HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-04-29, Page 100,0. ,,, rP4"7', T•'4. , ' Yrs; 'T -apt r"'"1'; Obituary DONALD A. MacDONALP .He was transferred to .the Great Donald (Dan) MacDonald, 80, of Lakes Transit package boats in 1916 as first irate. He also served 308 Breckenridge street, Buffalo,' on the passenger CU steamer Octorara. in Sisters Hos- i Seip ice was nducted in the N.Y., passed away , 'pital, April 16. He had been ill three years. He was the eldest son of the late Isabella Morrison and William MacDonald, of Goderich. Educat- ed in Goderich, .lie,went to the United States as a young' maxi and started his lakes career, in 1903 with the Western Transit Fleet. A_ax.HAR.PEn CHHART ERED ACCOUNTANT 65 South St. Goderich, Ont. CHIROPRACTIC . fTERBERT 13. SUCH: D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic: office flo;trs f Mon., Titysra --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues.. Fri --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. de Sat. ,9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Wilmer Snyder funeral home by LRev. William Flough of the West avenue Presbyterian Church. Bur- ial took place April 20 in. Forest Lawn cemetery. Pallbearers were his sons, Donald, ..,Ernest and Gor- don, Arthur McCormack, son-in- law; Harold MacKay and George Young. ' Mr. 'MacDonald was twice mar- ried, his first wife being the late Susan Marshall, of Goderich. To this. union were four children who survive, Donald, of., Tawas, Mich.; Ernest, of- Dearborn, Mich.; Mrs. Lillian MacKenzie, Detroit; Mrs. Lola McCormack, Detroit. Some years later he married the former Angeline, MacLeod, of Ripley, who survives with ,.one son, Gordon. Also surviving are two brothers and one sister, Peter. of Goderich; Angus, of Windsor; and Mrs, Kath- erine Newton. of New Hudson, Mich;. also eight grandchildren and four ,great-grandchildren. Attending the funeral from Gode- rich:-• ere Peter MacDonald and son, Graham, and Miss Flora Smith. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phoue 11-661 or Harry .Edwards; ,Goderieh Phone Ila JOHN R. MIDDLETON John R. Middleton, •75, one of the best known residents of Goderich Township, where he had farmed most of his life, died Sunday at his home, R.R. 3, Clinton. He was a graduate of the OAC at Guelph, and besides farming, was keenly interested in commun- ity affairs. He was a member of St. James Anglican Church, served as councillor in Goderich Township council in 1926-27, was reeve in 1928-29, and 'secretary -treasurer of S.S. No. 10 for several years. He was twice married, his first wife being the former Bertha Hayter. Surviving are his wife, the form- er Leila V. Feagan; four sons, Bert- ---•—•------ ram, St. Marys; Douglas, St. Cath- - arines; Ross, Goderich Township; John at home; �--- daughters. Mrs. Is Guest Preac I,O�,�O Mirnster � At ,North Street Church. A. . ger rY 0 • North Street United Church .con- ,LADY GOLFERS NAME gregation marked 122 years of con- SLATE OF OFFICERS tinuous worship and the 49th an- niversary of the church building at special services on Sunday. , .. Guest preacher for .the occasion Mrs. N. C. Jackson on Tuesday 4 BRITANNIA ROAD (corner South Street) ,Phone 1011 Goderich, Ont. beth Hampson, Toronto: Mrs. Hat -ed, making bids for... the people of tie Stewart, Myna and Agnes, Gode- the -world. "You and I as��individ- -- ' rich. uals must make our personal The remains rested at the family ! s The annual meeting of the ladies' section of MaitlandGolf Club was held at the home ofthe president, was Rev. Angus J.' MacQueen, min- evening, April 13. The ' president i'ster 'of First St. Andrew's United. I was in the chair. Church, London. Special mussic 1 Mrs. R. Brewer, convener of the was provided by "The Queensmen, nominating cotnmittee, read the Toronto male choir under the dirr , following slate of officers for the ection of R. A. Shepherd, with; coming year: President, Mrs. N. James. Crockett as soloist. The l C. Jackson.; first vice-president, services were conducted by ,Rev. I Mrs. Helen Watts; second vice - 11. A. Dickinson, minister of North ! president, Mrs. G. Mathieson; sec - Street United Church.: ' i retary-treasurer, • Miss - Marjor•;ie Taking as his topic "The Good . Macfie. House committee: con - New,' at the morning service, Mr. vener, Mrs. E. Allison; assistants, ' MacQueen .said that • television, Miss Kay Whately, Mrs. J. McLeod, radio and newspapers consider � Mrs. John Wall, Miss Joe Ryan, Murder, , crime, 'train wrecks and Mrs. George Ellis, Mrs. Helen other disasters to be news today. Watts and Mrs. It Brewer. ' Gospel Needed "The gopd news," he said, '`is that Jesus Christ died to save sin- ners." He said that the gospel of God was what people • needed to hear in ,our time and generation. "God knows and watches the universe," he said, "and because he knows all, there is meaning and purpose to lige,` God cares for in- dividual persons, and everyone counts of infinite value in the eyes of God." He said that because' God helps people, this does not mean we have nothing to do. ''`If our toil is hon- est and sincere, we can count on Sports committee: Miss Elizabeth Tobin, Miss Margaret Evans, Mrs. J. Morgan, Mrs. D. D. Worthy, Miss Evelyn Cooper,' Mrs. F. Overholt , and Mrs. J. Ubukata, Telephone committee: Mrs. E. A, Garland and' Mrs. G. Mathieso.n., Nominating] committee for 1955:' Mrs. Earl Al- lison, Mrs. Fred Rouse and Mrs. L. McGee, A discussion -follo'wed about the activities for the corning season and it was decided to have the annual tea on June 9 and the tournament at the end of June. The C.L.d.U. spoon days» are to be held -each Tuesday .be�,; nnin g on his help," Mr. •MacQueen said. "The May 18. The arrangements for glorious gospel of God is the good the two -ball foursome were left m news in this day of bad news." Stand Fast At the evening service, taking as his subject, "Take Your Stand," he told of the 'challenge facing the Christian» Church today, and the need for Christians to stand fast. "In Great Britain today," he said, "less than 10 per cent of the people I attend church. In Canada, church - membership 'is on the increase, but there is a decline in vital Christian morality and Christian living." - Freinces Powell and Mrs. Keith l. Mr. MacQueen said that today ,in Tyndall, Clinton; Mrs. Russell An- every part of the world' the gospel Iderson, Holland Landing; Mrs. •Ed- and Christian morality _are being ' win Tufts, London; Mrs. Allan challenged. It is the Christian White, Graritil-::Bend; Lois, at home; Church against morality and secul- orte brother, Fred, Goderich Town- arisen. The *odd is confused; all ship; and four sisters. Mrs. Eliza- kinds of ideologies are being offer - EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 4o d,J. Clinton. Charge moderate and Satisfac- tion Guaranteed.. Geo 6. MacEwan GENERAL INSURANCE MASONIC 'TEMPLE WEST STREET tand," he said residence until 2 p.m., Tuesday, I At the morning service the choir then at St. James Church, where sanga,"Thanks »b,e to Thee" and I funeral service was conducted at ``Beautiful Savior," and Mr. Crock ' 2.30 pan. by Rev, E. Carew -Jones, ett sang "The 23rd Psalm," In Bayfield, and interment made in the evening, the choir sang "I Bayfield ,cemetery. Heard the Voice" and "Now Let i y Tongue," and Mr. Crockett During ,n�� Q ��Q .,•�,eEvery ' sang "The Lord is my Light." Miming the evening service armed •forces. . - ' the chair presented a—concert-- of KINGSBRIDGE KINC4 131UlI G , April 28, — St. Joseph's parish was greatly honor- ed by a three-day visit from Father Moore and the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our . Lady pf Fatima-. . Sunday evening 'a motorcade met the Ave Maria van coming from Goderich about 8.30 p.m. The parishoners—met at the farm of Michael O'Neill, and walked to the church in A processioncarrying lighted candles, and reciting the "Rosary." There was a constant vigil, hour after hour, day and night by volunteers praying for the, intercession of Our ;Lady of Fatima for world peace, at the beautiful shrine•.which Father Van Vynckt, F.P, erected here in honor » of this visit of Our Lady's statue, which has _;travelled___thousands .__stir _miles_ and is :now touring »parishes in London » diocese. • Large crowds from far and near to attend the Triduum in honor of Our Lady, and the sermons of Rev. Father Patrick Moore and F ather Meyer, C.R., j were inspiring; and made this a most ,memorable occasion for those who had the privilege of being present. The Ave Maria Van carry- ing the Statute of Our Lady and accompanied by Father Moore -left parish on Tuesday evening for Sacred Heart church in Wingham. Rev. Father K. Sheridan of Ham - ilton visited, with his mother, Mrs. Mary Sheridan, and his sister, Miss Mary Sheridan during the. Easter holidays. Michael O'Neill and his another, Mrs. M. O'Neil and Kenneth Fitz- patrick, visitett with friends , in London during the past -week. Walter Dalton, of Detroit, spent. the week -end with relatives here. The Easter danoe held in thfe parish hall last Friday night was largely attended and the door prize was won by Douglas Hackett, of Lueknow. Mr.' and Mrs. J. Fitzgerald and baby are visiting , at the home of Mrs. P Murphy. Mr:. -, am :.Mrs. A. THE SUPERIOR RUBBER -BASE 1,P PAINT a of their daughter, Mrs. Gene F yne, dur- ing the past week. Mr. and 'lVfrs. Ed Bey olds and sons visited. _ at- the .ho a er'f ,Mr-. and Mrs. Ray Dalton re entry, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Baechler and Paul, of Goderich, visited at the home of Dr. G. Frayne on Sunday. ,It would seem that an Irishman by the name of Pat Pending is the greatest inventor of them all. water heating and refrigeration Alf. J. Schmidt, . representative. charge of the men. Coffee »was • served by the : hostess after the meeting was adjourned. WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE' SEE, • varied selections. Peter S. MacEwan Get .Insured—Stay Insured Rest Assured Bank of Com. Bldg. TELEPHONE 268W A NEW CUID`i,I) M I S S I L:, known as the Corporal, rises on takeoff from the White Sands, New Mexico, proving grounds. Powered by a rocket motor, the missile travels,- at several limes.k, the speed of sound and can„ carry either an atomic or cora ventional type warhead. " I • Don't Buy Insurance a IBuy aMan ...one I can trust to look after all the details". I" '.at!s what a t us - tomer for property . insurance said. ARTHRITIC . PAINS Are you suffering from arthritic pains? If so,... write at once to . Pickwood Pharmacal Co. Ltd., Milton, Ont., for particulars of their - guaranteed treatment. Money refunded if pains are not relieved. . , 1 6-9 because you can take it • with you, if you change your job or retire. ALCOLM MATHERS Insurance Office, 46 West St., GoderickPhone 115W raemer, of Resor, visited at the h M ONTARIOHOSPITAL' ASSOCIATION i:'•l:vSe::...0 .:.:.i. ::.:,:.::eK.. .n:..• •.. ... - .. ...-. ... ..�...%� n�!<:Tav�;)iF"i� simiagmlffi Harold W. •Shore ALL LINES OF INSURANCE (including Life)' and REAL ESTATE Phone 766W 38 Hamilton St. Goderich 36tf C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance . Fier. Automobile, Casualty Real Estate-. - 30 Colborne St., Gocericb Phone 18w ' F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST /hone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH : WITH AMAZING ANGLE-MATIC — DRi b"E ..,_ONLY 32 LBS. • RUGGED," DEPENDABLE - • SMOOTH ALTERNATE FIRING TWIN • 3 SOLID HORSEPOWER • PLENTY OF SPEED 27-J SLOWEST TROLLING SEA -HORSE 3 H.P. OUTBOARD MOTOR Your dealer appears under "Outboard Motors" in yellow pages of phone book. JOHNSON MOTORS Peterborough - Canada T. •PRYDE &- SON Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth . Write Box 150, or phone 41J, Exeter arid we shall be Dleased to cau. • A. L. COLE Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. CONTACT JAN•..B+OSVELD, REALTOR CHATHAM 153 KING S'T. W. PHONE 1100 or JOHN BOSVELD, SALESMAN. - 40 Wellesley St. '� Goderich.. Phone 1108 '6tf One of the country's most popular Motel TULLER. ... featuring convenience, comfort, .quality! A cosmopolitan atmosphere in home --like setting. In the center of all downtown activities. Newly decorated. Ultra modern, comfortable guest rooms .. . excellent food at moderate prices in *Ur `'-'thoder"n _cooffee shop find cafeteria. kadio and Television in room. , 41, Conditioned rooms •in. season. 800 ROOMS WITH BATH from $ 350 'GARAGE and PARKING 101 ti For many farmers, operating funds are low at tliis time of year. It's the in4-ietween .period when there's lots of expense, little income. If this is your problem, talk h over • with your B of M manager. .myqA Iv ' If you can plan repayment from youi farm rbrudrrcrrxazauas income, there's money for you at the •B of M --- for seed, feed , or fertilizer , BANK OE -M.„ aNTREA:L;f'ree • »BEFORE YOU DEAL KNOW 'THE DEALER! YOUR MERCURY-LINCOLN-METE'OR - DEALER has a solid reputation for honest dealing. His standing in the community—his business—have beeit built on the basis of customer satisfaction. Only at Mercury -Lincoln -Meteor Dealers are used cars arid trucks hand -pick -ed to Safe Buy stndarda of performance, appearance and value —and they must measure up before the Safe' Buy »seal goes ori! Before you buy any used car Or truck —drop in at your Mercury -Lincoln - Meteor Dealer's, arid see for Ourself • why a Safe Buy is . Our best buy. , • WHY SAFE BUY MEANSw YOUR BEST BUY! 1. Next,tp-New Appearance r 2., Mechanically Reconditioned _S. Safety -Checked for Performance 4. Guaranteed By Your Dealer 5. Finest, Value for Your Money! TEST MODELS. FAIRE T PRICES•tERNiS TO SUIT YOU! • WORKING WITH CANADIAN$ IN EVERY' WALK OF LIP*1 SINCE Goderich %rand): BIitWWCE AV/ISTilON'G, Amager