HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-4-3, Page 3THE ELECTRIC AGE. The Newest Things in Electricity. ITS USE AS A MOTOR, FOR HEATING LIGHTING, &o. Some interesting Facts, About tbo Creat Force• lamps, and are shipping their old stems in LUDIOROUS MISTAKES. to a greater extent than ever before, and — that the metal derived from that source has an appreciable effect upon the Inarket. The Englishman's Misconception—A taunt. In the laying of cables the galvanometer but mishap Who Ate Ills Children.. " spot" plays an important part in denoting Every one knows the story of the French - the progress of the " paying out" of the line. man who, while sitting with hisface close to During the laying of the final section of one the open window of an English railway car, of the Central and South American cables, heard a sudden shout of, " Look out !" and, as the electrical staff had been very much re- popping out his head accordingly, received duced in numbers owing to the necessity of a tremendous bump on the forehead from the detailing some of them for extra shore work, projecting pole of a scaffolding which the Manyfunnystories have at different times the Secretary of the expedition was pressed train was just passing, whereupon monsieur Lound heir into print about electric into service to do a little " spot" watching exclaimed, indignantly, " Inglisman big bell pushes and wayhe queer mistakes made by beiin nge ship's carried on at arpretty hoom. igh speed, and fool o look He say 'look out ! 'when he mean people who have seen them for the first time, a slight accident happened in the tank con- A similar misconception occurred during One of the best of these 5s told by an Eng- tailing the cable coils, a couple of turns com- the siege of Sebastopol, when an English lish electrical engineer. A friend of his, to ing up together and fouling alantern at the guardsman was "brought up" for having giv- the frOnt door of whose house is fitted an , side of the tank. The turns, however, freed en a severe thrashing to a French grenadier, $ electric push button, engaged a countrgill before reaching the paying -out machinery, the Englishman's only explanation beingthat as servant, and a few days afterward the and it was hoped that no damage had been "he would 'ave it, and so I just 'ad to give it following fact camp out in course of eonver- done to the cable. The newly recruited elec. hien." It appeared on enquiry that the cation ; "I did have a trouble, ma'am, with trieian, who felt the responsibility of his guardsman had accosted the other in what the front door bell the day 'came. I tried p y position very keenly, was particularly cant- he supposed to be French, and that the puz- to take hold of it with my nails to pull .it out but could not and so I took my bonnet outby the engineer in charge to keep a zled Frenchman had exclaimed in bewilder - off and tried t� „•,t1 ;i *• :+h ^ •• �< et-' ' + very careful watch, and to advise him with- ment, "Comment ?" (How ?) which John SEASON OF 1890. Tut a moment's delay if the least unsteadiness Bull mistook for "Come on." "Come on t i the spot manifested itself, as it was feared yourself, then," he roared, "if you will 'ave , __, a slight accident might have resulted in a it?" and forthwith the fisticuffs began in ti If you want a Neat, Showp Bill, well put to- fault," All went well for a short time. earnest. { 'gether and attractively displayed on good,: ddenl the Secreta came rushingout But more startlinthan all wasthe mistake isift and card, send your ardor to the TIMES) deck with theinformation that thspot-madee by a Queen of Denmark uring her Olive. asofftheseale.. The ship was promptly put Ivisit to the Danish colony of Iceland, where You can have abetter choice of cuts thank ever' before, and amoni, the large assortment full speed astern, paying out was stopped, the good old bishop exerted himself to the we have. can be suited exactly' a 1? cable was made fast, and all hands re -1 utmost toshowhereve hin that was worth Orders by wail carefully and proniptlY t i . tended to; cared to the testing roam, where it was seeing, The Queenpaid many compliments ,rand that the galvanometer lamp had gone; to her host, and having learned that he was naive. i'it, When it was refilled the spot reappear- a family man, graciously engniredhow lnany tion t afro yt us order until ascortain our L l in its proper place, and the Secretary children he hadii . •j -i - er `ever afterward failed to see that his lamp Now, it happened that tho Danish word es Office, as properly trimmers for "ehildren" was almost identical in sound - An amusing meident copses from Hamel- with the Icelandic word for "sheep ;" so T2]�3 SPUN& FA1ltS-•-1890• ,in. It appears that the location of the the worthy bishop --..whose knowledge of Ares that were originals put into the base. Danish was not so complete as it might Apri18 ent walls of the City Hall, comiecting with have been—understood her majesty to ask Stephen t2 Osborn', at Exeter Ile switchboard in the upper hall, has been how many sheop he owned, and promptly Crochet), at Crediton- Apri19 13lauyhard, at Eirkton- Apr1127�!i`st, through spino relessness during the answered,, --STwo hundred. `: Smith Pettit, at St Maryspri116 cagilding operations, and cannot now be "Two hundred children cried the queen, Stratford, at Stratfortt—April 15fund without ripping up the marble pave. astounded, "How can you possibly main- A.,ilsa Craig, at Ailsa Craig April 2«' rentand mutilating the walls, and even then .taiu such a number?" „ South Rayon. at Brucelleld--Apri116 I to search might prove fruitless. Easily enough, please your majesty, Parkhill. at Parkhill_Apeal 23 I?: Some interesting data have been developed replied the hyperborean prelate, with d , Dr. Francis Dowling in a aper on " The eheerfulsmile. "In the summer I turn them Fullerton, at Fullerton—April 4 Lucan, at Liman, ,kpril 10 �,tuses and Treatment of Deafness," He out upon the hills to graze, andwhen winter Mitchel!, at Mitchell_ April 9 , ates that between the ages of 10 and 40 at comesl kill and eat them!-•-(11arper's Maga- Blddulph, Grantou---April 15 ;;•fist one person in three is subject to a zine. truss deafness. The great majority of cases ri impaired hearing date from childhood and DISTRICT DOINGS. s diseases. Another prolific cause was -•--- The l,hteat CuerentNowa Tltrouiltont tlrilds and carelessness in bathing. At least *Fast Steamer Chartered at Sale Penumbra District. I le•fifth of the cases coming under treatment 1 to Take Seals to RehiringSen. i` a h<rerlitary, and are largely owing to a; A fast steamer is being, fitted out at Sn Mr P Whelihal of St Marys, abippe►iao dose consanguinity of the parents. Deaf- Francisco for seal poaching in Behring Sea several Peraberon stallions and mar ss is more prevalent among males than bya company rtf l'iC•il and Eastern capita, - r,: , ,n tti Llafdider fin Saturday. - i,, ,hong females, owing to the fact that the lists, who beaevdi there aro big profits in 'n,ng. ,., • •l. 1 iasis i5 more exposed to the vicissitudes of illicit sealing when every pelt can be sold for A characteristic letter from Edison is' glimate, There is much more deafness in .$1,450. The steamer has been chartered, Printed in one of the Paris electric journals. I America than in Europe, and this Dr. Dow -but its name is withheld and a crew is now It is addressed to M. Ferries, and runs as lingattributes to a more general use of beim, selected. follows : "I thank you for your letter of thescientific instruments, such as telephones, "de •,pile revenue cutter Rtts:tn a, hiell the ' 10th inst. The tire at the Pearl street vliereone ear is used to the exclusion of the American: tlot-ernn:.• it sent to the .lent station took place on Thursday, and com tele:. $e eitcil a number of eases where last season, can mal;,: only eight knots an pletely destroyed it. On Saturday, our men 1 he 1i1 examined telephone operators, and hour, and the Bear is equally slow. In fact set to work, and by tho following Saturday,he generally found the right ear the weaker there is not a suitable Government ship on current was again being supplied from Pearl organ, as it Was used almost entirely in the coast which can mals over ten knots. ii. . , d r. o ] t tt 1, 1.t, coin rnluitati n. The reined to street to tho '2t►,(100 lamps fed by the old . 1 1 . r 1 y Hence a steamer wliieh averages aver twelve inhones station. sty daysils Imirde of twenty-four hours. hot rs.orce was ttl Would or toplishedt use theates is earsalternately ater have two thesame knots could and ll ill seals run ywi wherefront ver shee rpleased you be capable of such a feat?" phone.�� Even some schooners last season escaped from mo There are not wanting signs that the Eng. the Rush, aided by heavy fogs. Either the lisle, though slowly, aro steadily forging Mysteries, Government will have to charter a swift their way to the front in electrical work. A steamer or there will be more seal poaching London electrical paper says: "\\'e hope soon C O than ever in Behring sea. to hear of electric motors being introduced As every skin the new company takes it ,j' Fleet street and the surrounding busy costs it 513.33, it will have difficulty m mak- l• i,eeying neighborhood. Tho amount of ing a profit, especially if the Russian com- cleanliness, comfort, and saving to printers �' I f 't piny snakes up its deficit of 40,000 skins and and revenue_to the enterprising motor com- \"h d if the poachers are successful, piny would be enormous." A recent instance -..--- of enterprising work may also be mentioned. The editor of the well-known paper 2'id bits . sent for an electrician and said to him : "This room gets so hot in the evening with the gas that we can't stand it any longer. W,-- #'ant to have the gas taken out and the eledt ie light put in by to-inorrow evening," 'All right," said the electrician, "you shall have it," The next evening at 4 o'clock the editorial rooms were lighted by electricity, "" although until the previous day. at 6 P. M. no ono had received any order or instructions in the matter. FITTING OUT A POACHER, Life—ean you fathom it, Courtier or Queen? Wings in the azure world, Worms in the green? Ray, can you sing of it? iveinetiering o i ; What does it mean? A problem which is now being worked out is the heating of dwelling houses elec- trically without thegenerationof the intense heat usually associated with electrical re- sistance. It is claimed that wall paper can be made in such a way that the passage of currents of low tension will heat it moder- ately warm to the touch and diffuse through. out the room an agreeable temperature. A druggist of St. Louis, while recently weighing powdered opium from a can, dis- covered.that the drug and the paper lining of the can were highly charged with elect- ricity. This explained the difficulty he had experienced on several previous occasions in removing the powder from spatulas, &c., and, the phenomenon being unusual to him, he mentions it for the benefit of others who may have never observed it. An electric motor has been put into a seed establishment to work a cleaning ma- chine hitherto turned by hand, the operator having to lift and discharge the seeds. Now the motor does all, and works the elevator and cleans the grain as fast as it can be fed. Mr Frank J. Sprague, who is one of the pioneers of electric railway work in Ameri- ca, has publicly expressed his conviction that an express service operated by electric- ity, between New York and Philadelphia, starting at ten minutes' headway, and covering the distance at the rate of 60 miles an hour, is not only possible, but will actually be established in the near future. An nt.restiug study has been lately made by Herr Tarehenoff of electric currents in the skin from mental excitation. Light tickling with a brush causes an appreciable deflection of the galvanometer needle. Hot water has a like effect ; cold or the pain from a needle prick a less. Sound, light, •i'taste, and smell act similarly. If the eyes ,' -sieve been closed for some time, mere open- '• ling of them caused a considerable deflection from the skin of the hand. It is remark- able that these skin currents also arise when he sensations are merely imagined. Men- tal effort produces currents • varying with its amount. The use of small electric fairy lamps has been attended with a good deal of success, the only difficulty presenting itself being the Hark ! on the spirit eiir, Borne from afar, Birth of the crystal sphere— System and star: Songs which a seraph reads Writ on those golden beads, Sing what you are! Plant with thy vulgar root Clutching a clod, Thrusting divinest blooms Up thro' the sod; Sentient in every stem Leaves and the life of them— Tell me of God! Rocks in your stolid sleep Rutile your guise! Birds fling a human note Up to the skies ! Open the secret scroll, Nature lay bare thy soul! * * * * (Silence replies.) Life—can you fathom it, Mortal below? All the intrigue of it Secrets and show? Deaf at the door of things, Dumb while all nature sings; What canst thou know? FRED LAWRENCE KNOWLES. French Fashions. French fashions like French novels, lit- erally translated, are somewhat shocking to It the sensibilities ities of a really womanlywoman. Thus the Impite styles, innolifel arrange. moats, have inaugurated an era of pictures- que, condition maybe, may cure i 1n18611 cheaply, pre• artistic, quaint, and unique dressing,for condi and radically. which wo are indeed Grateful, but the Empire yell; lett and radic a ehoggid be in the hands of every gown iu its fullestsigmfication has possibilities yeytiiandeverymanIntheland. only equalled by a ballet girl's conventional lent under peal, Ina plain envelope, to any ad costume. Notonlyistheneck distressinglyde- I d411.s, poat•paii, on receipt of four oente, or two oa a stain Sam les of Modlcine free. Address collie t the very veva of indecency, butt las stamps. P the tip skirt worn over scanty petticoats, JOHN LABATT'S Indian Pole 41 e and XXX Brows Stout Highest awards and Medals. for Purity and Excel hence at Centennial Exhibition, Phil adelphia, 1876; Canada, 1876; Australia, 1877; and Paris, France, 1878. TESTIMONIAL" SELECTED: Prof, B IL Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, says:—"I Sud it to be perfectly sound containing no impurities or adulter- atiof.s, and can strongly recommend it as perfectly pure and a very superior malt liquor," John E Rdwaras, Professor of Chemistry, Montreal, says: "I findthem to be remarkably mini ales, brewed from pure malt and hops. Rev. P. J. Ed Page.Profensor of Chemistry Leval tin ver city, Quebec save :—'I have analyzed the Indian Pale1Ale manufactured by John Labatt, London, Ontario, and have found it a lightale, containing but little alcohol, of a deli– oteus flavor, and of a vers agreeable taste and aunerior quality. and compares with the best imported ales. 1 have also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the same brewery, which is of excellent quality; its Sayer is very agreeable; it is a tonic lucre energetic than the above ale, for it is a little richerinaleoriol, and eau be compared advantage- ously with any imported articl,o. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. eintzman& Co MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Square � Upright PIANOFORTES. The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Use. The Heintzman Pianos are noted for: Their Full, Rich, Pure Singing Tone, Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their Perfectly Even Well Balanced Scale► The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanship - Send For Illustrated Catalogue. 0 o o Juhletioll3'a>rerodOffice, Factor :-West T � �. ti "� Z 7' � i � :.�t. West How Lost, How Restored Just published, o new edition of ler. Culver. weirs Celebrated Essay gni hi radical cure of SPEaNUr0RAllmA or incapacity induced by excess or early indiscretion. The oelebrated author, in this admirable essay, dears demonstrates from a thirty years' aacceeaful practice, that the alarming consequences of self• abuse may be radically cured • pointing out a mt,ie of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer no matter what hie revert s every outline of the figure from 1 THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO the waist downward. In front and at 41 Ann Street New York the sides the skirt is cut without the Post Office Box 450 458E -1y slightest fulness. Standing motionless a modest woman, if she be modelled after the Grecian goddesses in slenderness of figure and : purity of outline, may feel at peace with the ' and WOMEN S cart world clad in the caressing folds of the little skirt to which Empress Josephine clung, andwhicliclnng to her so closely, but once the woman moves, sits, or walks she would be grateful for the ballet girl's tarletane to cover her confusion, and her personality as well. While it is only embarassing to the graceful woman to wear this expressive, in- genuous little scant gown, its artless revel- ations are exasperating to the woman of more rotund and matronly proportions. Can any 0110 imagine a more trying and un- becoming style of dress for a 'plump and pleasing" little woman who has lost the deli- cacymarrymarry of outline peculiar to youth : while for woman of education." Wicwire—''1 usd fashthe ion quiteasapt to make life not thin individual uworth to talk that way myself. But, in fact, living. There are, of course, many women I never had a thought of marrying the present who refuse to submit to the extreme of this Mrs. Wickwire until I got a letter from hermode, which is slowly but surely gaining announcing that her uncle had `d -i -d -e' and ground; but there are many more whose left her sixty-five thousand 'd -o -l -a -r -s.' " clevotiou to fashion is greater than their An Association formed of the leading critical acumen, appreciation of absurdity, citizens of St. John, New Brunswick, has • or sense of the eternal harmony and fitness been incorporated for the purpose of holding Exhibitions in that city and are now making good progress in their arrangements of unities. A marriage broker is doing an excellent for the first Annual Agricultural, Horti- business in Bachmut, Russia. Anybody com- cultural and Industrial Fair. The Exhibition ing to Bachmut is sure to be met by this man will be opened on the 24th September and at his hotel with the inquiry: " Sir, do you continued until the 4th October. The want to marry?" The marriage broker carries Association have large permanent buildings, an album full of photographs of people of affording ample space, alsoextensivegrounds, I both sexes who would not mind getting including a fine speed course and every ar- married.. On each photograph may be found rangement is being made for the accommoda-;details concerning the social and financial tion of a very large number of visitors to the: standing of the person pictured. On his city. All the Committees have been organ- , arrival at Bachmut the broker visited every ized, have their work well forward, and house of interest to him in his special line, from present prospects the Exhibitions will' and was kindly received everywhere. There assume large proportions. As it is probable 1 are already many happy brides and grooms this will be the only important Exhibition in the city to whom hepoints with prideas his held in the Maritime Provinces this year,' customers. Baclunut is especially favorable our people should secure space and take for operations of this nature, it is said, as it advantage of this means of cultivating a contains many girls of good looks and fair trade in that section. In addition to offering ;fortune. disposition of the batteries, &c., which would a very handsome list of prizes (competition I A case of accidental surgery, which was not infrequently spill over and burn the for which is open to the world) a number of remarkable as it is rare, occurred at Dan - clothes, not to say the fair skins of the danc- attractions of a special character are being bury, Conn., a few days ago, and is attract - ere. By the method now adopted the bat- secured. Several new features are also' in.. the attention of the physicians Henry tery is entirely done away with, the current included in the programme, giving this Exhi-' O. Earle, a well-known esident of this city, is supplied on the alternating system. The ' bition an International character. Ono of i has been blind in one eye for many years, primary is led to coils beneath the stage, and the leading novelties will be a large exhibit owing to a cataract growing over the eyeball. is the heels of the shoes a small secondary Iof the products of the West India Islands. I A few days ago he was cutting wood toil is fitted. On dancing or standing over 1 A collection will be made of the products o'with an are when a pelts of the stick flew tile primary the lights flash up with bewilcl- ering and fascinating effect. Rather a curious indication that the econ- omy which is becoming characteristic of so many industries is being practised in the electric. lighting business, is afforded by the climate of St. John, New Brunswick, is sof 1Earle that. the cataract had been removed as report of a New York platinum filen, that ficient attraction for most people but with neatly and completely as ib could have been owing to therecentlargeadvanceinthepriceof this aclditionalinducement wehave nodoubt done with a surgeon's knife. The eye is platinum the local electric light companies there will be a good number of western' still somewhat inflamed, but.Mr. Earle still are paying more attention to their broken visitors as well as exhibitors. 'retains the use of it. the mines and forests of the Maritime ' up and struck him a smart blow in the Provinces as the fish, fishing appliances etc. I blind eye. To Mr Earle's surprise he found The Marine Section particularly is a depart- i that he could see out of that eye. He ment which will be of special interest to the went to Dr.A.T.Clason, an occulist and the Eastern people. The delightfulsummer eye was examined. Dr. Clasen told Mr. quickly cure them- selves of Wasting Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youthful errors, etc., quietly at home. Book on all private diseases cent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address-- GpXLDBD BILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. 11 Ili S oar "Beier for Women •' is safe and always reliablo ; better than Ergot, Oxido, Tame,J? or Penn' oyai 5311o. Inaares regnletity. Send for particulars. Address GELDED b'ILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. EARDS FORCED on smoothest faces, hair on ba deet beads, in SU to 00 days. Dingle. Latest and groatent achievement of modern science 1 Most won. dorfal dlrcbvory of the ago. Like no other praparatlanl Magical, ooze, almost instantaneous in Bodoni Boys with whiskers Bald heads "haired" Carious apestaclee, but posltivo truths. Only genuine article In market, and curtain to give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Price 81 a battle, or three bottles 00181. Each bottle lasts onamonth. Address A. DIXON, Boa 305, TORONTO, CANADA. MROAME 610YABIAII'S PREPARATIONS. SUPERFLUOUS NAIR 8 preparation that will Permanentlyroo.s Ppposum teak without 111117 to tho akin. Warranted, PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS permanently removed In from to to SO days, Warranted. Price for 6e days treatment, $L ANTI -CORPULENCE PILLS P°:,2;'.' P-4,1? point is a matter of ollaltade, whether because itis ,. Portable or unfashionable -FAT FOLKS using A., ;:OnPULENCE PILLS" lose is iba a month. They 8000, no sickness; contain no poison, and never taiL Price for ono mornh'e treatment, 52; or three months mediaine, tis. Warranted. COMPLEXION WAFERS' Gi AIISEN OAET Bleach the akin, develop the form. Harmless. Permanent 1� a acct. Warranted. Price 81 a box, or six boxes for 55, Ad$re.a MIDAS= GXOVANNANI, br 996 Ring Street 'West Toronto. P to ye. dot � �4`b' e:',...> 4,,> nZ. 0.c.• �c,G ,cx\G >,e c'Q,°mss, 5'c0.0.0,b, s,.,,,z,� t, neo 0' c° :to ,>o_•V. M1c, y�°•� ab. S ... % GSE c ��;��e�S o� ,'S"'" 's,.\ , oy � �,b5' t.e5 0, •dy o �. ob,. e, a�\o +a"4.x• $ti` 4O "tb- 9ti 4* C 194e to ° ol�' 0 9, ° r Sao 6S,9 e e $sees Baa CSo c` qb ~� �°� sP i4 te�oo �tio�y, tsp., �tcywOoJt �9a �. yr° �y� 4` lianuf.:ctured only by Thome Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 553, Oxford Str-ot, London. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots' If tho address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.' cF �, en t1 , to, Q 0 of ,�,'� 1?Q . ao gala b. ,t, Exeter Lumber Yard The Undersigned wishes to informhe public in general that he keeps —constantly in stock— All Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. A large stook of Hemlock always on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &c. SHINGLES A SPEOIALTY.-Competition challenged. The best and the largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. bar thoroughly se:.1soned and ready for use. No shrinks assured. .A. call will bear out the above. THE OLD ESTABLISHED v ass• VV illis,Manager A certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in all its stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, IIEAL!NC. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible, Many so-called diseases are fsimply symptoms of inerlas such partial smell, breath, hawking andspin, rosea, general feeling of debility, etc. If you are •oubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you ave Catarrh, and should lose no time in procuring bottle of NASAL BALM. Bo warded in time :slotted cold in head results in Catarrh, follower{ y consumption and death. Nnsnr. Bawd is sold by II druggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt of dice (50 cents and $r,00) by addressing FULFORD & CO., BI100KVILLE, ONT. Beware of imitations similar in name, O. HOLTZMAN AGENT: Hay Township Fanners' Mut- ual Fire Insurance Co. A PURELY FARMERS' COMPANY. Live Stook also insured. when in the aside, or on the road in charge of owner, or servants alsomanufaetnrer of the Improved Surprise Washet and Wringer Machines. Agent fee Tomb Stones and the Watson .Implements, ' Undertaking promply attendee to. G. HOLTZMAN, Tarlo xs, : ty >S m r f Y':G s✓ 4tg y } , n'.*� qq,nl2ii4 ;i;�. Yi},rr�1 , it"_:'Y+rr 7 RT€d.;;1 .Di ^aC,TM.ENE/H.IVIE,fl.B5tihaVX. Permanentatost. tions guaranteed. Salary and Expenses Paid. eons• her advantages to beginners. Stnolt eompieteovith fastrselling specialties. olffTEXT 111rzz'EC. We quarantee what wo advertise. Write EsllaOWN liff3L.F;t'F.`311.I i t , Nnraerwmeu, Toronto, Ont. (This house is reliable.)