HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-05-20, Page 10•4; Wodnoildey noon is deadline for Classred Ads. Nye 'Ulnas or loss, 50c; 10c for each additional line. 254 extra for office box number. 4A. For Sale ((eneral) TWO OAK (*VICE CHAIRS; "‘• tato used chesterfield suites at LODGE rumsaTuitz. ,20 . , 1954 IVIIDRouR.-y, FOUR -DOOR paint white . . sideWalltirea, oirconditioningTheat- er, overdrive, row mileage, ' like * new. GARDNER, MOTOR SALES. -20 TY PIGS. PERCY SHIELDS, R.R. 1, Port Albert. -20 1951 STUDEBAAR PICK -11P Amok in good condition. Best offer. W. H.'SQUIRE, Albert 'street, Goderich. '• 20x tr 1951 CHEV. STAND o • I COACH, blue, aireonditio g, heater, seat covers, 4 •new tires, .25,000 miles. One owner car. GARDNER MOTOR SALES. -20 IF YOU WANT TO FURNISH A -a- summer cottage see R. A. JACKSON for stove, refrigerator, bed and some other furniture. 131 Picton street, phone 1386. -20 'SEED BUCKWHEAT AND WHITE beans. JAS. A. McMILLF,N, R.R. 1, Goderich. -20 WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC cmbination radio -phonograph, $98.50. WILF REINHART ELEC- TRIC. Phone 466. -20 LA -Z -BOY CHAIR AND . OT1O- "11-4 MAN, like new; overbed table with adjustable tilt top for read- ing, adjustable height, steel con- struction, finished in brown enam-- el, size of top 171/2," x 231/2". Phone 537 after 6 p.m. . .20x 1953 CHEVROLET . FOUR -DOOR, two-tan•e paint, airconditioning, seat covers, new car warranty. GARDNER MOTOR SALES. -20 TWO UNIT MA,SSEY-HARRIS pipeline milking machine in good condition. Phone 4 r 15. IVAN RIVETT, Dungannon„Ont. 20x eHESTERFFEID SUITE (TWO PIECES); extension kitchen , table, •chrome legs. See them at -201 Nelson street. Phone 1359. 20x TSED FOUR-l3•URNER TABLE top Westinghouse range, 6 heat -switchesHarge-ovenrIli-speed-ele--, ments, minute minder., automatic timer, like new. Reg. $389.50 Special $249. WILF REINHART ELECTRIC. Phone 466. -20 ArcLARY REFRIGERATOR, 9 cubic feet, used very short' while, very reasonable. 17 Water- loo street, phone 735R. -20 pINK FORMAL DRESS, SIZE 14, -a- very. reasonable. 17 Waterloo street, phone .7.35R. -20 SIX FT. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGER- ATOR, in perfect condition. Ideal size for apartment, or sum- mer cottage. Amazingly.low price. BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE. Phone 240J. -20 200 RHODE ISLAND RED -WHITE Rock pullets, four months old June 1. Fine , healthy stock. Should he ready to lay in month's time; also 500 Rhode Island Red - Sussex pullets, two months old, just right to go on range. Have had coccidiosis and are well again. R. A. JACKSON, 131 Picton street, Goderich. Phone 1386. -20 ROOKCA,SE,` 'WATERFALL, WAL- NUT finish, like new. , Priced for quick sale. BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE. Phone •240J. -20 BUT, EXTENSION' TABLE, and six chairs, walnut finish, in -very ,fine condition. See this set at BLACKSTONE'S FURNI- TURE. Phone 2401 -20 C1HILD'S TRICYCLE. PHONE - 1154J. -20 sT114,14 FURTHER REDUCTIONS on 'IT,itchener Big -4 Chicks. Pallets. All ages. Also 'chicks - and started chiCks. We advise you ask uS about these early summer prices. -Prompt shipment. Agent —RYAN & SON, Goderich. Phone 345. , '-20 ARTIAL SET OF SPALDING Autograph right-han„ded golt ineludingo-gott bag. Apply 132 Britannia road: 20x , 941F4Rafena_leattr....7 ••-•.11 I t_!,irp;`,0174141.0sigNEZ=1174„.„7,1g!SMOillaLittlaicoaDra =11217=4 TI1F ooDERIvil, scOlifitebt_ .AR. ••• rft x„ • .6, , 4 SLIGHTLY USED MAN'S BI- CYOLE, $26.00. Phone 404. • -20 SEVEN -FE. KELV/NATOR RE- FRIGERATOR in Al condition; 15 gal. tank with Hot Point • elec.- tric heater attached; 22 gal. tank; 4boy2s,-v-elocipede .44 .yeare. size. Phone 340. • -20 _JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR, 5 h.p., 2 years old, in excellent condition. Phone 566W. -20 hiLL ALUMINUM HOUSE TRAIL- ER,' sleep four, furnished, oil heating, hydro hook-up. May be seen at VICTOR GREEN'S, Port Albert, R.R. 3. 20xtf 1931 PLYMOUTH "SEDAN,- IN good condition. ••Nw Priced -for- -quick sale..„ -Terms- 5 Blake street, or call 796M, 20x TWO BOYS' BALLON 'TERE BI- CYCLES, in good condition. Priced for quick sale. Can be seen at 5 Blake street or call 796M. , 20x WY' A PIANO WITH CONFID- ' ENCE! See Smitty's for the most complete stock in Western' Ontario. All reconditioned, toned, free delivery. Many are refinished, like new with benches to match. 1, only,, piano, special at $99.00. SNOTTY'S SHOPPING CENTRE, Hanover. -17-20 GOODC.1CLEAN, ONE .OWNER cars. We have them. -Come in and talk about your new and -used car needs. GARDNER MOTOR SALES. -13 FENCE POSTS; CLOTHES LINE poles; telephone poles; hydro poles; flag poles, etc. JOHN HINDMARSH, R.R. 2, Goderich, phone 1190J. -14tf QTEEL OR ALUMINUM ROOFING 1•.) in best pre-war quality. All lengths carried in stock. Ask us for an estimate in supplying your material or laying your roof or siding.All work and material guaranteed. IRVING KEYES, Glamis, Ont. Phone Paisley 114.r 4. -14-48 Hygienic supplies (rubber geod,$) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- ples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. GLADIOLUS BULBS, SPECIAL collection, varieties named, Wide range of color, 60c dozen, 50 bulbs $2.50; also mixed colors 40c dozen, 50 bulbs $1.50. I. R. HOL- MAN, 87, Cameron street. Phone 722. -14tf PERENNIALS: SWEET WIL- -"' LIAM, Shasta Daisy, Peonies, Coreopsis, Hybrid Iris, Dwarf Iris, Rock Plants, Pansy, Violas, Border Plants, etc., etc. Tomatoes, Cab- bage, Peppers, Cauliflower. All annual t later. B. R. MUNDAY, 127 Widder street. Phone 598. • MOPFATT ELECTRIC STOVE, almost new, portable, porcelain enamel finish, comrdete with 'oven, ideal for summer cottage.. Phone 996. 19x SEVERAL USED RADIUS, EX- CELLENT condition, . beautiful tone, thoroughly overhauled. " B. R. MUNDAY, Radio and Sound; Widder street. Phone 598. -48 pw.OLDEN BARK WEEPING WIL- LOW trees; also tomato, cauli- flower, cabbage, Pepper plants, flowers and large ferns. FRED GILBERT, Huron road, Goderich. Phone 936 r 32. -19tf "IDEAL" LAWN MOWER GRIND- ER"' with new heavy duty 1/3 h.p. motor, good condition. Rea- sonable. Phone 723M, -19-20 FOR SALE.—USED REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang - Ates • and washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES .• SHORE AP- PLIANCES, Goderich, your head- ouarters for hearing aid batteries. -18tf W AND USED FERGUSON tractors and farm machinery. Vow is the time to trade in your old for the new. One good used ew Holland hammer mill. GEO. WRAITH, phone 1285, Montreal street. -8 CONCRETE BRICKS AND `*-'FLAG- STONES, any color, now in stock. Modern concrete flagstones provide the convenient, pleasing garden :walk. Easy to lay. 11To experience needed. Last a lifetime. Eednem- ical. All kinds of concrete work, including sidewalks, cement floors, septic tanks, etc. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Phone 22M, Seaforth. . -17-20 For artificial inseminatiop at its best for all breeds, call the Water- loo Cattle..Hreeding Association be - Ween -1.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week Sundays. PhOne collect, Clinton 242: 20-2-4-6tf ..... ....r RE:YOU$UY- SEE US SAVE 11 a •.*" 6 0 VINE BUILDING LOTS, GLOP- •CESTER Terrac,e, Goderich.- Overlooking golf course. Phone 357, Clinton. -20-23 FIVE-RO.O.M , HOUSE IN GODE- '`, RICH, insulated, instil brick siding, redecorated; also 2 lott„ -large-garage, Priced reasonable -I - for cash. May be seen any after 5 p.m. ,J. REG. JOHNSTON, R.R. 1,-Goderich. -20-22 . '1HOICE CORNER BUILDING LOT in fine residential section on North street well established lawn shrubs, bull'is and fruit trees on SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, lot. 10 St. Vincent street, phone '-' Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum- 213W. -20t1 bago is over if you let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask your Druggist. -20 LOW — NEW — MAYY — PRICES —on Hillside Chicks. Immedi- ate delivery. Started, all ages. Pullets, non -sexed. As wellas daYolds. Cockerels. Wide choice breeds and crosses. Canadian Ap- proved. Get this new May list, place your order with agent — .HARVEY LASSALINE, R.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 937 r 41. -20 1B:Real Estate MA LC0 L M MATH E RS 46 West St. Phone 115W Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker All types of Properties for sale, including the following: The former Whitely property, St, George's Crescent. Large mansion and extensive grounds in ideal location. on Lighthouse street — income property—a large house converted into three apartments. $2100.00 down required. --- A lovely frame centre hall dwell- ing. This is one of the more in- teresting homes in a central loca- tion. Four bedrooms, oak floors, really nice living room and dining room. South St.—near sc,hools. A„ well- built, brick two -floor house, new oil heating. The above is only a partial list of- properties for sale. Inquiries are invited for particulars of these and other properties for sale. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE C., F. CHAPMAN Realtor General Insurance 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18W • 0 Large, 7 -room frame house in excellent condition. Oil -hot water heating. 100 acres real good grass farm with 9 acres of excellent hardwood bush and a water supply that has never failed, located in north-west part of Colborne Township. Practically new five -room frame bungalow, hardwood floors, full basement, oil hot air heating, West I end location. Two-storey stone house, reason- ably close to the Square. First floor: living room, dining room, den, kitchen and powder room: Upstairs: 4 bedrooms and bath- room. Hardwood floors through- out. Full basement. Oil 'hot air heating, large lot. House in ex- cellent condition. Seven -room frame house With Hydro installed, Electric pressure system bathroom. Barn 30 ft. by 40 ft., 21/2 acres land, located on No. 21 Ilighway at Kingsbridge. Eight -room 'brick house with garage, located on East street. Owner selling to wind up an estate. Sumner cottages. • Building lots located in different Sections of Goderich, Several homes not listed in this advertisement. HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - Building Lot A' Medium size liOt close to Square. 'Two Storey Frame Duplex , Nine rooms, now duplexed. Gar- age. Good location. Priced rea- sonable, Four Room Bungalow Large bright living room and kitchen, two bedrooms, basemeht, hot air furnace, attached garage on large lot. Brand New Storey and a Half First floor complete having kit- chen, dinette, living room, two bedrooms and -bath. Finish second floor in your own time and taste. • New Ranch -Type Bungalow Frame, comfortable living room, modern kitchen and bathroom, two bedrooms, flonrs tile and hardwood. Full basement. Oil heating. West end location. Good size lot. Reasonable price. East -End Bungalow Stucco, modern kitchen, large living room, two bedrooms, sun porch. Coal, hot air furnace. Price is ver' low as owner Must -sell. See this one .today. . Wartime House Low, down payrrient, balance $25.00 per triOnth pays interest, principAl; Ures and drisUrance: TWO-BEDROOM MODERN ONE - STOREY insul brick home with attached garage. Property located south of Goderich. $1600.00 need- ed to handle this home. P. S. ' MacEWAN, Realtor, 48 West street. -go I'' FOR FOR QUICK SALE, TWO& STOREY, three-bedroom house, three-piece bathroOrn, oil furnace, 'modern kitchen, water heater, on 120 foot lot with three acres at- tached. Phone 31, Seaforth, or write HURON EXPOSITOR, Sea - forth. 4o-21 :COTTAGE FOR •SALE AT SUN- SET Beach. BOX 974. Phone 423W. • -16tf 4.IS1INGS AND mounues • VITED ' • 166W , - One flanilifilin Street Goderitif Amu 10)ISSE BO- ; nottfi rOad. Phone, TWO STOREY HRICK RESID, ENCE, 53 North street. Hot water heating, thermostatically con- trolled, four fireplaces, hardwood floors throughout, modern kitchen and bathroom, four bedrodins, large living room and den, black ash panelled dining room, garage, large flower garden and fruit trees. For further particulars apply R. C. HAYS, Barrister, 33 Hamilton street. -16tf SIX -ROOM STUCCO COTTAGE, hot water heating system, good garden, fruit trees and large hen- house; also building lot about 65 by 100 ft.; good buy. Phone 336M for information. 19-22x 2. Real Estate Wanted pETER, S. MacEWA.N REALTOR Listings and enquiries invited. 48 West Street. Phone 230. W-ANTETh—k.,ISTINGS-- OF -RES -I DENTIAL and farm properties for sale. HAROLD W. SHORE, Real Estate Agent, Hamilton street. Phone 766W, Goderich. -36tf WANTED.—LISTINGS -4' PRO ' ' PERTIE,S for sale. No charge to you until property is sold MALCOLM MATHERS, R e al Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -12t1 WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PR& " PERTIES for sale. C. e. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W. -3,94 3. Agents Wanted swimming. Ideal for children. All amusements close by and two drive-in theatres. Write G..HAZEL- WOOD, R.R. 1, Hayfield, Ont. -20tf 6, Wanted (General) WANT ADS HOUSE WANTED TO RENT, EN - DEFINITELY. Phone 1067W after.5 p.m. 20x 5000 MORTG.AG_E 'ON NEW gu house in Goderieli:- -Write BOX 97, SIGNAL.STAR OFFICE. -20 R,OOMERS WANTED IN OEN.- T ,RALbLy locatedprivate home, with modern conveniences. Phone 869R. -20 WANTED.—oLD IIORSES AND I A Variety Coneekt will be held in Benmiller Church' on Thursday, May. 20. Time 8.30 p.m. Adrnis- aion 40c and 25c. 19-20x Rummage sale, Saturday, May 22, at 2 p.m,, in Victoria Street Church, spensored by the W.A. -19-20 Everyone -is cordiallyinvited- to a Blossom Tea, JBake Sale and Bazaar, sponsored by Tiger Dunlop* Institute, to be held in Carlow Hall, ' Tuesday, May 25, tea served from 3 to 5 P.m. -19-20 Bake sale at Worsell's Hardware, Saturday, May 22, 2.30 to 4.30 p.m., sponsored by Port Albert United Church W.A. 19-20x dead cattle. If dead, phone at once. GILBEIRT BROS., Mink Ranch, phone collect 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. - -26t1 TAYLOR SAFE WANTED, IN -a` good condition, any size. Small Safe for sale. J. W. LOCKING, 464 llth street A.W., Owen Sound. Phone 1156. -10-23 WANTED. DEAD,.. DISABLED " horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and ef- ficient service phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 936 r 21. -10tf 7. To Rent 11111•11111111M1•1111111.1.1111111111.111111 MODERN THREE-ROOM APART- MENT, heated. Available after June 15. Phone 1095 or apply MRS. R. CAMPBELL, 32 Cambria road. -20 NEARLY NEW SIX -ROOM house,.'fliardwoed and tile floors, all modern conveniences. Possession June 15. Write BOX 102, SIGNAL -STAR. -20 10. Briefs "ilea:N.8MT ,;•• Famous Red Coal — America's largest selling anthracite — Cash price bulk orders $25.00 ton. Dean Coal Co. TeL 95W. . -20 All publishers' offers naming special prices on magazines can be handled by your reliable local subscription agent, Miss Mary B. Howell, phone 213W. Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. pro- ducts. Phone 98. -1.8tf • For your Fuller Brush needs from head to toe, cellar to attic, call Ron Barker, yotir-- Fuller Brush dealer for Goderich wad district. Phone 597M. 19-22x For guaranteed work on watches andjewellery repairing, call at 122 St. Patrick street. H. Pierce, Jeweller. 17-20x I Outstanding bargains to new sub- scribers for this month only. 1.0 months 'Ladies' Home Journal for $2.-00. Also several other specials available. 'Miss Mary B. Howell, phone 213W. -20-21 RY JUNE 1st, UNFURNISHED self-contained secend floor of 11. Auction Sales new duplex on nice quiet street, close to No. 8 highway; two bed- I rooms, three-piece 'bath,, kitchen, dinette, large living room, lots of closet and storage, space, heated and -hot water on tap, separate driveway, garden if wanted. R. A: JACKSON, 131 Picton street. Phone 1386. • -20 FRONT APARTMENT , OVER Agnew -Surpass Shoe Store, par- tially furnished, private bath. Apply to, W. HERN, 49 North street, phone 43: -20tf 11 EATED, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, located; at the pil- lars. Bus stop at the door. Living room. 15' x 15', kitchen and bath, ample cupboards and „clothes closets. Private entrance. J. A. SNIDER, 62 Essex street. Phone WA. -20 HOUSE FOR RENT AT KIN'TAIL. 'Hydro. Reasonable rent. Ap- ply MRS. NEIL •McDONALD, Kin - tail, Ont:, phone 12,-r 7, Dungan- non.'• 20x , ". HOUSEKEEPING CABINS AND —.cottages on Lake Huron. $20 couple weekly:., Everything sup - ,plied. Fine satid beach, good "AWLEIGH *BUSINESS NOW , open in Huron Co. Trade well established.- Facellent opportun- ity. Full time. Write at once. RAWLEIGH'S DEPT. E-216-189, Montreal. -20-21 BE IN, 'BUSINE,SS FOR YOUR- SEt.F. We need a 'reliable man—full-time or part-time—to sell nationally advertised Watkins Products in Goderich. No selling experience necessary and no cap- ital to invest. Apply in writing to F. GRANGER, 350 St. • Roch Street, Montreal, Quebec. -10-21 4. Help Wanted SALES 'CLERK' , FEMALE. EX- PERIENCED preferred. Full- time employment. Please apply in person to HEN-20DERSON 'S BOOKSTORE. 'TEACHER. WANTED FOR S.S. No. 17, West Wawahosh Town- ship School Area. Protestant. Approximately '15 pupils. Pleas-. ant surroundings. School 1/2 mile off highway. Hydro, furnace and inside toilets. State former in- spector,' qualifications and salary expected. Duties to commence September 1. Also a Music Super- visor wanted for West Wawanosh School Area. Five class rooms. Apply stating salary expected to W. A. STEWART, Sec. -Tres., 20- Dungannon, 'Ont., H SCHOOL GIRL AS SALES c erk for July and August ordy. Please apply in person to HEND1411- SON'S BOOK STORE.. 420 pOREMAN FURNITURE FINISH- ER,-- fully experiencedfor top- quality, progressive manufacturer. Our foreman retiring through age. Pleasant working conditions, steady employment, group insurance, etc: Enclose photograph and give full 'details in first letter in confidence. BOX 101, SIGNAL -STAR. -20,21 PAINTERS (TRADESMEN). AP- PLY to foreman painler, $t. George's Anglican church, Gode- rich, May, 25-26. -20 TRAINEES TO OPERATE AUtO- IVIATIC and transfer' knitting machines. App1y 'HOLEPROOF IIOSIERX -CO. Oi CANADA. 420 • ), 0- GIRLS OR W9kVIEN FOR laundry and • upstairs wOrk. BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL20 ," • 5. Ein' ployment Wanted MOM *OAK; BASBMt S, Sidewalks, steps, cellar gars. Prite reasonable: ROBERT SON, Keays street, pliOne -302 I COTIPLE WAN t • t OTT' Rattirdays, ne 10.57— after 5.p.m 20x AUCTION SALE ON SATURDAY, MAY 29th at 1.30 p.m. At Arthur Kingsbury's, 50 Bayfield' road, the following. • Three-piece chesterfield; dining table, six chairs; china cabinet; large upholstered chair; 2 bedroom suites; bedding, linens' and cur- ' tains; ,studio couch; mantel clock; small antique clock; radio; sewing Machine; 2 Congoleura rugs; odd tables; kitchen table, six chairs; -2 blow-tOrehes;" "a-burn'er-keroterie- stove and oven; binoculars (new); carpenter's tools; 1 gal thermos jug; spraying outfit; Hoover sweep- er; quantity of paints; fruit juicer; 2 stoves; Coleman heater; decor- ator's outfit; ladders; stepladders;, hand wagon; 4 lengths 50 ft. hose; M. bicycle; tool grinder; dishes; -glassware; Silverware; , kitchen utensils; Tuckaway camp cot; Waterproof tent, 9' x 14'; folding camp table; 2 coil electric' heater; platform scales, 240 lbs.; grama- phone and re'cords; numerous other articles. ARTHUR KINGSBURY Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. CHESNEY, Clerk. IN HAYFIELD, FURNISHED OR unfurnished four bedroom hihne, three-piece bath, double garage,'1 1/5 acres, trees, garden, etc. Reasonable. Apply E. CAM- ERON, Hayfield. -19tf THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, UNP. FURNISHED, heated. Phone 741J. " -19 20-21- 12. Tenders Wanted - -AIAIIKED, SEALED , TENDERS will be 'received until June 7,, /1954, for transportation of pupils of S.S. 3., ,(Kintail) to S.S. 15 (Hem- lock City), U.S.S. 11 (Sheppaodton) •to S.S. 1 (Port Albert), als9 for S.S. 12 to U.S.S. 4 (Lochalsh) for the. school year 1954-55. ' Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. . R. T. KILPATRICK, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 7, Lucknew, Ontario. ROOM AND BOARD. 44 WEL- LINGTON street. Phone 986R. -11.tf FuRNIsHED TWO-ROOM,APART- -MENT, ground floor; heavy duty 'range, hot and cold water, hardwood floor, garden if desired. 12 St. Vincent street. Phone 213W. -18tf APARTMENT, THREE ROOMS, •-• unfurnished, self contained, heated, separate bathroom. ' J. A. 0A1VIPIIIKLL, phone 90. -20 'APARTMENT, FOUR ROOMS, maii,. floor, unfurnished, avail- . able soon, Phone 328. . -20 8. Wanted to Rent ••••• SUMIVIER COTTAG1 OR TOWN cottage wanted by mother and two children, 12 and 13 years. Must be in quiet district and furn- ished. Price $100 to $125 per month. Will req. for July and August.' Aloply HOX 100, SIGNAL:" STAR. References if needed. " -20 ••• 9. Coming .Events A musical concert will be pre- serited-ia,athe -Dungannon Agricul- tural Hall by the Pupils Of 'the Ashfield Township School Area and Kingsbridge Separate School com- mencing at 8, p.m. D.S,T., on May 28, 1954: Admission.35-e. Public and Separate Sehool Children, free. -20 The annual Spring' Tea of the ladies of theMaitlandG .61f Club will be held at the Club House on Wednesday, June 9, ofrom 3 to .5 o'clock. -20 Rummage sale, Saturday, May 22, at MacKay Hall, it 1.30, spon- sored by Rebekah Lodge. -20 The regular meeting of the Home and SchOol AssociatiOn will be held at the Goderich Public `SchodI orl Tuesday, May 26, 1 8 p.m. An- imal meeting. Mus cal selections. . • -20 Dancing at the Old Forge at Hayfield every Saturday night, 9 to 12 p.m., by the Sitndowners. Orchestra open for engativriients. 1041 19-20- . TOWNSHIP WEST WAWANOSH. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., Sat- urday, May 29, 1954, for spraying Weeds on roadsides by the hour. Applicants must have a suitable outfit. Township will supply ehemieal. 'Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LORNE IVERS, Road Superintendent, 20-21- Dungannon, Ont. 13. Personal NURSING HOME, PLEASANT surroundings at 129 Lighthouse street. Operated by Registered Nurse. . Properly balanced home - cooked meals—tray service. 'Priv- ate andtend-private rooms. Phone 1593. -19tf 15. Cards of Thanks 'THE R,ELATIVES OF THE LATE Jas. McKnight .wish: to thank Dr. W. N. Wafters, tbe hospital staff and those who assisted them in any way, especial/r-those who loaned cars and sent floral tributes. - -20 j WISH TO EXPRESS MY -a" thanks to Dr. Taylor and the nurses, and helpers at Goderich hospital for their kindness to me while a patient there. Also for the cards and good wishes of all my friends including the W.A. and - the Remniller school children and, teacher. MRS, PERCY WALTERS. 20r 14. In Memoriam loving memory of our dear AnntAntirna, who Passed; away one year' agO,-the 19th of May. - We often it and think of yOu, , We miss your 'cheery faqe, And bright sinile at our Place. Iv a y s rettibOted nepherotts Charles and Elmer, nieees Verna and Verat .aid our families, Jeannie and Clem, ttittli and rya; Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. Charge of 25c extra If ads not Paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of publication. CULBERT'S 7 BAKERY "THE HOME Or TASTY' PASTRY" _ A-OLIDAY WEEK -END FEATURE: -- Pumpkin Spice Cakes -40c each with raspberry filling and butter crerne LEMON AND CREAM -FILLED CUP CAKE'S -4 for 17c BOSTON CREME PIES -60c each WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY AND 'BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY.. Wedding, Anniversary. 'and Birthday Cakes a specialty. PHONE 465 PHONE EARLY 16. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook, Huron road, Goderich, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their second youngest daughter, Donelda Joan, to John Leroy Finegan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finegan of Weston. The marriage to take place at Victoria Street United Church, on June 5. -20 Mr. and Mrs. Herb Glousher, Auburn, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean, to Thomas Lloyd -'Ross Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Craig, Auburn, formerly -of Owen Sound. The wedding to take place in June. -20 18. Births ORA'VVFOR:D.—At Alexandra hos- pital, Goderich, on May 14, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Horace • Craw- ford, R.R. 3, Goderich, a daugh- ter, Shirley Dianne. GROEN.—At Alexandra Hespital, Goderich, on May 13, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Thys Groen, R.R. 4, Goderich, a son, Arend. RuGILL.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on May 15, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hugill, Goderich, a son, Randall Dale. Alexandra -H-ospital;• Goderich, on May 16,, 1954, to Mr,. and Mrs. Wm. Knight, Gode- rich, a daughter, Sheryl Darlene-. 19. Notice to Creditors PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Hilda Stewart (sometimes known as Hilda Wilson), late of the Town a Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, Clerk, who died- on or about the 2nd day of May, 1954, at the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, ' are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of June, 1954, as after' that date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. , Dated at the Town of Goderich,' in the County of Huron, this llth day of May, 1954. * FRANK R. DARROW, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. . 19 -21 - ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against ...the Estate of Oliver Clark, late of the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died at the said Town of Goderich on or about the 21st day of March, 1954, are re- quired to file the same with full particulars with the- undersigned by the 4th day of June, 1954, as after that date the assets of the Estate Will be distributed.' Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of HurOri, this llth day of May, 1954 ' FRANK R. DARROW, .Q,C., Goderich, pntariOr Solicitor for the Estate. 19-21- 20. Public Notice TIM THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL Reunion Picnic of the ,Troyer Family and friends will be held in the Lions Park, Seaforth, on the afternoon of Saturday, June 12th. (In the event of ram, in the Com- munity Center). Registration at 1,30 (Daylight Time) with races at 2.30 and •supper at five. Illustrat- ed address on "John Troyer the Pioneer" by Rev. Herb Troyer of Toronto. -20-22 Mill./L NOT BB RESPONSIBLE for any debts incurred by my wife Verna Anderson Culbert. MELVELLE ,J. CULBERT. 19 -21 - GREY -BRUCE HEREFORD Breeders' Association sale of 15 bulls, 21 females, is being held . at the Markdate Sales Arena on Wednesday, May 26th. W. S. O'NEILL, Auctioneer, and DONALD BLUE, Ring Master. Catalogues on request. T. STEWART COOPER., Markdale; Secretary. -19-20 21. Business Notice , BELL IMPERIAL THRESHING Machines. These are now in full production for 1954 season. This is the time of year to contact us for an unbelievable and excep- tional deal. We also have a .few "other make" used machines. , For, the best machine, best service and deal see ROBERT BELL INDUS- TR'I'ES LIMITED, or one of our agents. -20-21 Guarantee a radio service. WILE., REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton , street, phone 466. -12 Blue Water Service Station. Com- plete service and repairs. Phone 232, Hayfield road. C. Bannister. -39t1 DRAINAOE! FARM AND MUNI- CIPAL„ tile 4' to 16"; brick, etc. -Order now for early delivery. Surveying estimates given. BEN H. JOHNSTON, phone 1094. - -7tf ---7, ANYONE DESIRING' 0 L D BLAKE, Town Hall, or phone 24 r for the moving. Contact S. H. Dungannon,. bricks or fill, may Eaven-2;sa HAVE YOUR OLD OAK FLOORS sanded and have the new light finish.' Phone CREE COOK, Clin- ton, 23J. , -2tif. pURINA FEEDS FOR YOUR. COWS • LAYING HENS FATTENING STEERS OR STEERS FOR GRASS NEXT YEAR. ABOVE FEEDS CAN BE SUP- PLIED EITHER AS A COMPLETE RATION OR FEED YOUR OWN GRAIN AND - CONCENTRATES. ' THOSE 'LITTLE PIGS — GIVE. THEM THE START THEY NEED FOR GOOD GAINS WITH PURINA PIG STARTENA ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR AND' COME IN AND SEE US FOR A RECOMMENDATION. PHONE 1285 OR 931r3. -45tit GEO. WRAITH, Montreal St. 411AVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SIGNAL -STAR SUBSCRIPTION ••• merson Drug Store Corner West St. and Square Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as- the Postoffice" ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR HOLIDAY SUPPLIES Noxzema Suntan Oil CoPpertan 1.50, 2.25 Tangel for sunburn 75,c Noxzema 26c, 65c, 89c Sun Glasses 1, 39 Polaroid 1.98, 2.50, 2.98 Neutralite, Glasses 1.98, 2.98 and up Vacuunti Bottles 98c 642 Insect Repellant 59c hued" Bombs 1.39 , Poison ivy Lotion , 1-00, , ' 0,14,4 •