HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-11-18, Page 6`qM:'�;, x,, }i .. �" r pi ;.-: -`u- � ;x�i.rit^K'u ur-Cti �1•'. .. H a otfli Be G IN .DECEMBER You Bought In November •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rear . We now . have a complete t a Ohristru. as stock iax alt, ],i7nes, ;x� ;� 3 �.se,t The early, sh.opper has the largest selection from which to choose. : That's why you'll be glad in December you bought in November. Why not ar- range to do just that this week -end. Membership continues to grow in the recently -formed Goderich Booster Club, and memb s of the executive have expressed `" their pleasure with the response to help make the�grganization a success. {Xx�� The call) feels, however, that still more members are needed and the membership drive is being con- , tinued. ]Following is a list of those who �' z5• ,�:� have joined the, club to date: J. S. Culp, R. G. Sanderson, Mrs. 11. G. ,X�cY� acy,sc. Sanderson, G. Buchanan, R. J. ]Brewer, J. A. Bisset, J. Donnelly A. L. Cole, F. Moore, G. Allison, Mrs. G. Allison C. Black B. Ainslie,. Miss Mary Lou Mathieson `k J. Evans, W. Greenwood, W. . B. Dalby, Mrs. F. Donnelly, J. A. Graham, L.' H. Black, J. A. Mc- Connell, L. Bloomfield, J: A. Reed, B. Kelly, Mrs. A. Pruder, N. M. MacDonald, Mrs. N. M. MacDonald, A. H. Erskine, C. B. Banks, W. T. Lumby, Erskine Supply, 13. Gard- ner, P. Zimmerman, Miss E. Fuller, G. Plante, Mrs. F. Reid, E....Cham- bers, C. Edwards, G. Filsinger, I. Papernick, W. MacDonald, B. Woods, J. Allaire L Bedard, G. Thompson, Dr. N. ' 'ackson, M. Bell, F. Morgan, A. Andrew, E. Allison, F. Reid, B. Sanderson, J. Wilkin- son, Mrs. J. Wilkinson, B. Lang - ridge, B. Needham, Miss B. SoWer- by, J. Moody, A. Hamilton, R. Men- zies, Mrs. P. Bedard, H. Newcombe, W. Ferguson, W, Bond, M. • McLean, R. Blackstone, D. McDonald, T. Mc- Lean, G. Currell, J. Adams, B. Mills, W. Thompson, C. Hoffman, C. McCue, A. Mallough, Mrs. A. Mallough, C. Stewart, B. Sowerby, B. Moore,' H. Westlake, H. Stewart, D. Stimson, J. Videan, D. Pruder, A. Powell, H. Beattie, H. Haylock, R. -D. Neville, D. McKay, B. Squires, G. Farly, Miss J. Baechler, R. Williamson, B. Jeffrey, R. Mer- riam, Mrs. B. Jeffrey, B. Whiteman, T. Skeoch, F. Overholt; F. Mc- Arthur, R. MacLusky, M. Mont- gorne•ry, S. Crawford, C. Shelton, B. Abbott, N. Harnock, C. Gibbons, E. Elliott, Goderich Mfg. Co., E. Montgomery, R. Williams, B. Clem, ents, G. Crawford, E. Ervine, S. Ryan, J. D. Trumbley, D. Riehl, J. Robertson, B. Ryan, T. - Gower, J. Carmichael, W. Curry,, R. Bell, Mrs. R. Bell, C. Lowery, W. A. Craig, Signal -Star Ltd., B. Beaton, K .Craft, C. Tweedie, L. Overholt, J. Frith C. Nivirls, F. E. Hibbert,' .acT.iisiia ,,' iss'B"°Beacarn;- Straughan, C. Hudson, T. Cham- bers, S. Meriam, G. Glousher, G. Chambers, C. Freetii, B. H. Gold- thorpe, B. Kelly, J. Moore, Miss M. MacKay, W. Littlechild, Mrs. E. Meriam, W. Smith, B. Jerry, D. Aberhart, H. G. ,Arbour, ' S. H. Mrs. K. K. Dawson; became ill Blake, B. Ross, D. Ross, Mrs. M. Beacom, G. Ryan, W. Nicholson, J. suddenly on Saturday morning and Ladd, R, Chisholm, P. Eisenbach, was rushed to Goderich hospital B. Mugford, D. O'Brien, A Friend, and was operated on for strangled T: Webster, H. Montgomery,13 • • Sport Shirts Bath Robes Ties Topcoats • Genuine Ripons Suits • Pyjamas Gloves Hats NylonShirts Scarves Hickoek Belts Leather Jackets Station Wagon Coats Sweaters, Pullovers Work Clothing Hose Polo'amas Jewelry p n WE WILL LAY AWAY" NOW THE ITEMS YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS. •a•••••••••••••••••••••• 05, A g A g SWEEPING CHANGES in weal service are announced by the, i Canadian National Railways, made pos- sible by the introduction of its new passenger rolling stock. Dinette cars, parlor -grill, buffet -parlor and sleeper - grills will offer budget priced meals to travellers on many of the ONR's, main, line trains, For the first time since pre- war years, meals costing Tess than a dollar will be featured regularly in these cars. The innovations mark another step in the CNR's aim to provide the public, in addition- to new and smartly designed passenger equipment, a type of dining car 'service at prices suitable to the budgets of coach as well as sleeping car travellers. Service in the grill class cars, or "coffee shops on wheels", and the 'dinettes will be operated continuously throughout the day and evening. Four new dinette cars, shown upper picture, are in trains 1 and 2 between Montreal and Winnipeg in place of the customary dining cars. In addition, to regular dining cars, buffet cars offer coffee shop privileges on the second leg of the trip between Winnipeg and Vancouver.' Regular dining `cars remain on trains 3 and 4, between Toronto and Vancouver; but these are supplemented by new sleeper -grill cars, shown lower left. Two dinette cars are also in daily pool train service between Montreal and Toronto, attached to the morning trains leaving each city, NEWSOF AUBURN AUBURN, .'Nov. 17.—Mrs. Cath-4tery. trine Dobie is visiting her son, Eugene, and Mr's. Dobie, Toronto. _Mrs, William Haggitt is visiting friends at Meaford. •, Mrs. Warner Andrews. is—Visiting her sister in Toronto. • Miss Stella Rutledge, of Gode- • Irich, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Taylor. Mrs. R. D. 'Munro, who under- went an operationn the Toronto General Hospital, is progressing favorably_��..�,� Mrs. VWes. Bradnock, Mrs. W. Good, Mrs. C. M. Straughan, Mrs. A. Campbell, Mrs. W. J. Craig and Mrs. Fred Ross attended the Huron County Women's Institute confer- ence at 'Blyth last week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs:J. C. Stoltz on Sunday ' were Mr. Alf Groves, Salford; Mr. and Mrs. Jones and son, Ingersoll; Mrs. Smith and daughter, Ingersol, and Mr. and Mrs., Russell Stoltz, New Dundee. Miss Clara Collinson is a patient in Alexandra Marine and General.. Hospital, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phillips and Miss Laura Phillips attended the opening of the Ontario Foundation Cancer Clinic at 'London on Sun- day. '. Mrs. Ed. Davies received *erd•.of the sudden death of her mother, Mrs. Bernice Mouth, of London, on Friday night. Mrs. Mouth spent the summers with her daughter here and was well known. The funeral was held from the R. A. Logan funeral home, Dor- chester, on Monday, with inter- ment in Dorchester Union_ ceme- Phone 77 Mr. and Mrs. R. R. 'Stalker, of Flint, Mich., visited with friends over the week -end. 'Doii't forget the play and pre- sentation for our champion base- ball team in the Forrester's Hall, November 26. W.M.S. Mrs. J. W. Graham .gave her home for the November meeting' of»the Women's Mission- ary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church. . The president, Mrs. W. Good, presided and opened the meeting with prayer, followed by a minute's silence for Remembr- ance Day. Following the opening hymn, the devotional. period was taken by Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Mrs. Wes Bradnock gave a reading off "Remembrance:" The program and study book were combined, led by Mrs. 'John Houstd'n and Mrs, Don Haines. The offering was re- ceived and Mrs. Lawson offered the dedicatory prayer. The past president, Mrs. Edgar Lawson, pre-,• sided for the election of officers which resulted as follows: Past president, Mrs'. Edgar Lawson; president, Mrs. W. Good; first vice- president, Mrs. Wes. Bradnock; second vice-president, Mrs. D. A. MacKay; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. F. Ross; assistant, Mrs. Alvin Letherland; Home Helpers secre- taries, Miss Minnie Wagner, Mrs. Roy Daer; welcome and welfare secretary, Mrs. Herb Govier; liter- ature and library secretary, Mrs. J. Houston; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. D. A. MacKay; supply secre- taries, Mrs. J. W. Graham, Mrs. Carl Govier; student and press secretary, Mrs. J. Hallam; flower committee, Mrs. F. 0. McIlveen, Mrs. D. A. MacKay; pianist, Mrs. Don Haines; assistant, Mrs, J. Houston; Mission Band leader, Mrs. Don Haines; assistant, Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son; Ladies' Aid president, Mrs. Dan Haines; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. :E, Lawson. Meeting 'closed with prayer by Mrs. A. Letherland. The hostess served refreshments. PORTER'S HILL 'pper-+eae�'erseg ae(�'emeefeer►a atV4zlP.)rA p'Zv'i•C,q�wp 4i�5 4^C-'fp�'l>"+'C1'4`-'�:'L"tiC�.i^C-KS'•te,'�M�Ri'.S'.v�^d "4 'h,Snh-Sl-Mgs'ei. ey see in their drams! e.i0NIN1MN' Wake their 'dreams come ' true with gifts front Breckenridge 's, Hardware, which is boring made ready for Christmas gift shopping. Seems difficult to believe, but actually there are 31 shopping days left until Christmas., And you remethber how ,quickly time flies. Wh y not gift shop this week -end while our stook is absaliitely complete. Select your gifts, pa jr a hall deposit and well hold them for y n till''Ohrf tmag PORTER'S HILI-, Nov. 17, The November meeting" -'45f the WA: of - Grace Church was held at the home df Mrs. Elgin Cox with a good turnout. The president, Mrs. John McCowan, took charge of the meeting. Prayer was given by rs. 'Cox', after which Mrs. Bill ilWifs'enl read"` the-Seripti re: RUll • call was answered by a Remem- brance Day verse. It was decided that each member hand in $3 in- stead of having a banquet. This was •to be handed in this month, Instead of having an exchange of Christmas -gifts at the December meeting, it was decided that each one buy some article for the church kitchen. Two Remembr- ance Day hymns were sung. The hostess served lunch. The Decem- ber meeting will be held Decem,l ber 1, at the home of Mrs. A. Lockhart. Honor, Couple„—A social evening in honor of 'newly weds, Mr. and flffra..„,Murray was held in he school house Last Johnston,,l'rid'ay Mg.even.!. g. The first part of the '"evenirng was spent playing euchre with'° prizes awarded as follows: High` lady, Mrs. Allen Betties; low lady,: Mrs. Arlie Lockhart; high. gent, George, Johnson; low gent, Ray Cox. {lob Harris read an address and Alvin Betties and, Earl Cox, presented the couple with an oe- c'asional chair and stool. MI'..� Johnston expressed thanks on be half of liis wife skid a lunch was served. , DUNGANNON DUNGANNON Nov. 17.—George Dawsdn, teen=age son of Mr. and hernia. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Campbell, Auburn, visited Mrs. Robert Fitz- gerald and Mrs. Rich. Gardner on Sunday. Other visitors were Mrs. Kenneth Campbell and little son, Stephen, Westfield, on Monday; and last Thursday Miss Hazel Web- ster, of Lucknow.. Mrs. Roderick McDonald is stay- ing with her sister, Mrs. William Sillib, for the winter. Miss Sylvia Stingel, a• Grade XII ! stud6nt of Goderich District Col- 1 legiate Institute last year, receiv- 1 ed her diploma at graduation on i Friday night and has returned to ! Stratford General Hospital, where she is in training. She spent the week -end at home. Cecil Skinner, of Exeter, gave 1 the sermon -at the Dungannon' United Church on Sunday morn- ing on the occasion of laymen's Sunday and spoke on the theme, "Men and Missions." He also read the Scripture. Miss Lois Mole, a bride-to-be, was feted at a miscellaneous show- er prior to her marriage. She was guest of honbr at a party given b Miss Lillian Popp on Monday niht, where about 30 guests were pre:tln t. Miss Shirley Finnigain and"Mrs. Robert Mole assisted Lois in opening thegifts. Eleanor Reed played vilin selections, ac- companied by her mother at the piano. Mrs, Gladys Rivett gave a reading. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer conducted a quiz Those assist- ing the hostess with refreshrnents were Mrs. Bob Stanbury and Mrs. Gordon Anderson. Mission, Band.—The Dungannon Mission Band met Sunday morning in the United Church basement during the regular church service. There were 33 present. Carol Pentland gave the call to worship. Mrs. John Finnigan led in prayer. The children presented their gifts for the towel kit. Karen Dawson collected the offering. Eleanor Alton gave the offering verse. T..inda..Blake .-gavethe__ ni.xLt .the last meeting. Mrs. R. Irvin read from the study book. OBITUARY GEORGE R. HORSLEY --Mr. and •N rs,. Herxyu_Watsaxn, .of hie, attended -the fiineral "of their cousin, George R. Horsley, at Pontiac, Mich., on Friday last. They were accompanied by Mrs. William Huff and Miss Elinor Wat- son of London. Mr. Horsley was born at Clin- ton in 1902,1 a son of the late Richard and Mary Warner IIorsley and was married to Annie Luella McWhinney of Nile in 1927. He had lived at Pontiac since 1921 and Was a member of Central Methodist Chureh and employed at Fisher Body Division. He died on Monday, November 8, at Pontiac General Hospital from injuries re- ceived in an automobile accident. Surviving are his widow; one son, Robert; tiro daughters, Mrs. Robert II/filler (Mary Lou) and Sandra t., all of Pontiac. A sister, Mrs. Ruby Wyers, and a • brother, 'Thomas, also survive. MARK ANNIVERSARY Mr.c, and Mrs. Richard Finnigan, an, Elgin avenue, entertained the members of 'thetefantily oh Nov- ember 14, the occasion, being their 54th wedding anniversary. Twenty. five were present. They were the recipients of many cards and gift& MacDonald, W. Pettman, W. Shear - down, A. Taylor, G. MacDonald, B. McCormick, M. Sheardown, J. Durnin, H. Drennan, 13. Garrick, T. Masse, L. Schoenhals, Mrs. H. Drennan, H. Bosnell, J. K. Sully, C. Hill, G. Paterson, G. McKay, G. Hutchins, J. Forrester, T. Bisset, K. Pennington, L. Westbrook, F. J. Curry, Gerrard's Store, Bobby Worsell, C. J. Worsell, G.Barr- nister, Miss E. Larder, .C. Lardey, Mrs. C. Larder, W. Larder. Latest polls' show 55 per cent of Canadians •against lowfering the voting age to 18. A record 147,304,000 barrels of oil flowed through Canadian pipe- lines in 1953. HOLMESVILLE HOLMESVILLE, Nov. 17. — The W.M.S. and W.A. of Holmesville United Church, met for their regu- lair meeting in the Sunday School rooms on Tuesday, November 9. Mrs. Ninian Heard, as- leader of the W.M.S., took as the' theme of the, meeting "Discovery and Mis- sion," and gave, the call to worship. A hymn was sung, and the Strip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. Car-, men Tebbutt. N.trs. Fred Mulhol- land led in prayer. Mrs. H. C. Wilson gave a short talk on temp- erance work, and Mrs. Heard gave a reading on the meaning of the Scripture lesson. • A hymn was sung, followed by the reports of Mrs. Les Jervis and Mrs. Frank McCullough;- delegates to the sec- tional meeting held at Bayfield. "Mrs. William Norman gave the chapter in the study book, and the meeting closed with a hymn, and prayer by Mrs. Heard. With Mrs. Harry Cudrrrore, the W.A. presi- dent, in charge, the'W.A. meeting was opened. The Scripture lesson ! and a short talk on "Spiritual i Growth" Was given by Mrs. Cud - more. Mrs. Lloyd Bond read ,the financial report of the Annual baz- aar and a recent banquet. It was decided to send a donation to the Hurricane Relief Fund, Mrs. Jack Yeo, Mrs. Stewart Farquhar and Mrs. H. C. Wilson were appointed. a nominating_eanuirfrilt'ted, to bring. In the sewslate of ,,,#Beers,. The meeting closed with a hymn, ap, prayer by Mrs, Cudniore.. HoS esses for the' day were Mrs. Elinor Patter and Mrs. Les Jervis. Douglas Norman and .Kenneth Potter were. in Tt,ronto on Satuzr-- day attending the Royal Winter Fair and the Detroit -Toronto hockey game. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Greitionaus on the birth of a son. ST, HELENS ST. HELENS, Nov. 17.—The St. Helen's Women's Institute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Allan Miller. There were 19 mem- bers, five visitors and two children present. A committee of five was appointed to look after the enter- tainment for the ,month of Novem- ber. Miss Mary Murray gave the motto, "A. community is like a ship,. everyone should be prepared to take the helm." The roll call was answered by "A. good turn done by a neighbor." A reading, "The Educated Heart" was given by Mrs. Lorne Woods. Mrs. Ernes$ Gaunt had the topic, "Of what use is community activity?" Mrs. Lloyd Hunter conducted a contest. Mrs. Ernest Gaunt gave the report of the area convention in London. Lunch was served by the hostesses,. Mrs. Ross Gammie and Mrs. Dave Gibb.. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Mc- Quillin. There will be an ex- change of Christmas gifts. Host- esses will be Mrs. Jim Curran,. Mrs. William Purdon and. Mrs. E. W. Rice. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••O••••••••••••••••••• • 41 THE GODER1CII' ART' CLUB • ANNUAL EXHIBIT OAF PAINTINGS =.' • AND ASSOCIATED ARTS AND CRAFTS sr- ••' • OLD COLLEGIATE, PICTON ST. ENTRANCE Z'. • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19--7.30 to 9.30 p.m. • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20-2 to 9.30 p;m. j. • • SUNDAY, ,NOVEMBER` 21-2 to 6 p.m. • YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME. • Mr. Simon Versteeg of London will be guest artist • • ,. on Saturday at 8 p . • ' • ADMISSION FREE. s • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TEXACO FURNACE and STOVE OIL "The Yard of service and quality" 4 That 'noise was not the iron falling from, the ironing board, nor was it the car falling off the jack ---it was a hint for Santa Claus. A- Hints (Hints fare falling as thick as did the autumn leaves—hinfts for Electrical Appliances (we havesonie nice ones), for example— THE NEW v ,- _~ 1O°SUES WoaK ,w N4 BOTHER FOR DAD ELECTRIC SHAVERS— (Schick, Sunbeam, Remington and - Philishave) . Electric shaving ...mirror (wits built- in light) for really clean shaves. See our electric irons- aut'omat'ic toasters and grills -- A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas. WATER- SEALED ATERSEALED element for easy washing.:� No • Cooking Failures because: ' you get fire , COR R'ECT HMI(' IN autotratlkally. Easy -to -See FRY -GUIDE and HEAT CONTROL DIAL right in the handle. The Square Phone 586