HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-11-18, Page 9IlEALTR. UN R444) SPEAKS TO KIN WITES The regular meetn i g of the f -oderich Kinettes was held on Monday evening, Dr. R, M. Al.dis, M.O.H. for Huron County, was guespeaker and was introduced. by the presi- dent,,.Mrs.._Grace Patterson. He chose as his topic, `Mental Health," and also presented an informative film on this attbiect. Three new members were wel- comed into the club and the dolls tllected .from 'the Public ',MI. Separate S 000s were distribntt6 to the members t he given to needy children at .Qhristmas, .el$o layettes for „the Children's AidSo- ciety were given out. stars. The move, ar move, hui they are so far away that it takes many years before these motions are easily apparent. The first patent issued ada, in 1824, - was for a 'machine. in Can - washing See the Large Range of from which to choose the materials for the winter ,ward- robe for the' children and yourself. To help you with your dressmaking problems, we suggest Vogue,' Butterick and Sinirplicity.patiterns. Choose your Christmas luggage for ladies' and gents' early and we will initial thein FREE. Phone 86 Goderich G RIDGE KI I3. i,Ia 'r, �' Nev. 7.. •-- Mt and Mrs. Jose�h�aryey, Michael; Mrs. Murphy and baby, of Toronto, spent • the week -end at the home of Thomas Garvey. Mr. and Mrs. Van Osch, and Mr. and -Mrs. Heindrichs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Geil- an, of Exeter. *Mr, .and Mrs. Gene 'Frayne, Danny, and Mrs. Don Frayne spent last week with relatives in Hesson, Kitchener and Kinkora. Mrs. Reynolds hasreturned to her home here after two weeks visit in Galt. Mrs. Bernardine Kinney closed her summer home here and is now visiting herr uncle, Michael Griffin, of Duluth. Mrs. Kinney intends spending' the winter months with her brother, Rev. Ralph O'Lough- lin in Texas. • A.contx.ibution of $54.60 was sent to the, Ontario Hurricane Relief Fund from the people of St. Joseph's parish. - The winner of the door prize last Friday night at the dance sponsored by the C.W.L. was Mrs.. Joseph Courtney. A dance to be held on November 26 was also announced. Williand Van Osch, of Toronto„ spent the week -end at" his home here. , Word has been 'received here of the sudden death of ' Leonard O'- Reilly, of Cargill, whose funeral took place on Monday morning in Cargill. Mr. Moore and family, of De- troit, visited at the home of Mich- ael O'Neill over the week -end. Mrs. Martha O'Neill returned to Detroit with them on Sunday. Several friends and relatives of the graduates of the Goderich Col- legiate' Institute attended the com- mencement and graduation exer- cises held in the school auditorium on Friday, Among those receiv- ing their intermediate certificates were Peter Lierman and Frances Dalton of this parish, to whom we k extend congratulations. Peter Lierman was given special mention' by the principal, Mr. Scott, as he Was. the winner of the Peter Adam- I son Memorial for Grade X, for general . proficiency, and also' the award from the Catholic Women's League for highest standing in Grade X Latin. WINS AT FAIR J. B. Mills, Palmerston street, , was very pleased with his winnings at the Royal Winter Fair this year. There was�.the:..largest :competition= in the • Hamburg—class that has ever been shown.ip He showed eight birds and got three first prizes, two seconds and one first; . he had also the .champion bird in the Hamburg class. �1'fl ) Nov. 17. r'` M axe Mad. Adan McCartney, of Clinton call- ed on.�Williamt Watson and ld'rs. A. Mcilwain last Thursday. . Aparty of ladies attended clothing demonstration at the home ' of 'Mrs. John Clement by Mrs. Good, of Goderich._ Mrs. William Walter was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, for another operation.. Mrs. Davidson, of Detroit, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Spragge, and,, Mr. Spragge. Best wishes to Mrs. H. Spragge on her 91st birthday last Friday, November 12. She was the re- cipient of ' many cards and two lovely birthday cakes. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson, of Sarnia, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. Matthews. Misses Joy and Maxine McNee, of Goderich, were guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNee over the week -end. John Johnston, of Edmonton, is staying with his mother, Mrs. Owen Moore and Mr. Moore, after undergoing _a serious operation in Victoria Hospital, London. ,Cecil Skinner took the sermon on Sunday to celebrate layman's Sunday in Nile Church. „• Vel. A. Meets. -.The annual meet- ing of the Nile W.A. was held in the basement of the'ichurch on November 9 with 10 members pre- sent. Mrs. Graham McNee was in charge of the meeting. The nom- inating committee had prepared a slate of officers , for 1955. Rev. George Watt was present and took -charge of the election and instal- lation of officers. The following are the 'officers for the coming year; Past president, Mrs. Alvin Kerr; president, Mrs. A. Schram; first vice-president, --Mrs. D. -Mac- Diarmid; second vice-president, ' ',s. `C Me 'ee;''secretary and press secretary, Mrs. W. Rutledge; as- sista nt secretary, Mrs. Robert Bogie; treasurer, Mrs. , G. McNee; pianist, Mrs. 0. Ribey; assistant pianist, Mrs. C. McPhee; .parsonage committee, Mrs. H. Mathews, Mrs, W. Pettman, Mrs. H. Pentland; buying committee, Mrs. R. Ryan, Mrs. •G. Anderson; work committee, Mrs. A. Kerr, Mrs. H. Watson, Mrs. If. Pettman; hostess committee, Mrs.` D: McNeil, Mrs. S. McGratten, Mrs. M. Kerr, Mrs. H. Fisher. The Scripture ,Lesson was read by Mrs. R. Bogie and the topic was given by Mrs. W. Rutledge. Mrs. Me - Nee gave' the financial report. It was decided to send a $5 "Care" parcel to Korea. A report of the W.A. rally at Centralia was read by Mrs. Mathews, SCHEDULE IS LISTED FOR BOOKMOBILE ohedule for Huron County's bookmobile ' for the next three weeks has been announced by the librarian, Mrs. R. G. Eckmier. Stops in the Goder. icb district are as follows: Nov. 30—Goderich; S.S. No. 2, Goderich Township; 'Clinton; Blyth; S.S. 11, East Wawanosh; Auburn library. Dec. 1—Belgrave, Wingham, St. Helens, Dungannon. Dec. 6-LGodericit. Dec. 10—S.S. No. 5, Goderich; S.S. No. 9, Goderich; S.S. No. 12, Hallett; S.S. No. 10, Hallett; S.S. No. 8, Hallett; Auburn; S.S: No. 1-, West Wawanosh; Dungannon. 'Definition: Text Paper is a cate- gory of Book and Magazine pa er produced by the fine paper In- dustry in Canada. The cold winds do blow And we do have snout .. L E S r. ��4.4v.�M Mrs. Terence ant and • fr. am Mrs. "Elmer Huntek,AQ ed to Detroit last week -end to atteu‘the_ Wedding of Miss Edna ,ArnastrO ,� Mrs. Hunter, sr., remained for the week with her sister, Mrs. J., Axa - strong and Mr. Armstrong, who accompanied Mrs. Hunter home, raham Bogie, who left last week to work in Sarnia, spent the week -end with. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Andrew Bogie. Mr. • and 'MVlrsj Elvin Pollock, of Campbellford, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pollock, of Kincardine, visit- ed last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie and on Wednesday Mr. and Mr's. William Stoddart, Kenny, Mary:, and David, of Lions Head, visited with them. Mrs. Donald Plunkett and infant baby are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter. Billy and , Betty are also with their mother and grandpar- ents. Andy visited at the week- end, but returned home for school. Christening.—Sandra Ann, baby -daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Elinor Hunter was christened recently by her grandfather, Rev. William Newman in his church at Lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter and Linda also attended the service and visited with Rev. and Mrs. Newman. WESTFIELD WESTF E D, Nov. 17.—Mr. and Mrs. Carter and 'Mrs. Jameisou, of Clinton, ' visited with Mrs. Frank Campbell on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cardiff, of Brussels: Mrs. Douglas Campbell is a pat- ient Gin Wingham 'hospital, w=here she underwent an operation. Jasper McBrien, of Goderich, aha Mrs. Annie Walper, of Auburn,, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon R. Snell. Cecil Campbell, of Exeter, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Campbell. Mrs. Fred J. Cook and, Ruth were visitors on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. James.'Boak of Crewe. ' A. L. , Cook, of Blyth, and Arn- old Cook are spending a few days in 'Toronto attending the Royal Winter Fair. Gerald McDowell, of Ridgetown, spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- -i -Dowell, and attended.,, fhe- com- mencement exercises at Goderich District Collegiate Institute on Fri- day night.. Mission Band.. — The Mission Band .met on Sunday. Scripture was read by Hugh Campbell, fol- lowed by prayeE given by Mrs. Howard .Campbelr, A reading was given "by Shirley -Snell. The study book was taken by Mrs. Hugh BIair. Garth Walden gave a read- ing. Mrs. Howard Campbell *told a story illustrated by flannelgraph and the offering was received. Roll -call was answered by 21. Mrs. Hugh Blair pronounced the bene diction. UNION Q 04040 IN l,'7,. --.Mrs. R Nova ohert .'able, fps a,���tdr+�;; Mc •ist r , Carl � e � l aovp�,.b and ,Da ., and . and Mrs- Cecil n '' . ,� the ��va .� �?s!�'me►:.., Pollock and maid,. of Ge erich, , of ;, C e s: d r w ta* Vent; the week end with. relatives eziit t Detroit. 1053, per' a EBB ROSS ' Says -The Dominion Coronet is more than a,Lzfe insurance Policy. It's a24,20 year savings -plan that guarantees your family all the do deposits you have made, PLUS the face value of the Policy, PLUS the dividends left with the Policy, if you die before 65. E. M. ROSS' Phone me for details. . Representative Goderich. Ont. Phone 37 ••••••••••••••••••.!*•••'•�••••••••••••••••••.•••mN • sCOMPLETE -e •I'REPAIR' e: • REPAIR- 'SERVICE ,.. i • • -ON— • • • • • . 41 • ALL MAKES• • OF CARS• • Anything from a minor repair job to' a complete e ® overhaul, • • • • • • ® All work 'done by competent mechanics • and • ® guaranteed. • •• •• i • • : — E-- SER -VIDE --A•: - •SAKE. ..... ,..-----...,._._7 1.�.._.......::., OF - BRITISH BUILT CARS I • • • When•,. it comes to BRIGGS and STRATTON ENGINES i • we supply both service and parts. • •• • Z • Cainpbeil'sGarage' = • ST. DAVID' 'STREET PHONE• 1097 . • i el •••••••••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••••• GENER.AL ELECTRIC BUT --So, What ---as longas -ha-�� e you v. doorsttlh flt.tlStorm. Anda nfry ws a d: �g -ons yOur home! - i You'ii keep warm with our storm. windows ---and what's ,more- they will Your dollars count DOUBLE on • your down payment when you get a Dominion,,Automatic Washer. $10counts as $20. $5Q counts as $100. We'll credit you with $2.00 For every dollar you put up. fest Washer Yet 4 Has Dominion's Rollover washing ac- tion which, gets clothes much cleaner. No installation costs— no plumbing, no bolting. 'Trouble-free, simple sturdy, mechanism gives marvellous service. No solenoids. Pspecial wiring. On casters —easily moved. Dump your washing into the Dominion, close the lid and away you go: Go off down town if you Tike. It shuts off, rinses itself out, drains off when clothes are washed and rinsed and damp dried. . On , Y our Fuel 'Bit!. Our storm windows will fit any sized window. Call us for a .free estimate Godaich Manufacturm8 Go. Ltd. .Anglesey St. Building supplies Phone 61 COME TO US FOR FREE APPRAISAL O.f .1. A L•.0 E— OF YOUR OLD WASHER OUR BUDGET PLAN GREAT- LY ASSISTS MOST OF OUR CUSTOMERS IN PAYING OFF BALANCE. SHOP, COMPARE AND CONVINCE YOURSELF THAT G.E. UTLTRA,ISION is' the ' FINEST TV ON THE MARKET T'fi] AY. 0. Why is it so superior to all other makes? Because ONLY. ULTRA -VISION ori 'bines the components necessary, to • give . you-consistntry outstanding television pertor anoe. Phone 240J BRITANNIA ROAD-• 1.