HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-06-03, Page 10- • ft, , , _ THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR • • , •• • THURSDAY, Ji&NE 3r4: 1954 Wednesday noon is deadline for Classified Ads. IFIve iines or less, 50c; 10c for each additional line. 25c extra for office box number. WANT ADS „ Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. Charge of 25c extra W ads not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week pf publication 1A. For Sale. (GeneKal) RANK BARN ON STONE, 56 X 36, ""A excellent eonditien, $700.00. T. R. LEE, Hayfield road. Phone 1190J. -21tf FVENRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR; 22 h.p. Boat hull requires finishing top 20 ft. long, 51,2' wide and 30" deep. HAROLD GLENN, Dungannon. 21x *TOMATOES AND FLOWER plants; also cut flowers. GIBSON'S; 30 Widder street. 21x , A CHOICE -BRED SHORTHORN , — bull from registered stock, 14 _ incinths old. Price reasonable. ' PhOne 1119, Carlow. 21-22x . ... . 1pUREBRED YORKSHIRE BOARS, i" registered if desired; also ' young grass cattle. HARRY 11101VIPSON, R.R. 2, Clinton. -221f Ci...LADIO-LUS BULBS, SPECIAL collection, ,varieties named, wide range .of color, 60c dozen, 50 bulbs $2.50; also mixed colors 40c dozen, 50 bulbs $1.50. L. R. HOL- MAN, 8'7 Cameron street. Phone 722. -14tf or artificial insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7.30 and 10.00 am, on week Sundays. Phone- coliect, Ciinton 242. • 20-24-6,tf TsED KITCHEN SINKS, $1.00 TO $3.00; also used bicycles and used vacuum cleaner. BRECKE, - RIDGE HARDWARE. -22 f)UCKLINGS, ONE, TWO AND three weeks' old. Good, sturdy ducklings'. ART FORESTER, Port Albert,,,R.R, 3, Goderich: 22-23x 'flINETTE ' 'HU t7EET , N AT LTRAL and red; ironer, pabinet model; electric heater, reasonable, Phone -22 GET PRKES FROM US ON Kitchener Big -4„ Chicks. Early summer prices in effect, making them real bargains right now. Pullets Non -sexed. Dayold and started, all ages.- Must bleeds. Agent --RYAN & SON, Goderich. Phone 345. -22 THISTLE BABY CARRIAGE, blue, in good candition. Phone 154M. -22 VOLDLNG WINEBABY CAR- RIAGE; also pram, both in good .condition Phone 1389W. ' -22 LARGE SINK AND DRAIN board, one piece, white enamel, with swi,ng taps; Silent Glow Oil burner for_ cook stove or Quebec heater. Apply 92 St. David's street. • ` 22x 194R. -- , aOOD CLEAN, ONE OWNER `-' cars. We have them. Come property—a large house converted, in and talk about your new and into three apartments. $2100.00 used car needs. GARDNER down,r,equired. I MOTOR SALES. -13--- __ _____----- A lovely frame centre hall dwell - FENCE POSTS; CLOTHES LINE ing. . This is one of the more in- ' poles; telephone poles; hydro teresting homes in a central loca- poles; flag poles, etc., -JOHN tion. Four bedrooms, oak floors, ' HINDMARSH, R.R. 2, Goderich; really nice living rOorn and dining Phone 11901 -14tf room. ; — 1. ,MALCOLM MATH E RS 46 West St., Phone 115W Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker All types of Properties for sale, including the following: The former Whitely prOperty, St. George's Crescent. Large mansion and extensive grounds in ideal location. On Lighthouse street — income LIGHT GREEN SUNSHINE CON- -A-4 VER'TIBLE stroller with parcel carrier attached, in good condition. $25. MRS': PERCY SMITH, 12 , Waterloo street: -22-23 STEEL OR ALUMIN'UM ROOFING South St.—near schools. A well- in hest pre-war quality. All built, brick two -floor house, new ' lengths carried in stak: Ask us oil heating. - for an estimate in supplying your aterial or laying your roof or Theabove is only a partial list! In ' FRAME HOUSE ON 111eAR,Y ST., -A- small down payment. ART. THOMAS, Britannia road, phone 1453J. 2,2x St1X-A0,01V1, TWO-STOREY RED r"-•1 bridi house, hot air Au-noce, hardwood floors downstairs, garage, north-east part of town. Phone 1003. ; -22.24 CULTIVATED 0 N',E hundred acre farm with good buildings and silo. .One barn 70 x 70; another barn 60 'x 36; implement shed and large garage; large brick house; hydro through- out; crops sown; property well fenced and drained. This is truly a picturesque property with two ponds and two never failing wells. Cannot be dup ica in s . Two miles from Benmiller and four miles east Of Goderich on County road. Immediate possession. Has to be seen.t0 b.e appreciated. Ap- ply to ERNEST HOLTZHAUSEN, R.R. 4, Goderich. Phone Carlow' 297 22x ISUMMER COTTAGE FOR RENT, furnished, on lake bank in Goderich by month or season. Ap- •plY P.O. BOX 5, Goderich. Phone 163. ' -22-23 siding. All work and material of properties -for saluiries e. • guaranteed. IRVING ; KEYES, are invited for particulars of these' Glamis, Ont. Phone Paisley 114 r 4. arid other properties for sale, -1448 MALCOLM MATHERS 2. Real Estate Wanted THREE' ROOMS UPSTAIRS TO rent for light housekeeping by June 15. Phone 1130R. 90 Elgin 'Ave. E. -22-23 1 ' 11REE-ROOM' APARTMENT, UN- FURNISHED, nicely decorated, available June 15, private entrance. 'MRS. ELDON IR,WIN, 220 Britan- nia road, East. 22x FURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM A- cottage at- Blue 'Water Beach, electric stove, hot water, bathroom, available June' or August by week month. or mon. MRS. H. GLENN HAYS, -- bedroom suite, dresser, four poster bed, Tall -Boy and „might table; spring -filled Mattress, like .new; walnut cedar lined chest; small -clothes „waidrobe; chest of drawerswith nairror; steel single bed and springs; new; fireplace screen; walnut ' eight-day clock; walnut lamp table; walnut smoker stand; porcelain kitchen table and chairs; Easy ' electric yvashing machine; drop -head Singer sewing machine; white kitchen buffet; wash tub; garden tools; stepladder; cooking utensils of all kinds;:' full dinner set, china (Dresden pattern); glass - Ware and dishes of all kinds; Cole- man gasoline iron (new); GE. elec- tric iron. This is a first-class line of furni- ture. 'Many articles too numerous to mention. 2223 phone' 1369. , TERMS—CASH. No Reserve. THREIVI E-ROOSFIN-CONTAINEDBILL CLAYTON, Clerk. DONALD B. BLUE, 1 furnished apartment on lake 21-22- Auctioneer. front, separate -entrance; -available -1st September-, suitable for one or _ ' two businesspersons. Apply BOX 12 Tenders -Wanted 408, SIGNAL -STAR. -22-24 RUILDING TO RENT ON SOUTH street, as Crystal Dairy. , sealed ------- Hygienic supplies (rubber goods) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Apply to ANDREW DAIRY, West envelope wiOFFICE th price list. Six sam- street. 'Phone 104.. -22 mailed postpaid in plain pETER S. MacEWAN REALTOR Listings and enquiries invited. 48 West Street. Phone 230. pies 25c; 24 samples $1.00. ;Mail Order Dept. T-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-__IERENNIALS: SWEET -A-WIL- LIAM, Shasta Daisy, .Peonies, Coreopsis, Hybrid Iris, Dwarf Iris, McC ORM IC K HORSE CORN scuffler in perfect condition, complete with discs, 'teeth and bean pullr attalihments. A,p.ply to ED CRAWFORD, RR. 3, Gode- rich. Phone Dungannon 22 r 21. 22x Rock Plants, Pansy, Violas, Plants, etc., etc. Tomatoes, Cab- bage, Peppers, Cauliflower. All annuals later. Also cut flowers. B. R. MUNDAY, 127 Widder street. Phone 598. -15tf SEVERAL USED RADIOS, EX- CELLENT condition, beautiful tone, thoroughly overhauled. B. R. MUNDAY, Radio. and Sound, Widder street. Phone 598. -48 , FIGHT PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Phone 13 r 23, Carlow. ROBT.. McCABE. 22x J ()NE USED DRESSER, ONE USED -chest; one uSed kitchen cabinet, two used chesterfields. LODGE FURNITURE. -22 MAI TWO -ROW HORSE CORN scuffler with disc, in good shape, cheap. HORACE CRAW - FORD, R.R. 3, Goderich, phone 20 r 7, Dungannon. 22X BA By BUGGY AND PLAY PEN with Pad.' Phone 762J. -22 BARGALN! WARM AHI. FURN- ACE, STOKER, CONTROLS AND FAN UNIT COMPLETE. MacDON.ALD ELECTRIC, PHONE 235. -21 • poR ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ettes and washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE AP- PLIANCES, Goderich, your head- quarters for hearing aid batteries. -18tf W AND USED FERGUSON tractors and farm machinery. Now is the time to trade in your old for the new. One good uset Ne -W Holland hammer mill. GEO. WRAITH, phone 1285, Montreal street. -8 LI:ALUMINUM HOUSE TRAIL- -- ER, sleep four, furnished, oil heating; hydro hook-up. May be seen at VICTOR GREEN'S, Port Albert, R.R. 3. 20xtf a.OLDEN BARK WEEPING WIL- `7'.' LOW trees; also tomato, cauli- flower, cabbage, pepper plants, flowers and .large ferns. FRED G1LBERT,; Huron road, Goderich. Phone 936 r 32. -19tf —•• 1B. Real Estate, C. F. CHAPMAN Realtor General' Insurance 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18W 'Large 7-roorn frame house" in excellent condition. Oil -hot water heating. Practically new five -room fame bungalow, hardwood floors, full basement, oil hot air heating, West end location. Seven-eboin frame house with Hydro installed, Ele.ctric pressure System bathroom. Barn 30 ft. by 40 ft., 21/, acres land, located on No, 21 highway. at Kingsbridge. Eight -room brick house with garage, located on East street. Owner selling to wind tip an estate. G PRICES HAVE'TURN'ED UP. Good pullets bought at reason- able prices will make profits this- ' fall and winter. See my White Rock-R.I. Red cross pullets almost ready to lay or Light Sussex Rock pullets two and a half months old. R. A. JACKSON, 131 Pitton street. Phone' 1386. • -22 HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE — • Building Lot A medium size lot close Square,. 500 TO 1,000 FEET OF GOOD beach property situated near Goderich. P. S. MacEWAN, Real - to tor, 48 West street, Goderich, Ont. Two Storey Frame Duplex Nine rooms, now duplexed. Gar- age. Good location. Prided rea- sonable. 4, • . Four Room Bungalow Large bright living room and kitchen, :wo bedrooms, basement, hot airfurnace, attached garage on large lot. WANTED.--LISTINQS OF 'RESI- DENTIAL and farm properties for sale. HAROLD W. SHORE, Real Estate Agent, Hamilton street. Phone 766W, Goderich. -36tf WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO ' ' PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, R e al , Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -12tf First floor complete having kit- ' chen, dinette, living room, two bedrooms and bath. Finish second floor in your own time and taste. New Ranch-TYpe Bungalow Frame, comfortable living room, Modern kitchen and bathroom, two bedrooms, floors tile and hardwood. Full basement. 011 heating. West end location. Good size lot. Reasona.ble price. . • — East -End Bungalow Stucco, modern kitchen, large living room, two bedrooms, siin porch. Coal, hot air furnace. Price is very low as owner must sell. See this one today. — • Summer cottages., Building lots located in different sections of Goderich. Several homes not listed in this advertisement. 15 ACRE FARM CLOSE. TO Goderich, barn with cement basement, good living 'quarters, good spring water, ideal bathing, water wheel, real private, would make home for small-, family or summer horne. Price reasonable. Terms. JAMES CHISHOLM, 28 Trafalgar street, Goderich. Phone 1153W. - ' 22xtf :COTTAGE FOR SALE AT SUN- SET Beach. . BOX 974. Phone 423W. • „„.4. -16tf BEFORE YOU 161,11( SEE US ANI) SAVE MONEY! „ , 41, "frao ' LISTINGS AND INQURZIES IN- VITED Phone 766W Hamilton Sfreet Goderich • T • ;xi PERTIES for sale. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W. -39tf 3. Agents Wanted - 1-1\TFIEDED AT ONCE! MAN OR woman to setihce 'customers of nationally advertised Watkins Pro- ducts in Goderich. , Write immedi- ately to F. GRANGER, 350 St. Roch street, Montreal, Que. 122-25 FIVE-ROpM HOUSE IN GODE- RICH,, insulated, insul brick siding, redecorated; also 2 lots, large garage. Priced reasonable for cash. May be seen any day after 5 p.m. J. REG. JOHNSTON, R.R. 1, Goderich. -20-22 'MINE BUILDING LOTS, GLOU- "' CESTER Terrace, Goderich. Overlooking golf course. Phone 357, Clinton.• -20-23 CHOICE CORNER 'BUILDING LOT in fine residential section on North street, well established lawn, shrubs, bulbs and fruit trees on lot. 10 St. Vincent street, phone 213W. ,-20tf RILL'S BEACH BAR, FULLY -&-'" equipped, immediate posses- sion. • Owner has other interests Contact W. BANNISTtR, phone 504W. • 21x MAN FOR STEADY " TRAVEL among Consumers in Huron County. Permanent . connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write RAWLEIGH'S DEPT. F-2-16-131, Montreal.' •*2 TWO STOREY BRICK RESID- ENCE, 53 North street. Hot, water heating, thermostatically con- trolled; four fireplaces, hardwood floors throughout, modern kitchen and bathroom, four bedrooms, large living room and den, black ash panelled dining -room, garage, large flower garden and fruit trees. For further particulars apply R. C. HAYS, Barrister, 33 Hamilton street. 'THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, -` two-piece bath, heated. 121 Newgate street. -22 SUMMER HOME ON LAKE' "' FRONT, furnished, five bed- rooms, two bathrooms, can be rent- ed by the season or by the month; also summer cottage, completely equipped, two bedrooms, two bath-, rooms. MRS. PAUL ROBARTS, Cherry Gate Cottage, phone 845. -22 4. Help Wanted LADIES! LET YOUR, SPARE hours earn dollars for you. Be an Avon representative. Cus- tomers waiting for service. Write MRS. M. STOCK, 78 Duchess Ave., Kitchener. 21-22x 8. Wanted to Rent SEALED TENDERS WILL flE received up to June 15, 1954, for a coal or oil furnace to be installed in S.S. No. 3, Stanley Township School, not later than August 15, 1954. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. J. A. McGEE, Secretary -Treasurer, 22-23- - Hayfield, Ont. 13. Personal VIURSING HOME, PLEASANT surroundingsat 129 Lighthouse 'street. Operated by Registered Nurse. Properly balanced , home - cooked meals—tray service. Priv- ate and semi -private rooms. Phone 1593. ' -19tt TIOUSE WANTED TO RENT with three bedrooms,, etc., by 14, -In Memoriam hiI ren. ould I 1 1 CULBERT'S BAKERY "THE HONE OF TASTY PASTRY" ORANGE CAKES -40c each with raspberry filling and Orange Creme Icing. Both Cake and Icing made with fresh oranges. RASPBERRY AND BLUEBERRY PIES -45c each DATE TURNOVERS -35c doz. PUFF PASTRY -3 for 10c WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY AND BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY. PHONE. 465 PHONE EARLY 11111■111•1111....11111 17. Deaths BOWMAN.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on May 29, 1954, Joyeelynne Ruth (Lynne), infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred I3owman, Goderich. 18. Births BOWMAN,.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on May 23, 1954, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilfred Bowman, Goderich, a daughter, Joycelynne Ruth (Lynne), EVERETT.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on May 29, 1954, to ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Clyde Everett, Goderich,' a daughter, Sarah Gweri: FRITZLEY.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on May 30, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fritzley, Goderich, a daughter, Ruth Gail. mcLEAN.—At Alexandra Hospital, • May 26, 1954, to prefer a lease. Reply to BOX 701, Goderich. • , 22x FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT WITH -1- bath wanted for couple with one child. Phone Seaforth 237W. 22x .1101101111.111.01.11111111111111MIMIMMIC 9. Coming Events Mildrnay Firemen's Bingo, Mild- may Community Centre, Wednes- day, June 9. $2,300.00 in prizes. $1,000.00 special—moSt go. Ad- mission $1.00. Extra and special cards 25c each or 5 for $1.00. Bingcts every second, Wednesday starting a,t 9 p.m. sharp. -22 Benmiller W.A. will hold their annual bazaar and tea in Benmiller Church on Wednesday, June 16, from 2-5 p.m. You'll be sure to -21-23 meet a friend there. • Flrertime tea at Maitland Golf Club on Wednesday., June 9, from 3 to 5 p.m. Admission 50c. , -22 MEMBERS WANTED ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKEUP, LIGHTING, CARPEN- TRY, DIRECTING, ACTING OR. ANY PHASE OF PLAY PRODUC- EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER INTHGETREGCOADNERuIesHE yoLuIRT TTALLE- 15. Cards of Thanks a I , !, • , I n Herbert Chase who passed away two years ago, June 2. His memory is a keepsake, With which we. will never part; Though Godhas hilt in His keep- ing, We still have him in our heart. Ever remembered by ,.his wife, and family. 4 -22 POLLOCK.—In loving memory of George Pollock, who passed away June 2, 1940. There is a road called remem- brance, Where thoughts and wishes meet; We take that road in thought today, For the orie we cannot greet. —Ever remembered by wife and 22x 1VI0SS.—In loving memory of my ,dear mother, Mrs. Honor Moss, who passed away June 2, 1953. God knew that she was suffering, And her hills were hard to climb; So he closed her 'weary eyelids And whispered you'll be mine. ' —Lovingly remem,bered by her daughter, Pearl Finigan. 22x as secretary to general man- ager of progressive mENTS. YOU .ARE CORDIALLYanufacturing4 _ INVITED TO OUR PLANNING company. Must -have good short I hand, possess initiative, be' alert AND ELECTION MEETING AT and dependable. Top salary to capable girl. Kindly write full particulars in own hand and salary 'desired to BOX 103, SIGNAL -STAR 121-22 DEAN COAL CO. Offer For Sale or Lease Part Lot 553 East St., Goderich Suitable for -storage and handling of gasoline, fuel oil, propane gas, etc. Aro 42' X 18° Warehouse Situated on Maitland Road lot, Goderich, a substantial building in good repair. Suitable for handling building materials, -farm feed pro- ducts, fertilizers, etc. Both of these commercial pro- perties have C.N.R. siding facilities. If desired the Dean' Coal Co. office, can be space enlarged and shared. • GODERICH P.O. B4OX 424. -21tf GL AS WAITRESS IN SNACK `-^ Bar. •ROYAL HOTEL, Hamil- ton street. 22ex 6. Wanted (General) , ROARDERS ,WANTED. . RATES reasonable. 231 Bayfield road. Phone 1060J. • 22x WANTED.—oLD HORSES AND dead cattle. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT . BROS., Mink Ranch, , phone .collect 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. •-26tt TAYLOR, SAFE *WANTED, „IN good condition, any size., I Small safe' for sale. J. W. -LOCKING, 464 llth street A.W., Owen Sound. Phone 1156. -16-23 ,WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED " horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and ef- ficient service phone ."STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 936 r 21. •-10tf CHOICE PROPERTY FOR SALE: Six large reoms, and bath on one floor, large ,basement and garage. Clothes closets in bath room and both bedrooms. Built in eupboards • ,and utility table in kitchen. This house has been com- pletely renovated and decorated throughout. New forced air oil .furnece. New heavy duty electrie service. New eleetrie hot water heater. This house is located at 126 St. Pa -trick street, Goderich, on large double lot with large garden at rear. IntereSted parties may write to S. STEVENSON, 72 Howard Park avenue, Toronto, Or contact MR. E. SOLE of Sole Build- ing Specialties, Goderich. • -22-23 STORE RikLDING FOR SALE ON Main street in Dungannon, three large rooms &Ayr' and five ronni apartment above. Complete hYdro, newIi decorated.W$1300, ,f Ull ee, 00 4orwrw-or trade fOr tar; tit le'ast 1951 relodel. Write tO OS.OVUM, 311., 291(10 E. ter)*(4 St Oak Shore, IletrOlt; alga& ; Otf ,1••• BOAT SUITABLE FOR 5 H.P, outboard motor. Write stating details and price to P.O. 'BOX 535, Goderich. '",11mmisp4:24. 444.,••••44.11.1,111111MNIMIINUMMINNII 7. To Rent 'MACKAY HALL, TUESDAY; JUNE 8, AT 8 P.M. MEMBERSHIP ONLY $1. -22 HOUSEKEEPING CABINS AilD cottages on Lake Huron.., $2 0 couple weekly. Everything 'stip- plied. Fine sand leach, god swimming. Ideal for • children. All arnusements-Jclose by and tw,o drive-in theatres. Write G. HAZEL - WOOD, R.R. 1, Hayfield, Ont. -2 tf • I WISH TO -EXPRESS MY -1- thanks to Dr, Wallace, the nurses and helpers at Goderich hospital for their kindness to me while a patient there; also for flowers, cards and treats sent by • • friends and neighbors. ,-;;thirmisommarammo 10. Briefs puRmsliED TWO -ROOM APART- MENT, ground floor; heayy duty range, hot and cold water, hardwood floor, garden if desir d. 12'St. Vincent street. Phone 213W. -1 tf All publishers' offers naming s,pecial prices on magazines can be handled by your reliable local subscription agent, Miss 'Mary B. Howell, phone 213W. -2tf Order Shell Airnac;e oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. pro- ducts. Phone 98. -18tf For your Fuller Brush needs from head to toe, cellar to attic, call Ron Barker, your Fuller Brush dealer for Goderich and district. on 597 . 1 2 A PARTMENT, THREF, ROOMS', unfurnished, self contained, heated, separate bathroom. J. tA. CAMPBELL, phone 90. -20 „: T, SUIT - LE couple, e- frigerafor and stove, al use laundry and electric washer; dn Glencester, Terrace. Phone 380 ipEZBEDROOM HOUSE ING cottages, inside pitanbi electric refrigerators, doinfOrtti becIS, geed lbeadh. PEACY t TOI Deer Lodge, 11.R.- 1, Ilay4100, Phone 009 r 42, ell/ital. 2;244X 122 g, le 111111111•111.11111111•111•01111101111W 22x MRS. R. MacDONALD. ... - Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean, Goderich, a son. NICKERSON.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on May 31, 1954, to,JVir. and Mrs. Stanley Nicker- son 'Goderich, a daughter. KAITING.—At Newmarket General Hospital, on -June 1, 1954, to Mr. • and Mrs. Ed. Kaiting, of Malton, Ont., a son, Gordon George. 1MRS. ALBERT- W1LKINS WISHES to thank Dr. J. M. Graham, the nurses and staff at the hospital as Well' as those who sent her flowers, fruit and cards during her recent illness. 22 THE RELATIVES OF THE LATE j, Mr. William Tabb take. this means of thanking the neighbors and friends who were so kind to them, they would like also to tnank .those who sent floral trib- utes, cards of sympathy and these ; who loaned cars for the funeral. 142 • 9, 2x, , THE FAMILY' OF THE LATE -A' Mrs. Petty Walters take this means to thank the neighbors and friends for the kindness, for the floral tributes and the loarr of cars. 11. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE. OF PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD •,,EiffECTS ' in the Village of 'Auburn, on THURSDAY, JUNE 17 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Chesterfield studio couch, leather couch, bedroom suite, Beatty elec- tric wasfiing. machine flike new), Ele,ctrolux, electric rarigette, elec- tric lamps, electric iron, Princess Pat coal or wood -range, heater,1 china cabinet, writing desk, tables, bhairs wicket chair set -rocking chairs, small cupboard, cldek, dishes, glassware, kitchen utensils, lawn mower, garden tools, also Some coal and wood. PROPERTY — One and a -half storey frame house covered with asphalt shingles, -six rooms with sunporch, oak hardwood floors, hydro, full basement, good garage. TERMS—Chattels cash. Proper- ty, 10% down, balance in 30 days. Immediate possession. Reserve bid Property of Mrs. William Anderson. HAROLD JACKSON,: 22-23- Auctioneer. • , 19. Notice to Creditors -22 A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of, James McKnight, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 15th day of May, 1954, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 12th day of June, 1954, as after that date the assets of the Estate .will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 21st day of June, A.D. 1954. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 21-23- Solicilor for the Estate. MRS.• GARVEY Al\TD THE BRO- '`'-`• THERS of the late James Gar- vey wish to thank those who were thoughtful in their tiine of bereave- ment; they are also grateful for the Spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy and ,the loan of cars for the funeral. . -22 1- WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE -A- who remembered me with cards, flowers awl treats while a patient in Clinton hospital; also to neighbors at home for their kindness; special thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Newlands, Dr, Street and to my special nurses and nurs- ing staff at the hospital, 22x MEREDITH YOUNG. MRS. JOHN MORGAN WOULD like to thank the nurses and staff ,of Alexandra hospital, Rev. R. , G. MacMillan and DoctorsGraham, • Jackson and Wallace for their kind- ness and thoughtfulness;, also those„ who sent flowers, cards and gifts during her recent illness. •-22 1.30 (Daylight Time) with races at. 2.30 and supper at five. Illustrat- • ed address on "John Troyer the Pioneer" by Rev. Herb Troyer of Toronto. -20-22 IP THE ASHFIELD TOWNSH -1` School Area will hold its an- nual picnic on Thursday, June 10, 1954, at Dungannon Agricultural Park. Plates, cups and drink sup- plied free. Basket lunch. Come and enjoy the outing. , R. T. KILPATRICK, 22- Secretary. 21. Business Notice Guaranteea raaio service. WILE. REINHAR.T ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12; Blue Water Service Station. Com- - plete service and repairs. Phone 232, Hayfield road. C. Bannister. -39tt TIRAINAGE! FARM AND MUNI- CIPAL tile 4" to 16"; brick,, etc. Order now for early delivery. Surveying estimates 'given, BEN H. JOHNSTON, phone 1094. -7tf L_LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of 'Archibald Wilson Hadden, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the 21st day of, May, 1954,. are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 12th day, of June, 1954, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 25th day, of -May, 1954. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 21-23- Solicitor for the Estate. HAVE YOUR OLD OAK FLOORS sanded and have the,new light finish. Phone CREE COOK, Clin- ton, 231 Bayfield 65 r • 2. COIL evenings- 6-8. -2t11 ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against, the estate 'bf George Nelson Turner, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the 10th day of May, 1954, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 12th day of June, 1954, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County. of Huron, this 25th day of May, 1954. R. C. HAYS,' . Goderich, Ontario, . 21-23- Solicitor for the Estate, CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF-• CHOICE HOUSEHOLD FMINITURE will be held at the home of Mrs. B. E. Little, ,124 Britannia „ road, Goderich, on SATURDAY, JUNE 5 at 2 p.m., as follows: ' , Two-piece chesterfield, Mohair in good condition; Kroehler reclining" chair and ottoman, all wool frieze covering, just new; coffee table, Duntan Fyfe And; oval -top table, 'uncan ryf Walnut; drura-top j3uncan Fyfe walnUt;' Oak writing: desk "With 'drawers; .Wt-( irighouse cabinet `radiO, in excellent Condition; oak bOffett and three dining chait;. 2"Wahrtit chairs; 2 4 electric lanip% telephone ftN le' -arid ¨ IlOatitftill walnut 41 • .6.••••••••444,,,44,091111111181113f, 20. Public Notke' GET YOUR PATIO, TERRACE" and sidewalk fixed up now. Use Seaforth Concrete Product Flagstones„ Cement floors, stairs and any kind of construction work. Tiles 10!' and over for draining are now .in stock. Phone Seaforth 22M. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. -22-25 puRTNA FEEDS FOR YOUR COWS LAYING HENS • FATTENING STEERS • OR • STEERS FOR GRASS NEXT YEAi ABOVE FEEDS CAN BE SUF-- PLIED EITHER AS A COMPLETE RATION OR • FEED YOUR OWN GRAIN AND CONCENTRATES. THOSE LITTLE PIGS — GIVE THEM THE START THEY NEED 4 FOR GOOD GAINS WITH ' PURINA PIG STARTENA • ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR AND COME IN AND SEE US FOR A RECOMMENDATION, PHONE 1285 OR 931r3. GEO. WRAITH, Montreal St. . • -45t1 'THE THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL Reunion Picnic of the Troyer. Family and friends will be held in the Lions Park, Seaforth, on the .afternoon of Saturday, June 12th, (In the event Of ram, in the Com- munity Center). Registration at 16. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Scanlon announce the engagement of their daughter Phyllis Eileen Carrick, to George Douglas Meisaac, son orf Mr. and Mrs. II. McIsaac of Halifax. The niartiage to take place on June 12. 22x Mr. and Mrs. 4,Andrew0P1.trvis Holnies, Goderieh, *ish to an - flounce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Kathleen, to 40., Edward Harold Wise, , eld soh o Mis. WrseClinton, arid t late Mr, Herbert L. Vie. mirrttige W11 take place jung at 3 (Meek, An orth Street Itioitect Miura, Godeff ' -22 ,• ` . , ' .01111111111111111=1111111111111111=1111111•1 22. Lost and Found BABEE-TENDA LOST ON HIGH- WAY 21, between Bogie's Beach and Dunlop. Finder please phone Goderich 576. 22x ASHFIELD — ASHFIELD, June 2.—Mrs. Archie MacMurchy" attended graduation exercises at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, when her niece', Miss Mac- Kinnon, graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Bobo, of Detroit, Spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Will MacDonald. Mrs. George Kitsen has been con- fined to Wingham hospital the last few weeks with an infection in her foot. Mrs. Peter MacGregor and Agnes, �fNiagara Falls, N.Y., spent the week -end with Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. l&nneth Farrish. and Dun- can visited a few days in Detroit. Sympathy is extended to the GariZey family ' in the passing of James Garvey, also to Mrs. Robert Simpson in the death of her father, -Nelson Bushell, of Lucknow„ We. Emerson Drug Store Corner West St. and Square Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as the Posto co" ' seoe•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••“•"•••••• FOri POISON IVY Lise Bristamin Lotion with Zirconium—the new that stopt spreading and itching. 1.00 A BOTTLE .•;-; ingredient SKEETER SCATTER STICKS A vacation or fishing must to keep mosquitos away -63c 444.4.44.44.• NYLON POCKET COMBS -15c '• ACETATE POCICET COMBS-2for15c ANGELIQUE SATIN, SPECIAL Matching Stick ColOgrie NA? White, Geld. 9r Black Satlg Lotion Cologne 2.00 1.00 A Itedular 3.00" Value fou 2.00 - • t' •