HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-06-10, Page 77, Ri. a •...u.'.atw:r TH iRSDAY, JUNE 10th, 104 -. '.�=cncitrrnw:tca LW -° ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH 4AL ,JUNE 13—TRINITY SUNDAY t„ 8.30 a,.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m. • MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregationand Nursery) NO EVENING SEVICE. Friday, June 11—St. Barnabas' Day Holy Communion at 10:30 a.m. (in the chapel) REV. KENNETH E. TAYL;ORt," M.A.; D.D„ Rector MR.' J. F. STEPHENS, •M.A.. Organist .and Choirmaster North Street United Church • • 1, • ti JUNE 13, 1954 FLOWER SUNDAY A Floral Clock will be the centre of interest in the morning service 11 A.M. REV. GEORGE WATT of Dungannon will be the guest speaker atthe evening service ° 7 P.M. Please support the Bible Society pp Y with your gifts. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A. -MINISTER Eleanor Ewing, B.A. (Music) A.T.C.M. Organist and Choirleader , Ain 111111101111111111 IS AT YOUR .GATE He Seeks to Bring Into Your Home The Eternal Peace of Purposeful Living— To Fill Your Heart With Inner Satisfaction. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU 1p• a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11. a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. �ztux 3rihgtethin Cnl��xril� Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise Farewell Services of Worship 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "OUR GOD IS A PERSONAL FRIEND." (Ordinance of Believer's Baptism) 7 p.m. "TILL HE COME." • Communion Service. Friday 5 p.m.—Sunday School Picnic at ,Bayfield. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH • MONTREAL STREET Minister: REV. IAN` G. HIND, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. Free Methodist Church CORNER VICTORIA AND PARK STREETS REV. MARTHA MARLATT, PASTOR. REVIVAL SERVICES FOR 5 NIGHTS—JUNE 13-17 AT 8 P.M, REV. J. A. ROBB, LONDON Hear him Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night MINISTERING THE 'GOSPEL - "It is the Power of God unto Salvation to everyone that believeth'," Rom. 1:16. BETHEL .TABERNACLE (Ientecostal Assemblies of Canada) Waterloo and Elgin REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES': . 10 a.m. Sunday School. SOWING POR ETERNITY. 11 a.m. Morning Worship ---A GREAT KING BUT, A POOR FATHER. 7.30 p.m. Evening Worship—A WANDERING CHILD AND A FATHER'S PRAYERS. Tuesday 8 p,m. Bible Study' and Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m. Young People's Service. Wm. McKinnon--E.P.B,C. Graduate—Speaker. THE LITTLE CHURCH WiTH •THE BIG WELCOME Victoria Street Unitd Church SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1954 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 10 a.m. BENMILLER. 11,15 a.m. VICTORIA STREET. 3 p.m. UNION CHURCH. BIBLE SUNDAY Pastor—Rev. •,D. W. "Williams, B.A. Organist—Mr. Bert Kempster. Lutheran Church Service SUNDAY, JUNE 13 at 3 'P.M. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN tCHAPEL--EAST ST. •Service will be condubted in English and German languages. REV. WALKER BEKER, OF BRODHAGEN, IN 'CHARGE EVERYONE IS WELCOME n T: OD I G T' ly.. !UJ L'. • • w4 • • PREP FOR BATTLE, Rocky Marciano, heavyweight champion of the world, smites as if he's pleased with himselfas he tapes •_ his hand hefore,,a workout at the Grossingerx New York training camp. He` will do battle with Ezzard Charles, right, at Y`''ankee Stadium on June 17 and Ez is hoping he'll be the first man in fight .history to regain the title he once held Farmer Local Woman's Son Outsrtanding U.S. Airman The son of a former Goderich and themen at his base endorses woman, T/Sgt. James G. Taman the commander's eommenda•tioin,. `has tried all the branches of the He and his wife and their two - service in the United States and month-old daughter live in Vanden - chooses the Air Force. berg Village. Son • of Mrs. Cyril Proctor, of, Toronto, and grandson of the late Albert Bown, Dunlop Hill, Sgt. Taman is now attached to the 36th 'Command Squadron. According to write-ups in United States 'papers, his choice paid off, for he was chosen as outstanding airman of -the month; 'As the re- sult, he ad his wife received many gifts, spent a week -end at a De- troit hotel with all •expenses paid, r;ceivd neryv car to drive, and appeared on TV in Detroit. An aviation radiorhan in the navy, Sgt. Taman re-enlisted in the army in communications" and work- ed up through the ranks as a radio operator to First Sergeant. Tainan, • although holding the rah•k of First Sergeant, drew the pay of Technical Sergeant for many of his 42 months overseas. • When he was discharged from the Army he enlisted in the Air Force, and says he likes it so much he plans to finish out a .20 or 30 - year stretch in the air force uni- form. He has been commended by his Squadron Commander as .exempli- fying the •finest. in the air force A real bargain in good reading familylld and * Weekly Canada's National Farm Magazine NOW AVAILABLE AT YOUR 'LOCAL STORE DEALER! A Canadian magazine for Canadians from coast-to-coast. The F INEGAN—COOKE• Victoria - Street United Church was the scene of a pretty June wedding on Saturday at 3.30 p.m., when Donalda Joan Patricia, sec- ond youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooke was united in marriage to John Leroy Finegan, of Guelph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finegan, of Weston. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. D. W. Williams, HurlAX6 RCAF F BaseS pastor music waslayed the hu The wed- ding played by Bert 9 Kempster, organist. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strain of Lohegrin Wedding March. She was dressed in a wedding When the gown of white slipper satin, with gates of the big air fitted bodice of chantilly lace all station at Centralia swing open to over silk net skirt, floor -length veil the public at -bne o'clock on Sat with lover's knot of inlaid satin urday in observance of Air Force ried a white Bible with corsage o£ at the back and corners. She car - Day visitors will see the planes white ca and materials used at Canada's carnations and a cascade of busiest training station; they'll white er T attend ants were her two meet the men and women who, sisters. Miss Gertrude Cooke look - serve Canada in the air and they ll --i ed charming as bridesmaid gowned view a thrilling air show featuring both jet and piston -engine planes. in a„, floor -length dress of pink At the RCAF Station at. Clinton Isatin with all over net on skirt. car - visitors see a technical train --1 She carried bouquet of pink car- nations. Mrs. Jack Solomchuk was ing station which specializes in the education ef" young men and wo- matron' of honor, dressed in a blue men who `will service, operate and 1 brocaded silk gown and carrying a maintain the vital electronic equip- `bouqueLittlt ofSadra blueCooke,ti ece of the ment which is so necessary in mod- ! I bride, was flowergirl, dressed in Have 'Open House Planned Saturday ern aircraft. The great many diversified _activities' on a technical training station will 'capture the interest of young and old alike. Station Centralia is putting the finishing touches on air and ground displays which illustrate the func- tion of the station and the many different sections within it. Many different types • of aircraft will sweep by in formation 'and precis- ion flying routines during the air show part of the program while trained parachutists will perform a mass jump from a giant RCAF C-119 Packet. On the. ground interesting ex- hibits will show how today's airman is employed in different trades; what he has to eat; the clothes he wears and the quarters provided him. "Open House" at Centralia, from one to five o'clock, is an annual event on 'Air Force Day with this year's program promising 4to outshine all others, CREWE CREWE, June 9.—Mr. and Mrs "",the groom is with the Ontario Pro- Aldin Hasty and three daughters ncial Police detachment. of Grimsby, were week -end visitors Prior to her marriage a shower with Mr. and Mrs. .Lorne Hasty', was held for the bride by Mrs. and Will Hasty. Andrew Moore, Huron road, Some David and Bert McWhinney and 30 --friends and neighbors gathered. Edna visited with Mr, and Mrs, The bride-to-be was the recipient John Blake, of Wingham, and at- of many beautiful and useful gifts. tended the Sunday School annivers- A tasty luncheon was served by the ary, hostess, and friends af` the bride. white floral organdy with white straw poke bonnet. She carried a nosegay of pink carnations. Bernard Finegan, . of Weston, only, brother of the groom, ,was groomsman, and Gerald Wilson was best man. Ross Cooke, of Sarnia, and Thomas Cooke, jr., 'of Gode- rieh, -were ushers. The altar was decorated with a basket of white narcissus and tulips Wand bridal wreath' of lily of the valley; and the family, pews with satin bows and orange blossoms. The groom's mother wore navy blue with matching accessories and a corsage of red rose buds. The bride's mother wore navy with white accessories and a corsage of yellow rose buds. Following the marriage a wed- ding dinner was served at the Park House. A reception follow- ed in the evening after which the young couple left on a honeymoon to New York and other points east. On their return they will take up residence in Guelph, where of Electrical Power s. ( In hospitals and laboratories where intricate electrical life-saving equipment is grc ed by skilful hands, there are few to see the miracles wrought. And too, there are few who realize that the heart -beats of electrical power, pulsating over many miles of wire arteries, are watched with such constant care in order that it may -u ' ingly- serve the lives of folk in our neighbourhood. When Hydro service extends a willing hand to the saving of life and assists in attaining a higher level of living, it kindles new hope in our hearts and minds. We are proud of the part we play in making available to Goderich the miraculous service of electricity. Goderich Public Utilities Commission 19, No' tik : to ereditoto I PkJION$ : G CLS ' agains, the. estate .of George Nelson Ttlrrner, late of the `.own of Clinton, in the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the 10th day of lYlay, 1954, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed rby the 121 i day of June, 1954 a after that date the assets of the e estate will he distributed. Dated at the' Town of Goderich, in the County ,of Huron, this 25th day of May, 1954. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario,. 21-23- Solicitor for' the' Estate. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Mary Jane Walters, late of the Township of Colborne, in the bounty of Huron, widow, who died on •or about the 27th day of May, 1954, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 26th day of June;' 1954, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 7th day of June, 1954. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario,- 23-25- ntario,_-23-25- - Solicitor for the 'Estate. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of . William S. Bean, late 'of tie yownship of Colborne, in the doun y of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 1st day of June, 1954, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 26th day of June, 1954, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at, the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this `7th day of June, 1954. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 23-25- Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE• TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Frank Alexander Moseley All persons having claims against the estate of Frank Alexander Moseley, late of •Goderich, de- ceased, who died on or about the 30th day of April, 1954, are hereby notified to send in to the under- signed personal representative of the said deceased on or before the 10th day of July, 1954, •,full par- ticulars of their claims. Immedi- ately after the said date the said personal representative will dis- tribute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. Dated at Goderich this 3rd day of June, 1954. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED, 11 Main St. East, Hamilton; Ontario. Executor. By FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, Ontario, 23-25- Their Solicitor herein. 20. Public Notice PO WH OM IT MAY..„ -CONCERN: Re: That portion of the original road allowance;:between Lots num- bers 5 and 6 in the First Conces- sion of the Township of Goderich, County of Huron, situate, lying and being within the •li'mits of Block B as shown on Plan 13 of,a portion of the said township lots 5 and 6. TAKE NOTICE THAT, pursuant to the Municipal Act;, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243, Section 469 and 472, the. Corporation of the Township of Goderich proposes to pass a By-law for the purposing of closing and stopping up the aforemention- ed portion of road allowance. Section 472 (1) (B) of the Muni- cipal Act provides as follows: "The Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, Solicitor or agent any person, who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by the By-law and who appears to be heard.” A meeting of the Council of the Township of Goderich will be held on the 2nd day of August, 1954, at eight -thirty o'clock in the evening at the Township. Hall at Holmes: vine, in the said township. R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk, Township of Goderich, R.R. No. 2, Clinton, Ontario. 23-26- MIMI" .1111111.1., 21. Business Notice Guaranteed radio service. WILF. REINIART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. ' -12 Blue Water service' Station. Com plete service and repairs. Phone 232, Bayfield road, C. Bannister. -39tf DRAINAGE! FARM AND MUNI- CIPAL tile 4" to 16"; brick, etc. Order now for early delivery. Surveying estimates given, BEN H. JOHNSTON, phone 1094. -7tf HAVE YOUR OLD OAK FLOORS sanded and have the new Light finish. Phone CREE COOK, Clin- ton, 23,1. Bayfield 65 r 2. Call evenings 6-8. -2tf 1 T YOUR PATIO, TERRACE and sidewalk fixed up now. Use' Seaforth Concrete Product Flagstones. Cement floors, stairs and any kind of construction work. Tiles 10" and over for draining are now in stock. Phone Seaforth 22M. SEAFORTH.. CONCRETE PRODUCTS. ` -22-25 I)URINA FEEDS FOR YOUR COWS LAYING HENS kATTENING STEERS OR STEERS FOR GRASS NEXT YEAR ABOVE FEEDS CAN BE SUF- PLIED EITHER AS A COMPLETE RATION OR FEED YOUR OWN GRAIN AND CONCENTRATES. THOSE LITTLE PIGS - GIVE THEM THE ` START THEY NEED' FOR GOOD GAINS WITH PURINA PIG STARTENA ASK) 'YOUR NEIGHBOR AND COIV1E IN "AND SEE US _FOR A RECOMMENDATION: PHONE 1285 OR O31r3, GEO. WRAITH, Montreal SL43t,u rj 5 5 11• S„ily: Fathers Day. ' Delight rth•a card, Send him your love and very best wishes. He'll be pleased thatyou cared .enough to .rend -him the very heft' Corse in—choose yours• today from our' special display HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE PHONE 91 BULLDOZER FOR HIRE. CEL- LARS dug, land cleared, etc. JOSEPH AND GARTH POSTU Y., Phone 906 r 23, Clinton. 23-25x Ernest Giles, Australian explor- er, twice crossed Australia by camel between 1874 and 1876. 22. 'Lost and Found BEAUTIFUL ORANGE- PERSIAN cat lost, unusually large, white 'under thin and on tip of tail. Generous reward.MRS, L. R. „ HOLMAN, phone ' L2 or MRS. F. BULLEN, 884W. ' --23 eee•e•e•e•e•••e•,••e®®•••e•e••••••••e••••••••e _ ®T E VOICE OF ETHEL s •REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER • ' ® LOST --A CROWN, A FORTUNE, A SOUL • •• Stories have been told'of children trading money of greater • value for that of lesser value. Value. was not. considered. • - • APPEAL alone was the consideration. A bright 'nickel was• • • more attractive than a battered quarter. • • We smile and pass it over as the folly of childhood. This 3 ® was by no means a fatal or irreparable exchange. • This world is TERRIBLY CONFUSED, WILLINGLY IGNOR- f • ANT and CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT with regard to.ETERNAL ®. • value& If a king were to lose his crown, an individual 'lose a • • fortune, these are considered major losses. WHAT ABOUT • 3 LOSING ONE'S SOUL? This is ,passed over with a suicidal' 1' • indifference. Parents who will neglect the. BODILY WELFARE • •• of their children are....prosecuted by l The welfare of -the • • SOUL that will spend eternity in HEAVEN or "THE' LAKE OF • • FIRE" is inexcusably NEGLECTED. Great- companies can put ® SOUL-DESTROYING L1'11iRATURE in their HANDS, VIRTUE- • ROBBING, HONOUR -DEGRADING PICTURES before their- * EYES, and CONSCIENCE -DEADENING, BODY -INJURING TO- LBACCO and ALCOHOL to their LIPS with but a FEEBLE PRO - It It is argued we need the revenue from these evils for -the upkeep of our country. Such stupidity! We need this TRAF- FIC if we are to keep our JAILS, PENITENTIARIES, mental • homes FULL. Spend millions on increased policing and pro- • vide a "DOOR TO HELL" for millions of our GIRLS and BOYS. ee What a wilful distortion • of values. Gain the world, lose your -® soul. You have lost ALL now and eternally. • • Sponsored by the Bethel Adult Class. • ••••••••••••••••••••••ewe•eee•eeeee•iieeeeeee••• a • • • s • • til Tirestone THEO� TIRE PROVED ON THE INDIANAPOLIS -SPEEDWAY FOR *fix SAFETY ON THE HIGHWAY BUY THEM AT' GODERICH -MOTORS SOUTH ST. PHONE 83 New Low Prices on Nylons EFFF;CTIVE IMMEDIATELY KAYSER AND ', HOLEPRlOOF FIRST QUALITY NYLON HOSE Reductions 15c to 25c per pair. Same high quality, only Tower in price... RAVE .YOU TRIED HpiaPSOOF N2LONS? GUARANTEED F(a• 'R 7'DAYS AGAINO,SUIT43.. 5