HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-09-02, Page 6• • 44' of brakes, an ce -pulled up at the side -sonny," he called to, a small Pe youseen an airplane IN10.„„.± anywhere near here?" Sar;" declared the boy, hid- inghot behind his back. just been shooting at a bOttle." An actor, long unemployed, he - came desperate and advertised an a Broadway journal as follows: "Engagements wanted. — Small part, such as dead body or outside shouts." The average capacity of a box car.in use on Canadian railways is over 44 tons. 1 1 Competitive Prices Pius Personal Service DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders for Thursday, Friday and Saturday SPECIALS an 1. D. A. BRANDS A.B.S, and C. TABLETS. 100's. Reg. 23c.... 19c Ant -Acid STOMACH POWDER. it% Alb 1..49 4..oz„.1.6 o.z... Reg- 75c, $1.95 bUC VITAMIN 81 TABLETS. 1 mgm 100's d‘01 300's. Reg. 37o, 79c c, 59c "VAL-U" Brand ABORBENT CO TTON 1 lb 69c IDA Lead Pencils Reg, 5c, 6 for 25e 3 r"'. 10c 12 for 39c Bobby & Pocket COMBS 10c value 7c, 2 for 13 •••••••••••••••••••••••0111,041141101141111•1100000000011 SPECIAL! I.D.A. ENGLISH STYLE - TABLETS A sparkling, fizzy glassful A grain acetylsalicylic acid rev tar!), before breakfast for relief of headaches, really peps you up. Pro-, lieuralgia, pain in general. motes regular elimination. 300 tablets. leg, Co 16 oz. can 89c oeC 59c •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• For LOVELIER HAIR HAY FEVER RVILIEF Helene Curtis Spray Net 1.75, 2.75 Suave 60c, 1.00 Lustre Cream Lotion Sham- poo 45c, 75c, 1.25 Halo Shampoo 39c, 65c, 98c Drene Shampoo 39c, 69c, $1.20. Nestle's Colorinse • 39c, 69c, $1.20 Spraze 1.25, 1.75 Richard Hudnut Egg Creme Shampoo -75c, 1.15, 2.00 Vitalis Hair Tonic 39c, 69c, 1.29 Lady Wildroot Shampoo „ 43c, 73c Glover Shampoo 68c Seborin Scalp Tonic 1.00, 1.60 Toni Spin Curlers, k. 1.29. Tonette ra 1.5 Tame Har9 -illergi-Tabs 20's, 60's 1.00, 2.50 Super Anohist, 12's, 20's 65c, 1.00 Benzedrex Inhaler 75c Dr. Chase Brand Tabs 59c Ciba Privine Nasal Drops • 1 oz. 95c Pyribenzamine 12's 65c Ephazone Tablets 1.65, 2.75 Lantigen "E" 6.00 Vapex Inhalent e'r 59c Templeton's Raz-Mah Cap- sules 65c, 1.35, 5.00 Prosst's Pyrithen Compound Tablets 65c, 1.90 ldaphedrin Aqueous Nose Drops 65c Hudnut Light & Bright 1.75 Breck Shampoo ........................49c, 85c; 1.35, 1.95 onic ......................................43c, 65c, 95c a •••••••••90666•404,0•446.--„zc,••••••09.0..4,...••• KILL FLIES Bridgeport Aer-a-Sol omb Hep Aerosol Bomb 1.39 98c, 1.59 Greeh Cross Insect Fly-Tox Spray 39c, 59c, 98c Bomb . .. 89c, 1.39 Fly-Tox Bomb 98c, 1.39 Green Cross Insect Spray Sapho Fly Spray 38c, 58c, 98c 4 44440000004 4060c, c, 99c Sapho Bomb , i 1.39 Ig P040‘4400004.1.109,0*0.00000040000.400. P • • quei C MICK LIST ,Special Deodorant Giant 98c size ....69c ••••••••••••••••••e• ODO,RO-NO speciai Deodorant $1.00 size for.69c • Absorbine Jr. 1.19, 2.39 Ben -Gay Analgesic Balm 75c Acriflex Ointment 60c Bromo-Seltzer 29c, 55c, 98c, 1.59 •, • Clearasil . 69c, 1.19 Dodd's Kidney Pills 59c Dokill 2.39, 3.95, 8.85 , E Wes ,. 69c, 1.09 Ex-Lax •15c, 33c Hein; Strained Foods ., • 2 for 19c 11011011•414:064,4118414140111.114111111141000110411•4101006041000414 Campbell's Drug Store LIEEBURN I-EIRIBIJRN, Sept. 1. Andy Plunkett, of Auburn, spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter. Miss Betty Pope, nurse -in -train- ing in Montreal, visited a week with her uncle, Richard Buchanan and Mrs. Buchanan, and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil Thompson, of Seaforth, visit- ed last Sunday with the ladies' cousin, Mrs. Terence Hunter, and Mr. Han ter. Mrs. Andrew Bogie and Graham visited a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Quaid and family in Sarnia. Graham returned the next day to 'Sarnia, where he re- ceiVed employment. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Bannister, of London, enjoyed a week's motor trip to Northern On- tario, returning last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Quaid and family and Graham Bogie, of Sarnia, spent the ,week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Bogie. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kirk, Lloyd and Larry, accompanied by Mrs. M. E. Terrell, all of Preston, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Horton and family. Mrs. Terrell. remained for a visit. ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, Sept. 1. — Mrs. Gordon McIntyre (formerly Miss Dorothy Miller), of Bracebridge, is a patient in the Private Pat- ients' Pavilion of the General Hos- pital, Toronto, where she under- .' went a- spinal operation -last week. Miss Margaret -Miller commenc- ed her duties as a student nurse at the Stratford General Hospital on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry,of London, have been holi- day visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sparling were holidaying at Oliphant last week, • 742,4-7/74e 1A.ARESSED LATEST RESEARCH and newest techniques in aluminu4rrf welding are passed on to Canadian industry in clinics conducted by Aluminium Laboratories Limit- ed, in Kingston. Plant engineers, managers, foremen and welders attend lectures and demonstr4; tio'hs by' Alcan'S Y6earch spe- cialists, mention it here to show how closely the companies that use aluminum and the company that supplies It work together. More than a thousand manu- facturers turn Canadian alu- minum into everything from airframes to tiairpins. And they • know that in exploring new uses or improving old ones they can always Call on Alcan to help them ,And the answers. Alu- minum Company—of 'Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). r• FINAL • CLEARANC This is the end of our Summer Dresses 1 5 Dresses to be sold at 5.00 each. Regular Values up- ti;- 12.95 11011111•160•11,1114**00.0.111111/41•410410041400•0•0411111000-110 Ladies' Suits 1 only, regular 29.9 ON SALE 194°84 nr SSES 5.00 SUITS 19.84 11061141.6646***4841101111 osoposeare*****••• OF' VALUE THE GODERIVII SIGNALSTAR PersoQa1 Mention Mr. and Mrs. David Leitch spent Sunday in Chesley. • Mrs. John Patterson and family of Seaforth were recent Goderich visitors. Mrs. Ernest Rouse and Donald, of Norwich visited in Goderich last week. Mrs. Reg Tufford, of Strathroy, visited with Mrs. John W. Bell, Huron road, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sturdy and family, of Harriston, spent the eek -end in Goderich with., the Miss Helen Goodrow, of Toronto, 'spent the past week at Huron House, while renewing aeguaint, ances in Goderich. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Little and three children, of Dartmouth, NS., left for home lag Satgrday after a three weeks,' vacation with the former's mother, 41110A Gordon Little. Dr. Little is a Lient-Cmdt. with the Royal Canadian Naval Hospital at Halifax. KLNGSBRIDGE ormer'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Sturdy. „ Mr. Hubert Tipple, and daugh- ter, Linda, are spending their vacation with, Mr. Tipple's brother, Mr. W. A. Tipple, and Mrs. Tipple, South street. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mathers, Judith and Keith, and Patricia Boutilier attended the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto this, week.. Mrs. R. W. Htighes, Nancy and John, and Barbara Ellis visited in Toronto this week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson while attend- ing ,_he Canadian National Ex- hibition. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson and David returned this week to Wnipeg, Man., after spending the month of August in Goderich. Mrs. Robinson is a sister of Mrs. George Filsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Moore and M5,,, and Mrs. Russel Kernighan bate returned from an enjoyable trip to New York. Mr. and ,Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and David and Mary Anne, St. George's Crescent, Goderich, are visiting at .Eonthill.„..N.iagara. _Falls, and Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Straiton and Miss Maude Watson, all" of Tor- onto, renewed acquaintances in town the early part of the week. KINGSBR1DGE, Sept. 1, —1Vliss 'Norma Millar, of Burlington, and Mrs. Rex Hume, ,of Hamilton, visited with their sister, Mrs. Mary Sheridan, during the past week. M. and Mrs. James Sinnott, Mrs. M. McLennan, of Gorrie, and Mrs. Joseph Pitzpatrick„ Kitchener, visited with the O'Neill family over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Redfern and David,„. of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mangold, of Detroit, visited with the Frayne family Mr the past week. -Rew-Edwixr-GarVeyr-GaS:3---has returned to Assumption College after two, weeks' vacation with relatives here. Mrs. B. Captian had her brother and family, from Strathroy, visit at their home on Sunday. The students of Huronia Sum- mer School are returning to their London residences this week, and will be greatly missed by the people of this community. Mrs. Yemen and Billie, of Wing - ham, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenzie. Mr. ...a'Beninger- • and family, of Dublin, visited friends here during the past week, and Marvin is holidaying 'at the home of Ray.Dalton.• "•- Notice Re Tax Sales -00Y'lz:no 0 . Copies off the Lists of Lands for sale for arrears of taxes in -1954 may be had in the office of the Tr4surer of the County of Huron in temporary Court House, Goderich. Ontario Gazette The said list has been plAblished in The dated August 7, 1954. Unless the taxes and paid, the Treasurer of the County of Huron sell said -lands for taxes -and costs at the Court 9n Tuesday, November 9, 1954, at 2 p.m. -33-43 costs are sooner shall proceed to House, Goderich, A. H. ERSKINE, Treasurer, idailiTrify of Huron. -...ommostimonsmasomos. ••••••••••••••••• ZOIINS i7E17..11fir GET $50 TO $11200 PROMPTLY AT lIou NEED CASH to repair or pay the down payment on a home ... repair or finance .down payment on art auto . . . or for any other worthy purposes? • Get- that cash promptly at Loans f5(11 to $1200 on Signature, (OMPI N Y Personal where it's 'yes" to 4 out of 5. No bankable security re- quired. Modern offices and streamlined methods .2 assure speedy service. Phone; write, or come in today. Furniture or Auto THAT LIKE'S 70 SOY Y,ES'' INANCE • SYSTEM 2n4 Floor (Above Sally Shops) • 21 DOWRIE,STREET, STRATFORD Phone: Stratford 2855 • Cornelius A. Enright, YES MANager „. ..„, OPEN DAILY 9 TO 5 • SATURDAY 9 TO 12 loons made to residents of all surrounding towns • Personal Finance Company of Canada ••••••••••••••• LEGION -.HALL GODERiCII Saturday, Sept. JACKPOT of $43.00 for full house in 88 If not won on Saturday, value of jackpot and also number of calls will be raised each week until it • r oG is 'won. 15 G ES $1.00- $10 C II' PRIZE 4 SPECIALS—Lhare the Wealth JACKPOT WILL BE PLAY'S!) FOR 4 TIMES ° DOOR P E—$5, $3, $2. - Doors op4n a 7.45 pan. ist gam at 8.30 p.m. „ • 11A oUpJe Wed Ben Mark Anniversary ' A couple married' in Goderich on August 24, 1904, marked thei 50th wedding,, anniversary at a family renition held. at Hamilton over the week -end. Celebrating their golden wed- ding anniversary Were Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Eagle, of Hamilton, who were married by the late Revl G. N. Hazen assisted by the late Rev. W. H. Graham, and have lived in Hamilton since 1907. Their at- tendants a tip wedding ,were the late llil4es4Clara Sharman and W H. Robertson, of Goderich., They have three sons, Fred C. Eagle, Burlington; Di' i Edwin D. Eagle, Winnipeg, and Gordon E. Oagle, Halifax. All the sous were home for the celebration held at the hoMe of Fred Eagle. They also have eight ,grandehildren. Miss Emilia Campbell, Goderich, and Miss Jean McMillan, Toronto, attended the reunion. Mrs. Eagle i,s the former Mil- dred E. Cambell, daughter of the late 'William Campbell. „ .GOOD EigirtEN0 BY QOM* 444110; Two Goderich rinks finished well tip -in the running in the 34th annual merchants and inenutac- r turers tournament staged by the Stratford Lawn Bowling Club Wed- nesday of last' week. The tourney was won by a rink from Tillson- burg. • A.. -rink opposed of N. J. Ainslie And J. H. McNee with E.-Pridhaxn as skip had three wins plus 14 and a rink skipped by, A. Townsend with C: B. McManus and E. Alli- son had three, wins plus eight. Two other- GoderiCh rinks Full Unit Staff For, First Time Huron County Health Unit, with headquarters in Goderich, for the first tine since it ' was formed is now operating" with a full staff, according to Miss Norah Cunning-, ham, Unit supervisor of nursing. The nurses and their districts are. .Miss ,Jiang,ham, and partofGrey and East Wawa - nosh townships; Miss Janet Thomp- son, Howick, Turnberry, and Mor- ris townships; Miss Jean Marshall, Goclerich; Mrs. Dan Considine (the former Beverly McNair, who was married this month), Clinton and the, Hullett township area; Miss Phyllis Campbell; S,eaforth, :-MC- 10,1?P township, and part of Grey township; Miss Angela .Psutka, Col- borne, A,sh.6.fd and West Wawa - nosh townihips; • Miss Barbara Sauer, Goderich, Stanley and Tuck- erSmith townships; Miss 'Hilda Pletch, Exeter, and Stephen town- ship; Miss Patricia Boug, Hay and Usborne townships. •. Mr. and Mrs, H. Earl Elliott have returned to Toronto after spending three Months' summer holidays at 'Goderich. ;.! par - wie,*,14 strt 2n, U94 iielpate in the tournei. They were composed of P. )3isset, Baecbler and R. Spading, skip; E. Harris, W. Westbrook and W. McLaren, skip. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor,. and A( s. Austin Newstead and -daughter ary, of Paris, were Sun- day ,viaators with Mr. and Mrs. John. Moss, as street. IVIr:"-and" M.rs',' Paul Pick and children, -.of Niagara -on -the -Lake, are expected this week-end'to visit. lvira, lift, W. Howell and Miss Mary' B. Howell. ••• \ ,`• ‘' searaMirr When it's it's took for the Red let to *nuke sure you are getting genuine, top-quality fAMOUS America's Largest 'Selling Anthracite DEAN COAL CO. e , PHONE 95W ALBERT ST.. 30tir ••••••••••••emmi-•••••••••••seemours.“••••••••• •••••••••,••••••••••eirooseogisommeeemoa•••••••••••••••••44meeeoseoe••••• Friday SEPT. 3 5 -ONLY Chesterfield 1 Chadr Suites Chesterfield and 69 Chesterfield and - 2 *Chairs 99 opeofoesseemie•••••••••••••••641000000•041004104100000011111104111114101/0410001100410-010000 Saturday SEPT. 4 Table Lamps and Pin -Ups -949 2199 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••inesesecoommeeetwo rotrowissooseeeilose."..mmosime- uesday . Clothes' I Dom' 6.99 SEPT. 7 Wardrobes 2 Door °-11 0.V •,9 ompoiseeseefsesecommeetemoomiosimmooseommire••••••3•••••••••••••••••• Wednesday Verandah Grass SEPT. 8 and Cocoa Mats 499 Alesemmossommeeemmoimmeempeoesseseemmoommoso,000mmmotommoommoomp SEPT. 9 dai 'Clothes Hampers 5.99 •••••••••••••4110•01101110111000411 Friday TRI -LAMPS Shade, and SEPT. -10 Large Bulb ALL ,ARItagS, SUBJECT TO. PREVIOUS SALE ‚3 I141014, rr. rnitur 4,