HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-4-24, Page 7f T, ewesinewsweweewestsweweestessiwswetweisa Boole fonder 11I7HEN they find how' rapidly health *r Y is restored by taking Ayer'a Sar. sapatr1Ua. The reason is that this plreparatien contains only the purest and most powerful alteratives and (once. To thousanda yearly it provea to 'veritable elixir of life. Mrs. ,TDs. Lake,. Brockway Centre, 1Kich., writes : •'Liver complaint anti indigestion made my lite a burden and came Dear eliding my existence. For mare than four yeare I suffered un, told agony. 1 was reduced almost to a skeleton, and bardlybad strength to drag myself about. 8,» kinds at Food distressed me, and only the ,neat deli- cate oouid be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated mewithout giving relief, Noth- ' tie that I took seemed to do any pere lament gone until I began the use. of decoct won derful rest ltss.ehSoon ante aunlueu ' to take the Sarsaparilla 1 could sees I tprovement fn my condition, my appetite be an tei return and with it cane the ale ty to digest all the food takes, My strength Improved each: day, and atter a few xoonth; of faitheul attention to your directiopel I touud myself a well woman, able to attend to all boueohold i ` dot ed, The raedioiue lzaaven Inc si a stewlease of life, and I cannot thrid; too much." "We, the unelerefgned, citizens of 1lerackway Centre, Miele, Hereby certify that the above atatement, made by Mrs. Lake, is true in every pertfculals and Oita entitled to full credence:"—O, P Kiane a ,is 15t, W: Waring, 0. A. "leer brother. in England, was, four a long time, unable to attend to his own. tion, by reason of sores an Ids Amt. sent bila :Ayers .Aimenae and the tear timanials it contained iuduced lilac to try Sarsaparilla. .After using It auitile while, be was cured, and is now a well swan, working in a sugar mill at Brisbane, Queensland. P tlstralig,'"-•- .4 el teweU, SSlaarbot Lake, Outgrip. Ayer's Cl 7 Cr.enarmoto d. G. Ayer is tae., Lowe% Manx, PItgot}ll mix Willie, et, Weak iesabank. H I RST'S PAIN EXTE!t1LIATQ 1+ HOUREMEDY. HOUSEHOLD =Ism lteu, Ont. Dear air—I have usiiit your rata Exterwanator In Ihh nuttily for eeenratit*C that a nimitq is of. flleted.vrtth. such ala Cougbs,t'olcie Rheumatism. Sprains surd sure/. Toothache. and wherever therePath. 1 le not be without it in my hon etdll cats recommend It to the world to be tab ftret•claea irttelc,batb Internet tzndtltierots' Your*' 'c.. JAS. ItERiteatee, 5. t'rohtbitton Society. ., e,... Beet:. Sold by all druggbktt. F. DALLEY & CO., Proprietors, Hamilton. Sore E;�s Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Sprains Chafing USE Bruises Scalds POND'S Piles AVOID AGI. MITA- TIONS. MITA- 6E DANGER US MAY FAC.SlMtLE OF BOTTLE W tTH BUFF WRAPPER. Burns Wounds EXTRACT insect DEMANDPONO'SSX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO Bites Stings Sore Feet INFLAMMATIONS and HEMORIRHAGES ALL SUBSTITUTE FOR T a as r an 1'^r rNya Tae d ei° aT 9 �•a„i THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KING. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER r 'e ewin .1lfacaane a T bn establish To nab ce le s y r trade all art ole 111111 ladn our maoin0P g cod where 4he eo�a�aan see Dad a } E E 1;p a 1• -,r t a we 1l send( t one x '.5 � h m,wlS`oe o �_ '�.. Wrenn ya each localaty,thn very bet set in - ohiho o e In it,-,---.2.---r.....„......,111i,e v m and - � the -world, with all the attachments, • Wo will also tend freed complete ,', is.' 6' . line of our Costly and valuable art '. to we c that you to ,!' entnlosr In rennet e! 1 l show what -ire send, to those who may cell et your home, and triter et s euro months This eO own property. 17ds ,and machine is mato after Lha. Singer patents, which have ran out c before patents ran out it sold for $iiia, ,vhb litho cantonments, and now 00110 for II i$50. Best, strongest, most use. 1f p 'i F fel machine 1n the world. Ali is ia)ai�i,66,r free. No capital required.Plain, brief iaetrucflons given. Those who write to us at once can se,' euro free tiro 50,4 nowSag-mnehinel U e58 world, end the ,ln0,taiae o f works of kI Ah art ever 0hown togathcr in Amofica. iriersE & CV., lees "7'40..&u5usta. Maine. To BROIL SPRING CHICAEN.-,q. piit' a half. ;town spring chicken down the back, twist he tips of'the wings over the second joint, }pe dry ; spread out, and break the breast. Ione with the rolling -pin. Put on a greased rid -iron over a clear fire, rub with clarified utter. Turn often to prevent scorching. hell ,elf done sprinkle with salt and pep - T. Wien thoroughly done put on a hot ish with melted butter and a little mush- aom catsup. Garnish with squares of asted bread. THE NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERIES. edupon no treaty right wasadvanced by the` CAIJ.ED EY HIS FRIEND. French. We indinantly repudiated it, Brit- ain stepped in and to buy a transient peace i A, Stooling Ghost Story Front the Orient. An Explanation oythe Situation, provisionally yielded to claims which were `; q n Aangliali gentleman named Kellar re Mail advices from St. JoIui s, N fld., chow znotlstratls and absurd and we were the sof- latex the follow g strange incid t :-- - Ineu t fere, • 1. g that theagitation o bol tir e e u• s t t hinthat x 1 c overthe nG rs o a lieu and '• s six 1 burglar y o i t seizes , win tell you a trim ghost slot ,and Due Haat nodus vivendi, negotiated between Great toujt pacts and You Threaten to yield him up eendsa cold shiver through y frame when - Britain and Prance in reference to the lob- d Proposes a modus vivendi, ever I think of it, When I was in Shang - :nor fishery, intensifies and gives plotnise of under which be shall retain possession of ; China, in 1878, in company with Lw s immediately assuming the proportions of a that plate for three months, reserving your Look and Iialnadeva (we were Ilan travail- ` question of interlaetionel magnitude unless just right of possession to be adjudicated inn uudertlie name ofthe Royal Illusionists), immediately grapp=led with and satisfac- tlpoix sereeeter. ! a Y torily settled, and will almost certainly ' Would you accept sue, a modus v vend one Lino Cliaiig, the Chinese giant result ivino as that? Yet that is thevery1 Lan Look, I"aznadevss, and revery ship in driving that island either arta t arrangement Gap�{aisls, anal drove Ont on the Babbling annexation to the United States or cola- winch was forced upon us by Britain, with.. 'Well road to the Hermitage, a sort of sum - federation with Canada. Pnbtiomeetings are out our consent. The French had no right mer garden about four miles from the Eng-' still being field in every settlement and of lobster fishing in oar waters, `.They. never- ,lash quarter of Shanghai, and while there fishing station in the colony; the most vim Li.c.t ss threatened to insist upon theft right eve all took part in a game of tenpins. One lent speeclies are made, and the imperial to such a fishery and Britain had yielded. , of the Captains, a burly Germain, made a authorities and their modes vi eudi are What would be the next claim - Was this ret man tell etaes b throwing the vehementlydeuouncecl: The public feelinm nos=ey of concession to be forever ursuccl at g y st ike y throw ni, P as our ex rp largest ball in the rack. is at. fever heat. The people are in no mood =+ease? NO 1 a thousand times no. 1 This roused Yamadeva and be else at - to submit to what they terns such an out- Wo are not afraid of the French and we tempted to throw the large ball, but ne do- 3ageous and unwarrantable violation of would resist their encroachments, France in their right of local ;self-governmentas thatat. had no snore title to take lobsters in our hiins ao fell back right breast and 'ecompdro ¢olhun back of ain to tempted by "the ignorant and lazy otlicials. waters than else had to put a pistol at our the city and sumzuolzee the l.:nglish by of Ilawning street, There is n universal heads auct demeuct our eleney Or Our life. simian, who pronounced it a case of rupture demand for aLrogation of the treaties made Lvery right was on our side. e e could set ed muscles, and assured us that the young two hundred years ago, wvhiclz are absurdly the hearts of Britons a» over the world in man would be all right in n few days. On out of keeping with the nineteenth century, $sines in our defence and we would do t. 'the fourth da • after the accident Yarned - ,and throughout the island the cry echoes, • We would never be snob cowards as to per* eve was a i�xa Ball so anuehbetterthat the and .re•ecltaes, "The French must "o," eve4 mit France to get the least foetheld upon doctar said it wound be perfectly safe for if at the point of British bayonets, and if OUT satI,p }" Faig1and fails her in this supreme crisis Newfoundland will appeal to the United States, who, it is felt, heal no desire to see another European power firmly established so near its coasts The situation iso briefly this: By the treaty of Utrecht and subsequent treaties the k reach were given certain "concurrent iish- ery rights" along 1,000 miles of the west coast of I7'ewfount`iland, hut they were not to erect buildings. "except= hose necessary and usual for drying fids. .blue part of the island is most fertile and abounds in timber and mineral wealth. For the purpose of opening it to colonization the (loverent is abnln out spending' $10,000,0eo in building a. railway. By tiro treaty of Paris of 1814 it wife, turn down ee, house, or eat his own was expressloprovicled that the lrenelu'ight' throat he would immediately do it. Recent of lishery should. he reislaceil upon the footingexllirii:nl�x#s have all denlr u;;Grateti that thean which it stead in 170'x. That referred oht•tlivnce of the r;lzlzjb.e1 to t=ie !lypuotizer is exclusively to the coli fisher}•. Of recent implicit, it, nod that he is utterly powerless to sears a val=uable lobster lslaciy has able- exert au re+"istiart lull of =tis own white veloped along this (toast, St. Pierre under the izypnotie rpell, In Paris ze:entll; Miquelon s z is e . i el n i the base of operations for I's. f k the ' Preach fisheries, About 300 vessels hyuotizt l pati tit entre nd told bine o go bite e carne out from eraues every spring to en- a pyre areal km tab gendarme to whom laza Bypnotia ii, =tint to go with us to Ilemg hoop on the ateantshig lehiva, which Was to leave that afternoon. Weallentbarked_ antlabouemid. night on the first night out 1- was awakened • bytwopiercing-1 ' s e e Thzrzeh.s f X c 11,zx !Kellar Uar . The new thio called i; o 'a a itC wtlm frmrl S Yp ( known as mesmerism) ierevealiugfresh wow- These were the last words Yamadeva ever tiers every day. People of e, soientiflc. and s=poke, for when I melted ds cabin his head' inquiring turn of mind are busy with it in • wins tint= to Look's arms 'he was q g i leing Ling every city, and somevery rewlarkableexperi• . dead, j nems have been made, Whatever this 1 The ship's doctor said he had burst a blood curious force is, it is certain that it puts the vessel. 'The Captain of the steamer kinkily hypnotist in pltsseston of a startling power consented to carry the body to hong Kong, over the aetions of Ids subject, There is and the shipecarpenter =umbel.laugheotlin, nothing scarcely that he cannot cause the and the remains of aur eooprusion were de- hypnotized or mesmerized person to do. ;lo posited on the bridge. On the evening of completely, in fact, is the latter at his bid. the second day, at about 0 o'cloek, while the ding, that if be should tell hen to kill his ship was ca1nzly mauling down the Formos.e Chancel, Ling Look, .lir. Gray of the Hoag Kon ;andtilzanglaaihaud, Mire.(lray, a clergy-. man, and 1 were seated on deck its the alt, when suddenly there was a clear and distiuet nlli et1e• --ti-to-tate-tati—sueliasoureonpany used rear the purpnse of reeog titiou. 'S1' 1r' . oris x and We al were very n cit St: nab he 3 ,•stL 1 lit a b ( � - more we ice. excited.. Ling. I.onj, was very much worked up, and exclaimed, "•I'hat is Yatuadevu, whistling," aznl answered the gage in these fisheries, Theeeeee tlepesulent p intelt. The patient kilt= as he was bid and call by our well-known tioo-ti-ti 1 This wa..s ulna p alp �r kh d theavowedd lten ' bat t era o 1' i wools= have need r�ytli hed his murderous lois. immediately answered by the correct ree1y, Pia shot hast the obeeer =mates= oat to hiuz—and to i•id-oo. Ling Look wow gave the twat Mg the French fisheries the : ewfnuudlkuul into which beppinnt e j his knife—been a gen- ` ral1,'ti•ta•ti•tatz•tszti. Tililcwalsinemediately Government prohibited the export of bait to datzue instead of the tra'e svhieh it really auswerad by the invisible power with time, 8t. Pierre or its sale to French iishovern-iiw.zP, .ht a r' a•LS auctEiug of mental ti -ti. Theeallewere repeated b Lin'sever- I3yway of retaliation the French govern-iseicnt1C44in �e-- lt;;l; ono i,f ttzo gentle- al times, and eacih time the correct reply meitilnzllediate1y advaneedtheclaiin of con. Hien t,tcttc'tl th;ct Esc! !mew of his own. trtsow- ' came from the air above, The night was current rights to the Newfoundland lobster ledge Haat hypnotism hail excteised an ion, clear and ==right, ant no one was cont c'aled 1 arks erectedpermanent t i t► fist cf factories, 1 nc �! e • rtant part in the recent wrecking of a on deck, ns every place. was carefully wthe its inhabitants away British h u tttsn#-s on the •L•as ti Ylx In la pf�z r •. smelled. The ship's officers at first made 21. k in that i one t ,q i t 'Lr! n I t c t}, a t of the , ,t. ails stni that their partici •stion In rho fishery inter- , ing compelled the others by ,,;s hypnotic light of the aft'air, but when the whistling Was lured with the right of the French, im=ported . L11111'•szce a .i, en t.r into his 9.•lseznee, The repeated, and Ling Look would tell thein all their goods free of duty, set Newfound- geneeinan added feather the(, ea Awn who hetorehand what answer to expect, they he - recognized laws and Government at defiance and hos flee itvpnotio 'sower can do alinoat ca=nt! ay aloe, excited as we, and the l Is'p- 7 eeogntzei1 an=y the authority of French war everything ' with lurz fellaw•snen ; he could fain said it was the most wonderful thing1 e ships I�n;�land not wishing to quarz'el with draw JayCould or an other wealthy man ever ecnPerieiwed in bis life. reeler o ee tin•+ :natter, teeitly supported to hi- o; ce Gee ziznko him invest millions Liu Look iullisted a>nopeninl. the Boli ys to hvrdvrt.ltl'1• :ail the Fre:a'h and the British lu fraudulent taste Jriree." The idea that Sec if ti'amadevawas reall • dead,aud when war KUips jlraeticlzll}' united to au=r==al t the , tilr, t lotsltl might be might is a startling it uetra- calling mo, and 1 onuet o with him." Poor fo d=ander ton of its power and full of suggestion sof Ling Loo=. was Laken ick in Hong Kong un s. Last year the Newfoundlaud Legislature its utility and , value to mankind. With aud died in tholospit sl there, and we buried suet unlimited control of his sub"eet, it him beside his brother Yamadeva. They would seem possible for right-mindeditypno• are resting•sids by side in Happy Valley, tilers to accomplish a world of good. In- ` the beautiful. cemetery of Hong Kong. which, while professing the mast fervid lop j deed, almost every great reform, it would aity, talked to Her Majesty in a pointed 11 seem, mif htbe accomplished by this curious manner that was more emphatic aid sug• pay epic force. Were the hypnotic power If We Knew, gestive than eustomary. The address re- rightly employed would not the fondest Could we but draw back the curtains minded Her Majesty that the imperial tlreamsever conceived for the happiness of That surround each other's lives, authorities had frequently displayed a dis- the human race be easy of realization? Turn See the caked heart and sphat,. position to make undue concessions in the a fess' thousand first•elass hypnotists loose Know what spur the swami gives, fishery matters to the aggressive claims of upon the evils and abuses of the land and the Qften weshould find it better, the subjects of Franco, and to aubordinate thing would be done. They would find Purer than we judge we should; to political or diptometie exigencies the 1113. plellty of work. Every ring, trust andconx. We should love Buell other better doubted rights of British subjects. The bine should be hypnotized and bidden to If we only understood. address masted that the French had no disband. Mill•owners and factory propyl, right to take: lobsters in the territorial eters should be hypnotized into paying bet- . Conld we judge all deeds by motives, watere of Newfoundland, or to erect factories ter wages and telhug the truth .about their See the good and bad within, or eetablialunents on the soil. But not only affairs. Evil doers of all kinds and the foes Often we should love thesinner had they (lone the, but Frenchmen =lad of all reforms could be made to fall under All the while we loathe the sin. destroyed the lobster factories at Hauling the spell of apatriotiomoral andreformatory Could we knowthe powers working Murphy al• hite bay, owned by Messrs. hypnotizor and be turned from the ways of To o'erthow integrity, Murphy tic Andrews, two British subjects, wickedness and corruption. Hypnotism, 'SS'e should judge each other's errors "at the instance of the Fronoh authorities, though now buts fad, may yet become a With more patient charity. a French warship assisting, and a British I great moral force. warship interfering to await the unwar- ranted contention of the eretch." This act j • was declared to be "a violation of treaty obligationsThe Russian Stdent. and of international law, and a ti. gross trespass upon the rights of British The students at the St. Petersburg Uni- subjects, for wlueh an exemplary compen- vorsity gave a very discourteous reception sation should be demanded from the govern- to Lieutenant. General Gresser, Chief of the merit of France." The Imperial Govern- St. Petersburg Police, when he tried to mont was called upon to assert and protect pacify them the other day. They threw him the rights of Her Majesty's subjects in New- ' on the floor and kicked him. Possibly they foundland against the aggressive and un -1 wanted to see if the true Tarter was in him. warranted claims of the French subjects . Kick a Russian and you will find the Tarter and for the avoidance of discord, tumult : as a rule, It was somewhat novel treatment and disturbance between the subjects of the' no doubt to a Chief of Police. In Russia two great powers. It was declared to be I the police usually do all the kicking. The necessary that some firm and vigorous action f Czar seems to fear that the students might should betaken by Newfoundland with the apply the same radical remedy to him, and co-operation and assistance of Her Majesty's has ordered that all the universities in the Government. !Empire shall be closed for a year. It is a Age of Birds. The addreasspeaifically demanded Imperial reactionary policy with a vengeance that the How long do buds live? This is an in- action in reference to the following points : i unhappy reactionary.; is adopting. Closing all rho teresting question, for everybody admires 1. Protection of British lobster fishermen. ' colleges will not put the students out of birds, and any information regarding them 2. Resistance of French claims now first existence. It will not incline them to keep is generally acceptable. Those who have in- asserted in respect to lobsters. ion singing "God Preserve the Czar, which vestigated the matter tell us that some birds 3. Removal of all lobster factories or other anthem they sang after kicking the Chief of are very long lived; for instance, it is as - buildings erected by the French upon New- Pollee, just to show that no personal offense Betted that the swan has reached the age of foundland tel ritory. ! was meant to their Imperial ruler. The 300 years. Knauer, in his work entitled 4. The assertion and protection of the chorus of the Nihilists is more than likely to ' "Naturhisteriker," states that he has seen right of British subjectsto the use of British be swelled by many of the young men But off a falcon that was 162years old. The follow - territory in Newfoundland for agricultural, from their studies. How long can this state ing examples are cited as to the longevity of lumbering or mining purposes without in- of things go on in Russia ? It is all very well the eagle and the vulture : A sea eagle teeruption, molestation or interference of to kick Chiefs of Police, send threatening captured in 1715, and already several years the French under any pretended treaty letters to the Czar, and protest against the of age, died 104 years afterward in 1819 ; a claims. 1 existing system of government in all sorts of white -headed vulture, captured in 1706, And to this end the co-operation of the childish ways, but is it not time that the died in 1826 in one of the aviaries of Schoen- P Russian eo le shook off despotism . The R 1 0 P P Pwhere it heal Castle,near Vienna, brume e r North American fleet was requested. The bra q of the o resaor are es crate= measures h r d •,P P Y P passed 118years in captivity. Pax Hata v Paroquets n - P reply of theBritish Gro ernment to thisn e h v Yshutting upi universities ominous demand of the Legislature is the silly. the studentsaskfr reforms iu the ears. T a life ofs sea and marshnd „even ch an e fbirds ser ometimes times negotiation s cret of the modus vivendi e tcan bebutone endto management 1 Thele n gseveral. ma generations. (without the knowledge or consent, and all this. The sooner the revolution comes equals that of hu u ge a ainat the atron eat retest of the Tsland Like many other birds, magpies live to be g P the better. of ' a state of freedom but do n veryold in , gg t Governmen hie, maintains that the static) quo )recognizes and establishes the 1 v reach over 20 or 25 years in captivity. The French position and takes the government ii domestic cock livesfrom 15to20 years, and of a thousand miles of coast out of the hands 1 Highly Educated Seal. the pigeon about 10. The nightingale lives of ck d in tyearsin captivity, and the blackbird hands of French and Britiewfoundlanders and sh valces tofficerse 'g Parisians just now' are interested in a sin) 15. 10Caary birds reach an age of from 12 %l to ularly learned seal that has just made his to 15' years xn the nage, but those flying at arm their rew The Day Colonist urges the lobstermen to debug t the Fernando Circus. It came a reach a much th n native islands e liberty in e a i x and gat=ing factories guns or Enfield resolute as the from Russia when quite young, having been more advanced age, onlymeans ofgalvanizingthe barnacles of sent tea fish -monger pe Orleans Instead of , killing him and self' h' in pieces to his 'a Dgwnxng street into a wholesome Newfoundland -en customers the fish monger took compassion Duncan Roy Blanket. sign of the inherent rights of queer little animal and made a house. This anecdote of Sir Ralph h Abercromby, era. The resolutionsezipassedo at indignation holdn the a ho s that even 'n g pet of him. At the end of six years the victor of .Aboukir, shows that i meetings af%l m that even temporary reeog- Phopho, as the seal is called, grew to be the presence of death he did not forget that vivendi is avirtual concession of the save- h ninon of the French c=alms by the modus ha big, fat fellow: He always 'cane when consideration for others which is the ruling, . e was called, and cheerfully gave his paw, spirit of really great men. After the battle reignty of the soil to a foreign power. 1 or rather is flipper,- to . everybody that he at which, he was mortally wounded he was Ex -Attorney -General Sir James Winter, was introduced to, In addition to this carried on board one of the ships and a who was knighted for his attendance' at the evidence of good breeding, he' p re- soldier's blanket placed under sus 'lead to negotiation, of the last Washington treaty, in markable tlents and skilfully displayedeformed ' ease it. He felt the relief and'askeii what it a speech at the great demonstration at St. feats that would make an imperfectly edu was. " Only a soldier's blanket." ' ` Whose Johns, attended „ by 10,000 people, said : Bated terrier ashamed of himself. On fine blanket is it ?" "Only one of the men's" was There mast be no trifling, no show of timid- days the, seal tramps along at a lively flip- the reply. "1 wish to, know the name of the ' ity, no disposition to forfeit one right we flapait a portion of the distanee' between man to whom the blanket belongs." "It is now enjoy. This modusg vivendi is' illegal, hiboarding-house and the Fernando Circus, Dungan Roy's of the Forty. -second, monstrous and destructive. to our most sacred ''where he is exhibited. On wetdays,strangely Ralph." "Then see," said the dying General, • rights. It must never be enforced. What enough,he insists onbeingtakeninaear'riage "that Duncan Roy gets his ,`blanket this 1 did this modus vivendi mean ? A claim baa He has a horror -of rain,. very night." Chambers' Journal. nmemulously adopted A JOINT ADDRESS TO TILE QUEEN If we knew the cares and trials, Knewthe effort all in vain, And the bitter disappointment, Understood the loss andin— Would the grim, external oughness Seem, I wonder, just the same ? Shoulp wo help where now we hinder ? Should we pity where we blame? Ah 1 we judge each other harshly, Knowing not life's Bidden force; Knowing not the fount of action Is lesi turbid at his source, Seeing not amid the evil All the golden grains of good: Oh 1 we'd love each other better If we only understood. inumwmaiternammemmiammaisommusimmaisc .lye o:\ \?c\\ �� �i '� 2 `-3`�5> a ce' \ ` - I.., t11fs.__._ and Children. t "c tottissowellade teeto..hil U frecommetz - p t: �nitlsef.. +Ci►>itorls 4nrte Celle, tfio>astlpation. dataasuperiortoaaiPP?e 1lPiion fit^fitontar6,?7• create lenietetlon,, mice e tome." A. emcee; encs, Ravage , itxes lateen. seat psaha!?Msk 121 SOD Pzfozl3 ee, Brooklye, N. T. Witeeure iuiiirlow U releet ` ' Tint Czsfeeen C hn'Aary, TT Roney Street, N. T -ti (4-0ils AL FO N , VIA TER .. 6 to fe Smuts, 5.:5 p. mt Sair/non tWsd 'filet... 7>x tliiish a mi e" F 2 pm, MMon 'Toes Thar FAL iSu0 p.m, n Tues t'itxzu. Fa sus Trin ;dad ....,..••.:11;18 a. tilt Tito Wed TX" i& #fork r, is a r, n a .: 6•U' sZ r T �Y g tri Tees Fri Thu r os. • A � z S kt r Sat A A lbu yr u 1 :s0 e 2 .1>' a. ed Th Fri tabu Ln a fi 0. ar r Sat STqP! SIM Ar liaratarr..-.-...-... liz:4�,a, in. 'Thur yPrz 13at ,Fns .'sten tA*ad Ar. US Angeles 4:29p, Ie, Pi, nr Fri • Sot ;San ''Don tired Ai Sean Diego. • Me p. m• Time 'irI fatal 'Sun r o Brad - le .P. Yon get the only line of thr•ru{Ilt cars without change Chicago to I'.cr Angeles,�apd you save n.7 ,ouzo ;hues QF1r i01•: -.-a -1 GRis1'i 0LD.ST,, DETROIT, .til17H. ORO, E. GIGJIA:ti, Passenger Agen PURESTi STRONCESTT BE31'3 CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any iniarioui materials. E.05il. GILLE'i'•r TORoTe,otir, Ii1t,AG4, IS,L• fla==ir efteseetelenearateneneeeeace etee. UENDA I5 SPAVIN CURE Thedadai Remedy ever it i certaintetdoes not blister. Read proof below. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. OlnuioE OF CHARLES A. Srmmit, Balmy= as CLseata5D BAY atm Thermo Bern Roasas, ELxwoon, Its, Nov 20, MS. Da. B.1 Bantam Co, Dear Sirs: I have always purchasedourKen- dall*s Spavin Cure by the half dozen nettles, I wouldle prices in largerI thi k t is one of tee bolinimenon. I have used it Im my stables Ys ruy, CHAS. A. SNYDER. KENDALL'S SPAWN DUDE. Bsoo>; :rrr, N. Y., November 8, 1888. Dn. B. J. EENDALL Co. Dear Sirs :I desire togive SSou,testimonial of my cod cinion of your KendaltnS aviu Cure. I haveused 10 for Eatnenoss. Stii Joints and Spaying, and I have found it a sure cure, 8 cordl- aUy rceommend it to all horsemen. Yours truly, A. A. el0131 nr, 111anager Troy Laundry Stables. KENDALL'S SPAVIN DUDES SANT, WINTON COUNTY, 01110, Dem 19, 158E4 Da. B. J. XENDALL CO. Gents: I feel it nay duty to say what•I base done with your Bendall's Sparta Cure. I have cured twentyAve horses that had ap r1.,0, ten or Bing Bone, nine afflicted with 75l /leaand seven elBYtrJaw. since Ihave /lend Otte esyour books and foil(facd the directions, 9 have never lost It 0500 of any .kind. Sours truly, ANDREW TURNER, Horse Doctor, KENDALL'S SPAVIN PINE. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5... •`tub gists Bade at or canget it for you, or it will.. b'1t to any address 011 receipt ofrice by the pro"l. tors, DR. B. a. X210041.1. CO. Enosburgh falls, V, SOLD BY ALL D111U5'YGISTSa ASK© YOUR GROCER 00 THEM d.. i ,�e I PRE EXETEH TIMES. fatlubiisnee Br' ry Tbuxeday mom Ou,ar TI MES STEAM PRINTING NQS iiks'a,opposite otec.7t robu o3 Sems rnab«r,. WAVES OP AD'rJ:ne s}10 Enratl usortieu, pe r nee ., ..le 00/180' Feet asb*e.lut•atiiisertioe, ser lint• ...,,5 treny►a. To !WAIST gnat/1',011:. aelvcrtisumentr nboestd aseta le leotlater relay; Wednesday teeming, Oera011 P3:P.:'PIN( DFPtitTlltl;,NTio fancy f the lergcst an'l Gasttonlppeat !n the Coasnityk f heron. All +:ars aatrussed to us will ready 1x ttrautt.ta.toutittn, Decisions Keg NtEaw papers. Any person weotakol:a to'erre• u art tr,lnx' tab t, , 1 R 1 F fit Oa afl,Go ti 0 rt • h rile II p , directed r . enother's.or ivbetlzer he has nubsnoribodorun�a' U respouslble for payment, 9 19 apersou orders his paper .liacoetlxlaed Izomuatpvy alt aireara or the publisher suet' continue to sent, it until the naywont to =aft.. and thou collect the whn=t? amount, whether the parer is Mien from toe oifiee or not. 8 to 811118 for subscriptions,tbo suit limy ea, netztutetl iu the Plato R eere tie paper is paean islxed, alt .ouge the suhecriber may ros=e=s, hundreds of miles mane, 4 7'ho courts have decided that refusing to 'eke newspapers orpoaiodicalatrout the peel - office, or removing and leaving thea uncalled or is prima facie evidence of inter) tion alIrma: titi1d tan vnw Witeb� Melt, SiO world timek in the world timekeeper wa nt:01pol'lowest 0518, 001.0 homier 0*'8 . Beth ladhueezd evaropnew with works sec easy, or ayuai talus, ora 1244002. 1* tach totality tan *mere ewe free, together want oar lerya 81 and 'valuable lineeffitotaseaatlea uft11tltta JJ—Szisiples. T9teea eamptee, ae .,Hsi ss. the w•atti•, sre1-ee. :til the waN, ytaX' ;Ateedi ddolsto♦hawwhattrewendyouto these who call- o**e ,nds and neighbors and those about you—tbatalway10000* a*, le rateable obex on0ssearrei. thmweareropaea,wripsy*ltoxptets,tkoi;1t,ato.Afar^ kaev all«!f ran weetdlike tot;a to work for us,you era+ Om hem 8 20 to 800 per ;week and upwards. Adams,.tnaon & Co., ISox elle. l'or&ZRitd. Mnlatt- KATEXAS, KANSAS, OKLAHOMA COLORADO, UTAH, NEW MEXICO O CALIFO R NIA, ARIZONA., OREGON, And all points west of the Missour x Iiislts• via the Santa Fe Rout FROM CHICAGO. For particulars and tioke,s s: a yeanP•• earest ticket agent, or address GEO. E. GIL O1AN, Passetsger Alien(,, 74 Grstwo'ld st, Detroit, Mile dEO. T. NICHOLSON', General Pass. ani Ticket Agent Topeka, Kansas. Cords',' -u 1 is ouNC P RN.'writeodescriptive r ot ti" l + , • it ' containing nofrom aban reds et peep=R -e1® Iowa sowed frees' 4•to0crds dui25,0W now ena♦tIl¢Re fully used. Agencyeau be,.40 where there vaeanoy. A NNW 1NVai5TI0N for saws seat Inc. With each manse; b 'tx aof tool avo yht00 gosrenadleI sttheeirPenrt aaa swo Daontditd.o ott raawShart cross—out aw ver ono ownAsianicaiewu,ns have one. Nowto ny;w,mnm,fentorDir n htv•' Vdealer or riteFOLISINtt Sd.WIYh Was, E Oo. a03 oSlx E.Canal St. mblea o, E Buns Easy NO BACKACH HUBS ffi PEARSON & :lAL i I NI 0 t''z ENID. WHAT IS 00180 0G 0Oa *450 MILES lftD AII, 10 lir TO.. I_. AYLa aeons The -„,..t.tavirig t of the.�i�s esc.es>14 l -I0 r1W ~ tectwos 1. , fat ntie thct'.vori.i, Oar tbttlno,ee us. eit! io0 d, dne4wet tlroWtcsaaar ttoOng Foodsovanoab Tee10515, as above Only those who welter ' to us at once lay, make earn WO chance. to ,howAll 00 ook.--dolese return is to allow our ,igbt• •ha. ' these who Balm- you, n T=ie So'. and ings 01' 0,0 ,you, Soo e.+.- •honisg of this adv theraesx shows the email end of �leebiLM,-. sec t l• ee this appearance of it reduteei t4: •' about the fiftieth part of Its bulk. Itis a Frond, doublesineeetb.. scope, ea largo as is easy to tarry. We will oleo show you hev,ybae' coo make from 83 to S10 a day at lariat rrmn the stert,w0le!- out etporl,nee. Batter write at ones: W. a,. n41 express 0harmtbi Address, n. liALLETT * 00,. Boo SSO,. rout:..tna, Stamm,. FREE 18 CRAid0 LOVE STORIESee' a package of goods words, two dollars to manufacture, and a largo,. 100p Picture Boolf, that will surely put yatr on the road to a handsome fortune, 'G►atlto quick, and send 80. salvor, to help pay 'pal—. tago. Mention this paper. •A.'W. K1l'INIQ1r, Y uvsouth.IY.!•.