HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-3-27, Page 7A FALSE FRIE
!just gave you my cheque after endorsing
Holmes stared at the banker in amaze -
anent, es well he might.
But without observing this, Mr Clayton
A STORY OF MODERN BABYLON.proceeded ; " It was only yesterday I saw
i the cheque, which I had drawls on my private
• CHAPTER VIII. look and gave him back the slip of paper, account; and then," he added, with eager
"Oh,1 was forgetting." she said quiekly ; interest," the question struck ire at once—
Whether he had o been dreaming or awake, "I ustn't tell you—we are not allowed to When did Fanne give you the cheque ? 1'4 as
when the current of thought passed t thin
I iicfh tell anybody. My }husband will soon be in,it when he met you that night at Albert
his brain, Frank Holmes was unable to thi th sir, and you can speak to him about it." Gate ?„
eHe hadt been in the polis rehearsing the It wahardly fair to use the opportunity ; e " ;1'o," the other answered, like amen, in
bevidence given in the police court. It will but the husband, for all that Iiomles knew, . a dream.
remembered that Lady reeeivort stated mia+iit be an obstinate man --no uncommon 1 " Then, when did he pass it to you? Did
luraseertainlyanoty ever received a letter, h enomenon when you want very particul- he send it by post, or how?—Don't you see,.
and had certainly not received one for weeks phenomenon
ly anyinfarina#ion from the species --and it Frank, flow every act of Fauna's that night is
prior to her death—except one, which was avis of vital imllortauce to discover the author important ---the most trifling act might nosy
rom a music -seller. How thencould 'tier- of the advertisein nt. , be turned to vital account for lh}m, if he is
garet Neale have received a communication .. Did you ever •see the Miss Neale who innocent?"
making an apointutent on that Saturday was murdered near the top of this street ?„ to this, Frank Holmes could say nothing.
evening ? Not through the post ; certainly en he asked. It was indeed a day of ill omen to. all of them
not by telegram, which would have been l The avenin started, and stared . at him:1 when Claude Fauna first entered the house
°' Yes, many times," alto answered. " She in Cadogan Place -.-and who hats brought
used to come here with the young ladies to him e
there ,
buy things." I " Take this draft' with au, in ease it
"" Naw, Mrs Grierson, I have reason to should be of any u,.e, added lir: Clayton
think that it was in answer to this advertise -1 and placing the paper in his peeket-book,
ment that poor Miss Neale v.iis led to go into i Holmes wentwa ma co*;sz�e>ap,a
the Park that night. Yon notice the date— C
it was the 10th of June. If you conceal the
author of that advertisement, you may be
concealing the author of her death r'
Still more noticeable ; and mot personally,
for she rarely went out, and never alone.
It was at this point that the light burst up-
on FraHolmes—if it should prove to be
light, sant merely the mirage of a heated
imaginat on. There was one means of cor-
respondence which no one had thought of as
yet, and which. vas worth investigating.
Miss Neale read the morning papers at
the breakfast -table., The murder took place
on the loth of June. Holmes alighted from
The woman c her ;mods and trembl^ ods pond as follows :Tho author of "Tom
the cab - Fleet Street, and commenced as d
examination of the morninga ereof that ed frdni head to foot. Then a hot flush g I',
date anti of theproceedingli e de •s. In leaped to her face, and with indignant eyes Toin's : tells ns of a Hulse that watched over
she rushed to the hook which she had Ant Toms infancy, who wag f;iftea with "two
that portion of the newspapers popularly t; p, left hands anal no bead." How often this
know as the "agony column:' dei ivated w up a minute before. .- 1 3 him ►e anomalous individual is found outside of the
intrigues, appointmcnts,ttutll and falsehood, cried, Hea%en forbid ---oh, the villain , nurser. t In the kitchen she is alwa s d t
passions anus emotions for which there is no and seeing, her sweet face so often iu this yy p'
other outlet or mode of expressiou, he hoed very shop --conceal hien"-•---Power of fur• ervr dishes and making the fortune of the
pp fliers speech failed her, and she dashed over crockery dealers. In school lie is always at
to discover some clue to 'taro u' 1t. sale's 1' the foot of his class rather by reason of a ter•
. - 1 h sterical
} o e lion ssth a n v
a eaves f the k
strange and unaccountable conduct, \a ill ensu meatal carclessnessand ins truulo than
e t e '
1? •
0 1 I them in
seemed likely t rr
man ever studied the print of a newspaper energ;} which ee. 1 k ly becaurse of pPlaitive stupidity. Iu olitics he
#brow- is constantly beaking those blunders which
statesmen pronounce worse than crime, la
society, by various contretemps and 111010.•
remarks, he blazes. his way through
life. If there is a corn under the table. he is
One Ty -pa of Oharaoter
The editor of the ao3I<,z Rote makes a
column with an interest more absorbing. As 1»cces• ere r is . s a sac si me ,
it. wouhl he no easy matter to follow an ad• ing the book down upon the counter, --"June
vertitementhad; toits original source, itwas the 'Jth- ":ti,---.1t<t 9,30 to -night. Park,
pexin to discover, in the first news• South of Grosvenor (late."—Look at it, sir,
gcaper thntt lie searched, no fewer than three and at the name and address p,
notices during the week in question—one of 1 The woman s excitement was hardly bneat- sure to step on it: if there is a sora mud sen•
them being on the Saturday morning ierthanhisown, The first glance at the hand sitive heart, he is sure to probe the
which looked capable on the interpre. ,'aariting, of the origutal cocopy sent the blood wound with his bungling lance, and with -
i out the least intention of hurting any-
one's feelings. Sometimes this man with
two hands finds his way into the pul
tation applicable to the matter in hand, * bis heart ; and appended was the familiar
He had notthoughtof ascertaining the papers signature, "C. Faure, 313.a Mount Street."
taken in at Ladyaouthfort'a house, the 1[orn. I For e. time Holmes Ives unable to
iiq Post would be ono of them ; but in that ' speak—almost unable to think. He remain- pit, and then, alas, 'Ns awkward wore, is
aper he found nothing like what he was etl standing: befornsthe little vomiter with disastrous indeed. He amnia perceive the
difference between foolish preaching aunt
the foolishness of preaching„ He cannot be
made to believe that a word in due season
the Wednesday issue, and was as follows : „ What was to be doneness- i His situation any better that a word out of season. Iu
"Saturday, old time and place." I WAS painfully perplexing. This tremendous• any walk of life this man seems to have tab
The second was in these terms, and aft- lv ominous piece of evidenee was not his innate conception of little proprieties or
peered on Friday .1 "Rave you seen my alone, to do as he. wished with ft --it was small amenities, A course of action is always
message? I/o not fail." This might, or that woman's and would presently be her in bis eyes lawful orunlawful, never es;pedli•
might not, refer to the former ; if an invest- husband's, and within an hour would be iii enter inexpedient. Very often suck a man
igation, it was found to have been inserted the possession of the police. AN bat promise labors under the deluoiou that be is unusual.
by the saute fietson, there would be good was ittitat belied trade to Mary Clayton . ly frank and honest ; and if he gets into
1 trouble though his inveterate bungling, he is
likely to price himself on being a martyr to
the truth, whereas in reality he deserves no
more honor for Isis bravery than the man
who runs his head against a hornet's nest.
However, many a man who starts out in life
in this ead condition is by no imam a hope.
less ease. By recognizing:his besetting faults,
by putting himself under the tutelage of a
judicious wife, by care and thought and
prayer, by looking at the "outer side of the
shield"and by recognizing the rights of other
people, be e311 often become ambidextreria
and even grow a heal with lama brains
in it. '.Chis process of develup:Pantie wartit
the suddenly discovered presence of another s;irvirg for.
roan behind him, who had entered the shop
umobscrved by Holmes, and wasnow regard- SMUGGLING OIIINAMSN.
ing; the writing in thebook withquiet,intent
interest. It was°Mrt Grierson staring at
, #ociking for. He carefully copied the three his hand npan'1lre. +open book. The discovery.
advertisements, and studied thein over his even though ho had anticipated it, stunned
breakfast in a restaurant, One was from him. It was the last rivet,
grounds for fm lowing it up.
The third, however, was mora precise
-so precise that, appearing on Saturday
mon:mg, it made the young man's heart
jnm • "M. ---At 0.30 to -night. Park.
South of Grosvenor Gate." Holmes,
reading this message, so startling in its that lay in his power to secure amine's ae-
signiti.anee, had to Steady himself by an ef- cluittal ; and her arms flew around his neck
fort, It was characteristic of hire, and of as she kissed him for it. What fatality had
the thoroughness with which he meant to brought hila to this -and what would Miry
carry out bis task, that he restrained himself Clayton think of him' The poor fellow
from starting oil' at once on so pregnant a groaned, and for a desperate half -minute
clue, That, he was strongly of opinion that was violently tempted to seize the fatal book
he hail found what he sought, was certainly and make way with it. Nay, he might
the calf, ; but, he argued, would it not wait have done this -..drinking of Iter- -but for
for ce*ther hour or two, until he had ex.
ambled the other papers? Finding noticing
like it in their eolunins,' he coda address
himself to following up the origin of this ad-
ertisement with the greater vigour and iia.
• 1 ity of purpose.
Yet, as he was passing the offices of the
newspaper from which he had taken the
notice` , on his way to another publishing of -
Bee, unable to resist the temptation
to go n and find out whore the advertise-
ment hail corn from. It was the easier for
him to do this from the fact that he was per -
smelly well known in the office. He kuew
whom to ask for at thatearly hour, and was
iinnnediately shown to the gentleman he
" Gissing," he said at once, " I want to
know who inserted that in the issueof 10th ?"
He laid the copy before the assistant -manager
as he spoke.
The latter read it and slightly raised his
brows, " I'in afraid I can't oblige you, Mr.
Holmes. You know that these things are
" 1 am not seeking to indulge curiosity,
Gissing. The business I am now upon is more
serious. That advertisement appeared the
morning of the clay alarg+aret Neale was mur-
dered in Hyde Park. /so*, you will under-
stand my motive."
Mr. Gissing started, took up the advertise-
ment and re -read it with deep interest, and
then went toe file and confirmed it by refer-
ring to the newspaper itself. "By Jove, Mr.
Holmes," he said, " that does look—odd."
" If it should turn out that the advertise-
ment has obviously another connection,"
said Holmes, " I will respect the confidence
placed in me, should you make known its
origin. If, on the other hand, it sheds a
light upon that tragedy, surely you will not
withhold it ?"
" Surely not.—Just wait a minute or two,
aid I'll tell you where it came from."
Mr. Gissing spent a while turning over the
leaves of a large book until he found the ad-
vertisement. Opposite the cutting was the
cost, and the name of the party ordering the
insertion and paying for it. The name was
"J. Grierson, Istount Street, Park Lane."
"Grierson ?" said Frank, Holmes, trying
to remember the name.
"Grierson. He is a stationer, who takes
n advertisements - for the morning papers.
He could tell you who gave him this one to
Holmes thanked Mr. Gissing, and went
sassway- The.diseovery looked very ominous ;
and he thought anxiously of Mary Clayton
n view of the final disclosure which seemed
looming. What if it should prove the rivet-
ing link in the fatal chain of evidence coiled
around the prisoner Faure ? Holmes had
promised her to work for' Faune's acquittal ;
and this was what he was doing! Impelled
' by a force which he was now unable to re.
gist he was powerless to turn against it and
nay : "I will go no farther 1" He would have
to go farther—as far as the light would bring
him ; and :he:.resolved. that what , hedis-
covered he ,would'place in her own hands,
to do as she willed with it.. -
He strongly felt that there was no need
for further investigation • until the source of
this advertisement had been ascertained.
On this, all would depend. • He therefore
drove off to Mount Street direct, and went
'into the:stationer's shop, asking for the pro-
prietor. - .
Grierson was not in, which, perhaps, made
Holmes's task an easier one, since it was
Mrs. Grierson whom he saw.. She was a
nervous little person, evidently not ascus-
tomed to her husband's shop. So he ven-
tured at once to ask her tolethimknow who
ordered the insertion of , that advertisement
in the morning paper of the lOtlr of June.
She took the copy from his hand in a half-
bewildered way, and proceeded mechanical-
ly to search the books for the original. Sud-
denly she shut up the book with a frightened now he was too eager to pay his debt, and abolish exemptions,
"If he were acquitted, I should cer enothing (
What would this trial matter to me then?
Olt, if he :amid only be acquitted, Frauk,
1 would kiss the feet of the judge and jury
who told him he was innocent I" And he
had solemnly promised her, then, to do all
the newcomer who drew the attention of The law to be Enforced by tuned Stn
Holmes to hint ; and slightly starting, he Customs (Meads.
dropped his hands by his side, with a move. A despatch from Victoria, 11. C., says :—
moot of despair, on recognizing a noted On Friday morning, when the steamer
officer of Scotland Yard, Olympian reached fort Townsend from
The officer's interest hi the copy of the Victoria, the eustonis officer discovered eight
advertisement' changed into a look of un- Chinlunen on board, concealed ander the
qualified admiration as ho spoke to Foal boilers, pocked like sardines, It looked as
Holmes. "Mr Holmes, you aro a man of thoughthe firemen weroimplicatedil bring.
genius," he said quietly, "No one else ing them over, and Collector Br:oldies
would have thought of it. I was up the street threatened to seize the Olympian. IIe told
putting ideas together, when I saw you come Capt. Roberts if the offence was repeated,
in hero ; I only dropped in to have a chat and it appeared that the employees aboard
with you, little dreaming of—this ra
Holmes felt sick. The officer lost not an-
other moment ht taking possession of the
book, which he carried away with him.
"This looks very like the missing link,
Mr Holmes," be observed, with deep satis-
faction; "but of course I shall not lay any
claim to the credit of it. I should not have
fnadethe discovery—nobody except yourself
could have done it."
" For Heaven's sake, Cracroft," said Frank
Hohues with an air of abhorrence, "take all
the credit of it, and don't bring my name
into the business at all !"
Indian Pate 4/e and XXX Brawn Stout
Highest awarus ana 1fedals for Purity and Excel
fence at Centennial Exhibition, Phil adelphia,
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Prof, 11' H Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto,says:—"yfind it
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find them to bo roniarkably sound ales. brewed front
Ware malt apd hops.
Rev. i'..1..:d. Page.Protossor of Chemistry Laval fin.ver
city. Quebec, says ;-."l inure analyzed the /adieu Pata'nle
Manufactured bvZebu Labatt, Londen,Ontario , and lave
found it a lightale, containing but little alcohol, of a tali-
cious flavor, and of a very agreeable taste and,sunerior
quality. and compares 'with tiro best imported ales. 1` have
also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the same brewery,
which is of excellent quality its flavor is very agreeable ;
it is a tonic more energetic than the above ale, for it is a
little richer in alcohol, and can be :compared a,dvantage-
ouslywith any imported article.
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Grand, Square Upright
The oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion,
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How Lost, How Restored
Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cnlver'-
weirs Celebrated Essay or: h' radical cure of
SraRilATOIutOOla or incapacity Maimed by excess or
early indiscretion,
The celebrated author, in this admirable essay,
clearly detnanetrates tram a thirty years' successful
practice, that the alarming; coneeqquenees of seif-
abuse may be radically cured '• pPointing out a mode
of cure at once simple, eortain and elfeotual, by
mewl of which every sufferer, no matter what his
condition may be may euro Himself cheaply, pri-
vately and radically.
t8f' 21.}e lecture should be in the handl, of every
youth and every mania tbeland..
tient under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad
thet 1'C t 1, 1 • ill I'bol sides post•patd, on receipt of four cents, or two
sent back to Victoria. The collector at Porti THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO
the future every vessel on which stowaway 41 Ann Street New York
Chinese aro found. The Scott exclusion act, Post Offroe Box 450
91i 88 ly
lie says, is very explicit on this point, and
declares that every vessel on which Chinese
no nr ec . acs
steamer were imp 1 a el 1 would
1 1
the vessel. Tho Chinese were ordered to bel postage stamps. Samples of Medicine free. Address
Townsend says that ho intends seizing in
are illegally brought into tl U •t 1St t
shall be confiscated. In the past there has
been some leniency shown, but so many
attempts have been made by Chinamen to
enter the United States from this port that
the United States Customs Collector at Port
Townsend has lost all patience. The order
" I can't help doing that, Mr. Holmes," would seem to strike at the steamers Olym-
replied the conscientious officer ; "but it pian and North Pacific particularly, as it is
will only be anion g ourselves•—it is no con- said to be ahnost an impossibility for a
cern of the public how or by whom the ev- celestial to stow himself away on these boats
idence was obtained. I am going to Lady unless with the connivance of the crew.
Southfort's house now, and I will let you
know later on if any further evidence turns
up Holmes went on down the street, while
the officer turned into Grosvenor Square.
The reader knows the intention with which
the young man had actively entered into
this case, and can measure the feeling with
which he reflected on his discovery. Sup-
pose that the officer Cracroft had not come
Facts About Precious Metals.
All gold contains a trace of silver.
• Mexico's production was 835,000,000 last
Australia has produced 81,600,000,000 in
gold. -
A full mining claim is 600 by 1,500 feet,
and contains twenty acres.
on the scene when he did—Holmes would Up - to 1885 the output of the Comstock
have gone, reluctantly, it is true, and tom- lode, Montana, was $324,000,000.
municated to Miss Clayton the evidence he For every ounce of silver out of the Com -
had found. He would have made stock mine a foot of lumber has gone out.
no use of Now,it without her wishes being The total production of old and silver in
known. it was out of his power P g
to keep the discovery back, and the United States from 1792 to 1889 was
he was grievously uneasy on account of it. 83,000,000,000.
She was excited, her nerves were much Montana has thousands of acres of rich
strung up ; would she think unkindly of him placer ground that can not be worked be -
for what he had done ? . cause of lack of water.
Holmes'could nothelp sharing the officer's The two.great mines in Montana are
view that this was the °'missing link"—the mostappropriately named the Anaconda and
evidence, which was felt to be so necessary, Granite Mountain.
of Faume's correspondence with Margaret . A Mexican miner is the best judge and
Neale. It looked perilously like it. The in• sorter of ore, but an American is the most
itial M, the time and place, the authorship intelligent of all miners.
of the message, all pointed to one dread con-
; ; The Granite Mountain mine, Montana,
elusion. He knew how the police would rivet . produces 80,000 ounces a week, and is the.
it. `richest mine in the world.
He remembered his promise to Mr. Clay -1 Senator Stewart, of Nevada, is the father
ton, and drove into. the City. What Mr. of the United States mining laws. He com-
.Clayton had to say to him arouseda lively piled. them from old Spanish and Mexican
interest, and gave hien the stimulant which authorities and Congress adopted them.
at the time he so much needed.
"It was only yesterday, Frank, said the
banker at once, asking youfmding
it struck me. I might Keeping one's Temper.
have then of ht before. You re- I Socrates din himself in great emotion
collect. what I spoke about that Saturday over a slave, said, '•I would beat you if I
night when you came to Cadogan Place?" were not angry." Peter the Great made a
"You refer to the—money?' law that if -any nobleman beat or ill-used his
"The money, I confess, Frank, I sym- slaves, he should be looked upon as insane,
paused with Faure when he mentioned his and a guardian appointed to take care of his
embarrassing position tome. He felt that— person and of his estate. This great mon
that he was causing you some pain, perhaps arch once struck his gardener, who, being a
—in. regard to Mary and him under the man of keen"sensibility, took to his bed and
circumstances. Then I took the course which died in a few days. Peter, hearing of this,
you know : he gave me a rough estimate of exclaimed,: with tears in his eyes : "Alas ! I
all the money he had had from you—between have civilized my own subjects, I have con -
four and five thousand pounds—and I handed quered tether 'nations, yet I have not been
him a cheque for that amount—for five thou- ' able to conquer nor civilize myself.
sand, I fancied he would pay it in, and send
but I see Legislature has decidedto
you his own cheque for the money, b The Manitoba
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