HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-4-17, Page 1OMIla
VOL. XVII. NO, 30.
i a. OtQKSON, Barrister, Boli -
L. oitnrofieprome Court,NotaryPublio
Oonveyanoez C'ommieafoner.,oSio., atonal, to
Fanson's Block, Exeter,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
Bia:ETEB, - ONT.
0idoeganawell'aBiock Ralf old office-)
Barristers, Solicitors, Rotaries Public,
Conveyancers &,o, eza.
t Atouey to Loan at Lowest Rates of
T. =WT.
tIFIFO; E: over Oadf"ElL'SIJank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
Santtivell'3 Block, Main•st,Exeter,
BStraets 'Death witboutpa#n,
Uy giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and all other dental
wort: the beatposeilile. Goes
to Zvnics onlaetThursdayin
molt month:
. P.8,'3radaatoVictor:ia.Univeraits.Otllco
DB. RYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron, ()meo, opposite Afr.
. Carling's store, Exeter.
DR. J. A. ROLLINb, M. O. P. S
0. 0film Main S,,.f;xeter,Ont.Rasiden
aehouaereoontly aocupiod by P. MoPiullipe,
r F. CUT'PEN, M. D., 0. M„
• Orndunt°
Trinity University. Tor.
onto Fol. 'Prin.Msohol. Toronto Grad,
Ap' net.. CraniologY ; MonborN. Y. Acad.
oology; Member Col. P. S.Ont.—
Dash wood. Ont.
HENRY EILBER, Liooneea Ane-
tfoneerfor Hay,>Iteplion, and McGilli-
vray Townships. Salesoonduotedatmodorato
rates. 0111co—AtFost'ofluo,Croditon ,Ont.
TO N GILL, Auctioneer for the
.i. wnehtns of Stephen, Kay and Uaborno
and tho Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
xttendod,aadsatlsfaotion guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this officio ,
Tennent & Tennent
aduatee of the Ontario Vetorinary College
OFFICE : 0E0 door South of Town Hall.
per cent, 825,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies reprs sented.
Barrister, Ex ote r,
CANADA. oad Office, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
Contents,tho most favorable protection in ease
of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect-
able oompany oan afford to write. 42,375 poli:
cies in force lstJan ,1890. Assets 6378,428.00
in cash in bank. Government depost. Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. JAII],S GRANT,
President ; D. C. Ma Uo:rALa, Manager. DAVID
JAQUas,Agent for Excitor andvioinity,
)Eetablisliedin 1868.
This comx.anv has been over Eighteen
earain c uooesafu.l operation in Western On-
o,t5ndaontinues to insure againstloss or
e by lire 8uilclings,3 eronaudise,Man-
w ies,aud,11 otherdosoriptiousoflinsur-
),le pI ,party. f utending insurers havo the
,ptionofinsuringonthe Premium Note or
OashSystem .
During the past ton years this Company
hasissued 57,096 Policies. coverin 1 property
o thetmountof 340,872.038 ;andhaid iuloss-
es a lono$709,752,00
AssetS, v1176,100.0O,aonsisting of Cash
n dank, Government Deoosit,an 6 the unass
seedPremiumNotesonhandandinforce, J
W WALDENM D. PresideLt. O. 6f. TAYLOR,
Seorefary. 3.fi. TiIIc+nos,tnspoetor CIIAS:
NNW., kgentrnr a+.Iceterandvicinity
The Molsons Bank
Paid up Capital ..
BestFund ..-
Ilead 0.01co, Montreal.
20branchol5cesir.uto sominion. Agencio
in the l)otninion,r.S•A.end Europe.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day, from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m
SA'1IJRDAYS,10 a,m.to 1 p.m,
4Per0ent.perannum allowedfor money on
Deposit Receipts
Goldsmith 4. Hall!
%VATCrn S,—
IiiirPononalattontiongiven to repairing of
oeeks annjowelrry;
C. Brae. V.i�:t,fr.t,V BAOR,
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL
(f '.._ Eyes Tested
Practical Optician,
Graduate Optic School X.Y.
Byes tested ; defective si ght restorodby the
aid offlna glasac s. Large assortment of the
finestglasses en hand. A cell selicited.
.A 8. 1ttLDRRBX,
xec) =MrMeTIa„A„S-ST Landon.
WANTED)G.A good energetic man, or mon.
to sell our bruit arses, Rose's, Shrubs. erne -
mantels, ote, Permanent employment. Write
at once for terms.and secure ohoico of
territory. 11 c sell only first -el ass stock. hand-
some outfit free. Address MAY BROTHERS,
Nursoymon, Roohestor, N. Y. -lith Nov, 21.
5 Packs of Cards, FRE
Ono Peek, May T. C. U. Home: One Pack
Escort; Ono Pack, Flirtation ; Ono Pack, Hold
totholight; Ono Pack, Our Sofa just holds
two. One sample, book full of Novelties, all
FREE. if you send 5o. silver, for postage.
g.-oc„STNN T -x", Yarrnottth N 6.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En-
Ofl'ioe, Upstairs, Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ont.
100 acres -being lot 13.North Boundary, Mc-
Gillivray. There are 85 acre, cleared, balance
bush and pasture ; 19 acres in fall wheat, and
fall ploughing dono; wed -fenced and wo11-
watered. Good frame house with stone cellar;
also frame barn with stable underneath ; good
driving house. Distance from Crediton post -
office 2; miles ; 4 miles from Centralia, and
convenient to schools and churches. Will bo
sold cheap. Possession given at once if re-
quired. Apply on the premises to
Feb'y 27—Im JAS. KING
Mon to take orders for Nursery Stook, on Sal-
ary or Comimssion. I can make a successful
SAT-i,'Al N
ot anyone who will work and follow my in-
structions. Will furnish handsome outfit free
and pay your salary or commission every
week. Write for terms at once.
E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman,
Toronto. Ont.
Champion Food
Horses oan now be kept in bettor condition ;
cows give more and richer milk, and all kinds
of live Stock restored to health, fattened and
improved at a much less expense by the use of
C7.3g11/SPSCN S'OOD.
Our Agents sell Champion Food in Eng-
land, Franco, Australia, India, Africa,
Brizii, Buenor, Ayres, United States, Canada
etc., etc., with the same wonderful results.
Farmers anti. 5 tooi-
Raisers Will Have It.
Agents wanted everywhere.
RART COT'SOM, London, Ont. ,
.TAS. PARKINSON, Wholesale Agent.
Agent for Exeter.
rberSa .
A. Hastings, Prop
Shavingand Hair erasing in the latest
style of the art.
Every attention, paid to outting
Ladies a, a 0 M ren' Hai",
the season of the year for
Wall. Paper,
Window Blinds,
Carpets, etc.,
mud you cannot do better
than inspect oar stock before
We have a few all -wool
tweed suits, $5.
Extra quality of pains,
Window Ourtaius, 75c. up.
Blanchard Council.
The llttuieipal council of the township of
Blanchard met April 7th. All the .members
present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of
]sat rueetlug read and enflamed by the
Mr A Burns appeared before the Board
in reference to a gravel pit opened on his
premises a few years ago. He +vas opposed
to the opening of the same, hat the gentle-
men then comprising the Board insisted on
the pit being opened. Very little gravel
was takeu out of the pit on account of the
poor quality of the same. Mr. Burns
claimed that his field was much damaged
by the opening of the said pit, and thought
that he should get some remuneration as
the gentlemen then representing the tp had
promised to pay him damages. The matter
was laid over for farther consideration.
Ou motion duly made and seconded the
followidg gentlemen were appointed path.
wasters, feuoevlowers, and pound -keepers
in their respective divisions for the current
year :
Division No 1, Walter Gowan, 2 Ewen
Cameron, 3 John McCallum, 4 James Mar-
shall, 5 11 G Radoliffe, 6 P Hardy, 7 W
Paisey, 8 John Urquhart, 9 Thomas 'Hol-
lingaheard, 10 Jos Stone, 11 G E Spearin,
12 Wm Kirk, 13 Robt St John. 14 D Breth-
our, 15 D Creighton, I6 Jas Jamieson, 17
Robt Bruce, 18 Alvin Arkeey, 19 Simeon
Thompson, 20 P Maloney, 21 T Wilkinson,
22 John Sleek, 23 Geo Squires, 21.Qoraoe
German, 25 Robt Bulyea, 26 Geo Nixon, 27
John Morley, 28 Jas T F3alkwill, 29 Thos
Duffield, 30 Alex Currie, 31 E Evans, 32 (1
Webster, 33 henry Switzer, 31 1' Hanley,
25 Robt Ren, 36 Thos Evans, 37 Matthew
Forsythe, 38 Wm Peacock, 39 Wm Wood.
40 Wm Pearn, 41 John Leslie, 42 C Bailey,
43 Robt Bonis, 44 Wm Gado, 45 G Hudson,
46, Jelin Dawson, 47 Wm Millman, 48,Ma1-
colm Sinclair, 49 John Castle, 50 Michael
Ballantyne, 51 John Easterbrook, 52 John
Lennox, 53 Wm Robinson,;54 D Bolton, 55
Benj Wilson, 56 John W Robinson, 57 Wm
Bennett, 58 Geo Bradley. 59 John Nagle,
60 D Oliver, 61 Wm Henderson, 62 Wm
Division No 1 John Stephens and Jno
Webster ; No 2 David Brethour and Jno
Mitchell ; No 3 Samuel Dinsmore and ,Wm
Gunning; No 4 Jno McCullough and Frank
Somers ; 5 James Pickard and, Michael
Ballantyne; No 6 W Roger and Aarou Saw-
poems EEPERS.
Division No 1 .Alex Cameron and Jno
Dickinson ; No 2 David Paynter : No 3
Egloson McDonald and Jno Hayes ; No 4
Thos Wood and Johnstone Stewart; No 5
Jas Pickard, Joshua Freeman and Wm;,Mc-
Intosh ; No 6 Samuel Donpo•
On motion duly made and seconded the
following amounts were paid : Ruth Richie,
charity, $7 ; Juo Easterbrook, balance gra-
velling, townline Blansharcl and R Niesouri,
68 t Thos Pearson, part salary as caretaker,
lis ; Hart & Co, collector and assessment
blanks, 63 30.
Council adjourned to meet on the first
Monday in May at the hour of ten o'olook
in the forenoon. J..13 JAMIEsoN,
Township Clerk.
A Warning to Caltadlan Settlers,
The Governer of South Dakota accom-
panied a deputation from that State which
visited St. Paul last Wednesday, for the
purpose of securing aid for the destitute
farmers of the State. The deputation met
the St Paul joint relief committee, and
among its speakers was Judge Hoidridge of
Miner county, who said :
"Those who representedthere was abund-
ance in bis section of the country were
certainly egregiously mistaken. He bad
lived in Miner county nine years and knew
every man in it, and spoke with perfect
knowledge of the situation. The county
commissioners had devoted nearly all of their
time gratuitously to this matter, Statistics
showed that last year wheat raised in that
county averaged only one busbel to the acre,
corn one baahel, flee ono bushel. Thele
web° practically no oats at all, and potatoes
averaged only ten bushels. Grass, smhieh
was depended on for fuel by many, was
almost a total failure also. The people are
poor. * * * It was owing to the condi.
but -ions from the outside that the people
lived through the winter, and in the teeth
of all statements tothe 'oontreryhe declared
that if it had not beenfor thegenerosity of
the outside people and the railroads,and if
they had an ordinary cold winter, hundreds
would have perished by hunger and cold.
Not one farmer out of ten hae coed, and.
they duu't ktot7 where to get it."
Bitt$rs-On Mopday last Rev W
Yaeger left the village ro attend the
Canada Conference of the Evangelical
Association to he held in Mildmay, Ont.,
this week. His wife accompanied him as
far as Sebriugville where shej will visit
friends. -.--Most of the farmers around here
arra busy ploughing and seeding. -Quite a
umber of Zurichfriends visited Dashwood
am Sunday. -000 day last week Mr C
Eilber's horse rad away. The wagon was
broken in several places but no one was
hurt. -The latest way to ask to .see a girl
home is to say "Do you wish for me ?-
Miss L Voeiker who was visiting Miss
Lavell in Wroxeter has returned home.
Bitters --The residence of air Mtohaei
Boyle, ltiddulph, had a very narrow escape
on Friday night loot. A lightesi lamp left
standing on the table exploded, fortunately
however, Mr and Mrs Boyle, who had been
absent at the time arrived, home justia time
to save their house from the hexes. -The
past weekehas' hem very favorable for the
fall wheat which has raised considerable
freest the severe handling of the week
previous. -We regret to bear of the serious
Illness of Mr D Cobledick,
St. Marys.
Bruce "--'Phe entertainment given by the
young people of the Methodist church an
Friday fug. Rea well attended, and a very
onjoyabte time was spent, --.\Ives Amuse
Knox'8 Dramatio Beeitala on Tuesday evg,
,drew a large crowd to the opera house, --
The Cosgrove troop *start this week on a
profeasio al tour through Ontario as they
have been very successful in their past en-
tertainments. They will, without doubt,
create quite a sensation throughout the
proviuee.--Tine builders of t.e town com-
mence work this week, and building will be
commenced in A few days on Barter's now
Store, and Robinson's carriage shops —Tho
Methodist Sunday school rooms have for
many yeara been too small to accommodate
all who attend, and the trustees of the
school have decided to build a 9x000 edifice
on the este of the old eahool rooms. --Mise
Dawson died on Friday evg of consumption.
The funeral which took place on Monday
from her father's residence, west ward, was
largely attended,-Afree light took place In
the Salvation Army barrioke on Friday even.
int;. Itie needless to say that though o°neid-
erablo disturbance occurred, none of those
interested were badly hurt, ---Tho St Marys
Sparrow gang have been oat and gleaned
the mad elf the prineipelatreots,--.Mr John
B. Mitchell, an old and respected resident
of this town, passed away on Tuesday Int,
Hie remains wet° laid to rest in St. Marys
cemetery on Friday.
MmereErr. OPENINCL.-Now ie the time
to get a new hat, and this is the place to
nom° and get it. Eaob of our merchants
have succeeded in securing the services of
au experienced milliner and all aro quite
capable of giving any lady ported satiates: -
Von in this line. Give oar Milliners a
PUBLIC MEETIN°.-On Friday evening
last a pnblio meeting was held in the Town
Hall for the purpose of making arrange-
ments as to a twenty-fourth celebration.
After the meeting was called to order, Mr F.
Hess, Reeve, was called to the chair and
Mr Sam J. Latta elected secretary. A.
question was brought up as to which was
the best day to celebrate the 24th. After
some discussion it was almost unanimously
decided to hold the games on Saturday the
24th. Some were in favor of Monday the
26th but this was voted down. After Messrs
Robt. sVilliams, F. Mason, John ,7eseloh,
Ed. Appel and F. Seigner were appointed
a management committltes. The meeting
BRIEFS --Bev. T. Hanch of the Evangeli-
cal church will attendthe Conference this
week. On Sunday evening last Mr Hauch
preached his last sermon as pastor of the
E. church here (excepting his farewell.)
as his term of appointment is up. We
are sorry to lose Mr Hauch as he is a good
citizen and a painetakine pastor always
taking much interest in his work and doing
ail in his power for the extension of the
Kingdom of God. We wish him and his
family success where ever in the future they
may bo engaged In the good work.
Zurich's lose will be somebody else's gain.
-While Mr Thiel, teamster, at the grist
mill, was sweeping out the mill be was
unfortuno enough to get his fingers between
two of the cog -wheels, which inflicted an
ugly wound on the left hand. We are
pleased to see that he is ably to be around.
Folland lost one of his little children
with a second attack of la grippe -Mr. and
Mrs Latta have returned from their visit
during the Easter holidays. -Mr. Henry
Schnell has left for the west. -It is rumored
that Mr P. Sipple has received a call from
the Goderich police force. While we would
be very sorry to lose Mr Sipple ourselves,
we cannot see where the Godorich people
could have made a better °hoieo•-Measles
have again put in their appearance. Quite
a number of the children of our village are
down with them. -Mr Prang is intertaining
visitors from the other tido -Misses Dyer
and Hersey of Exeter were the guests of Mr.
Steinbach last week. -Miss McAllister is in
town again. -Some of our villagers have
begun gardening already. -Mr Geo Buch-
anan who is attending the High school at
Gcderich was home on his Easter holidays,
-There is some talk of the Roman Catholic
congregation here securing the services of a
Priest:-0ouncii Meeting will be held on
Wednesday, when tenders for the erecting
of the new town hall will be received.-
Quite a number of onr villagers attended
the Horse Fair at Exeter. Couldn't some-
thing of this kind be stnsted up in Zurich.
A young child of Mr. Smith's, market
gardiuer, was drowned at Petrol's, on Sat-
urday. Mr Smith's roeidenoe is on .the,
bank of iho oreek, and it is supposed 'the''
child was playing on the bank' and fell inte
the °reek unobserved. The corpse was
found %•abort bine after' the child was:
Balers -One day this week Mr Thos
Russel, sold to Mr Wm Marini( of Stephen,
a yearling Durham bull, "Canadian Prince,"
sired by imported "Mariner," dam Bracelet
III imported, for a good price. This ani-
mal has never been beaten in the show
Bnrrre-The people of Kippen and
vicinity have long felt the want of a suit
Able building here wherein public meetings
of every description could be held and in
order to 'apply this desideratum %meeting
was held here to discuss the advisability
of erecting a public hall. After a abort
discussion it was decided to form a joint -
!stock company and proceed ee soon as
a sufficient amount of atoek was aubaeribed.
About one half of the requited amount has
now beentaken sothatin all probability we
obeli soon see the hall going up, The
stook book is open at Weismiller s store,
and it is to be hoped that ell in this vicinity
will subscribe for one or more shares.
BETE-S.—Mr, Joshua Brown of Sebewa-
ing, Bich., spent a few days itt Crediton
during the past week. He left on Tues-
day for New York. where he will take a
course in Mitchell's cutting school,---afr.
Wm Hoffman of 'Tavistock, is home owing
to the illness of his sister, Miss Eliza HofI-
man, who i$ very low with a serious attack
of rheumatism of the heart,-MrRStanley
°f Lietowel, is visiting in Crediton and
vicinity. -Miss Stork of :salt, is the guest
of Mr Mich Hirtzel.-Rev Mr ,Sta;ebler
and wife, Rev 1) Rieder, 111re C Kibler
and Mrs Sarah Link have gone to Mildmay
fur the week to attend the eonferenee of
the German Evangelical church, which
Will be held there •--Messrs. Martin and
Eli Link left for the N. W. T on Tuesday.
Wa understand they have secured work
there and are getting good wages, -for
Chr Trick is putting a brick foundation
under his shop, also au addition to his
workshop. -The village barber has re-
moved front his old stand and can now be
found in Beaver's block, as hie ahingle will
show. -Mian Mary Taylor, dressmaker,
has tile° removed to Beaver's block, corner
Victoria awl King streets. -We are now
well supplied with butchers, Messrs. Snell
Bros, of Exeter, have opened out in the
old stand, and Messrs. Ruby el Co. of
Londeaboro, have opened out in the new
ehop erected for them by Mr dVm Wenzel
adjacent to his woad -shop. -Mr Geo
Hirtzel has purchased Mrs Le Grice's
house and moved into it on Tuesday.
George will handle the ribbons for the
flagmen this season. -Ms Jno Sinclair,
blacksmith, has moved to Chiselhurat
where ho will open out a shop. -Mrs S
Link has returned from Detroit with het
furniture end has moved into Mr 0
Gebauor's house, -On Tuesday night ot
last week some sneak thief entered Mr
Jacob Finkbeinor's smoke house and
carried off considerable smoked pork.
Mr Finkbeiner tracked them for quite a
distance and thinks he knows the guilty
HYMENEAL,—Another on the list of
married couples. On Thursday evg, last
Mr Jacob Heist, jr, was joined in the holy
bonds of matrimony to Miss Lydia Faiszt.
daughter of the late B Faiszt. The
ceremony was performed at 2 o'clock by
Rev Mr Staebler. The bride and groom
were attended by Miss Louisa Faiszt and
Mr Jacob Schwarz. After the ceremony
the young people took a short drive and
on their return they partook of a gorgeous
wedding supper. In the evening they
were serenaded by both the band and the
charivari boys. The young couple will
move to Michigan shortly, where Dir Heist
has a farm. We wish them suecess.
Since waiting the above we have learned
with regret of the death of Mies Eliza
Hoffman, which occurred on Tuesday evg.
She had been ailing for some time past,
but not seriously until the last few days.
The family have the heartfelt sympathy of
the community in their bereavement.
By a law passed at the last session of
the Ontario Legislature, the pay of
jurors was raised from $1.50 a day to $2.
Three years two months and seven
days elapsed from the time Stanley start-
ed from Cairo to go to Emin'a aid until
last week, when he again set foot on
European soil. When he left England
he said he hoped to be back within a
year, which shows how badly human
plans are apt tobe disarranged in Africa.
The population of Manitoba was swell-
ed by about 400 souls Monday. A
special train arrived early in the morn-
ing with 128 old country immigrants on
board, destined for points in Manitoba
and the Northwest, and nearly 300 On-
tario people arrived by the regular
express at noon, most of whom went to
Southern Manitoba.
According to a correspondent in the
British metropolis, there are in London
more Roman Catholics than are to be
found in Rome, more Jews than the
whole of Pa lestine contains, more Scotch-
men than live in Aberdeen, more Irish-
men than call Belfast their home, and
more Welshmen than Cardiff holds.
Columbus, O., April 14. -Near this
city Saturday a lot of hogs set upon a
heifer and a young calf and devoured•
them. In an adjoining pasture a herd
of cattle became infuriated at the smell
of blood. broke clown the fence and
charged upon the hogs, killing ten of
them andliwounding many more.
A good deal of alarm has been caused
by the recent tornadoes over the border,
but it must bo reassuring to residents in
those sections where .they are liable at
any time to break nut to know that they
are on the-'elecreese. - In 1586, there
were 280, while last year there Mere but
42, In these parts we ]ave no need to
apprehend a visitation from .one of these
death -dealing storms. Wo 'have an
g passes
WHI 'ii. $ SONS
rnblleherf and eeempreotera
OAt4riOVetk luaryrCellege, also Honorary inary Surgeon. Graduate
eo00st ntly 00 biannd. 'etoir�i terinary Deatjstry
and Surgery a speota1ty.
numerous Morrison rg and the public* ve sen his
for the liberal. patronage he has received in the
past, begs to announce that his etee k ofgeneral
goods for the series and summer seasons trade
will be found complete, well assorted and at
preees to meet the p •evailing hard times.
baying added largely to his stock of wall and
ceiling papers be cordiallyiuvites aninspeotion
of the same feeling confident that for variety.,
tliianynd *hemax will compare very revorablr
(live him a Call for
anything $ouwant. No trouble toshowgeode.
Highest price for butter and eggs. Remembe
the Mace -double stores-Mfarsball's ;Otoolcr
opposite Murdock's at CO. Manion House.
Bttzrrs-lir. ;eases Berry has sold Isis
farm in the vicinity of Clinton, and wi'I
not leave Hensel!, as before stated, -Mr.
Iiobt. Kelland manager of Ur. T. Berry's
stables Is to be complimented on the fine
condition in wfaieh 1 o keepe the stallions,
Mr. K. is one of the best horsemen iu
Iluron. Co. and Messrs Berry sk Geiger
could not have done better in their selection
of a man, t.Tr.11. commands a. very large
wage but be is cheaper titan, moat men at
half the price. --Several ear loads of hogs
left the elation on afonslar, -.Tye Centen-
nial houso3o being overhauled and improved.
A new balcony is being erected thereon. -
The last meeting of the Young P'eoplte's
Improvement feeeietr was baid:6k�utlay evg,
and reports of Secretary and Treasurer were
read and adopted. The Treatsurer'a report
war good, showing that the Society was in
possession of a goon surplus. -Mise Swat.
E Dick was untried on Wednesday to A
young gentleman from Thornbury; We
are not in poseesaion of the young gentle-
msu's name, but we can say that he bee
been very fortunate in securing such a kind,
amiable young woman as Matt Dick for hie
wife. May they always be successful in life,
---Urs Waugh, eon and daughter have been
spending a few weeks in London. visiting
friends-MrsArnold and the Misses Maggie
and Nellie Morrison, who have been spend-
ing the past week In Forest City. have re-
turned -Messrs Brown st: Clarke, carriage
makers, have secured iho services of Alt
John Miller of Cromarty, as iron -worker.
They have beeu very fortunate, as John is
steady,hard-working man,well skilled in his
work. -Tile Slab mill is the question of the
day. Mr W. Buchanan, 5*., was in Forest
City on business.-M'r �Vm. 3onthron, who
left for Manitoba some time ago, has been
heard from and likes the lac well. He is
busy at work. -Wm Cook, son of H. Cook.
of the Hensen Flour Mills, received a four
very bad braises on his arm The otllbr day
white fixing the engine. He was lucky to
escape so well. -A good many farmers ere
busy ploughing. -There is some talk of
building a sidewalk to the various churches
and to the sohool.-'The race courae Asso-
ciation purpose having racea on the 24th of
May. See postora,--Easter having passed
eggs have dropped in price -2o per dozen.
—George Fitzgerald, who bas been stndving
for a Veterinary Surgeon in Toronto, bas
returned home. He looks as though it
agreed with him.-Robt Bell, jr., contractor
and builder, has erected a fine new reridenee
which add greatly to the appearance of the
village. It will soon be completed and will
be ocoupied by Mr G D. Arnold of Ailsa
Craig. -A meeting of the citizens bas been
palled for Friday evening, 18th Inst. to take.
scope towards the organization of a Me-
chanics' Institute in this village. A. large
attendance is desired. -Since the departure
of Dr Miller for Manitoba, we have had
three Veterinary Surgeons establish them-
selves here, and a fourth, we believe, has
made known his intention of locating here.
It is reported that ]lir W R Hodgins,
formerly proprietor of the Hensel! Boase,
and who sold out the same to engage in
bnsineasin Kincardine, has sold out his
business there and intends coming back
with bis family to reside once more amongst
ns. We hope the report may turn 001 to
be true. -Mr Allan MoDonell of Exeter,
was in town on Tuesday; Messrs Petty
Bros shipped a oar load of cured meat on
Monday last, -A number of our citizens are
having maple trees planted in front of their
residences. We are pleased to see this as
it will not only render the village much
more attractive, but greatly to the comfort
in supplying shade during the hot summer
days. We hope others will follow their
example. -A song service entitled "Ea,,ter"
was held in the Methodist church on Sun-
day evg. The solos and duets given by the
choir were appropriate and well rendes ed.
Rev Mr Cook's address which was given in
four parts was highly appreciated by the
the large congregation. These song services
are becoming very popular, and are a
pleasant change to ttie usual earvines.-Mrs
H rtley, wife of Rev A. Y Hartley of Blue -
vale, is this week the guest of Mrs James
White. -Mrs J S Henderson arrived home
on Friday last after *pending two weeks at
her former hums.—Dir Wm Uolwell has
built a fine brick wall in front of his resi-
denoe—Mr H Welsh has moved into tate
house lately vacated by Mr Kydd—An eight
foot pine walk has been laid in front of'tha
Procbyterian church.
%trims -Mies Eliza Kastle has recovered
from her serious illness. -Our enterprising
cattle buyer and butcher, Mr. John Pedlar,
has been out buying cattle for to turn out to
pasture. John says buying cattle Bays
better than smashing eggs. -Mr. Thoeses
Martin had four sheep Milled by dogs on
Monday night. Sheep killing is getting
quite prevalent of late, several baying Omen
killed. -A wedding party consisting of 37
top buggies passed through here on Thum-.
day last. -Mr. Nelson Kestie was celled.
away to Woodstock on Saturday last, owing
to the serious illness of his daughter, who
is in that tows. -6[r Edwart Brokeushirs
is home visiting his father. -Mr and errs.
John Wallace and daughter of .Ailsa Oratg,
are visitiugM:rs Wm.: Rowe. -Mr Joaiall.
Kestle's plowing tree passed off pieaseney,
a ' good many acres being plowed; ---lir.
Edward Kestle and Thomas Trevethic::; of
Crediton, paid no a flyiug visit on Star lvv
occasional high wind, but it passes over
without doing much damage. t Millard's Liniment Cures Distemper,