HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 1• AND TIMOR & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WEER THEY MAY." VOL. XVII, NO, 31. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1890 LEGAL . $. DIOISO4, Barrister, Soli- * nun rinpreme Court,Notars-Public Conveyan Commissioner.&;. Money to Loan. Ol2;ceiun ..,.»en's Block, Exeter. I, 00bLIxv S, • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Rte., PAXE.TER, - ONT. 0flicearnwelPal;lo^.at fialrsold ()Moe.) ELLI(lT Sir E1aIIIUT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &e, &e. r'AIonev to Loan at Lowest hates of 1ntorest. QFFIe:E, n M II'S •• STREET, EXETER. B. Y. a+i i ton, T. ELLIOT, PE TAL, Ta L. BILLINGS, • O FFJC V : over 07.11`Rriti.'S [Faith Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction._ KU SMAN,DI'aNTIST..it.D.8 Sautwell's Block, Matn.st,Exeter, i sttraets Teeth without pains by giving Vegetable Vopor. void wyc rkgthe beat positble.1 Goes to Veatch on leatThuredeyin each month. 40$N WJUT)4 & SONS Publlsf ter b and Rroprletora. Nb]VEU MEDICAL T W.131i~OWNIN'G t1 I. D., M. C u • P.'i,ireduatogiotorlaUttiveratty.Ottice tati,roeidenee.nore nforLaboratorv.]:soter AYNL\IAN, coroner for the 11...- county of Baron. Office. opposite Arr. .CarlUug'e storn,I:xeter. TR. J. A. ROLLIN0, M.O. 2.S S O. 0nice, Main S,,,h xoter.Out.Residon oohounereeently oeouplod by P, lfoPbiliilte, Req. r'. CUT'VEN, M. D., 0. M., duatn Trinity 1, Toronto ; Ovid. ore Au nst., r.o1 togy•,s°MomborN. Y. A aa. Anthropology; into Opiso y;tdM ember Loi. P. S„ Ont•Out. - AUCTIONEERS. -T&MtY il;ILl3LR, Licensed Auo- ■ ■ tfouolrtor Hay,'Itophcn, and M Gini- +ray Touhips. Ssleaoonduotedatinoderate rates, f?ihtie-At1'ost•ofiloo,Orediton,0nt. TOEIN Auctioneer for the t1 Townships of stol+hen, Hay and Usborno stud the Village of Exeter. A11 sales protntetly a:tended.auel 9'tttwfaattoa guaranteed, Salus arran god at this of! co. VETERINARY. SFIELLINGLAW & CURRIE Voterinary Surgeons can bo consulted at Clarks Hotel, Crediton. or at Staffs. A full stook of Veterinary medicines kept constantly on hand. Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a specialty. R. CARR, VETERINARY • Surgeon, Honorary Graduate of Ont. Veterinary College, Toronto, wishes to inform the publio that he is now prepared to do all workin Veterinary line, Calls answered at all hours, Office, Kirkton, 3 mo Ont, I_LC. 1)OAN, VET RINARY • Surgeon, graduate of Ontario Vet- erinaryCollego.Toronto, honorary member of the Medical Society. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Veterinary medicines kept constantly on hand. Office, opposite E. Bosses berry's hotel, Hensel'. N. B. -Vet- erinary dentistry and surgery a specialty - The Creation ooT $Toi Ix . E: peter has there been such a ?emark- bie sacrifice of perfect goodi and peerleeValues as we )'.ler for the negt ,,+ (113.s. Why ? 1'+ecalifii: W0 lease ;far t:.rca touch 0pde, luny) than We can afford to carry. Tennent & Tenn .nt VETERINARY SURGEONS, rL.lmates of the Ontario Veterinary 0elle go OFFICE : One door South el Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. Wo =at S' got ai big lot f money in the next oa day. or gist, and rather than bust we will serif ce the ' v1iuIe of our L.'.:antifnl ;Wei!.. The ng llclnkrupt Store itl l e tiro centre of :attracts sl >:ar days. Remember we eilz,r you eld-1aspai4'rle 1, 1tcpriarn g4'2t'l:M, sat the lnrr t it, r,ewe ,t and most ,ahionabie stork in EsetFr. - f 0NEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6.1, per Dent, 325,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies repro seuted. L.E DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSUttANCE . rt1Ht LONDON MUTUAL 11 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. end Office, London, Ont. After Si. years of suoceseful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residenoes, either on buildings or contents,the most favorable protection in case of loss or damage by fire orlightnins', at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- able company eauaffordto write. 42,875 poli: Dies in force 1st Jan 0.890. Assets $378,428.00 in cash in bank. Government depest, Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAMES Gusset President ; D. C. Mo DoxAL», Manager. Davin JAgvas, Agent for Exeter;andvielnity. FOR ¶ U1R'r'Y DAYS WE HAVE peened n. full range a4 Ladie):': ,Beaded (Ira Jetted Visetes and Shoulder C°aiaesi, aLe tryst fashion rule g ,ads in the We Bought them Mosey mritl Win t3ei1 tl)c n Close.• $2.75, x4.00, S3,tie+ K re guarantee to save you from 'rk per - cent. on veI ' [ tl�+lair Sit l• '' tare will us. D THE TRADE flE 'e . 1. And nd can aford to give you Big Bargains rom our t'a stock. We know you know everybody knows that r ur stock of dress roods can't be heat; uttetly inipcsstble tel dta,eribe he beautiful Colotlags and ct+!ttbinatlor s. \Ve show nearly a tl1L1134P.ti ieces, surely we can please you. WE HAVE THE QUANTITY, WE HAVE TEE QUALITY HE WATERLOO MUTUAL T8'L29i INSUBANOECO. Establishedtn 1868. We eve aria ntee the prices away below any e uiax Louse. Come and see the big values we aro offer - ay. A beautiful lot of black goods, and piles of back and colored Iervs. (:)& $todk of ntfa0o1 s far too large and right flow while they are seasonable we are going to -ut prices so low that they must go. Don't forget --a wholesale Ettiuk of )eautiful parasols, Long, short and medium handles,all re limed learly 50 per cent. We have an immense stock of „lust closed a contract with the B 8 rIITIrTI1OOT , f9 ft IV manufacturers of the everything that is new and nobby. You can save dollars by buying Famous 1 uboerlrle Collars your boots and shoes from us. Some big values in Men's, Women's 1 and Childrens' tan goods, and IEor a full line of ladies'. gents' and Ladies' and Misses' Oxford Ties. boy's collars and cuffs. Rub• e`rSee big drives in Ladies' fine benne is far superior to Kid and Calf Button Boots. Celluloid or linen. TO mN'TRO D D OE ;this new line we will sell collars for x21C., cuffs for 25c. I and Cuffs BEAT IT IF YOU CAN. HEAD OFFICE • - WATERLOO,ONT. This com):anv has been over titighteen ears in , ucooesful operation in Western On- ario,eudeontiuues to ;mauve agatnetioss or anlage by "ire 3tu1dings,erohau�ise,Man- factoLiesand 411 other lesoriptiousoflinsur- bleproperty. niencl;ins insurers have the ptionof insur.in R on t lie Premium Note or O ash System . :luring the pastten years tlis.Ooinpanq. hasissaed ;7,090 Policies ."ebverint property. o the umount°I 540,872,038 ;and paid Inloas- es a lone 709,752,00 AssetS, $1760.00.00 ,o ousts tin ss Dash ndauk, Government Deposit,aad theuRaul. . ssec1 Premium Notesouh.anclaudii force. 3 W.VirarDiax-I D PresihettO, TAYLen Seoi:otary', J.fi, liuonesAnspector. CHAS: NELL A ontfor.iseeterandviciuity, MEN'S AND BOYS 'to order. We have the best tailor Zurion. in town and y f $ Bargaius! We have decided to clear out our entire stook of Cur- tains, Wall Paper and Car- ets and for the next few days wilt surprise you, with prices, Ask to see thein.. We mean business. �z Just Arrived 1VE?Ci Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, Hens' Top Shirts and Un- derwear and straw ,tfats away down is prices. Special Drat eS. lbs dried apples, 25e. ; 2 lbs. baking soda, 5o. ; 2 galas salmon, 25c. ; lamp chim- neys, 5c, each. Job lines of dress goods cheap. Pel"uel- la shoes 25o per pair. Other lines equally as low, space will not allow us to innum- erate, Call and see. BRUMPTON BROS. School Report. The following is the honor roll for three divisions of Exeter Public School for the month of April ;the names moaning in order of anerit. .hiss Voepor'a room is omitted on accent of her illness. ransom's noon. Sixth Class -Clinton An:Callow,Rennie Rittman, Afl'a Emery. I"'fth t)laas-Melville Martin, William Br .ruing, Charles Curelley, Ratio MoFaut, Senior 4th Class -Lida Treoetbtck, Annie Lovett, Elsie McCallum, William Brooks. Junior 4th Class -Cecil Hersey, Lottio Ricks, .Tenet Brown, Nettie Martin. MISS oanaonT's noon Settler -May Sanders, Kettle Handiord, Harry Browning, Na Ferguson. Junior Class -Grace Wilson, Russell Rieke, Lizzie Welsou, loam Biasatt. MISS oILL's It001I Sonic? Class -Via Wnito, Rosie Hatton, Wilbur Oudmore, Louisa Taylor. Junior Class -Luther Howard, Laura Sutton, John Spaokmen, Ettio Afathesou. •-.•H- • Usborne. Blyth. BRIEFS --Gardening is in full operation here at present, several having their potatoes planted: -Airs. Wm. Soutbcott, who bas been visiting friends in Blyth, has returned to her home in Exeter. -61r. 51, Young of Dakota, is visiting his uncle, Mr, Myles Young, of Otis place. --The Rev. Mr. Scott, chairman of the district, will preach in the Methodist church here next Sunday, morn. ing and evening. Souter R1ronm. Thu result of the monthly examination held in S S No 5, Usborne, for May, is reported as follows. the names are given in order of merit ;- Fourth -Edith Westoott, lda Westcott. Sr 3rd--Blanaho Weatoott, Violet Russell. Jr 3rd -Lica McCord, Ellie Riohardeon, Jennie McDonald, Lily McDonald. Second -Willie Frayne, Garnet Frayne, Lily M Westcott, Nelson Prout. Sr 2nd Pt -Violet Willis, Emily Wood, Norman McDonald. Jr Pt Maggie Russell. Jessie Richard, Vincent Wood. I Pt Benjamin Bruce, John Richard, George Westcott, David MoCord, Edith McCord. Farquhar. I3us r r -A number of people in this scan tion are ill. STr A. Stewart lies very til of congestion of the lungs. -Mr. Fred. Hun. kin is also vF'ry ill, -fir. McKellar bas taken obarge of "Colatmbie.".- 1esar8 Jae., Stewart, Tuns Bundle. d Ashton, Jno. Fulton, M Miller, are emit having their bathe improved by new fanndations, and atablra. This i8 a sign of prosperity. McGillivray, ACCIDENT -Last Thursday, Mr. John Whiting was engaged ploughing with a gang plow, to which three horses were attached. Ile stopped work to talk to a friend. when a ;yearling Dolt running loose in the field came up to the horses and got in among them and became entangled in the harness. This threw the workiug horses attached, to plow into contusion, Mr Wnitiug tried to oxtrioate the colt and became involved in the falde of tbe'lines himself. From tbia. daugorons position, with the assistance of Ida friend, he was released without, any in• jury. One of the horses in the confusion eat his leg on the Beare of the plow, and is not likely to recover. --Parkhill Review. - • ..•, Elimville. Braun -Our little hamlet le almost de- serted, -Mr. Hodgins and family have gone back on the farm an Biddulph. No one has as yet taken possession of the vacated 'pre- Inisos.-11'ir. H. Smith and fatuity, also Robt Hind, left this week far .Manitoba, where the former at least intend making their homes, We wish them all long life and prosperity in the greet Ione land --The Tp. Clerk was going around with his left oye in a sling on Saturday had a fight with a etiok of wood and the stink came cut beat man. -The council dined with the clerk on Saturday, the hotel being cloaod.-1!r. T. Veal boasts of a row of potatoes, three rods long, in hia garden ready for hoeing. Next? Hay. 0 ooL REPORT. -Monthly report for S II T y p April 8 8 No. 2 Hay. The names are in order of merit. Fifth -Homer Reseal. SrFourth- uo Campbell,' .las Campbell. J C p _ Aggie Murray. Jr. Fourth -Alfred MoTaggatt. Ellen Shirray, David Smith. Third -Kate Chapman, Aggie Shirray, Rachel Atkinson.. Sr Seoond-Nellie O'Brien, Ralph Chap- man, Mand Russell and Alice Gould equal. Jr. Second -Nellie Northcutt, Nellie Gould, Joseph Northcott. Second Part, Sr -Louie Northoott, Ellen Corbett. Jr Second Part -Willie Warren, Busch, Sarah Northcott. .First Part -Carrie Gonld,Fiora Northoott, Melvin Gould. - Smith, Beokie Henry can save ou from 4 a,.,m..,,,.re®smm L9.ssam.Q,.aanvnta.1 to 56 on every suit. Perfection in fit and style guaranteed. Try us for a suit or pair of pants. We never had sr -ch a good assortment of boys Ready -Made Suits. Just fancy, a good suit for $2, or a better one for $2.5o. We are selling lots of boys suits. We control a line of good all -wool Twe.ed for boys wear, only 25c. CHEAP AIN'T I r.,? :O: 7% ..�„-.1 � � ■`• X8.1 enough to supply a dozen ordinary stores. We made a mistake and bought too many, yes far too many. Can we sell 5000 hats this season'; perhaps we can, ,ve will see. A line of gents' stiff fur fiats $2.00, we will sell at $1.25: and a fine Rye Straw 25c. down to 12io. Girls and boys straw hats all go at half price. We must have money and you can, save money by buying your hats from us. Remomeer it is impossible for regular houses to touch our prices, For 30 days you can get big bargains at the Big Bankrupt Store. For 30 days, 12ie. Dress Goods for u 15c " r, rs 20e, 25c. 35e. 80o. Black Cashmere fo 50c, " $1 25 Black Merv. for :, 7c. For 30 days, 1$1 Colored Merv. for 65c. clic. " 7 papers best pins 10c. 14c, I 17o. t , ` 30 per cent. eff all carpets.. 25c. , '' 25 per cent. off boots & shoes. 50c. j 8 lbs. best baking soda for 5c. 30c. , '' 6,gents'ties for 25c. 1)5c. ' ,, 20o. Sailor Hats for 10c.' For 80 days there will ho a big -crowd at the Big Bankrupt Store. Highest price tpaid for all kinds of farm produce. Carrie early in the day; if. possible and avoid the remendous rush in the afernoons, • �Sal tiI ��yi, P T �.a.�..m ..r! mss., .�.,, ,,.' , Dealer in Bankrupt Stock. 7 BRIEFS -We notice that our old thrasher, Wm Beaver, has purchased a new separator and has now the best rig on the road. - Farmers are almost through seeding. -We have rain in plenty, the weather being very cool after eaoli shower. -Miss Kate Deiohert who has been iu Clinton for some time returned home on Satarciay.-Miss Brinson of Exeter is visiting friends. -Miss Florence Benedict was in London on Saturday to see her mother but we are sorry to say she is no better. -Mr. Wm Stelok had the mis- fortune to find one of his horses very sicit. when ready to go home after church on Sunday, and he and family had to remain in Zurich all day. We are pleased to say the horse under the care of our skillful veterinary, Dame through all. right. Harry is the right man in the right planer -We had quite a musical treat on Monday, an Italian with a harp. The sohool children enjoyed it at any rate,-lt Men very often the peace of our village is disturbed bu last Friday we were treated to a regula drunken row. They werenot satisfe with the use of their fists but it was regular dog wooling affair, they even too their teeth, and the consequence is soul one has a pretty sora thumb, We wer of the opinion that selling beer by the ke was not allowed, but it appears some of au citizens had a keg in their possession and made good use of it ou Sunday. It is ebame that any man will degrade himself it any such a manner. It will be afine thing when�,our new ball is done, the lockup wil be immense but then when ell' the rest are "' run in" who is to take the "cop." Hensall lzsborne Council. The council met ou the 3rd inst. ° All the members were pie oat, The miuuteaof the previoua meeting were read and alopted. Shier-Kydd-.-that na action be taken an regard to the communication of V. Rutz, Esq., reeve of Stephen, with reference to proouriug a oar load of tile, as the muni- cipality has already ordered a supply of cedar for the present year -Carried. Cameron•-Eydd-and resolved that the following patbrnasters be appointed for the onrrent year, and that a by lew be drafted conarmiug said appointments viz 9 W Ward --Geo Atkinson, Wm 13alkwill, 8 Skinner, 1r., ltobt Kerslake, Thoa Hodge eon, W 1Wood, II Pm Brownlee, L Hunter, John Pym, S Skinner, Wmer, `Thoma Heywood, E Williams. John Ogden. N W Ward -Thos Horton. Wm White,', II Doan, Andrew Gibson, W J Oke, Chas Harvey, Jas Wood, Jno Wood, Alex :tiollon- aid, (zee Etherington, Matthew Clarke, S Passmore, Jae Anderson. Jae ezleun, :S Icor- ton. Wm i4itoho% E Ward -Phillip Rem, S It Korn, Coo Hogg, Geo Heywood. H Brawn. H Squires,, Wm Walker. Jae Are a, Jno Fletcher. :Van Moore, A Dawson, W Hazlewood, G Harrell, John O'Aiara. INT E Ward-Phihp Madge, Andrew Hedg- ers. Id Borland, S Campbell, AU a tukin, X Thompson, Jos Vance, Wm Stewart, W Turnbull. D SioNicol,13 Duncan; 11 Pringle, John (zildllan, Wm Oilfillan, Warren Mc- Shier-iTalls--iliac $6tlbe expended Or« the south boundary, between tiro first and fourth couoeaaiorta,, providing the township of fiiddulph expends au equivalent, and. 835 on the boundary between Usborne and lllansbard, providing the latter expends an equivalent, and that the reeve be empowered to meet any reasonable expenditure that the other boundaries may require, providing the other municipalities interested, meet one half the expendituio-Carried. Halts -Shier --that this council grant the prayer of the petition of John Cornish. and six others to have statute labor beats Nos 11 and 12 combined into one to be known as No 12, consisting of Iota south 'E to 2, onthe tthat a by law a G It and 7111' coos., and be drafted accordingly -Carried. Shier -Cameron that a court for the re. vision of the assessment roll for 1800beheld M the town hall, Elimville, ou Saturday, the 31st of May at 10 o'clock a,m, and that. the clerk duly advertise the came. -Carried.. Halla -Lydd -that by laws. Nos 4 and 5, 1800, granting $40 to S S No 10, and ohms. ing the scale regulating statute labor, as now read a third time be passed -Carried. Shier -Halls -that $175 be expended in each ward for grading and gravelling. - Carried. Balls-Kydd-that 400 ha expended on the London Road, loath of tbe village of Exeter, and that Wm Baikwill be commis- sioner for expending the same -Carried. Shier -Halls -and resolved that the fol. lowing orders be granted viz : ,T Hewitt $5, R Keddy 83, W Chowen $G 50, N Shier $2, M Sandwell $18, Thos Veal 25ots. On motion of 3 Shier, sec by T Cameron, the conueil adjourned to meet as a court of revision and for general •business on May 31st at 10 o'clock a,m. O. W. Horstman Robert Morrison in returning thanksto his numerous oustomors and the public in'mineral for the liberal patronage he has received in the past, begs to announce that his stook of general goods for the spring and summer among trade will bo found complete, well assorted and at rices to moot tho wovailing hard times. Hexing added largely to his stook of wall and oiling papers he cordfallyinvitos an inspeotioa, of the same fooling confident that for variety, quality and whist itwill eom are very favorable with any in the market• give hitt a cell for anything you want. No trouble to show goods. Highest price for butter and eggs. Remember the plaoo-doublo stores -Marshall's Block opposite Murdook's & Co , Mansion House. WEDDING BELL$ -A very pleasant event took plane at the residence of Mr. J, T. Wren on Wednesday evening. when Ur. L Herold, the popular G. T. R. agent here was married to Miss Lizzie Norris, slater of Mrs. J. T. Wren. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. S. Henderson. The Trues unites with their many friends in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life. Mr. and Mrs. Herold are spending a few days at his home in Millbank. The sacrament will be administered in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday next, Grand Bend. BRIEFS -Weather r ill keeps coot which keeps vegetation backward. The fall wheat has suffered in the section this spring from the recent frosts and cold winds. -There is every prospect of having good crops as the land has worked beautiful this spring whioh is a very good sign and the recent advance in all kinds of grain.will be most encouraging to farmers. Hope they may have both geed crops and good pricee.- The fishermen are working as rapidly as Possible getting there nets ready. -Mr. John Ballard left for Seuev, Mich., whore be has got a good position. John will be missed among the boys. -There was a picnic party here last week pretty early for the season, but they had a goo:: time. This is a most beautiful place for pionloing as there is lots of room and plenty of water for boating, and good accommodation for staying for the evening if you wish. 10-4-114-41 North Middlesex Liquor Licenses The following is the list of the liquor licenses granted in North Middlesex for the ensuing year; Adelaide -John Freele, '"Adelaide village, wine and beer ; Robt F. E Freele, Kerwood, tavern. McGillivray -Geo Biomes, Moray, wine and beer.; Jos Pumfrey,, West McGillivray, tavern. Biddulph-Thos Nangle, Granton, shop; John Lankiu, Granton, tavern; Geo Sellars, Olaudeboye, tavern ; Mrs Rebecca Porte, Olandeboye, tavern ; Wm Middleton, Gran- ton, tavern: Lucan-Ed Mara, shop ; John F Cain, (Western hotel), tavern; Ralf O'Neil, (Queen's) tavern; John D McColl, (Royal) tavern ; RobI McLean (Central), tavern. Lobo -John W Shipley, Komoka, tavern; Geo Cu:timings, Komcka, tavern ; John McIntyre, Komoka, tavern ; A. E Ladell, Poplar Hill, tavern ; Geo A Monger, Lobo village, tavern; Parkhill -James. Phelan, shop ; Sandford Tudor, shop',- Neil McKinnon, tavern, (Hastings House) ; Wm Simpson, tavern, (Central Hotel); Thos Powell, tavern (Powell House); McColl & Harriston, tavern (Frank-. liu'Hoiuse); Ronald Currie, tavern (Royal)', Ailsa Craig -Wm M. Shoebot:o n, shop ; D 0 Munro, tavern ; A M6luui•o, tavern; John Parker, tavern. East Williams -Joseph Hackett, Carlisle, tavern ; John Dewar, Nairn, tavern: West Will tams -Novo, Pl.tcher's .-..+-. Rebuking a Slanderer. Ta the Editor of the Exeter Times. DEAR Sin. -illy attention has been called to a paragraph from your Elimville correspondent of repent date, referring to a lecture delivered by me in the ohuroh at that place. The Blander has been published by that apostle of righteousness and Pro- testant supporter of the Mowat Government -the' Clinton New Era. My attention has also been called to a reply from Elimville an the St Marva Journal. Aly oritio says the lecturer did not follow the line it Kas ex- pected he would take." N6, probably not. But bad I denounced John A. and lauded Sir. Blake and shoot -the -volunteers Laurier; had I denounced Mr. Meredith and lauded Mowat & Co., had I lauded the intolerant and begoted Archbishop Cleary and de- nounced the Protestants of Ontario as fanatics -then, and thea only, would I "fol- low the line intended" to snit one who appar- ently knows nothing of -and who is uuwili• ing to learn anything about-Orangeism or Protestantism. Those who run may read that be is one of those blind partisans ever ready to twist and torture plain faots, and make falai) accusations against a large and respectable body of men. That he is "as good as though he were bound by a hundred obligations," may be perfec.ly true .accord- ing to his light of reasoning, but his evid- ence from the witness box so far has been so unreliable that a "hundred obligation i" would not likely raise his standardbttruth- fulness. This good, Christian, nameless man of :Elimville makes tbe same stale, worn-out false accusation, in a sneering manner, that "Orangemen declare that Catholics" (he shouldhave added so-called Protestants Ike himself also)"oanuot be trusted and yet at elections they come up to the same trough and take their gruel like men." A refutation of the slander shonld not be necessary, for it comes from nue with political hack proclivities like that of Mowat, Frazer & Go., and has on its double face the plain imprint of Protestant Ontario ruled by the Romish Hierarchy, by and with the consent of Protestants who can see no good in au Orangeman's obligation 1 Is: it not true y Certainly. And they aro to be found hurling their anathemas at Orangemen and Orangeism, Let me assure this worthy disciple of Fenian O'Brien, our own Laurier, Mowat dt Co;, that the sons of. William can afford to treat with contempt his puny efforts to write them down. They can laugh tc ., eoorn this . aeserter of more porter to the Pope," even though 1.e may pray for the revival of the "Holy Inquisition," or secure the ;bigoted Arch- bishop Cleary td as=ist ,iii consigning the Orangemen of Biddulph District and tlru' county of South. Huron to their tondor mercies ;.for ,heretioel, sacrifice. No doubt your very good .Protestant scribe, though not bouud by an obligation, would delight in the torture and agony of his victim Brit his oecnpasion is gone. Calumny ail 1 abuse constitute the only weapons left ham since Rome's power to persecute Protestant's :eau chattered two hundred years ago, if tips A3.titnvillo tosrespnndent to the Time: will furnish his n;gine to the . public I -will, with your permission, go more into detail Costner •in `a future issue. Clinton, 'May 5th, '90. A M. Toho.