HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-11-11, Page 3it el f Pro eUed -Piker Sweep International Contest F'�,�yn't,..k¢r `+'y,: ih. : Gf��,f,2<>,-,•;{•':yyr:``'' '''"' :;i:r;�, 1954 International'Corn" Picking Champions (left to right) c first -place winner Elmo M. Redding, Indian state champion, Flora, Indiana; second place winner Richard' Kraus, Wisconsin state champion, Whitewater, isconsin; third place winner William C. .Frank, Canadian national champion, Hyde Park, Ontario, All three winners are shown on the Minneapolis. Moline Uni-Huskors they drove in the competition. NO room:- OM- MAXIMO PES EASTERN—STAR 'MEET HAS, GOOD ATTENDANCE -The regular meeting of Blue Water Chapter, No. 284,. ; of the Order of the Eastern Star was held Wednesday evening, November 3, in the Assembly Hall of the Mas- onic Temple, G-oderich. There was a good attendance. The officers who have been in- stalled ,for ,the 'following year are as follows: Worthy Matron, Mrs. Mabel Walkom; Worthy Patron, Clarence MacDonald; Associate Matron, Mrs. Evelyn Seaman; As- sociate Patron, Jack Seaman; Sec- retary, Mrs. Beth Bushell; Treas- urer, Mrs. Cepha Bell; Conductress, Mrs. Nora Graham; Associate Con- ductress, 'Mrs. Olive 'MacDonald; Chaplain, Mrs. Julia Westbrook; Marshal, Mrs. Dorothy Pfrimmer; organist, Mrs. Ila Worsell; Adah, Mrs, Eleanor Whitely; Ruth, Mrs. Donna Westbrook; Esther,'• Mrs: Lucy Johnston; Martha, Mrs. Roxie Adams; Electa, Mrs: Evelyn Treble; Warden, Mrs. Grace Don- nelly; Sentinel, William Bushell. Routine business was conducted and plans to hold the December meeting in the form of a Christmas party were made. Lunch was served 'by the committee under the convenership of Mrs. J. Robin. Superintendent—`Why do you pull :that wheelbarrow instead of pushing it, like you ought to?" Workman — "Well, guv'nor, Hi 'ates the sight of the bloomin' thing." ••••••••••••••••••••0060.0••••••••••1•••40.0••••• • • • _ • Any New Canadians of two years or less or persons knowing .•• of such, please -fill out following for: Attention New Canadians 's • • • •• DEICEMBER 10, 1954 • • • • Name • SEVENTH ANNUAL MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER LO1D.E. Ch;tmas Party : I • ® Address • • No. Boys • Z44 0 1 • • co .• • O' No. Girls • • 'RE'TURN 1-0—.MRS.' R. BRECK'ENRIDGE, GODIERICH, ONt : • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• acticjokers can fool their vi tims by sending them after left- u ed monkey wrenches. But rthe jOke will be on Ihem Jot they try the same gag with left-hauded fountain pens as the prize. For southpaw pens can be obtained easily nowadays, ac- cording to the Sheaffer Pen Company of Goderich. Biggest export market for portside gens is South Africa. The Sheaffer people can't ifigure why. Maybe that country has " more left-handers. "Customer complaints' from) lefties generally result from . their trying to use convention- al pen points designed for right-handers," says, Leon H. Black, Sheaffer's president. "When you see left -oblique handwriting splattered with tiny blots, you're safe in as- suming it's the work of a left- hander strugglng with a right-, handed pen. A left-handed pen point would relieve his writer's cramp d reduce his blood, pressure. 1f: 10 th year•,•, -Ny , 44 NOVEMBER MEETING 11S HELD AT KINTAIL 45. 5ITp NGc cOMpA"y Sher/867i �S OFfAI'FwYQTwDBN1 TRIO E. M. ROSS Representative EBB ROS$. Says: What about you! When are you going to let up—and what with.? You'll want to re- tire from the grind some day=let's talk over a retirement plan which will replace your income when you receive your last PAY cheque. Goderich. Ont. Phone,37 GO ER,ICH, TliUR DELAY DElelilON ON HURRIICANE Raw ' Goderich Township Federation Banquet Here Has New Record High Attendance More than 250 people attended the banquet of the Goderich Township Federation of Agriculture at the Goderich Collegiate Auditoriuixt-Friday night when Alfred Warner, R.R. 1, Bayfield, was re-elected president andverett Mcllwain, R R. 2, Goderich, • vice-president. " ' Officers Re-elected shown by farmers insot '1 survey re-elected also with the exception of S.S. 1 where Win. Mitchell re- signed and Wm. Longmire was named in his place. Other repre- sentatives are: SS. 2, James Mc- Millan; S.S. 3, Frank. Yeo; S.S. 4, Allother representatives were Uth, 1954' ft Before making any grant 'itself, Goderich Towup, C iuxieil decided last Friday night to wait: and see what.. action is taken by Huron, County Council "w'hen . it meets here later this month towards making a grant to the Ontario Hurricane Relief Fund. • Requests for contributions to the fund came from the Canadian Fed- • eration of Mayors • and Municipal- ities and from the Goderich Lions Club. Members of council felt that County Council usually made grants in such cases as hurricane relief and it might be best to wait to see what the County Council would do. The November meeting 'of the Kintail W.I. was held at the home of the president. Mrs. „ Fred Mc- Gregor took the chair for the meet- ing. • The roll call was answered by naming a flower starting with the first letter of your name. The group from the 10th are putting on a dance at Kintail hall on November 19. It was decided not to ask for the Government grant this year. Mrs. N. G. McKenzie introduced Mrs. Durnin Phillips, the district president. She spoke on Citizen- ship and Education. . She pointed out the wonderful opportunity for girls' gardens. She mentioned alsothe work being done for the chidren ih isolated areas by the teacher in the railroad car school. Mrs. Jack Collinson sang a solo, after which a contest in hemming a fine seam was cond'ueted. Mrs. Neil McDonald, was the winner. Pky dear tozw_-env WI 'genuinea 1 LA -AZ -BOY CHAIR • A LUCKY DRAW 1iI .RI' WILL. HE ,GIVEN AWAY ON EVERY $5 WORTH • OF MERCHANDISE PUR- CHASED AIT OUR- STOKE—AND ALSO ONE FOR EVERY PAID O '-AC OVNT. DRAW 710 BE 111.AlitE CHICISTNLiS EVE. KEITH ARTHUR Furniture and Appliances. :&iiburn _44-49 AT THE PARK TELEPHONE TOP -SCREEN FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT 01'S T -(t r 1i;' GRE -T SPECT . ISiTTR1C-TtOWWF-" "The• CAINE MUTINY" IN TECHNICOLOR Herman Wouk's enthralling novel becomes. a screen master- piece! Captain Queeg and his long-suffering crew in an unforgettable tale of tempest aboard a destrpyer. • A book to read -a picture YOU must seel. Humphrey Bogart, Mel Ferrer and Van Johnson NO ADVANCE IN A.5MISSION PRICES Mon. and Tues. Only, "GORILLA AT LARGE" Mystery amid a carnival troupe as their ferocious main attrac- tion gains temporary freedom. • In color. Anne Bancroft and Cameron Mitchell Coming -4 days --Wed;, Thurs.,, Fri. and Sat.—Next Week. "DEMETRIUS itnd the GLADIATORS:' Victor Mi turd—Technicolor H fl. `Canadian railways moved 156,- 107,052 tons of freight during 1953. First Aid Rendered to Sick ;_,Radios .and TV B. R. MUNDAY Also Portable Fod -Proof Sound Service Certified Radio Technician Call at Widder St.,Goder'ich or Phone 598 29tf Mervyn Lobb; S.S. 5, Ray Cox; S.S. 6, W. Porter; S.S. 8. Fraser Stirling; S.S. 9, •John Deeves; S.S. 10, Don Middleton; S.S. 11, George Porter; Union, Ross Hoggart; hog director, -Alf Warner; poultry director, Robt. Sowerby; beef pro- ducer director, Don Middleton; lady director, Mrs. Fred Wallis; auditors, Ben Whitley and Lorne Rodges. A warm welcome was extended made and other projects- He brought along the thanks :of Mr. Baker, assistant agricultural repre •sentative, for the 4-H club leaders and youths taking, part in its ac- tivities.' The very active 4-11 club members in Goderich Township were highly praised. Reeve Ed. Grigg of Goderich Township told of the importance of - farmers standing behind all efforts of the Federation of Agri- culture. Bob Carbert of Wingham spoke of Federation of Agriculture ac- tivities. $154.29 Balance Robert Welsh read the secre- tary's report. In his treasurer's to the gathering by the chairman; report he stated there was a bal Alf Warner. There were over 50 ante of $154.29 for the year end more in attendance than there were. last year. Mr. Warner ex- pressed pleasure on the large at- tendance and 'also for the fact that so many were present from urban centres including . Goderich and see to it that this. was corrected. ClPoin , Elston Cardiff, M,P., congratul- Pointing out` that it takes fromated the Federation of Agriculture two to three years for farmers'on their accomplishments in the requests to come up through the past, threeand praised Mr. proper channels and eventually be- . years the capable manner r. came regulations, Wilfred Short Warner fowhich he carried on as chairman. reed, president of the Huron Coun- Mr. Cardiff introduced 'the guest ty Federation of Agriculture, ask- speaker. ed the Federation members to be pGuest speaker of 'the evening patient " if 'they felt things were i was R.K. Bennett, chief of the not being accomplished as speedily (Livestock Marketing Branch, Fed as they thought they should be. i eral Department of Agriculture, Bob Stirling, past president, Huron Ranks High moved a vote of thanks, to the Mr. Bennett pointed out' tha Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion for Huron County stood outo in al the splendid turkey banquet they Ontario as an agricultural county. had prepared. 29 Farm Forums Gordon 'M. Greig, secretary -field - man of the County Federation, ex- plained• that due to lack of interest shown in the annual •County Fed- eration Field Day and year book, these were being discontinued. In their place there would be a Feder-- atian- pienic.an.d..also•,-a-paper .Putt. lished for rural County residents. He pointed out there were at present 29 Farm Forums in the County and there would probably be more later. G:. W. Montgomery, "County agri- cultural representative, expressed appreciation of the co-operation ing November 3, 1954, as compared to $206.68 for the previous year. Chairman Alf Warner warned that the quality of hogs being pro- duced by the farmers was slipping and that farmers would have to r• . HURON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASS'.N ANNUAL MEETING MacKAY.:HA.1L, 'GODERICE I Wednesday, Nov. 17 - 9.m. Election of `Officers and Other Business SPEAKER:. ROBT:. MACAULEY, M.P.P.; Everybody Welcome Dom. tG.:S. ELLIOTT .President TORONTO JOSEPH MURPHY Secretary GO© SAVE THE .•QUEEN, • GODERICH PAVILION EVERT SATURDAY !NIGHT PAUL 'CROSS AND :HIS ORCHESTRA EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT IS SQUARE DANCE NIGHT with CLARENCE PETRIE and the NIGHT HAWKS. Maw, r ,tfa reservations now 'for the New Year's .Eve Patty and jibe. PHONE 675 or 419 Advance tickets -sire en sale at the .Pavilion. SPECIAL CKR[STMA'S :Intl®4ii1:IGHT DANCE, SUNDAY, D.EGEMBER 26. The Pavilion i ;ars :available for .afternoon and evening rentals. The mann r+t, caters to -luncheons, banquets, wedding receptions, etc. Phone 675 or 19... ....... MM. 11 AT THE CAPITAL '"<,"` ADVENTURE STORIES AT THEIR BEST. —Thurs., 1W — Fri. and Sat. h / _ Judy Holliday, Alda 'Ray -arterbladg K ffif dy" You will enjoy this comedy drama about a young married " couple who are reconciled in a court of domestic "relations. "The MARRYING KIND" Mon., Tues. and Wed. Wendell Corey — Margaret Lockwood and Forrest Tucker Filmed in Technicolor. Down in the South Seas. the master of a trading schooner rums afoul of a romantic typhoon. "LAUGHING ANNIE" Coming—"'Duel In the Jungle"—In Color-- Jeanhe .Crain and Dana Andrews. Blyth Man Named By Holstein Club Simon Hallahan, $lyth, was elected president of the Huron County Holstein Club at the an- nual meeting of the group held last Friday night in Clinton. ° He succeeds William Gow, Au- burn, who is retiring after a two- year term in office. Other officers named were: Bert W. Dunn, Bayfield, first vice-presi- dent; Ed. Bell, Blyth, second vice- president; Hume Clutton, R.R. 5, Goderich, secretary -treasurer. Directors Veterans, wes, A To North: Street h Tribute. to the dead of two w•oarld i had not . tried k, wars. was paid here on Sunday when members of the' Canadian' Legion, the Auxiliary to the Legion and Maitland Air Cadet Squadron paraded to North Street United Church for the morning service. The parade formed up at the Legion Hall and was led by the Goderich Pipe Band and color parties of the Legion, the Air Cadets, the Ahmeek and Maple Leaf Chapters of the T.O.D.E. Remembrance Theme At the service, the minister, Rev. 11. A. Dickinson, preached on a Remembrance theme using as his topic, "When We Remember." He said that over and over again men have asked, "Why do we fight?" and they have searched for an answer. "Anyone you • talk to," he said, "may have a multitude of answers. Everyone of us has his own theor- ie§ as to, the cause of war and as :'to how it 'may be stopped. But we don't think of God in our think- ing of war." He pointed out that in the first book of the Bible, God gives a message about war in the story of Cain and Abel. Here, he said, one of the brothers had a poor relation- ship with God. "Much of the trouble in the world today," Mr. Dickinson said, "is the relationship between our - Directors are,- for North Huron selves and God. , We only have George Tervit and Walter 'Woods, 'to look back to•Naziism to see that Wingham; Nh Centre, Glen Wal- the Nazis rejected the revelation don, Luckn•ow, Richard Procter, Belgrave; South Centre, William Haugh, Clinton, Howard Feagan, Goderich; South Huron, Carl Deck- er, Zurich and Peter Simpson, Sea - forth. Willis Van Egmond, Clin- ton, was reappointed auditor. - One of the speakers • for the an- nual meeting was Jake Terry, Lam-, betlx; fieldman for the Canadian Holstein -Friesian Association, who pointed out that the Huron group He said Huron produced. more cattle than any other county in had been progressive during the the province and that, next to past year, with 13 new members Perth County it was the leading I joining the national association, a. producer of hogs. gain of 14 per cent. The number of cattle in Canadal. iReferring to the Holstein shows today in ratio to our population is n the area, be said there were the lowest it has ever been since I more exhibits in, the 10 Black and Confederation said Mr. Bennett. White shows this year, with a total -Right-now-12,000 000:- more cattle rof._., 3t?.Q.'.. exliibtvs, _and l,1?7 ,Batt e are needed to bring it up to the shown at all 10 shows. He said a ratio it was in the period between 1871 and 1951 but it is doubtful if .we will ever catch up again, he A most hopeful`fact,•he said, was 'that Canadians are eating more cattle than ever before, providing an ever increasing domestic market. The key to cattle prices in Canada rests on twa. points: 1. level of prices in U.S.A. 2. Wheth- er we have to 'ship excess cattle more ,,herds on Record of Produc- to U.S.A.• i tion tests, Selection registration Prospects Unchanged is offered by the Association—this What are prospects for the fu gives you an idea of the kind of ture? asked Mr. Bennett. He quot r cattle you should be keeping in ed the remarks of an expert analyst to the effect that :here your herd." would be "no boom, nor no bust. Harold Baker, Assoeia .e Agricul- Things would remain just about as tural Representative, reported on they are now for the next year." the work of 4-H Clubs, and.said Speaking of the hog market, he. f� that all grades' were increasing -in said there was a feeling of mi1t;'T quality. He presented honor list certific- ates to the following members: Ed Bell, Blytli; ,Torn Hayden and Son, Gorrie, W. H. Clutton and Son, R.R. 5, Goderich. and Ross Mar- shall, Kirkton. The meeting also heard an ad- dress on line -breeding of . cattle, given by George C. Jackson, of Downsview. Red seal long-termproject cer- tificates were presented to George C. Tervit, Wingham, and to Baxter AT HALLOWE'EN PARTY and Turton, R.R. 5, Goderich. of God in Christ. The difficulty was that the German people were not right with God." He said that he felt if Hitler German peo Super race, , the bloody, tra "We are:* hope on the'. should pin our basic faith ort 'God," he . sat ,1:14e,„ruble lig in not onfy.ct: ,thei'nations to- gether, but to get them to become right with God', tut 'Chr iaxis k ii ; i Arn,1.�n� about Christianity and people in democratic countries, muse, lei more about.„d, 'ocraey.-i.f. cl7 ism is to be , efeated;” lie ware "Possibly the only answer to -our ,.problem," he concludek we need a Christianity We :can s to the Russmns--+ bn ;if it lam two or thr'e;,v E ,4? 4•p. ttzr' Special music w sung 'by- the and guest' se dist was- Mrs,. Gordon Kaitting, t at`I3•• 4,1 A gramilciarOn , says, the article r'a" always. means `"o? ,>: Bow mistaken he isi FFr' example,.note the article "a" in this sentence: "And now we have a. word:- from our sponsor." 1115131 HIGH BMOC/Ai DIPLOMA AT H*M PROGRESS 'RAPIDITY LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS ALL BOOKS SUPPLIED If you send yqur name and address now• we will send .you a° Free Sam- ple Lesson and 44 Page Book. Write AMERICAN SCHOOL:, 71 Lorne Crescent, Dept, 6-9 Brantford, Ont, high record had been achieved this year in prize money being paid ! out with a total of $8,159. "While our prize money has increased. 300 per 'cent in 'recent • years='so -have- our expenses." "It is time we settled down to take an inventory of what has been taking place in our business. We have a number of free ser- vices, ,and with the government willing to help, we could have optimism and a general prediction that hog prices at Chicago would not drop ditch- below $18 alive. Other remaipks in -the address of Mr. Bennett are incorporated in the "On. The Square" Column on page ode of The Signal -Star. A vote of thanks for the address of Mr. Bennett was moved by Mr. James McMillan. NAME. PRIZE WINNERS Costume winners of the Hal- lowe'en party of the Lions Club, Town of Goderich`'and 'Blue Water Band held recently at the Mem-. orial Arena were: ' Four years and under: 1. Betsy Jerry; 2. Yvonne Smith; 3. Janette ,Jerry. • Four to eight years: 1. Jean Cameron; 2. Patty -.Stowe;, 3. Billy Wilkinson - Eight to 12 years: - 1. Dianne Bannister; 2. Audrey Banter; 3. Robert Baechler. Twelve to 16 years: 1. Nancy Hughes; 2. Carl. Schmidt; 3. Pat Laws. Miss Hallowe'en—Dianne Ban- nister. The cheque "-which •the Lions Club• hands over to the Home and School Club each year for makg the hot.. dogs- for the Hallowe'en party' at the arena was this year accepted by the Home and School Club only for a brief period since it was turned over to the Ontario Hurricane Relief Fund. RECTOR SPEAKER ' AT MEETING OF GUILD The rector, Rev. Dr. K. E. Taylor; gave an ` interesting "talk on the Phophet . Amos at the November meeting of St. George's Church- woman'suild, Mrs. G H. Dodd,pre: re- idi*3's:-- ,., � rP -�. was,•• - 1aIiI • acid the Scripture was read by Mrs. H. Tichbornel Mrs. „D. J. Patterson reported that vestments far 10junior choir girls were being. made. A generous shower of suitable articles for the Children's Aid was given by the 'members and it was decided to have an exchange of Christmas gifts at the December meeting. At a flower contest, -Mrs. T. Davis was the winner. Tea was served with Mrs. Dodd, .dVtrs. Roy Spar'ling and Mrs .T. Glazier as hostesses'. CHAPTER MEETS Insurance was the topic of dis- cussion when the 'first regular meeting of the Huron district chap- ter of tie Credit Union was held at Clinton on Wednesday night of last week. Les Pitbiado, newly - appointed president of the chap: ter, presided at the meeting. OTIC Pensioners' Hones A survey is being made to de,it ' ne -the iieec for rental accommodation for elderly citizens, In municipalities visited, rents aver''aged $25• $19 per month. The higher figure represents heatedQ accommodation. If sufficient interest, is shown. council will con- sider proceeding with a similar- proje°ct do Goderich Name Address Monthly Income Length of Time Resident in Goderieb Return to : -S. H,. BLAKE, ToWrn Hall, Goderich ' By November 19; 19b4 LIVING ROOM -DINING ROOM BEDROOM &'KITCHEN r BUDGET TERMS 11 WEST ••,.,.rr 774 Bridge Sets Card Tables KROEHLER ROCKtRS Assortment of us ioni, tempers Bedroorn Chairs and Rugs • Limited number only $55.00 4.1 ▪ .. euAV it. i kGq, 1. ••••••••••im•••••••M'••••••••O•••••••••i•N••••••••i•iif$•o••Mi• ► LODGE F WEST ST. .a i,. :,,1Y4r51• U .�