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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-06-03, Page 5
it T.EiUI.ISDA7 , NNE 3rd, 1954 MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs, William McDonald, Kintail, have announced the mar- riage of their daughter, Sally• Joarl, to Mr. Lewis Stephen Elliott, son of Mrs. Harold ,Hanson and the late Lewis Elliott, on Saturday, May 22, 1954, at Caribou, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. -Ijohnston of Essex, aedomp�a_nied by 'Dr. ,,and Mrs. H-' L, hickey, ' of Denver, Colorado,- renewed aequaiaitanees in town Qn' Tuesday. They are going on to visit the ladies' sister, Miss Evelyn Clark at Ottawa who is planning to go abroad this summer. • ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH x14, tik41?' JUNE 6th ----WHITSUNDAY 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. CHORAL COMMUNION , AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster - North Street United Church SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1954 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. "The Day' of Pentecost." Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. "The Revolutidnar y." REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A. MINISTER Eleanor Ewing, B.A. (Music) A.T.C.M. Organist and Choirleader REVERENT WORSHIP FRIENDLY. PEO A WELCOME ' b Seeking a Church Home? Then You WiI I Appre- ciate the Worshipful Atmosphere, the -Friendly Attitude, and the Cordial Welcome You Will Find Here. WAS . GLAD WHEN THEY SAW, In' US GO` INTO .THE''HOUSE 10 a(.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. :ME, OF THEO D:. Ps. 122:1 !mx 3rbgtertutt C�:Iitatli Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O.,'A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise Come, Worship the Lord 10 a.m. THE -SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETS. 11 a.m. "BORN OF THE SPIRIT." 7 p.m. "WHEN LIFE, HAS MEANING." Monday 8 p.m. Rev. Orville E. Getty of India. LIFE-GIVING SERVICES GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL STREET Minister: REV. IAN G. HIND, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. The Church of the Light and Life Hour, heard over CHML, 900, at 9 a.m. each Sunday, invites you ,to worship at the n • - Free Methodist Church CORNER VICTORIA AND PARK STREETS REV. MARTHA MARLATT, PASTOR. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. 7 p.m. EVANGELISM.' 8 p.m. --Each Wednesday, Prayer 'Meeting. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US. BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) Waterloo and Elgin REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a.m. Sunday School—Sowing for Eternity. 11 a.m. THE DEAF, DUMB OR DEAD CHURCH. '7.30 p.m.—J.-THE ATOMIC AND HYDROGEN BOMB AND THE WORD OF GOD. Friday, June 4th, 8 p.m. Return Missionary from LIBERIA— Rev. Kenneth K. 'Stevenson—Pictures will be shown. Don't miss this, service. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WEL• COME Victoria Street United Church SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1954 10 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL. id. a.m.- ' B`Ii MJLLER. 11.15 a.m. ANNUAL .SERVICE FOR LADIES' AUXILIARY TO THE CANADIAN LEGION. 3 p.m. UNION CHURCH, GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Subject: "Justice Is Not Enough." Pastor—Rev. D. W. Williams, B.A. Organist—Mr. Bert Kempster. - Knox United Church, Auburn SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSAR'' AND FLOWER SERVICE SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1954 11 a.m. "THINGS THAT ABIDE." ,-Rev. Alex 'Nimmo, Wingham Presbyterian Church. 8 p.m. "THE VALUE OF CHRIST." Rev. Alex Nimmo, Wingham Presbyterian Church. CHILDRENS' CHOIR IN THE MORNING.' SPECIAL FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS. MR. EDWARD OSCAPELLA, VIOLINIST, OF STRATFORD, AT BOTH SERVICES. IN THE EVENING "THE HARBOURAIRES" MEN'S CHORUS OF GODERICH JWILL SING AND LEAD IN THE WORSHIP. Orgaanl'st, Mrs. R. D. 'Munro Supt.. Mr. Charles Scott BORAVER'8 LEADING; TEE), WEB 40' GROUP Aberliatt's moved into first place in the "A" Group of• -•the C•oderieb Lions Pee 'Wee Softball loop' by defeating DRMOO 21-12 and Schaef- er's took sole possession of the top slot in, the Girls' "C" Group by downing IGA 41-33. In the "B" group, the ]li;clyd Fuels entry and Gardner's Motors crew each have two wins and no losses and are tied in top slot. Following are the standings, not including last night's games: Group "A" • W' L. Aberhart's 2 0 DRINICO 1 1 " Mills 1 1, Croft a 1 ,f Goderich Miinuf. 1 1 • 1 maw .n 0 -2 Scores: Goderich Yuma - 29, NERCO 11; Aberhart's 21, I,RIMCO 12. Group 'B" W. L Edward 2 0 ' - Gardner's 2 0 $aradleY o, 2 Frendh "0 2 Scores: Edward 12, French 5; ),Gardner 15, Bradle Group W. L. Schaefer's 2 1 MeMantis 1 1 , IGA 1 2 ;core: Sehaefer's'41,'ICA 33. Mr. and Mrs. D. R..;. Challenger and Mrs. H. E. Knecbtel accdba- panied by Mrs. E. D. Weaver of Kitchener' attended the Metropoli- tan Opera in Toronto last weelc. THE VOICE OF BETHEL i ANNOUNCING • • • TWO SPECIAL SERVICES • AT e • • WATERLOO' and .ELGIN •• Missionary from LIBERIA, Rev. Kenneth K. Stevenson • for ONE SERVICE' ONLY—PICTURES ALSO WILL BE • SHOWN. Z • SUNDAY -7'.30 p.m.—THE ATOMIC AND HYDROGEN • BOMB AND THE WORD 0'F GOD.. , • e ; (a) Will Canadiatl and American Cities experience this =, • •terrible slaughter? w . .. •• (b) Is the end near? WHAT SAITH THE ., SCRIP.- • TURES?• • 0 Sponsored by The Bethel Adult Class. • • •••••••••••••••►•••i•••••••••:•••••••••••••:•• BETHEL TABERNACLE r • ••r • 4 OBITUARY MBS. SON KAMAN i, The death occurred on May14, I! Detroit, aMarion G.laver, orm- erly of Goderich, wife of Vie late Gustave Kaden, and sister of Mrs. Smellie, Mrs. F. Fox and John 'Glover, of Toronto. yrs. Kaden was a. daughter of the late Mr, and 'Mrs. William Glover. WILLIAM S. BEAN William S. Bean., 73, who had farmed all his life in Colborne Township, died in Gderieh Tues- day in Alexandra Marine and GO: eral Hospital. Ile was unmarried. T-- Surviving,are. three brothers, David and Robert, Colborne; George, Saltford; and three sisters, ;AIrs: Hugh Hill, ' Colborr�g�� Tawn� ship; Mrs. William Cory,•'inborn; and Mrs. William Doak, Goderich. Services were to be conducted today at 2 p.m., . by Rev. R. G. 0.EacMillan, in the Lodge funeral home, and interment made in Col- borne cemetery. RICH AND THICK HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP p. llama N TOMATO SAUCE HEINZ BAKED BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE HEINZ COOKED SPAGHETTI 11 OZ. 2a0• BOTTLE 214,Ig• S 311 p 2 TINS . 29.01 ADD CREAM AND $ERNE HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 2 1TINS 230 RICH IN FLAVOUR . HEINZ SPIRIT VINEGAR HEINZ CH=LI SAUCE A DELICIOUS SPREAD HEINZ SANDWICH SPREAD OATMEAL OR CEREAL MIX HEINZ . BABY CEREALS HEINZASSORTED JUNIOR OR INFANT FOODS 33 OZ. BOTTLE 2 250 12 'OZ. 31 jIS JAR •©` 8 02. 3 0 JAR s- 8 O Z. PKG. 5 OZ. TINS SPECIAL! DYSON'S SWEET GHERKIN PICKLES 9 OZ. JAR 220 190 50 DELICIOUS . CHERRY FLAVOUR - HOWES MAY CHERRY CANDY 14 OZ. 2 BAG �m c Gold Seal Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON 73/4 'Oz. 370 Tin CHRISTII:S PREMIUM SODAS p gb• 290 SERVES JOUR — KRAFT'S DINNER 2'7pkgsz• 290 RICHMELLO — RICH AND CREAM The' Round Shredded Wheal Quaker MUFFINS 2 Pkgs. 31 O YELLOW OR GRANULATED SUGAR Bag b. 030 CAN;1.Iy1AN-COLCAIRED ,MILD CHEESE Pound 3,90 SALAD DRESSING -- PICNICEETBRAND SWY MIXED PICKLES STEELS BRIGGS FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS BREAKFAST CLUB — WITH PECTIN RASPBE R - _ JAM JAR .._.. 5 !Paz. 256 JAR PKG. 5-100 16 OZ 24 OZ. JAR 35� IN THROW -AWAY TINS OLD COLON'.. Ginger Ale 12 -oz. Cola TINS C BEVERAGES Root Bear ., 0 �1 No. 1 imported TOMATOES - White Fluffy Cookers—Imported NEW POTATOES California Sweet Juicy 14 oz. tube Size 288's SUNKIST ORANGES n. J ALL, PRICES EFFECTIVE III 6ODERICH until Closing Tinos Sat., June a 23c 'bs- 33c DOz. 39c 9611 raerbhandilse sold at "your Dominion Store" is uncondltloat- ally guax"anils'aad to my. you 10o% satlslaatlon. DOMINI!ON STORES LIMITED t• W. J. TABS William J. Tabb, 84, who, died here Sunday in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, was a native of Durham County, but farmed most of his life in Colborne and UuIlett Townships. He was a member of the Baptist Church at Autburn, and of the C.O.F. lodge. Surviving besides his wife, the former Mary C. Witmer, are one son, William T., at home; one daughter, Mrs. Leonard Plain, in British Columbia; one brother, Isaac, Goderich, and two sisters, Mrs. William Clark, and Miss Tabb, Goderich. The remains rested at the Cran- ston funeral home, where services were conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. by Rev. J. Ostrom, Clinton, and Rev. Iain Hind, Goderich, and inter- ment made in, Colborne cemetery. Y t 4 .'x.+KK0Y11yji0,LL1Y.:i1in�v „�.rrv.l�' PORT ALBE T.;414746 .ES - ' 2-1 Port Albert intermediates edged Colborne To'wtnsh'p".,>.Ventl:�es 2-1 ha a nip and tuck Oat -tie at Port Albert on Tuesday night in the first game of the WOAA. softball sche- dule. The Colborne Township team will meet-Benm-i11er at the Ben - miller Park tonight at .seven o'ollock. ' - Battteries-Port Albert, S. Dough- erty and B. Tigert• Colborne, D. Chishe1xr1, B. Jewel and F. Buc�lct- anan• Colborne TWp.. ... 000 000' 100- 1 Port Albert ' 001 000 Olx 2 LEEBURN LEEBURN, June 2. --The April meeting of the Leeburn W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Jarvis McBride with a splendid' attendance. .Mrs. J. Horton was leader of the wortihip Service. Mrs. Sallows was pianist. Belle Shaw read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Terence Hunter led in prayer. A duet, '`The Gypsy Boy," was sung by Mrs_ . J: McBride and Mrs. Sal - lows. Articles -for the bale were` on hand and were to be packed by Mrs. F. Rising. The ladies are in- vited to -attend a tea and bazaar at Benmiller on June 16. Miss Helen Clark read a chapter from the study book. The contents of the bale were valued at $35. A delicious lunch was served -by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Percy Mc- Bride and. Mrs. Sallows. The June meeting is to be held at Miss Grace Hunter's cottage one week later than the usual date. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bennett and Terry - visited over, the week -end at Hunter's . Beach. rr$ • Are#4, rJ 975O '5 8ceS8veP ", ELECTRIC RANGE Here's the range that puts '"push- button" cooking within everyone's reach. • Surface elements offer SEVEN dif- ferent heat selections. • The heat selected is maintatned t accurately. • Cooking areas suit any size of pan. • large family -size oven. • • Cooking top Tamp optional. Afhaluminum broiler. Come in and see this REALLY NEW Range. E.IIREEKENRIDGE HARDWARE. • PLUMIBING HEATING !HONE 135' GODER,ICH ro Flyers Blanked 14-0 By Knights Goderich Flyers suffered their third straiglt defeat in WOAA Major Fastb ll here last Friday night when they were blanked 14-0 by Meaford Knights, twice champ- ions of the league., Once again it was careless play- ing that spelled defeat for the Flyers. They committed eight errors. Russ John on was a powerhouse on the mound for the visiting Knights, holding the Flyers to five scOtered hits. Charlie Cotton, doing the ,twirling for Goderich, waS nipped for 12 'safeties:- John son struck out 17, while Cotton fanned six. Stu Schley made his first appearance behind the plate for the Flyers. . R. H. E. Meaford 036 200 102-14 12 3 Goderich 000 000 -OOd— 0 5 8 BICYCLES • .g I x er • .F 5 %i Your Wedding Phiiiograph' HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE iY PHONE. 91 SEAMLESS 'FULL FASHIONED FULL-FASHIONED'shaped of one continuous, strand of elastic yarn, Silf Skin fits like your Skin! BIAS KNIT ... Actually changes direction to follow andfirm each contour) • SEAMLESS COMFORT ,exclusive; patented seamless crotch no irritating seams to cut, chafe, ' bind, rub . . Silt Skin guarantees you heavenly comfort, always! Available in pantie girdle (illustrated), or girdle styles Small, medium, large... Also in nylon elastic Ceo. W Schaefer & Son Phone 56 ••••••••••••••••••••••e••••••©••••••••••••••••••• NO MONEY DOWN PHILLIPS—ladies' or men's 49.95 C,C M 59.96. SUNSHINE 59.95 ROBIN HOOD --Racer 3 -speed 59.95 ROBIN HOOD, Std. 52.50 TRICYCLES --new and used - at Bargain. 'Prices. Call in and let . us tell you about our new budget plan. . Beevers Auto Supply Wept qt, Phone 2.95 OLD FIDDLERS' CONTEST AND Monster. Square Oaoce Competition COD'ERICH ARENA Friday, June 1 -at 8.30 p.m. FOLLOWED UBL C DANCING $200 GASH PRIZES SEND IN YOUR ENTRIES to Les Riley, Goderich. Entries received before June 15 will re- ceive $1.00 cash on registration i•••••••••••••OW ' FIDDLERS' CLASSES 1. Under 25 years. 2. 26 to 50 years. 3. 51 to 70 years. 4. Over 70 year's. 5. Ladies, all ages. 6. ,.oldest fiddler. 7. Fiddler from greatest distance. SQUARE, AND STEP DANCING 5 1. Men. _... { 2. Ladies. 3. Best square dance set.' - A CHILDREN , 25e ADULTS, 75c IMO BRANCH 109 CANADIAN LEGION CUP TO ..CHAMPION FIDDLIER; :`j' INCLUDING !Lit N: rl; • .y�N:R