HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-04-15, Page 41Mn using a nest'- , Ior nearly two The people of Sarnia, Ontario, Did. you know that the small are the leading borrowers of public area that is the United Kingdom library books in Canada on a per produced in 1953 nearly 50 per capita basis. cent more meat than Canada? -Canadian women bought nearly Farm costs: The average monthly three and a half million dollars wage without board of male help worth of home ' permanent wave on Canadian farms at mid -summer kits in 1952. was $140. GAY, EXCITING- NEW COLORS TO CHOOSE FRO ..`115. .,�Y'�, '• y Soft, gentle tints that blend 'with nature's own color scheme ... gay bright permanent hues that catch the fancy and delight the eye! They're all in the new color range of SWP House Paints. • More than three times as many 'colors as ever before and every one a Sherwin-Williams product whose time -tested reputatiocq for color , integrity, durability and service stands unsurpassed ?, • r a gy..•x:r.;cY::$•i`•�' ',._:•.;yy_';ra.r v::>.. •: 5wc.. Yn'Sr:�.•:"+�'c%?.:t.::?ficy'�'.%•..ti<�::�,`.sh • •>•:•>•rr:..:i,..t�o-:.: 'TREND HOUSES .• ...AN, a4i.141.+41.01. AIMING WHITE EXTERIORS? LET am- acd DO THE WORK OF TWO! USESWPONE-COAT REPAINT WHITE! You get a whiter, richer longer -lasting re paint job when you use SWP One -Coat Repaint White exterior house paint! Just once over,'with this premium quality alkyd -base paint and those' old painted surfaces look brand new again! See them at your Sherwin-Williams dealer today! IrtAMIN W411. 4 WAYS BETTER! Twice the hiding power of or•. 1 • dinary paints' !) New toning additive gives • deeper warmth .of tons, eliminates glatel. *IP* Self -cleansing action automa- tically sheds grime and dirt with each rainfall I New Alkyd content provides • smootherLtougher surface) SWP; .ImtA.Wf PAINTS SOLD BY GODERICH A woman with more money than !knowledge decided to purchase some antiques. The dealer showed her a beautiful vase, explaining, "This vase is over 2,000 years old, ma'am." "Don't try to pull that stuff or, me," snapped the belliger-. ent customer. "It's only A54 n w. " Hello Homemakers! Daffodils l4�ies, pussywitlows, new hats church bells and hallelujahs are part of the Easter Sunday, Theme Even. the family dinner should be a •symphon§ of cheer, a meal of sim- ple, well -cooked foods served hand- somely andsomely because it is Easter. Picture a blossom—glazed ham, baked potatoes and creamed celery in their serving dishes, your best china and glasses of chilled apple juice set at each place. A quickly arranged salad belongs in the pic- ture, too, and a fluffy Pineapple Chiffon Pie makes a colorful climax to bring the meal fo a happy con- clusion. Baked Ham Place whole or half ham (fat side up) on a rack in the broiling or roast pan. Do.not cover •or add e'water.-"Salm iii, slow -wen -a-225 degrees. Allow about three hours for six to eight lbs. and 31/.2 hours for 12 lb. ham. About 30 minutes before 'end of baking, take ham from oven slice off the rind, then pour off the dripping from the pan, Score the ham by cutting diagonally. Slant knife slightly making a light cut. Beat one cup of red currant jelly with 14 cup brown sugar and spread over ham. Stud with whole cloves and return to oven while you prepare any decoration, • Candied Orange Daisies: Cut orange peel into daisy petals and cook‘•yia-r••" °hot, water ten minutes. Drain, cook 14t water again until tender 'about' five 'minutes, then add' one cup sugar and make up amount of water to be ?a cup. Simmer orange Slivers for 10 to 15 minutes. Arrangepetals on ham with a slice, of gumdrop in centre. Return ham to oven for 15 minutes. Baste two or three times. Asparagus Salad Cooked Asparagus Wedges of Tomato Lettuce Cups French Dressing Grated Old Cheese Arrange three asparagus •stalksI in each lettuce cup in a shallow bowl. Add a tomato wedge to each. Shake two tbsps. grated old cheese in ?I! cup French dressing, then sprinkle over salad at serving time, Pineapple Chiffon Pie 1 cup Pineapple juice-,--unsweet- ened uice;•unsweet- ened :1.i cup sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1/2 tsp. salt la 1 cups cold . of gelatine . ' 3 egg .yolks, well -beaten 3 egg whites, stiffly -beaten 1/2 cusp thick cream, whipped 1 baked 8" pie shell Combine pineapple ,juice, sugar, lemon juice' and salt; heat until sugar dissolves. Soften gelatine in cold water; stir into hot mixture. Add egg yolks and mix well. Chill in electric refrigerator until partly set (about 40. minutes). Fold in egg whites and whipped cream. Pour into cooked baked pie shell. Keep' chilled until serving =time. TAKE A TIP 1. "Always , use a meat thermo- meter, if you own one, for the roasts, especially ham. The inter- nal temperature of eboked ham should be 160 degrees. 2. Baked potatoes are best when they have been pricked with a fork 'before baking—also rubbed with the butter wrapping > paper. Allow 1•a hours roasting time on the same shelf as Baked Ham. 3. Remember asparagus should be broken from the woody base. Remove scales if "sandy and wash thoroughly, Cook covered in a very small amount of 'boiling, salt- ed water,. Allow 15 to 20 minutes constant boiling period. 4. To .prepare " asparagus for salad: brain and let cool then store in a 'covered dish in the electric refrigerator. THE .QUESTION BOX Mrs. M. R. asks: Why does ner- ingue sometimes form a very base? Answer: Liquid forms at edge of meringues when egg whites are beaten too much or too fast after sugar is added. otter reasons may be too coarse or tdo much sugar. • Mrs. C. W. asks:'Why do potatoes placed around the roast remain white instead of brown? Answer: There may not be suf.' ficient fat on roast in which case add % cup dripping or shortening to brown potatoes. Some varieties are not mealy enough and to rem- edy this, they , may be parboiled, drained and added to roast one hour before end of cooking. Mrs. T. K. asks: How can 1 re- move unpleasant smell, of,,.flail from electric deep -fat fryer? Answer: Add one tsp. dry mus- tard to one quart water and heat to steaming point. • Let stand 15 minutes, covered, then wash with sudsy water and steel wool. Mrs. C. L. asks: Why is a sherbet ...of ten -filled. •crystals -?- Answer: Homemade sherbet should be perfectly smooth if you pour the mushy ingredients into a chilled bowl and beat. for three minutes then return to freezing tray. This may be done twice dur- ing freezing especially if the re- frigerator is filled with food. GODERICH WAS ALERT FOR PROGRESS IN 1845 While going through some old papers of his late father; Harry Watson, Essex street, came across two old copies of The Toronto, Globe, one of March 25, 1845, and one of October 20, 1846.. ' Both papers were in an excellent state of preservation. The Globe of March 25, 1845 carried an editorial supporting a delegation from Gode- rich who sought the building of the Lake Huron and Ontario Railroad, one from Godprich to Toronto, con- necting lakes Huron and Ontario. The delegation from Goderieh was compose. oL, Daniel Lizars, John MacDonald and John Galt. They protested against the proposed Lake Huron terminus being Sau- geenaaome 60 miles north of Gtde- rich. Goderieh at that time had a population of 800. The issue of The Globe of October 20,, 1846, devoted almost a third of a page to details of a banquet given by the citizens of Godei;iih to John W. Gwynne of Toronto "?as 'a tribute to his en- deavours to have a railway built from Godetich to ''Toronto. The story is too long to reprint here but it gives every indication of the enterprise shown and keen liublic relations job done by the early citizens of Goderieh for the . de- velopment of the municipality. • COLBORNE DoWN$Iw COUNCIL Agree [With_ Resobiaon Proposing Shorter Daylight Saving Time Period The Colborne Township -Cquncil met for its monthly meeting Tues- day evening, April 6, with . ail Members in attendance. Communications i'eceived' includ- ed: the Canadian Legion Goderieh branch, requesting a list of 1939- 1945 war dead 'in order that the present war memorial. may be brought up to date; Department, of Highways with enclosed statement of subsidy payable tq the, amount of $8,488,66; Department of Agri- culture with copy of report regard- ing livestock killed by dogs. ' A Department. of Public Wel- fare letter was received about out- standii5'g direct relief statements of accounts in order that Provincial grants may be paid in the present fiscal year. The treasurer received $126 from the clerk for dog licenses. All owners and harborers of dogs are again reminded that all dogs in the township must be licensed with: -the -•-c-ler-k--by .May:.3,._ One tender was received from the Lavis 'Contracting Company for crushing and hauling gravel re- quirements for 1954 at a price of 63 cents per cubic yard. This tender was accepted. 'Colborne Township endorsed the resolution - proposed by McKillop Federation of ,Agriculture that the months of May and September be removed from the period usually adopted for Daylight Saving Time, Harry MoCreath appeared before council. He stated that George W. Feagan had agreed to take over the caretaking of the cemetery. This was satisfactory to the coun- cil, and the Clerk was advised to have- an agreement -drawn- up -to -be signed at the next meeting. The following accounts were pre- sented for payment: Road vouchers, Police $''i85.92; ,Colborne Township School Area, loan, $6,000; Fred Bowra, salary, $100; Ben Chisholm, stove oil, f , $9.20; Edi(vard Coal Company„ el for relief, $27; R. J. Philips, relief account, $24.97; Grahams Johnston, relief account, $74.61; The Municipal -World, , s.upplies, $3.39; William., Sallows, vital >atatistics `,for 19t3, $1; Canadian In- dustries abinaited, wapbicide pow- der, $140; County .of Huron, 'main- tenance of indigent patients, .$103.50; Town of •Goderieh, fire •call, to T. Morris, Saltford, $56; Mrs. William Salolws, 'part 'salary, $190; Gordon Jewell, liability premiums, $207.57. • Council adjourned to meet Tues- day, May 4, at 8, p.m. FINANCE AND INSURE your next new or, late model car, truck .or farm machinery at lower cost through Harold W. Shore INSURANCE AGENCY "All Lines of Insurance" 38 HAMILTON ST. PHONE 766W Loans also arranged on 1946 and later model cars. ' 6tf Husband (Wilds Alte as be. gtrug- glee) over budget): "1 wish ww had saved some money during the de- pression so re, could live through this •prosperity:;3- .G o•. T'hoMirp,cle Lustre Enamel •rL.111 r� / JACKSON HOMES LTD., --- SEAFORTH' — is collecting wool for grading and sale on the co-operative plan• SHIPPERS may' obta1n- sacics--and twine free of charge from the above or their Licensed Opera- tors. CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto D000i641006106i0411N4A0ti4116* Recruits Wanted 532 Day Week—Good Salary Vacation With Pay Pension Plan Age 21 to Under 30 Minimum Height -5:;, 10" High- School Entrance Certificate Apply In Person To • A. R. KNIGHT, Chief Constable Police Department London, Ontario FOR FIREPLACES BAG and BULK DELIVERIES PHONE 98 15-16 r I 1t ` 5 rY rti rrarl'Jir 'w G.?r : til.•.:r ter• Sports director of CFPL - Radio, reports the current happenings in sports throughout the world daily on his Spartscasts at 6:15 p.m. and 11:20 p.m. His sports anecdotes and guest inter- views maintain a high rate • of listener interest: ----Alt—addition, --his- Play`' .-by--play -descriptions- -of-- sports events, command a wide audience from an area within a radius of 60 miles around London. LON ON CANADA I T'S a record -breaker in more ways than one --this spectacular Bui k CENTUR''. It's a record -breaker in power to -weight ratio. It's a record•-ieaker in horsepower -per -dollar bringing„ you morepower than you get in any other car"ini Canada 111e151ite::. And what this phenomenal CENTURY ' can deliver in thrilling andsafer road command is a deep satisfaction. - - It's there, ' this CENTURY power, to\ give you brilliant performance at a modest price .. . Tg give you getaway with immediate response —cruising and hill -climbing with unbeliev- able base—and enormous emergency reserve power insta>tly at. hand. when, you need it. Why not drop in this week to see, sanp.ple and price the tomorrow -styled Buick. CENTURY' We believe you will find it the power and price sensation of today's automotive world. WHIN BIlTTIR•AUTOMOBILI5 An BUILT - ICr". ' " ' BUICK-WILL BUILD THOM ' v Duo 980 PHONE 344