HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-4-24, Page 3iy 4
The Disease Dying out at Tracadle. but New
Case* Found 'in the Nef b1 ur1 ootI.
A Talk With Boys About Gnus. A TRUE HERO.
The gun is, perhaps, the most fascinating
thing to boys that can be thought of, and it '^'
is therefore, necessity that they should be A Pathetic Story by a Traveler.
instructed in its use. There is comparative- A correspondent furnishes us with the par -
The Dominion Government have asked ly little danger in handling fircarols if care- -Oculars of the following incident, of whicha
Parliament to make an increase m the ap- lessness is avoided. Nearly all the accidents friend of his was an eye -witness :
propriation aznivaUy, made for the main ren- by which boys have been hurt or killed while At a point on the side of a mountain where
ince of the lazaretto at Tracadie, New using guns have been the result of gross at one time used to arrive transshipments of
neglect of the simplest rules of safety.
passengers from the west, was moored a canal
From the most ancient times the mastery boat, awaiting the arrival of the train for the
of missile weapons has been considered a east, The captain of the boat, a tall and
manly accomplishment and one pequliar•1y sunbrowned, rough and somewhat profane
indicative of superior manly development, man, stood on his craft superintending the
The first of these weapons, was, perhaps, labors of his men when the cars came in,
simply a stone which was thrown by the and in a few minutes a party of gentlemen
hand or from a rude sling. Next after this came along and deliberately walked up to
Since my last report five new cases were came the spear or javelin, cast as they are the captain and thus addressed shim.
admitted, one being from Cape Breton, none now by the force of the arni. Following " Sir, we wish to go east, but our further
from Tracadie (heretofore so prolific in new the javelin we find the bow and arrows progress depends on you. In the cars wo left
cases), but four from the adjoining parishes taking the place of the clumsier weapon% a eiek main whose presence is very disagree -
of Caraquet and Shippegan, Three inmates The cross -bow was a modification of the long able to us. If you will deny this man passage
died during the year. II am pleased to again bow, and next came the gun. on your boat, we will go ; if he goes, we re -
report that the general health of the patients Firearms were invented in a crude farm main, What say you ?"
continued good, and there was observable sometime in the fourteenth century, but By this time many others had come from
but little of the acute suffering peculiar to they did not come much into use till the the cars.
the advanced stages of the malady. Showing Spaniards invented the arquebus early in " Gentlemen," said the captain, " has the
the primary symptoms of the disease were the sixteenth century. Even the arquebus, sick man no representatives here ? I would
five persons, the rest were more or less ad- however, was not able to entirely take the like to know both sides of thequestion,"
vaned, but ^•'r "re latter not one is altogeth- place of the long -bow. It was not until the To this unexpected reply there was no mi-
t*er eon;,d. The man dismissed some ins-natio/sof the perfected flint lock that the swer. Ahuoment's pause ; the captain crosses
years aghe girl set free last Year, coil- gun beeame the one great engine of sport over to the ears and entering, beheld a poor,
tine in good health, and I have to report and ,war. emaciated, worn-out creature whose life was
that on the occasion of my last visit I releas- Three kinds of weapons may be classett as eaten up by the fell disease, consumption.
ed a patient who had also been admitted hand-guns—the ride, the shotgun, and the The moan's head was bowed in his hands and
when young and on the appearance of the pistol. It, is rare, indeed, .or a boy to need he was weeping, The captain advanced and
first symptoms of the disease. Although ap- a pistol, and I shall only say here that it is spoke kindly to him, as he grasped his bony
pareutly free from the analatly', I do not to- the most dangerous and the most useful of hand.
Bard these eases as pormauently eared, and all arms. It is so short that it is hard to " 0, sir," said the invalid, trembling and
Shall therefore hold them under close obser- ; handle with perfect safety, and it is not looking up in his face, with hope awl oxpee-
vation in the future. ' accurate enough for use as a sport weapon, dation mingled with tears, "you are the eap.
"A, visitor from the happier world of My advice to boys is to let it alone. tain ; will you take me ? The pessengersshum
health to our lepers is first impressed with . The rille is the long-range weapon of sport me and are unkind. You see, sir, I am dy-
the thought that their life is indeed 'a furter- and for large game it is the only effective ing, but if I live to see my mother I
to grave,overawed, s lie
liars them 1 a 'o ofe shall 1Burlington, ala march, Si perfection the sh t iu h 11 die to She lives inBu n om ,
one., ace the o f nh rat
must be, bythe serenitydo icted on those i Pg PPYo "
P the bid -time cillo has been less and less in and my journey is entre than Half performed.
poor faces. Yet this ealmness is but the demand for small game ; still for squirrel- I am a poor printer and the only child of my
mute product of a happy change, for when shooting, especiall • in the South, it as in mother an whose arms I wish to die,"
in former years the institution amain charge commend use, and for target practice it can- "You, shall go," said the bluff catain, "if
of a Board of Health its inmates were an cif- not be equaled. I lose every passongcr for the trip,"
oitable and distrustful body, living without' All the best guns now made are breech- By this time a crowd of passem ors were
law or order, and sleeping on rude wooden loaders. No other kind is worth buying, grouped around the boat with their baggage
couches, infested with vermin and scantily 1 eau not hero reeommeud any special piled an the tow path and themselves await -
supplied with filthy eoverings, Iron bed- maker's gun, but I would say that Americans ing the decision of the captain. A moment
steads, with clean, comfortable bedding and make as good, gums as the English or any -'more and that decision was made known as
bed. clothes, have since been substituted, the body else. 'they beheld him coming from the ears with
hours of rising and retiring aro regulated, a The best rifle for boys is a 32-caliberthe siek man eradled in his atrong arms,
t.r,lmplete separation of the (sexes is rigidly breeelt•loador, which uses short metal shells. pushing directly through the crowd with iia
maintained, a watchful discipline mile., Such a };un, if of good make, will be quite dying burden. He ordered a mattress tobe
and so the patients, feeling that there is au accurate at any range within 150 yards, and laid in the choicest part of the cabin, and
tessured and kindly help nearby, are poasess- will kill an • game that boys are privileged there he laid the poor invalid with all the
ed of a contented mind, and mistimed in to hunt, I say this because game that is care of a parent. Then, casting a look at
their hours of sadness b • those consolations arge or dangerous :should mover befollowed1the astonished crowd, he shouted loudly to
charity and religion alone eau give. No by the young or inexperieuced. If, however, his men.
attempt is ever made to leave the Lazaretto a boy must.shoot large game, let him have a " Push off the boat,"
gronu s without permission. Ono refractory gun of large caliber, For deer, antelope and A feeling of shame and contrition at their
individual did, it is true, escape some years Olelike, a 44 -gunge i3 quite heavy enough, inhumanity came over them and each one
ago to the United States, but be bas recant- but for bear and all large and dangerous ani- seized his baggage and immediately walked
1}y returned, and assures mo that he wall mals the gut's to be used are extra heavy aboard the boat. In a short time a coma
shortly seek readmission to the hospital. express cities which nine but strong men mitte was sent to the captain asking his
As illustrating the way many appreciate re- Amnia try to handle. , presence in the cabin. He went, and there
inoval to their new hoine,I may &tatc that tbu Fortar,aet-shooting at short range a' 25- arose a white•liaircd man with tears in his
man Melainnon, admitted from Cape Breton caliber or even a smaller rifle may be used, eyes and told the rough captain he had
last summer, expressed regret that be had and these small guns are very effective for taught him a lesson, and they felt humbled
not come sooner. All this is accomplished sgatirrel shooting in low timber or for killing before him, and begged his forgiveness. It
although the Lazaretto is an antiquated rabbits, -vvas a touching scene, and tie fountain of
structure with no modern conveniences, for The rifle may be used Inc shooting at nhov-; true sympathy was broken up in the heart
Sieters, . happynoalt • ofmak-• ,. • ,chok-
ingilio, s r4, a faculty n k un;; objects, but it requires },,eat e�.ln.rtne�s, of nature, and the waters swelled up, uh 1l.
ing the most of their surrounding's, render and there aro few who can attain to success ing the utterances of all present. A puree
the poor patients surprisingly comfortable. n in it, was made up for the poor invalid brother
Of late leprosy has been dying out in Tra- 1 The shotgun is a later invention than the with a Godspeed for his welfare.
cadre, but, finding cases outcropping in the gnn throwing/one ball, though its origin Since then the poor invalid has returned
neighboring districts, I made a special tour slates back to about the initiate of the six to bis kindred bust and the hatred and love
of investigation, and found a growing focus toontli century, when "hail shot" began to will have perished and the thousand thoughts
of the disease betweenOaraquetand ~hippo• ' be used in a rude smooth -bora gun. As time that occupy them to -day as they reach their
gam, tracing also from the centre several passed many improvements were made in the homes will be forgotten.
ca9• to other settlements, which in turn parts of the fowling piece, until by slow de-
w overlooked, become new foci of the grecs the present perfection was reached. At
dna,., . Two other cases were found in a this , time the shotgun most used is the The " Diokens" Gallery.
backwoods settlement, near Tracadie, pro-, double-barreled, breech -loading, hammerless
bably 3tmntl from the latter pupal. is weapon, but I advise boys s to be content with
leprosy in every country spreads from the hest make of hammer guns.
centres, steps should be taken to stamp it In eloosing a shotgun, the chief thing is to
out of these districts. On one of the visits get one of excellent workmanship, and to do
referred to above, the chaplain of the Lazar- this requires some knowledge of the parts of
Otto kindly accompanied me, but it was the weapon. Of all the parts the barrel is the
inadb so alarmingly unpleasant for both of most importa ht, though for that ,natter
us ti4t wo hoped the Government would se- nearly all the reputable makers turn out
cure the passage of an act authorizing the good ones and no other sort. Order a gun
inspecting physician to enter the houses of with Damascus or laminated steel barrels and
the suspected persons for the purposed ex- rebounding locks; have the left barrel
amination, and, if such be found diseased, "choked" and the right with cylinder bore.
warn their neighbors, and at the same time A choked barrel is bored so that it throws
take gentle steps toward segregation, all the shot very closely together, and with oven
enforcements of the not to be under the distribution. The cylinder bore is of the
direction of the department. If such an act sane diameter throughout its length, and it
were on the statute book it would prevent scatters the shot over a large surface.
violent resistance to the discharge of a duty I Boys will find a gun of the size called 20-
owed both the living and generations to 1 gauge the lightest and best for shooting all
come. In view, too, of the way this disease game not larger than quail. For all ordinary
is forcing itself on the attention of the world inland shooting, however, the preferable
(its seeming increase in the United States weapon is the 16 -gauge, weighing about
and Canada), and the growing desire of the ' seven, or better, six and a half pounds. Let
people living in affected districts, both here . the stock be as straight as you can well use
and in Cape Breton, to have it carefully' and the barrels should be twenty-eight or
watched, I beg leave most respectfully to not under twenty-six inches long. I have
recommend to the department the early en- used a gun of the heavier weight mentioned
actment of such a measure. As stated for years, and have found it just the thing
above, leprosy is dying out in Tracadio, s0 for all small game, and have used it success -
long its hiding place, and if the legal ob- ' fully on wild fowl. Still, for shore and boat,
stades to its prompt segregation elsewhere when water fowl are hying high and fast, it
were removed, it would soon disappear for- is much more satisfactory to handlea heavier
ever from our shore."
Brunswick, where all the leprous cases
known to the Government are being cared
for. The °Mcial report from the officer in
charge, which has just been presented to
Parliament, reads as follows ;
There are now in the institution twenty
persons suffering from the dread disease,
leprosy—shine males and eleven females,
My native vales, my native hills,
Fain world I stay with thee,
Fain would I make thy very rills
As famed as Eden's be,
For they are dear and far more fair
Than any here I see,
And my small share of peace was there,
All that may come to me.
But fare thee well, still faro thee well,
'Tis all my song can say ;
The waves that swell my bark impel
High on the bounding spray ;
With tearful eyes remembrance cries,
Canst thou no longer stay ?
To which my weary doom replies,
Away, away, away.
Torn from the ties that baffle time,
That burn in each hot vein,
And set the exile's mournful rhyme,
To melodies of pain.
So fare thee well, still fare thee well,
'Tis all my song can say ;
The waves that swell my bark impel
Far on the weary way.
Didn't Need to Know.
The safe range of a shotgun loaded with
small shot is from fifty to sLxty yards at the
greatest, though you will hear men boast of
their guns killing every time at much greater
distances. About forty yards is the more
probable limit of safety for light gens,
loaded with, say, No. 8 shot. Tho pellets
go with great force when they first leave the
gun, but lose speed rapidly as their distance
from the muzzle increases ; moreover, they
spread apart or scatter as they fly, soon
getting s0 widely separated that there can
be no certainty of their hitting the object
aimed at.
The object in having the level barrel of
-your gun choked is to make it more effective
at long range. Thus, if a bird is fired at
and missed with the right barrel, which is
always first used, the left barrel is better
suited to make the second shot, as the flying
birl leas got much further away.
Tourist—What is the name of that ruin?
Peasant—I don't know.
Tourist ---And what is that moun tain
," Don't know."
" Oh, excjmse me. I thought you belonged
to this place."
" So I do, but I don't need to know all
these traveler's things.",
Both Full.
She glided softly into the sanctum and
insidiously approached the editor's desk.
With a sympathetic sigh, she said :
"The world is full of poetry="
is my waste. basket," grnffiylni,errupt-
ed the editor. "Chuck it in there, please."
A spoiled child—The one that played
with a lighted' lamp.
Simile Life of the Kaiser.
It is significant of the simplicity of life at
the Berlin Court that the Emperor's regular A tramp who was making his way around
dinner hour is, like that of the majority of to the back door of a house on Third avenue
his subjects, at 1: 30 in the day. Of course, found a man sawing wood in the rear yard
when there are distinguished guests to be and after gazing at him for a moment called
entertained, there is a state banquet at 6 in out :
the evening. In his ordinary life, writes the "Are you workin' for old clothes?"
Berlin correspondent of the London Stan. "No, sir," was the reply.
dard, "the Emperor is not given to luxury. "Hain't sawing wood for your dinner ? '
He rises very early, takes a very light first "No, sir."
breakfast, and then goes out for a ride or "Haven't quit the purfesh ?"
walk, and sometimes for a little shooting, " No, sir."
according to the season. During the bad "Say, what are you doing at thatawood-
weather, such as we have had for some days pile, anyway ?"
past, his Majesty takes about an hour's exer- "Working at my business. I saw wood
cise on foot in the, large quadrangle of the for a living."
Old Palace. After exercise he takes a second '.011 ! Then you don't belong?"
breakfast, consisting generally of an omelet, "No."
ham and eggs, a mutton chop, or a chicken. "And it's regular ?"
At the principal meal, at 1 :30, which the "Yes."
Emperor insists on calling dinner, not lunch- "Then that's all right and I've no fault to
eon, the first course consistsof bouillonbroth, find. When 1 walked in here and saw you
with rice or macaroni, or of Russian soup ; at work my heart jumped right into my
then boiled meat with vegetables, followed mouth. I didn't know butit was one of the
by roast beef and pudding. If there are any boys making a break and calling down the
guests at the ordinary dinner an entree and purfesh. Regular, eh ? . Well, you keep
ice are added. The Emperor'ssupper consists right on and never mind me. I m after a
of meat or fish and pudding. His favorite warm meal and a respectable -looking suit
dishes are poutetssaUtes, with potatoes ' or for Sunday wear, and if she's the right sort
baked fish, especially perch, pike, sole, or of a woman I'll bit her for half a dollar in
urbot." cash besides."
Within the town of ZVeissniehtwo
This famous building stands,
And there the picture -lovers go
Front all adjacent lands ;
Anil once I also chaneed to stray,
Among the rest to see
This exhibition of the day
Tho Dickens Gallery.
And first the face of little Nell
Smiled on me from the wall,
And many a maiden form as well
Around the spacious hall.
There Little Dorr'itt's weary face
Recalled the Marshalsea ;
And child -wife Dora filled with grace
The Dickens Gallery.
Sweet Dolly Vardon stood beside
,The Pecksniff sisters twain,
And little Dot anal Florence vied
With Kate anal Madelaine ;
And Sairoy Gamnp the next I found
With Betsy Prig at tea,
And spreading scandal all around
The Dickens Gallery.
And opposite a motley crow,
Smike, Toots and Marley's ghost,
Micawber, Squeers, and Pickwick too,
And others, quite a host.
And Captain Cuttle, walking out,
With thoughtful face, we see,
Engaged in " making notes" about
The Dickens Gallery.
And fraternizing in a row
Sit Wegg and Carrier John,
And Scrooge, and Trotty Veck, alid Jo,
No longer " moving on ;"
And Barkis, " willin,' " waitin' " still
Upon the wall, we see,
And many more whose portraits fill
The Dickens (gallery.
And last, within a tarnished frame,
A face well known to me,
And, written underneath the name,
"I spells it with awe."
Then homeward wended on my way,
Across the Northern Sea,
In hope to find, some other day,
Tho Dickens Gallery.
He Was Excused,
Indian Pale 41e and XXX Brawn Stout
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lenee at Centennial Exhibition, Phil adelphia,
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