HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-05-06, Page 11R SP_APERS AND • (London Free "Press) • With radios in -every home,".and television rapidly reaching the same saturation point in some cities, 'do people' still have time to' read newspapers?. The- Atnerie , N sPp . er' lishers-As oeia ta finds ofonly� that' the, de, but. that threl en of -16d papers' are actually gaining in circulation. °This should -be no ,surPrise.' -Radio and, television 'are ,prima rill' exitertaintnent hxediums. They can, and do, bring the public -spat, news and sports. as - they happen. They. have the unique quality' of timeli- gess and' immediacy; )4it , you ave to be at the. radio er television at . the right "time. ` d • ;.1'; TewsiSapers, *:ill continue to be published ' and bought as long as • the public wants to he info and entertained_ atits own and convenience. " .n Neither rap nor television will ever replace' t ;printed word, to . be read or''''re'.,, e litaeS s..pylayu like. �o - Ohaed' 3 t a S I aw � 1 �u.•r Y fl a hofmM li k d thasnabout. yourfel ,lee'orat the low citizens, their good deeds, and -'fora er'e brother, Charles, owner,_ had, . iRadio nd: • television whet the appetite. Your newspaper The inevitable horn -tooter in tra ii c was squelched by a lady Pulling d up alongside his car and requiring very, sweetly, "What else did you get kr Christmas?" HOTJSEHOLD. ` A?B,' 1CIa48 YOU NO LONGER I EQU E ' CAN BE. 'TURNED INTO ,USEFUL CAST J! USE SIGNAL -8T Oi; CLASS:Ir'. EDS. :Mrs, •'Arthur Elliott -and, son, B.arold, .Mrs , W. Ii. QVMeClure, Miss Rebina Sproul and Mrs. RO,O_ ''in- nigan attended the funeral of their c 'usin, the -late,.Mrs. Etta Mann, of St, Thomas, on Thursday. Or., and . Mrs. R. J. Durnin and d.tghter.'Flora are visiting their sora, Ctlester; and • amily, , at Pitts - ;burg, Pa. , Mrs. W. R. Andrew, who spent two months with relativesin the Western Provinces, ,is returning home this week. • BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW CAR...PROOF—DRIVE METEOR ABERHART'S GARAGE ST. ANDRE" 'S ST. PHONE 625W, � �; In �r N3^r i" ❑ ff , ,:, �, :.. '4 � 'l� •1p r] �.' c r f y. speii ^ .un ay r iting' zy, it CWi:ison an s1 x' Wilson, Elora,•. , r Mr, and Mrs. Albert .V,44§044 (nee Pearl, ''Culbert) were tenpered �! danee reception in the Agricultural' Rail on Friday night. An• address of best wishes was read by Mis Patricia, Young' and a; . purse o money Was 'presented to the young couple by Th q mas Rivett. Miss Clara Sproul, of Stratford, spentthe week-end.with iter sisters, Misses' Nettie and Robina 'Sproul, Mrs. , J. •, „Lesson, Stratfprd, spent the week -end With her "Cou- sin, Mrs. S, J: " iilpatrick. . Barnet Benninger spent • two weeks in April with his , brother, C. D. -Benninger and wife, in Royal Oak, Mjchigan. • Anniversary Preacher. -Rev. G. D. Watt, of Dungannon United Church, --preached on Sunday at Oakwood United Church, Toronto, for the ,'Sunday School anniversary of that church at combined Sunday School • and Chh ser �" ces, morn- ing and_evening ;Rev Watt's father, Rev. W. J. Watt, White- church, was pastor there for sev- eral years. Rev. G. I. Stephenson, of Toronto, spoke in the Dungan- non United Church in .the interests of Temperance. Home From Europe.—Mrs. Car- man Anderson arrived home last week after a visit since November in France, Greece, Italy and Tur- key. W.I. Meets.—The April meeting of Dungannon Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. Kilpatrick last' Thursday evening. The president, Mrs. C. Blake, open- ed the meeting. The roll call was answered by 16 members and four visitors. During the business period a donation of $5 was voted to the Cancer Fund. Delegates were appointed to attend' the dis- trict annual meeting to be held in Belgrave, May 19.. A discussion on' dressing dolls for the C.N.E. was held, but no action is being taken. A meetingof theexecutive is being held at the home of the president to plan the programs for the corn- ing year. Rev. Watt gave an ad- dress on- education. A demonstra- tion was given by Mrs. C. Crozier on how to iron a tablecloth, and Mrs. J. Finnigan conducted two contests. - 6 Last year the national income in- creased by 5 per cent over 1952; wages, salaries and other labo 4n - come was up by 9 per cent, while farm income was down by 14 per cent.. ------------ Boss (to office boy, who is half an hour late)—"You should have been in here at nine o'clock." Office Boy — "Why, what hap- pened?" - SALE OF DOG, BI$E LIEfl OES SAW SLOW Goderich dogowners seem do have forgotten they need licences for their animals, ac- cording to statistics at Town -Ilan. And that goes for bicycle owners; too, Figures this week reveal that Only 80 dog- tags nave •been --gold so far. - -Usually, -some- where someT_where !between 250 and 300 are sold each year. In addition,- as ddition,-as of last Saturday all dogs in town were supposed to have been tied up for the summer months. • A by-law provides that per- sons who let' their dogs run at large from the period May 1 to September 30 are liable, Ron conviction, to a fine not exceeding $50. The bicycle licence situation is a little better. So far, slightly over 400 licences have been sold.' There are about 200 left. BANQUET IS PLANNED . TO COMPLETE COURSE Final session of the .lead'ership training course held during -the past several months by the Gode- rich Junior Chair'xber of Commerce will be next Thursday night when a banquet will be staged. At the banquet, diplomas will Abe, pres'etited. The course was under the chairmanship of William Anderson and instructors were Mr. Anderson, Max ' Cutt and Andy Boutilier. • • NEW DRIVE-IN Sunset Drive -In, the new drive-in theatre at the, eastern outskirts of Goderich, enjoyed a large attend- ance on opening night, Friday of last week, and. "again on Saturday. Cool weather the early part of this week , cut down attendance, as it did at all drive-in theatres in On- tario. With warmer weather com- ing up, the . new theatre seems destined for popularity. - Plans for, the coming season of baseball and softball were made at • the annual spring meeting of the Western Ontario Athletic As- sociation held Wednesday night of last week in. Wingham. President rHarry Doughty, =of Walkerton, --pre- sided. The WOAA .will again sponsor; a, major fastball series. A men's "D" series in softball will be in- augurated ' this year for places of less than 500 population with no imports allowed and the distance set at seven miles from which a team can draw a player. Baseball classifications were Intermediate "B" 3,000-8,000 population, "C" 1,000-3,000, "D" under 1,,000. A junior, juvenile, midget, bantam and pee -wee set up will also be in operation. Softball classifications are men's "A" softball over 1,000; "B 500-1,000, "C" under 500. Ladies' intermediate • "A" over 2,000; "B" under 2,000; junior, under age 16; juvenile,. under 14. The WOAA will also sponsor in softball junior, juvenile, midget bantam and pee -wee in an open series. This year only the A, B, C, win- ners will play off for the softball grand championship: The . organiz- ation will again affiliate with the OBA, and the OASA. Rulings are, deadline for entries, May 16; dead- line for group ' winners, August -8•- in baseball and softball, same resi- dence rule, June 15 for non -stud- ents, July 15 for students. The baseball group meeting - is • being scheduled for Wingham, May 18, ,and the softball meeting May 19. "Thankful! What have I to be thankful for? I can't pay my bills." , "Then, man alive, be thankful. you aren't one of your creditor's." The • closing banquet of the Ladies' Social Bowling Leagu e was. held at the Park, House last Thurs- day evening when prizes were awarded to winning teen's. The committee in charge of pur- chasing urchasing prizes were Mamie McCabe, Isobel Riehl and Arlyne Rouse. -Banquet--'ar-sangemen.ts•--,ever-e_-car, ried out by Peg Wood, --Nelle, Foster, Millie Whetstone and Marj. "Young. Following dinner, election of 1954=55 officers took place- and re- sulted as follows: President, Norma Kingswell; vice-president, 'Mamie McCabe; secretary, Isobel Riehl; treasurer, Bess Tobin. The re- mainder of the evening was spent in playing cards and dancing. BRIDGE TOURNAMENT .. - OOPPED BY WINGHAM. ,Wingham Bridge Club defeated Goderieh Bridge Club 1983 to,1839 in a tournament held Wednesday night of last week in Wingham. • Following. are the .scores: East- West—Mi. and Mrs. McKay, of Wingham, 1701; J, H. Crawford and V. bitrner, Wingham, 165; Mrs. :R. Hetherington and Mrs. J: A. Wilson, Wingham, 160; Mrs. Gib- bings .and Dane Dobb, Goderich. North -South -Mrs, D. Nasmith and W H. French, Wingham, 168; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hunter, Goderich, 159%; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curry, Goderch, 158; . Miss M. Johnston and Mrs. G. Godkin, Wingham, 1482. Refreshments were served at the close of the tournament. Visiting' Mrs. F. B. Riley over the week -end were W.O,I:C. Adams and Mrs,Adams, the former Doris Riley, and daughter, Helen, prior to their leaving for England where Mr. Adams will attend a course at the Royal Military School of Music for three years. . n Next to Community Clifton Webb, Joan Bennett; 'CARTOON—NEWS •®o!•®i•••••••Nl•NNN Sat. -Mon. • May 8-10 (Colour) Sterling Hayden, Arleen Whelan CARTOON—NEWS ®N®®iAM®NNNNNNIlN1 Tues. -Wed. , May 11-12 CERIEL VAN DAMME, PROPRIETOR 12-2 p.m. ' 4-8 p.m, PHONES : BUS. 297 RES, 762W 1 .CLINTON, ONTARIO A nice place- to take your family and friends a.. for a Sunday Dinner. - WE SPECIALIZE IN CHICKEN, SOUTHERN FRIED, T-BONE STEAK, A^ -FULL COURSE MEAL $1.25 Always a varied menu. Meals $1.00 Humphrey..,Bngart,...iennifar-J nes CARTOON—NEWS iNNr0N111~11NNNNN Thurs: Fri. May 13-11 "I Can Get It, For You Wholesale" Susan Hayward, Dan Dailey CARTOON—NEWS Your Buildings --You Only Succeed In Cheating Yourself When. You Try. Keeping Your Home In �. Repair Means BEG SAVINGS IN UPKEEP Come in and let us give you a free es- timate on the job you have in mind. No matter what you're building, whether it be a hew attic, a game room in the basement, an extra shelf in the pantry, or a whop new house, you can depend on us'" to have the kind lumber you want --ret a price you'll like. !So the next time you build, remember the conveni- ®nce ,and savings you find here! _®. TO TREREE- W HEN. DISASTER,. S: 1 `E OUR > 00.8s 0Er NO1N' CI' VZ N$ OF' + Ob ICH ANO DI 'RRC" Al E A ,1 D Give tIONEROUSL r 11iitioard KWh, < ,. Batik Ga derkh.