 2, stones into the lake and one of senteoP with the T. Pryde Trophy Brussels, of the Brussels 4-H Swine them happened to be in the line by Tom Pryde, Exeter, MLA, as , Club won the Savauge trophy as of fire. He was struck `on the the 4-H club member receiving donated and presented by Ross hand and a finger broken; it was the highest number of points on Savauge, Seaforth, jeweler. Har- later amputated. He was the un - the "basis of awards," for 4-1-1mon had the champion pair 'of fortunate victim of •someone else's club work in 1954. He had a score i swine club gilts in the counties carelessness. f Huron and' Bruce ' � "Injuries are caused by careless • to the stores where they have to shop. No, there's no law against parking on the Square as long, as you like but sheer courtesy should tell you not to park any longer than necessary. There are scores of Christmas shoppers, not only from Goderich hut from the rural areas around Goderich, who find it very incpnvenient when they have to park blocks " away from the Square and then carry their heavy load of parcels a long distance to their cars. 'Please keep in mind that you should not occupy space on the Square, particularly during these busy Christmas shopping days, any longer than is positively necessary to get your shopping done. — - ----- DEPARTMENT STRESSES SAF'TEY IMPORTANCE of 942 points out of a possible 1,000. Kenneth Campbell also was awarded witl.i the J. A. Anstett award—an' automatic wrist watch, donated and presented by J. A. Anstett, jeweler, Clinton, to the 4-H club member with the highest score in 4-11 Beef Calf Club work. Auburn Winner Lois Webster, R.R. 2, Auburn, member- of the Dungannon 4-H Beef Calf Club, with a score .of 923 paints out of a possible 1,000 won the Warden's Novice trophy, donated and presente.dby warden of Huron County, W. J. Dale,' Hul- lett Township, to the novice mem- ber obtaining the highest standing on "basis of awards" in the county. Donald Lobb, R.R. 2, -Clinton, A member of the Exeter 4-11 actions in work and play and bring Grain Club, Norman Hyde, R.R. 1, needless pain and distress. Give Hensall, received the Harold Jack- heed to the safety of these around son trophy, donated by Mr. Jack- you. WORK SAFELY! PLAY son, Seaforth auctioneer, for the SAFFT,Y!" championship sample of oats ex- hibited by a 4-11 Grain' Club mem- FOUR LIGHTED TREES ber. There's lots of doorbell ringing during the holidays, for that's when folks like to visit. Better stock up your refrigerator with delicious Coca-Cola; the favorite soft drink of all seasons. Better hurry, too ... New Year's is coming. ARRANGED FOR PARK Livestock trophies and minia- tures went to 1954 livestock judg Arrangements have been made ing competition winners, •Bill Tay to have four lighted Christmas los, R.R. 1, B'elgrave, who was top trees' in Court House Park during scorer, in the dairy section; Louis' the holiday season, the special Nigh, . R.R. 4, Seaforth, highest in committee told Town Council last the swine•,section;-.Larry _Wheatley, Friday- night. R.R. 1, Dublin, highest contestant Council received: a 'lette'r from in competition. the Goderich Junior Chamber of The G. W. Montgomery. cash Commerce suggesting that eight award, donated and presented by trees be placed in the park. If G. W. Montgomery, Huron- County this was not possible, there should agricultural representative, was be at least four trees, the letter won by Harrison Brodhagen, for said showing the grand champion York ,Councillor Frank Walko•m said shire gilt during 1954. that the special committee, of Scholarships which he is chairman, had made Frank Alton, Dungannon, mem- arrangements for the decorations. ber of the Huron County 1954 Junior Farmer Royal Agricultural �- Winter•. Fair., judging team.► awarded the F. K. Morrow scholar- r rZ Cgg ' � r : . ship, which won him tuition and ,;i;� fees to a two-year course in agri- culture at the college of his choice in Ontario. He had the highest aggregate score of those entered for the scholarship. r �� Howard Pym, Exeter 441 Calf Club leader, and George Kennedy, "Lucknow, 4 -II Beef Calf Club lead- er, were presented by Mr. Manning with club leaders' certificates hon- , oring five years' voluntary service as a 4-H Club leader. . G. W. Montgomery presented Lorne Ballantyne, Exeter, and John McGavin, Walton, with cheques for $20 each on behalf of the North and South Huron Plow- . men's Association. They were a Huron County team at the Inter- national Plowing Match. Presentations were also ' made from the Ontario Hereford Associ- ation, the Ontario Shorthorn Club, the Ontario Aberdeen -Angus As- sociation, the Huron, Holstein Club, the Banner County Ayrshire Club, the Ontario Jersey Club, the -Guern- sey Cattle Breeders' Association Of Ontario, Holmesville Concentr,t- ed Milk Producers, the Mitchell. Concentrated Milk 'producers, the Howick Federation of Agriculture, the St. Marys Concentrated Milk Producers and the Huron County Club Leaders' Association. NORTH STREET CLUB HAS FAREWELL PARTY PER CARTON - lailudiny.Federal Taxes "• Plus deposit 2c per bottle Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd, GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Phone 489 Goderich • y s Sir, or Madam, you'll find some really CHOICE rkeys at the Ainslie Market. If ; you prefer a nice q • goose ar duck we have themtoo. hut, what- yer �t�diicken, :� you do :lace your order with us EARLY. A very pleasant social time., was spent at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. James Young, Newgate street, on Monday evening of last week. The occasion was a gathering of the ladies of the Dorcas Club of North street United -Church and their husbands to bid "bon voyage" to their former president and or- ' ganizer, Mrs. Mary Phillips,nd her son, Harry, who sail on De- cember 15, for England. Their destination is Mrs. Phillips' native village of 'St. Helens, Lancaster - shire, where she will make her home for the present with an aged uncle. Their Goderich friends will be pleased to know, however, that they- hole to jreturn to their home on St. David's street, Gode- rich, in the not too distant futtire. Harry, who has spent some months i in a hospital with illness, has fully recovered., ' The evening` was spent in play ing .games and a social chat ins enjoyed, after which a delici»ii lunre"h was set\Tted, at which re- sentations were made to the de- parting guests. • Mts. Phillips voiced the appreciation of herself and Harry. A vote of thanks Was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Young for so kindly loaning their home "for the occasion. HRISTMAS Not a worry or a problem when youshop at SCHAEFER'S. A store full of pleasing and practical: gifts. 7lips, Gowns, Panties Nylon Housecoats Nylon Hosiery in Gift Boxes Blouses Skirts Cardigans and Pullovers Scarfs, Gloves and Handbags Fancy Bed Sets and Pillow Cases GiftTowels and Towel Sets VAIN a Motorola TELEVISION SET, a brand new 1955 model, 21 inch, screen. Value $294.95. FREE DRAW You receive a ticket ' with every $1.00 purchase or paid . on account. • The 'draw to be made on Christmas Eve at 9.30 o'clock. -shopping at SCHAEFER'S and win a Motorola Tele - „vision Set. Remember a FREE TICKET with every dollar purchase. T"l .COULD BE . TOUR ,CHRSTMAS GIFT ` Hunter "Just met a great :big. bear in thetrorids1'L Second. 3Huntier-- ="Good! Did you give him doth .'barrels?" First•• --"Bath barrels be blur. ed' -I—gave him the whole Veoriiiing gun." YOUR GFT IS "SPECIALLY WRAPPED . IN CHRISTMAS GWPT BOXES. PHONE 56 STORE HOURS: OPEN AL DAY WEDNESDAY. DURING DECEMBER