HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-05-06, Page 744'waw�tu May 9; Third 'Sandy after Easter, HOLY COMMUNIQN: :- w:1 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. l t, 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. i1►' ,__ (Junior Congregation and Nursery) , 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. ,TAILOR, D.D., Rector 1 1 orou North 'Street United Church MOTHER'S DAY _ SUNDAY, -MAY 9,.,1954 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY" Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. "THE HONEST DOUBTER" • REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A. MINISTER Eleanor Ewing, B.A. (Music) A.T.C.M... Organisfi and"' C�oiriea I ; -�_ ._ The Best Way to Observe Mother's Day Is By Serving The God She Taught You To Worship. SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY SERVICES 1 a.m. MOTHER'S • DAY. SERVICE. Sacrament of. Infant Baptism. 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. PLACE SETTING. $7.30 Come in and see many other gift suggestions for Mother for HER DAY. There was no worry about accommodation for the kids taking part in --the Young Canada Week hockey. tournament his year. A terrific job of billeting was 'carried out by the Lions Club Committee and the response from Goderich deopie was outstanding. It was help from women like Mrs. Wilfrid Larder that helped ease the housing situation. .Mrs. Larder is 'shown above with 10 of the 12 members of the Port Perry team she accommodated. - Signal -Star Photo—Telegram Engraving. v. R. G. MacMillan - Minister• Mr. W. H Bishop; F.R.C.O:, A.R.C.M • rDirector,of Praise," Would You Live For Christ's' Cause? COME AND WORSHIP 10 a.m. THE SUNDAY .SCHOOL MEETS. 11 a.m. "THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY." 7 p.m. "IT IS CONVICTION THAT COUNTS." Life-giving Services in WINDSOR; May 5. --In the past 50 years Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited has produced two of every five' motorvehictes made in, Canada, and has sold 31/j billion dollars worth of products. Its `pro- fit for the half -century, not, taking into account dividends it has re- ceived from its ,wholly-owned sub- GODERICH BAPTIST IST CSIURCH MONTREAL ' STREET Minister: REV. IAN G HIND, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. E. Donaldson, •A.L.C.M. (To make room for new stock) 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. Free Methodist Church CORNER VICTORIA AND PARK STREETS REV. MARTHA MARI.ATT, PASTOR. SUNDAY SCHOOL MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE. -- MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE. 8 p.m. Each Wednesday—Cottage Prayer Meeting. St. Luke 1: 4647—"And Mary said, myooul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath reibiced in God my Saviour." EVERYONE +WELCOME AT EACH ,SERVICE FLOWERS ' PLANTERS CUPS AND SAUCERS HANDKERCHIEFS PLAQUES, ETC. Many other articles drastically reduced: Craft and Gift Shoppe WEST ST. HENDERSON'S sidiary companies in other coun- owned subsidiaries abroad have a IN URBAN CENTRES 75% PE'O'PLE DRINK MILK tries, has been equal to only four cents on each dollar's `worth of g'oods sold. The company. has op- The Canadian plants alone pro- erated at a profit in 45 of its 50 duce in less than two hours as yeais in business. The impressive record•` 'of Can- ada's oldest automotive 'company is related in an 8 -page foreword to Ford, of Canada's annual report:for the year ended December 31, 1.953. The book has been mailed to the company's more than 13,000 share- holders, of whom almost 75 per cent are resident -in Canada.: • • The history reveals an industrial, achievement probably without par- allel in this country. The company ,;began-.- operatio n,., in,' 1904– former 904former wagon works at Windsor- (1946.. Of the total value of its Ontario, 'on the same site ••as that I sales in Canada and its export. ship - of thesprawling _manufacturing ments for the half -century, plant of today. It had 17 employ- 0,465,033,989, the " eight-year per- ces in the first year, an annual iod '1946-53 accounted for $1,709, - payroll of $12,000, and turned out 901,342, almost half the total. The 117 cars over the' first 12 months. floor area of its plants, offices and • 25,000 Employees • • warehouses in Canada, exceeding Today the plants, offices and 4,850,000 square.. feet, is double that warehouses of Ford of Canada, to- of 1939, and so ' is the compari's gether With those of its 'Wholly- total employment in Canada. combined floor area under roof of OF more than 165 acres, and give -em- ployment to about • 25,000 persons. many vehicles as were made in' the first .12 months of the company's existence. There are almost 17,000 employees in' the Canadian oper- ations, and the wages and salaries paid; to them in 1953 totalled al- most $59,000,000. Satisities in the report demon- strate- the almost' phenomenal growth of Ford of Canada in the past few years. One-third of the 2,888,692 motor vehicles it has pro - (heed in 50 years has come off the assembly Alines since January • 1, (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada)„ Waterloo and -Elgin' REV: HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES - 10 a.`i. Sunday School—MOTHERS are needed to SAVE Tomorrow's Generation TODAY. Morning Worship—THE PASTOR'S MOTHER WILL SPEAK. Evening Service—THE MINISTRY OF MOTHERS. Tuesday 8 p.m. ,Bible Study—Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m. Young People's Service. 'THE LITTLE„,,CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME Invitations -Announcements. Engagements QUI KIDDING Don't get the false idea 'yeti can do better elsewhere. We, guarantee that BOTH in the matter of PRICE and QUALITY- you won't get a . finer job or' at a lower price in London, Toronto or elsewhere than our service will offer you. YOURSELF! ' Come in and see for yourself. See .the sample book with the exact type of job you want and plainly marked beside it the exact price forasme. WE REPEAT, you simply will not do better elsewhere, SEE ALSOthe- 1ovy sample jobs of: ,Birth Announcement Cards R.S.V.P. dards � Informal Cards At Home Cards • SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 CHRISTIAN ..FAMILY SUNDAY 10.30 a.m. -SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. Combined Service, Sunday School and Congregation. Sacrament of Infant Baptism. 1-30 .p;rH: `'Bcnmiller—Sunday School and Congregation will meett for, Christian Family Service. Infant Baptism; 3 p.m.Union Church, Goderich Township. Pastor—Rev. D. W. Williams, B.A. Organist—Mr..Bert Kempster. PHONE 91 In three out of four urban Can- adian families, all members drink milk, according to,, a recent nation- al survey made by Dairy Tamers of Canada. Made in all cities with 50,000 or greater population, the survey points up some interesting deviations in the milk drinking habits of the -'-nation, where' nutri- tionists advise consumption of at least three glasses a day to main- tain good health. In the average household, it is the housewixip,.,who buys• the milk and insists ' that members of her family drink it' regularly. Howe ever, in urban families where there- is one or more , non -milk drinker housewives make up•49 per cent of the abstainers. Husbands, as a group, were 30 per cent of the non -milk drinkers. Fifty three per cent of the non -milk drinkers gave, as their reason, "just do not 'care for -it," While twenty-three per •cent had no particular reason. Urban families in the province of Quebec had the highest score as milk consumers with 79 per cent reporting all members of the house- hold as milk drinkers. British Columbia was on the other end of the scale with 69 per cent of the families composed ofmembers who all drink milk, "As'-' might be expected, families with children are the heaviest con- sumers of milk, with the lower in- come group buying more milk than either the middle or upper income groups. The survey' supports the" concern often expressed by nutri- tionists who claim that older people do not drink enough milk to prevent calcium starvation. Con- sumption of milk in many families appears to fall off to a point where it is practically non-existent. OBITUARY . ' BABY YOUNG .•DUNGANNON, May 5. — The death of Terry Young, aged 31,, months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young,. of Dungannon, occurred Tuesday afternoon. Survivingbesides the parents are two brothers, Charles and John. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. George Watt, nninisten of Dun- gannon United Church. Interment will take place in Dungannon c�eme- -••••••••••••i••••900•••••••Us••••••••IY••••a••••• THE • VOICE OF BETHEL • REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER • J . GREAT ,MOTHERS • AND GREAT CHILDREN 1 "Her children rise up and call her BLESSED." Prov. 31:23. It is true that God has placed in the hands of mothers a great TRUST. Mothers have the opportunity of "filling little 1 hearts," giving FIRST impf essions to little lives and "training little hands." The question as to WHAT MOTHERS HAVE to fill these hearts, impress these lives and train these hands is a Imost important one. Our 'greatest HERITAGE is CHRISTIAN MOTHERS. Napoleon d'eclare'd, "Let France have good mothers and she will have good sons." Abraham Lincoln said, "All that I an' or hope to, be I owe to my angel mother." Catherine Booth states, "The longer I live the more I appreciate my mother"'s° e'haracter. She had an intense realization of SPIRIT- UAL things." , John Wanamaker wrote of his mother, "My first life was my mother. Leaning little arms upon her knees 1 learned my FIRST' PRAYS S. A'bright • lamp shet lit in my soul that never dies or goes out, though the winds and waves of fourscore years have swept over me." d How different the last words of ' young man ►condemned, to die £or shooting a companion ,driring a gambling quarrel. He refus+2'o see his mother.' When 6ressed to kiss her before ° going to execution he bit her cheek instead. His last words to her: "I -die today beeadse you, Mit OTITEIR, taught• me to play bards.'". ,, N,. - Where will cigarette -smoking, liquor -consuming, Card - playing, God -disgracing Mothers• lead their .children? MISS HILDA STEWART • Miss Hilda Stewart, 44, who died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Sunday, was a native of Fredericton, N.B., and,had resided the last three. years' in London. Services were conducted in Gode- rich Wednesday at 4 p.m. by Rev. Dr. Kenneth Taylor, St. George's Anglican Church, in the Cranston funeral home, and interment made in Maitland cemetery. FRANK A. MOSE'LEY Frank A. Moseley, 66, who died Friday in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, spent most of his life in Montreal, where for many years he was salesmanager of the Sawyer Massey branch. In World War I he served over - sets las a captain. He came to Godericli 10 years ago after retir- ing and made his home with his sister, Mrs. Grace Watson. Surviving also :are two nieces,, Mrs.Douglas Nairn, London,- dnd Mrs. Edward Sale, Goderieb. Services' were' conducted Monday at 2 p.m,, in the Lodge funeral home, by Rev. IL G. MacMillan, and interment made in Maitland ,deme- tery. k''allbearers were'"" tVilliant., a; Wick, " Carl .Ranks, Hat* F4r Ralph I ingswell,.Guy Emerson and i'ft a Sole. JOlf4 THE ARMY HOW ! Enjoy excellent pay, travel, adventure, the ' best medical and dental care plus financial security ---- and the many other benefits of an Army Career. IE' you are 17 to 407 years of age (skilled tradesmen to 45), get complete information about opportunities .,fot,you in the Army. Bring birth certificate, marriage certificate, and if under 18 letter of parental consent. See the Recruiting Officer at GODER1CH TOWN HALL EVERY WEDNESDAY, 10 a.m. to 6.45 p.m. AMAZING without moving the cleaner "Swivel Top" rotates and lets you reach everywhere with- out ONCE moving the cleaner. NG* RED'UOED IN PRICE. WAS $129.50. , NOW ONLY $99.50