HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-10-07, Page 4• WITN ma bum �,• cAs,rn . ,Saves floor space A • •• • • • Fuel tank is completely concealed in the casing. Only 22" from front to back. Efficient, too —it heats by both radiation and circulation — and the Findlay' double combustion chamber is a real fuel saver. A beauty in any room — in durable brown metallic finish. _controt dial gives the temperature you want. Large service door permits easy cleaning. You'll rAever regret choosing Findlay'quality. REG. $109.50 SPECIAL PRICE S98•50 By JOAN COWLEY Here we are again, well into another school term/ Many new faces are seen in the hall's. Wel- come to our new English teacher, Mr. Stevens, and our new secre- tary, Miss Lutz. Also Hi to `those who have transferred here from other schools and a special hello to our Grade Milers. - This column is being written primarily for the students, to keep them informed and enthusiastic about ourschool, its people, its organizations and its activities. First of all, I should like on behalf of the students to thank Mr. Scott and the other members 'of the staff for their terrific co- operation and willingness to help us get the most -from our school year. Many of us now realize that only by active participation, sup- port and. sincere interest will we have "spontaneous enthusiasm or schoolspirit. Also that without school spirit we have nothing! The fact that' our disorganized coin= plaints are already being replaced by organized action shows that we are well on the way. Let's 11 E.BRE(KENR1DGE HARDWARE.- PLUMBING - H E AT I N G PHONE 135 GODEFtIC.H; There's been snow in the West. We can get it here—sooner Man you realize. et NOW—Asbestonos'Ethylene--Glycol ONLY ANTI -FREEZE 2.75 gal. PRESTONE 3.75 per gal. Champion Spark Pings Engine Heaters, start ng k Windshield Defrosters Don''t-. spoil a good typewriter for lade of a little expert service ... Call SKEOCH OFFICE SUPPLIES -PHONE Fit ,DODGARSIEP TROPHY; I Mr. and, Mrs. William. Craigie, NO ''S R! S 'R l LA'C'ED Kitchener, spent several days has been made i town last week, No arrangement for a series of games between the Clifford Swingskirts and the Gode- rich Dodgers for the, grand• cham- pionship of the WOAA, in ladies' softball. It is understood the Swingskirts ,are unable to field a team for this series and the grandchampionship rophy remains in the ' custody of ;he Goderich Dodgers. keep with it, kids! Rugby Rugby is of interest to all of us in one way or another. For you who missed the schedule when it was printed last week in the paper, here it is again. clip it out so you, will have it for reference. Tues., Oct. 5--Wingham,; at C1ii . ton Wed., Oct. 6—Seaforth •at Gode- rich -- Tues., Oct. 12—Clinton „ at Gode- rich Wed., Oct. 13—Seaforth at Wing - .ham Tues., Oct. 19—Goderich at Wing- ham Wed., Oct 20—Clinton at Seaforth Tues., Oct. 26---Wingham at Sea - forth Wed., Oct. 27—Goderich at Clin- ton..: . The boys, under the able coach- ing of Mr. Pring, have practised hard and are confident pf their going places. We are lucky to have our first game of the season on home grounds because we can all get behind our team and shout ourselves hoarse. There is no GROUP CRITICIZES , COUNc IL'iS METHOD A check will be made wall Goderich Trades and Labor Coun- cil before,any future labor appoint- ments are made to civic' bodies, Town Council decided last Friday night. The decision came after council heard a letter from the labor group protesting the manner in which an'appointment was made recently to the Area Planning Board. The labor group said it did not object Oto the person ap- pointed, but to the method used, pointing out that the group should havebeen- asked to • make a re- commendation. r CROFT ENTRY WINS GROUP "A" TITLE A 7-3 victory over the Aberhart entry gave Croft Cleaners the Group "A" title in Pee Wee Soft- ball play last Saturday. Mr.,- and Mars. Gorden Clousher 1 iMr, , enpe E, ihYlor is visit - visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bau- Ing her son, Lieut, Alien Taylor slatAoh the former Norma eattie),- and Mrs. Taylor, .at Annapolis in Kitchener, over the weep -end. -.Royal, N.S. .. 14:OWC1FEN oar, eadow Bre�kV Coffee Shopped 21, 1/2 mile south of new -town l .emits° ("pen daily From a. m, oto 1a.m. Full Course Meals, Sandwiches, etc. SPECIAL THANKSG1VING TIIRKEY DINNER doubt that the support the team ._ Titles..in the other .two groups gets fx .:usdhas,...�.. .er�ided influ- of the -league- had been decided in- ence on their ame. It is some-� previous games. The teams play- times lay-times that extra encouragement, ed a schedule earlier in the sum - which comes •with true school spirit, that gives them that spirit to make the game a real thriller. Watch for results of our game on Wednesday in next -week's column. iFrench Club The French Club, organized, by Miss Preston. and Miss Roberts, (notre , deuX professeurs de francais)' has been well received. girls' teams and tl; individual Over 30 were at the first meeting— „teams are gain ; to elect their cap the meeting to organize. -Both ; tains. The senior i( am has al teachers expressed their pleasure ' ready elect- ci as captain, Audrey on the good turn -out and "evident 1 McCabe. These are the players enthusiasm' of the students. Those' on her team: Mary Alexander, of us who don't take French feel, Rosemary Clark, Marilyn Crane, already, that we are missing some-' Margaret Emerson, Auleen FisWWer, thing. . Never mind, ;lust wait until Ruth •McNevin, Isabelle Moore, the Commercial students .. have Isabel Tigert, Lois Webster, Jean their speed typing contests! Well, ; Wilkinson. To date the junior it's a thought! d capta> has not been chosen but • Volleyball Teams It was encouraging to see so here are the junior players:Martha Bedard, Rosalee Bedard, many going to the tryouts for the • Faye Brereton, Carolyn Duque:tte,., girls volleyball teams. If you Eleanor Emerson, Julia Freeth don't 'Take the 'team, don't give Gail Gardner, Maureen Hallam, up. Remember,' there is a limit •to Adeline Riehl, Noella Sowerby, the number of players a' team may Barbara SmithSli'aron' Smith: The have. There is still inter -form 'junior team w, ill be pleased to' hear that this year WOSSA has a division for ,them. This means the winning team of our junior league may now travel to London along with the winning team of the, senior league to take part in further competition. If `the stand- ard of the games played by the girls this year is as high as that of last year the games will be guaranteed thrillers. Our league tournament this year is scheduled for Thursday, November 4, -with Seaforth as host. ' Good luck and lots of fun! Cheerleaders • The Cheerleading. Committee - under the chairmanship of Bob Gregory decided there were to be' eight cheerleaders, six girls and two boys, and that the final senior girls Volleyball team and . the Rugby team would jointly make the final choice of cheerleaders. Here are their names: Mary Alex- ander, Charlotte Anderson, Linda Breckenridge, Shirley Bedard, Bev Bowra, Marilyn Crane, Laurel Lodge, Maurice Loiselle. Support our cheerleaders! They are ready to lead us! Let's not expect too much of them at the first game because they had only two days in which they could practice to- gether. • ' First Dance Last Friday night, our first dance of the year was held and from all accounts it was a whop- per! It was well attended, well organized,, and everyone seemed pleased with the results. Con- gratulations to the B.A.A. for mak- ing it. a success. To Bob Wood, who acted as M.C. and Ted Turner and' Aon Stewart, who spun the platters . . . a job well done! Golf 'Tournament Here are the results of our sec- ond annual golf tournament held in September at Maitland Golf Course. In the boys' class, Bill' Reis, of Grade 12, With a score of 44,. won the boys' championship - and Don Rouse of Grade 9 was runner-up with a scorel of 46. The girls' champion- is Shirley Bedard with 60 her total score and ,her ruliner-up, Sylvia Chisholm with a store of •66. • Thanks, Mr. Rouse, for all your aid ,in helping to make our touriiament a success. We hope, in the near future, to give you a Complete rundown on our newly initiated "Point System" and information about our new Students' Council. mer and then went into play-offs after school started last month. volleyball, which can really be a whale of a lot of fun . . . and next year there Will again be col teems. -. Miss Dadd has chosen both the junior•. and senior NLti.i`'7ht'^OSOON:�hWOhYeO�V....V.'R:2�QA0T.'.4^Y7triPNl.M�AYih\`795Y�h`-0xC,bG6:L6"•'2'Yd6 4':n"�. `" S0: .v- ,,...t-'--n-••"lam. M �-�.-'�t,�►r>�--"� wltr�''..l/./�/.�'.%.%/1`'//.�%,.�`,.r>�',''•-� •:,,.,...... t,:ft;Y•,•x. •::: ••,;.y,<rr:'cf>s:::::•'t::rr.: c•»:•.• :.:.: •:.:. r • From 14.75 79c ea. From 2.10 UP only.. 3.35 (Community Ch.utl and Municipal Grant, will provid. $39,000) to train, rehabilitate gond house the 450 BLIND in this district. C. N. I. B. TRI -COUNTY CAMPAIGN HURON - MIDPLE#X - PERTH (Excluding London and Stratford) 73 • HAMILTON TIRE &AUTO STREET SUPPLY LTD. PHONE 1102J Send Your Donation Today to your local chairman or C.N.LB., London, Ontario TIECalVert SPORTSCOLUMN '..%i..?CF,. fi y �f �':Hit :y%' •r..: �• , History will. record the glittering feats, .,that, more likely than not, will dot this sed, sort's world's baseball series. But history will have quite a chore if the feats in this year of grace excel for drama and color and, unfortunately, the occasional blunder of •a lona storehouse of memories That dot the autumn classic. It is doubtful 'that this series will produce another such thrill as Babe Ruth's magnificent gesture of pointing to the seats in Chicago's Wrigley Field in 1932, and then socking a homer right there. There was only one Babe Ruth, and the pattern died with him. . It is equally doubtful that this year's series will produce that rarity of base .ball, ,an unassisted triple play. The only one in..World Series history took place in the fifth game of the 1920 Series .played before 26,884 fans at Cleveland. It - was fashioned late in. the game by the Indians' 'second baseman,' Bill Wambsganss . who caught a line drive with two Dodger runners on base. Bill stepped on second, turned, ,and tagged the : Dodger runner, unable to halt in his headlong dash from first -base. That's; baseball history and even the most casual fan will remember if for the impossible spelling of Wams- There was Pepper Martin's reckless base -running for St. Louis Cards "Gas House Gang" against the Athletics in 1931, and there were the Dean boys, Dizzy and Daffy, each winning two games for the Cards against Detroit in 1934. There was Al Gionfriddo's ci1cus catch of Joe DiMaggio's ' 4,Wfoct rlrry tote rli-pcn gi th ,.s g` eriFes—t i t vv "remain forever with those who witnessed it. Bobo Newsom pitched a shutout in his second start in the 1940 Series for the Ci n cinatti Reds against Detroit. , Then; off the paths of 'glory, there was .the famous third 'strike which Mickey Owen dropped in. Ebbets Field in 1941, which permitted the Yankees to win the fourth game and go on to win the title the following day. And away back in 1912, New York Giants and Boston Red S;ox were playing *IAa bitter duel. It was the last game of the o Pitchinc immortals, Christy •Matthewsgn and Smoky Jos Wo Were tied at 1 -all in the tenth. Gants gave Matty a tori rill lime top of the tenth. Engel pinch-hit for Wood in Steleturf a pop fly to centre. Pred• Snodgrass caught it— ' n dropip '' ifs Bosft n won the series. e t, tan suggestions for, this column will be k lli j ,,F rgueon, % Calvert. House, 431 •Yonge CORNER WEST ST. AND SQUARE ' r'r - AS HANDY AS • THE POSTOFFICE PHONE 45 :ENO'S ...�. _Lux Soa�..,. Alka Seltzer Fruit Salts 31c3 for 25c r 69c, 1.09 c 4 68c •s•ss•••so•ss••ss•cacao•••o••osoe000s eemsss4••d •••••s•••••o•oo••••4 NYLON ` HAIR , BRUSH Maltlevol 2.00 Wampoles-. 1.25 Neo Chemical -Food 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Enerjets - 5.95 Abdol With Vit. C ..'.. 2.70, 4.95 Beniinal 3.75 BeForte • 4.25 QUICK HOME , PERM. 1.75 Tooth Paste Specials Hele a Rub nstein ,Beauty. Pairs - NOW' ON„ SALE—SAVE UP ,TO 45% COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THESE FiNE VALUES. tlro•••••esseo••••ss•o ss•ss•s•s•o•►o0•ss••iS000•soo•so*is000soio••0000s TWO 59c TUBES COLGATES TWO 59c TUBES KOLYNOS TWO 59c KOLYNOS CHLOROPHYL 89c 89c 89c TRUSHAY HAND LOTION Large—With Dispenser Both for 99c 150 DOLCIN TABLETS For relief from. pairs of Arthritis, etc: Each Square Contains your Daily Dose.�• '60 Capsules "3• . • (30 days'supply! TEK TOOTH BRUSH NOXZEMA Big Jar 98c I5minute waving lotions •.NO GUESSWORK • INSTANT NEUTRALIZING CHOICE OF REFILLS $1.75 ••••••••••e••••••••••••s•••••••••••••••••••soo•s••••sb••►ss•••••s••••• FOR BABY'S COLD • TRY JACK AND JILL • Cough Syrup AND 19c, 29c - ` Baby Rub • 79c 'Both for 89ca,. HOT WATER BOTTLES • 1.49 a't SONNY n BoY C'ASSIDY FARMER PET' INTERNATIONAL AT IONAL BIG NAME TELEVISION (SITAR t The greatest indoor sport attraction to eome to Goderich.. Four tiny midgets—mightiest little giants on earth. None over 4 feet or over 99 lbs. each. MAIN EVENT—TAG TEAM MATCH " Sonny Boy Cassidy,' World's Chalnpion Midget. Rhode Wand and Farmer Pete of Louisville, Kentucky. - Team of Jim. Brady, New England, and Vincent Garibaldi of Italy. ALSO' 'TWO HEAVYWEIGHT BOUTS Ail vvresttier's mentioned above guaranteed to be in Goderich by 2 p.m... on October 8, GODEMOH-MliatORIAL A,RtNA BAYERS ASPIRIN . ®0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DR i E' SHAMp'f d- ''39c," 65C, . 8 . .. ELAIMCGOODS' HALO : SHAMPOO 39c, 65c, 98c l BRECK SHAMPOO 85c, 1.35, 1.98 I We carry a complete Zine of elastic goods— SUAVE SHAMPOO , 60c, 1.00 Supports,' suspensories, anklets, knee caps, WILDROOT CREAM .OIL 73c, ,.23 , elastic stockings, etc.` ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N it�c�ui�trrr#flANDSOMt 181 RCLAs CARRYING' cA'SE 0( n o. "'ZO�F'•r 'SUPPLIES tO 611' FARMERS! VISIT OUR, Farm Health Department We ,. carry a, complete line of.- farm needs • Boojiea and Ointment for Mastitis .• Pig Iron for, small pigs V.M.A. Pellagrex ,,Mix •Concentrate • 79c- 1.98