HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-10-28, Page 9FirERBERTs. SUODf, D.O., ' Doctor of Ohttropractie. Office Hours: . Mon., Tbrtrs —9 a,m. to.5 p.m. Tues, Fri -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 -p.m. to 8 p.m Wed. ec Sut. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy OftIce---Corner of- South St. aid Britannia Road. Phone 341: A. M. HARPER Chartered Acbountant 65 South St. Goderich Telephone 343 0. F. CHAPMAN General Infnu:anee -,Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate •30- Colborne St, Goderioh • Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 466J, Clinton. • Charge moderate apd satisfac: tion Guaranteed. OPTOMETRIST /bone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH Wit,. an all-time record high rainfall of &IA .inches u Hum aunty for the first half of Octo- ber, fXrmers are experiencing con- siderable trouble in harvesting White beans, soybeans,, silage corn„ turnips and sugar beets. Huron Agricultural Represent- ative G., W.. Montgomery says in hi* weekly crop report that early turnips have sized too nnich and can be used only for. the soup trade or,.livestock feed. Sugar beets have sized Consider- ably also, but the wet weather has caused • reduced 'sugar cortient. On many farms.; the white bean crop is a complete loss. Corn binders are in demand for har- vesting silage corn as the fields aro too wet for forage harvesters.' In some cases, the,''corri is being cut with sickle or hoe. livers -eej Drilling Well In Huron County Endorse • c°24.44161rPregr°0-1 of 4011ing In/Pgrial OIIf Limited heS Price On Butter Or Oil welle win be carried on in Macon County by Imperial 011 'Limited, J. R. Hamlin, a represent- atiVe- for the firna, told the Huron County Mumeipal Officers Associa- tion at the fall meeting of the „group Wednesday of last week in 'Exeter. He said that the drilling would go on despite ihe fact that results had not been too encouraging. ',Trom the amount of activity presently taking plate in Huron County, it can be assumed that the parties carrying on such work feel that it is prospective oil and gas country and that by intenshre and continued effort's new information and knowledge will be obtained which will, eventually, result in Successful commercial discoveries being made," Mr. Hamlin said, -Exploration and search for oil is a risky and speculative business, he pointed out. Wells At Zurich He noted, however, that two wells -had been brought ii -recent, ly at Zurich at a depth of from 1,800 to 1,900 feet. Approximate- ly 26 wells have been drilled in the county and of this number - Pasture, while excellent for. the season of the year, is limited be- causemany fieldsare too wet to pasture livestock. Farm sales; however, are netting good prices—for- livestock; with - weanling pigs bringing $12 to $15 apiece at community sales. lhe average coffee tree, .during its 1,0 -year span . of productivity, produces about 30,000 "eherries, ' the equivalent of,only 15 pounds of roasted coffee. 4.11141114111.1.111111116' SUPERIOR PROPANE GAS • , for better cooking, water heating and refrigeration P Alf. J. Schmidt, representative. Stratford Phones 3260, Res. 3351R P.O. Box •98 -28tf ERRORS AND OMISSIONS ' (Port Ela Tiirnes) The omission of the letter "t" from the word "booster," which occurred in an article appearing on our sports page recently, has been, calfed to our editorial atten- tion by more than one discerning reader. Some of these even ex- pressed their criticism in •p face- tious manner. For that reason we have a fel- low -feeling with the editor of the Creemore Star, who has this to say about typographical errors: "Yes,"we know there were some errors in last 'Week's paper. We will further agree that there were some errors in the issue of the lei and partielpated we. Prac- tically all the drilling has taken place 111,, the last four years. • He e*plained atm reasons why' oil companies obtain leases. ',Vtrithe out leases, he said, there would' be nesense of spending a lot of money looking for oil. There was' no standard scale for leases, he said. Some properties have better prospects than others and some farmers are better bargainers than others. • Harry H. Strang, elerk of Us - borne Township, is president of the association and -presided at the meeting which was attended by about 100 officials. W. A. Orr, Toronto, • deputy min- ister of municipal affairs, spoke, On flood conditions in the Toronto' area. A. K. Mair, St. Thomas, assist- ant editor of The Municipal World, spoke on the interpretation of the 'sew legislation regarding child welfare and the care and protec- tion of neglected children. -• leaunty Engineer -Peter Patter- -son, Goderich, spoke on road stressing the increase in •traffic and the cost of highway construction. week before, bet before bawling us out too unanercifully about if we want to call your attention to these facts: In an ordinary news- paper column there are 10,000 letters and there are seven pos- sible wrong positions for each let- ter, making 70,000 chances to make errors and several million chances for transpositions. There are 96 columns in this paper, so you can readily see the chances for mistakes. Did you knew that in the sentence, "To be or not to be," by transposition alone, 2,759,022 errors can be made? ow aren't you sorry you blew up about that little "'take last week?" • Unanimous support for the Dairy, Farmers of Cada in their maintenance of a 58 -cent floor price on butter was given JV Huron County Cream Producers at their annual meeting last week in It was also unanimously resole, - ed that the Ontario Cream Produe- ers' Marketing Board should ask for ,a ban on the matitfacture and sale of margarine, after it has solicited and received the support of industry and labor. The cream producers were ad- vised by W. B. B;ettie, Fergus, chairman of the Ontario Cream • Producers' Marketing Board, to seek aid from their provincial and Dominion members of parliament in the retaining of the .58 -cent floor price. • With Hume &lutton, R.R. 5, • Goderich, chairman of the county produeers, presiding, a fair repre- •sentation- was -on hand to hear Harvey Leslie, Seaforth, president of the Ontario Creamery Producers Operators A.ssociation, the guest speaker. Mr. Leslie spoke on. "Building for the Future of Dairy- ing." Take Stock Mr. Clutton, in his chairman's remarks, told the producers that it was time that they took stock of What they had accomplished. "The dairy industr3r is in a precarious position, with so many surpluses and with no outlets. Are we win- ning .or losing the battle' against the only enemy (dairy substitutes) • ics answer Or4,11.1110. is thst AignreP tt -Vieetedth and as the' four Yeti* egate# to the 0047).041 ereaTn_ProdUners, annuai�othg WePe Bne ton, Sbnon'Hauahan,RUsS011. Obit, on, and James Simpsonor girlotell. Three other official' delegates elected :to „attend the aina1 meet', ing of the board were Terence Hunter, Colborne Township; James Turnberry Township; and George- Hetherington, - .Morris Township. •v"si•tat garAVIPOO' i 4$401,1". , • Week,end visit 01 Votetire,tt ,rfas.agiidaertetN,B;.‘yosr:atd.e'17.04,4y7ptir,e4c,lagarlgt., 'Bradley of the 1St RC4i, and law' 11Y, and Pte. Bradley'is.another and., father, all a Toronto.. Pte.. Brad- ley leaves for Germany early in November. .Mrs. Bradley and fantily will join ,, many sttmetihmere hinush.Trinduaryin. Ger" 000 Wag'' iilei Iv.49 :40441140: telesPOe and rd eltOlnilrAell'. moon through it, 42-, •1609 Gerald MeDowell, of Blyth, and Reginald Riehl, of ,Goderich, have enrolledat the Western Ontario Agricultural School, Ridgetown. Capt. Clayton Foster, -Mrs. Foster and two children, of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Raw, of Mount For- est, spent Sunday witla.'Mr. and .Mrs. John Foster. Mr. and Mrs. George Danchaert and son, of Leamington, spent a few days with Mrs. Denr.haerts grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sohn' Mr. Eincl— .1V1rs. Chas.. Breekow Ulf SUPERIOR &VEX -USE Mitt Awn Pleasing young ghosts end goblins is easy—just bring out frosty bottles of Coca-Cola. That's a •treat they all go for delicious, wholesome and pure as sunlight.{Better have plenty—a hostess who serves Coke is bound to be topulara BARRISTER and SOLICITOR 31 HAMILTON ST. PHONE 1570 GODERICH Optemetrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderieh, Ont. .WHEN • YOU • THINK ' OF INSURANCE SEE II. M. FORD • HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seafortb Ptioue 11-661 or, Harry Edwards, Goderieh Phone 144 Get Insured—Stay Insured Rest Assured Bank of Com. Bldg. TELEPHONE 268W eo. G. MacEwan GENERAL INSURANCE MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET Peter S. Machan Turkey Bingo • LEGI ALL GODERICH • Saturday, Oct. 30 JACKPOT of $48.00 for full house in 58 calLs. If not won on Saturday,value of jackpot and also number of calls will be raised each week until it is won. because your Plan &ate establishe? your • ' without red tope. ONTARIO 'HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION v40:006%voti tosts.,,., . . tiCrake ... . • •,. ..r.. This poster at dealers —take Bente a carton or two. • Includid Federal Tisicet 0 Plus deposit 2c Per bottle Authorized bottler -of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola tic/. GODERICH BOTTLiNG WORKS Phone 489 Goderich General, Life, Real Estate Phene 230, Goderich 3. T. PRYDE & SON Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 413, Exeter and we shall be pleased to caii. FOUR GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH JACKPOT COMBINED EVERY WINNER GETS A TIIRKEY.---NO DRAW EXTRA 'CARDS 25c DOORS OPEN AT '8 P.M. FIRST GAMES 8.30 P.M. Copies of the Lists of Lands for sale for arrears of taxes in 1954 may be had in the office of the Treasurer of the County of Huron in temporary Court House, Goderich. The said fist has been published in The Ontario Gazette dated August 7,9 1954. Ursless the faxes and costs are sooner paid, the Treasurer of the County off Huron Shall proceed to sell said lands for taxes and costs at the Court House, Goderich, on Thesday, November 9, 1954; at 2 p.m. A. H. ERSKINE, Treasurer, County or Huron. CIL. Paints and Enamels NOW ON SALE -FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER EED CASH to repair or pay e down payment on a home repair or finance down paytnent on an auto . . . or for any other worthy purposed? ' Get that cash promptly at nmantait where it'a "yes" to 4 out of 5...Nobankable security re- quired. Modern Offices and streamlined methods assure speedy service. Phone, write, or come in today. Loons $30 to $1;00 en Signe/ere, Furniture or Auto '11-4E (OMPAN Y T LIKES 70 SAY YES at reduced pikes.. SOME DISCONTINUED LINES ON SALE AT $1.00 PER QUART AND $3.00 PER GALLON. WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS IN ALL LINES OF • HARDWARE, 011, SPACE HEATERS, ETC. ORDER YOUR HEATING NEEDS FROM US. WE SELL • FUEL OILS AND COAL. The only fuer office conveniently located up town at the traffic light on Kingston Street. • COURTEOUS, PROMO* DELIVERIES. Aries Your energy is always strong, Your optimism is bright and true. It's plain to see that you've found out That C.S.B.* are right for, --1! —Taurus' There's realism in your plans; You^ want to know just where you stand., Your futUrb's neat with Savings Bonds* — So stock up now to beat the band, ' Gemini Mercury reigning in -your field Sh6ws that you're strong on So heed the stars — buy Savings Bonds'' ' To help you reach your great ambition. Cancer Your future's bright beneath this sign, And you can make it just a breeze 0 you stock up oo,Savings Bonds* So all your plans will work with ease. 2nd Floor (Above Sill)? Slips) .21 STREET, . TriAtrotio, Phone t Stratford 2855 *--Borrittilita A0 eftrliilit; VIES OlfAiiiager OPEN DAILY 9 TO 5 AflJR)AY9 �11 loans made to residents o ofl nnrounditii !pins • regional tittatlii Lemony of Wads Leo The kingly lion says ycu're wise, So spread your wisdom without' bounds. Start stocking up on Savings Bonds* That's just as ctever as it sounds! Your's is the gift to organize; To link a cause With an effect That's why you'll want sonWSavings Bonds* — Tomake your plans come out correct. Libra Your nature likes an even pace. ' You hate to standwith back to wall, So make you plans for Savings Bonds° — They're ready money at your cal). . Scorpio Your instinct leads to betterment, And greater things are still in store. So start to buy those Savings Bonds* — A 'sound investment to the care! Sagittarius Your, luck is strong, -your future.good,' So make your plans without delay To start in storing Savings Bonds* You know for sure it's bound to payl Your's is the power to create — You see that careful thought responds. Assure your future plans right now By stocking up on Savings Bonds.* , Aquarius Your knowledge covers Many things; Your wisdom shows 'oU what is.right — With C.S.B.* your futures set, So stock up now with all your might! Pisces . • - Y &steure far. pre; tbncS0 StiiimtijbeIheie is so* Vault{el OA'S* jI46tty, 0 lout& Sving tustotel • . have a place in the horoscope Of every Canadian. Be sure your Futuro liveS up to ej4 buying your Canada Savings Bonds nowthrough your investment dealer, 6cterkttru'stor Iota) Od or-iVintj irpfili-thsrn nn pin. Ci5rtipunyst Payron-Sovittgr'PhoY tutiftit;': , •