HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-4-3, Page 1*AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO. THE LINE, LET THE OHIPs FALL WHERE THEY MAY." TOL. XVII. 'ie, 29. RIXETBRI ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL. a, 1890 ,LEGAL a1 i 1 H r QLOICSOy � 1'1 -sten - S 1 , • �Atornfxuprente of ('ouxt,lTetaryPuUlic Sionveyanoet Canamiseleuer,&o, ,tone} co ; is Fansen s Block. Exeter, rr . . OOLal-i,IN S, Barrister, Soiioaitor, Canvey racer, gtc.r /IMETER, , - ONT. OmcegemweWelleek itell'aold ofiloe,' • E Lyn&E,L LIOT, Barristers, Sai' iterw, Notaries Public, •ollvey'aucers &o, &c. t '.aiouey to Loan et Lowest Rates of interest. Oif1,ICG. - MAIN STREET. EnTEI':' D. v. iniT40T, J. ELLIOT. IJENTAL. ri L. BILL OS, D?7e11^T:1.'O sw, r1FIVI a 'Ver Orad' ERVS Oat$1. Nitrous Oxide Gala for Painless Retraction. FI lusS 1 A,N,UEINTIST.t,t.D.S Sermon's W k Malit'st Exeter% „eraete Tooth wlthontpatua ' sett, Ve retable Weer, teem Filmes anti all other dental. woes tho beetpotiefi.lo. Goes rYer° a:t i.an;a:'1s on laetT:i'Arstlayiu etch mouth. MEDICAL W. 13i.f? Y i[N(r t. ii., '!, t3 P,•i,7ra?1.tatoVictoriciUnivcratty.O01ce 4n 1 aaidance,Dom'Pio alstiborxtorv,Exeter ana N, car ouer for tato (hunt of .heron. OMee, opposite cur. 'Carling's aioro,Exoter. nil. J. . f'.QITIT.Nb, ...x._ O. t)itlne.,1Ssotor,Ont.1 O (lou •10 zousoreooutly occupied by P. 3laPbiUips, ,'311t1. F, CUT'L'l N, M. D. G. M., • l-ari tttnTrinity tS Lnlvor Ett} Tor- e auto Fe. To; sehool.'Toronto ; Grad, tut tist..tlratiotogy'; Member N. Y. Acad. tlirapalogyi llotuhar Col. P. S„ Qnt•— aiac, Uashwmad.1)nt. AUCTIUNDEBS. E tRY LILBLR, Licenced A.ua- iouaorfor (iey. 1 . i Ste then and Mo(xilli- - areaTowuehil+n. 9n.leaoitnduCtcdatmuderate ?atm). +)tfoo—JtPoet-oilloc,Croditon.Out. FIN GILL, Auctioneer for the - f'ownehtus of Stephen, clay and Velment+ and the Village of heater. All sales presently o,ttended,audsetlsfaotion guaranteed. Sa1oa -are angod at this &nee. "VETERINARY. .., r. -_w.- ,.. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, adnates of the Ontario Veterinary College °EnzoE : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONE L TO LOAN AT 6 SAND 6i percent, 825,000 Private Funds. Best x,oanine Companies represented. L. DICKSON, Barrister,Exeter, INSURANCE . THE LONDON MUTUAL R_ )'ni INSURANCE COMPANY OP CAN AD a. cad Offloe, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farmproperty and naivete residences, either on buildings or •oe'ntents.tbe moat favorable protection in case of loss or hmego by fire orlightuinc, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no othor respect- able company (me ago rdto'write. 42,`'75 poli: cies in force latSan 4890. Assets 8378,498.00 $n eashin bank, Government deport, Deben- tures and Premium Notes- 'JAacss GnAwr, President ; D. 0. MODomitn,lttanager• DAvin JAalr>as,Agent for Exeter andvioinity. ti% L�ra'1'E1�Z,U0 �I(J'1'Ur1L L 'PERE INSUBANCEOO-. J8stabllsliedin 1808. HEAD OffICE- W T ERLOO ON T. Thie comfanv has been over t9ighteen earste successful operation ario,alieWpster n Qu- • udaoutinues to: insure agaipat,oss or � t• ttmego by .rit•o J3 iiildings,:vloroiluudise,Dis,n- faetoe'les,aud 1,11 -,others teeerintionsofliusur- bleprolaorty.Ca.ending insurers bavn,tbo ptionoftnsuringontbe Premium Note or clash System. • - >?u the east ten. years this Company During hasiseued'i7,008 Policies•covorin(nroper ty b the ttnoulitot340,872,088 ;and paid in1bes- ets alone ;;709„52,00 A.ssetS, i' tit3,10a.00,,onsieting "o f. Cash IL dank,Go voroanont Deposit,an d. t.1ne.unass- ssedPreniiun Notosonlianda11dIn force. 7 '.W vcrALDPJ•NivI• `D.'exesider t. 0. M. TAFLOR, Secretary. J. B. 1#tretunS,Cnenecter: 011AS; tesreTJ ageotfen.tr,ceters,ndv-io*nity The Molsons .Bank (OlIARTEREI)B' PA. Ri,IAh1ENT.1855) Peed upCapital .., .., $2.060,60 ItestFund .., as 1,009,0C rfeadOMee. Montreal. F. WOi'.FERSTANTIIObIAS,Bdq., OcarttaAeete, reeseR 20 bran ch offices itxtiteseominion. Agenic in the Dominiouatl.S,A,and Europe. Exeter Branch, Opou every lawful dee', from 10 a,w• to 3 p. m S•}'t'ICRDAYS.10 a,to to 1 p.,a, i'ereout.perannum allowedfor money on crit Receipts R. H. ARCHER Manager. .o WO— o2dsm $h + Hall! R'A TCHFs, CLOCK'S,--- JEWELRY, — SILVERWARE,- -AND ILV'ERW1rAR ,- --ckND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. lerPersopalattentiongiveu to repairing o. watchee.oloeksandjowelr i �.i. B ICEENBACII, 0jtpeeite Post Office, piLININTIff PARKHILL Eyes Te$ted 'FREE S MURRAY', Practical Optician, Graduate ODtic School N.Y. Eyes tested ; defective sight reetorcdby the aid of fine glass s. largo assortment of the ftnestiaaeseson band. A calleolieiled. 4- S. ettC't] :R eeee-g'. 7.60 eeeerlerep.A.Seetm London. MONEY Y z, OR ALL. 1.,. WANTED ---A good energetics man. or moo, to sell our Fruit `treses. Roi'e+. Shrubs. Crna- mentuis,ete, Permanent employment. Write at once for cerement' secure Choice Of territory. We Fell only 3rrt-elassstock. hand- some outfit free. Address MAY BROT1I11RS, Nurseymon, Rochester, N. Y. -8th Nov,'el. 5 Packs of Cards, PREF Ono Pack, May I. C. U. Monde, One Pack Fscort; One Pack, Flirtation ; One Pack. hold to the light; One Pack. Our Sore just holds two. Onosnurplebook full of Novelties, all PRUE, if you send 5e. silver, forpost ago. -R9..' oe, Ti22sTN nr . Yarmouth N FRED W. PAB,NCO1B, Provincial la Surveyor and Civil En - Moo, Upstairs.Samwell's Block. Exeter, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. 100 aures—being lot 73,North Boundary, Mc- Gillivray. There aro 95 acroa cleared, balance bush and pasture 10 acres in fall wheat, and fall ploughing done; werl-foaoed and well - watered. Good frame house with stone cellar; also frame barn with stable underneath ; good driving house.- Distance from Crediton post- otlico 2f miles ; 4 miles from Centralia, and convenient to schools and ohurohes. Will bo sold cheap. Possession given at once if re- quired. Apply on the premises to Pob'y 27-1m JAS. RING W.A. T'RD Mon to take orders for Nursery Stook, on Sal- ary or Comitussion. I oanmake a successful SA LESS .A of anyone who will work and follow my in- struotione. Will furnish handsome outfit free and pay your salary dr commission every week. Write for torins at once.. E. 0. GRAHAM.Nurseryman, Moh1813t Toronto. Ont. Champion Food Y Tnn BEST LIVE STOCK Poon IN TEE WORLD MONEY SAVED BY l iFfi =a ITS USE. Ilorses can now be kept in better-oondition; cows give more and richer milk, and all kinds ,of Live Stock restored to health, fattened and improved at a much less expense by the use of 023_eis,MPIc eo, ,FOOD. • NE TRIAL' WILL CONVINCE YOU i i OF THE, ABOVE FACTS. . Our .Agents sell Champion Food in Eng- land, 'France, Australia, India,Africa, Brizii, Buenor, Ayres, United States,, C=anada etc., etc., with the same wonderful results. 7arrnety-- rs' .rad. 5'p o1 - Raisers Will Have It. Agents wanted everywhere. COTT01ec. London, Ont., JAS. l'AnrcucSov, W holoeale Agent Agent fo r Exeter.. CENTRAL EZarber tS o FANSON'S B OOI(. A.Hastings, 1"gProp Shaving and flair cutting in the latest style of the art. Evory attontine paidto cnttirg Ladies anci01111,11'0n” s WE LEAD Not only iu word but in deed Wall -Paper, Window Blinds, Dress Goods and Millinery. Tweeds and Clothing. Hats and Caps. Boots 45z Shoes NOW TIFF TU;fC+ OI+'aW.AR Two cans Salmon, 25e Canned Corn, 10e Canned Tomatoes, 10e 3 cakes Washing Soap, 5e Sibs Tea, S1 BRU PTO 1 BROS, $eusall 1:nlllsrs—Mr. Wm. Tapp of Exeter, re- cently purchased from Air. L, Petty, a sta- tion colt, d months old. sired by "Golden Crown," for 1175. :sir. Tap1, has since been offered n largo advance on this pike. TN; Ms the best we have seen,-•-:lir Ed I;eseenberry ]iiia rented Mr It lsiciutyre'a betel for a terra of years, and has taken possession, Mr Alelntyro. we understand, laa8 accepted A position as traveller for a wbolesale.—New shades have been plaaoU in the bank windows. Tey add materially to the beauty of the building. ;Messrs Artbttr eC Co, have one of the flueet bank premises to be fount in the county,.—alfa J 0 Stoneman is visiting her mother in Lambeth, who is not in good health.— Severe' iealth.— . tv r t v' a ' 9t a al of the ala it village dudes ra.hang the season, sporting new spring hats. They look as fresh as spring chickens in their new ldtttuttgo.--Mr Berry this week shipped to liiiwankee, a carload of the choicest draught Maes to he found in tins section. The rtverrigtl Wee paidefett- tbti animals was $175.01. --Tho Hensel. checker team are in good practice ; and have the utmost con. fnlenco in themselves. A chahonge has been received from. the Exeter team, and it is probable that it will be readily accepted, as our boys would like something easy to oummeuee on.—`.'hone of our citizens who have *tension to travel eastward. would lite to know if the sidewalk committee have ahaoonded with the oontributious, or have they the money out at interest, or sunk in a farm mortgage 2—We understapd that Mr A McDonoll has gone to California instead of Dakota. -The spring fair takes plaoo to- day (Thursday) and it is expected that there will be a large attendance.—There will be considerable btulding done this year, but not to such an extent as has been the case in former years,—Mr Cook has taken his brother into partnership in the milling business.—Upwards of ten car loads o1 flour is being chipped from this station weekly, by the Zurich and tlenaall millers.—Mr R. Patterson, our well-knorq contractor, will commence the erection of a new town hall at Winrham,within a few weeks;—On Sun day last, rev. Mr Stewart of Clinton offici- ated in Carmel Presbyterian ahureh, rev Mr Henderson being at Clinton conducting the Anniversary services of the Sabbath school in connection with thePresbytbrian (thumb,. there.—On Sunday afternnon rev Mr Bridg mac preached a special sermon in the Methodist church, to the members of Court Ivy Green, C 0 F, of this village. There was a very large attendance both of the members and of tho general public—On lneaday Iast several young men from this section left for the Great Northwest, among the number being' Mr John Carlisle and Mr Ingram of Hay—Mr Ohne Burford is attend ing the Assizes now going' on at Goderioli, in the capacity of juror. --Mr W Robson of London was in town on Saturday last visit- ing his daughter, Mrs H Arnold—Mr 1) MacArthur, 0f Ailsa Craig was iu town this week --On Wednesday, at the residence of AMr John Short, Loudon Bond, Ray Town- ship, Mr Harry Welsh, carpenter of this vie lago was married to Miss Ada, daughter of Mr, John 8 ors. in the presence of a large. number of friends of tho contracting parties The, presents are numerous and useful. Wa join their many friends in wishing them a. long, pleasant and prosperous pull in double harness—Rev J'S Henderson is in Toronto, Miss Lizzie Godfrey, daughter titer of Rev IV Godfrey of Belgrave, but formerly of Helical], is the guest of Mrs Sutherland.— The regular meeting of tine Young Peoples' Mutiiael Improvement Associationwill be held on Monday eveuing 7th lust. --Mr Wnt Johnston, formerly in the employ of Messrs Brown d Blatehford,'but now farming um Gerrie, is in the village this week, --We al•0 Pleased to see, that the timber for a si.deivalk on King street, from the post 'office' to past Carmel church, is on the ground. A side.' walk here attain fact in many; adder places in this village is very much needed. Gravel walks during a winter like the past are vorthlese; and even in the summer a" poor, apology for a walk, as it is always covered with dust. Heretofore o r r tr statute labor have not been judiciously expended, private interests showing, itself in too many :oases —Don't be loafer I If you have no busi- ness of your own, don't loaf around the place of another, Nothing gives a business man a poorer opinion of a place than to see half a dozen loafers sitting or lounging arannd every time ho goes in, The owner or. proprietor may be too polite or forebear ing to order you away, but inwat"dly he will wish you lit the bottomof the sea• If he hires hands he exports thorn to wore; m busi- ness hours, and the man who bangs aroung a place of bermes$, botir after hour, talking to the workmen is never a wolcome'visitor Childrart cru for ractiers Caster_ t.o the -proprietor. In this busy world there ii work enough for all, and the man cr boy who isout n c e ttilier d n nonn1 and sponge o off others will never amount to anything and had better go off and die, Tbo Tames says there is a puny in St. Thomas. that can go up to the bar, drink a glass of beer and walk out There are lots of donkeys he this town that can do that, and a donkey is not supposed to know as much as a pony, Hag Couuoll,. At a meeting of the council held .larch. 16th, is. ryas moven and carried, that Use application of the trustees of S 8 No 5, for altering and enlarging the boundaries of their section be deferred for further 000- btderon. On motive the pians and specifications of the new town hall wero accepted end the time for receiving tenders for building the same was extouded to the 16tli April next, The proposal of the Canada Co to ex- change deeda for a new road allowance be- tween lots 10 and 11, con 10, was accepted and the clerk instructed to notify the oonipauy'a commissioners to that effect. Patlema'ttert•, pouud•keepers :end fenee. Viewers were. with few exceptions, appointee the same as last year, Road cowmisseon• era will be appointed al eorne future .meet. ing.—The resignation of 8 Foster as clerk ,was aeeepted. Moved by Mr Schnell; Beed by Mr Voolker that the Appointment of a clerk be poet- poued until next meeting, and that 1i B Johnson bo appointed pro tem. A hew nceeents were passed, when the council adjunrned to meet on the iGtli April next at 10 aart, Crediton. lerIEVS,,—.Lairs Iii Lougmato of Detroit, ttiaah , is paying her father, Mr .such Blaze!, a short visit.--efr Wm Silber has gone to Hamilton to work at histrado,—Mr llaui'l Brown, merchant, has been laid up during the past Reck.—Rev Christian. Brown, who is visiting friends hero. has had a very tuttlen attack of illness, which will necessitate him to romatn here longer than he expected, Owing to his indispnai. tion ho was unable to deliver the amuse published for Thursday evg.—Mr Zenith Sims has removed his household effects to n farm in Uaborne, which he intends work- ing.--Afr Ben Either, itriss Attica Either and Mrs S Link left for Detroit on 'Tuesday to remove lira Link's lronsehold effects to Crediton, as she intends to make her future bones here.—During the atom on Thurs- day night last the wind unroofed Mr 0 Z leer's barn, The east end was out of esti building and the wind bad. g good; chance, Mr Zwikor ie basing n fine new barn and stable erected beside the old ono.. --Tho nasignee's :tale of the effects of the defunct Samuel Truomner was very largely attended and most of the goods sold high, A. considerable quantity of brick was die posed of.—Wo bear of a fete weddings for the near future. We would lure to see them come oil soon as it is n long time since we had a ahariyati.—Wo had sleighing on Saturday but it only lasted for a day.—:lir Kuhn, tile mannlaoturer, has long ago cleaned out every tile on his yard. --Only two or three of the brick yards will be run thio season and it is likely bilck will bo good stook next fall. Anyone requiring any had better buy nosy,—Miss Abbey Clark of London, is home on a ell, art visit.—We understand we are to have another butcher in town. Mr W 11 Wenzel will ereot a suitable shop next to his woodshop to accommodate the butcher. We think that the people should patronize a resident butcher and feel satisfied they will, ♦.ow4 Sharon. WEDDING BELLS.—A very pleasing event occurred ou Tuesday evg, at the residence of John Chapel of Hamilton, it being the marriage of his youngest daughter, Annie, to Mr. Josiah Kastle of Stephen. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Hunt of I:lamilton. The bride was handsomely attired iu °ream satin, trimmed with orange blossoms, and all looked upon her with ad- miration. The bridesmaids were also richly attired. After the ceremony the .gusts of which there were abbut one hundred eat down to a bounteous repast, to which all did ample justice, after which the evening was spent in various amusements. Tho presents were very numerous and costly which speaks for itself as to the esteem in which the couple are held. The next morn- ing the happy couple started on n tour iu which they will take in the principal cities of Ontario. We congratulate you Josiah on year success and hope you may live to eco many prosperous years of married life. Bassos —Mr. and Mrs. George Weekly, of Woodstock, are the guests of Ilirs Nelson Kestle: —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly of New- berry, Michigan, wlio have been visiting their pad ants returned home last week. Miss Banes of ..Crediton, is visiting the Misses Trestle,—The your;: Bike spent a very enjoyable time at thee residence enol of Mr. Teas. Kelly one evening last week.—Mr. Nelson lessee's mare which had the distem- per is recovering although at one time her life eve dispairedof,—;Pilo wood boos, which have been all the rage around here are about Aver and the begs are looking in . other di rection for a little .excitement,—Rev; R.. Redmond, pastor of tlro Sharon Methodist Church en l a Parkhillminister exchanged pulpits on Sunday lase -Mr. Nehemiah Kestle lost a valuable eine ma Friday last, 115;, Moses Aoaey,ofzeter, paid us a flying on Sunday last.-1Ti'. Win, pestle has dis- posed of ono of his valuable horses to au Amnrioau buyer for a good srttu.--ser, Wm. Rowe nas a large flea of lambs already thou hit is oarl et. Wm is al quite a g yY I sheep fancier, Tho West Poterbo-o' Farmers' Institute has decidedto give tuo-rowed' barley an ample test. The legal profesiiou of Hastings Connty, have determined to establish a lacy library for the county - G. D. Swanton, the forger, was on batur ilety ab Belleville eonteyoed to two ti',;ars in thei penitentiary. Farmer,iu Middlesex onunsy report fall wheat in a bad condition, and newly seeded clover heaved. di:rarl'a Lai:moist curosuarget in (Jew Centralia. 0. Y.Smt h having mad arrangements ansements to run the Centralia Cheese Factory acing the coming Eeaeon would respectfully notity the patrons and community in general that the factory wilt:bo run to its fuIiestleztentand that those wishing to become petrosa will be denit with in an honorable way. all information desired wilt be cheerfully given ea application. Solicitistfi the kind Patronage of all. F remain yours truly. t . W. Sx1Tu, WQPdktt• limier$, ---ler, .John Fotberlughem Itas been appointed school trustee in the place of Air. Walter Pearson, who hies removed from this locality.—Rev, Josiah Greene of Greeter:. will preach next babbaternareiu6 in the Methodist church, ---err. Rult Flicks and fancily, moved this week to withhi guiles of Exeter.. Ile will be greatly missed. in the -church, Sunday school anti neigh- borhood,—Service iu the Alethodist church an Good Friday evening. ---The Rev, D. A. 1t'Ioir will preach en the Greater; circuit next Sabbath,-- .Stoup staleittg wilt be placed under eight barns on the Baso Line of lilanshard this year. Olaudebcye... 11RI11,s--Business is booming in our town. R 0 Struthers of London, is selling; off the stack of John Flaungan, inaolvent, —John Brewster who buaght out Mr Johnson's old stand is. Navin r an auction sale, tend is selling a large amount of goods. - -Hill John Hialgins bought the two farms of Mr John Plane ,'ren for St, t00, The village houses were pu,,..zeeed by J ~,Y Blackwell for $31.!0.—Our local egg buyers 11 Blaekwoll & Son are going to get eggs from the stores this year and not buy through the country,— The I 0 1'' are thriving is thin vicinity, At their last regular meeting Court (Greenwood took in three new members and Court Clandeboye took in two.—The division court has been removed to Lucan. This will be quite a loss to Claudeboye. Bayfield. Bauk Zsiartha Pelleok is., visit- iitg on the Bauble Line. --Our esteemed townsman, Mr. John Morgan, has been up. pointed a ,justice of Peace in and for the County of Httron. Tbc Salvation Army aro holding forth each night and have large aa h . t tteudauee,—.Ir. Jonathan Hofiarth left last Monday for London. --Mr. Rich, Bailey has Leen securing sigretures to a petition for the granting of license to .the Commercial hetet.-0u Friday evg,. last, the, Royal Template of Temput-anee.rad n very interesting debate on the suleeet: "Resolved that women have more influence than men," After some exciting speeches had been made decision was given in favor of the affirmative. Those taking part were : Ale—Miss Young, Mr. Hi!1, Mrs. Thos Marks, Mrs, .1. Burgess, Misa elc- Kenzie ; Negl : air, AI, Dupeo, Mr. P. Campbell, Miss L. Hust n, Mr D. McKen- zie, Mr. James Wallas. A number rt ere present from Goderich. Zurich. iiztirra.—Mr. Wm. Klopp etthe Brunson Line, has aold his driver to Mr. Stauffer of Waterloo, for $122. This ix considered a good figure, as horseflesh re low at present. Mr Eines has also purchasedanother horse. —Mrs. Charles Grab is spending a few weeks with friends in Milverton and Welles- Jey,—It seems our neighbors et Hensall ars 'bound to do us all harm theypossibly0ir. The latest "fad" is offerings bonus of $4.00 to the oorplration of Hay, if they build the town hall there instead ofliere. They know well enough that such. an ofler cannot be accepted, as the counoilwill not sell them- selves to any town. They on that side want to make a ory about it at the next election, if the council do not accept. However, we on this side will not take a back seat for .hem or any one else. We are able to hold our own, and we will do it.—kir. Justus Demuth left on Monday for Ashland, Wis- consin. Justus- is a worker and is bound to get along in the world.—H. 0 Doan and Peter S. Gri,'er are attending the assizes at Goderio't thi :week.—Read Appel&lZeller's advertise mane in this issue.—Air. William: Hainacher is here from .Kansasehaving been gone over twelve years.—We understand that George sterner met with a painful: accident last week. It seems he was driving a span of colts. which managed to get away from hire and throwing him againstau apple tree, braised his log in a horrible manner.—Mr. John Deiohert, blacksmith„ is suffering with a, very sore bank. -Mr. Robb. Johnston hes been appointed tp:.olerk pro tem, instead of ltfr. Same Foster, re- signed.—The light skiff of snow caused a boom of business in the village.—&ix. Geo Hess has completed the plans and, speoifx. cations of the proposed town hall,, and any wishing to examine them may do so by calling at the ofhae of F. Hess, Reeve.—We o h boysin thesurrounding. hear of some f the neighborhood enjoying tnemsolves to a feast of taffy at the expense of Rome of their denial neighbors. Look ons for the "C" Lt t SonaoL: Tno following is' a list PITOTAC,:' ofthe pupils who have been promoted ;into the next class :-- • ' sexton investor To Senior Fourth,—Horace Hardy, Annie Lippert, Alf Moritz, Flora ' Hees, To Junior Fourth,—David trooper; E. Faust, Wm Detnntil, Tillie: Well, Milton Buchanan, Atli° Johnsen, EmeliaHess, Ida I3ri11, L' izzie Bkr, Nettie Well To Senior ooT1}eird.--Wm Duman, Tates Benedict, John Deichert, Joe Berstein, Sam Faust, Gaunt Stemeach, Laura Kibler, ler Theo Happel, Martha Strempfer, Annie Floss, e.laggie Demuth, ,Ed Wurm, Sam. Holtzman; Mary Randal, ivreasuevrAT]b Division' To Junior 'Third—Olara Sippel, Lizzie Dainart, EdRtnch,leph Plolteman, John Weber, James Johuson, Tillie Koler, Ilia troll, Leslie'VVilliams, Louis Foster, Phis/ Elidetnnu. To Senior Seeoudl.—l+iclweal Schnell, Norman Buchanan, Galvin \Villi:ims, Herbert Harey, meter llaberer, 'Andrew tic As, Wm Geiger, Lydia ZimmormMAD , iiia Lippert, Albe.t 8inith, Rosa Lippert, Katie <Tome stwetreTE.4 SONS eruhliehereand Iropriptora ToJunior Saecnd-.,-Mina Doan, . WAS Weber, Cir's theme,Cn Wes iabler, Oscar Feebler, Wm D reh xtr Louisa Werra. ,rk sz0R Dxrx zekr To Senior Part II—;dilda Strempfer, Mabel Aardy, :Reuben Clegborn, Mazgir,. Zimmermann, Victoria Johnson, :Melena Koehler, Alf I14, Dan i oshler lb, Reiolitrt,: To Junior Part ./.l—Clara Buchanan. Beatrice Steinbach, Antalfa Azt, Lout:az Lippert. MQQrvs le, Herm—Died at his reeidouce in Leman,. on the 29th ult., lir Thomas Elawksbaw. He was an old resident of . Biddulph, end but recently movcdi to Lucca, where in partnership with MIr John•I� ax, be eugaged., in the milling; business, Re was of a genial. unassuming manner that won hitt many friends —Mr James (:arrsil, Saublo Line, sold a span of horses recently tar the sum of .`225. Dashwood.•. Bruen—Last Friday it Was eery stormy here. The road was drifted at someplaeea.. --air F. Baker saya lie baa a calf which "gaius one hundred pounds every month. Who can beat that 1 --The population +af our village bas increased lately. —. A1r R. Cook shipped a carload of tow on Tuesday. ---Ouruterebants are opening out their - uriilinery, Now is the time to get bats ladies.—All Fools' 1)ar Was generally ob, served Tuesday, cies ra Cook 4t lji have received their seed Iinx. Whalen Baruyi---airs Alfred Gunning wlio has been in very poor health for some tkne - past, we nee pleased to say is improving, --ler Jamesi A1cDonald started for llama on Monday, after spending to month or more in the neighborhood. ---Air Wm. Law- ton has ;wain gone to farming. having , rented the fine estate of Mr' Jos. L't: Eyton - near Granton for a term of years.—Cedar- Vale cheese factory has things in order for this seaxen's operations, the, milk routes belie; let on Monday. Air Johnson is still employed as cheese maker, ---Roads very had, peoplewishing for spring'-- The snow on a.tturday was warmly welcomed, and freely used hauling up the auk- mer. wood -- ckc ,len e sl snt a 1 whooping i p ng cnnglr nrelnitt3 prevalent on 10th line of .11lanshard.--Tho hired men are getting around to their places' for the summer. `Co the Editor of the F.x'ater Tinter, With the 'advent of ming; thee question of drainage, and street improvement will,' doubtless occupy the minds of our ..V ithige Fathers." A. great deal of useless and cost ly work has been done in the past, which every one peltnits. I would therefore urger upon the members of the counck the ad. visahility' of undertaking no- now work without first consulting a competent au- thority. A truly qualified (avid Engineer, has made Exeter his hone, and all works , undertaken, by the council in. relation to. drainage or street levelling should be sub- mitted to him, or .better still, have a. complete survey made of the topography. of the village and lay the foundation for a; complete and permanent system of drain, age. A generous outlay in this dfrestiot. would prove the wisest economy in the. end. Yews,, VrrtGEE j During. enumeration week in the Exeter post o3ihe the following rosiness was done,, whielr.is considerably larger than on any • former occasion :— iettersf Czanadian ofTroos.984, pottage.,*9i.iOx25i Eorefgn l& 0. .90 ,77' .74: .71 .38 eaa Farming In KansaS., , ": t The Partners' Alliance, which• lid' be-- • cone the most powerful farmers.'' organise tion that Kausee has ever known. has 'addressed an open letter . to the &18a ,delegation in Congress, ,calling their at„en; tion to the alarming condition of the agricultural interests of this. state. 41111 demanding legislation for their relief. J he letter says : 'aWe call attention to the recta " that a single law firm in one -city in, souther') Kansas now has contracts for the fore closure of 1,500 mortgages. This rn;ssus 1,800 homesteads transferred; from the hands of so.many induserions. families to hands of capitalists, either rlomesf, c: et foreign. The foreelosure of these creme. gages is i:r.aocordance .with a preconceived purpose to• gain possession of these farms and people them with, mere servile tees it imported from foreign. lands.tor this s.ieuial purpose, All over the state the liernea. of our people are imperilled. - .The -y. deo struggling; against adverse .eircurnstaiices and almost agai,sst hope to suetain thee$- ' seliws until relief shall come, .The people believe these conditions are due largely to vicious legislation." ' That amount of money eeceived .for: , Public School purposes in Ontario irc, 1858 was 45ii 552. 01..thia sum ui<tr* trio-thircla-- 3;9S0,'J85—wits conti•ilrrFt- ed by the people of various'rnunicipeli- bies and school districts while one.fo"' rte —$1,104, 840—came from clergy reserves balances,r• , etc., the remaining one- ' twelfth— $274 511—from the Legish tiv 3 grants. The total expenditure on schools was $5,859,265• ' Of this the greater part -$2,551,257 -rias spent itt teacher's salaries $585,875 011 new buildiog, sites, etc., ; $a9,082 on maps, apparatus aed prizes. Great progress itt education is indicated by the simplo ilei. that in a sieglo year the people of - (o- taricr 1 s pent more than 'half; ui`il;';un dollar„ on. new school builclruge `ee e t, .. sites. 1u the p ist twelve years < yvespe.ntab0nt,orty-F• vtilill;I;11 this Way. Pos"..Card's for Can emcees 338, Foreign" 18, Newspapers, to per 4 oma- 72, •" Books and Circulars 28, " Deeds, Mortgages, school returns. etc 99, " Parcels of gen,mchdsa.at le per oz 8, At Closed: parcels, . 6o per:4• Boz 4, Registered letters 51.