HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-04-29, Page 4REPORT
Or, ait'hhoU:gh not ideal
5 Seeding, hasbeen suit -
ter Many farmers to start
Preparations for spring seed -
t is reported that the land
,'tiled particularly fast and
els Pre conditions are not
ering as prig t � .e petted.
FaJj Wheat is reported to -.Wave
O le through the winter in an ex-
teltent condition, The higher pas-
tures ate greening up very rapidly
and it is expected that some live-
stock will soon be out v graziifg.
Late inquiries for cereal seed grain
are quite ff'equent, H. R. Baker,
Assistant Agricultural Iiepresenta-
'tive for Huron County, says in his
weekly Crop Report.
11/Ir, and Mrs. L. H. Zinn have
arrived home after spending the
winter months in Florida.
BUTAL RIDE TOO mum FOR °:1YIYS'TE tY PLAN' Goderxe• h Imperial Q'I"pTerminal
Gets Safety Award For Third Tim
The mystery of the man who
"brokehis back" trying to ride Big
Sid the Bull, has finally been• clear-
ed up.
Recently at the rodeo in Gode
rich, $1,000 was offered to anyone
who could stay on Big Sid the Bill
for ten seconds. Among those
who tried _it was one gentleman
name unknown, who took quite a
spill and had to be carried off the
arena floor.
The unknown gentleman disap•
peered from 'view -and there was a
spate of rumors that he had suf-
fered seriously from the encounter,
and even that he had broken, his
back. The fact that nobody seem-
ed to know who he was or where
he had disappeared, heightened the
• Tuesday, afternoon of last. week
Harold Kemple, 21, of Greenock,
was admitted to Wingham General
Hospital• with a case of fractured
On his report was a notation,
`kicked in left side while trying
o_.ride a bull in Goderich arena.'i
---Wingham Advance -Times.
Goderich Marine Terminal of Im-
perial 011 Limited_ fax the third
tune received the cormfany's Good
I Housekeeping and Safety award at
1' a banquet held Wednesday night of
I last week at eche Hetet Oetlford. ,
, --The trophy was presented to E.
M. Richardson, Godericlip, Plait
Superintendent, by R. F. Harris, of
London, District Manager.
Mr. Harris also presented awards
to J. A. Smith,' of Gaderich, for
seven years and 200,000' miles of
!safe driving ,and J. H Duckworth
for two years and 25,000 miles of
safe driving.
The good• housekeeping award is
competed for by all Imperial ®i1
plants in Western Ontario and
!plant inspections are made by the
District Supervisor to determine
the winning plant which must have
Ia total of at least 99 per .cent in
order to be in the winning class.
+ Among the guests attending the
banquet were. Mr. Harris; E. F.
Pollard, of London, District Sales
Manager; W. A. Tipple, of Gode-
rLoh, __-sates •.represen'tat ive;• -Mayor
J. E. Huckins, Reeve J. H. Graham, 1
Chief Constable F. M. Hall, and
Sgt. C. N. Anderson of Goderich
Detachment, Ontario Provincial
• J
_I,.APE'R 1 Rl-V-E -
If you're - housecleaning,- don't
throw out that waste paper yet.(
The Kinsmen .Club is holding a
aper drive on May 12 and would
be glad to 'pick up your waste
paper. See details in Signal -Star
advertisement next week.
Mr. and :Mrs. W. H.e Robb and
baby, Richard, of Stratford, were
Easter guests , with Mrs. P. J.
Canadian Builders
From it he reaps o hard harvest of food and medicine -giving oils.
His 'name could be Crancz. Or Scott. Or Le Blanc.. What is
important is that this man, and the men in steel, paper, mining
and construction, are building d greater Canada.
ft'is to serve these men and their-families-that•the 'modern con-
sumer finance company exists. Emergencies do not respect a
man's wages, nor do opportunities wait. In these times„ an
additional source of money is essential if they are to continue
,the healthy growth of their families and their nation.
Household Finance 'has pioneered in ,providing a sound and
intelligent answer to the money problems of hundreds of
thouscinds of people:
Home teaching of the blind—.by
the blind—is underway in Huron
County this week, one of many ser-
vices provided by The Canadian
National Institute for the Blind
from the $5,400 raised in the coun-
ty campaign for funds last st
Miss Susan Miller, member of
s• home
staff, has
been helping a blind, deaf brother
and. sister ste Dungannon, ratD
u cannon, a lady on
a farm north of Goderich, and a
boy at Seaforth.
The, Seaforth boy is receiving
pre-school training in preparation
for his formal education.
Miss Miller, who is almost com-
pletely blind herself, is attached
to the St. Catharines CNIB office.
She is spending two weeks An
Huron County on this ,visit, teach-
ing` braille, handicrafts and other.
skills to county blind.
Huron County gave $5,400 to
ONIB's operating fund campaign
early last fall, $1,500 from a Coun=
ty Council grant, $3,900 from pub-
lic subscription.
Zelma Alene, daughter of r.
and Mrs. Aaron C. Fisher, of Go e -
rich, became the bride of Ro
James Shand, son of Mrs. Shan
and the late William C. Shand, of
Dr. Andrew C. Lawson officiated
in Timothy : Eaton. Memorial,
Church. The wedding music was
played by Mr. Ouchterlony and the
soloist was R. Heel.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride chose an imported gown
of blush satin, dewed with pearls
andbrilliants. The fitted 'Basque
bodiee featured a draped portrait
neckline. The full sweeping skirt
was caught up to reveal a pleated
panel. Her fingertip veil of tulle9
illusion fell from a bandeau of
matching satin and pearls. She'
carried a cascade of -Star of Bethel
white hyacinthe, centred with
orchids and ivy throughout.
The attendants, Mrs. J. Knight
matron of honor for her sister,
Mrs. F. Francis end Mrs. E. 'Mc-
Guire, wore orchid -gowns of net
over taffeta, carrying talisman
roses and freesia.
Dr. William Shand was grooms-
man for his brother and -the ushers
were Clifford E. Shand, brother of
the groom, G. C. Cooper, J. Knight
and D. McCarthy.
Following the reception at the
Granite Club, the couple left by
plane for Miami.
Magistrate 11. E. Holmes has
a problem.
Why was the courtroom de- •-
serted last' Thursday after-
noon? •
At two o'clock sharp, court
was opened, but only live
people were resent—the mag-
istrate 4 hi secretary, one
policeman, one lawyer and a
'This is the -first time I've
ever seen this happen in Gode-
rich," commented the magis-
trate. "But the part that puz-
zles me is •how even the spec-
tators knew that there wouldn't
,be any cases heard.",
Only four cases were listed
on the docket. Two were ad-
journed by the magistrate and
personal service of summonses
was ordered in the other two.
Canadiali and American 4,H Club
memlbers attending the annual -Jun-
ior Farl'mners' meeting at Guelph,
April 25-27, will be interviewed on
the second broadca t of the CBC's
new Junior Farm Program for On-
tario and Quebec on Saturday, May.
1, at 12.15.
Rotas REctuuut Atm
The April meeting of the W.C.
T.U. was held at,the home of Mrs.
M. Ohler, Cambria road with a
good attendance and several visit-
ors. Mrs. Thomas Graham, the
president, presided and opened the
meeting with a hymn. Prayer was
offered by Mrs. Marlatt in memory
of Mrs. Stevenson, one of the mem-
The roll call on, love had a
splendid, response. The Scripture
was read by Mrs. Kneeshaw and
' prayer was offered by Mrs. Cante-
lan. The discussion period on love
was taken by Mrs. 'Peters. The
p sheet on "television was take▪ n
by the iuemb ,rs, ` Thirty calls were
reported and $3 given: The meet-
ing was clii,seed with prayer by Mrs,
Graham after which lunch was
A veteran of .W,Crld, War I, Job
Bicknell, of Saltford, has been in
Westminster Hospital, .London, for
the past month and would welcome
visits from Gaderich .distriet vets
while conifined to hospital.
Anything to sell! An t in ?
a classified -ad in The d Try
Signal -Star.
rale Chitiib crater' hi, "un' va, ,,:, ,' ' •
The snowshoe have QE.north rn
ore than two miles in diameter, Canada goes through an unvarying
was created by a falling me.t&Dette ten-year cycle from near extinction
some 100,000 200,000 years ago. tfl- super abundance,
When ltidncys fail to
remove excess acids
and wastes, back-
ackache, tired . feeling,
disturbed rest often
follow. Dodd's
Kidney Pills stimu-
lite 'kidneys' to
normal duty. You
feel better—sleep
better, work better.
Get Dodd's at any
drug store. You can
depend au Pod!t s 50
your, next new or late model
car, truck or farm machinery
at lower -cost through '
Harold W. Shore
"AW Lines of Insurance"
. PHONE 766W
Loans also arranged on 1946
and later' model cars.
because your Plan certi-
ficate establishes your
credit with the hospital
without red tape.