HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-07-01, Page 7Kin Rose Marie Chisholm, nurse- -training St. Joseph's Hospitid, laden, is enjoying a three-Weelp' acation at her honae here. ',Victor Kadonaga, former student, £- Goderich District Collegiate In- itute, has been . granted the de- ee of Batheler, of Pedagogy. ter &Wing frcnn the Gode- iell v ate Institute; he receiv- do ..degree from McMaster leavers • and has been teaching n a school in Hamilton recently. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT • . M. HARrain, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT South St. Goderiok Ont. CHIROPRACTIC ERBERT SUCK D.C. Doctot.of Chiropractic. Office Hours Mon., Phurs --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri -9 a.ni. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to.,8 p.m. Wed. dr Sat. 9 to 11,30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy ce— Corner of South St. and nnia Road. Phone 3441. Berries red, Have no dread, Berries white, Poisonous sight, Leaves three, • Quickly flee! This "poetic" jingle 'may not come within the real* of. inspired, verse but 'at least it conveys, in easily remembered form, a good description of that sctiurage of rural and city dweller alike — Poison Ivy. "Poison Ivy is a 'Weed to be fear- ed by says the Crops Branch F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST iihone, 1100 for aPpolutment SQUARE G °DEMOB Roy N. Bentley PLIBLEC ACCOUNTANT 4 BRITANNIA ROAD ' (corner South Street) Phone 1011 ,Goderich, Ont. of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. It can cause Untold mis- ery to 'all who come into contact with it. Many a farmer and city resident can ruefully testify as to the toxic effect of the plant. Poison Ivy is usually found just where one wishes to play-, and re- lax, in playgrounds,mka, .in 0,0 wild 'berry patch, along roadsides.' A low 'growing plant or a elimber it 'has three bright leaves with a -cluster of pale flowers, under the leaves, producing pale grey seeda. This plant will spread also from under ground runners. Contact witla.this, weed even by walking through a patch will cause a skin rash or itch, which: can be very painful. Consult a phYsicigh at once for asafe remedy. Summer campers and children who do not recognize the plant are the most common victims Everyone should Make an effort to know the appear- ance of this pest and avoid it. Grubbing out all plants is .prac- trar-ir-frOjpee lifitibiTh -We taken not to come in contact with broken or crushed plants. Chem- icals such as Amate, Sodium Chlor- ate, Atlacide and 2-4D are- recont- m.encled but more than one applica- tion is necessary to eradicate all plants. The Ontario Department of Agriculture has a pamphlet "Poison Ivy" that" should he read 'by everyone., For happy vacations stay away from Poison Ivy. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES YOU NO, LONGER REQUIRE CAN BE TURNED INTO USEFUL CASH! USE SIGNAL -STAR CLASSIFIEDS. Peter S. MacEwan EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling one 466J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Godericii, Ont. Are you planning to BUILD a NEW HOME REMODEL REPAIR 300 PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM PLUMBING ALSO DONE. ALL WORK GUARANTEED HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 ,or Hairy Edwards, Goderich Phone 144 0, F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., GoderiCh Phone 18w ART' THOMAS l3RIOKWORK PLASTERANG CONTRAMOX BRITANNIA ROAD, ULU amillimis11111111111Minimmusi NO ONCILNJURRO AS 014, Tplerit OJUE No one injured i -ear- truck colliion Wednesday of last week one-"alf mile west of Kirkton. Involv * in 'the crash were a truck dri en by Harold Siemon, 1.4 iGoderiat, and a car driven by AIrs. ZnAantide Maga, RA. 1, Kirk - ton. The tEringa car was said to have beenbaking a left turn when it struck the truck. Damage -amounted to about $125, ,Constable- Cecil bbona of the Exeter detachment, Ontario' Pro- vincial Police, investigated. Clinton Youth's • 'Midnight Ride' Bring Sentences Hon:-Jarnes-CN-Gardinerr-who-on, 'Friday last marked his 40th year in Dorniniori-Proaincial politics.' His parants farmed for many years in Vslaorne Township, Huron County. Close to 250 attended the Snell reunion recently at the Londesboro community hall. Following a pro- gram of sports and races, dinner was served in the newly decorated hall, with its baskets of pink and white peonies, Rev. Harold Snell, Exeter, was chairman for the- business period and the program which followed. Officers for the next year are: president, Humphrey Snell Gray, Benton Harbor, Mich.; vice-presi- dents, Hugh Hill, Goderich; Rev. H. Snell, Exeter, and William Snell, Lambeth; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Robert Welsh, R.R. Bayfield. -Miss Mary Jayne Snell, Clinton, accompaniedlby Mrs. Ed. Wendorfi- Clinton, sang. A skit entitled "How to get rid of agents," was acted by Mrs. Ronald MacDonalch, Mrs. Ivan -Hoggart, and Mrs. James Snell; and a duet was sung lo,y Barbara and Bonnie Snell, Londes7 boro. Mrs. Mead gave a reading, while Catherine Welsh, R.R. 2, Bay- field, accompanied by Mrs. Ed: Wendorf, sang two aolos. Hugh Hill, Goderich, extended thanks' to the president, Mr. Gray, and , extended congratulations,' to him, for being chosen, Benton Harbor's "Man of the Year." • T. PRYDE ds SON Clinton., Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 413, Exeter and we shall be pleased. to caa - H. M. FORD Get Instered---Stuy Insured Rest Assured Bank of Com. Bldg. ' TELEPHONE 368W SUPERIOR PROPANE GAS for better cooking, •water heating and refrigeration GAS Alf. J. Schmidt, representative. Stratford Phones 3260. Res. 3051R P.O. Box 98 -28tf Now a Summer Fill -up Price of $25.00 per ton Be Wise, Place Your Order No ! AGENTS FOR TEXACO FURNACE AND STOVE OIL. 5 Phone 75W. ,, East End Nelson St. 20tf • .Seqiiel to a "midnight ride" ./hrough_tje streets of Clinton in a horse:drawn buggy came in court here last Thursday afternoon when Magistrate, D: E. Holmes convicted Alvin Fowler, 20, of Clinton, on chutes of theft of fi horse and of being in @large of a horse while drunk. Fowler Was sentenced to 18 days on the theft charge and was fined $25 and costs or 410 days to be consecutiVe with the first sentence for the drunk count. Dismissed were charges of -being disorderly, assaulting police con.. stables and wilful damage. Fowler ' was alleged to have stolen a horse 'belonging to John MeClinchey on June 12. Marshall Young, Hullett Township, said that MeClinchey and Fowler came to his hotise after they had been drinking during the afternoon at a' nearby trailer. He said they had talked for a while in the house, then Fowler went outside and drove away in the horse and buggy. • No Permission McClinchey claimed he did not give Fowler permission to take' the' rig. He said he had been,asleep in a chair when Fowler left. Mrs. 'Margaret McCartney told fhe court that at about 10.30 p.m. on -June 12 she heard a noise out- side her home, lookedaout and. saw. a man on horseback with a buggy hitched behind. Later she heard a' crash And saw the buggy tangled in a rose trellis in her garden. -Police told of arresting Fowler later at night on the road leading to Bayfield. They said they had considerable difficulty with him, that he punched one of them and kicked another. .Chief Joseph Fer- rand said that in his opinion the accused was drunk when brought to the police station for question- ing. Fowler -claimed McClinchey had given ,him permission to take the horse and buggy. He said the horde was nervous and had got out. of control, racing' into the rose trellis and garden. He admitted he had been drinking but main- tained he was not drunk. When officers apprehended him, ' he said, they did not tell him he was. under arrest or what charges would be laid. J. K. Hunter, of Goderich, Fowler's counsel, pointed out Fowler hjd served .12 days in jail awaitinial. "Stop, look, listen! Those three words 'illustrate the whole scheme of life," said he. "You se a pretty girl; you stop; you look; after you marry her, 'and lfiosrtent,h,e rest of your life, you Lack, of corroboration a wit- nesses resulted in dismissal of a dharge o selling liquor contrary to the Canada Temperance Act laid Gordonagateat Irwin, of Goderich, , court here last Thgraday. Irwin was alleged to have sold beer to a grouti of youths on Julie 5. - One witness,, William Garrick, claimed he obtained beer froni the accused on • the night in question and paid $4 'for a case of one dozen pints. He admitted under cross-examin- ation that he had obtained beer in Thedford on the afternoon ef June 5, but claimed that beer which police found in his car at night was obtained from the accused. He admitted he had told police at firsk.thatherhad obtained the beer at home and• then changed his story. Another witness, William Arm- strong, claimed that there was no beer in his car when he and Gar- rick and other youths , allegedly went to Trwin's home. He said he heard 'bottles rattle whenaGarrick got, into the car after apparently going to the Irwin home. He ad- mitted, however, that he had been sleeping and that he had not wit- nessed any sale. - Irwin denied selling beer at any time to the youths. •He said that Garrick had been to -his 'house two weeks previously and was told there was no beer. He claimed he never bought any beer of the brand which Garrick claimed he had 'bought. His wife supported the claims and said that she and her husband were up town on the night in ques- ....„.......................................... I . _ . . • SUMMER FESTIVAL i . • _ St. Peter's Church Lawn -- I It SATURDAY EVENING -JULY 3rd : : • I ' BLANKET WHEEL- — BINGO , • • • FISH POND — PONY RIDES-- •• I HOT DOG — POP — WE CREAM ' • • c • 1 PIE — . COFFEE,, '. i I • FUN FOR ALL • • i , OM. The youths bad zol Oegt tine house to her limowledm said. Irwin was represented by J, Ls. Hunter. • :IGiFrr °ar°dpsi:,i:4,:g'.:iC cently:landed:a,cWg116 poindstwo ounees eMitnd iiverua.o0soom4'. Anything to Sell! Anything? Ite a classited al in The Signal -Star, ,immommiimmowilowii.,,,,;;00P-14,41:10,(041140wwwoio , ff, Thurs., Fri. „ July 1-2 Edmund O'Brien', Yvonne De Carlo • CARTOON — NEWS , •••••••••••••••••••mai Sat., Mon. •July XS - "Broken OAtrow" (COLR) Deborah Page, James Stewart CARTOON — NEWS •••••••••••••••••••••••• Sunday Midnight 'July 4 (only) N/111 'blue coal' WARM HOMER MONO The 'blue coal' Budget Plan plus the warm weather discount now available add up to dollars saved on next winter's heating budget. Easy monthly payments how, on the .'blue coal' _ Budget Plan assure you Of paid-up heat alt winter long. ORDER 'blue ccoali NOW—and SAVE!! PHONE TODAY—PHONE NOW ' • (Adult Entertainment) Richard Widenark, Marilyn Monroe • CARTOON — NEWS moseettre••••••••••••1 Tues., Wed. July 6-7 "Sabre:Jet" • (Color) Coleen Gray, Robert Stack , CARTOON --. NEWS 04041/400•001141MOINDOINDOOEMODO Thurs., Fri. July' 8-9 Never Forget You" (COLOR) Ann Blyth, Tyrone Power • CARTOON — NEWS )00911101141140041110011141100011101110111411 Sat., Mon. July 10-12 "Rhurbarb Ray Milland, Jan Sterling 845 • CARTOON — NEWS 111411•••••••••••••01101,4100110111 I Box Office open 8 p.m. Firtt show at dusk Children under 12 yrs. in cars free Two shows nightly—rain or clear PHONE 98 GODERICH e • • • • *sr • • • • • •i• • o• woe* • • • • •• e • •• • • ••• • • •• •• • • • • iro.rn.and _8.30 pan. E PRINCE EL KIGORDO • and his LIONS E IL COLE and - -- herd of ELEPHANTS ARMY OF' CLOWNS TRAPEZE ARTISTS. --101 •THILLS! .41 .• Children's Favorite WORLD WAN1011 IRCUS STARS It's All New ---It's DifferentAt's Thrilling! Acrobats -Ponies -.Monkeys A GODERICH LIONS k CLUB COMMUNITY PRPJECT