HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-07-22, Page 8I I r', MENTION Jlten of Burbank, fonia» isrenekving acquaint, alteasaea !ce*piterich and district. ' — Wiiiam J. Lacey of Detroit gfe,,nt weeks' holidays with his 111.41Ss Mary Lacey, Cambridge Street. • Ur. and Mrs. Percy Smith and Children, Paul and Yvonne, left Friday on a visit to Vancouver, B.C. Vii the Signal -Star office on turday was Tom Farmer, City Editor of the Hamilton, Spectator, who spent the week -end at Bay - geld, Mr. Jim Redditt, who has been with the public relations depart- ment of 'Imperial Oil Liniited at Winnipeg has been appointed to the Toronto office. Mr. and Mrs. Redditt and family were in town on the week -end and Mrs. Redditt and the family will live in Gode- rich for a time. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McGrath of !Toronto are visiting the letter's sister, Miss J. Fraser, East street. 1,1 It was so tough for Joe to get up on time in the ,inorning that he went to see his -doctor, who fixed him up with some pills to cure him of his drowsiness. Joe took a pill that eliAt,. slept well, and: .was wide awake before he heard the alarm go off. He dressed and, ate breakfast leisurely. Later he told the boss: "I didn't have a bit of trouble getting up this morning." "That's interesting,",the boss said, "but where were you yester- d,ay?" ••••••••••••••••wsisfia•4 PRESTO Fire Extinguisher Picnic Held Here By County Council Annual picnic of Huron County Council was held Wednesday after- noon of last week at Harbor Park by members of council and their families. The picnickers enjoyed • genies, races and boat rides during the afternoon, followed by a supper. 'Following are the results of the races and events: Boys under five—Grant Walker, Bill Fanpey. Girls under five — Judy Graham, Suzanne Berry. Boys under seven— Billy Blake, Paul Nicholson. , Girls under seven— Dianna Dale, Janice Jewet. Boys under nine — Mel Crick Stewart Stephen (tie), Jimmy Morrissey. Girls under nine—Dianna Dale, Iris Becker. Boys under.11—Mel Crich, Robert Becker. Girls under 11— Ellen Morrissey, Grace McKenzie. Boys under 13»— Bob Morrissey, Jimmy Blake. Girls under 13— Eilet Morrissey, Grace McKenzie. Kickingebladies' slipper — Mrs. Doris Listeon, Betty Durnin. Ladles' bean race—Nancy Morris- sey, Mrs. E. Hawthorne. Thread needle - Grace Wilson, George CQ1,5,114_ County Councillors' tim- ed walking race—John Morrissey. Dropping clothes pins — Adelle Stephen, John- Stephen. Ladies' timed walking race --Mrs. M. Crich. Youngest person present—William Empey. Oldest person present— William Kerslake. Supper draw— John Fischer. Canada is the best customer the° United States has; traditionally buys more from the United States than the United States buys from • Canada. When fire breaks out anytime . anywhere the » finest » fire insurance policy you can have is PRESTO—the one-man fire -fighting department that kills all »fires f ast- er than bulky extinguishers many times its size and 'cost. A neces- sity for homes, ears, motorcycles, -- -boats. PRESTO is so small so light .» so powerful, that any member of the family can use it instantly and effectively.. It's. just as simple as pointing your finger at the flames. you turn the valve; and » PRESTO does the rest. And PRESTO is priced so low that you simply can't afford to be with- out its ever -ready protection. Price 5.95 Presto Special 3.95 (double capacity) Geo. Ryan & Son Phone 345 Goderich •••••••••••••••••••••••• 11111/101 IrAfIr PICKUP FAST RELIEF FOR IIIEOIIATIC PAIN 410 TEE GDER1Cil SIGNATATAR ij WeMisseMa ne ddings 4 at her Wed of was maid honor. She wore a Itichaedet, Stratford, BEAM ET1r—P ITBLAO0 Rey. R. G. MacMillan officided in tbe chapel of Knox Prestrflerian Church, Goderich, on Saturday,, July 17, at 3.30 p.m., when Marg- aret Pitblado, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Pitblado, Goderich, and Clifford Gordon Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett, were united-- in mar-, riage. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a ballerina:length full skirt gown of white net over ,satin with bolero jacket of blue velvet, and white acce,ssories. She carried a white Bible crested with red roes. Her maid of honor was'her sister, Marion Pitblado, who wore a bal- lerina -length strapless gown of 'pink net with matching stole jacket, and a tiny hat of pink flowers. She carried a Colonial bouquet of blue carnations. _ Raymond Bennett, Huntsville, brother of the groom; was best man. At the reception; held at the home of the biride, the bride's mo- ther received guests in a powder blue dresis, with, white accessories and- a -coreage of- pink- earnations. Guests were present from Tor- onto', Huntsville and Collingwood, For a wedding trip to Niagara Falls the bride donned' a red and white printed dress with white ac- cessories. The couple will reside in Collingwood. s•••••••••••••••••“••••••••••••*••••••••••••••• • I HOOT MON! THE FIRST ANNUAL » _, »• • • • Highland Bands Day .: • • • IN THE CALEDONIAN »»PARK, LUCKNOW • • SATURDAY JULY 24 • 9 • •Sponsored by The Bruce, Grey, Huron Branch, i Pipers Society of Ontario INCLUDES 10 BANDS: Mount Forest ,ameronHighlanders— . • Meaford Pipe ,Band—Owen Sound Pipe Band—Lucknow Pipe • Band—Listowel Pipe Band --Palmerston Pipe Band—Kincardine • • • Pepe Band—Fergus Pipe Band—Brussels Pipe » Band—Arthur , • Pipe Band. • Parade to Park Starts at 1.30 • • A GALA DAY OF BAND COMPETITIONS, HIGHLAND DANC- ING and individual PIPING AND DRUMMING . CONTESTS. Adults 50c Public School Children 25c Pre -School Age Free See• 27-28 • 114000•4011104111111110411001101/0011160111001110•11111104101111/1111110111111111111 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lehigh »VaIIey Anthracite Now a Summer Fill -up Price of $25.0i0 per ton e Wise, Plie Your Order Now! SAULTS COAL CO. AGENTS FOR TEXACO MENACE AND STOVE OIL. Phone 75W. East End • Nelson St. 20tf pink and white accessories and corsage of pink Sweetheat 1 rose - bads. For travellingto the 'ea.tern eroVinces and the 1Jnitedtates, the bride donned an ivoraf linen dress with matching jacket, British tan accessories, and white, orchid corsage. The couple "Atop., te reside in Ottawa. '1 4: Both Mr. and Mrs. Diggon are 1952 graduates of the University of Western Ontario. Mrs, Diggon is also a graduate of the Ontario College of Education and Mr., Dig- gon has received his naaster.of com- merce degree from Queen's Uni- versity. DIGGON—HARRIS The Rev. C. D. Daniels officiated at a pretty July wedding at Trinity United Church, Ingersoll, when Vir- ginia Louise Harris became the bride of Robert Steele Diggon, Ot- tawa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Burton Harris„ Salford, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Diggon, Goderich, and the late L. H. Diggon. Soloist was, Donald Young and H. B. Riddolls, was organist. Given »in marriage by her father, the bride was charming in. a nylon net and lace' over, satin gown fea- turing a tight -bodice with lace yoke. Her overskirt with two lace panels was fashioned in front to form an apron effect. A pearl cor- onet, headdress »helcL her French illusion veil and she carried a Bible crested with white orchids, steph- anotis and rose -bud streamers,. Miss Margaret Steele, Batavia, N.Y., was maid of honor. Brides- maid was Miss Mary, Lou Grass, Tillsoriburg. Calvin L. Blair, Oshawa, attended the groom as best man. The bride's »brother, Gregg Harris, Saskatoon, Sask., and Kenneth Berlet, Kitch- ener, ushered. The bride's mother received guests guests in the church parlors in a pale blue lace ensemble with white accessories and corsage of garden- ias and Sweetheart roses. » Assist- ing her was the groom's mother who chose a darker blue lace dress, MIMEO ,11, dalINIKNosaimcw.. YOU CAN WI N • 0 - Er • • A Boy's or Girl's BICYCLE • ditik\ v. '4' will ". • • ", 1 TOLL—HALL1, Marguerite Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hall, Blyth, be- came the bride of Stewart Toll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Toll, Auburn, at a ceremony performed by Rev. C. J. Scott, formerly of Blyth, in Blyth United Church, on Saturday, July 17, at. 11 a.m. The bride, given in marriage by her father, ,looked »chatming in a floor -length strapless gown of Chantilly lace and long lily -point sleeves. Her .headdress was of Chantilly lace an she wore a fing- ertip veil. She 7 -carried a white orchid on a white Bible. » Bridesmaids were Loraine Ham- ilton» and Cora Driver, both of Goderich, who wore strapless waltz - length gowns fashioned from tiers of shrimp colored, net over taffeta. Maid of honor was Rhea Hall, Blyth, sister of the bride, who wore a gown of the same style in tur- quoise net. The flower girl was Annette MacCrostie, niece of the groom, who wore a turquoise net gown. Ring bearer was Vaughan Toll, nephew of» the groom. Aubrey Toll, Blyth, brother of the groom, was best man. Ushers OLD SHOW WEEK Tuesday, July 20 to Mon., July 26 These are some of the shows you've been asking for! turquoise -Veleta ballerina -length gown with inserts, of pink net, Peter Pan collar and matching floral headdress and mittens. She carried a fan of pink roses. Miss Julia Grace Thornton, niece of the bride, was junior bridesmaid, in a ballerina -length gowa» of prim rose yellow taffeta' with colonial overskirt of nylon Marquisette. She wore a matching 11001" halo and mittens alid'Carria- ti-baiket of orchid and yellow chrysanthemums. Little Miss Jill Mae Thornton, niece of the bride, was a.winsome flower girl in , a dawn pink nylon frock' with overskirt of nylon mar- quisette, touches of Swiss lace, and Watching floral h o and mittens. She carried a basket of Sweetheart roses. Bill Logue, Toronto, was grooms - 344 . , Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was »held at »Fairvie»w Farm, the home of the.bride's par- ents. Theobride's mother received, wearing a dress otarosewood nylon mesh with white‘acCessories and corsage of Lustre Hibbert roses. The groopfs mother assisted, wear- ing a two-piece dress of navy and. white ottoman cord with pink ac- • cessories and corsage of Sweetheart roses. For travelling to Northern On- tario, the bridewore a cornflower blue linen suit with white acces- sories. and corsage of pink roses. On their return, they will reside in Toronto. • Attending from Goderich were Mrs. John Marwick and Miss Mild- red Marwick and Mrs. J. V. Thomas. STOP SIGN, TRAFFIC LIGHTS '.»NO T HERM, A close watch is being made by Goderich police for motorists dis- were Robert Bannister and Carl obeying.traffic mations and sev- Gilmer, of Stratford. eralfines have been paid 'for in - Alex Clark, London, was organist fractions, Chief Constable F. ' and Miss Janette Vallance, Atwood, 'Hall says. was soloist. The church was decorated with baskets of tall white giads, with white candelabra and potted ferns. At the reeeption, held in the church hall, the bride's mother re- ceived guests in a floor -length' sheer gown of »powder bluevEh pink and nais.» Motorists, he said, may make white accessories and a corsage of a right turn On a red light after pink roses. She ,was assisted by the groom's 'mother, who wore a rose dress with -white accessories and a corsage of white roses. Guests were present from Tor- onto, -DetroitT St. Marys, Stratford and Kirrdersley, Sask. The bride donned a white linen suit with luggage tan accessories and a corsage of Talisman 'rose- buds for a wedding trip to Quebec and Ottawa. On »their return,, the couple will reside in Whitby. Worst offenders, he said, are motorists »who proceed onto the Square without coming to• a full stop at the stop sign. He pointed out also that, several »motorists had »been making incorrect turns at the Elgin -Victoria -Kingston traffic sig - HURLEY—FOSTER The altar of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Goderich, decorat- ed with rOses and white daisies, made a pretty setting' for the wed- ding 4, „of Mary Theresa Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lang Foster, .Goderich, and Frederick ,William Hurley; son of, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurley, Sarnia. Rev. Msgr. T. J. McCarthy, of St. Peter's Seminary, London, officiat- ed at the »Wed»ding- ori. Saturday, July 17, at 10 a.m. The bride was given » in marriage by her father. Her gown had a Chantilly lace bodice with e portrait neckline appliqued with notifs of the lace. The front skirt with a wide panel of lace over satin ex- tended into billowy tiered ruffles of nylon net. The gown had long pointed sleeves » and with it she wore a' tiny lace cap'studded with simulated »pearls and »a fingertip veil of silk net. She carried a crescent bouquet of white garden- ias and stephanotis and she wore a gold chain and cross.» -_. Maid of honor was Rita Foster, goderich, sister of the bride, who wore a blue,» gown with lace bodice and bouffant nylon net skirt with matchibg stole and gloves. She carried a bouquetnf pink roses. • Thursday Only July' 22 "How Green Was "My Valle? Walter Pidgeon, Maureen O'Hara CARTOON—NEWS •••••••••••••••••••••••• Friday Only »JuIy 23 "Gilda" Rita Hayworth—Glenn Ford ••••••••••••••iimicila•••• Saturday Only July 24 "Thunderhead, Son .of Flicka" (Color) Roddy . McDowell—Preston Foster eammealrealaaaolaamosaaassoia Monday Only » July 26 "Forever Amber" Linda Darnell—Cornell Wilde (Color)—Adult Entertainment •••••••••••••••••••••••• • Tues.,- -Wed. - 'July 27-28 O "Submarine Com- • • • • tir • .41 "When :Worlds Col- • lide' bodice of Chantilly lace And match- . ' ing fitted. bolero7 The Ifull skirt was appliqued with Ciuuttilly floral designs, etched in epalgeent se - quips and pseudo p,,earls. Her headdress, designed to , ateth her rett gown, held he ilxyge" I) veil fif French illuion, edged if th frosted lacework. She ctit.til' e a white Anglican kook Of Itiir yey ' with Sw.eetheart •r4Aes, tread Winch fell stephanotis »and white-atiti Streak', ers. ,,Xer only ornatherit wast -gold ' locket, worn by. her, mother' mand" " Nancy Olson, Joan Fontaine CARTOON—NEWS essolpe•secommia•••••••••• Thurs., Fri. r,; July 29.30 Ron Moran, Sarnia, was best man. Ushers were Leonard Foster and Gus Parks. • 1Vliss Jeannette Austin, Goderich, was organist and Miss Agnes Chis- holm, Goderich, was soloist. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the 'bride's home, where the bride's mother received in a grey silk shantung suit. Guests present from a distance blended the bride's brother, Bro- ther Cornelius, Assumption College, Windsor, and relatives from Roch- ester, N.Ye, Detroit,. Getirgetown, Armada, Mich.; Kitchener, Sarnia and Zurich. ' For a wedding trip to the Georg- ian Bay region the bride donned a light blue shantung two-piece dress suit with white» sutash handwork on the jacket and cocktail dress. She had -white accessories and wore a large blue and white picture hat. They will reside in Sarnia. • coming to a complete stop. The turn, however, must be onto the street immediately to the right and mist not impede the flow of traffic, he said. Sprarelig Is Best To Kill Chicory 'CKNXRAFFERTY. LEAVES 'CKNX JOINS KITCHENER TV Torn Rafferty, who for the past eight.years has been an announcer on the_staff of station CKNX, .has accepted-. a position with station OKCO-TV, Kitchener, and will as- sunie his new duties around the first of*Angust. He will join Don Hildebrand, another former mem- ber of OKNX, and will- work as sports announcer on the Kitchener television station.—Wingham Ad- vance -Times. LEESON—GOLLEY Amidst a setting of slimmer flowers and lighted tapers, the chancel of St: Paul's Anglican Chuech, Wingham, was' the scene of 'a pretty double -ring ceremony at high noon on Saturday, July 17, when Grace Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Colley became the bride of Gary Leonard Leeson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Leeson, Goderich. Rev. H. L. Parker, Rector of the Church, officiated. Mrt.era El- liott4. presided at the 'rgan for "The Bridal Chorus," fr Lohen- grin, and as accompaniSt for the - soloist, Mrs. Marie .Deuglas, who sang "Wedding Prayer' »foflowihg the ceremony at the altar. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a strapless ballerina -length gown' ,'Of white nylon marquisette 'With shirred Those bright blue flowers WhiCh you may see along roadsides or lanes, or in meadows about this time of Year, are probably Chicory. rf the flowers are about the size of a fifty cent piece, attached close- ly to an otherwise bare branch of the nd,theleaves are a clust- er close to the ground, the shape of dandelion leaves, then the plant is almost» sure to be Chicory. Chicory is a perennial 'weed with a deep tap root. This root» has been some- tintes dried, ground and mixed with coffee—but »that isn't always what is wrong with the cOffee. An average pleat »of Chicory will produce about 3,000 seeds a year, so it islikely to be around for quite a ;while yet. It causes con- siderable loss in meadows and long term pastures, and detracts »from the appearance el roadsides, since the.stenis ate tall, brownish, »bushy, 'almost without upper leaves. Chicory is not often troublesome in the regular crop rotation. It can be eliminated from long term pastures »and meadows by :plowing and cropping for a year or two. In unworkable fielale,aerareadaidgea, it car-ilk—Controlled by spraying with 2-4-D at »a rate of about 16 ounces » of 2-4-D acid per acre. Spraying gives best results early in June, or any time up until the first blossoms appear. Cutting is not too successful, since regrowth is rapid and new flowers and seeds are formed in a few weeks, BENMILLER BENIKILLER,, July 21. ---,Mr. and Mrs.- E. D. Snyder, of Moose Jaw, Sask., and Norman Snyder, Wood- stock, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Fisher. About 30 members of the Snyder family held a reunion dinner re- cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Snyder. James Stanley, Grand Bend, visit- ed at the home of his» grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Straughan. Miss Joan Fisher, Goderich, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Fisher. MOTORIST IS romp ' FOR FAULTY BRAKES Magistrate A. F. Cook, Stratford, in court here last» Thursday, found a Goclerieh youth, Kenneth Horton, not guilty of cereless» driving, but fined him $10 and costs or 10 days for having -faulty brakes. ' Horton had been charged as the Tuuttawr, Jr4.4,y und, result of an accident On ,Tune 20 on Brock street near Vieterke Evidence was that a ear driven by the accused rounded the comer from Victoria to Brock street, skid, ded and hit a tree. Horton elaj ed that the accelerator pedal atuck. Constable Howard Watson, who. investigated, told the court he found a skid mark measuring 53 feet. He said he tested the vehicle following the aecident and found that the brakes were in poor con. dition. »_ FOR BEAUTIFUL WAILS AND %. CEILINGS .000 . • • • • , • • 00.'00 • • • • •• ,THE» SUPERIOR RUBBER -:BASE PAINT PAPER HANGING A countryman started off to th city on a train. » There was a sheriff across the aisle and a man in hand- cuffs. "What's wrong with him?" he asked. "Bugs," said the sheriff, pointing to the prisoner's bead. "He's crazy." »a "Bugs in his head and his hands handcuffed," said the man. "No wonder he'S crazy!" Reliable Dutch•%vallpaper hangers with over 50 years experience. UPHOLSTERING Dependable workmanship by craftsman of long experience. FLOOR COVERINGS Linoleum and carpets laid. • M. A. A. VAN der MEER. R.R. 2,»»»»Godericii Phone: 932r15, Goderick 26-28x • CI col 32. r111 , PIANOS -TUNING -&- REPAIRING • PLASTICS & PLASTIC PRODUCTS • JEWELLERS • CLEANERS & DYERS • VO. iust'between us girls, . . look in the ik u • ,HAIRDRESSERS & BEAUTY PARLOURS • HOUS[ FURNISHINGS • TAXICABS • RAILROAD TICKET. ARMES, • • "WOW `" PACES TTL E TOP' CONTEST codail (Color} ' - Richard Derr, Barbara Rush CARTOON:a:NEWS sopelimAleowil•000sopeoimise" 'Box Office open' 8 t:ci.m. 4 First show at dusk thildrari uuder 2 vet. fn cars free TWO', illijhfly-arainaor clear , I , IT'S 'BARGAIN BUY JULY AT STUDEBAKER DEALERS Biggest trades OSI» deals »»! Lowest terms! TETT ':1;;ff•i1641441001"61110101111.01.11, „ „ , a,:eaakaaaaaeesee World» champion in beauty and economy ! 30 international style awards! VICTORIA ' '61 to 130 more miles per tankful a 5 • E AT TERRIFI CASH VINO. 1 You just can't beat this Studebakdr deal—you cdn'I - even tie it anywhere in town. We're out to top all » records for selling new Stude- bakers—and we know full well that money talks—so we're saving you money sensationally! Come in and drive home the mbst beautiful automo- bile in Canada—a brilliant Studebaker Commander V-8 or' a gas -saving Studebaker Champion Six. The lid is off! Were really dealing at Studebaker this month! Come in and get the most terrific new car bargain of yoUr lifetime! Advanced design assures top resale value! • -See us before taking anybody else's deal ! •PHONE 717 ,* 0