HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-09-16, Page 9v, NEWS' Of WESTFIEI,D W'.I S+7 F + 1D, Sept. 15.-- Williar McDowell,' Mr., and Mrs. Norman 'McDowell and Gerald, were Thurs- day visitors at Stratford and Kitchener. Mees, Lillian .Macintosh who hips been spending' holidays with her •sister, Mrs. Marion McDowell, and Mr: McDowell, left to teach at Wyoming. Mrs. 'Fred Gosvenor, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell; . on Tuesday.. Mr.' -and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, nd family, visited with Mr. and s. J. D. Elsley, at Listowel, re- cently. r. ''Miss ,Violet Cook, of. •Goderieh, spent the week -end with her mo- ther, Mrs. Fred J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McBrien, of Goderieh, spent a few clays with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Good, of ' Soiith Bend Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good,, of Auburn, spent Friday with. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell Bert . Taylor is on the sick list. Mr! and Mrs. Douglas Cempbell and family attended a family re- union on Sunday at the home of Wellington Good, at Auburn. Mr_._elud_ Mrs Jack Cook and family, of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. James Mason and family, of Credi- ton, viited with Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan. Miss Donna Haggitt, of Auburn, visited with Miss, lalea1ior Carrick. Mr. and .Mrs. Alma McDo:weiL. and Lloyd, r. and • Mrs. Sari" Gaunt, and family, of Londesboro, spent the week; end at Braceboidge. William Walden returned home Sunday after visiting his daUgh- +ter, Mr9, Reg Jennings, and Mr. Jennings, at Detroit.. W.M.S. Meets.-R=�/, The regular neeting of the W,M..S.,, was held with Mrs. Walter Cook's -group in charge. The meeting was 401 by Mrs. Ernest Snell. Scripture .was read by Mrs: Marvin McDowell; prayer by Rev. C. C. Washington. Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Ernst Snell, . and Mrs. Alva McDowell gave readings, Mrs. William Mc- Vittie, of Myth, ,gave the address, taking as her subject, "Friendship." Mrs. Charles Snaith, the president, took charge of the business. Pray- er was offered . by Mrs. Charles Smith.' The president thanked Mrs. McVittie for her address and thanked the ladies for their co- operation in cleaning and painting at the church. Roll call was an- swered by 15. He Liked That Doctor: "Now, madam, place this thermometer between your teeth and keep your Yips closed for five- minutes," iveminutes;" ffusband (aside - to doctor): "What will you take for the gad- get, Doc?" ord To The V ives.,. I'T.'.,S ..LATER THAN YOU THINK AND FALL AND WINTER HAVE A HABIT .OF SNEAKING4UPe ON YOU BEFORE YOU'RE READY FOR THEM. LOOK OVER THESE,, PRE -SEASON SPECIALS AT THE MAJOR STORE AND HAVE YOUR FAMILY READY . rim COLDER WEATHER WITH CLOTHES BOUGHT NOW AT SAVINGS. N•■••••••••••N■•••••■ cunei•• O■•••ON••••••••••• FALL AND WINTER JACKETS SATINS GABARDINES^==W"OOL PLAIDS Bombers -Boys' mbers-Men's trollers, Men's.. - Parkas,. Boys' Parkas, Men's. -- NMI .11111 11.11111 tea• s MM. y e $4.50 $5.50 $8.95- $6.00 $9.95 MEN'S AND BOYS' SIZES -SACRIFICE PRICES NEW STOOK COMING IN AND WE NEED THE SPACE. ■0■•0■■■••■■•■■N■■■■i••■■■••■ 000041104110111100.00000 Boys' Trousers GABARDINES--TWEEDS--CORDS.--Broken ranges As low as $1.69 " 0000■00000oN•••0■••••••••■N■••■••■•••■i■N■•■0 Group of Cardigans and Pullovers COUNTER SOILED -BROKEN SIZES As low as $1.98 a0N00oNON■•••■•■•■■■•••i••■■•■•■r••■0••••••0 Clearing entire stock of men's Fine Sox NYLONS--WOOLS--BLENDS 69c up Still. a number of Sport Shirts left to clear. MAINLY` MEN'S SIZES, Small and barge. . $2.49. Reg. $4.95 for $3.50. Reg. $5.95 for $3.95 •••••••••■■••■■,■•■o•••••••■■•■■■■!■••••••'••••■•■ 30 pair mens .Trousers. Reg. to '$ $3:99 up •■•••••i•■•.•■••••i • omeo•t•■••••••*•••••••••• • -LIMITED TIME 'ONLY- - MADE-TWEASURE TROUSERS ANY STYLE= -Reg. $15.00 to $18.00 lines: $11.95 �. • •••••••••e•••■■•■■•••• •■•i•i•••■■■••••••■••••••• NOW IN STOCK . BOYS' - PANT. Heavyweight, Olive. green tixilt 2 bellows pockets. San- forrized,, fast color, zipper. SW 8 to 16. $3.9g 04114014410410001100•114110900.1,0•0•••••••••••••••••••••• MEN'S "DACRON" FLANNEL TROUSERS. MEN'S "DURAGORt " NYLON BLEND TROUSERS WTTH TAB AMAZING "MILIVIV. '' INSULATING LINING• MANY OTHER VALUES --- •N•••••••• ■■•Siimo■■■■■r■■■No•NN The Major Sore THE SQUARE L GOIDEEICHvammmainimmumimminmer S . 1:TEW. NS Se' t i. -^--.P► large crowd a t a 1 t e� Variety Irapa- grans beg under the aus i, s the Y.P,, of the U iteedd burrch ha evening! church rol shed Sperling was chairman for the program, which ineluded piano solos by Allan Craig, of Sarnia, who also acted as accompanist; cello numbers by Mrs. Velma Hall, of St. Marys; solo by Keith .Barba air, of Guelph; trumpet and trombone duet by Mr. Barbour and Don Cameron; selection by the Ltwknow High School Quartette; Scotch dancing by Isabelle MacPherson, accom- panied by Archie McQuillin, who also played several selections on the bag pipes; mp:s1c• by the Aristo- crats, Don Cameron, Murray Gaunt, Jim Reid and Jimmy Hackett, with Barbara Wilson at the piano; sel- ections on the marimbaph,one and cathedral chimes by Mrs. Marion Irwin, of Delaware; selections by the Hurondale Ramblers, of Ex- eter; ballet dancing by Rosereary Dobson, of lKirkton, and tap danc- ing by her and her brother, Robert. Dies In West. ---. The death of Angus McDonald occurred in Em- priss, Sask., on Thursday. Mr. ,McDonald was a former . resident of this community. Dies In- . Hamiltone Ward .. "i a5 received,- on Sunday of the death of Robert MeQuillin, of Hamilton, following a heart attack on Thurs- day evening. CHAPTER MEETS The regular meeting of the Ah - meek Chapter, I.O.D.E., was held at the home of Mrs. E. J. Pridham. The regent, Mrs. Dustow, presided. Various reports were read and Adopted. : rs Erskine gave an nteresting talk on outstanding women of today. Mrs. Cole moved I a vote of thanks to the hostess. ` Lunch was served by the com- mittee I i,n charge. ,Robert Frederick Fritzley, 1 month-old son of Mr. and .Mos., Donald Fritzley, Exeter, died Sat- urday afternoons -.,in War Memorial= Children's Hospital, London, of in` juries received when -a car backed{ over him. ''Charles Godbolt, driver of the car, told pollee he was backing out of a lanevv'ay at the apartment where the child lived. He said the boy must have been playing in the road behind the ear. He said he did not see the child. The boy was rushed to „hospital where he died about an hour after admittance. The family had moved to Exeter from Goderieh this summer. His mother is the former Ruth Bowen, 'of Goderich. Surviving besides his - parents are a sister, ;,Gall, three months old; :his grandparents, Mr. and' Mrs. Frederick Fritzley and. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen, Goderich. Funeral service was held from the Lodge funeral home on Mon- day at 2 p.m. with Rev. Dr. Ken- neth Taylor, of St. George's An- glican Churches officiating. Inter- ment was made in Maitland ceme- tery. Modest Misses Mrs. Smith was vigorously powdering, her face before going out. "Why do you go to all that trouble?" asked Smith, impatient-' ly. "Modesty, my dear," was the reply. "Modesty?"4" "Yes-te mo --desire to shine in public." A clas*ied advertisement in the Signal -Star brings results.. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT IMMUNIZATION CLINIC Immunization clinics'for infants four months and over, pre-school children, and any other persons, will open at the Health Unit office in the old collegiate building, Goderich, on Saturday, September 18th. Please use the east door. on Britannia Road -office is upstairs over former. gymnasium. Clinics will beh eld regularly• on the fhird Saturday of each month, except during July and August, from 10-12 a.m. 36 1 1 LEGION HALL Saturday, �Sept. 18 JACKPOT of $46.00 for full house in 56 calls. If not won on .Saturday, value of (jackpot and also number of , calls will be raised eacli week Until is won. 15 GAMES $1.00 $10 CASH PRIZE 4 SPECIALS -Share the Wealth JACKPOT WILL BE PLAYED FOR 4 TIMES DOOR • PRIZE -$5, $3, $2. Doors open at 7.45 p.m. 1st,. game starts at 8 30 p.m. ret 'ro (By Mrs. G. Frayne) A grotto bonaring "Our Lady of Lourdes," a replica of Lourdes, France, designed by Rev. Father H. Van Vynckt of St. Joseph's parish, KingSbridge, wag dedicated and blessed on Sunday afternoon >h�c by His cellency, Bishop John C. Cody, of London, at St. Joseph's ho Mother use in North London. Fi It depicts cts "Our Lady of Lourdes" as she appeared to St. Bernadette in the year 1858. • There are ,near ear the altar taken from u the .Lourdes Grotto, France, Our Lady of Fatima, Shrine, Portugal,ran and fro Our Lady of LaSalette France. r ance. Father Van Vynckt had the honor of celebrating the first mass at this Grotto altar with a guard a honor f the Grand Knights of u Columb s present. There were approximately 200 persons from Kingslbri dge and their friends among hose attending the cere- 0 t mony. His Excellency, Bishop J. C. Cody, delivered an inspiring ser- mon, reminding hie listeners that the Outdoor Grotto is in_.-itself--e- tribute of faith and love because all the world is God's temple; while Christ was on earth He. fre- quently preached to the multitudes from. the mountain side. Bishop Cody complimented the Mother General who first conceiv- ed the inspiration for this Grotto and upon His Excellency's sugges- tion engaged Father Van Vynckt to design the beautiful Grotto in its picturesque.setting provided , ky., nature, overlooking the Thames. River. The music and singing was under the..direction of Sister Marie Brebeuf with the School of Chris choristers. After the celebration of mass a basket picnic was held on the lovely grounds around the new Motherhouse, ' • with the Sister's serving hot coffee and• refreshments to all those present from Father Van Vynckt's parish Kingshrid e• At 7.30 p.m. 'a candlelight pil grimage of 200 nuns, novices and visitors to the Shrine took' place with Father Van Vynckt leading in the recitation of the Rosary Solemn Benediction was then cele brated by Father Finn, followedby a procession back to the chapel in the Motherhouse for the final blessing and Benediction hymns i ODVR M MISS OUT leRlaNDOUIP When Margaret Emerson re- turned recently from a girl scout camp near Little Rock, .Kansas, she was loud --in, .tiler praise of the display of international friendship displayed • by > 'her sister scouts south ot, the border. Miss Emer- son was there as a counsellor -in - training and was one of four Can- adian girls at the camp, two of the others being from Toronto and oneL from Lambeth, Ontario. After being 'at the camp for eight weeks, she was taken on a sight-seeing tour arranged entire- ly by the camp girls scouts, counterparts of the Canadian Girl Guides. First,Margaret went to Corpus Christi, Texas. Later, she visited in Mexico' for one day. Then, one day was spent at Hous- ton, Texas, two nights in New Orleans and then bank to Little Rock, Kansas, for three days. Then• a day and night et St. Louis and two nights in Chicago. Last. -visrit- vas--in4Detroit.- -- All --ar-range-,. -.eats were made by the girl scout camp at Little Rock and at each centre visited a girl scout was host to the visiting Canadian girl guide. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S H171L, Sept. 15. -The W.A..of Grace Church held their September meeting in the base - meat _of ,.the .church with the presi- dent, Mrs. John McCowan, in charge. The meeting opened with a hymn after which Mrs. Renner t 1 led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. A. Lockhart., Articles were handed in for the bazaar to be held September 23 in the Clin- ton Town Hall. Different com- mittees were also elected for the bazaar. During the '.;ternoon two crib quilts were ••.Wilted. The hostess, Mrs. P. �,�: ' ison, served a lovely luny>"'- e October meet ing is t ,- ae held at the home of - Mrs. Wi mer Harrison. The Community Club will hold ' their September meeting. 'at' 'the home of Mrs. Glen Pickard. The anniversary services at - Porter's Hill will be held October 10. Preceding. the Blessed Sacrament and clergy, the seven little girls dressed in white satin with Large ,silver wings, from Fatlher Van Vynckt's parish, were Patricia Ann Martin, Elaine MactXntyre, Patricia Drennan, Alice Dalton, Diane Lier- man and Mary Lou Drennan, with Kathleen Dalton as Flower girl. KINOSBRIDGE KXNGSBRIDGE, Sept. 15. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalton, Diane and David and Miss Helen Chis- holm, of Niagara Fal-I;s, Ont., spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dalton, Miss Maureen VasselIa, of Lon- don, T. J. Lannon, of London, and Joseph Reid. of Toronto, were week -end visitors here. Mrs. Joseph Reid returned to Toronto with her husband after a- week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace. Mrs. Walter Clare is holidaying this week with Mr: and Mrs. Ed- mund King, of London. Mrs. Van Vynckt, of Toronto, was a' visitor at the Rectory over the week -end. Mrs: Gordon Valad is visiting relatives in. Ingersoll for a few days. Miss ' Irene Hogan, R.N., of Tor- onto, is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hogan, of Lu•cknow. The C.W.L. is sponsoring a fall festival in St. Joseph's parish hall on October 8. Frank Darrow, QC, Goderich Lawyer Dies .In Hospital A• well-known Goderich barrister, Frank R. Darrow, QC, died Mon- day in Alexandra Marine and Gen- eral Hospital. Barn in Tillson- burg, he was the youngest, son of Mrs. John Darrow, sr., and the late John D•axtow. He was 58. He was a staff member of Tillson- burg Branch Canadian Bank of Commerce wheti he enlisted in "C'," Company 168th "Oxford's Own" Battalion in 1915, and went overseas as a lieutenant and later transferred to the Second Battal- ion in France. He spent 18 months in France then transferred to the Royal Air Force, and served two years as a fighter pilot;, with the rank of second lieutenant. He graduated at Osgoode Hall in 1922, and practised in Toronto_.for three years. He came 4 to Ga Peri in 1.926 and took over 'the practice of J. L. Killoran, when the latter was appointed county, judge of Perth County. In 1946 he was appointed Queen's Counsel. He was a past master of Mait- land Lodge No. 33 A•,F. and A.M. Goderiele _:past- first -principal--of Huron Chapter, RAM, and a mem- ber of Otter Lodge No. 50, 1100F Tillsonburg, a past 'president of Maitland Golf and Country Club, past. president of Goderich Pro- gressive Conservative Association, a member of Phi Delta Phi, legal fraternity, several years a member. of Goderich Lions Club, a member Canadian Legion Brandi 109, Gode- rich, and an active member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Gode- rich, Surviving besides his mother, ate two brothers, Roy A.. Tillson- bur, and John A. Woodstock. The remains rested at the Lodge fun•er°al home until yesterday at 1,30 . p.m. when service was • con- ducted at Knox Presbyterian (plinth by Rev. R. G. MacMillan and Rev. R. S. MacDonald, St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Till- sanburg. Interment was -in Mait- land cemetery. OIBITUARY WILLIAM LONG The death' occurred in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on August 31, of William Long, in his 80th year. He was a lifelong. resident of Colborne Township and was born and lived all his life on the same farm. He was the son of the late William Long and Eliza- beth Crewes. ' He married Miss J'nnie Stewart, of Nile, 50 years ago, and, they celebrated their golden wedding; anniversary June 29. Surviving are his ' widow and " three daughters: Mrs. Palmer Kil- patrick (Eunice), Toronto; Mrs.- Frank rs.Frank Albin (Evelyn), Benniiller; and Miss Beulah, at home; one, ■ sister, Miss Mary Long, and four grandchildren. r 411111111111.Funeral service was held from the Lodge funeral home with in- terment in Colborne cemetery with Masonic rites. Many beauti- ful floral wreaths testified to the high esteem in which he was held. Pallbearers were Palmer Kil- patrick, Frank Al•lin, Len Ellison, Clyde Gledhill, Frank -McMichael and Charles Walters. COMPARE THE PRICE A&P Nectar. . , TEA BAGS Aylmer TOMATO SOUP Liquid Bleach JAVEX- Premium CHR1ST1ES SODAS MCAT W.LLS Canadian M1LD'TCHEESE Jane Parker Daily Dated -Sliced WHITE DREAD Sultana - PEANUT BUTTER Vigorous & Winey-Custom Gr,o.u'nd BOK•ARACOFFEE REG. 45e SAVE 6o 1 �►, r SAVE 6c pkg of 90 PIC ■ ■ SAVE 2c, 1 ■ IO -oz tins 21c ■ ■ SAVE 2c • 32 -oz IA ( 1 SAVE 2c ■ 2,7c' ;1 -lb pkg ■SAVE 6c■15-oz tin'3■ C lb41C■ 1111 ■ 1111 24 -oz Loaf 15C• ■ 6' ■ 16 -oz jar 31c ■ ■ NEW LOW PRICE 161.1 • 5 PRO Ira SPECIALS! California Finest Eating; Table Stock No. 1 TOKAY GRAPES 1610c Ontario McIntosh Red,'Crisp and Juicy, Fancy APPLES 6 -qt bask 79c , 3 -Ib cello bag 3 3c British:Colurnbia Fancy BARTLETT PEARS White Table Stock No. 1 POTATOES Yellow Ontario No. 1 ..., COOKING ONIONS 6for 29c 10 -Ib bag 3 9c 10 -lb mesh bag 3 3c ■ •■ 1 • Prices Effective Until Saturday Sept. 18 4H4 CREAT ATLANTIC ! i4CIHC TEA- COMPANY ,,i.. ■ ®■■■■■IMMEMMMIONE®®iMMUMENIIMMUM■ For quick results= --try a classified ad in The Signal -Star - 0 We've Gone Upside Dawn To Retnind‘„,, You Of Something! yauapoy ,•••••••• 1SRa ani' 11013 l Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service . `:iia Guaranteed Investments - 21/3 % on -M. ay - deposits ay rte mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call :.-.RA;Y l 1J:PA 1'E1'ISON Trust Onicer Heneall, Ontario, Phone 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COM'`A`' Y OF CANADA Z8L., ►4NO1-1 TORONTO • lP oeraeee OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA PALLS • SUDBURY SAULT STE. 11.14RIE a CALGARY • VAN(;lil1VER s • s•s�6'''Io DENY maaaos HJ1 S':sio0CI i inNIu•JArn'iv A'Iaans os'IV am Oso `SDAIIa'Inol'hI 'aootA.A.'Ia `LSl.LNl.L `OoltdkO 'a Ain 'I.tsra Ataa aAVI3 os'iv ai - 'aO•IAIIlS akLVIGaktrAU aAie NIVC .Stfl1 , GIOAV (NV aNV s i0oa' 1 OLZVNI flAiOO - HSV 1A1110.LS RIM& lI [f 1O 4u4aq1 pa Siampauruxii nil& mu )teitt.714itiq aAl2-- pun 3ptia `sighs em paaumbii noA 'Lamm io j pun tui uptua .uo as tm nog suoi3nxafn Suv A4Dl1t1ua:°j -ai!nbau . 2ulplinq inox uo• ► ►