HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-4-24, Page 5PROMOTES
Mr. Nell McNeil, of Leith,
Oa., vivito;
Dren Guis.—For years and
years suderad.from dyspepsia
na its worst forms, and I3,fter
trying all means th any power
to 11G purpose 1 was persuaded
by frlends to try Data.. -which
1 did, end after using 5 bottles
Twaseonsplethly oured.
eaPid necovors..
Dees sms,—I nave tried
your D.13.1i. with gretxt um:F.3
fQ1? constipation and pain in
my bead The second dose
mallow/ ever so much better.
Sly bowels now MOV0 freely
an the pain in my bead bas
left me. eadto everybody with
the same disease l recommend
mass F. -Were....tems,
415 13100r $te TOTODt0.
recollection of Ws departure from Loudon ; WITH A OTTIIID ON TES lious.
that, however, he slept in, the trein and
therefore rememberea hie arrival in Vover ; . 4 Drunken Man.'s in0041411114114 Veld,* of
Agility ill NeWark.
that there he drank more. and believes--;
without being certein—that he wrote a letter f., A. scone that for nearly an hour chilled the
andtoMas Miss whether Claytonlie 0a
0 : whatedit theon
r Icottet hrenine
codnootanedt. blood of those who witnessed it was present,
ed at Newark the other day, One of the
him with the possibility that, if acquitted, recollect at all. Theu. he darkly refers. to occupants of a certain tenement is Ge,orge
When Mr.. Clayton. teamed from his With a heavy sigh, Frank Holmes wished it rant ; after this his memory is A ble:a until with (Irina he yea up on the roof with a,
1 the man would. still he able to wia his prize. somis act a perfidy whtch, he refuses to eit- 1 Arbuthnot, An ice man. li/Vbile be was cragea
degraded, to a low lodging at the docks,— , gan apparently to show what he daredto do.
Whet do you think. of that story ?" Ile sprang from roof to roof of adjoining
" 1 am afraid it is of little use to Yon, houses over the narrow alleyways like a Cat
whether true or not. Miss Clayton received His friends tried in vain to coax him down,
no letter from him, 1 am eertatn," while some of the neighbors ran for the
"Perhaps he failed to post it, or never ponce,
wrote it at all. But it is Of no consequence. Several policemen arrived soon. At their
The only leg, in fact, we have to fight upon," first appearance Arbuthnot rushed to the
said the solicitor, "is to stiek fast to the edge of a roof, and, with a wild look, three
theory that no person on earth bad any tened to jump off. He changed Ids ntiod,
motive to kill Margaret Neale except her however, and renewed bis perilous feat of
decided opinion. husband, and make the CYOWlt prove that, sprilighig from roof to roof. A polieeman
Mr Crudie was a gentleman who had Fantle was the buaband before they can ask went up to the roof, and putting his head
Cases have been -through the seuttle, tried te coax the man
aohieved some fame in criminal cans. He the jury to convict hini;
willingly gave Holmes an interview; awl won on weaker grounds. I down, While he was thus engaged two
when. the latter stated his poesxpitiorenssiletarehlitis- Ti'l'e:',OvtillinehaeaulleVgyhetiton that line, for
i saws paggaingu got to the roof of an ad_
to account ior the joining ;twee, ana stealthily approaching
tion to the ease, the solicitor
priemier s movements the night of the mur- Arbuthnot from behind, were upon him he-
retliheiessIsitothdeisnersseitt wasitiehgimte, see Faexte,„ der, and 1 wan
you again,
you dare not
fore he WAS aware of their pres nee.
daughter of War& Holmes haviug been there were all over, One way or the other, there 10 and$11=elitt etattereC1 and Penniless and two-year-old child in his arm. He then be -
and of the efforts be was making in Faune's was no hope for him; he was long too late
beaalf, he was touched by the young mares for that; and was so sure of his strength
generosity. This was greater than he knew, that he was ready to eolith to her whenever
but be knew enough to appreeiate it, It she wished, in the old mama All the
somewhat altered, however, an opinion he kindness of his nature was at her service,
had half fonned—wh ch events had forced and he knew how she needed kindness now.
son him --that Holmes was himself in love This visit he was paying to Faune's
with Mary, Mn Clayton had never had a tor was the last step he intended to take in
firm opinion as to this; for if Holmes the -case. Ile saw no good that he could do
were a lover, why did he suffer biniself any direction; bat after learning how far
to be cut out by Faune when the field the defence had got, he could form. a more
was open to Min ? indeed seemed on
the whole, to the hanker, that as regarded
his daughter and Frank Holmes—who had
both had ample opportunity of knowing each
other's sentiments before Faune came unon
the scene—there was a failure of love on one
side or the other, or both. Faunes sneeess
seemed to have beeo easily won; aud if
Holmes loved Mary, lie would hardly be eo
zealous a defender of his rival now.
And this brought Mr. Clayton to consider
the eituation that would arise in the event
of Fame helix acquitted, It occurred to
Wm this evening to inentiou it to his ;laugh-
ter, because that telegram from Ifebnee
stating that the meeting with M the throw It up.
Park had no reference to the murder, had
said Hoboes : "but 1 allt afraid it would be Produce the non he met m the Park, even After a struggle he was overpowered. 1
of littie we.," if he was to be had." The child was taken from him uninjured,
Alt would be very little use, Mr. Holmes,"
" That's a iliffieulty ; but we may get and he was eondoeted down to terra firma
sad the solicitor emphatically,
"Hais the over it. If they don't find evidence con- and to the pollee station, where he was
most impracticable client. I have ever had. 1
fleeting Faune with the governess, we will locked up. In his flight over the roofs before
Ant afraid I cannot do meeli for him ;
and make it warm for thena at all eiseots. That
is how \Ye stand a preseut." e arrival of tile police heiripped once and
but that it would prejudice hie ease, familia „ fell 4114 large eleylight, crashing in the
Tho °WY hope, thereforos nf an n DI a glees, He eheped the add sae, however,
depended on the Crown being Unable to mei neither WAS hurt,
eseablifth the prisoner's identity with dillilla
cures NuousivEss. inelined him to a Illore favourable view of
the prisoner's ease. Witco he told bit
daughter about this matter, he found that
Cures BILIOUSNESS. she had already beard of it, and learned
from lies tbe important dedwition which
Dirc Ot TrO0f. Frank Relines bad bulicattel—nemely, the
tr Qqh1Oif 4 explimation of Peune's leaving Cadogan
event with lover comotaine
1. used a great deal ofluedieine
vale* did me no good, and I
was getting worse ail tile time
with 1 tried Inirdoelt Blood
bitters. After taking four
T am now well. Teen
also recommend it for the QUM
of Dyspepsia.
iq,.ItE A. E. Dshrox,
liwwkitcpue, Out
her :ether sound it thincult to get at his pos.
Cures HEADACHE Won, Aesinniug Vaunt) to be iiennitted, Ito
stain could he presumed to remelt on hie
Cures HEADACHE charaeter on account of the awful charge.
Should. he not be entitled, then, to resume
This WaS a surprising statement,
"Is Ina ease so ail as that?
"Wo have practically nothing to go upou, ,Nsernon! or his. eorreaponeenee with 'Margaret
Mr Hahne% unless the prisoner's friends find Neale since int return to England; in which
something for us. Our position is simply a event an able counsel might succeed in so
negative one. The ouly point the Crowo have shalung tlie jury asto -compel them to bring
in a f
not yet established is the identity of value verdict oaegnittal,
with Julius Vernon, or the fact of eonmattin im
Place so early. cation between hun and the governess, Thie
'net et very unportent, Mary• it teltea ie something in the tiark whieh we do not
Mae a Let.
away one of the most serious lathe in the know, aud which it is important we should Sister hoosekvepera: In your daily rounds
. which make you weary aud aometimea half
case Against him, I am beginning to feel know,"
si ewithk, a fr:raengye torfeobutre sgso o il, a efdr 'sell; lad si t eIve, le r titroubledretfui. b
that lie has been the victim of very nufortn- Holn1,11ro'sililnhaeitteolnits.yionnu ennottltin,,giafthi:USIskielil
pe u e . , or ins mice,
aline appearances."
1 "1 hope so, papa," she replied, without lips, he may as well plead euilty. Does lie neat. If so, 1 offer 041 illd tO yeur memory3 i' during the recent blockade of the Beet Abe,
seeming to ehare los confidence. eave any accouot'of himself on the night of which obeli at the Sallie time alleviate that " can coast by Germany, but the ehiptuent to
In ea30 of his acquittal, Mary, ot course 'ille jeth of Juno ?".
disturbance over which your conscience Europe ceutiaties with reniarkahle xvgnier-
" a. goell deal of reparation will be due to "Merely that he left Cadogan Place germ . grieves, but which should be remanded to the ity. The 'perennial talk of an ivery. Jamie°
no, after nine O'clock, that he met you at Albert
phyaieal reelin for treittment. RellIOVe tile ' 110S as yet celiac to nothing. a rise in price
'.Nlara- Clayton said uothimr, and in truth Gate about a quarteriaet, and that lie kept Mcntal strain, and tho fretting will cease of being sufficient to stimulate the su ply and
an appointment at half -telt nine, litaeU in the ease of an ordota.ry amiable to some extent contract the denim . !those
woman like youraelf i
told you that 1
Ite ExItaniteti Etro ve•rs
yearly destruetioo of elepharitia is tin-
ges. and obviouely there is a limit to
liaply; but it promises to hold oat for
time yet. °ecotone' Haute of eeareity
A PrOxiapt Core.
Dam* ents,-1 IVA3 very bad
with headache fold pain *my
back; my hands and feet
welled so I COlud do no work.
Uy slater-irelaw advised 240 to
try B.11.11. With one bottle
I tolt so much better that I
got ono more. I am now well,
and can work as well as ever.
Tilsonburg, Ont.
Bad Blood may arise from
wrong aetion of tbe Stomach,
Liver, likluoys cud Bowels.
33. 11. 13., by regulating and
toning these organs, removes
the cause and makes new rich
blood, removing all blood
diseases from a pimple to it
scrofulous sore.
OF Al\TY,s'AIr
SON Saud Gold Wateltipp 11
Sold for sloe. until lately.
Drat ISS watch In the world.
Porfect Urnaltecnor. War-
ranted. Rows 5015 Sold
Uotelurr Cases.Both Wield
and gent.' sizesovithWOrhe
and cases of equal value.
One Perso n In each
earn? C3,3 torero ono fro%
tegether with onr,large undyed.
uablo line or, lionsehold
Samples. Those samples, as
seou Ail the watch, we sand
11`re C. and tater yen bays kopt
liTritet In your home for 21 month, end shown them to those
alba nay have called, they become your own property,_ Thom
who write at once can be sure of receiving the watch
Rad Sample.. W0507' all expcm, freight,eta Address
Stinson du Co.. Box 812. Portland, Maim.
Mind wandering cured. Books 'carnet
m one readIng. Testimonials from (II
parts of the gleus. "erospectua POLVI
PREZ, dent on application to Prof.
A. Loinotte, 237 Fifth Ave. New York.
mistamArSy EfiANSMIMISta
Me Is %teak, Nervous, Debilitated,
who in his Folly and Ignorance hi*
sway:1218 Vigor of Body, Mind and
nlioott, causing exhausting drains upon
tio Foun eine of Life. Headache,
kilsok soh e, Dreadful Dreams, Wea k nese
r laomorr. Bashfulness io Society,
aso plea noon the Face and all thd Effects
Sr to Flatly Decay, Consumption
V_osItivs Cure. /t imp arts Youthful
linoanIty„ will find in our specific No. 23.
Naor restores the vital power in old and
bung, strengthens sad invigoates the Brain
Ind Pervea, builds up the muscular system
aid arouses Nato zed* the wlaolo physical
einem?. of the hunasu frame.: . With our specific
1,4 23 the most obednate case can be cured In
throe months, and recent ones in less than *tria-
d h package contains two weelis *eat-
= rice (2. Cures Guaranteed. Our speo
o, No. 24 is an infallibie Cure for all Private
.FIS000013 no matter of how long stand -
sag, Sold under our written Ctlaria nteo
*8Tpronto. Out.
t a Cure. Price 515. Toronto Medical'
or to Er got, Tansy, Pennyroyal n -
domed by the thousands of ladle,
1110'NTHLY. Never tall. Raney.
t REGULARITY. Pleasant and
rice, $E, Toronto Medicine Co
ill the trade will tell you that magnificent
"'Mu you were aware of it 1" sad the Here is the aid. Make a the. You smiJe ; .tuskti are now rare, but of medium sue there
aolicitor, a little surprised. iriereilulouely and say, "Just as if I hadn't u eemparatire abundance. How long that
I ha Bed to bad it out —/ esy' enough tad° withoutspending time to make ", will last ti impoelible to say. but a Africa
work! There are probably fifty is opened up the alsmbsoit's bounds will be
his former socialposition and to recetve the more about it preeently.—What does 'wane A bet of my
warm e011gratulatioes of his friends? Only say about it!' Ithiugs I ought to do to day, and if I forget eireamscribeil, awl efene tine day the last
one thing barred—thie was the matter of the " Nothingraore than wbatI have told you," i kat( of them, 1.4,144 . O
8till do." more Wild uuMA of the areeiea "will receive Ka
cheque. Mr. Clayton as yet knew only apart He sullenly says ; 'You ask me what I did ;than A want or feel ante to M,' 41NINIMS. Fifty years ;a the pede4I 'which ono
of that transaction, enough, however, to cast , that night, 1 met a mall by appointroeut 1 So Yon Will go your way, and with an , authority in the trade ventures upon for the
a deep shailew on Fauna's honour. But, 1 inside the Park railings apposite the top oflaching Ilea( , and tired link you will be. praetieal diying up of the ivory supply.
unconsviously, he was still under the influ- South Street at half pan nine ; we spent 00M0 80 COnfliBea thalttrtrt roll net wi eoirr:Ige. p1.1%,tiiitr.eiti, 4.y. cer,tainsn , tire, .poiritionloof Quer
• ... . , •
once of the young follow s manners, and ti , afloat three minules together ; then he went
know:whether anything is finished or not, and t:rie best come foul Aft ire, Indeed, a
his daughter's WW1 MS to resume limner re- i back by Hyde Park, Corner, and I went 1Y
worked at euell dleadvantage all great 'tutor what is nondiedly East India is
Wiens, the baliker'a nell$0 of reParotion due 1 home.'.—Ife has refused to give me either and having
to the unjustly accuseilman would cover over • the man's name or thebusiness they luta." the day or week, you may filo at last that IvallK African. for it is eent ireat &wilier
tent duties an hand, to the great annoyance as are net required for bangles and earved
the transgression of the cheque. A.zuleeit,ssum-
ing Claude Fiume to be proved guiltless, and
to have ne worse offence against hun than t he
affair of the cheque, which might be open to
mitigating explanation—Mr. Clayton in his
present frame of mind, saw no reason why
former relations ahead not be resumed, If
his child's affections were at stake,
He shrank, however, as yet from ap-
proaching that subject with her; there was
not sufficient certaiuty. He half resolved it
would be advisable to consult Frank Holmes
first. Poor Frank!
When his daughter came to sey goodsnight
to him Mr. Clayton was startletl by her
looks. "My child," he said, caressing her
"you are malting yourself ill. 'Hove
courtge ; all will be well in time. Why do
you not go out for a while every day?
1 take you for a drive to -morrow ?'
" Thank you, papa. No; I will not take
" But he dad not go straight to lils rooms.
Mount Street was dose by, and. it was with-
in five minutes of ten when he enteretl his
"He says be had a mac,"
"And the previous night, Friday, has ho
mentioned where he spent it!"
Crudie took a, paper from a drawer
and referred to it. "Wednesday, dined at
Cadogan 'lace; Thursday, at club, did net
leave till 11.30—that's the Schools Club;
Friday, at club, left at 0, and smoked in the
Park till past 10 O'clock."
Holmes felt the gravity of that last state-
ment. Inch by ilia, from unexpected guar -
tors, conviction was creeping- upon the
doomed man. The solicitor noticedthe change
in his visitor's fade.
" I know the man he met in Hyde Park
en the Saturday night, Mr Cradle, awl I
know why he met him. At first, I thought
you have forgotten some of the most Wiper- and .1rasambique ti laennay, and smia pats
/bixeVi tcher Shop
4S°64 —WIS)
)1 OnVal Doalor
ALL Ix iitaw—.
tometS supp
1 toe • thole tesidenee
al° ,„,e, o • ""
,e.e.es...0 ,,,,,$"ese•
•C• 64,
e ,
you from your business. Perhaps 1 2nay go the fact might be important as accounting
by,myself." for Fame leaving Mr Clayton's when he
' Shall I send Frank Holmes to take you did."
out ?" he asked, after a pause. "Don't you think so still?' Mr Crudie
"If he can ewe time, papa, I shall be asked with interest. "Is the man tobe had?"
glad," she answered ; and -Mr. Clayton "Mr Crinlie, it was ehielly to warn you
promised to ask him. agaiest that mirage that 1 decidea to see
Can it refined woman willinglybecome the you. The man is gone out of the country.
wife of it man whom she despises, or has It is unnecessary to say more. Accept my
good cause to despise? This was the assurance that it is best to ignore that in -
problem that filled the reflections of poor cident, as matters at present stand. Should
Holmes as he trudged wearily towards the they take another turn, of course I would
offices of Mr. Ortidie,l'aune's solicitor, after put everything I know into your hands. If
Mr. Clayton had called on him next morn. Faune refuses to help himself, his friends
ing. Mr. Clayton had asked him to take are powerless."
his daughter out, and Holmes had promised "That is very true, Mr. Holmes. There is
to do so, after calling on Mr. Crudie. Then his disappsarance front Loudon on Saturday
Mr. Clayton went on—unconscious of the the llth., which Fame obstinately refuses
pain caused. to his patient listener—to to explain. It was not done in the fashion
state his anxieties regarding the situation of a murderer, was it? Of course there are
on Faune's release should he be released. exceptions to every rule ; but the taethod of
The tendency of the banker's feelings was the murder, the manner of his disappearance
plainly indicated; and it seemed clear from London and reappearance in an East -
enough to Holmes that, if Mary Clayton end lodging -house, are not to my mind sug-
consented, the marriage would eventually gestive of the same origin."
take place in the contiagency of an "Yon think it possible, then, that his
acquittal. conduct had reference to some other motive?"
Of course he expressed no opinion, but "What caul think,"cried the solicitor with
consented to think it over; however, that a gesture of impatience. "The man's man -
which Mr. Clayton was most anxious to find ner to me is reserved and. sullen even; he
out woe the attitude his daughter would be seems apathetic, indifferent DS to his fate.
likely to take in the eventuality contein- Now my experience is that a guilty man is
plated. Frank Holmes could have told him seldom able to keep up a show of that sort.
that his daughter loved Faune; but past But a man's fortunes and character may be
that, heknew nothing. so desperate, that an acquittal would be
Could she marry Faune, if he should be felt by -him o.s no boon; that, in fact, being
acquitted? He remembered what she had hanged for it crime of which he is innocent
said to him on that matter. He knew that sbe may be regarded as the less of the two evils ;
could never respect the man. But certain the other "being the usual catastrophe of sui-
powerful forces had come into operation since cide, to get rid of _a miserable and hopeless
then, and who can count on the decisions of existence."
a woman when her affections are concerned? Holmes was growing interested.
We find women who are worthy of all the "There is much about Fame that some -
reverence man can give them, wedded to times suggests these thoughts to me. Mind,
worthless husbands _; but it was probably my theory is only a theory, and a speculative
after marriage they discovereclthe clay their one, and the furthest I will go is to think
idol was made of. Sometimes we see such that it leaves room for a doubt as to his
women voluntarily giving themselves to men guilt. Of course it would be no use men -
whose worthlessness they know ; alas, for tioning such a theory in court. What do
the forlorn -hope of love making the creatures you think of it, Mr. Holmes? You are
better! There was no variety of the melon- better acquainted with his affairs than I
°holy ease that Holmes did not turn over in am."
his thoughts. Holmes thought over it for a few minutes.
He believed that to Mary Clayton's The theory was that, if guiltless of the
pure and delicate sense there was no gilding murder of Margaret Neal, Faune was sunk
over, with love's poor art, that which to that low ebb of existence whose only
was unworthy of respect. But supposing available cure is suicide, and was willing to
him to be innocent, the man would come accept judicial death with the melancholy
out of prison after suffering • most cruel consciousness of innocence,as a relief from
wrong, and it was far from unlikely that the the moral responsibility of self-destruction.
girl would regard herself as in some meas. From his own point of view, Holmes could
ore responsible for the wrong. HOW far, not admit that the man's case in life wag
then, would the combined forces of pity for desperate, but he didnot see it with Fatine's
his suffering and anxiety to repair her own eyes. All the same he shoot. his head.
share of the injury go towards counterbal- 'I do not think it is. that, Mr. Crudie.
aiming the opposite feeling? To offer her- It is something he is afraid to confess even
self as an expiation is just the sacrifice at tO you. Has he accounted for hiniself in no
which some girls, of Mary Clayton's clime- way at all since leaving London ?"
r "Yes—to some extent he bas.—Was he,
would not hesitate. n the opinion Of Holmes, the eventwould to ,your knowledge, addicted to drinking?"
'hardly occur to demand the sacrifice ; ,1 none • ' To my knowledge, as long as I knew
theless was thepossibility distressing ta him. him, his habits in that respect, were as deli- ' The King of the Belgians has order -
If he did not love her so truly himself, and calaw
te as a lady's. I e heard, indeed, that ed a magnificent gold casket to present
if he could exonerate himself from the si ehe *gambled, and lost a good deal lately from 1 to Stanley. ' Several of the expert
reproach of having delivered her over to las takm too much brandy • but I have hardly workmen in Belg.orn. are now engaged.,
rival without one attempt to will her for ta credited it." , ' on the work. The lid bears a med.
own, he could regard the contingency of 111et "Nevertheless, he had been drinking allionaxatrait of the expieter, surreanded
becoming after all the wife of Fiume with as heavily before his arrest. I saw the evidence svith precious stones and chasing The casket,
, with(
pity, boa with much less pain. e of it myself. He has admitted to me, that is to contain the grand cordon of the Order
did not think that Fauna would be acqu 4i- all that fatal Sunday in his monis , he. hed of Leopold, with which Stanley will be in- 1
ted; but Mr. Clayton hadstrongly impress a been taking brandy • that he had, hardly a vested. • 1
and discomfort of your family; and it lower-
ing of your owu aelf.respeet as an efficient
housekeeper, and a general discouragement
which too soon will become chronic. -This is
hard and pitiful. Perhaps you really need
another hand or two at your work, hut
quite likely you only need it little more
syetent aml—a list I
Now don't despise this help, dear, -weary
soul, but take this bit of paper and peneil,
glance over your work, and jot down the
items for to -day. Yes, put down every -thing,
all the little odds and ends, forsome of them
may prove the most nueessary of all There,
the list is pretty long,' to be sure, buryott
feel betteralready. It is worth much to know
definitely whet isbefore you. It does wholly
away with the driveu feeling that the work
is endless, and the banntingsense that some-
thing is being negleeted or forgotten.
work are &upped to Fitgland. More or less
come from 1,nrinalt, Siam, Cochin China, T H E BEST
being is apt to the best of the Asiatic, which.
Ceylon, Sumatra caul Java, the Siamese
discolor. -4-15 4 -
HAS been. paved. the prerept use of
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aea, Are liable to. constipation or .ethee
derangements of the Ater:Lech and bowel*
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often fatal consequences. The Most:sure
MealiS Of cerreeting UMW evils la the use
of Ayer'e Cathartic. FM% The prz...
dent sailing -toaster weuld as soon go to
sea withont his ehrononseter as without
of .these 1;111s. Thoogft prompt
and energetic, in operation, ,A,yer's
leave no 1U effects ; they are -pluely
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toedicine for old and yoang, at inane ,or
4:19c1. eight( years 1 was afilleted witit.
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I/OW 1 am ixt
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my bcovels mid 04,40 af tbe, OW revr,
These rine are net severe in, their ace
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Ayer's Pills'.
J, C. Ayer -6.4 Co, Lowell, Mans
SOK by all Dealers be Noiliclneli,
ilimmominmamoomm‘llibloommwal ••••••••••••
Steps the Congo State Is Taking to :Prevent
Ilea nom Destruction or Durum Lire. Noddies Nudger.
Fora long time the Congo State has main- OILED MOIRE,
taiued only three stations, Equator, Banu• •
ala, and Stanley Palle, along the lumdreds iif
miles ofthe great northemlanid of ties Congo.
It is now, however, establitbing fourteen
secondary poatsalengthe riv er I )etave.en Equa-
tor and the mouth of the Arnulmi, -where
with the eonsent already seetwed of native
Next, tune the list wisely. home, of these 1 chiefs, small forces will be maintained. The
labors fall more natprally end emily hito purpose is as soon as possible to strengthen
the first hour, some into the fifth or sixth. these postlaso (het they may be eble to exert
With other itemsmeonomy of time, strength, an influence for the suppression of conflicts
fuel and other ontlaya must be considered.
The list before you suggests ways in -which
you can systematize, which% itself is it help
that often saves many minutes and hours of
time, which is money, and avoids worry,
, ar us
ready a dozen tasks out of the fifty. Catch slaves for eannibalbanquets among the Con-
tvhich is waste. tome from the Lulongo, Moattnea, and other
See here, good lady. You have been at rivers. The purpose is to break up the
work scarcely an hour, and have done al- ' practice of ascending these rivers to proeure For zrhialug ani
up the pencil and score them off. Here the go tribes. Several slave -laden canoes have 1
fun comes in. There is a real childish delight already been seized and their cargoes His N—osupsioR,
at seeing so much finished, and a.prospect of liberated.
VaNter Non & Load Pipe,
Loose Pulley 011ernSteas
Jet Pampa, Fann Pumps,
Wlad MINI Cream Selma
dere Da d Lemke
s aep.ikE
among the natives, human sacrifices, canni. CHADWICK'S
balism, and the slave trade.
Instructions have just been issued to the
poststliat have been establishednear Equator SPOOL
to capture all canoes loaded with slaves that'
Inanimate Ladies' and
ail other kinds.
Liattest aRO Strongest
In the World.
SalglirS.M to Nodule
freedom ahead, and you are inspired with According to Lo .Mourmont Oeographique AS
child's ambition to attack a dozen more of the slaves all through this region are begin -
those formidable items, and see how soon nine to learn that if they can rettch th
1 01
and havewell you can do them. Be childish stations where the bite liag of the Congo
as you please about such things ; all the bet- State floats they at ones become free men. 1
ter. It is good to have a child's in and At. Bengali, there isa. village of these
impulse. liberated slaves, ana the State officers are ,
Now you are scoring again, and smiling training them to make brick and perform '
too. No wonder. You are to be all:through I other labor.
this weary work by afternoon, and have a
little walk down to the spring in the cool
woods, -or or a little ride over the hills, or at He Has the Drop on Them.
least a. pillow and hammock on the
A Chinese mandarin has power to order
shaded porch, or a quiet rocker and:book in
the parlor, or a nap with baby on the lounge. a subject's head lopped oat a moment's
notice, but within Hine months he must
I should not recommend a list as habitual.
It would in its turn become tiresome,
and so defeat its end. But tnere are many
days and seasons when it is invaluable, as
you just found. There come also times
when the general housework is less press-
ing, which the good housekeeper devotes
to the accomplishing of many miscell-
aneous tasks which have been unavoidably
accumulating. There are bits of cleaning,
arranging, and manufacturing to be seen
to here and there all over the house.
There is repairing of furniture, toys,
clothing and bedding., There is reading and
writing to be done and the busy matron
even dares to look done,
forward into
the far, dim futhre, to --fancy work. Now
these articles needing attention are not
found upon a table in one room, or hung up-
on a line, each visible, and so the memory
may play treacherous in regard to their ex-
act number and condition.
Just here, as a remedy end relief, apply
the kindly list, and you will say in many
ooming days, "Blessings on the memoran-
dum." Go thtough each room from attic th
cellar, and examine its contents, taking
careful note of each article to be wrought
Great is the peace and satisfaction of an
exhaustive list, with each item faithfully
and tidily done. This extolled list does
not claim to be all of good housekeeping or
of religion, but it helps.
The habitual drinking of boiled water
-would insure escape from sickness end death
to thousands of the human race yearly.
forward to the Emperor an affidavit 1 rom
two citizens that such execution was in the
interest of religion and good government.
He has no trouble in procuring these affi-
davits, as the man who refused to make
one wotild also lose his head.
The Influence of a Woman's Club.
Yellowly—"What 3 Are you going home
Brownly—"Yes ; I must go. Wife is
waiting up for me."
Y.—"My wife belongs to it woman's club,
and when she goes out it in an afternoon
I never say a word if she stays away six
home, so she never says anything to me if I
am out a little later than usual. Doesn't
your wife belong to a club ?"
B.—"No; but there's a club that belongs
to her, and it is theknowledge of that fact
that is hurrying me home."
More Coyness.
" G wity !
Jonofan Whiffles Smif
Yo' heah me,
Don' yo' came aneah me,
'Nless yo' want er biff
On demo&
Knock yo' souf
'Bout er mile!
Don' yo' smile
When I say
Jonofon Whiffles Smif,
Coz I feels
'Tea mad from head ter heels!
No such pusson sibs
De honey from dem lips!
Stop yo' teasin'
An' yo' squeezin'
say 1.
All Yap—Yup,
Cellist) 1"
$Lotre pan* St., one of the most centred
and elegantly furidshed Hotels bathe Qty.
Accommodation for 400 guests.
gz to SS per day. Po Vt YV
Sot Agits 101 Canada,
Wholesale Imparsof
asusoisTs, SUNDRIES,
•1743 NOTRE DAR ST.,
* SOAP. 4
Manufacturers of
Steam packing*
This is a Perfect Frieda'
21DeRresoles St.
pVR1710115 SUM
So H
Kolb Zak enough ID Witte
fasheete paper at cassulleg
mai Inkstatia
sa Inoue.
1 Sae sewn or kindeflok I vied bytiiie al#9rrittle sett= of
tediaoarg cuemosktlecesitinlyytheitriedeureagernabigs
Mall le niollertilatortlea We're 000. intlegcriglo OC” - AS
‘41.11s.r.uwt. waPlet,poiktsul,14aseziess • —
5 Pens,1 Mae P. 0, Mentos taken., bate* mein&
A 100p Plottoo 'Book seStrFREL , iiie411.i1s this peOqf.
A. W. Icmtall, 7411trum)6 N.