The Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-09-16, Page 8tp•. aY1'YI1��1^
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taaniENBER MB a
e Senior Mission Circle el the
Baptist Church held the September
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Hamnat Bone.
Mrs. Frith read the Scripture
net an article on Harvest. Mrs.
Nicholson conducted a Bible quip•
Mrs. Raithby read a .portiere Of
the study book and offered prayer.
The roll call was answered with
a verse or reading on Harvest.
Rev. S. H. Finlay spoke briefly to
the ladies on Missions and Mission-
ary Friends. Mrs. Johnston read
and article on the Feller Institute
and offered prayer.
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Six persons were taken to &s -
pita' following week -end traffic
accidents in Huron.
Five were injured in a car -truck
crash on a ,hill on the Baylfield-
Brucefield road near Varna.
Taken to Clinton hospital were
Harold 'McGregor, R.R. 5, Clinton,
driver .ef the car; Bruce Martshall,.
Clinton, driver of the truck, who
suffered head and chest injuries
and was later transferred to Vic-
toria Hospital, London; Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Lovell, Clinton, and
Joyce Dale, Londesboro, who suf-
fered cuts and abrasions and were
later released. •
Marshall was alone, in the car.
All the others were occupants of
the truck. Provincial Constable
Jack Parkinson, Goderich, in-
Harry Feagan, of Winghapt, was
taken to Seott Memorial Hospital
in Seaforth, with slight concussion,
bruises and cuts received when his
car left County Road No. 12 north
Of Seaforth, and snalDped off a
hydro pole. His late -model car
was extensively damaged. The ac-
cident was investigated by Pro-
vincial Constable Arnold Summers,
Goderich. _
Festival Winners
Heard At Guild
V N 1 T E D
NOV IM. a WV.**
New VOM*
, St. George's Church.woman's
Guild met for the September meet
ing in the Guild room with Mrs.
H. Dodd presiding and Mrs. 'M.
~Hanley. as—pianist- he_•Scripture
• was read by Mrs• D. J. Pat ;,rson.
Two solos were sung by Miss
:Mary Hay, gold medalist of the
music festival, and Miss Diane
Harrison played two piano solos.
' The report of the .;arden party
was gratifying, despite the rather
unfavorable weather,. The pres,id-
ent expre.ssecr her appreciation to
all who had helped. The sum of
$500 was voted to be—given the
ALBERT ST. i wardens for the church decoration
0.000.0600. f Plans were made to entertain
the choir and Sunday School teach.-
ers on Wednesday,' October - 6.
Visiting committees were •appoint-
ed to call on newcomers. Refresh-
• ments were served at the• close of
"the meeting by 'Mrs. E. Mcllwain,
I Mrs, ,E. Volland, Mrs. M. Martin
and Mrs. Ross Harrison.
Tuesday, Sept 21
Two Harness Daces
Free-for-all for purse of $150.
lion winners of $580 (up to Aug 1,1954)
purse of $125.
Open Running Race
Two pony races for purse of $iO each
Dogs Are Ordered Tied In Attempt
To Halt Outburst Of Sheep Killings
Action against the menace of 1.: Council adjourned to meet
-dogs -kill. n -g sheep has been-takenOctober.-5,.._at ..a. _pm.__
by Colborne Township Council. 1 Accounts passed for payment at
At its September' meeting , on the August meeting . were: Road
Tuesday night of last week, coup- , vouchers, $971.78; John Clark,
cis put a motion on record stating cuhltivating coemrseterye trefe lot, $12;
that all dogs must be tied up be -1$50;m., George W ' Feagan, part sal-
tween sunset and sunrise and if ary, $104; Signal -Star, advertising
caught molesting livestock, dogs tender, $2; D. M. Wilson, lettering
will be destroyed and owners will concession signs, $84; Frank Allin,
be held liable. I inspector calf vaccination, $30.40;
New Grader Elmer Hunter, inspector calf vac -
Council also in tructed Lt cination, $33.80; James McIntyre,
Township Clerk to..wrilc... 1k1,�,.,: 1141,estQek.. ,...valpalox•.,,.. ,claims, -...$12,;.
tario Department of Highways re- Harvey Fisher, livestock valuator
questing that the amount of •$7,000 claims, $3; Ernest Young, 11 sheep
be re -allocated from the roads and killed and injured, $200; Wilbur
bridges• fund to that of new ma- Stewart, two • sheep killed and in-
chinery for' the purpose of buying lured, $27; The Municipal 'World,
a new road grader. .supplies, $2.72; Town of Goderich,
A cheque of $27.50 was received I one fire call, $50; Mrs. William
from. ,the Department of Agricul- Sallows, part salary, $100.
ture representing the 'grant pay- ,
able under the Warble Fly Con-;
trol Act.
Accounts submitted and passed �
for payment were: Road vouchers,
$1,909.53; Harry McCreath, ceme-
tery expenses, $14.90; Thomas
Morris, relief account, $50; Town �' '
of Goderich, . one fire call,, $50;
County of Huron, hospitalization,
$52.50; Mrs. William Sallows, dog
collections, $33.45; Ernest Young,
two lambs killed, $40; Wilbur
Stewart. one sheep killed, $17;
Harvey Fisher, one sheep claim,
$3; George W. Feagan, part salary,
$108:- Arthur Moore, refund on
deposit, $100;. L. E. Cardiff, M.P.,
grant far ploughing match, $25.
Rain badly needed in most sec-
tions of the County started to fall
on Monday. Because of the cool
dry weatherfruit growers report
early ripening of the main apple
crop. The peach harvest is almost
completed, with excellent yields of
good quality fruit reported.
Forty-three young people from
the County will be attending an
Agricultural College or School this
fall. Twenty-five of these, will be
entering the first year of these
courses, 28 will be taking courses
at the O.A.C., and Macdonald In-
stitute, Guelph, and 14 will be at-
tending the Western Ontario. Agri-
cultural School at Ridgetown.
About a thousand , persons are
employed in the commercial fish-
ing industry on Great Slave Lake,
Northwest Territories.
Campaign literature for the an-
nual ;operating fund of the Can-
adian National Institute for the
Blind was distributed throughout
the counties of Middlesex, Perth
and Huron last week.
E. F. Wheeler, ONIB's field sec-
retary, and himself sightless, was
driven on a circular ,route to visit
campaign" chairmen in mare than
a score ofo communities.
ICNIB is seeking $50,500 in Elgin,
Middlesex, Htiron and Perth Coun-
ties. Of this sum, $34,500 has
-+been - donated.: London, Strat-
ford and Elgin. County Commun-
ity Chests,, with another $5,000
Coming .from city and county coun-
cils. Public subscriptions . are
sought for the .remaining $11,000.
Funds raised will operate
CN•iB's regional home for the blind
in London, field services to blind
at home, rehabiliption and rec-
reational work , among district
blind, and a host .of other services
to blind of this area. The cam-
paign gets under way September
20, running to October 2.
A classified advertisement in the
Signal -Star ..rings results.
Those who wish to improve their
lands by planting trees next spring
should apply now for the tree§
they will require. As the supply
is limited, and the demand is great,
the early applicant is given a pre-
ference, the ,Ontario Department
of Lands and Forests points out.
Trees are available to anyone
in Ontario who owns an area of
two acres or more exclusive of
buildings, and the cost is so low
that anyone can afford them.
Prices are $14.00 per thousand for
Scotch Pine and $10.00 per thous-
and for all other species: The
trees are intended for use in re-
foresting waste land, refilling a
forest or establishing windbreaks
in rural areas: However, a. great
many are also planted as a Christ-
mas tree crop.
Giving an added incentive to
anglers, Ken Pennington of the
Esquire Grill is offering cash prizes
for the largest perch caught in
Goderich wasters by hook and line
between September 10 and Novem-
ber 15 inclusive. Announced on
bills printed at the Signal-Staf, he
lists ten dollars for first prize, five
dollars for second and three dol-
lars for third, prize. There is no
entry fee, no tickets to buy. Fish
are to be weighed in at the bath-
ing house at Goderich beach.
Produced' by Imperial Tobacco
Company of Canada, Limited
as a public service.
By -Law Approve.s..
Goderich Township , Council held
its regular September meeting in
Holmesville with all members pre-
By-law . No, 10, concerning
Charles Wallis' sub -division, was
given three readings and was pass
ed as approved. G. A. Orr, re-
presentative on the Goderich High
School Area Board, reported on
his activities.
The following accounts. were
presented and ordered paid:
Charles E. Wise, telephone loan,
$1,000; Provincial Treasurer, in-
sulin, $2.19; direct •relief, $30;
road superintendent's payroll,
Council then adjourned until
October 4 at 8.00 p,m.
Lynda shows typical little -girl interest in her mother's tclePhone call;
' that's 18 montko.ld Donna, Perched in her high chair.
(One 12 hands and under and the other 14 hands ansa' over 12)
Musical Chairs and horse back—
Purse of $1O,
pen hurdle ju Y ping for purse of $60.
Concrf Agricultural Hall at 8.39 p.rno
Following is a list of agri-
cultural societies' fall fairs and
exhibitions .in the Huron Coun-
ty area for 1954:
Blyth—Sept, 21, 22
Brussels—Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Dungannon—Sept. 21
Exeter—Sept. 22, 23
Fordwich—Oct. 1, 2
Ilderton—Sept. 29
Kincardine—Sept. 16, 17
Kirkton—Sept. 30, Oct. 1
London (Western k'air)—Sept.
13-18 '
Lucknow—Sept. 28, 29 '
Seaforth—Sept. 23, 24
Zurich—Sept. 2.7, 28
A government worker sat at the
table after breakfast one morning,
engrossed in his nerwspaper ' for
over an hour. Finally he asked
for another cup of 'coffee. "Coffee!"
echoed • his wife. "But look at
the time. Aren't you going to the
office today?"
"Office?" exclaimed the startled
man. "Heavens! I thought I was
at the office."
WIDE-AWAKE FIRE departments
may soon be turned out in a
new heat -resisting suit built on
the general lines of the old-.,'
fashipned nightgown. Made of
reflective •aluiiiinum ,foil, ,this
outfit gives the hook-and-ladder
lads a lot more protection from
extreme heat.
Canadian farmers have the
same idea when they build their
barns of aluminum sheet. Not
only is aluminum fire-resistant
but it also keeps barns cooler in
summer because it reflects the
heat of the sun;. and in winter
reflects back into the barn heat
that would otherwise escape. In
fact you might say that in the
products of Canada's aluminum
industry are reflected' countless
aids to better living — on the
farm, in the city, in your own
home. Aluminum Company of
Canada, Ltd. (Alcan).
'When you have to do everything for two small children it's not
easy to leave the house even Tor essential shopping," -says
-Mrs. Bernard.' Renaud of 755 Desaulniers Blvd., 8t. Lambert, Que.
"I've really appreciated our telephone in the last few years.
It means I can still -pick up bargains I see in the paper and ado my
shopping in a matter of minutes ... by telephone. So, my ',phone
saves nye money and gives me time to do other things that
crowd my busy day'That's why I think one of the best
bargains I ever bought was our telephone!"
A Bank , is useful in so many ways ...
„Ontario Hydro Was 108 Rural
Operating Areas. The manager,
with headquarters in the Area'
Office is a specialist in rural
electric ,supply. He is an authority
on the Most practical and the
most economical use of power.
But his prime purpose is
maintaining a dependable
electric Service to all his
customers ... providing a
low-cost hired hand to speed
work on the farm, and help -+
make life. in Ontario's rural
areas, comparable in
cotii,'1i' 'tKuettido, comfort and
efficiency td that in. the
tlnlltio Ffpdkdxbin tlb
isi Ifn%bi3illi *it
nalt,ti wrttr :to `` dro `n
di; toitittik • I
DO Yell IctiOW1 r. .
Since 1945 your fydrohas more,
, Ilion doubled the-ntlthher of
rural costoniefs froths a total a!
156,5 to 371,'749, it`s of June
inveterate drunkenness and the
resultant lethargy of the country is ,
the ' reason France is in such, a
dangerously weak international po-
sition." "The French as a nation ' .
are semi -drunk 95 per cent of the
time. The government encourages
greater and ,9rrate.r consumption
of wine because of a 'continued
production of grapes." These are
the considered pronouncements
of a keen business man to ' ,the
Windsor l otary Club retently.
Whether credible or not, it is a
fact that according to a report is-
sued iy the World Health Organi-
zation, Frame ranks second in
the world in the number of'alco-
holics per 100,000 of p0011166n.
But more recent than . the W'.H.O.
report is thestartling story found
in "Time" of July 12, 1954, about'
akcoholfsm amongst' French' child-
ren of very tender sage. It merits
e "Voice" of its own.
This advertisement sponsored by
Huron County Temperance
At a bank, you can keep important papers and
other valuables'in' a private safety deposit box.
Travellers 'cheques and Letters of Credit provide
a safe, handy source of funds when , you travel.
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A batik is.much 'More thafi just a place to
cash a cheque or deposit your savings. The
many services it -provides are designed to help
you handle money matters more simply,
safely, easily. You will find bank people
courteous and -efficient in handling routine
banking matters and helpful, too, when
unusual problems arise. Don't hesitate
to "see the bank about it."
A bank helpS you do. Tailless Olt at 'dist ce, oaths
pxchenge, .trane!ers tondo, makesctad>�xtsgd