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The Exeter Times, 1890-4-24, Page 1
• AND NITRON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET TRE CHIPS FALL WHERE TREY MAY." VOL. XVII. NO. 30. EXETER, ONTARIO, Tm BSDA-Y MORNING, APRIL 24, 1890 IsEGklL. The MoJsons Bank :R. L1LOKSO x, Barrister, Soli- tr reeVe Pee Supreme Court,NotaryPublic Ceinvle,,, tar Gonlealsezonee.aec, fdeleey`;o Taman, , CtRoeex> rantson'a Block, Exerer, R. barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., It'Z.ETEF, ANT. tltftea*ttruwell'afiloek itall'AoIA oftlae.) ELLIOT 41 ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Rotaries Public, Conveyancers &o, &o. f '"Aloney to Loin at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, AIAIAi • STREET, EXETER' II. V. zrr,tar. 7. =MOT. f)I�NTAL. 14. J3tLLINGS, ,a7 1•Twa;sw, OFFICE; oyez O'! EI1'SEa,;1 Nitrous 4xlde Goa far Painless Extraction. ZiNS IAN,OJiNTIST.ia,D.s Sentwelite Meek, Maiu•st, Exetel', Extracts Teeth withoutpaln. by giving VeagetableVapor. Gold 1?lliage au all other dental worst tike boat patellae. (iota ZPlarchr oulastTltur*1 yfu month; MEDICAL W. 131101VNTNG M. D., M. 0 « F. K,3 radn+etoar iotoriaUnivern tty.©fiice. audlrosidence,lyou;:nionLaboratan, . F,xoter li. 1LYND'XAN, coroner for the County of Unroll. Omen, opposite Air. tlerling'ti aiaro,ltxetor. J. A. ROLLL U , M. 0. I'. S O. Otflco,Alain S;,.Skoter.Out.Reaid lee of+hounorecoutiyoccupied byP.3io1'1i Ui1ia, Eva - F. CUT'U N, M. Ll., C. M., .011(iaX4 Graduate Trinity University, Tor - ay/ o Fet. Trio. Mod. school, Torouto' ; Grad. Ate, ba rang om a Member er N. Out d. Anthropology; atilt*, oashwood.Ont. AUCTIONEERS. ENJ Y EILBL+'11•, Licensed Atte- ti °neer ter ue-tioneerfer C ay,Stephon, and atotlillf- :ray Thwnahtlts, Salesoonducted atmodorate tote". Oillae—AtPost-efnco.Crediton ,Ont. :TWIN GILL, Auctioneer for the U Townships of Stephen, Hay and Unborne and the Village of Exeter, All sales promptly ettendod,tend satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arrauged at this oflloe VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, dc- - adnatee of the Ontario Veterinary College Osamu: One actor South. of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6.1 per cent, $25.000 Private Ounds. Best Loaning Companies repre sented. L.H DICKSON', B arrister, Ex eter, INSURANCE. THE LONDON MUTUAL 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP CANADA. end Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private roeidences, either on buildings or contents.the most favorable protection in case of loss or damage by fire or lightning, at rates upon suoh liberal terms. that no other respect- able company can afford to write. 42,975 poli: cies in force Da Jan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00 in oath in bank. Government demist, Deben- tures and Premium Notes. SAirOS GRANT. President; D: O. Mo DONALD, Manager. DAVID .JAQoits,Agent for Exotor andvioinity. (OUAETEREDBY7.'ARLIAA[EI T,1655) Paid rip capita) ,.. Sa.000,C0 Rest$und ... .,, 1,000,QC Ifea1Ofmce. Montreal. WOLPERSTAN TROMAS.Ssq.. GE$RUAL MANAG6hi 29branch oficoaintboDominion. Agencie in thei)orainion,L',S.A.and Barope- E$eter Brattun, Open evere lawful day, £roan l0 a. m, to 3 p.m SATi:ItD8YS,10 a.m.to ] p.m, 4 Per Gen t. per ;Menet allowedfor money on DepositAeceipka B. H. ARCHER Manager. THE WATERLOO 'WI TUAL b'IIiE INSUBANCE00. Establishedin ages . Fl EAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This coml.any has been over riighteen 1 ears in I acoessfc.l operation in Western On- ario,a;ndLontinues to insure agaiustloss or i. amage by d'ire.f3uildings,kteronandise,Man- faotorles,and nil otherdeseriptiousoflinsur- bleproperty. Cntouding insurershave the ptionofinsuringon the Premium Note ox OashSystem. During the pastten years this 0oinpany has issued 47,096. Policies, coverin t. property o themmountOf 40,872,038,•andnaidinloss- esaloneee09,7 2,00 A.ssetS, $176,100.00,sonsi'eting of Cash n B/Ink, Government Deposit;an d the nnass= eeedPreniinmNotesonhandaudtai force. J W Warming D. Preside tt. 0. 11. TA'snoiz Secretary. J. ii. rireatos,inspeotor. CHAS: N81LL Agoutlnr r*xeteranoVicinit0 Gd,Q WO— Qok ism th 'i' -Hall! 702'1, T Q CFS WATCHES,-,-- OLOfT IiI,S.— 7, SILVRR.«ARE,-- <AN1),,SPJ SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. . L'ersonalattentlonfilvea to repairing al watcbes.elooks andiaarelry; C, BEICRENBACH, Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL Eyes Tested FREE �--�^ �^ ._. Dy--- r A. S E RRA .I i. Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School N.Y, 'Eyes tested ; defective sight rostaredb the (+idoffinoglassnt. Largo assortment of the limit einem on hand. A cell solicited. A. $. Z12TlRFL1t.Y, s. o ZrCT1.T17.4S-s".l' London. MONEY FOR ALL. WANTED—A stood energetic man, or men, to sell aur Fruit 3..recs, ltoaoi. Shrubs, Crna- s9ntals, eta. Permanent employment. 'Write at once for torms and acouro choice of territory. We soli only first-class stock. hand- some outfit free. Address MAY BROTIIERS, Nursoymeu, Rochester, N. Y.-8tli;',v'ov,'-'1. 5 Packs of Cards, FREE One Pack, May I, 0. TJ. Ilotuo: Ono Pack Escort; Ono Pack, Flirtation ; Ono Pack, hold to the light; Ono Pack, Our Sofe ,fust bolds two. Onesemple hook full of Novelties, all FREE, if rcu aon deo. envoi., for poatasre. .A.. _w-. 7r.TSTN'Fr-S'", Ynrtiiouth 1v S. FRED W. FARNCO:ui3, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- Q-Sisna7ER, eseTCJ., Offen, Upstairs,Samivoll'sBlock, Exeter, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. 100 aores-being lot 13,North Boundary. ado- Gillivra . Thera aro 85 acres cleared, balance bush ane pasture ; 19 soros in fall wheat, and fall ploughing done; wail -fended and well - 'watered. Good frame house with stone cellar: also frame barn with stable underneath ; good drivinghonse. Distance from Crediton post - office 2} miles ; 4 miles from Centralia, and convenient to schools and ohurohes. Will be sold cheap. Possession given at once if re- quired. Apply on the promisee to Feb'y 27-1m JAS. RING !� ANTED Mon to take orders for Nursery Stook , on Sal- ary or Comimesion. I can mak° a successful SAraESMA N of anyone who will work and follow my in- structions. Will furnish handsome outfit free and payyoursalary or oommission every week. Write for terms at once. L. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Mch1613t Toronto. Ont . Champion Food TDB Base LITE:SToca FOOD IN THD WORLD MONEY SAVED BY IS the season of the year for Wall Paper, Window Blinds,. Carpets, etc., Jjl[TCF; USJi.' ITS USE. horses can now be kept in bettor condition ROWS give moreand riohor milk, and all kinds of live Stock restored to health, fattened and improved at a much less expense by the use of CHAMZ'ICST FOOD. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU OF THE ABOVE FACTS. Our Agents sell Champion Food in Eng- land, France,Australia, India, Africa, Bnzii, Buenor, Ayres, United States,Canada etc.,: etc., with the same wonderful results. Farmers andt EOC]t Raisers -Will lave It: Agents wanted everywhere. JB. .T,Cdoo at, London, Ont., JAs. Panellisox, Wholesale Agent. Agent for Exeter. CENTRAL Barber FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Hair cn;Ging in the latest style of the art. Every attention paid to nutting Lacliesana O%?il area's al,i'• and you cannot do better l than inspect aur stock before purchasing, We have a few all -Wool > weed suits, $5, Extra quality of pants, $1.50. Window Curtains, 75o up. t,.+M BRPrO BROS. Hay Council, The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, on Wednesday, April 16, leembera all present. Minutes of theprevhous meet. ing read and approved. - J . Ltevrock—John V oelker—that tbe resignation of di Coo Mesa, township engineer under the "Ditch and Water. course Act," be accepted—Carried, H Heyroek—W Moir --that the petition of the ratepayers from lots 10 to 15 in- elusive on the Lake Road, Iona E and W, for erecting snow fencea, be allowed, and that they be allowed Gft of the road allow- ance, as per net, and that a by-law be passed to confirm the same—Carried. W Moir—J 1l. Schnell—that the follow.. mg persons be appointed road commission - era, and a bylaw bo passed to confirm .said appointmen' Centre road, Robt Carlisle, Collin Smith, Fred Seboutler and Nelson :,fosse. -South Town line, WmSchnieder, Justice TV.agnor. North Town line, 11 Gies, Glias Trager.— Carried. .1' Schnell --W Moir—that we a point Sam J Latta Clerk for the remainder of this year, 1800, ata salary of 870 per annum,—Carried. J. Voelker—J R Schnell—that J 0 3albfleiclh's offer of $16 for the old town hall bo accepted.—Carried. zV Moir—J H Sohnoll—that the follow- ing accounts be paid, viz : John McLean, wood for indigent, $2 90; Wm Moir, wood for indigent, t31 60 ; J Williams th Co., flour for indigent, $7 60 ; Geo Hess, plans and specifications for hall, $8 ; Jamas Bontron, assessor salary, $60 ; James G olman, for tiles and making culvert $2 ; Collin Smith, repairing Centre road, $1 25.—Carried. Mr Kalbfleish was awarded the contract for building the new town hall, being the lowest tender. In reference to the application of S. S. No. ll, no action taken. The next council meeting will be held in C Greb's hall, he haying offered the use of it free during the erection of tho new one. H Heyrock—W Moir—that the council adjourn to meet on Saturday, the 31st of May next, as a Court of Revision.— Carried. R. R. JosNaroN, Clerk, pro tem. Granton. In the repor;of the Biddulph spring siww last week the following class was omitted Heavy draught (imp.) 4 entries—Hewitt l*r Kay. "Scottish Hero" ; Sidney 1311yott, "Gallant Prince," Hay. 13azers—Mr John Carlde has gone to Dakota, where he proposes working during the summer—Masers, E. Hogan and It, Ferguson. obviate of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, spent their Easter holidays at their respective nonan. -..The fall wheat of tl�ia locality, for the most part, stood .the winter tolerably well. Biddulph Council. Granton, Apl i4th,'90 The council met pursuant to adjournment The reeve and all the members;present. A. communication from Stephen council declining to give further aid at present to the Biddulph townline, was read and filed. A communication from Mr Geo Ford complaining of Awmik ditch was received and referred to councillor Beaston. The plans and speoifioations of new bridge was adopted, and the tender of Joseph Bunn at $194 for the erection of the same was accepted, it beingthe lowest, The clerk was instructed to have the necessary bond prepared and executed. The following appropriations for the present year was made : Div No 1 $150, gravel road $125, new road. $76, townline 11100:; div 2 $150, gravel road $50, 0 S R $50, townline $50; div No 3 $150, 0 5 R $100, townline 8100, div No 4 176, C S R $125, townline $25 ; div No 5 Si Marys gravel road $100, 0 S R townline 875 ; village of Granton $10 ; Clandeboye $40, lose amount spent over appropriation last ;year. The Biddulph and Lncan Ag'I Societies were given a grant of $10 each. Mr Wm 1lfoGee was appointed bridge Inspector at $1 60 per day. The following acoonnts were paid :-- W —W 1) Stanley, for apecifioatious, plan., tak- ing measurements and-bdnd executed, 84;. T Guilfail rep road, div 1, 50o ; 0 C Hod- gine, searching records re Flanagan 50o ; Do, 1 day with F Davis, inspecting bridges, $1 50 ; T Coursey, plank, div 1, 826 ; John Ryan, gravel acct in full to date, $12 95 R D Stanley. salary in full for collecting taxes, 1889, $62 ; Thomas, lvlorkin, digging ditch, cliv 2, 81; J Lewis, assessor, copying' roll and making extracts therefrom, 86. The council adjourned to meet in Sollars' hall, Olandeboye, Monday, the 26th day of gay, 1890. W. D STArmey, Clerk, English Barley. The government, for convenience of prompt distribution, has placed a few oars of prize prolific two -rowed barley, just ar- rived from. England, with The Steele Bros. Company, of Toronto, who are prepared to ship it promptly, freight prepaid, to all who remit to them $4 per bag: Each bag con.. tains 112 pounds, sled purchaeers can, obtain any number of bags requirecl. Address, "The Steele B:•oa. Co,, Toronto."—Empire, " April 17th., Woodham. Havers. ---The funeral sermon of the late Emanuel Bentley, was preaelied last Sabbath morning to a large aougrogatiou.— The Quarterly tweeting of the Woodhahn Methodist circuit, will be held neat Sunday morning in. the Mitchell Road. obnrob,—an Monday tbo funeral of Elizabeth Jane Eirk took place. Soo was greatly beloved in tbo neighborhood and will be missed from tine home and Sunday school. The scholars of the day and Sabbath Bohemia followed her remains to 17irktohr. A memorial service will be held in the Methodist eberab next Sabbath evening.. --Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church on the 181b and 24th of May. Usborne. (Crowded out last week) Scuooi. Ramer -The following is a report of the standing of tbe pupils MS. 5. No, 5, Usborne for tine month of Marcie. Said reportis,basedupon regularity of attendance, general work and good conduct. The names are given in order of merit ;. Fifth—T A Ruston, Gertie McCord, W. 418170711b—Edith Westeott, Ida Westcott, Lyman AfcCord. Sr third— Willie Richard. Violet Russell, Blaohe Weetcott, Fred Willis and Charles ShuteDonald, Ellie Richardson. ti Jy Mcr third --Lila McCord, Jennie ,i leLonald. Lil Second—Willie Frayne, Garnet Frayne, Noison Prout, Lily May Westeatt. Sr see Part—Violet Willis, Norman Mc- Donald, Emily Wood Jr Sao Part—Maggie Russel, and Josie J,iioleard,. "First Part 'Vionent Wood, David McCord Benjamin Bruce, Maud Rowteliffe. J W. Hoteute r, Teacher. • a - . Blanchard. SMMMI.ro Szzaw—The annual spring show of the Blananard Ag'1 Society was held at Eirktou on Thursday, and was one of the most successful held this season, The attendauce of epeotators was large,while the exhibit of *took was above the average. Following is the prize list; Hoxszs—Heavy draught, (lznp) aged, Chas Brooks' t MleMaster," James White's "Lord Russel," Ulliott Bros' , "Gallant Prince." Three year olds—Hodgert Bros' "Prince of Kilnhill." Two year old—Geo Spoarin's "Cairnbrogio Chief." Imported Shire horse—Reed Bros' "Prince of Wales." Canadian draught—two yr olds, Jas Run- dle's ''Count Oarless" Perohoron aged— John Stephen's "Challenge." Carriage horse aged—W Dnnseith "Slembrino Star" 0 Woodger's "Benedict II." Three year olds—George Grafton's "Almont Magician" Roadster aged—Thos Biaaett's "Bonner," Johnston Stewart's "Young Messenger." Three year old—J W Cathcart's "Omar." Two yrola—William Scott's '-Whip-poor- WBuniI1. ts—Durham aged, John Sutherland's "Robert," Geo Bentley's "General Boulan- ger." Two year old—P Hardy's "Marquis Breadaldane," D Creighton's "General Gor- don." Yearling,Jno Dickinson's "Boulder" B D Roy's "Tontine II" Junes—Horses, Wm Kerslake, Hibbert; J. E. Slack, Blanchard; Rich Netheroott, Fullerton, Balls—John Stephens, Amos Marriott, Blanshard. The Huron Medical Association met in the council room, Clinton, on Tuesday, the 8th inst. There were present, Drs. Taylor, Sloan, Turnbull, Smith, Young, Elliott, Gunn, Godfrey and Worthington, the latter being requested to preside, in the absence of Dr. Irving, the ;resident, The meeting was a very successful one, many interesting cases being sheen, one especially so. A man, married, having a family was presented, with a growth fl•om the right breast, of a hanging tumor about 18 *inches long, and weighing, we should judge, about five pounds, very red, soft, movable and not the least tender to handle. The attachment to the breast occupied abort 3r4 inches, the balance hanging, and being knocked about OR he walked. A case of locomotor, ataxy was also shown, caused by a disease of the spinal cord, giving a person the feeling of walking on sand or wool, and tbe gait um: steady, and like that of an intoxicated per- son, the lege being firet affected, then the arms and bandit, till he is unable to dress himself, and cannot button bis clothes, and is unable to walk without a staff, and then has constantly to look at hia fe' t to see if they are going in the right direction. A curious case of the shortening of ono leg an inch iu a young man was shown, without any apparent came,, but would likely end' in hip joint'diseaso. A number of other cases were shown which left no time for, reported MOS. Hensall To Theo. Bissett, JPsg„ A'xeter. DUAa GIN, --inview of what has come to my ears of late, (though your being a gentleman, almost refrained taking action) I hereby challenge you inanysum from 8.50 to 5100 to trot a race-.-hest.two in three -or three In Arm mete heats, at any time or Mete which mag awe you. between any horse Amber F." and your horse."Sir Bonner." `If it isnot desired to trot for mouey. and if it be pleasing you may accept this challenge for mere satisfaction, in order to set the two horses right before the public, Yours etc„ T. go;Wee , RobertAforrison in returning thaaksto hie numerous cestornersaretWarubno in general for the liberal patronage he has rewire/11u the past. begs to solemness that Matlock of general goads for the spring and summer seasons trade wilt befouled complete. welt assorted and at prices to meet the trevaiting hard times. Haying added tersely to bis sleek of wall and ceiling papers he=thane Invites anfnspeoton of the name feeling eonfident that tor variety^, quality and price it will compare very favorably with any in the market. (Jive him a call for anything you want. No trouble toshowsemis.. Highest price for butter and eggs. Remember the plaee'-double stores—Marshalls 11ieek opposite Murdock's & Co , Alauslan douse. Bltasre.-1110 promoters in the organiza- tion of a Meohaniee" Institute Lave been very successful, upwards of fifty names be. ing enrolled already. A,pphca^iou to the governmental eutborities wit be made at once, for the necessary eredentlals,,—iluai- nese is dais at present owing to the farmers being busily engaged in seeding operations. Mr. Berry sold several tine horses to a Montreal buyer on Monday. ---The Cone- menial hotel is being painted a pale greets color, whish makes the building quite at- tractive. ---The rains of yeeterdav lave mo. rooted vegetation oansiderably.—Mr. John McPonell's "Betsy Breech" ie in training, and can makes mile in 1.524.—Tho cG lebra- tion commztteo have canna to net arrauge. menta as yet regarding a 24th May demon- stration It is probable though that Friday or Saturday will be observed.—Our villagers were somewhat alarmed an Monday morn. ing when it was learned that the banking house of Messrs, Macerthur d: Co. had been entered by burglars and one of the safe-* cracked,—Tho ills of the quadrupeds are being oarcially looked after. Just now there being no leas than three vets. located here, vice Mr. D, Miller, moved to Manitoba. ;air. Dose's assistant, Mr. Sweuorton, leooms to have won the Inside track --Safe Breaking. —MacArthur d: Co's bank was entered by burglars on Saturday night last, by means of the back doer which they priedopen with. a crow -bar. A small safe, the property of Mr. Arnold, was first attacked and broken open. It contained nothing but papers use lass to the burglars. They next tried the large safe of the company, but found that the material in it was too hard—decidedly burglar pror`f-they left, no doubt In ilia - gnat, with nothing for their night's work, All the tools wero left behind, including the drill with which the mischief was done. and. the majority had been stolon from Brown et Clarke. Messrs. Maoarthur de Co., feel proud of their safe since it has defied the skilled tactics and Iabars of professional burglars, as swill they undoubtedly are. The WalkertonTelesoope has this to say of a a N law bion has dead letter a e r thereabouts1:—"The police magistrate had up before him last week Mr George Bradley, charged by his tenant, Mr. Conn Schnerr, with neglecting to provide him with good drinking water, : We believe that tl is is the first case of the kind ever brought before a magistrate in Walkerton, and Mr." Bruce, the P. Me took a: lenient view of tL l' affair, and imposed a nominal fine of 02 a ad eons. It may not be generally known Wit laud fords are, by law, compelled to fun ;slh their tenants with pure, wholesome fdrinkuig water, but aueli is the fact, and we"trust th8 above will be a warning to all emit to at once provide the neceeettry liquid!; according to law."' t • Kirkton. JOHN' jFIIXTE 4 SONS 1?ublisher* s,uc> Droprfetoret Doupe, who was confined to the house fon le few days, and Miss le. Gilpin* who received a fractured arm owing to au upset from a buggy a short tieee sines, are both progreee- ing favorably, (Too late for last week,) BRlhtra-1fra. A. A Doupe and her sister, Miss Gilpin, were out for a pleasure drive on Saturday, and a rattling wagon coming up behind them, their horse becoming frightened, started to run. It ran for about half a mile, then meeting a load of furniture, it turned out in a narrow place in the road, upsetting the buggy and spilling the occu. pants in the mud. Mrs. Doupe sustained a number of bruises: and a severe shaking up. Miss Gilpin had an arin broken, t e radius near the elbow and the ulna dislocated. A_ child who was with them, was not bout. They are progressing as well as can be ex- pected.—Eddie Marshall, a little child of Mr James Marshall's, was eating meat off a bone, and was noticed to choke for a time, but apparently recovered. A few days after it commenced wheasing and gradually be- came very weak. Nothing could be done to ease the little sufferer, and it gradually became worse until Thursday, when death ended its sufferings. Dr. Irving made a post mortem examination, and succeeded in getting a small piece of bone abont a thin quarter of an inch square and almost as as a scalefrom one of the bronchial tubes.- Mr Thomas Harrah ie confined to the house with a broken rib. On Monday, 7th 1net, whilst engaged at the chores during noon hour, he went to feed one of the horses, making a false step babied one horse which caused him to fall to the ground close to the animal. The horse becoming frightened at a measure which had fallen between her legs became wild and delivered Mr. Harrah two kicks in the small of the back and a severe one at the thigh. He was carried to the house and is progressiug favorably. Crediton Botarg,—Mr. Frazer Ginner and sister of 51. Catharines, are the guests of Mr. Chaa. Ei1ber.—Owing to the closing of sours of the brick yards for the season, several labor- ers bare left to seek employment elsewhere, Ur. G. x Brown has gene to Elkton, Nioh., Mr. 'Geo. 'Wnrater, to Saginaw and Mr. Wenn. Gainer, to Buffalo. Several others speak of I going shortly.—Misses Rschael and Mary Sweet have returned from London where they have been workinif .---Mr, Mathew Gin- ter, Sr., is at present Quite ill,—Baca ball hats started again .and a club has been or- ganized. officers elected, etc. The officers are the same as last year. A f eid oortveuit let to the village has been rented and we ez- peet to have a good season this year'.—The flak men are busy getting their goad in tbe ground and have sowed considerable. ---51r, Fred Heist is busy preparing his yard for making tile flus season. Flo has at present agaug of bricklayers et work au the ovens. —Crops in this vicinity do not look as well es was expected and the frost of the last ten ".lays hurt them cansiderabix. The rains yesterday will help them somewhat.— On Wednesday of last week aspeeial session of court' was held in the Town, ball, here, before Judge Tom, to hear a rather eompli- caked watercourse vie between the town- ships of MM(aillivray and Stephen. As in most of these cases nearly everyone had a coarsen( their own liking and it WAS a bara matter to get what was rosily the water. course. --Even land surveyors did not soiree, Decision has been reserved until Tuesday and we understand the case bas been die- 'c uaissetl Tuesday was regular division court day, the calendar was very small and only a low eases were heard. Judge Tom, presiding: --Ole Monday evening a very pleasing event took place at the residenos of Mr. "Who. Senders, Misa Alice Harvey, bis neice, having been joined in the holy boucle of matrimony to Alr, Albert Brown of the townline of Stephen. Tho ceremony was performed by the Bev. 4fr. Redmond before a few of the close relatives of the par: ticipating parties. Thobride is as exaellent organist and we are sorry to lose her. They were given the nrual serenades. We join r lth their nnunerous friends in wishing them health, wealth and prosperity. The steam. barge Roumania ran lute Clarke's dock at Sarnia on Saturday morn- ing and made a wreak of it. Jamea goy, of Euphraaia, was drowned in the beaver river, Thornbury, Friday evening, where he had been engaged driving timber. His body has been recovered. Thomas Berry the other afternoon cap- tured a blowing adder on the St. Lnnis farm, a short diatance from Windsor. Tho reptile is a large one, measuring about five feet in length, and being proportionately large. A lad 8 years of age, son of Wm. Shaw, Bowmanville, an employee of tho Harbor Company, was accidentally shot yesterday afternoon by young Laughlin, an older lad. The discharge took effect in the side, ueai the shoulder. The boy is still living. Peter Lillieo, a private banker in Veto - well, who for several years past has had a branch office in Arthur, has been obliged to suspend payment. He was supposed to be possessed of considerable wealth, and the people of Arthur and vicinity had be- tween $20,000 and 830,000 deposited in the agency there. John Warren, living near Acton, Ont., is the owner of a Durham grade cow which gave birth on the 16th inst. to two oalves, one a Durham grade the other a Jersey g ade. The cow is seventeen years old, and these make sixteen calves, having had.' the first in 1876. She has now her third pair of horns, having broken the other two pair fighting with other cattle. While some small boys giver e playing ball at Harrisburg, Pa., the other day, the sphere was knocked into a freight car, and a couple of the players clambered into find is. Before they could get out again the train started, and when they were finally discovered their oar was standing in the Pennsylvania yards at Philadelphia. Dr. Coventry, chairman of the board of Health, Windsor,received word Saturday to the effect that diphtheria was raging in. and around Tecumseh, and children were dying in large numbers. Nothing is being done to stop the disease, and the corpses are being carried into the churches, and public funerals are held. The Windsor hoard will take stege to quarantine all those. coming from the affected plane. (This week's, Banta,—A. number of friends of Mr Wmi Wiseman, assembled at his residence on Monday erg last, melting: himself and wife the recipients of a number of useful pros- ente-tinware galore; it being the tenth anniversary of his wedding day. A very pleasant and enjoyable time was spent, all. wishing the couple many more years of happiness.—The funeral obsequies of the late Francis Robinson took place last Sun- day afternoon. An immense concourse of people met at the homestead on 41b con. of Blanshard, and after a short service in the house, conducted by the incumbent, the cortege proceeded to St Paul's ohureh. where the impressive and solemn burial service of the Church of England was .read, and appropriate hymns song by the r(Moir and congregation.' The solemn oecasicn was improved by the incumbent preaching a sermon from Philippi HI, 24, after which the body was committed' to its final resting place in the Kirkton oemetory in the presence of many hundreds of people, who came to testify their respect for the deceased who was universally esteemed - by all who knew him as' an upright, inoffensive man, and a consistent member of the church- Etatia..aged 70 yrs. 11 mos and 7 days.— Geo Harrah is seiioutsi y ill at time of writing: -Whooping cough and crop, ,arra prevalent in the village. --Mr Carr of Wawa. nosh,graduate of Toronto Veterinary College was hi the village on 12onday last, pros- pecting, There is a good opening for a competent man in this neighborhood and we can bespeak the patronage of the neigh- boring public for Ali Carr here.—Mrs A. A. A Chicago 'upholsterer, in repairing an old sofa that had been brought to his ahop, fouud the . follo'ving articles, which had slipped down between the back and the cushion : Forty -°even hairpins, three moustache combs, nineteen suspender bet - tone, thirteen needles, .eight czgarettes, font photographs, 217 pins, some gloves, tweiiry- seven cuff. buttons, six pocket k ivra. fifteen poker chips, a vial of hom000pathie medicine, thirty-four lumps of chewing: gum, fifty.nine toothpicks, twenty.eight matches and four button hooks. Annie, youngest daughter' of Mr. Alex. McDonald, Stratford, died on Friday after an illness of nearly six months, Last veer abe taught in school section No. 7, Brau. shard, whish she was forced:. to give 00 beep us'e of a cold that she contracted through having to walk a mile to and from school in all kinds of weather and roads. Mlle went home and the cold developed into consumption, gbich rapidly 'wrecked her frail constitution This is tho second de&h in ties family, in a few mouths, her brother having died recently: OF GREAT VALUE. Copt. 1) 11 Lyon, manager and propiietor of the a 1:' R end B W and 0 lit car fc Prosoat , Ont;, ea vs : 1 urea Nasal Beim Cor a'proloneed ca•e of 0,1a iu the lioad. TWO applications effected a; complete aim thur- oueh eare in 24 hours, . I would. not t 8100 for my bottle of Nivea isnlm if I ce,l'd not replabo it* Minard's Liniment sures Gorget in Cows