HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-07-22, Page 517, ••• • - 111URSPAY., WLY 2ande 1954 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH J y LY 25th, ST. JAME,S'DAY 8.30 a.m.. HOLY COMMUNION. • 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER, AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and NursaY) TUE OOPE' REV. KENNg11•1 E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D.,- Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster k., North Street and Victoria Street United Churches UNITED SUMMER SERVICES. IN NORTH STREET CHURCH FOJULY. Minister, REV. D. W. WILLIAMS,' BA. 10 a.m. Sunday School as usual in each chach. 11 a.m. "The Glory of God and the Honor of Kings." Junior Congregation and Nursery. Evening service withdrawn for summer months. Eleanor Ewing, B.A. (Musjc) A.T.C.M. Organist and Choirleader -------- • FRUITS of the CHRISTIAN LIFE Happiness, contentment, security, Fiope, peace of mind —Those are the fruits of the Christian Life. 'To receive those fruits you must first accept Christ. RDS OF JESUS ARE GOD'S PLAN FOR YOU.( 1.0 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. , (Nursery and Junior" Congregation) , THE REV. JAS. A. WEST, B.A., B.D., ST. THOMAS. (-ft xttlx lOre,.,butertatt Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.P..C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL STREET • • Organist: Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. .11 a.m. "KEEP THY HEART WITH ALL DILIGENCE." 7 p.m, REV. R. LAMB, B.A., B.D., AT BOTH SERVICES. "THE PRODIGAL SON." 4: • 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. Free Methodist Church CORNER VICTORIA AND PARK STREETS • REV. MARTHA MARLATT, PASTOR. SUNDAY SCHOOL. MORNING WORSHIP. EVENING WORSHIP. Each Wednesday Prayer Meeting. 01,1101M1.11•11•11111111, Look, DAD! The Beautiful New Super -Cycle 46.95 MORE SPEED MORE STYLE MORE SAFETY FEATURES. LOWER , PRICED Your new Super -Cycle Bicycle Is designed for the utmost_ in beauty and riding comfort, and en - &neared for the most dependable road perform- anaM- It's a statidout.for style, specd and rugged durability. FEATURES — High–Iustro baked -en • enamel finish; fast -stopping Perry Coaster Brake; • English chain' rind pedals; luxury -ride saddle with all-, weather top. Big savings, at Canadian Tire. A1.11. SIZES— One LoW Price .95 See the new 3 -speed Road Racer ASSOCIAT E..-== - oe. BEAUTY AND THE BEASi — One of a herd of 168 outstanding Aberdeen Angus cattle recently purchased in Virginia by E. P. Taylor, Toronto industrialist, for his Windfields Farm, is this prized bulL"Tolan Bandolier", enjoying his first meal of Canadian grass. The "beauty", wearing the latest fashion in skirts for girls in rural areas, is Fay Hartley, daughter of James Hartley, manager of Windfields Farm. MAN ESCAPES INJURY AS TRUCK HITS TREE A Goderich man, Thomas Cook, narrowly escaped- injury on Tues- day when his truck left the road two miles south of Goderich on Highway 21 and smashed into, e, tree. . .The truck received extensive ciaMege amounting to about ' $450. Constable Morley Groves, of the. Goderich detachment, Ontario Pro- vincial Police, investigated. SHEPPARDTON ,SHEPPARDT01\ July 21. —C arl and Garry Stoddart, of Goderich, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crawford, Linda and Douglas, visited over the week -end in Toronto with Mt. Crawford's brother, Harvey, Mrs, Crawford and family. Mrs. William Fater, Misses (Margaret and Marion Foster, of Kitchener, spent the past week at the home of Mrs. Agnes Foster. •••••••••••••••••••••••• BE SURE IT'S TO*1444-8774-R- aining Ship t. Iar�abe late4 .r For Visit To-Gderieb On Augm 0 : The St. aarenabe, the OnlY Cave Olen. training ship,'Whiele is eruis- ing the siGreat Lakes this summer, s slated to arrive in Goderiele on , ugust 9. , This is 4lie first time that the ii.has Riede a lake ernJs- :ia11y, it cruises 'the Saguenay, fhe •St, Lawrence Rill* the WI of St. 4aWaterr p(! the Pay of Clialear During Jury and Motet, the ship can' at eighteen .different ports 'egvdit'etdhe t•oalyvoic4alit _trepsioulapti.on will. be Visitors will lie allowed on board from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and from 7 to 9 in the evening. Ad- enissio.n, of course, is free. Former. Fairmile The Marine School of the Pro- vince of Quebec is proud of the St. Barnabe because it is the only _institution of the kind in Canada to possess its own training ship. The St. Barnabe gives to the students the occasion to put into actual practice the various lessons studied eduring the courses at the school. .S.t....Raenab.e.e_aamed_ after an island situated in the St. Lawr- ence River off Rimouski was built en 1942 by the Royal Canadian Navy. It is of the-Fairmile class 'which has rendered such valuable -service to our eountry- -during the last war, Purchased by the Que- chee Government in 1947, it was converted into a training ship at the St. Laurent shipyards, on the Isle of Orleans. She is 114 feet long by 18 feet wide, ef 86 tons tonnage and carries a crew of 36. She is powered with two "Buda" diesel motors rated at • 480 h.p., burns from 9 to 10 gallons of o' per hour and has a speed of 1 knots.. Her tanks have a capacity of 1,500 gallons and she can cruise for 2,000 miles withput refuelling. A special cabin has been erected on the main bridge containing a class- room and a lounge room. An upper bridge .has also been con- structed to carry two life -boats use in- life-savi-ng-e-xereises. - $310 IN PRIZES Cash prizes totalling $310 will be given to Goderich ladies. The details are to be found in an ad- vertisement elsewhere in this issue. The money has been dep9sita—With- the Signal -Star by the advertiser as a guarantee that the cash prizes will be paid. -28:29- Sales of Canada's retail merch- ants topped all previous annual re- -tords in 1953, aggregating $12,092,174,000, BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) ' Waterloo and Elgin REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES - 10 a.rn. Sunday SChool. SAVE TOrnorrow's generation TODAY 11 a.m. Moehing Worship—"Th.e Baptism of the Holy Ghe'st." 7.30 p.m. Evening Service—"The Foolishness, Weakness and Power of God." ° Tuesday 8 p.m.,. Bible Study Prayer Meeting.' Friday, 8 .p.m: Young People's Service. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME 44•100••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• THE VOICE OF BETHEL • • • -REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER • • • IS THERE ETERNAL PUSHISHMENT? • • • "Ye shalt not surely die." •Gen. 3:4. These words were • • • spoken by the 'serpent to Eve in the Garden of Eden. Eve • believed them although they were FALSE. She ateand gave • • to Adam and he did eat. The terrible aftermath of expulsion, 2 • • sorrow, pain, murder and death was the PRICE paid for SIN. • • „Prom EVE'S DAY until TO -DAY Satan has succeeded in • having people follow her example. There are any number of people who profess to believe there is no eternal punishment.. Jesus tells of a certain rich man in fires of torrnenr after .2 death, Luke 16:19-31. The Master declares in Matt 25:46 ; "And THESE shall go away into everlasting punishment: but • the' righteous into life eternal!" Still :these deceivers declare that God means something else. They infer that God was • not wise' enough to make His plan plain and their. dextrous Aro wresting of the scriptures is the solution. The people of • Noah's day DID NOT BELIEVE a flood would come. It came • • 0 • • • • • • U&LHJLII LJ • ICE cREAm,„ •. • • • • In it is the very finest of ingredients Ask for it at your neighborhood dealer's BISSET BROS. Saltford Heights Creatnety • and took them in its judgment. Only EIGHT BELIEVED and • prepar.ed for judgment and were spared. The men of Sodom did not beleive fire wouldburn up their city. This did not • hinder its fulfillment. Only THREE who believed and escaped • were safe. The great city of Nineveh • BELIEVED, repented • ' • and escaped the outpouring of the. wrath of God. There was a • time when the' rich man would accept this "NO ETERNAL • PUNISHMENT teaching" but he knows better NOW. He be- • lieved' too late. Chances are his- brothers fourid .out THE • • TRUTH the SAME WAY. • • • • • Sponsored by Bethel Adult Class. • • • • empoomeitoseobieeoesosoiseeese••••••••••••••••••• When it's it's READIN make Look for the Red to surc you are getting genuine, top-quulity fittliOUS READIVIG omouj, READING America's Largest Selling Anthracite DEAN COAL CO. PHONE 95W ALBEitT ST. 4000.0010.00**101M000410/01, 00,4110100.0.411•111611414.041141041100.,000004,11141641400041.004111411.110 •-• KNOX HOME arlimts HAVE ANNUAL MEET The annual meeting of the "Home Helpers" of Knpx Presby- terian church W.M$. was Reid in eheeIeeture hall Atf—t-ilg Tuesday afternoon with a splendid attendance„ The president en - tended a welcome to the House. 'Helpers and told of tne ,early, be, ginnings of that department. She.; also expressed appreciation of 'the work and interest of ,Mrs. Con. Bissett, Home Helpers secretary. The visiting committee reported 38 hospital cane and 25 home calls. It was noted that Dee sUpply alloea- tion has not yet been reached. A meditation, Scripture reading and prayer was given by Miss Lily McArthur, Teronto, National Secre- tary for children's work. Miss Faye Brereton sang -a solo accom- panied at the piano by her sister, Miss Frances Brereton. Guest speaker for the meeting was Peter Walter, Whose topic was "Freedom and Truth," - After-the-closingeprayer Mr`E. Robert Bisset, a social half hour with refreshments was enjoyed. PERSONAL MENTION acebriar Mr. S. B. Stothers of Lucknow called on friends in town on Tues- day. "Steve" returned recently from a trip to Minnesota, where he visited members of the Andrew family, close kin of the Stothers clan. Although retired after many -years as Ptrovincial agricultural representative in several Ontario counties, he keeps himself busy in various activities, and looks about as youthful as when he was "ag. rep." in Huron a quarter-century ago. James °Stewart, Detroit, is in town on his annual summer visit. and Mrs. Fred Robinson and three children of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Robinson, Wolfe street. Recent vigitors with Mrs. J. W. Smith, East street, .were her grand- daughter, Mrs. Ruth Thompson, and small daughter Kathe Ann, of Wyandotte, Mich. ° Mr. and Mrs. Don Mason of Houston, Texas, are visiting with Mmarsc.EwJ,anE., Mason and Mrs W. G. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dreany are new residents of Goderich, having taken an apartment on North street. Mr. Dreany is with the R.C.A.F. at Clinton. He formerly was employed on The Gazette at Bracebridge. Mrs. George Collins and daugh- ter Sheila and Cecily of Wexford, Ontario, are spending a week with the former's sister, Mrs. Malcolm Mathers, and Mr. Mathers. Immigrants entering Canada in 1953 totalled 169,000. • Place Settings HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE PHONE .01 1447.77.111111.1114, ABOUT 70 ATTEND THE WATCH YOUR YOUNG' PEOPLE'S CAMP About 70 member g lef Huron and SI6NAL-STAR Perth Young People's Unions at- tended the one week camp at the Goderich Summer School, which ended Sunday last, In charge was Rev. Peter Renner of Bayfield while the director was Miss Margaret Holland, Clinton. There were about 140 at the banquet held on Friday night last, Pe "Oh, doctor, I'm so upset," said the woman. "My husband seems to be wandering in his mind." "Don't let that worry you," re- plied the doctor. "I know your husband—he can't go -far." "What would I get," inquired the man who had just insured his pro- perty against fire, "if this building should burn down tonight?" "I would say," replied the insur- ance -agent, "about ten years." for DTSTR Auction Sales • ••• CARS 53 FORD SEDAN 52 CHEV COACH 52 FORD SEDAN 52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 52 MONARCH SEDAN 51. OLDS COUPE• $1695 1495 .1550 150 1950 1750 895 1250 1350' 1'250 1095 1195 47 119e 895 575 895 950 695 750 695 695 695 51 HENRY J 51 FORD COACH 51 CHEV CUSTOM TUDOR 50 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR 59 METEOR COACH 50 OHEV SEDAN • • 50 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 49 MONARCH COUPE 49 HILLMAN 49 MERCURY COUPE 49 FORD COACH 48 FORD COACH 48 PONTIAC GOACH 47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 47 MERCURY COACH 47MERCURY COACH Many of these cars have many extras, such as: Radio% Sun Visor', 2 -Tone Paint, Turn Signsds, Undercoating, Slifi Covers - 47 CHRYSLER 559 47 MERCURY SEDAN 395 42 PYIYIOUTHSEDAN 295 39 CHEV COACH- ' 125 37 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 50 TRUCKS 52 FORD I/2 TON $1250 50 GMC 1/2, TON 550 50 FORD 1/2 TON 750 49 FORD % TON 750 47 FORD 3- TON 350 DODGE TON 395 Tractors INTERNATIONAL 10-20 $150 51 CAM 725 48 FORD 725 4, 44 FORD 595 45 FORD 595 48 FORD 725 48 FORD 725 ALL OUR USED CARS &TRUCKS WARRANTEED IMION TINS OR A9° MILES ACCORD.tN0 50 Sti, WARIA.NMS •;.• Alla MAY BE REPAIRED BY ANY AUTHORIZED SEIWARRANTY DEALER IN THE UNITED STATES AtilitANADA t *AnnAms car.,ste-sistirclies • - Goderich sotirn ST0 •