HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-08-26, Page 9/ . • oovitprei. apd. Electrical Appliances quickly to for a newb . • . •• . • •ui. . • ,•ik ' . • '• • - • :mesis. el on • urn' tire, mattresses, mini electrical refrigerators and washers BARGAINS IN ALL 1•INES ranston's v. Goderich Fisherman Finds Market In U.S. For Summer Catch Of Chubs A fisherman who came to Gode- rich about two years ago after having fished commercially for some time on Lake Erie has started a new .commerical venture for this part of Lake Huron and is making a success of his efforts. Edward Siddall, forthe first time this summer, has started to fish • hub from Lake Huron waters, us - g Goderich ,as his base of oper- ions. Chub (also called' "tulibee" and deep -water herring) had been fish- ed before in this area, but not commercially for about the past 10 years. . More Work Chub fishing requires a lot more work •than catching perch and whitefish. For instance, it re- quires, modern refrigeration equip- ment. And it'sells for mdch less) than whitefish. But the catches are larger—from 800 to,2,500 pounds a day. White- fish catches in summer -drop to about 100 pounds. Price of chub, however, is . only about 15 to 30 cents a pound ,in summer, while whitefish brings about 50 cents. Mr. Siddall operates about '20 miles northwest of Goderich in about 350. feet of Water, and the S A MILLION! Members of Kinsmen Club of Goderict wish to thank the exhibitors, the public, members of various other. organizations and everyone who helped to make the Goderich Trade Fair a . success. Without your help .the fair would not have been pos- sible. _ . AGAIN WE SAT .'THANKS urniture Flying EMI °dem • Officer Nancy Taylor, of TorOnto, checks the buffet table in the airmen's Mess at RCAF Station Clinton, with Flight Sergeant R. F. Little of Centralia, NCO in charge of the mess. As messing officer at the station, F/O Taylor is responsible for meal -planning for as many as .1,900 officers, airmen and airwomen' during the busy summer months. •work is long and tedious. A net that would take about three hours to pull from shallow water takes about six lours to drag up from the 350 -foot depth. Pressure at the lower level collapses plastic floats on their top edges, so special floats are needed. Because of the length of time involved in setting and hauling nets, summer is the onlythme chub can be fished successfully.,: Later in the year, the water becomes too rough and the weather too cold. In spring, when the price is better, Mr. Siddall nets whitefish, and catches run up to 3,000 pounds, During the fall, he catches perch. Biggest market in the United States for chub is in Brooklyn,' where there is located a big smok- er. After -Dinner Speaking—An oc- Cupation monopolized by men — women can't wait that long, • • • . Each evening, • 1,. George. Humid prhis most –-.niiiii 1 spectacular Grandstand Follies in 1 I the hisfory cif the Fair, fealaring the amazingly beautiful Disappear- ing Water Ballet. in addition, eight - op VcsudeVille ACti entertain both' afternoon and evening audience.1, , Truly the biggest "ph)* value" in enio'rnent evert PRICES - $1.00 $130 $2.00\ Messing Officer At Clinton.- Has Job Of Feeding 19300 Hungry Men RCAF Station Cilnton. -- When you go shopping for Sunday dinner this week how would you like to pick up 1,500 lbs. of turkey, 1,200 lbs. of potatoes, four crates of lettuce, 400 lbsof frozen peas, 250 lbs. of ,Parkerho'use rolls and 55 'gallons of ice cream? That is the list prepared by Fly- „ing, Officer Nancy Taylor of Toronto when she plans Sunday dinner for upwards of 1,900 offiCers, airmen and airwomen at ,RCAF Station Clinton. F/O Taylor is messing officer at Clinton, the air force's radar and communication's training centre. And, believe it or not, there will be additions to the list -300 lbs. of tomatoes, 100 gallons of milk, ingredients for soup and sauce for the ice cream, and cake. For the salad tables she will have tossed greens, potato salad, radishes, cel- ery, green and Spanish onions, cucumbers, pickles, cheese and crackers, fruit bread, fresh fruit and casserole dishes. 1,300 Eat Daily All this food will be consumed when personnel of the station sit down to dinner. Every day for 365 days a year she has around 1,300 people to satisfy. And in summer there are more—Air Cadets with growing:boy appetites, University flight cadets and auxiliary person nel to- total the 1,900mark. And there may be visitors. F/O. Taylor has one advantage over the ordinary hbusewife. While it.fis her responsibility to direct the food services at the station, she has over 100 staff -cooks and kit- chen personnel,to help her. She is well qualified for her job: Obtaining her Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics at Mc- Gill University, she took her diet- etic internship at the UniVersitY of Oregon Medical School Hospitals in Portland, Oregon, and worked for a large US restaurant firm be- fore joining the RCAF in 1952. She was messing officer at RCAF Station Aylmer before coming to Clinton a year ago., Meal -planning on a large scale calls for ingenuity and imagination jut as it does when a housewife plans her Meals. Not only is it the responsibility of F/O Taylor to please the appetites of station per- _ . STAN0PERFORIVI4NC 1 • HORSE SHOW . 7:30 p.m. each night in the 07;t7a—riZ Arena, Tuesday through Saturday, with a Saturday Matinee at 1:30 p.n).1,x/ TICKETS $1,00 roc,. ,- ADVANCE SALE TICKETS , MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED Three for One Dollar. Entitles holders to Write for reservations to participate in draws for prizes valued r Western Fair Association, at over $7,500.00. ) A0E9140014 PERFORNOttlaS SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES 111 Adults $1.00 Children 355 • •,,, Lond )1}Specia1 Apffteryfr:romonantranditancr IRISH HORANS 'DAREDE1/11.5, America's .Finest Thrill Show. \ Monday and TueSday afternootta , OnlY 4r,..05/ 0 TS LABLE AT BLACKSTONE'S on, Ont. SEPT. 13 ro 18 - LONDON, ONT. W. D. JACKSON, /14atatter` 3-54 and MAIM'S sonnel, she must satisfy the medical officers and the command- ing officer at the station as well, who are very, much, concerned with what personnel in their charge are eating. In the main, it is her job to see that food is prepared, cooked and served according to the high stand- ard set by theservice; and that cleanliness is maintained through- out the kitchens and.. dining halls of the four station messes—those of the officers, sergeants, hospital and airmen. She prepares menus, makes out reports d maintains records of all food services. A non-commissionedofficer is in charge of each mess. Menus are printed in advance, and pinned to the bulletin boards in the appropriate messes so that personnel may know in advance what to expect from day to day. Glancing over a menu sheet,the visitor will find that for every hot meal planned, there is a' substi,tute cold' plate, althotigh, according to F/O Taylor, people prefer hot roasts and baked dishes "even in hot weather.” . On Fridays fish features the main. course, with meat dishes as an alternative. If repairs have to be made to any of the gigantic stoves Did you know that,, 4(4,, rp A • / a 110 • • ALL EXISTING ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE SPEED RECORDS WERE BROKEN IN 1902 WHEN TRAVELLED A MILE IN 63 SECONDS. IN THIS LOW - RIGGED MACIO E. A.L.RIK'ER A HOLIDAY TRIP IS NO FUN WHEN IT'S MARRED BY TIRE'TROUBLE. WHY NOT DROP IN TODAY AND LET US REPLACE YOUR PRESENT WORN TIRES WITH LONG -MILEAGE; GUARANTEED GOODYEAR TIRES -THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN !" SEE VS SOON. LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF QUALITY X-60 R SALTFORD PHONE: 456i COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Bedstraw Named Farm Land Pest Once, imported as an ornainental or • garden - plant, bedstraw (rubi- aceae) is now rated as a very per- sistent killer of desirable plant life, reports the Field Crops Branch of the Ontario Department of Agri- cultute. With over 350 genus and 15,000 species, bedstraw has become an often encountered weed in many parts of Ontario. According to the officials o the crops branch the "northern" species is by far the most common with white bedstraw following closely, on itS heels. Originally a tropical plant only a few species have, fortunately, become estab- lished in Ontario. It is usually found on roadsides and in •pasture areas, The northern bedstraw is a woody plant, a native- perennial,, with square stems, linear, lance - shaped leaves, in whorls of four. This plant has compact panicles of,,, or steam tables, a menu' adjustment will have to be made. , On a busy station time is para- mount, and in the airmen's mess, it takes only 12 minutes to get through the queue from ,door to table at rush hours. • small" bright white flowers. The small seeds, greyish in colour are coveredwith fine hairs. It is very persistent and will take over, kill- ing out other weeds and all vege- tation, It will not stand good cultivation but will reappear in hay fields after the second year, forcing farmers to plow up and conduct a short rotation. ,When found in hay, the cattle show a dislike for it as fodder. For small patches a soil sterilant is recommended but the repeated use of 24-D has clean- ed our roadsides of this persistent plant. Look for a square stemmed plant and destroy it before it spreads or becomes established. QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. How many seats are there in Canada's House of Commons? 2. What was probably Canada's earliest manufacturing industry? 3. In what part of Canada is narrow gauge railway in general use? 4. Of the approximately $26,000,000 the CBC will spend this year, how much will be obtained front corn, mercial programs? 5. Will Canadians pay this year to Ottawa in sales tax on manu- factured goods $100 million, $300 million,,$600 million? • ANSWERS: 5. $600 million. 3. InNewfoundland. 1. 266. 4. About $3,000,000; remaining $23,000,000 will be obtained from taxes. 2. Textiles, today one of the largest manufacturing industries. eimaivvorromms...... Now your motorized farm equipment can benefit too BOTH SHELL GASOLINES NOW CONTAIN TCP1 erractors'and trucks, as well as the family car, can now benefit from the greatest gasoline development in 31 years—both Shell awi Shell Premium Gasolines nou' contain TCP: TCP offers you the same powerful advantages on the farm that it dpes • ,on the highway. Up to 15 % more power for hard-working tractors arid trucks, .up to 150% longerspark pldg life ... and you'll use less gasOline! Shell Gasoline with TCP acts ' quickly, so quickly you'll notice the difference before you've Onished your second tankful. Prove it to yourself by getting Shell Gasoline with TCP. Yqu'll agree, it's the greatest gaioline development in 31 years. Edward Com SHELL FARM 'EktAIIIR,