HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-05-06, Page 3a 4 „ MRS. BERTHA HUNTINGTO , who will be 84 next 'week,wields 'a _keen razor -as -she -performs -on her .grand-- son, Walter Severy, owner of the barber shop that employs her in Rochester, Vt. 'Shertedsshaving men's beards 65 years ago. HELPING HANDS - A considerable number of visita- tions were niade to shut-ins this month, 23 calls being ,reported, some remembered with small gifts; others with bouquets, One food parcel was forwarded to an aged lady overseas. Prizes dur- ing the month' for contests went to Mrs. A. Steeles, Mrs. E. Beech - ler and Lloyd Clements. All meet- ings were closed with Scripture, and prayer was given by W. J. -Jewell. ?x; inimousionsoinlinuil » 110J[ I,// rom .1111.0 • Mixed with your own grain National Hog Concentrate makes a "fresh -mix" feed that will add -pounds -good baconi pork to your hogs and mein extra profits for you. Why! National is packed with all the essential vita- , nsrr4 Rt mins, minerals and proteins that make for rapid growth and health plus a saving in grain fat' you. r°o n mix ,• See your -NATIONAL Dealer today— ,Look Look for the bright Orgnge."and Black Sign. r,73 -r-- /� CONCENTRATE "A QUALITY FEED.MIX" FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM. STONE SONS, LIMITED • 'INGERSOLL, ONTARIO* Fertilize Your Crop with, NATIONAL well -cured, Properly -Blended FERTILIZER Ale b b '.Alexandra Marine and General Hospital is to receive a legacy • of $5,000 to be .added to this Endow- ment Fund, according, to the "terms of. the will of the late Dorothy Kathleen Dickson, Who died A.pri 16. ' 'Miss Dickson was -a daughter of the late Judge L. H. Dickson, Huron County Judge. She lived in Goderich after her father's death in 1923 and for the last 18 years had made her home in, London. A trust fund sof $20,000 is left with the Diocese of -Tlur�on as a memorial to' the deceased. The income from, the fund will be used for the upkeep of Trivitt Memorial Anglican Uhuirch. yin Exeter, as the wardens of thechurch, shall decide in consultation with the Bishop of Huron. The Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada is be- queathed $10,000 and another $10,000 to be known as the Dorothy Kathleen Dickson , Endow- ment Fund is left to Huron Col- lege. The income from this fund is to be used for such purposes as the Scholarship Committee and College Council of Huron Council may .'decide. • Another $3,000 is allotted to be expended ded• fiti'M suitable metiori:al window in Trivitt Memorial Church in memdry of Miss Dickson's father and mother. Also benefitting will be the Bri- tish and Foreign Bible Society, Western Ontario Branch; Salvation Army, War Memorial Children's Hospital and Parkwood Hospital in London. Practically the entire estate of slightly more than $80,000 is made up of stocks and bonds., Doctor: Are you troubled by wicked thoughts? Patient: Well, not exactly troubl- ed, Doctor. 1,1 1070. ,Yea '- NQ. I$,^. . GODERICH, ONTARIO, U A , lvIA Report :Given To Iealth 'Unit Board On New 4cco'rnm 4ations In G oder h LL Milk control in the county has been maintained in the usual way, lie said. Blood testing of certain herds for brucellosis has been ,added. Miss Norah Cunningham, super- visor of nursing, reported that pre- natal, classes on a`h experimental basis have been started in Exeter. Huron County Health Unit board,,,, meeting in jinton last week, herd a report by i$s seeretary4reasurer, County ' Clerk -Treasurer ' A, IL Erskine; on progress, of alterations being made at the old collegiate building in .Goderich to accommo- date the unit. It is expected that the unit will be moved here from Clinton ,Some- time in June. Temporary quarters vVill be in that • old 'collegiate build- ing along, with other county offices and permanentquarters will be in the new Court House. Attending the meeting were Dr. R., M. Aldis, - director, and ,,board members, Deputy -Reeve Mel Crich, of Clinton; Reeve Alvin Kerslake, Hensall; Reeve Clifford Rowan, of Grey' Township, and W, A. Gal- braith, ' of Wingham, provincial re: presentative. In -a --report _to -the- hoard, • Dr. _ T. R. Melady, public health veterin- arian, informed ' members that - a new, and comparatively modern slaughterhouse is under construc- tion in Usborne Township. Others are planned for Auburn and Wing - ham. He reported that a Tuckersmith resident has paid an additional $250 in fines as the result of court action under the Animal Contag- eous Diseases Act. He said that it appears ' that further action is necessary as hogs owned by the resident continue to forage in the rt municipal dump. Seaforth nici p p IMPORTANT NOTICE District 'representative will interview MEN and WOMEN who are interested in OWNING and OPERATIING a route of POSTAGE STAMP MACHINES In• Goderich and Vicinity If you are a RELIABLE, RESPONSIBLE person this is an op- portunity to participate in a PUBLIC SERVICE , that will give you a STEADY PROFITABLE income for the rest of your life. THIS IS NOT A "GET RICH QUICK" BUSINE'S'S Can .be handled in four to six hours a week to start and may be built up to a businessofthat should pay $5,000 up per' year when fully established. PHYSICAL CONDITION' or EDUCATION- is of no great importance. A CASH Investment of $1,750 is required NOW which is" FULLY SECURED. . Representative will make all necessary arrangements and assist you in becoming established. • - If you are genuinely interested, have the necessarycapital and a sincere desire for financial security, WRITE AT ONCE, giving age, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. ADDRESS YOUR, REPLY TO BOX 95,, SIGNAL -STAR ,ta ANC COMPANY . lircPf P 9 . A5 "S HEAD'OIRCE-,VATERLOO, ONT,4R/0 EBB ROSS • Says: What about you! When are you going to let up—and what with? You'll want to re- tire from the grind some day—let's talk o over a retirement plan which will replace Your income when you receive your last • E, M. ROSS pay cheque. • Pepresentative Goderich Ontario GODERICH PAVILION DANCING. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS SATURDAY NIGHT --MUSIC BYr JOHNNY BRENAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA. .EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT iS SQUARE DANCE NiGHT "with CLARENCE PETRI.E and the NIGHT HAWKS. Special Mid -night ,Dance May,, 23rd, at 12.05 to 3 avl Cross and I his orchestra, Special May 24th Holiday Square Dance 10 to 1 a.rvro.• Clarence Petrie's Nighthawks. • AT - pAptiK TELEs'PHONE THE 1150 TOP SCREEN FARE iN , AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT V • Now Playing--Thurs., Fri. , and Sat. Alan Ladd, Susan Stephen and Leo Genn Filmed in England in Technicolor, the power packed story of • a .Cantadian who . joined: the British cplmmandoa during World War H. • r• "The PARATROOPER" IN TECHNICOLOR _ Mon., Toes. -and 'Wed, Tallulah Bankhead, Helen Hayes, Shirley Bootie, . Herb Shriner, Rex Harrison, Louis Calhern; Mary Martin, Li'UUi Palmer, Josh Logan. • • • - The greatest stars of show business in a grand; great and glorious love story, °' ' "MAIN STREET. TO ROADWAY" Coming--"MOGAMBO" In Technicolor— with Ava echnicolor---with'.Ava Gardner and.• Ciark Gable • AT THE t� ADVENTURESTORIES AT THEIR BEST. • Now"Playing—Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Broderick : Crawford, Wanda Hendrix and John Derek - Romance under the western .stars as a robust range -rider recti- . ` .PHONE 47 fies a rum situation. - "TIE LAST POSSE" - Mon., Tues. and Wed. _ aGw Yvonne Mitchell, Terence Morgan and George Keen - Chills, thrills and a murder mystery' that will keep you in sus - pence clear throtigh to its exciting climax. • "TURNTHE KEY SOFTLY" 1 " Coming --"THE SLEEPING CiTY"--starring Richard Conte and Peggy Dow i 4 A Pick New Officers - For Brotherhood The spring meeting of the Huron Deanery Chapter of the Brother - DISTURBANM PD4MAGE ''OOH S B4ING. • A Sunday morning disturbance near a G> derich church netted a Goderich man, John Richard John, ston, ah ince of $10 and costs „or seven days in jail when, he pleaded guilty before i'1agistrate D. E. Holmes in Court dere last •Thurs- day. Crown Attorney JL Glenn. Hays told the court that the accused was drunk and disorderly "near a local church on April 25. Accused of causing wilful dam- age at the home of John Sproul in Saltford, ,Edwin William Elliott, of Goderich, pleaded guilty and was• fined $10 and costs or seven days, He was alleged to have put his fist through a window of the house and to have thrown rocks at 'the door. hood of Anglican churchmen was held in the Memorial Hall, Blyth, with members present from Wing - ham; Blyth, ' Auburn, Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter, and - Brussels. Following dinner, the President; W. V. Roy, of Clinton, gave a re- port of the recent Diocesan annual meeting in Windsor which he at- tended along with G. N. Dowker, of Goderich. Mr. Roy stressed the- growth hegrowth of the Brotherhood through- out the Church in Canada and the aid this organization will bring to the Church in years to.come. Mr. Roy' "introduced Fred M. Halls, of London, president of Fine Papers, Ltd., the newly appointed Diocesan secretary, who held the interest of the group with a timely Message in regard .to Christian living in modern business.Rev. ev. N. Knox,. of . Trivett Memorial Church, Exeter, also addressed the group, dealing with a recent tour of English' Cathedrals, After a short business meeting, the election of officers for the year 1954-55 resulted as follows: Past president, ,W. V. Roy, Clinton; president, r. W. J. McCabe, Sea - forth; first vice-president, Ti. Ful- ler; Wingham; ,second vice presi-. dent, G. N. Dowker, Goderich; secretary, H. G. Bridle, Clinton; directors, O. Atkinson, Exeter; F. Clark, Auburn; R. J. McBride, Brus- sels; plus one representative, each to be appointed from Bayfield and Corrie parishes. .. • Rev. Dr. K. E. Taylor, of Gode- rich, thanked the retiring officers. Rev N. Ellis, of Brussels, invited :the Brotherhood to his 'parish for the fall meeting, which offer • was accepted. Mr. Roy thanked the members for their support through- out the past year. FyINE, JAIL TERM • DISMISS ;THEFT 'COUNT, LEVY IMPAIRED FINE A.. charge .of teking_,a car without the owner's consent laid against Morley Linington, of Goderich, was dismissed by 'Magistrate D. E. Holmes in court here last Thurs- day, but the accused was frried on two other charges. He was fined $75 and costs or 14 days for impaired driving and $5 and costs or five days, to run con- currently, for driving without a 1954 driver's licence. Owner of the car involved in the incid Wilfred Graham, of Gode- rich, `: dthe court tht on the morning of April 7 he had parked his car in frontof his house but found it was missing in the even- ing and reported the car stolen to police. He said that Linington had been working with him and he had loaned the car overnight to Lining - ton previously. In the car with Linington when' police found the vehicle, George Wesley Randall, of Goderich, plead- ed not, guilty to a charge of taking the car without the owner's consent and heard the charge -dismissed.. The men were represented by Frank Donnelly. , WORK ON FACILITIES FOR MORE TELEPHONES In order to provide facilities for additional telephones in Goderich, 13e11 Telephone Company construc- tion crews arrived here last week to` eminence lire work. The pro- gram will include removing some poles from••the streets to the back yards of -residences and also laying i cables. Permission was obtained ' from the householders over the past few .months by Boll Telephone officials to pla .. the poles in their yards, thus enabling the Bell Com- pany to proceed with the wok '• rills work: will be "completed -about the end of this year. The work has been arranged–so as to avoid unnecessary damage, to, garden plots. IMPOSED ON DRIVERS A " Fine of $75 and costs or 10 days was imposed on Murray Miller, of Clinton, when he pleaded guilty to a` charge of impaired driving before Magistrate D. E. Holmes in court here last week. Crown Attorney • H. Glenn Hays ,told the court that the accused was observed „by Provincial Police dt•iv- in••g west from Goderich, in an er- ratic manner. A second driver who pleaded guilty to drunk driving, Stanley Sproul, was :sentenced to 10 days in jail and costs or an additional 1.0 days. His ._ car was orderedim- pounded for three months and his Licence suspended for six months. Crown Attorney Hays said police saw the accused drinking beer as he was driving along the highway. Willie—"Pap'a', if I was tivins would you buy the other boy a banana, too?" K ' Papa—"Certainly, my son," Willie—"Well, papa, you surely ain't going to•cheat me''out of an- other b'anana just 'cause I'nr all in one piece?" ,r',* pit;, -The Common' Pinworm Pinworm infection is one of the most cornmon of all childhood dis- eases. Surveys indicate that aout 75 per cont .of children in different parts of the world have been in- fected with these tiny white worms. In North America alone 18 'million people are affected. The most 'common and trouble- sbrrie sympton-i"cif pinworm infection ;J i►i. , I; = ' is a constar`(t'itch- A� 'j .... �, 'ing. Causing , 1,� : ' ` 'I l)="'••hours of disturbed - .i sleep, it can also _._ - t -- interfere with eat- - ing and result in ,4�' loss of weight ane: anemia. Pinworm is the - V most widely dis- tributed of all human parasites. The u.tmosf vigilance is necessary to stopft from spreading „to the entire family. ' In the past pinworm was most often treated with a disinfectant called gentian violet. But this medi- cation was not always "effective. Re- cently antibiotics have been used with greater success. In one study, in Which t erramycin was used, the -treatment was successful in a9 out Of 61 cases. . ' _ As the" pii worr's eggs are ,'pro- tected in a tough three' -layer shell, a careful routine is necessh'ry to destroy the eggs. All clothing, linens And other articles handled by the patient: roust be carefully disin= fected. •,a Phe so -Itching, anl some actions of the worms" themselves, may leave the way open ,for secondary infec- tions, but if treated pinworm is usud i' tions, no, dan'eroua. To put is to place a thing where you want it . , to putt is •a vain attempt to do the same thing.,. FINANCE AND INSURE your next, new or lite model car, truck or farm machinery at lower Bost through Harald W. Shore INSURANCE AGENCY "All Lines of Insurance" 38 HAMILTON ST. • PHONE 766W Loans also arranged on 19.46 and later model ears., Off 4111111111111111111111111, is 6th9 1954 Red y®ell . Thtir4a, r y &Nation itrmy About 50, canvassers will blitz Goderich homes oxi Thursday, May 1, between 7 and 9 p.m., on ,behalf of the Salvation '-Army. An ob- jective of - $2;500 has been set far Goderich and district, in conjunc- tion with the National Rect Shield .Appeal Chairman of the campaign is Mr. Carl Banks of the Canadian Bank of Commerce 'and donations can also be, left there with him. The canvassers are hoping for a generous_ response in the realiz- ation that most people know any donation to the, Salvation Arany 'goes to people and causes that are �jery decidedly in need—that the Salvation Army turns down no one nowhere in their time of real need '— that the Salvation Army crusades to locations not generally patrolled by a- -lot • of other' organiz- ations in order to help people who are down and nearly out. Locally, the Salvation Army, among other things, provides over- night •accommodation to those in need and meals to the unemployed. • The latter have averaged_ more than one a week for some months now. Relief in the way of groc- eries is also provided. Not all the money is used locally since a. con- siderable amount is sent to cities where the need is great for such work as helping elderly people in distress, unmarried ire d mother's, HAVE YOU A BUILDING PROBLEM? - Let's give you - FREE ESTIMATES' on- CABINS nCABINS — HOUSES ALTERATIONS ' -- FLOORS CUPBOARDS •— CE,1VIENT WORK Skilled labor—Easy payments arranged -. Bruce E. Ryan CONTRACTOR PHONE 1455W GODERICH 12-1416 4 •I ry careful planning and s ' 1 ,a. young couple builtttru, iq�trse # Ih,b :> dreams w#1114* help of ,Cgnada'a lorgeat home-logning .irgtitut{mr, ,floe Sun LlfiCa--Coevals. 'rertitermore; et small additional cast, they wisely pow teded their investment with a .4104 Ufe Mortgage Protection policy;, ink should the husband die before the home Is paid for, instantly deem al remaining mortgage indebtedness. PLANNED LIFE INSURANCI BRINGS PEACE OF MIND Without obIi ati g on;' let me 1r/ you how the facilities of the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM., PANY OF CANADA can -bed Meets your particular needs inert way that will fit your pocketbook,/ Harold , h%. Shore _ HAMILTON ST. PHONE 766W Representative of 'SUN LIFE ASSUURANC)1 COMPANY -OF •C'AN:t1kD:tl1---_.� Information available on N.H.A. loans. wronged children, prison and hos- pital work and in•many different ways for the relief of suffering and reclamation of human lives. ••••••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4014011114m•i • FLOWERS I • o. •• • For • • • •MOTIIER . • e• Remember MOTHER on her • very special day with a beauti- • ful bouquet of • • .Spring Flowers •• • • • or lovely FloweriNg'PIaNt -- _ , • • FROM • •• GODER1CH • 99 BRUCE ST, • • 4 Lt•t Fi,O\VERs 4fl\' .r i•ot you. •18 ••••••••••••e•••••••••••••e••©•d .•••••••066040.0 I \^\\ e, �, ;7.4; I 'FURNITURE tit 1I or LIVING ROOM -DINING-ROOM "BEDROOM S KITCHEN .BUDGET• TERMS T1 WEST 774 SUMMER FURNITURE A fulE line of the very best in Lawn Furniture :Lamorene RUG CLEANER Larnorene Brush ••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••••••• •••••••N•N•••••••••••••• Why Worry or. Wonder When.. JohnstonA Power Mowe.r at $108 . rr WILL SOLVE YOUR LAWN MOWING PROBLEM voimso esee••••••••••••••••••••••• i•i•! i$� LODGE .FUR'NI WEST ST.. t