HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-10-07, Page 6We Offer These Educationai Cours.es S tarting Thursday, Oetober ,4
4. Pr.oedure and Rules of Order.
Retail Selling 2. Effective Speaking..3. _ Business Administration
OCT. 14, 28, NOV. 12
MARCH 10, 24, APRIL 14
pen to All Men and Women Enroll Now ---In `The Goderich Jaycees' Leadership Training
, NQV. 246, DEC. 9, JAN. .13
Course . ' Call 412 - For 'Particulars
WESTFIELD, Oct. 6. -Baskets of
gladioli, dahlias and fall flowers,
in artistic arrangements, gave a
lovely setting ger the United
Church anniversary on Sunday,
_which vas. largely attended. Guest
minister was Rev. Andrew Lane,
of Brussels. In the morning, he
spoke on the subject, "Working
Together WitW od." In the even-
ing the speaker chose as his sub-
ject, "Think On These Things."
,;,The chair; under the direction of
Harvey McDowell, with Mrs. Mur-
ray McDowell as organist, sang
two anthems in the morning. In
the evening the choir sang an an-
them. and the male quartette sang
a selection.6s Auburn and Donny-
b.00k withdrew their services. -•and.
attended Westfield,aziniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and
baby, of Toronto; Mrs. D. Blair, of
Belgrave, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Blair.
• Gordon Smith' spent the week-
end with his cousin, Ross Smith,
Of Brussels..
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ament,
and Gary, of Auburn, visited with
Mi,. and Mrs. Gordon Snell on
Miss Violet Cook, of Goderich,
A'E -Cook, of Blyth, visited with
Mrs. F. J. Cook on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent,
and family, of Belgrave, were Sun-
visitors with
Mr. and Mrs.
,Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and
family, .of._Brussels, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith on
William McDowell spent a few
days last week with Dr. Roy;.•:Sta,eke,
house and Mrs. Stackhouse, of
Mr. and. Mrs. Jasper McBrien, of 1
Goderich, Mrs. E. Kirs,hinski, and
Maureen, of Detroit, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell on Sat-
Mr. and•Mrs. Gordon Smith were
Kitchener visitors on Monday.'
Mrs. Mathers, of Lucknow, is
visiting her daughter, ' Mrs. Earl
Wightman, and Mr. Wightman.
Harvey Wightman spent Sunday
with friends in London.
Miss Rosemary Wilson, of Car-
low, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Wightman.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin McDowell were Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Kershaw, Miss C.
McClinton, of Goderich; Jim Pot-
ter, of Sault Ste. Marie.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Edgar Dane and
baby, of Gorrie, were 'Sunday
visitors With Mr. and' Mrs. Melvin
Miss Margaret Jefferson, of
Donnybrook, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig and
family, of Walton, visited with Mr.
,,a•nd Mrs. Douglas •Campbell on
Competition by members of 4-H
clubs featured the annual Bayfield
Fall Fair staged last Thursday
with a crowd of about 2,000, attend-
ing the Agricultural Society's pro-
Taking part in the competition
were Bayfield's four clubs: 4-H
Beef Calf Club, 4-H Dairy Calf
Club, 4-H Tractor- Maintenance
Club and 4-H Swine Club.
Praise for their fine showings
was voiced by Harold Baker, As-
sociate Agricultural Representative'
for Huron County.
Also outstandin-g was the cattle
show, in which over 125 head were
shown -largest in the fair's his-'
School children from Bayfield i
and district paraded to the Com -.i
munity Centre, led by the Ban- .
nockburn Pipe Band, and judges
had a hard time,to choose 'between
hundreds of exhibits from 12 Stan-
ley and Goderich Township
schools-, . -- . -._ -
Obtaining the "most points for
indoor exhibits and winning a
championship shield was S.S. 4, '
West, Stanley Township.
Results,, of the 4-H competitions
were as follows:'
4-H- -Club ' Results
Bayfield 4-H Beef Calf Club:
Steers, Joanne McCullough, R.R. 3,
Clinton; Mary McCullough, R.R. 3,
Clinton; Bob Cluff, R.R. 2, Bay-
field; Lloyd Holland, Clinton; John
Simmons, R.R, 2, Goderich. Senior
heifers, Alex Ostrom, R.R.' 1,
Varna; David Ostrom, R,R. 1,
Varna; Grant Keyes,Varna. Junior
heifers, Steve Scotcher, R.R. 1,
Bayfield; Robert Johnston, R.R. 1,
Varna; G. Postill, R.R. 3, Clinton;
Gary Merner, , R.R. 3; Clinton;
Charles Wain, R,R. 1, 'Bayfield.
Showmanship, Mary McCullough,
Bob 'Cluff, Joanne MMcCullough,
Alex Ostrom, .Lloyd Hglland.
4-H 'Dairy 'Calf Club: Senior heif-
ers, Murray Lobb, R.R. ;2, Clinton;
Don Lobb, Bruce Lobb. Junior
heifers, James Storey, R.R. 3, Clin-
ton; Jackie Dunn, R.R. 3, Bayfield';
Wayne Sterling, R.R. 3, Clinton;
Ken Potter, R.R. "-2, Clinton; Jim
Buchanan, R.R. 4, Goderich. Show-
manship, "Bruce Lobb, Murray
Ldbb, Bobby Grigg, R.R` 3, Clinton;
Dan Lobb,.. James Storey.
4-H Swine Cllub: Bill Longmire,
R.R. 2, Goderich; Mary McCul-
lough, R.R. 3, Clinton; Jim Long-
mire, Joanne McCullough, . Mel
Simmons, R.R. 2,.-Gederiche.: Show-
manship, Mary McCullough, Joanne
McCullough, Gerald Rathwell, R.R.
1, Brucefield; Alex Ostrom, Mel
Simmons. - ,
4.11 Tractor 'Maintenance Club:
Lloyd Holland, -Allen Ostrom;
Varna; Bob Talbot', Bayfield; Mur-
ray Neal, R.R. 3, Clinton.
Among the winners in the dom-
estic science compe_,titidn was Mrs.
W. J. Jewell, of Goderich, who won
21 first 'and 15 second prizes, to-
gether with a speelal award in the
domestic• pie competition.
LEEBURN, Oct. 6.-WMS Meets.
-Mr's. Frank Rising was hostess
when the Leeburn WMS held the
September meeting. Mrs. - Elmer
Hunter was leader, Scripture was
read by. Mrs. George Haggitt and
prayer by Mrs. Joe Freeman. The
new study book was introduced by
Miss Helen Clark. An invitation
to join with Smith's Hill for their
thankoffering at Carlow. Hall was
accepted' for Thursday afternoon,
October 14. The hostess was as-
sisted during the social period by
Mrs. Cree-Freeman. At the prev-
ious meeting, when the ladies met
with Mrs. Tait Clark, they en-
joyed an interesting talk by Mrs.
R. Swanton, of Sudbury, when she ; ning' her teaching career at this
spoke on James Gilmour, of Scot: 1 school and her sister, Eileen, is on
land. Rev. • and Mrs. Swanton' the staff of Goderich Public School.
spend their summers at Bogie's 1 Carl Mills is in his second year
Beach and the Leeburn ladies- will of teaching at U.S.S. No. 9, on the.
be looking forward to having Mrs. I
Swanton with them next year. The', Baas Line.near Auburn. He lives
October Thankoffering of the Lee- !,at R.R. 2,, Auburn and- formerly
burn W.M.S. will be held at thetaught in East Wawanosh Town -
home. of Mrs.. William Sallows one ' ship.
day earlier, Tuesday, October 19.1' Jessie Watt, who lives at RA. 1,
Bylth, is teacher at U.S.S. No. 10
She attended' Seaforth High Schoofl
and Stratford Teachers' College
and is beginning' her second year
.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie return- at this school.
ed home last Friday from .a three- Shirley Hamilton, teacher at
week 'visit to Vancouver, and to U.S.S. No. 12, attended Clinton
their -son Earl, and family, at Trail, C'olleg'iate Institute and Stratford
B.C., also to Langbank, Sask. Teachers' College. She lives •. at
Mr.,. -and Mrs. Charles Kirk, Londe.sboro and is 'beginning her
teaching career at the Summerhill
Duncan MacKay is teacher at
the Auburn School, U.S.S. No. 5,
Several neW ' school, teachers
started duties in Duron County last
month and several more took up
their duties again at -schools where •
they had taught last year. ti
In -ran effort --toe assist- re'aders_euae-
1053-54. •
Joanne Duckworth, who lives in
Goderich, attended Goderich Dis-
trict Collegiate Institute and Strat-
ford Teachers' College.. She taught
last year in Colborne Township.
Marlene 'Lowry lives- at RR- 1,
Kincardine and attended Ripley
High School and Stratford Teach-
ers' College. She its beginning her
teaching career here.,
Mrs. Barbara Mcee formerly
taught °ini -Colborne Township.
"meeting" the teachers in Gode-
rich and vicinity, The Signal -Star
has obtained the following list of
,teachers and some information
about them from Public School
Inspector G. G. Gardiner.
Goderich Township
Christene Bogie, who teaches at
iss a No. 1,
oflives nMr. Goderich
Harold Bogie. She attended Gode-
rich District 'Collegiate Institute
and took the first year of the
Pre -Teachers' Summer Course in
Toronto in '1953 and the• second
year last summer, Miss Bogie is
beginning her second year at this •
Mrs. Gordon Orr, teacher at S.S.
No. 2, re-entered the teaching pro-
fession in 1948 and has taught con-
tinuously since then at the. Taylor's
Corner school.
Ann Shaddock, Who lives in
Clinton, teaches at S.S. No. 3. She
attended Clinton Collegiate In-
stitute and Stratford Teachers'
College and is beginning her third
year at the Holmesville school.
Jean Pitt, who teach �i at S.S.
NQ. 4, lives at Varria and- is a
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Pitt.
Her father is .a United Church
minister. She attended high
school in Newfoundland and ob-
tained Upper School standing at
'Clinton Collegiate Institute. She
'was graduated from - 'Stratford
Teachers' College in 1953 and be-
gan her teaching. career at S..S. No.
Mrs. Frank Yeo is the teacher
at S.S." No. 5, Porter's Hill. She
re-entered the teaching profession
in 1952 at this, school and taught
one year and is beginniing her
second year there. .
Mrs. Thomas Wilson,. who re. -
sides at Carlow, re-entered the
teaching profession in 1948, teach-
ing at U.S.&No. 12, Hullett (Sum-
merhill), where she 'taught fOr four
rs. third rs. year Wilsonatacher at S.S.
No. 6.- - -
Ada M. Webster, who lives at
Lucknow, irs beginning her fir=st
year at S.S., No, 9. Miss Webster
formerly taught in Ashfield Town-
Mrs. Sally Bird, •a native of
Manitoba, attended Winnipeg Nor -
Mal School in 1949. She is be'-
-ginning her first year as teacher
at S.S. NO.' 10.
Ione Watson, teacher at S.S. No.
11, lives at R.R. 2, Walton. She
attended Seaforth High School and
Stratford Teachers' College and is
1 beginning her teaching career -at
this school.
Hunt-' Township
Christena Cunningham, teacher
at U.S.S. No. 2, lives at R.R. 1,'•
Auburn and attended Clinton Col-
legiate - Institute and Stratford
Te'ach'ers' College. She is 'begin -
No doubt about it, sparkling ice-cold Coca-Cola
helps, set the pace for good times.
No other soft drink has ever won the aprovail
of so many people . ,, and the invitation
*to "Have a Coke" is a byword
Ole those who want to serve
delicious, wholesome refreshment.
Mrs. Andrew Bogie visited two
days recently in Sarnia with her
daughter, Mrs. • John Quaid, Mr.
Quaid and family.
Lloyd and Larry, of Preston, visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
James Horton and family. Mrs'.
M. E. Terrell who has been visit- and lives in the Village of Auburn.
ing with the Horton s, also rela- He began his teaching career in
tives at Brussels, Clint -on and 1935 in Ashfield . Township and
Girk's. h, returned home with the 1 spent three years in the 'armed
Kirk s. services during World War Two.
He taught at Kintail before going
to 'the Auburn school in 1953.
Stanley Township
Llewellyn, 1MeDonald. came from
'Atwood to accept the principalship
of Bayfield School, U.S:S.- 8. He
attended Stratford Teachers' Col-
lege and taught at West Montrose.
Mrs. Vina Parker, a�xesicfeint of
Bayfield re-entered e teaching
i l •is ''• be .
nin':rif��Pofi n grri,.
g her 14th year in the Junior
Division of the Bayfield School.
• . Gdderich Public School
Seven new teachers are on the
staff of the Goderich Public School
this year.
Mrs. Sheldon Baxter, teaching
Grade ,VI, ''taught at S.S. No. 6,
Goderich Township in 1961-52.
Joan Courtney, whose home is
'At R.R. 1, Kincardine, is beginning
the teaching profession here. She
attended Ripley High, School and
Stratford Teachers' College.
Eileen Cunningham, teaching
kindergarten, , ' attended Clinton
Collegiate Institute and took one
year ofthe Pre -Teachers' Course
in Toronto 'last,sumfner. Her home
is at 'R tt,. 1,Auburn,.
Mrs°. Lois', Dixon, came from
Exeter and is teaching;" in the
Primary Division. ' She taught at
S.S. No. 5, .''C;ll'sborne from 1949 to
1953 and at 'Clinton clic School
Maseriic Past Masters Associa-
tion fall meeting will be. held* at
•Mitchell on Friday evening, Octo-
ber.29, at 8 p.m: Rt. Wor. Bro.
George F. Clark, chairman of the
Grand Lodge Benevolent, Commit-
tee,. is to be the guest 'speaker.
A numb of of Masons frpm Mait-
land LodEP, Goderich and_ -Morns_
ingStar Lodge,- Carlow, are count-
ing on being in attendance.
The Sullivan mine at Kimberley,
B.C., produces gold, copper, silver,.
tungstens iron ore, coal, lead and
zinc; it is one of the world's lead-
ing producers oflead and zinc.
The building of new houses in
Canada this year is running' ahead
of 1953, when more than 100,000
new _dwelling emits laverP romplet-.
ed to establish an all-time record
ST. HELENS, -Oct. 6. -Word was
received by relatives here of the
death in Guelph on Saturday of
Mrs. R. J." Woods, a former resit
dent of this community. Funeral
services were conducted in the
United Church here on Monday
afternoon. -
Irvin McCabe, of , Windsor, is a
visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McQuillin and other relatives.
Some 50 young people gathered
here for the Perth -Huron Y.P.U.
reunion camp held from Friday
evening until Sunday afternoon.
The camp was conducted by Miss
Margaret Holland,. of -Clinton, with
Rev. Peter Renner, cif Bayfield,
as dean, and Rev. D. 'J. MacRae,
of W ingham; ' as special speaker.At the Sunday morning service,
Harvey Sparling was assisted in
the worship service by Miss Ethel
Allison, .president of the London
Conference,' Y.P.U. Miss Holland
-told of the - meeting held recently
at Whitby of the National Council
of Y.P. Unions of the United
Church. ' Mr. Sparling gave a chal-
lenging ad -dress on the subject,"The Corner Stone." The choir
sang the anthem, "Trust and
Obey," and Anne Todd sang two
solos. Meals were served in the
community hall by members of the
Statistics show that 5-6 per cent
of every dollar spent on milk goes
to farmers:
The Japanese have a curious
custom of - taking off their shoos
before entering-- a 'house. Thesame custom is observed by some
married men all over the world,
but only After midnight:
Will Cook, of Goclerich, former-
ly of this district, is a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London, and is
undergoing an operation this week.,
Inducting Federni-Titres
Pltta•dcposu ZeSer bottle
Authorized bollfliel'` 'lr Coca-Colei.wider canircict wit r o -Coto Lfd. w
4' a k.
h YI
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NILE, Oct. 6. -Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Bogie attended the silver
wedding, an
ni e
rsrY af,
Mr., and.
Mrs:"1hitald :iie%'/te;-_at''BTy;
on Sunday.
Mr." and Mrs. McDonald Gibbs'
and Miss MO McLeod, R.N., of
Sarnia, were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark.
"e Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was observed at Nile Church, Sun-
Paul ,Gardiner, Goderich, spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
D. McNeil.
Mrs. A. Walker, of Wolsley
Sask., and Mrs. W. Snyder, of
Goderich Township, visited their
niece, 'Mrs. George Rutledge, last
Mrs. Davidson has returned to
her home in Detroit• after spend;
ing several weeks: with her mother;
Mrs. William. Walters, and het
sister, Mrs." A. Spragge. . h
Anniversary services at 11 a.nt
and 7 pat. will be held at Nile
Chur'c , Sunday., will be
no Stl de/ School.
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