HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-4-24, Page 8INSURANCE, .IRNBST f41.0T, AGENT FOE 1 TIIE W STERN ASSUB NOB COM- PANY, of Toronto; also tor the PEI E Ix FIRE INSIIIMNCF COMPANY, of London; ,England, the ROYAL O&N.e.DIAN, of aeon - treat. and the ONTARIO 1c1Z UAL LIFE AS9CIiANOE,OO'Y of Weeeeleo eetablishect 2s7o 9ssuran esieefeeee,S1I,12i.'143, Bonuses ev e'4,etteve',iter 3rd year. Wall >K Wallpaper, sc. per roll, J. GRIGG Wallpaper, 7C. per roll, J. GRIGG: Wallpaper, loc, per roll, J. GRIGG g * :aipaper, l z:., per roll, J. GRIGG Wallpaper, z.5-.. per rola, J. GRIGG Wallpaper, 2.)c. per roll, J. GRIGG ' allpaper, 3oc. per roll, J. GRIGG y; 111paper, r, t er roll, J. GRIGG wa:l;':ap er, pre ty atJ. RpIG S \Y.' '- -or, C u:Ce, at J. t RIGG'S I;+P 71 -St. •: Rt .A.D. Attractive Stook of New S ii ingTweeds Worsteds and Trous- 1"?Hca. 1.?cww being s1Towia by WM. GRIGG, Exeter 1 G BANKRUPT STO EXETER. The council met on Saturday evg: Far full particulars, see minutes. The council will meet again next Satur- day atur-d a. evg. Important business is on dit. Business in town. has been qaiet this week, e*a'i- g to seeding oaerations in the district, A ear load of first Glass horses was des patched from Exeter on Monday. They were sent to Montreal. Seeding is now pretty general through- out the entire neighborhood and the land ie in the best possible condition. A. A. McDouell, who recently went west, is in town at present, Re is buying horses for the'lti inniper, markets. The frame building in the rear of Christie's new livery se being moved to make room for the livery stable. The agricultural implement agents are busy as beavers these days. 'There are a great many of them and competition is keen. Last week Nr Benj. Higgins putebased from Mr Richard Recltlaway of Teinbury, a hands -me team of horses, for the sum of $250. :lir. Bob.tTaylor of tsborne, is the possessor of 55 young chicks. Cousidoring the date of the season, this is a good sliowint;• The Exeter Crielet Team has been ehalleuge•1 to play a match game with Clinton Team on the grounds of the former on May 24th. The greatest dress goods sale ever held in Exeter com- mences Saturday morning, April 26, at the Big Bank. rupt Store. Nearly a thous - sand pieces of the newest and most fashionable dress. goods to be sacrificed. Early buyers will get the biggest and best bargains. The whole stock must be cleared out quick. Remember this great sale commences Saturday sure. J. A. STEWART, Banlnupt Stock Dealer, Exeter, moommoonorommusammom Witg Zhhno. THURSDAY, AYRlL 24th, 1890 Board of Trade. The General Board of Trade met pursu- ant to notice in the town hall on the evg. o£ Wednesday, April 10th, 1890. Presi dent in the chair. Members present: J. Grigg, Z. A Rob Ibis, John Gillespie, H. L, Billings, L. H', Dickson, B. 5 O'Neil, H. Spackman, J. l3 Browning, Jno, Farmer, Jno. McInnes, J. Parkinson, 3. A Stewart, W. Southcott, Jno Gould, W. 3 Bissett, M. White, R. 0 Brumpton, E, Roberts. The nominee of the previous meeting, .lr, Robt. Brnnipten, was duly balloted for and declared eleeted. ;closed by J • Parkinson,sec by John Gillespie, that the quorum for general meetings be eight Instead st twelve,— Carried, Moved by Jno Grigg, secondee. by J W, Browning, that the Board. of Trade erect the necessary market buildings on the town hall grounds, and that a committee of four be appointed to submit plans, estimates of cost at the next meeting of the i3oard.--- Carried.. Moved by John Gillespie, sec by II, L. Billings, that the committee be R. 1T. Archer, B. 8 O'Neil, John Gould and John Farmer—Carried. Moved by 11!. I.13i11ings, see by J Grigg, that the market day be on Saturdays. Moved by B.8 O'Neil, scowled by 1% l Billings, that the hours of market be from ;air. Christie has his new livery stal.les in shape. It is a spa:daue and convenient building and will be comfortable for both n au and Least. Fishing is just now engaging the atten- tion of trio youthful Isaac 'li'altone, and stir prisin,gly large strings of suckers are being caught, The masons have commenced work on J. P. Ross' new store, and, weather favor- able, they expect to eetnpleta their part of the coutraet by June. Four hotel licenses have been granted for Exeter, rix : Central, Commercial, queen's, and Metrcpolitsau lioaees, and rare shop license. Division court was held here on Monday by Ris Honor Judge Tam. Tnere were only three cases, actions en note or tea - count, and decisions in all were rese.ved. The Sons of England Society held a con. versazione on Tuesday evening, at whieh a pleasant time was spent by these pres- ent. The watering cart was ordered out for the season on Monday, and Mr. A. Bissett has the contract for watering the streets. Owing to the dry weather the dust has been flying in clouds of late. Say. don't tie your horses to the beauti- ful, growing abade trees and have them peel the bark orf so as to injure their growth if nothing else. Exercise a little common alines in dile matter or you may be taught a lesson. Safe-crackers aro in this neighborhood, and it would be well to leave your wife open. MacArthur & Co's safe at lleusali was attacked on Saturday night, but the material being burgular proof, the sate was not opened. There are daily pro wling about the streets youngsters who should be at school and who the law, if properly enforced, will compel to be there. If the parents or guardians of these children do not see to their youngsters' interests, the law will again be appealed to to make them. ' The fishing season has thoroughly opened. and anglers are as numerous as fish. Tnere have been some fair catches made, but the fish are small, none of the larger ones having come up the river this spring owing to the water being too low, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Notice. All persons indebted to Mr. Chas. Eacrett, on note or account will please call at the Big Bankrupt store and settle the same, on or before 1st of May, as after that date all unpaid accounts will be placed in other hands for collection. C. EACRETT. Fruit Prospects, We are informed that at present the prospects for fruit are very good. Of course it is early in the season, but the trees are full of bloom; in faot never saw them looking better at thisseason. He also states that in go- ing about the country he has paid par- ticular attention to the fall wheat, and, with few exceptions it also is looking well. We are pleased to state that Mr. Chas, Neil, who has been dangerously ill for some days, of inflammation of the bowels is on a fair way to recovery. He has pulled through an illness to which the majority would have sucanmbed. A meeting of the Liberal Conservative .Association of South Huron, will be held in Hensall on Tuesday, May 6th, com- mencing at one o'clock p.m. for the pur- pose of placing a supporter of Mr. W. R. Meredith in the field, for the local election, which is close at hand. Mr. Chas. Eacrett, who recently sold his property in Exeter, has,decided to locate in Sarnia, and will open a harness shop there. We wish Mr Eacrett every suc- cess, and might add that Sarnia is getting quite an acquisition to the town, in Mr. Eacrett and family At a meeting of the Hay township coun- cil, held on Wednesday last, Mr. Swill J. Latta was appointed clerk at a salary of $70 per annum. Mr. Latta will make a first class clerk, he being possessed of an abundance of energy and ability. There were four applicants. The 24th of May will be celebrated in Exeter this year in a loyal manner by a grand base ball tournament, and athletic sports. The celebration will be under the direction of the base ball club, who are hard at work, making thorough prepara- tions for the occasion. "Carter's Prize Prolific Barley," sup, plied by the Dominion Government, ie one of the finest samples that we have ever seen. The kernel is of immense size, and two bushels turns the scales at 112 lbs 11 it does well in Canadian soil it will no doubt be sown extensively next year. rut brook trout,river Speckled trout, p ,trout, h between' 15th Septem- bernot be caught p ber and the 1st May- Bass and maskin onge shall not be caught between 15th April and 15th June. Pickerel shall not be caught between .April 15th and May 15th, Personals. Mr, Robb. Fanson of Seaforth, was in town last week. —Mr. Geo: Eacrett of this place, left last week for StMatys, where he has secured a situation. -Mr. T. Crowley of London, formerly of Exeter, spent a few days of this week in town. -Messrs. Robert and James Shute, who have been visiting friends and relatives in Exeter and vicinity,' re- turned to Kansas City, U. S, on Satur- day last.—Mr. Ed. Bunt of Seaforth, spent Sunday in town.—Mr. W. Wilkins of Sarnia, was in town on Tuesday.- Mr. A. Sheere will leave for Winnipeg this week, where ' he has accepted a situation. ---Miss Amelia Oudmore, who has been seriously ill, is recovering.— Mr. Sorin McLaughlin left for. Windsor otx Tuesday, summoned thither by the newe of the serious illness of his brother, there. -Mr. Robt, • Birmingham ' of Toronto, was in town on' Thursday. — r. T. Crowley of London, spent several clays of last week in town buying horses, —Miss :Fanny Davis, who has been visiting friends in London for few. days, has returned home.—Miss Amelia Southcott is visiting friends in Exetet'. 7 to 12 o',a1Qck, Moved in amendment by Jno Grigg. see by 3 W. Browning, that the hours of market be from 7 to 1. o'Qloak.-.-•Amend- ment carried Moved by J Gould, see by J. A Stewart, that E Fish be a member of the board. Moved by 13. S. O'Neil, see by 11. L. Billings, that tlw Seely notify all members of the Board who are In arrears. Dr, Browning; then brought to the notice of the Board the advisibility and utility of communication with Dashwoo(l and Grand Beni by telegraph or telephone, Several members of the Board/spoke favorably, and the matter was laid over for future con sideration,. Receipts of the eveuing,, 53, handed to Treasurer. 'Moved and eecoutletl that we adjonru till .Friday afternoon at to o'cloela, logo Counelx, Exeter, ;:April 19th, 1890 All members present, Dr. Rollins, reeve, W. G. Bissett, dep.-reeve, H. Spackman, D. A. Doss and Jas. (Ike. Bissett—Spaekanan—That accounts be paid , —Mrs. Piper 84, charity, paid Jas. Creech ; H. 14IcIntosh 84, charity, paid Jas. Creech ; Election. expenses, $14; Geo. Cudmore, $1,75, shade trees —Carried- Bissett—Oke--that a by-law be sub initted ab the next meeting of the council, to water Main-st. in accordance with petition of residents, to include from Huron-st to town hall. --Carried. Bissett-Spackman—that tenders be asked for street watering and nails. Tenders to be received at next meeting of council,—carried. A petition from Dyer tC Howard and others, asking $50.59 to aid in placing a drain on William-st, from Station-st. to river, was presented. Action was deferred, to enquire as to cost of 8 inch tile and for amendment of pettiorn. Mr .Farncomb, the engineer, submitted his report of the examination of the ditch on Ann street, together with profile and 1a someeo fall An English syndicate of capitalists is al present bidding for the implement manu- facturing establishment of D. Maxwell & Sons, at St Marys, Ont. Mr 3. Maxwell, manager, has gone east in connection with the offer received from the syndicate,which will probably be accepted. The other evg. some person stole from G. A. Hyndman's grocery store window, pipes to the value of $30. The corner: of a Iarge pane of glass which was cracked, was taken outand by extendingthe ar n through a very small space, the articles leere pil- fered. The theft was cleverly accomplish- ed, and the thief well rewarded for his shrewdness. The destructiveness of some of the youths Exeter is almost of ` beyond belief. If a y house chances to be vacant for a few days, the windows are at once broken, and sometimes tenanted buildings are attacked. The other evg. several of the miscreants were caught throwing stones at the large, colored glass window of the chancel of the Trivitt lvteuioriel church ; but the latest act on record was the cutting down of the lamp post. at the corner of Main and James streets, on Monday evg. The lamp: was completely- destroyed. If the youths realize any amusement in such work, the nen they, are given a few months in jail, Vie, better .' -nor then' future prospects. claimed that there ` 3� f t of on the whole ; but in order that the tile getsuflicieutland covering along the entire course, he recommended that the ditch be filled in to an extent at certain. points, Ross—Spackman—that the engineer take the exact meaburement of proprosed drain from P. O. to the outlet. with a view to ascertaining the cost of the tile necessary, as also that of the labor required in the construction of the drain. Messrs Hurdon and Gundy appeared be- fore the Board, respectively, in behalf of the base ball and cricket clubs, and asked a grant of $20 to help pay the rent of practise grounds. Bissett—Spackman—that 510 be granted for above purpose. Messrs. Billings and Bowden, a deputa- tion from the brass band, waited upon the council, praying for a grant to build a repository for the protection of band in- struments. They stated that, the band room being a public apartment of the town ball, it was open at all hours and therefore the instruments were in danger of being destroyed by persons who might be de- structively inclined. Oke—Roes-that $5 be granted for above purpose. 5 The band grant4 of 0 again dis- cussed, a cussed,and after due deliberation, it was moved by Jas Oke, sec by H. Spackman, that a grant of $68 be made, on condition that the band play on the streets at least once a week during favorable •weather; failing in which the grant to be withheld. as was the case last year.—Carried. After signing gravel contract with Mr Ford, the council adjourned to meet on Saturday evg, 26th inst. Ar. Aet Respecting mill Dams. Her Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative' Assembly of the Province of Ontario• enacts as fol- lows : "That the owner or occupier of every dam or weir erected on any river t the townships of in an o£ 0 r stream Y Williams, McGillivra.CStephen Hay,Stanley, Goderich, olborn, Hulle t McKillop, Tuckersmith, Hibbert, Logan, Fullerton, Usborne, Biddulph, Blansh- ard, Downie, including the gore of Ellice, North East !lope and South East Hope, or any other tracts of land, which on the twenty-ninth of March, One Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty. Five, constituted the then district of Huron, shall, if the same has no been already done, construct and maintain and keep in repair a good and sufficient apron to such dam or. Weir at twenty. - eight feet wide. If thedam or weir is of greater width, and if not, then of the same width as the dam or weir. And at least eight feet in length for every fort rise of such dam or weir under a penalty ofone dollar for each day during which the requirements of the Section are not copi5Tied with. And such penalty shall be recoverable before any two Justices f the Peace for the County in which he offence has been committed,' on the oath of one credible witness ; if not paid,' may be levied by distress and sale of the geode, and chattels of the offender by warrant under the hand and seal of such Justices, or either of them'; one Moiety of which penaly shall belong to Her Majesty for the public uses of thi Province, and the other 'moiety :toe th We Lead Them A11 CQOD We are showing the largest and most taxing stock ever exhibited, in this vicinity. We import these goods direct from the old country Don't fail to see our special lisle of all -wool Henrietta Oloth in all shades, one yard and a quarter wide for 50c. per yard. 'We also make a specialty of DRESS ROBES of all descriptions. Swiss embroideries, braided • Obeneille trimmed, hand worked, etc., etc,* o' -you just what you want and at prices much below the regular figures. ' e We can show y J y p g pay cash for all our goods and by buying from us you can save a large disoount. Boots and Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, and Groceries at rock bottom. prices. 5MOZIA GENTLEMEN'S Golgi. Watches, We have just completed the purchase of alargewhole- sale Bankrupt Stock of Gen- tlemen's gold Watches, and are now offering our custom- ers these goods at prices never again to be equalled. With those of our Exeter customers who cannot con- veniently visit the city at present, we will be pleased to open correspondence and forward goods on approbation to reliable parties. Our ex- tensive business, wholesale and retail, enables us to sell goods on easy terms of pay- ment. It will pay you to write or call O;tl us. Here since '55. N. B. -Masonic aprons, best quality, $2. 50 eaeli. A. MORPHY Sc. CO., Cor. Richmond and Dundas Sts, London,Ont; Notice. A meeting of the senior and junior Conservative associations of Exeter, will be held in the town hall on Thurs. evg..flay Ist, at 8 o'clock sharp, for the election of officers and the appointment of delegates to attend the convention, to be held at Honsall on May Gth. All Conservatives will please attend. The way freight going south was five hours late on Tuesday, owing to a rush in the shipping business. Twenty laborers were at work on Wed- nesday, scraping the streets. They did the work in a hurry. The mill-wrights haye torn out the interior of the mill, and are working hard putting in thenew roller process machinery. The property of the estate of James Pickard comprising fifty acres and being a tgrt of lot 17, lst concession township of prosecution." s e Vlinard's.Liniment Cures Distemper. sborne, was sold by public auction on Tuesday to Mr. Harry Samwell, for the Judge Rose at the Lindsay. Ont., sum of $3.250. This does not indicate a depression in farm property in this neigh- assizes, last week administered a noble boyhood. This is as high a figure as has rebuke to those who encourage and religious intolerance. aver been known for such property. manifest a spirit of re "Until one reaches that eminence,"he Ther third andi east lecture Y. of the season, said, "when he can declare that; he under the auspices of the sSt C. E. Soc PYof God, it bo- a whole mind knows was given in the James Methodist hooves him to be humble and sit at the church on Tuesday evening, ec Rev. Modern feet where he may learn wisdom and be a Courtice of London. Subject : Germany. The attendance was large and willing in the feeling of charity to be - the lecture throughout interesting and in- lieve that others may be right, although structivo. The rev. gentleman is a capital they see differently to what he may see. speaker, his ideas which are reasonable be- Words like these, coming from the judg- ing couched in the most pleasant language t seat at the present time should be CARLING BRAS LI'E Iui' ION 1�'I To know ' that we make a specialty of TEAS and COFFEES Our stook of these goods has .c superior. We buy only the best and can not supply nothing else, i'4 7" WA; 3""S' IIMIzZ,: To make a trial purchase of our goods, and test them for quality and price. WE WANT L000 WIVES To know that for weight., quality and purity of goods, we acknowledge no superiors. You want the best. We have it. °Highest Price paid for Produce. A call solicited. CARLING BROS, A meeting of the Exeter branch of the taken to heart by all and acted upon in British and Foreign 13ible Society was the interests not only of Christianity, held in the Main -St, Methodist church on but also of public peace and the general Sunday afternoon last. The attendance welfare. Religious questions are now was very large. There were three speak- entering into political contests to a ers : the chairman Rev. J. Wilson, Revs. greater extent than for many years past. S. F. Robinson and B. Clement. Rev. Itis, therefore, incumbent on all good Mr. Martin was unavoidably absent. The citizens to avoid the shadow of offence addresses were short and 'pointed and strictly to principles. well on the feelings of the as= while adhering y N o ked w worked. g of semblage, as a collection to the amount— — Bankrupt Stock upwards of $60 was received. The united choirs of the several churches furnished The car load of boots and shoes, which excellent music, which was indeed credit- has been so much talked about arriving able to the leaders, Messrs.Collins, at the Exeter station comprises a bank - Roberts and J. P. and D. A. Ross. The rupt stock, All brand. new goods, hay - ;meeting was one of the most suceesaful of ing been purchased new within the last the kind ever held in Exeter. What has three months., This,splendid stock, friend A . Bishop, Esq., M. P. P. to with a nice fresh bankrupt stock of say of this ? groceries has been opened out in Mr. Messrs Currie & McColl the well known Parkinson's store, Exeter, next to town. athletes, write from Parkhill as follows ;— ''In reply to Cruthers brothers, we would say if they really meant business why did they not cover our deposit ? Now, to show the public that we mean business and did not challenge Cruthers brothers for to see our names .appear in print, we are anxious to have this contest come off at the earliest possibility, Although we have retired from sawing for small prizes, yet are willing to saw for good money and uphold North Middlesex as champion sawyers of America. If Cruthers brothers do not wish to cover our forfeit, which is' in the hands of Mr. Sitnon McLeod, reeve of West Williams, and ex warden of the county of Middlesex, we will withdraw and put the money in responsible hands in London, Ont., ' as we w.>uldl ke t) Have this match come off. vuitable can be had than a judicious plant- ing of evergreens. They oan be made both ornamental and useful if properly laid as to protect the buildings, orchards and crops from:the cold winds. Among our of course the maple deciduous, stands pre-eminent and for planting on the road- sides no better selection can by made. It would, however, greatly relieve the ap- pearance as sameness if a fete other kinds such as our bass -wood, elm, ash, etc., were interposed among them, which when properly trained possess a beauty and elegance of which they aro destitute when found growing in the woods with long bare trunks and scraggy branches on the top, There are also other varieties that may he grown for ornament, and profit, such as our sweet hickory, walnut,chestnut and other nut' bearingand it is surprising at the present prices of this fruit in our markets that greater attention is notpaid to these trees by our farmers. Then tta wood of all these kinds will soon be scarce in Ontario rip # n or manufacturingpurposes and thus a double profit will be made. Every farmer this spring should lay out to plant some one or other of the trees mention for ornament, use and profit. The price of wheat rias taken a rise. 'ear J N°lioward has been in' London for the past few days purchasing new goods, and 1» ought two new style of rifle with him. hall. This cheap sale begins to -day. Rattling bargains will be given, as both stocks must be cleared out. J. W. BRonnnicx. Exeter, April 24, 1890. Planting Trees. The g tree- lantin season will soon be on P hand, and in Ontario, at least in, the riflal sections. ornamental planting is 88 yet in geed its infancy, and a pod deal of censure has beenPassed on farmeas for neglecting it, inasmuch as notwithstanding the cry of hard times, farmers arein a position to procure some of the comforts and luxuries as well as the necessaries of life. The log shanty has given way to the tastefully frame and, the most substantial brick house, and, the old oxcart has given way to the sttop buggy, and to correspond abeautifytheir fields, homes' and with, and roads more ornamental tree planting should ,be resorted to. As ground wcxrk to practically carry out title - nothing .poi Mr: Bryliop',o Biased Illation. Our worthy and esteemed representa- tive resenta- tive M.P.P.; in a letter to the Expositor last week,' seeks to make it appear that, because Mr. D. Case paid 566 "per acre for, one of the :1VIurray farms, the fifty acrespurchased by Harlon Bros. at $40 per acre, indicates a great depreciationlin value of farm lands. "Nowa Mr. Bishop is u practical farmer, or he poses as such, and he must know that the farm purchased by the.Hartons was far in- ferior to the other, from the fact that it had not been cultivated for some years and had become wild with all sorts of noxious weeds, besides, 'there is a slough running through the centre of it , while the farm purchased by Mr. Case is a corner lot and was in a good state cf cultivation, being high and clean.: We admit that sv.ithin the last decade there has been a depreciation in the value ' of r ea in farm hereabout. But what b has caused it 1 Arsuredly, the optnirg of new countries, notably our Canadian North-west. Of course the Liberals i educed a few` to .rnigm ate to Dako' a. for PciLi1er'S lar2St- ;-