HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-4-17, Page 5A j r Mr. Jas. Ross of the .London road, Horsemen, Attention . } township of Stanley, last week sold a ( two-year-old filly to en Aruericnn for Stallion Route Bills SEASON OF IS90. If you want a Neat, Showy Bill, well put to gether and attraetively displayed on gond paper n TIMES tan r a d card, send your order t0 the l;. Ea Office. You can have abetter choice of outs than ever before, and among the largo assortment Fre have A-'\ be suited exactly. Ora �`raail oarofu11y and promptly at- tended 000' g e yc ur order until Yon ascertain oar pricer, Times Office, Exeter SPlk1 S-10tlN ix FA,1R. 6 , Blenabard, at Kirkton-April 17 - Maa Craig, as Ailsa Graig April 22 Parkhill, at Pink:aid--Aprrl23 eteGith•ray, Clandebeye- epri117, _ DISTRICT DOINGS. Tl1e,➢l,atoat Current :yews Throughout the District, The excise collections in Stratford division for March amounted to $7,856.- 01. Trinrty church, Mitchell, raisers $5(10 on Easter Sunday toclearoff the church debt. Lottie efariatt, a ails -year-old child ixt Brantford, swallowed a small square of paint and it killed her, 0. Lenard of ;roach's Pafat. caught sakinonge, 5 feet 3 ruches in length end weighed 42 pounds. Ur. Patrick ;Hall of Mt. Carmol, to dieposing of bio hotel. with the inten- tion of inrmnigrating west. Stmvoral St, Marys yr:utba were fined for destroying treea in the Ardmore park in that town. The population of tbeCounty oft erth (mats decreased 2.835 in nine years. The figures are ae follows a Iti7t3 -32,- 719; 1888,-29,44. Mr, Stewart flapper of Parkhill, has acoepted a position on the Toronto police force and will leave to assume his duties about the middle of May, Col. Goodman of Parkhill, has pre. *anted the High School in that plaee, for use in the gymnasium.. a rowing machine, which cost about $17. Mr. Wm, Glendinning, 1licfxillivrey, is the owner or five ewes wimmoh thin spring have collectively had eleven la.2 , which are all alive and well Fairless, con. 7, McGillivray, has two e,4es that bad seven lambs this spring. That beats the man at Moore - villa, who bad 22 lambs from fifteen. ewes. We are pleased to see that James W White, son of postmatiter White or St Marys, has passed his primary ex. aurin tion for M..D., C.111, at Trinity University, Toronto. Congretulationa. A Bowmanville paper made a Judi. crous mistake last week by heading an article, 'Cruelty to Animals,' that should have read 'Cruelty to Minis- ters,' Private advices from Calgary indicate that 2,500 Mormon immigrants are ex- pected from Utah this spring to join the Mormon colony at Lee's Creek, N. W. T. Messrs. W. C. Nickles and James White, 7th con. McGillivray, cut, split an 1 piled three cords of maple stove wood in one hour, on Saturday, 5th inst. We would like to hear from any one who can beat this. A. few days ago Mr. A Nicholson and Wm McDonald of Luoknow, cut 14 cords of two -foot wood, maple and beach, in five hours and three-quarters with a lance -tooth saw. The boys are now looking for something faster. The farm of Mr John Etogg, on the 5th con. of Mcltillop, was sold at auction, at Seaforth, Tuesday last, Bidding was vera slow, and the farm was ultimately knocked down to Mr John Beattie for. $7,425. It contains 160 acres. The butchers have raised the price of their choice cuts of beef. The cause they give ms the scarcity and high price of cattle.—ST. KARTS ARGUS. "Wait until Uncle Sam applies the new tariff and then meat will be cheap, won't it Mr. Argus?" On Friday last, while MrJohn Healey of Goderich, was chopping some branches of trees, which his seven- year-old son, David, was holding across a block, the axe slipped and struck the boy's right hand, cutting a piece .ia oft' one of his fingers. Whilst Mr. and Mrs. A Crow of Glencoe, were absent from home, and the servant girl engaged in household duties, a youug son aged 3 years strayed to the barn, and going too near the cow, was instantly killed by the animal, • A syndicate composed of Mr. W. H. Hutchins of Parkhill; Messrs. Fox and Hodgins of Lucan, and Mr. J. 1. Carter of Courtright, have purchased the Parkhill salt well, and will have it in running order by the let of June. A large plant is to be put in, capable of making 150 barrels of salt per day. ,Among those who were successful in passing their final examinations last. week at the Ontario Veterinary Uoilage, Toronto, we notice the names of Messrs .Peter Malcolm and James H. Spence, of St. Marys, and George R. Switzer, of Woodham, the first mentioned took honors on •'Morbid Anatomy" In the junior examinations Mr. R. H. Smith, of St Marys, took honors in Pathologgg, Pbyeiology and Chemistry, and Mr. H. 1?. Vulliamy, ; ofGrranton, took honors in anatomy arid Chemistry,, and third' prizes in Pathology and Physiology. : r t,ll cry +or' P tcher's Castoria the handsome sum of $3255, Kr. Geo. Steneury, also of the Londonroad, sold a parr of fillies to the saltie buyer for $4S7. These animals were purchased. for breeding purposes, On the first inst., Mr Geo. Scott, of the 7th line Morris, had hia leg broken just above the ankle, while unloading logs at Calder's mill. It appears he had two logs on the boat; and while at• tempting to pry off the one farthest from him, the nearer one rolled off dropping on his leg with the above re - suit. A debate was held m Farquhar vii• rage on the 4th inst, The subject of discussion was "Resolved that it is wiser to stay in Ontario than to emi- grateJames to the West." Mr aetre s Ballantyne was captain of the affirma• tvie side, and DIr Hiram Borland was captain of the negative side. After some wily arguments the decision was given in favor of the affirmative,. Thomas Rundle of the 13tti con, of Hibbert, and ttie widow of the late Wm Etty, formerly of ;Mitchell, were united in the bonds of matrimainy by the Rev Penhatt at Mr Rundle`a touae an Wednesday last, April 9111. 'rhe bride and bridegroom were assisted by lair and Mae Vollison of Mitchell. large gathering o1'friends were present to congratulate the marriage. A meeting of the East Huron 14.. cense Commissioners was held recently at Brussels to deal with the application for hotel licenses for the incoming li• cense year. There aro 26 applications in the East rioting, seine number as last year, In South Huron, forty-one tavern and five aliop licensee were issued for 18$9-'9O. Applications for 11i9Q-9I, are, taverns, 41 h ehops a. ;+Ir. Vitt. Stonehouse met with a severe accident while out shooting at Parkhill the other afternoon in cora. l?any with Mr. Prod. Soady. -kis was aiding on a log with the muzzle of the gun resting on Iia shoulder when he made a alight movement and the piece suddenly urea wxplodetl and thecharge struck Ins .right shoulder, cruelly tear. ing and burning the flesh and shatter- ing the bone. Messrs, J. D. ,-ticOoll and tlhae, t.urrie of North Middlesex, have issued the following challenge ;....We hereby challenge Crouthare Bras. of Delmont, Ont., or any other two men in America, to a sawing match, with Beat et .Beat saws, one or two cuts, front IS in. to 24 in. hard maple or beech, four weeks fromsigning articles, for $.100 a side. We .have this day deposited $50 with Mr Simon McLeod, of Perkbilt, Reeve of West Williams. Match to take place any place mutually agreed on, At Clinton one day feat week a little child met with a palatal accident in rather an unusual manner. Its father had an ordinary plane iron iu his pocket, which he had been sharpening. Ho was amusing the child by throwing. it up in the air and catching it, when, in one or its descents the back of the child's head caught the sharp edge of the plana and a large slice was cut clean from its head; this was put in place by a doctor, who has hopes that it will unite, A meeting of the Clinton base ball club was held last week and officers elected, as follows ; lion. Pres --- Mayor Doherty; lion. Vice Pres., John Wiseman ; Fres„ A. M. Burchell ; Vice Pres., A. 7. Holloway ; Secy Tress , W. M. McGee. Committee, George Armour, Thomas Diamond and Will Harland, jr, ; Manager, D. .V. Yann ; Capt., Allred Scruton. An excellent team was picked out and association affairs talked over. It is expected the club will enter the league now being formed, to consist of St. Marys, Exeter, Clinton, Stratford and perhaps Seaforth and Mitchell. Wm. Lawrence, a young man in the employ of Mr. Jas. Farrington, of East Oxford, had a narrow escape from death Friday morning. lie was en- gaged in tying up the tail of a heavy mare belonging to Mr. Farrington in tile Royal Hotel stables, Woodstock, when the animal began to move in the stall. Lawrence gave it a kick in the leg, and Instantly the brute let fly both heels. They grazed his head on either side and one of them struck his shoulder in descending. It was all over in an instant, but two or three Inches either way would have brought, the heels in contact with the young man's bead and probably resulted in death. More Heavy Storms. Bloomington, Ill., Vpril 14. -An nnnsual fall of rain yesterday raised the streams out of their banks and carrier; away many bridges on the country roads. There was also a remarkable fall of hail. The stones were as large as hickory noes and walnuts. Glass in green houses was demolished. At Miuier, twelve miles wept, nearly every glass in town was broken, The country between Minior and Bloomington was deluged, and considerable iujnry was done to the Chicago & Alton track. Young wheat and vegetables ware crushed flat. Kankakee, Ills , April 14. --The heaviest rain ever known in this saction fell yester- day afternoon. The storm was general throun bout eastern Illinois. and was ac. ' aompanied by hail and a brilliant electric display, The storm will put farmers behind with their work for some time. Covington, Ind., April 14.-A revere wind storm accompanied by rain'aud hail, visited' this city yesterday afternoon. Hail- stones werelarge as walnuts, and covered tho ground to the depth of about 4a inches, Many windows were de sty yed and compd. erable damage done to crops. NOTICE. A meeting of the share holders of the Exeter Salt Ce. will be held in the Town Hall on Fri- day eve., May 30th. A full' attendance is requested. 1'.13, Carling, S eoy-T real. PECIAL NOTICE. A general meeting of the patrons and those interested will be held in the Centralia cheese Factory on Thursday, April 17th, at 2 p m. for the purpose of electing offioors etc., for. rho season of 1800. Alt aro reciuoitod to attend. Yours respect£ulli, 0. W. SEIT n: llZiiar<l's Liniment is used by Physicians Mr Wiglitrean of H.anmilton, representing a Hamilton and Toronto syndicate, has closed a deal, with the owitera of theMon- trued farm in Walkerville for $130,000. The farm has a water front of .57$ !eat, and is over 100 acres in area. It is the largest deal ever made in that section of the country., "After a varied experience with many so called cathartic remedies, lam uonvineed that fryer's !'ills give the most satisfactory results. 1 rely exonlsively on these pills for the mire of liver and stvmaoh eom- plaints,"—John B. Bell, Sr., Abilene, Texas, There is war between Hiram. Walker k Sons and the Bell Telephone Company, The latter want to pat poles through Wal.. kerville in order to reach some of the large factories, but Mr Walker objects, A gang of the telephone men went up- to work on Friday, but as fast as they dug (toles Walker's men would fill them} up, Scrofulous is transmitted from parent to child, and thus become, a family inherit, anoe for generations.. It is, therefore, the duty of every acrofnlana persop to cleanse his blood by a thorough and persistent course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, The announoement was made that Ur, 3. Is Hughes, of Toronto, bad definitely de- cided to accept the invitation of the Peel Conservatives to contest that constituency, LEFT A t>I,GA,CY. Lot t w rotor tett is let;icy at impure broad to many people, causing tired feelings, lack of energy, indigestion, ocnatlpation, bilious.. MSS. oto. From 1 to 4 bottles of Burd,,ek Blood Bitters never, fail* to onto any of the foregoing Moose* by unlocking the *acre - tiers and removing all iu purities from tale system- Stanley arrived at Canuea on Saturday. Seeding is well amnder way in Manholes. CA,ll YOU DO BETTER When attacked by creep, sore throat, oolda, rheumatism, neuralgia, bruises, butes or any kind of pain or sore- ness, oau you da bettor than use Yellow Oil It is a medicine whioh never fails to give satisfaction It Is magical in its power over pain, and is the safest and heat remedy where soreness and inflammation exist. O'Couuor and Stansbury are to row on Perametta On June 23. LIVING IN A FOOL'S PARADISE Many neglaot slight symptoms of disease, hoping that nature will notate health. True nature will aid, but alma mast also be aided by acing Burdock Blood Bittern, from 1 to 2 bottle* of whish is sufficient to cure any ordinary vase of impure blood. couatfp- atian, dyspepsia, liver complaint. kidder *complaint, debility, etc. James Boyd, once M. PP. tar Prescott, died at Vaukleek krill on Saturday. COMING EVENTS Coming consumption is foreshadowed by a backiug cough, night sweats, pain in the chest, etc. Arrest its progress at onoe by taking Ifagyeaa Pectoral :f3aisam, which never fails to euro cou;rhs, colds, bronchitis, hoarseness, to, and even in confirmed con- sumption affords grateful relief. London, Out, subscriptions to the Uai- versity library fund amount to $650. HOW DYSPEPSIe IS CURED I suffered from dyspepsi,,, and was week and miserable with what the Boater said was nervous debility, Seoiuf; Bnrdook Blood. Bitters advertised I tried it, and after taking three bottles feel perfectly restored to health. Mits. J, H. Seinen, Kleinburg, Ont Interest iu the Toylor-Johnston seduction case at Toronto liar bean revived by a writ issued by A, W Taylor, father of the girl Johnston is alleged to have 'educed, claim. ing 310,000 damages from H. A. Massey for libel. Taylor worked at tlasaey's when he charged Johnston, who is superintendent of the Massey works, with the seduotion of his daughter, et a meeting of Massey's one; ployes a resolution was passed expressiug confidence in Johnstone' innoceueo, and stating the belief that he was the victim of a conspiracy. The libel is based on this resolution. Nature bad lavishly provided cures for all the diseases flesh is heir to, but the proper pre- paration of many of them has not yet been dis- covered. In Wilson's Wild Cherry we have a cure for coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough. Croup and kindred ailments, Prepared from vegetable drugs, in a pleasant and concentrated form, and which invariably gives prompt relief and effects a speedy cure. Sold by all drggosts. Have you aCough? TakeWilson's WildCherry Have you a mild? Tako Wilson's Wild Cherry, Have you Bronchitis? Tako Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you lost your Voice? Tako Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you Asthma? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you a cold in the head? Take Wilson's. Wild Cherry, The 01d Reliable Cure for all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Sold by all druggist, ti. C. RIOHARDS & Co. Gents -I was cured of a severe attack of rheumatism by using MINA1ID'S LINI- MENT, after trying all other remedies for 2 years. Albert Co , N. B. GEORGE TINOLEY. C. 0. RICUARDs & Co, Gents, -1 had a valuable colt so bad with mange that I feared I would lose it. I used MINARD'S LINIMENT and it cured him like magic. Dalnhousie. CHRISTOPHER SA UNDERS. CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired from practice. hav- ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula oi' a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asibma and all throat and lung affeotions. also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make is known to his suffering fellows- Actuated by this motive ane a desire to relieve human suffering;I will send free of charge, to all who desire 11, the recipe. in German, French or English, with full direotions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this ester, A. NoYEs, 820 Powers' Blook, ltoch• When Baby was sick wo gave her Castoria talion she was a Clialtsehe cried for Castoria. When she became sho clung to iiastoria, When she had Children, sho gave thew Castoria, TO ` NERVOUS, DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address, we willmail you our illustrated: pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated"Eleotro-Voltaio Belt and Appliances.• and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they willqq�uioklyrestore you to vigor andman- hood health. l'.amphlet free. It you are ilius afflicted, we will send •o`u a Belt and appliances on trial. VOtrAro JJrar r Co.. efarshal'l,Mich, C,h d reg'eh if ° t; #oo � 1. ,t°. Ptcf:,e MARE= REPORTS.. exeeeR Red Wriest w •Spring Ng/neat- Utley . Oats Glover Sled Timothy Corn .,, Sggs , Sutter Flourpex'bbl l'otatoes;por bushel Apples,per nag DriedAppleapr b Osseo per lb. Turkey per lb Pucks per lb Obickenaperpr tiog.,dress edperlCO .., Beef Tridearaugh, -, " drealed Sheepskin* eaob Oalfskins ' Wool porib Rayperton "" , Onionanerbu e Woodporgord , 00 80 to AO 83 ▪ 00 80 to 00 83 36so0042 �▪ • 3226 so 13 0oto3e 1 50 so 2 4)0 ••▪ • 51 to 50 0. 40 to 52 013 to 13 11 to 014 O0ta510 ...• 40 to 1 55 • • 100to1re • , 0 44o 050 • �, 006ta007 0 OS to 10 0 00: to 0 07 025 to 030 450 to500 400 to525 2401025e 350to3.50 0 60 to 80 050 to 090 018 to 070 70007 00 0 fi 4 to000 250to3o0 ST anlage Pall Wheat ,., ,.,. ,,, o ee o S6 Spring Wheat „ 0 50 0 30 Barley 0 34 033 Oats ., ., ,,,,... 026 3 27 Clover $eeil „ ««.. ............ g CO 3 50 Timothy. R.. 250 4 00 Yea. ... . a 5s 0 54 'Eggs 12 012 Butter. 12 016 Pothtoes per bag . ,,,, 75 9 AFplesperbush........ .... .... « 055 o e W e b wool per 2 0 0 p 0 k Ray porton... 5 50 6 50 Bran par ton 14 00 x400 Shorts,, ,.or, ,.., :20 00" 00 a latreeelperblal,,,,,, , ,,,,,, ,,,,, a GO 7 0trtoonnennvenor LONDON. Wheet,85e to 8$a per bee, Oati, Pato oto per bus, ?wee% to 004 per bus, Oar- tee,suiting,43 to45aper baa. Paries Feed, 33io to 41c par bus Corn, 45o to Cie per bushel, TORONTO. Toronto, April U.--Sheet-Spring No. 2, 66e to 67o per bus :rad winter N0, 2.8aa to 87 per bus. Manitoba No,t, hard, 1 ea to 107 No. 2,1 e4 to r 05 ; PEAS 55a to 584 per bus. OATS 280 to3to per bum. FLOOR. extra, $3.40 to $2.45 Per bet: etraiglmt roller. i.3. 0 to $3.75 ; strong bakers,;e4,00 to $4.50. BARLEY, No 1. 52o so 52e; No.2 45o to 47e; ,No 3, extra 40o to 42o; No. 3.350 to 370. A. Trans-Coutixlental IfIZOvatIon sloping car pa+eougora for Paaiflo Boast point* via the Chicago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul and Delon, I'acitio Overread ,Fast 5115;1 Lice .uo Nagar Cate to wait in line at Count oil DIuffa Transfer Station to abtaiu elegy. lug car berth redervationa west of the alio. solid River. The now arrangements reale by the Chi - cage, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway obviate all such delay and annoyance. For furtherparticulara enquire of nearest Coupon Ticket .Agent or address A.,E.H. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, \iii. Waukee, Wis. \DVlos Toatonueue-Arayau gistnr0e0at aightand broken of your rest by a sick ohlte sugaring and crying with pain of Gutting Teeth? It so send at once and got a bottle at"atra,Winslo,r'aSoothing Syrup" forChml- dren Teething, Its value is incalculable. It wi11cetieve the poor little sufferer im mediates eopond upon it, motbere ; there le le:mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and, Dlarrhore, regulates the Stomach and. 2mowola,ouros Wind Collo, softens the t3awa, reduces Iutlamanutton, and gives tone and energy to the whole aystom. Atrs,WSnelow'e Soothing Syrup" for children teething is ploaa .ntto the taste and is tiro proscription of ore, of tbo oldest end boat female phyaiofnna and nurses In the Hutted States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Price twenty -ave cents a bottle. Be surd and ask for "true WINaLOw's ueoTrlr.\'o ,aur "and n0 other ind, IRgTON Our spring stock is com- plete in every department. We can now show you goods at prices that will astonish you. Our stock of Dress Goods is large and varied. Our Prints are without doubt the choicest ever shown in Kirkton, and marked down to meet the hard times. We show extra values in Tweeds, Cottooades, Shiritings, Ginghams, Seersuckers, Table Linen, Tickings, etc., etc. Our groceries are always fresh. We offer the very best values in Teas in the county. Butter and eggs wanted. A house to rent. DOUPE & CO, a:hna 1y1.! J 0 tn 0^ 0 ri)z 0 0 y THE BEST YET TEM CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET Overooatings at any price ; Sult- ings at any price Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothing prodaced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 (save your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the bss Cutthig ID Town, you are sure of ' atisfaeo ion. ■ j. LL. FARMERS, THRESHERS, AND MILL OWJNERS USE LARDINE MACHINE OIL 1 TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL, USE NO ()TEEM Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole mauufaeturers of the Genuine Lardiue, . .Also Cylinder, Wool and Marrieds Oils, McCOLL BROS. & CO, TORONTO FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. OPENING OUT ! The unders;gned is busy opening aut a fl rst-class stock of STOVES: TINWARE of every description which Ile will sell at right prices. .A,U kinds of Tinware Daade to Qrcler ort short not ce. EAVETROUCUI G A SPECIALTY. A. call solicited. Mil= .ri■A O3w4142.+ l ± ' stand, one door north of Dr. Lutz's? drug store, Main St,, Exeter Exeter, W'etl'y 1lth, 1893 We will sell cheap for cash, the balance of our Winter Stook—consisting of Cook and Parlor Stoves, Axes, Cross cut Saws, Rope and Web Halters, Sleigh Bello—fat prices that defy colxipetitirtn. BISSETT BROS. P. S.—We must ask that all overdue accounts be set- tled at once, by cash or note. —B. Bros, CENTRAL Dru Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition - Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C LUTZ. !ILL and WIRER a-002DS_ I have just reoeived my large eonsigoxnoet of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now selling off my Previous Stock ! At figures away down, 1 an not believe in carrying over goods uutil another year, and will always sell at ROOK BOTTOM PRIDES (lather than hold them over, MY STOCK is the best assorted in town and of first quality goods I am here to exchange goods with the .public for cash or pro- duce and am bound to do it. J. P. ROSS, vv.ktrjApTT Hood & Shoe Makor Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet; his old customers and as many new oneso Sewed WorkaSnecialty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT. DO YOU WANT TO BUY FIRST-OL-A_SS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM 000A —ARE USUALLY SOLD-- GIDLEY'S -ONLY FIRST-CLASS- Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so-csf led Cheap Houses can giv. Undertaking in all 'ri Branches. S. GIDLEY, Market Store, EXETER. (Snecessor to C CO S. Gi.dley) Nov.13, 1889. ODDFPLL" 0W'S BLOCK,.,