The Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-09-09, Page 8� •-�:.1-� Y'( _I;_M .=.'gra
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Copies of ' fe Lists of (,.ands for sale for arrears of taxes
;tn 1954 may be had in the office of the Treasurer of the County
of Huron in temporary Court ,House, Goderich.
The said list has been published in The OntarioGazette
dated August 7, 1954. Unless the taxes and costs are sooner
paid, the Treasurer of the County of Huron shall proceed to
sell said lands for taxes and costs at the Court House, Goderich,
en Tuesday, November 9, 1954, at 2 p.m.
Western Fair, September 13 to
18, at London, has some mighty
good things in store for you next
week. The fair has something of
interest for the whole family in
exhibits in the buildings and the
'livestock barn, the midway, glit-
t -
tering and gorgeous
performance, horse show and the
largest and most up-to-date farm
machinery show in Ontario.
A thrill show to end all thrill
shows will be the special after-
noon grandstand attraction Mon-
day and Tuesday only, with har-
ness racing each afternoon for the.
balance of the week, in addition Huron County, the new residence -
to a wondeelfud grandstand show. rehabilitation centre •is giving
You'll also enjoy the square training to o and Carroll, a. 35 -
dance competitions and the daily year-old Goderich, resident blinded
band concerts. Theflower show last year. blinded 'in an in
will be specially attractive. Mr. Carroll,
Patty Conklin's Midway will be dustrial accident 'was admitted to
back, featuring the famous "Dane- the London centre last week for
ing Water Show." training which will enable him to
You'll' want to see everything, once again, make his own way in
so buy advance admission tickets the world.
now. Only advance ticket holders The CNIB campaign for funds
have a chance to win three cars to earty on such work throughout
Monday night, September 13. If the counties of Middlesex, Huron;
you haven't written for graxtd- Elgin and Perth seeks $50,500.
stand tickets . ,'. do it now. See Community Chests in London,
the ad in this issue of the Signal- Stratford and Elgin t.Courity will
Remember, a day at 'Western'
Fair beats two • days anywhere.
a . HURON '-i ���'.a+vr
Goderich Resident
5Y �•� �,.1 Judging competition at Western One of two cousins was acquit -
Though there is no direct conn- Fair, London, on September 13 'ted and the other convicted when
vection, a field teacher ow St. will be entered by 114 of the 4-1/ they appeared' in court here last
Club members in Huron, according Thursday before Magistrate 1. E.
Catharines has been visiting blind
to an announcement "made by Holmes.
residents in Huron County this Harold R. Baker, Associate Agri- Philip Willis, Goderich, heard
week 4,as plans are completed ,for cultural Representative for Huron charge of impajred driving .against
the Canadian National statute County. J hirn dismissed, while George- Wil -
for the Blind annual campaign for A group of 4,8 ,Club members lis, Goderich, was fined $5 and
funds September 20 to October 2. and Junior Farmers motored to . costs or five days on a charge of
Miss Susan Miller will visit the Canadian National 1,xhibition, obstrueting an officer. doth men
Blind in Dungannon, Blyth and Toronto, yesterday to take part in had previously pleaded not'guilty.
Kintail, part of a regular Meld' ser- judging livestock, grain and roots, Constable Lloyd Westlake, On -
vice to blind in their own homes. fruits and vegetables and farm ratio Provincial ]Police, Goderich
While Miss Miller is working in machinery. detachment, told the court that
Included in the group were on the early morning of August
Frank Alton, R.R. 7, Lucknow; 14 he stopped a: car driven ,by
George Procter, R.R. 5, Brussels; Philip Willis after he had oibserved
Lorne Hackett, R.R. 7, Lucknow; it weaving on the Bayfield road,
Laverne Godkin, R.R. 2, Walton; The accused admitted he had
Murray Gaunt, R.R. 1, Lucknow; consumed three bottles of beer.
Tom Easton, R.R. 3,' Exeter; He claimed that- the steering of
Robert Hern, R.R. 2, Herrsall; the car was loose.
Gerald Dearing, Exeter; and Jan , The constable said that when
Van ''Vliet, R.R. 2, Brussels. the, car was stopped, George Willis.
refused to give his name. The
Too Late! accused told the magistrate he
There was a man in our town, didn't know he had to give his
The chump thought he was wise'. name to the officer. He said that
He thought it was his policy he "didn't like the attitude .. of
He'd never advertise; police."
But then one- day he advertised, "When 'a car is stopped in the
early morning_ thedriver is
suspected of being intoxicated,
anyone in; the car is bound to give
JACKPOT of $44.00 for full house in 59 calls.
If ,not won on Saturday, value of jackpot and also
number of calls will be raised. each week until it
is won. "
15 GAMES $1.00
4 SPECIALS—Share the Wealth
DOOR PRIZE—$5, $3, $2.
Doors open at 7.45 p.m.
1st -game starts at 8.30 p.m.
ST, HELENS, Sept. 7. — Mrs.
Marion Irwin" of Delaware, with
her cathedral chimes and marimba -
phone, and Mr. Keith Barbour,
tenor soloist. of London, `both of
whom were so well received on
Flower Sunday, will be among the
guest artists on the variety pro-
gram to be held under the auspices
of the Y.P.U. on Friday 'night.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sparling
and Miss Lois Webb spent a few
days last week at' the Ryerson
camp being held at Normandah on
Lake Simcoe.
•Mr. and Mrs. Jack rndt, sr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack perndt, jr.,
of Detroit, and Mr. Keith Black,
of Centralia, attended the Mac-
Pherson -Elliott wedding at White-
church on Saturday and were
week -end guests' of Mr. and Mfrs.
Gordon MacPherson.
Miss Margaret 'Miller, student
nurse at the Stratford General
Hospital, was home for they week-
Parliamentary. government was
established in Canada in 1758.
co. -operation to the police. o i i ce,ir,t'
the magistrate said. "You had no
business acting the way you Ad."
One housewife to another, over
the back fence: "1 got to thinking
yesterday --you know how you'll
do when the television set is
ig#TASD 4#4,11100.4
'PoRTpirs HILL
PQRIEWS ;Elm, Sept. 7.—Sep
vice noxt Sunday at Grace Chw b
will be held at the usual hour,
9.0 aalh, .with the Rev. Watt,
Dunnganrkq n, as guest speaker. Mr. °
Renner �ti11 be taking anversary,
services at Port Elgin.
contribute $34,500 and city and I And thereby hangs a _tale._.
county councils have already given His ad was set in six -point type
$5,000. The remaining $11,004 is And headed "Sheriff's Sale."
to be raised by public subscrip-
tion' in Huron, Perth and Middle-
sex Counties.
Residents of communities in the
three counties have already vol-
unteered as chairmen and can-
vassers of local committees, and
mailing pieces for a direct mail
canvass are being prepared.
He Won
The draft board -doctor was ex-
amining a prospective recruit.
"Read that chart," he command-
ed"What chart?" asked the draftee,
"That's right," said the Doc.
"There isn't any chart. You're in
Get $50 TO $1200 at
Need money for down payment
or repairs on an•.auto ...repairs
or down payment on a home ... •
or other worthy purposes?
Now you can get that cash on
your auto promptly and simply
at PPnaonat • Drive it to office— -
Loans $50 to $1200 on Signature, Furniture or Auto
bringing proof of ownership. On
approval, get cash. Of course, p .
you keep your car. C
Phone or come in today for
a f 'e'toonat loan on your auto.
Loans, also, on signature or T.
furpiture. •
Many people—probably including you too—deserve to be honoured
for rendering certain important services to their communities.
Very few of these people are celebrities, public heroes or lead-
ing dignitaries. Mostly, they're "just plain folks".• Out together they
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thousands of jobs.
How do these people ,play a part in such big projects? Simply
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which' life"insuT T'Ce companies 'inv .€ , thern,._,.hat..rakes-it pos-
sible for many of these projects to be completed.
Thanks to these same people, life insurance companies are able
to contribute funds to medical research wprk in a wide range of vital
fields. As 'a result, Canadians may look forward to living longer,
healthier lives.
What's more, every life insurance policyholder tries to save his
family from ever having to -depend on others for their support. This,
too, is a service to his community. That's why, if you own life
insurance, you deserve "a key to the city"!
p.S. from your life insurance man
"Invested life insurance dollarsearn interest that makes it possible
for you and"your family to enjoy the benefits of life insurance at such
Pow cost. If you have any questions about how to make life insurance
fit your own s3ecialwneeds, give me a call. I'll be glcid to help you I"
"Get new strength, pe and energy the quick
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out feeling due to lack of iron at 40, 50, or 60;
conditions you may call "getting old"• They
stimulate, invigorate, revitalize and energize
blood, organs, nerves. You soon feel years
younger. Both sexes get new pep. New "get -
acquainted" size only 8O . At all druggists,
2nd Floor (Above Sally'" Shops).. 21 DOWNIE STREET, ST,RATFORD.—..
Phone: Stratford 2855 • Cornelius•A. Enright, YES MANager
loans made to residents of oll surrounding towns • PersOnill Finance Company of Canada -
Comprising more than 50 Canadian, British c,nd United StatesCompanies
Buy it for less! But as important as price is, don't overlook
Chevrolet value — for Chevrolet stands unchallenged in all
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exactly fit your family's needs — and your family's budget.
with a rare, delicious flavor all its own. And how refreshing
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has "as few calories as half an average, juicy grapefruit.
Have a Coke!
Compare Chevrolet economy. Ask yourself : "What's the car's
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reason that the car with the highest reputation in these vital
ways would be in greatest demand ... and Chevrolet has been
first in demand — first in sales — for over two decades.
• .
We leave this up to you. Visit your local Chevrolet dealer and
smooth and instant response. Test it in.
Road-Test -Tea
t Chevrolet s smoo onse p
the traffic, on the highway, on steep hills. You'll agree. that
high compression, valve -in -head power can't be beaten — and
only Chevrolet has it in the low priced field.
Let your own eyes .tell you about Chevrolet's fine ear beauty.
And remember ! Underneath that gleaming finish and asweep-
ing style is famous Body by Fisher. That's your guarantee not
only of lasting good looks, but of greater Torl icirt, safety -and
quality, also. see Chevrolet at your local dealer's toddy.
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Prove it yourself! Road-test... street -test.:. hiII-test
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PONE 234