The Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-04-08, Page 9f .0 muwAy, APIUL cal; 1954 ST HELENS-- , ST. AL,LENS, April 7. Mss Elizabeth Anderson, of Montreal; spent a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Curran, while she was here -for the funeral of her mother, whose death occurred in Montreal on Saturday, March 27.1 Miss Margaret MacPherson was home from London for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. William Blue came asaaaa-Faraaarassa-e-aate. ••, THE GODER/C11 S1GNAL,STAR ",111 • ".• . • , ,r. from Detreit or the funeral on TUesday of their aunt, Mrs;Andera son. Mrs. T. J. Todd is a patient in the Wingharn hdapital. Miss Marjory Stuart, of Gude- rich, was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George- Stuart Attention Diverted Girl, to date, at the Drive -In Theatre; „"Oh, let's go see this picture — I missed it last night when I was herewith Jack." SEE OUR DISPLAY OF • EASTER MLLES 411 HYDRANGEAS • POMP ROSES MISCELLANEOUS PLANTS • CUT FLOWERS OUR EASTER SELECTION INCLUDES. BEAUTIFUL 'ROSES— / , CARNATIONS—TULIPS—DAFFODILS—STOCKS SISIAPPRAGON.S... MAKE. YOUR EARLY SELECTION OF. THE MANY FINE PLANTS AND FLOWERS AND ARRANGE FOR DELIVERY. -aa GODEQICH POR ALL .0CA SI ONS l• 14-15 *Tim•my Apo.. 7. ;-•-, fik.. 444Irel.W. Nei, as -eakttailas: get! 'laagew, the secretary -treasurer, was. asked --toa.make a- list of rules Riallr. dagettekn, B_enuspe: a:1dg 11e .weetattingnitlY* of with Mr. and Mrs. • William to be presented at next meeting. Straughan. Mrs. Albert- Campbell spent a ew days with her daughter, Mrsf tan Abel and Mr. Abel, St. Thomas. Mrs. Harry Govier, Who has spent some time with her granddaughter. with prayer by Mr. Bramwell. Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark invit- ed the'group to meet at their:home for the third meeting, April .14. The message, "Why. I arn an An- :glic,an," was given by Rev. W. E. Bramwell.„The ineeting4as closed 'Mrs. Silltcy, Exeter, has returned onie. Refreshments were served' , and a' , ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chamney - Guest Preacher. as- Rev. Charles have moved into I3ert Daer's house. Mrs. 'William Straughan is visit- Scott, of Blyth, was -guest speaker at Knox United Church Sunday ing her daughter; Mrs. Thomas evening: and delivered 'an 'impres- Jardin, Clarksburg. • sive sermon. The superintendent Ken Turner .is a 'patieart in Goderich hospital, where he under- of the Sunday SchoolCharles Scott, was in charge of, the de - W. H. Campbell is visiting his went an appentectomy. votional period. Rev. W. E. Brawell, of St. Mark's Anglicanm- ' daughter, „Mrs. William Crozier, London. Church, read the Scripture and William Straughan:isRev. C. C. Washington offeredvisiting his prayer. A - men's choir rendered. Mr. and MyLawrence Plaetier sister in Thamesville. two antherns and Aubrey and Stew - a. av-e-r eedom. their_ wedding- art Toll and Lloyd Walden sang,a trip to Florida. • trin—EarrAndersoll,-or-Whigliainr president of the North Huron Sun- -Charles Scott visited friends in Kitchener on Saturday. day School Institute, was present Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Park, of and spoke briefly. Rev. Scott, who Dungannon, visited Mr. and Mrs. is leaving Blyth, has been an active George Lawlor .on Friday. worker in the North Huron Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook, , of School Institute. He was present- • -Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. ed with a letter from the Institute Phillips on lVlonday. •by Earl Hamilton, thanking him for Williarn Stewart and J. W. Medd, his help and wishing him every • who have been ill with ' the 'flu success in his new charge. Rev. are improving. Bramwell offered the closing prayer,- - - GUeSts with Mr. ancrles. CharTeS-- Scott were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horticultural Meeting. .-r- Dr, A. Lobb, Holmesville, Mr. and Mrs. g. McMaster, of Seaforth, was the Marshall Stonehouse, Belgrave,- Mr. guest speaker at the monthly meet- and_Mrs. Earl Anderseh and Ruth ing of the Horticultural Society Ann, Wingham. held in the Forester's Hall Monday A.Y.P.A. Meet.—Mr. and Mrs. ,c evening. Dr. McMaster spoke on Cliff Brown entertained the A.Y. rowing Roses:" He said to plan P.A. at their home on Maitland al rose garden and don't grow too. Crescent Friday evening. Miss many,kinds, and gave the names of Marion Taylor presided fbr the some of the best ones. Following devotional period. The president, his, address he showed a film on Frank Nesbit, presided for the growing roses inside. Mrs: G. R. business period. Plans were made Taylor and Miss M. R. Jackson to divide the A.Y.P.A. into two voiced words of appreciation to Dr. teams with Robert Daer and Law- McMaster, for his instructive ad- dress.. Other numbers on the pro - '4.114.44111.1,, • • ,r • • „ . Y HAN TO 2 NIIIION CANADIANS FIL - the fixer .. . 14is full name is Farm .1m- provemenr Loan. Give him a Chance to help fix up your farm ... he's economical, con- venient, ver§atile, He can.do almost anything in making your farm a better farm. aacal.e.faV*Maaaa aa;:a4a, WVWkt wad, fm.6-b? *moo, • r . or the Go head Farmer 4t , Farm Machines:- . Binder' 'Churn Combine' Cream Separator • Cultivator Drill Forage Harvester Harrow 1 -lay Baler lnc4ator Manure Spreader Machine Movable .Granary Mowing Machine Plow Reaper Seeder Spraying Apparatus' Swather Thresher. Tractor Truck Equipment: - Faun Tools Generators Pasteurization Plant Pumps Refrigeration Barn Dwelling, . Garage ""Greenhouse •Granary House for Farm Help Ice -house Kiln Machine Shed - Repair and Renovation of Farm Buildings Poultry Hope Silo Tourist Cabins Land improvement: - Clearing Ditching Diainage Farm Pond Irrigation -- Pumping and Diking Installations Purchase and Planting of Fruit Trees Reclamationand Soil Conservation Sewage Disposal System Tiling' - Well -sinking Name Appliances: - Peep -freeze Unit Refrigerator Sewing Machine Stove Washing Machine Light, Heal and Water Systems: - Boiler Built-in Sinks or Tubs Furnace ./ta Installation of Lighting, Heating. or Water Oil Burner Piping. Repair or Modernization of Present System Heater Check your needs, then talk to 'My Bank". Your nearest B of M manager will gladly tell you how to put FIL to work on your farm.. Follow the -example of thousands of other:: Canadian farmers. Increase your 'profits with aBaM,Farm Improveitifent Loan. BANK OF MONTREAL Goderich Branch: B 9'eftdi &Ad CE ARMSTROkG, Manager WORKING ,WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY ,4,4,414 WALK OF 'LIFESENC,R '1'017 •' am included a piano solo, by $. Mtn MOW. - OS Vilna WWII, who. was a delegate to, the, .11:0141011,401. Cenvention held re- *entlY in Torontn, waVeA splendid 'report, A ladies' quartette, D. 4. MacKay,. Mrs. L. Gime*, Miss Sadie 'Carter and -Mae M. R. Jackson, accornpanie.d by Mrs. /ELI Phillips, sang a number. The door, prize was won by Mrs. D. A. Mae - Kay. It was decided to .give the school children flower seeds. There Was a display of lawn ornaments. which -were made by, George :Raiths tb-Y. Some of them were sold at the-- eiose of the 'meeting, The Presi- exit, Mrs. W. T. Robison, presided. efreshmeats were erved by Mits. 4:Grainge, Mrs. H. L. Sturdy, s. John Houston, Mrs. W. Good and Mrs. Fred Ross. W. A. Meet., --The regular meet- ing of the Woman's Association of lknox United Church, Auburn, was 'held Tuesday evening with the "Sunshine Group" M charge. The meeting was led by Mrs. Maurice Bean. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Harold Webster, and Mrs. Albert Campbell led in prayer. A , reading entitled, "The Little h irt he-CouWargi:ven- ,by Mrs. Ernest Durnin. The guest speaker was Mrs. Charles Soft, of -Myth, who gave a very inspiring talk .on "Lamps and their Light." The offering -was received by Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. Harold :Webater. The president, Mrs: Bert Craig, presided for the busi- ness period. A soeial time was enjoyed with lunch being, served by Mrs. Everett Taylor, Mrs. _George Stardy, Mrs_ Munroe, Miss Viola, Thompson and Mrs. Ken MsDougall. GRANTEDINCREASE Town Council in committee of the whole last.Fdday night granted an increase itt salary of $200 per year to Town Assessor and Tax Collector 0. W. Sturdy. In Febru- ary,. the council, increased the sal- ary of Town Clerk and Treasurer S. H. Blake to $4,000. Quebec h- as 359 primary textile mills making everything in the trade; from carpets to silk. ..EDIAN • . 1.1,11,1.141/11,a, • • LEEDURN, April 7.—Miss Joan Clark, of. the Wingham hospital, is convalescing for two weeks at her parents' home, Mr. and Mrs. Tait Clark. Joan --received injurie's to - her back from a fall. Mr: and Mrs. Jahn, and Robbie, of Sarnia,. visited over the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie and Mr. and Mrs. W. Quaid, Saltier& Sympathy is extended to Fred Gliddon •whose brother, George Glilidon, of Vinemount, passed away last week. Mr. end Mrs. Ian flaggitt and faMilY, and Mrs. F. Quaid, moved recently to their new home in Goderich. Mr. and Mi. James Horton and Mrs. Rod Bogie attended the fun- eral of their' uncle, George Glidden, of Vinemount. Mrs. Bogie motor- ed to Toronto after the, funeral with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Walton, Mr. Walton and Paul, and. .will visit this week in Toronto': ' Anything to sell! Anything? Try a classified _acia in, The _SignaL,Star Goderich Jaycee Facts Forum • OVER _ • CKNX, WINGHAM EACH Thursday AT 8.15 p.m. APRIL 1 ' Municipal Services. Amoommummaimonama. KNSliRIPGE iONosa. , April 7. Miss Ir1eneebaffirib!Oot,, of 'amr. O'kri- Joseph Edgpairiac, of Kitchener, spent the Week -end -•.(heir lioniestere. Mrs. T. Dyer,- of 101101'4;1r visiting for a weekly_ith cbgek ter, dVlis. Don Praying. —.h. The C.W.L. have engaged dersons' Orchestra, for their Easter Dance to be held in the parish hall on Friday evening, April 23. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frayrier.Od sons Danny; Jimmyand Paul, were visiting -ri elatives n /lesson over theuWeek-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wall, of London, are: employed at the home of Edwin Meyer for the aurnmer Months. Mrs. Mary Lierman, Peter and Diane attended the funeral of the late Mr. M. Lierman (grandfather • to voter 044 at durin Welk Sincere syni conrmunity is exwA 4ncin.fik Y: Congratulations Dennis an,-,•xut the .bi son, in ant hospitallasVweek.. --MP, and Mrs. Mark Dalton visited. 'in London during. the. past wek. and Mrs. Ohs' XXXla St. AuguStine,„Visiteo at the et Min ()Toper wig Friday, April if/, is "Educatioa Day" and there will be 'Open Rouse"- at Kingsbridge ,sIMO01 on 'Friday afternoon frena :The teacher, mes.'MarY .Sherl, has invited theparents and:frlendg to come to visit with the schnOl children, and inspect the wotk done by them. This no doubt will add enthusiasm and, encourageiuent to both teacher and pupiIs,"-Iftbis appeal is well patron d. • , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • ,,,,,,,,, I . 1, f CANDIES A delicious array :of EASIER:EGGS filled with buttercrea'm .goodn'ess CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 4 cionniEs 1-\ erhapones' track name for its polyester fibre. 0 - „A+ resents ENEW,,NEAT LOOK IN ..{ THE MIRACLE FIBRE TAILORED -TO -MEASURE V,* 0111111111111111111111 TWO—PIECE Slily o weit fbeeirweesereareverieetreiriree•••••••••• t. Ail-wool worsteds and tweeds, gabardines and shark OTHER FINE 'skins . a whole range of fine new sprh.tg patteVot , FABRICS,. TOO! and fabrics from which to choose. A t $397.5 $4975 $5915 WE- ARE- - -EAT QUALITY STOCK SUITS 539.759 $49.75 and 559•75 40./. 4". 0, • .04,04 4 • r"..'44,k.7",,:` • ,41 • • a 4