HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-06-03, Page 2�»•4 ,.. .lost d4p`a• 4 44 • THE GODERICH SIGNAL.STAR r' til w. • ('rrirti ilignal-f§tar What's Wrong With Our Bait J HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY 'c - Established 1848—In its 107th year of publication. c, Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited Subscription Rates—Canada and Great Britain, $2.50 a year: to United • States, $3.50. Strictly in adv,ance. Advertising Rates on reef uest . . Telephone 71. Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.N.A. 420 Temple Bldg., Bay and Richmond Sts., Toronto... Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Member of Ontario Division, C.W.N.A., Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Weekly ,f Irculation of over 3,200 • GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher. 'ItURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1054 MARKS -BIRTHDAY George ,Laithwaite, .of R.R. 1, Goderich celebrated his 84th birth- day on May 24 by having a. party on the lawn at his home, with memfbers of his family present for the occasion. • ; LAKEVIEW CASINO' THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1954 WELCOME TO' SHEAFFERS A happy occasion was the formal opening this week of the W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company factory: The locating here of a million -dollar manufacturing plant in itself makes a wel- come addition to the industries of Goderieh, but signalizing, a's ,we .hope and believe it does, a- new era in the development of our town it is au event of great importance. It encourages our\ people to look for an- expan- sion of industry and trade that , will place Goderieh. among the largest towns in Ontario, . and that will give opportunities at home to many of our young people who have had to seek their livelihood in other towns or in the cities. We have seen other towns in Ontario grow and prosper while Goderieh almost stood still. With natural advantages which few towns possess, with transportation facilities that could hardly be improved, and with living conditions almost ideal, we have seen Goderich passed by in favor of towns which, to our eyes at least, had much inferior attractions. The choice of Goderieh by the Sheaffer Company alters this; it gives us an uplift which for long was missing. Apart from purely material considerations, it is to be said that the personnel of the new -company and its staff is- a splendid. addition to our population. Already, in the few months since members of the organization first came to Goderieh,, they have shown their desire to be with us and of us. They are thus doubly welcome. ('ongratrilations are due to the members o. the Town Council and other organizations who have had a hand in bringing - about the felit•,itous event which we celebrate this week. Watch Goderieh grow! A TRADE PROBLEM The Ottawa Government has a difficult trade problem on its hands. The textile mills, of which there are hundreds in Canada, have been hit by a distinct increase in importation of .woollen goods, and,. thy problem ,is ecru-. plicated by the 'fact that the strongest com- petition comes from British industry, ' adian mills in' many •eases have been forced to reduce their, staffs, some have suspended operations entirely; •and a few have definitely gone out of business. High costs of produc- tion, including high wages, are a factor in the situation, and another 'may be that pro- duction in Canada is divided among so large •&number of ,mills. At any rate,,the Canadian industry's share of the Canadian- market has been' seriously •reduced, ,according to one statement by one- third ---from 'the pr.eirious 75 per cent. of the domestic market to a little' over 50 per cent.,-, ,while another statement gives the reduction GRAND BEND DANCING b as somewhat less. The Canadian Government has for an objective a generiil lessening of trade restrie- t ioirs and in pursuit of this airs has succeeded ,in materially broadening • the markets . for Canadian • products. It is therefore reluctant to raise- the tariff on woollen goods, and 'especially so when to clo so would hit a British industry from' \vhic•h the great portion of the imported goods conies. ' The Canadian Wool- len and Knit Goods Manufacturers' Associa- tion has been making representations 'to (.Ottawa in favor of relief, and from the British indus4,ry have conte appeals of a contrary nature. , The interest. of Canadian consumers is an important consideration and cannot be •for gotten by the Government, and Finance Minister Abbott has ordered a public inquiry. into the whole 'matter before coming to a decision on action to be taken. . HOW IS YOUR SPELLING? The daily papers a few days ,,ago -carried a story about a spelling match in which a 14 -year-old boy took the prize by correctly spelling the .word "uncinated." This spelling match is • a national affair over in the States. The winner this. year was from Center Square, Pa. Last year ars Arizona girl was the winner by spelling "soubrette" correctly. In 1952 "farraginous°-"„ was the prize word; in 1951 it was "insouciant." • Canada, might have a similar contest on a national scale, and then an international match would be in order. Some simple fords are spelled differently in the two countries; these. would have to be ruled out in a contest between the spellers of the two countries. On reference to the dictionary we find Apt "uncinated" means `‘hooked, or bent at the end." The boy who was hooked by it -«•�" C� spelled it with` an•.ft sfI instead of a c,ff as no doubt most of us would ' do. So small a slip may rob a contestant of national ..Same. EDITORIAL NOTES And here is .June, with sunny,_warm days and the. fragrance of the lilacs — the first - month of the good ofd sumruertime. * * *9. Lord Dowding, an ' English air chief marshal, has ars explanation for the flying sauces. Ile believes "there. are people on other planets who are operating these • flying saucers to help our world ill its present crisis," Angels, perhaps * * * r Thinking perhaps of that little note ori the municipal taxbill, 'The Stratford Beacon-, Herald says there' is nothing slaw about a Government that can take money from us taxpayers. and.ithen make it look like • ri ,gift -s '*heri they hai#d' rt back.., • • * * * * At a picture show in Cairo, according to a news despatch, Nazi Field Marshal Rommel was loudly cheered by the Egyptian audience, -and when Sir Winston Churchill appeared ion the screen he was booed. We have -never had any use for Egyptians since we read about their doings in our Sunday school days. * *• w * - The growing of African 'violets seems to be a popular pursuit these days and new varieties appear from time to time. We' don't want to discourage anybody who is making a collection of the different kinds, but we have._ just been reading an article about 'a -wonran in the States 'v ho has •180 varieties. 'She has, been colleting them for ten years and gives most of her time to it. * * • This column has made reference to the lack of agreement among the merelants of Fergus on business. hours. One group keeps opeoi on I"riday night•; another group 'on ..Sat- urday night: Neither• group is yielding,• but• aeeordinz; to a story in The Fergus News - Record the Saturday night group .is gaining uint<ivhat. 44pper4s are not complaining; tht y have two•nights each week to make their purchases. * * * •, �► In reminiscent mood an Ontario editor tells of two games the boys usetl to play that apparently are not' known now. These were "French cricket" and . "peg." This writer clo es not recognize either, but possibly in his - time they were played snider other •names. Boys of his time • of a lot of fun out of duck - on -the -rock. - I t requii ed ..no . equipment- except. a good-sized rock and some smaller ones. Perhaps it is so .primitive a game that the sophisticated lads of the, present day scorn, it; we haven't seen it played for many years. * * *' • A PROTEST TO THE P.M. -GENERAL (Port Elgin Times) With all the colors in the spectrum at his disposal, what fiend possessed the Postmaster - General to •cliooge blue and purple for the new 4c and 5c stamps? • Every time we pat a blue (purple?) stamp on an outside letter, we wonder if the recipient will have to pay double rates on..'the amount due. Every time we use purple., (blue?) stamps on local letters, we'r'e afraid the Post Office is gypping us. The figures "4" and "5" ,are there, to be sure, but so tiny it strains. our fading • eyesight to see them. We thought, the purpose of using different colors was to make it easier to distinguish olte denomination om another. What's wro with ' choosing a flaming scarlet for,the 5c issue? NILE NILE, June 2. --Mr. and Mrs. Adam McCartney and. Mrs. Lay, of Clinton, were visitors with Mrs. Amelia McIlwain, Wedn4day. +[r. and Mrs. Reg. Milner and. family,- of' Clinton, Mr. and; Mrs. Worthy 'Y' ng • and family, pf Win, r d. dos X , wlirh. ` and r ass. rl etedith'•' Dun W.M.S. was held in ,the ehii eh " DETNGANNON INSTITUTE May 26. The Missionary Monthly HOLDS MAY MEETING program was followed and a letter 'from Miss" McHarrie,xof the' Nee- •• ,DUNGANNON, June..2.. -'- The -much ,home in India, was read. ' . May meeting of tyre Dungannon William Watton 'celebrated'' 'hiS W.I. was held at the'•home of Mrs. „87th birthday at .a party held at L. Hasty on Thursday of last week. his • hone Monday night. His im- mediate-fanmilywas present for -the The roll call -provided' some inter bpps, occasion. esting "'material -.which -could' be A- atlft¢�r`• was staged . at .Nile used in the Tweedsmuir book, of Oattfrclr' recently, .along • with a- 'Which .Mrs. Irvin and Mrs. Ryan tnuMicat prdgram. ThiQse taking .gave, a" report. part ' in c the program• , Included:, -,�' During the business period it was Frances- hram• and?;Geotfe Sok decided; to 'accept the booth prival• 1. ton; ' OodierIch Aar Cadet;` are tee, ekes oft ' ,.,day, of: the. school area nig ' 'Pried . Mask, '` Bob: i�, •pp� ' �„ I0� �n�.munity- sing - J`.. . 'W ► . s 'and Richard') edge; G.f1' ; in' e'n jayed and ']Bird ° Brooks • o SI9'X2 t) i;96ad• ' •, ey; :tri Mend'. elft�.Marilyft gyve' eport bf tf4e `ddticers' eon, - $.0446 ;,care for, Smighi,r•Doug Squires an4 Doug:ventlon at Guelph. Mrs. Kilpat- an+t 't atson ••whee' 'Filbert 'Verna Rutledge, Ruth, an'•ricl, �Mars.-. Fowhit and•,Mrs. Brooks t rplce.:;; • 1 . - - Marian :Orser and Rbsematry Clark. gave, reports of the district annual t lar r4000.0t►g of . N"ite.�Filntal were�Sh�Wn also. • Meeting held in Belgrave. 111016.11.1.44 MP1IJE I N CANADA GOODS .••n411.111."• • Down Memory's Lane - 40 Years Ago Close to 75 delegates attended a three-day annual meeting of the Walkerton Association of Canadian Baptist Churches held -at' Goderich Baptist Church. Rev. J. T. Kirk- wood, of Tiverton, was elected moderator. Jubilee services held by the Pres- byterian Church in Whitechurch attracted upwards of 1,600 people to three services on Sunday. The following day a celebration pro- gram was held with the pastor, Rev. J. Ure Stewart, as chairman. At a convention of Conservatives of West Huron held at Seaforth, Dr. A. H. Macklin; of Goderich was selected as candidate to contest, the riding in the Ontario general elections. The loss of many magazines from the tables at the Goderich Public Library resulted in a drastic mea- sure. The magazines were placed in safe -keeping and anyone want- ing to read one had to ask the librarian. 25 Years Ago At the June meeting of Huron County • Council a resolution was passed requesting the Provincial Government to increase the grant on township road expenditures to 50 per cent. An educational rally was 'plan- ned in Dungannon Parish Hall for trustees and ratepayers of Ashfield, Colborne, and West Wawanrosh, when W. N: Morris, of ,Toronto, secretary'of the Ontario Education- al Association of Trustees and Ratepayers was slated to have been guest speaker: Mrs. John Treble, of Carlow, had a hen which laid a double -yolked egg every week and had laid one egg which measured 7y. by nine inches. 15 Years Ago Having struck granite at the depth of 3,531 feet • on the farm of H. Trewartha in- Ilullett Town- ship, drillers abandoned their search for oil arld moved their equipment. A trace of gas and oil was found at higher level, but not in sufficient quantity to warrant development. Some of those- who werq, financially interested in the venture, 'however, were ' still con- vinced that there was oil to be found in the district. An impressive ceremony was con- ducted by Rev. Dr. ' T. Wardlaw Taylor for the 101st and 102nd Girl Guide Companies of Goderieh at MacKay Hall and both com- panies were presented with their colors, the Union Jack and com- pany colors, by Mrs. I. 0. Mossley. Alex. McDonald, Reeve of Ash- field Township, suffered two brok- en ribs and head injuries when^his car was involved in a collision with a ear driven •by Ward Walker, of Kincardine.Both vehicles were overturned, ,,but Walker was not hurt. 10 Years Age Goderieh Public Utilities Com- mission turned down a suggestion advanced by Councillor E. D. Brown that' the, charge for water used on lawns be dropped to en- courage citizens to keep their, pro- perties attractive. The PUC felt that if the water were free ' there would be a great deal more,'used and pumping facilities Woula be over -strained. A large audience attended a pro= gram of music presented in the Town Hall by the choral -society of the Goderich Music Club, under the direction of Ray Mulheron. The famous Chin" -trio, William, Albert and George, were reported to have been signed by the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League. Are you planning to-_5UILD a NEW HOME t REMODEL — ' REPAVE-,..: — 'O0 PLANS 'TO CHOOSE FROM PLUMBING - ALSO DONIS-, ALL WORK GUARANTElID- E E. DOTE REGEN't'ST. 1 What Are . You Worth At Today's Prices ? The 'yalue of your property has increased with rising prices. Is your insurance ade- quate? tet us go' over your polices. Phone us today. MALCOLM MATHERS Insurance Office, 46 West St., Goderich, Phone 115W "Immediate service" IN YOUR, LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Marragement and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 21/2 % on savings — r deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services • For prompt attention call li RAYE B. PATERSON Trust (Veer Hensel!, Ontario, ' Phone 51 'l any office, of GUARANTY " -- TRUST • 'COMPANY 1 O1 CANADA- - OTTAWA • wage psi ' IRACA*A PALM• $UDM* sAVL't stns. Dupla CALGARY • ♦An oatat A water and electric system for your farm home and barns can be financed with a Farm Improvement Loan. Write for booklet or •just. drop in and talk it over with the manager of the Royal , Bank branch nearest you. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Every Saturday THIS WEEK TO, THE MUSIC OF DON WATSON and his Orchestra . "THE NEWEST IN DANCE BANDS" Featuring "CHRISTINE" ENJOY DANCING ON OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW FLOOR! 21-2 For quick results -try a classified ad in . The Signal -Star Enjoy Paid-up Heat BUY NEXT %VINTER'S *Wit IOU 03 p`po t �p1NK01 Woe OUR �F coal' SOS ass te0 a Pat ault blue once buts• raeuta are ap tlo cal pn 1 ' a deliver 1 Dred: w 'I %len oo. the. • °ver moo soPP�ebi of t h at. 2. blue coal' �witth pald-IP easier to x o joy `?`nntet dgeta �'Pebu No worrteso'�f.F'Housej, old . . 4 GODERICH EL Think of a winter free of fuel bills! Think' of paying for your coal as .conveniently as you pay your phone bill! That's how our 'blue coal' Budget Plan works to make coal buying easier and-tO guarantee you -the finest home heating with .`blue coal'—the. world's finest anthracite. ' Start now and your monthly payments will be that much smaller. Phone us now about' our 'blue coal' BUDGET PLAN EDWARD COAL CO. PHONE 98 CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Joins With All I.D.A. Drug Stores In A BIG 21s --duk—rdwid...Apos.dies!..0—ati‘;ft.o—difres.swas-lp..auw•-• S'a'le Winds Saturday, June S, I..D:A: BRAND --TOOTH•• PASTE I.fine Remember —it carries I:D.A.'s money -back guarantee of sat- isfaction. Regular 67c 39c • I.D.A. BRAND SHAVING CREAM - Another special feature,... this shave cream. is guaranteed to produce, a rich • fine lather.—We recommend it as top quality at a very low price. Regularly 49c 39c I.D.A. "Economy Brand.'' .STATIONERY Reg. 10c & 150..7c, 2 for 15c ; 12c, . 2 for 23c. BRYLCREEM with FREE -Comb Both for 69c BILLFOLDS Reg..$2.50 and 4.00 • 179, 2.50 WASH CLOTHS • The same fine quality v'ash cloth we offered in March....attractive designs ,and colors. - 2 for 25c • WAX PAPER, 1.D:A. Bram Heavy Quality...,100 foot roll in box with metal cutting edge Regular=34e 29c, 2 for 55c ,I.D.A}-BRAND 'CLEANING FLUID , Reg. 350, 69e `` "• c�,�58c LD.A. BRAVE, 'F.ASt G14OSS- -FLOOR WAX .• Reg. 53c, ' 39c ECLIPSE FOUNTAIN PEN - . $1.50 value' • 98c • :LD.A..,BRAND, OIL Heavy grade:...a highest quality medicinal oil. Reg. '56e • and •$1.10 43e, 87c I.D.A.• BRAND OGLD CREAM SOAP With Lanolin. This is another new "quality" I.D.A. product, carefully selected •as ` the finest( soap we are -able to procure. , 2 for 23c • 490 FEVER 'THERMOMETERS I.D.A. BRAND STOMACH POWDER. Reg. 76cc, $1.95 59c, •$1.49 IDASAL TABLETS Here's a real buy. LD.A.'s' owii guaranteed pain reliever, contains 5 grains acetylsalicylic , . acid: 300 tablets. Reg. 89c - ri 59c ALARM Ct.0OK—Check thestrvalue features. . * 40 HOUR MECHANISM * 90 -DAY GUARANTEE * SHAM' FERPPROOF BEZEL AND GLASS * ENAMELLED STEEL CASE AND BASE - $1.98 I.D.A. BRAND H -B PENCILS • Reg. 5c . v 3 for 10c; 12 for 39c I.D.A. BRAND MILK OF MAGNESIA Reg. 35c, 60c 29c, 4941 F Z.D.A. WILD STRAWBERRY COMPOUND Reg. 50c 390 •- CALAMINE LOTION - Reg. 300- z0c 23c, 39c BRAND PENETRATIl LINI- MENT ...Reg, 45c . , 37c UTZLIT ' lIIT; exceptional value .. • . $2.49 • PLAYING CARDS..- $1.98 value 1i79 SHAVING BRUSH. Outstanding value f _ _42.911 - ♦ R . :y7' • • -,.....',.....,.•• •