HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-11-11, Page 5ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Nov. 14 --Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION.. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.rn, MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation , and Nursery) 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. - Studies in the Prophets: Hosea. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rectgr MR, J. F. STEPHENS, MA.. Organist and Choirmaster North $treet United Church SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1954 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES." Nursery and Junior •Congregation. 7 p.m. The outstanding sound color film, "WHERE NONE SHALL THIRST." REV. a A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleader, f IT'S YOUR DECISION • A Program For Happy Living • A Design For Life ,Eternal • A Plan For Your Salvation - WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? TO' NODE FOR CHRIST 1S TO DECIDE FOR ALL 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP, Sermon: "Talcing the 'Dent's' Out of Chritianity." The Junior Choir will lead the singing. 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Study: "The 'Last Week of Christ's Ministry." Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O.., Director of Praise ..+.+.:''.Y`_�rn :i-nvW.6h.ni.:."_6.{•0[ ':b!xffi �irzxB.3.1^t-tl4+1e-..•..a".-C'3asA�z.`"....1..-•,.....w^.^ta•^Trr:MW,CAnur- r• GODERICI! BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL STREET REV. S. H. 'FINDLAY, ` B.A., B.D., Minister—Phone 995 MRS. E. DONALDSON, A.L.C.M., Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. • (Younger' children will be taken care of during service.) 7 p.m. GOSPEL MESSAGE. WEEK DAY MEETINGS Monday, 7.30 p.m. Choir Practice. 8.30 p.m. Young People's. Wed. 8 'p.m- Mid -week' Meeting for Prayer and Friday 7 p.m. The "Jolly Pals" (8.12 years) Bible Study. W BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) Waterloo and Elgin REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES-- 10 ERVICES-10 a.m. Sunday School—SAVE To -morrow's Generation To -day 11 *n. "JESUS WONDERFUL DIVINE LORD." 7.30 p.m. "WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE?" Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m. Nov. 12• Rev. D. _Thornhill of St. Catharines. - special speaker. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE .BIG WELCOME. Victoria Street United Church__ 10' a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 1 a.m. "THE HIGH COST OF BEING ALIVE." ,30 p.m. BENMILLER" SERVICE. .3 p.m. UNION CHURCH, GODERICH TOWNSHIP. PASTOR—REV. ».D- W. WILLIAMS, B ORGANIST—MR. BERT KEMPSTE'R. I�r 16, $t 1 IL 1hPrhh1u e'n'um'i IIIIIIIIe q ��aann How .f4440 SALE kee on Ge Far a limited time only we are selling farnous KAYSER hos- iery at this amazingly low price. ON SALE AT 0. W. Schaefer Son The Square P▪ hone 56 By JOAN COWLEY ,. e'e • Students' Council Our Students' Council this year is already showing the incentive and interest necessary if it is to take its rightful place as the lead- ing organ izationj of the school. It is the Students' Council which arranged for our bus transporta- tion to Clinton for the rugby game there. The Students' Council is at least partly responsible for the dances being held regularly every two weeks since they were begun this year. It is the Students' Qoun-: cil which has made it possible for us to buy Christmas cards having our school motto, emblem, and colors. The demand for the ' pur- chase of jackets for our rugby team is being backed by the Stud- ents' Council_ Have you, noticed student "Ident- ification Cards" were not sold this year? One reason for this de- cision was that the Students' Coun- cil felt we were not deriving the benefit we should for the money invested. The need for closer har- mony between the clubs and or- ganizations of the school has •been recognized by the Students' Coun- cil. By requesting that organiz- ations send representatives to their meetings, they hope to obtain necessary co-operation. Here are the members of our Students' Council executive for ' 1954-1955: President, Zane Lee; vice-president, Eleanor Driver; treasurer, Bill Barwick; secretary, Helen Pridham; - social convener, John Kane. We have not mention- ed the fdrm representatives. This is not because they are unimport- ant, but rather because we haven't space. The Students' Council, with- out the form representatives, can be compared to our Dominion gov- ernment cabinet without its mem- bers of parliament. The. essence of the system which we treasure so highly would he lost without our members of parliament. So, too, would the essence of the Students' Council be lost without the form rePresentatiyes. Continued straightforward ac- tion such as this is needed. We hope it will continue'! , Commencement Just a reminder that tomorrow night, --Friday;—Neve mbee•--4 ... rs.. Commencement night. Come and join in honoring our graduates!., "Doc" Graham All of us were shocked to hear that John Graham, better-known, to many as • "Doc," had been in- volved in another automobile ac- cident. He has been moved from Chatham to Victoria'Hospital, room No. 555, London. "We .are all pull- ing fot' you, "Poe.", Keep fighting! Variety Night Rinds Often we have wondered how much money was netted from our Variety Night program of the last two years and also what becomes of this money. ,Thinking you, top, might be interested, we made some inquiries and here are our finfl- ings: The movie screen and . tripod stand prhich has proved so useful for our assemblies was purchased' at a cost of $2i12.15. This left a balance of $287.00 for 1953. Of this, $125'.00,. was spent on lighting for our auditorium -stage. This equipment was used for our see- and Variety Night program in 1954 and is at the school ready for further use. Also goal posts, scit in concrete »foundations, were pu chased this year for our new rugb field. This little item cost $200.OQ. A tape recorder has been ordered, delivery of which is expected this week, and the cost is $253.00. Its arrival will make it possible for us to hear radio programs planned on certain aspects of the course of study. These broadcasts are designed to bolster our interest and our knowledge. Invariably, at the times these programs are broadcast, our classes are sche- duled for another subject, so we must miss them. With the arrival of the tape recorder, this problem will be solved. This leaves us with a balance to date of $419.70, For any who wondered what good, if any, had resulted from our Var- iety Nights this should be con- clusive proof. Not..: belittling the financial success of it, at all, we think the resulting mutual respect,, and spirit of co-operation and wholesome ful for staff and stud- ents -alike, experienced during this undertaking is worth many times over the effort required for the project. - Dances An organization- outside the school has "booked" the auditor- ium for Friday, November 19. By November 24, examinations will have begun for us all and will continue for about a week, so it is not likely a dance will be held the °-Friday-ef-that---werek-ttr'f,.'tl}e' following week. When is the next dance to be held? No one knows, 110144114[ESVIPA ifOLNM»tE, Nov, 10..,.•-• The WIVES. of Ilolmesville United Church, had as their guests the W.M.S. of Wesley -Wallis United Church, for their annual Fall Thank -offering meeting, which took place on Tuesday November 2, in the church. The president, Mrs. Firedulhalland, was in the chair and . gave the .call to worship. Mrs. Ninian Heard read the Scrip- ture lesson, and Hrs. W. R. Lobb led in prayer. .Mrs. E. A. 'Yo, read a poem,'and'Mrs. , . Nediger, of ,Clinton, sang a solo. Miss Davies, of Clinton, gave a read- ing. Mrs. Elmer Potter introduc- ed the gdest speaker, Miss Marion Hodgins, a home missionary from the field at Ethelbert, Map. Mrs. William Norman and Mrs. Edward Grigg sang a duet, and Mrs. Frank McCullough gave the vote of thanks to the speakers and singers. The `meeting closed with a hymn, and the benediction was given by Mrs. E. J. Trewartha. Lunch was seeved in the Sunday School rooms. Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Bezeau, of Kitchener, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCullough. •. Church services at Holmesville United Church will start at 1.30 p.m., beginning on Sunday, Novem- ber 14, and continuing through the winter months. Mission Band.—The Wilhelmine Mission Band, of Holmesville Unit- ed Church met in the school, on Friday, Mrs. Jack Yeo was in the chair, and presented the program, prepared by Leonard Wilson. Vic- tor Corran read the Scripture. and Bobby Grigg gave the prayer. Cathie Potter read a peace story and Dominique Gahwater read a temperance poem. Franklin Yeo, Barbara Yeo and Vic Corran were appointed a committee to bring in the new slate of officers at the December meeting. A paper bag contest was enjoyed, and the study book period was taken by Mrs. Jack Yeo and Mrs. Frank McCul- lough. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. 131111111-11Si • -MONTGOMERY. At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Novem- ber 8, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. I. Maitland Montgomery, Goderich„ a daughter. PLUNKETT,—At Alexandra Hos- i p,ital, Goderich, on November 9, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald I Plunkett, Auburn, • R.R. 1, a son, James Donald. TURNER.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on •November._8, Mrs: Kenneth Turner, Auburn, a daughter. YOUNG. --At Alexandra Hospital, ,Goderich, on November 7, 1954, to. Mr._ and Mrs. Kenneth 'Young, ` Goderich, a daughter, Sandra I Louise. "Why didn't you call the police when you found things scatter -ed all over the bedroom?" • "I thought my husband had been looking fora clean shirt " `.4. "Are you saving any money since you,. started your budget system?" "Sure. By the time I, get it straightened out every evening, it's ;too late to go anywhere." z • •••••••••••••••••ttimme•••®•meommoo•••••m••••s• • i 3 • •• This. Christmas • • . give •• • •I • 3ell� • ® •Your Portrait • •• —. 3 • • Don't wait till the week before Christmas . . '• • I • • • • • Avoid disappointment and arrange your ° The urns daughter ot Vla i� Wela , m - t son of Ittr..aned 0br " » en, Goderich,• took plcee yeeenilY it Welland at Central trai ed Church; with Rev. I. Pritchard" afciatng ' The bride 'was attended by'^her sister-in-law, Mrs. Waiter Vlasicr as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Helen Putnik,. of Tor, #xdFrI ' tt wad oroist, aim ►es ett was 9rganist.;; Harrill Warren,. of Loaa& , ws best • mala for his: brother an u - ers were Toney Be'l't, Wellan Walter Trdak, of Cookeville; d:; I. Warren, of Toronto; and Walter Iv mg 4100 P1'094, x+ outo, 0i0 %VI1 e� T leve :a d r RV ust Arri red New 17" Motorola Televisiont for as little as 53C,' A DAY after small down paymegt, you can have a brand new Motorola with Skyline Aerial and =:Crown Rotator - Completely Installed—Nothing Else to Buir WILF R.EINHAIIT 79 HAMILTON ST. PHONE •••••••••••NNN• N•••N• --V- .-• ••O••O•••0•••••••••NN••••••••••••••o••N•••N••NN•••••N•00▪ o••••f •oN • • • • • n• • • • �rnviNr 5 • • • • • var The Major Store is mo ving its • • • 1 appointment now at • ONO• • LOOMi71g�1d/t a 3 •� MacLAREN'S Si'UD1 S 1,, . �� . � � � 0 MO— • CLINTON AND GODERICH • p J '�iligitit SQUARE • • • •• LOCATIONvt� THE • • 3 At Clinton Studio TELEPHONE 3 • . ..• • Tuesday and Thursday• • 401 • 0 - le 1.30 to 7.30 p.m. CLINTON OR GODERICH 0 • With our eyes on the fast moving days on the calendar we are getting ready for moving 'day—and in the meantime i • , • o are offering the following ATTRACTIVE .SPECIALS. ,,, • 0 • • 3 • Lutheran Church ,Service• Chamois lined, new shades. Reg. to >9.,)5..::19+ Q • ,• • • • • WINTER COATS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, AT 3 P.M. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL, EAST ST. Service wil be conducted in English and German languages. REV. WALTER BECKER, OF BROADHAGEN, IN CHARGE. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. ' • ••os•••••oo••••••••••••••••o.oeo.•o•!N•••••••••• • THE VOICE OF BETHEL • 3 ,REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER •• , •3 • • • • CAN THE SOUL DIE `• • The soul that sinneth it .shall die. Ezek. 18:20: • • There is no question about the possibility of the death 'of 0 3 the soul. There is: however, a vast difference between MAN'S 3 • definition of death and that of the BIBLE. • • ' There are some who maintain that death is ANNIHILATION - 3 • q EXTINCTION•; of being. • • This teaching however is not the teaching of Scripture. 0 • PHYSICAL ,DEATH is SEPARATION from LOVED ONES. 3 • SPIRITUAL DEATH is SEPARATION from GOD. • 00 It is argued God made man a LIVING soul and not an IM- 3 • MORTAL soul and consequently the soul is the life. If the LIFE • • ONLY is the soul then the spider, fly, swallow and cockroach • • have a soul. ,Such absurd reasoning borders on Buddhism. •• • How could the Immortal God breathe in his nostril's and make i • him any less than IMMORTAL. He did not breathe into the nostrils of the beast,' bird, insect, or fish and yet they have life but not IMMORTAL life. The Bible makes a distinction between spirit, soul and body. In Heb. 4:12 we have soul and spirit so closely related thinly 0 the Word of God can discern between the two. Yet people who have §o misconstrued God's Word as to take the GOLD out of HEAVEN, the ii IEE out of HELL and the GOD out of CHRIST profess to know the answer. And as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this (annihilation, extinction of being, no resurrection, NO a thous- and times ,but) the judgment. Heb. 9:27. • The rich man also DIED and was buried and in hell -he lift up his eyes (he saw) being in torments (he felt). St. Luke 16:22b and 23 a. Sponsored by the Bethel Adult Class. ®•••••••••••••NS•••••000s000s eseeseoeinsoptio•••o 1 • • • 3 O, • •- 3 • •3 CLEARANCE OF DRESSES Broken Size range. Reg. to 17.93...5.98 and 7.9$ ('•inolines, permanently stiffener) v (itton . 189 a 89 •000000....000000000000000000000000000000000 20%OFF. � on BLOUSES and SKIRTS 1- a•••••••••••••••••••••••••••404•60•••••••••••• L ;Short Sleeve Pullovers ,a,�. „ England. Reg.., 9, 3.98 i • HOUSE DRESSES .1 _ALL =W GOL - Mostly large sizes 1.88 Corduroy _Jumpers 5.98 THE SQUAR-E m A j 0 PURE BOTANY WOOL CARDIGAN SWEATERS lo shades of hr•own, yellow, greyand -white2 99 Reg,. 4.95, for° • FIRST QUALITY HOS 51 gauge. 15 denier 99,),c i • • •• a. 3 • • • • . .•' REDU•C'TIQNS ON HANDBAGS, HOUSE COATS, SLACKS and JUMPERS. �f I 0.. •, WINTER JACKETS -REDUCED BOYS' 2 -PANT SUITS Reg. 18.95 13.95 I .. MEN'S CHECKED - DOESKIN SHIRTS Sanforized 239 BOYS' PANTS Nylo gabs, flannels, tweeds, etc. ONE THIRD OFF MEWS IXSZY tor STORM RUBB,! 'LULL. RANGE of BIZ`' Reg: 2.69 , . DOV allsosesess••i••Nmit+E•O•NN•N••••••••••••••