The Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-04-08, Page 2abrrrrll 'innattar
Established 1848—In its 07th year of publication.ARC .
Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited - e
Subscription Rates—Canada And 'Great Britain, $2.50 a year: to United
States, $3.'50. Strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates on request Telephone 71. '
.•-- Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.
Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.N.A. 420 Temple. Bldg., ilayvArati Richmond ,'Sts::,. Toronto. • •
Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Member of Ontario Divisibn, C.W.N.A., Member
of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Weekly Circulation of over 3,200
• GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher.
We Forget Th®Elements Are Nautili
`.'Those who stay asleep never create pre-
.,_eedeuts," says The Fergus News -Record in au
editorial dissertation. 'What about Rip Van
Toronto's subway is in operation and the
city people are as happy with it as a small boy
with a big rubber ball. 'We in Goderich are
much better off—we don't need a subway.
* *
The splitting of the atom was . followed
by the A-bomb. Later came the H-bomb, and
law the alphabetical progression has reached
as far as the N -bomb. When it comes to the
onib— cod ..__...�__._..._.. _.._ M .
* *
The editor of The Kincardine News heard
the speeches given at the opening of the sub-
,, way. in Toronto and did not class thein highly.
Excepting Premier Frost, he says, "We have
heard better speakers, expressing themselves
more clearly, at the opening of fall fairs in
this area,"
* * *
After many delays_ it looks as if spring
were really here. Anyway, there are a lot of'
robins Bopping about, yellow .crocuses are
blazing "iii the sunshine, and on Monday of this
week our fire brigade was called out for a
grass fire. If it isn't spring, it's a good
. * •**
'the Globe and Mail, persistently- agitating
for greater immigration, points out that Can-
ada is short of military manpower and argues
that this' iy because of this country's. "lack of
people." What's the, idea—that' immigrants'
should be brought in to •take the jobs vacated
by Canadians ,joining the army? • (See 'G. and
M, editorial of `April 1:)
The Canadian' is a cagey feilo*, observes
The Peterborough Examiner. "To ask Can-
adians if they are happy is to waste breath.
Only the most daring' will ever admit to happi-
ness. Ask them how thing: are with them
and they will say, 'Oh, not so bad.' " This
may be the result of a large admixture of Scots
'canniness in the Canadian population. Bur'
share of recognition. The meadow lark and
the cardinal eacht. ham, been named by six
states and the mockingbird by five. If On-
tario -hasn't an official provincial bird," what
hou);,d -_it be ?The robin -would come high in
a popularity contest. rt may spend -only- part
of the year in this country, but the young
birds are born Canadians.
4 * * *
According to official pronouncement from
Ottawa, the small communities at some dis-
tance from the larger centres of population
are to have their role in defeating any enemy
attempts ,by bomb to extinguish the Can-'
atlian population. In case of war the people
of th-e-irarbe..cit-i'es threatened with i estrxnetieu
may escape to the outlying districts for shel-
ter and food. Recent bomb explosions in the
Unified State's hac'e had such frightening ef-
fects' as to produce' a general outcry against
tlie use of these terrible weapdns of destruc-
ti.un .fine! to bring increased pressure to bear
upon governments for the outlawry of war.
The western democracie's can be depended
upon not to engage in any war of .aggression,.
but with the existing, distrust of Russian in-
tentions how far can they safely go in aban-
doning defensive measures? Government heads
are carryi"ng frightful responsibilities in these
uncertain. times.
Come in and See this Brand New
Phiico "Golden 'Automatic" Now!
* Big 2 Cu. Ft. Freezer
* Sharp ,Freezes to 20° below
*-.._-"Dairy-Bar"--Storage Door;
* All Shelves Adjustable
* Smart New Color Styling
The world's first refrigerator that opens
both ways: -Directly-accessible-•from-either=- -._.-.
side with its unique 2 -way handle that
opens door the way you want—left or right.
0 1
No defrosting dials to set ... it auto-
matically achieves the ideal temperature and
proper humidity to keep foods fresher than
ever before in a refrigerator. PHILCO 1149.
Automatic defrost, of course ... and
it's the onl3r refrigerator so automa-
tic. it--•thinks-fox.-.itself—Keeps... eoyer-
ed or uncovered foods fresher, long-
er than ever before in a refrigerator.
This is written before -Finance Minister
Abbott brings (town his 1954 budget in 'the
House of Commons. As Mr. Abbott has- an-
nouneed his intention of giving up the Finance
portfolio, there is much speculation, as to what
his. last. budget will contain. According to
varied guesses of the Ottawa press correspon-
dents, there will be no tax reductions, as ex-
penditures will necessarily remain at a high
level, or there may be some changes here and
there to adjust taxation to changed circum-
stances, or perhaps Mr. Abbott will draw a
tax -reduction rabbit out .of the hat to please
the .taxpayers and allow him to retire in' a
•aburst of applause. At this writing nobody
knows exactly what- is coming, except, the
Cabinet Ministers and a few highly -placed
officials in the Finance Department; but before
this paper goes to the readers they will have
g-:_ ._ ...." ati-patient in the hos etal .:the in,forn atton...:fram...the_. daily :press. __. _ Mr._
not- levo moo- � e heard a - pp
declare, -'1 -am perfectly contented." Abbott has :been one of the most successful
* itt, ' ....__"'--budgeteers in Canada's finance history, having
reduced the national debt by over ,two, billion
dollars' in a period of swollen expenditures.
* # * it
There is evidence of large-scale "irregu-
'larities," amounting to wholesale stealing, in
the administration of Provincial highways
affairs in Northern Ontario. So far public
curiosity as tche extent of the stealings and
as to who is to be blamed for them has been
met 13y ,the Government with the statement
that legal proceedings are being taken against
some of the supposedly guilty persons and
that it would not be proper to discuss matters
that are in' the courts. This is a good excuse
so far as it goes, but the public should -not be
expected to wait too long for a clearing -up of
What may turn out 'to be a scandal of large
* *
Rhode Island is unique as the smallest
state in the U.S.A.; and has recently acquired
another distinction. It has chosen as its state
bird the, Rhode Island hen and is the first state
to select adomestic fowl for its offieial crest.
A ,writer suggests that Massachusetts might
.have honored the Plymouth Rock
��.. fowl instead of the chickadee, which is its
state bird. North Carolina has still a chance
to honor the turkey, being the' only state ex -
pt, New York, that has not already'• -made its
ehoice. If the barnyard biddy hasbeen some-
rT jr
"' what overlooked in these official honors, some
►f the songsters have had. more than their
Prince Minister St, Laurent having made
the statement 'that the time may come when
Canada will have to "recognize" China he has
been assailed in Parliament as if he had pro.-
ro-posed something as reprehensible as sleeping
with a- smallpox patient. The Prime Minister
has, made it clear that he does not recommend
the re.eogn'ition of China in existing circum-
stances, but • circumstances may change, and
even if China should remain permanently under
Communist rule that should not be an in:sl,1r-
mountable bar to recognition. Britain recog-
nizes the present Chinese Government and
Believes this may 'be a. factor in detaching
China from Communist Russia, something much
to be desired. Tito's Jugoslavia retains its
Commiln s't system but is on good terms with•
the democracies. There should be no surprise or
e'onsternation if Red China at same time, hav-
ing drawn away .from Russia and agreed not
to engage in ag, ressive war, should be admit-
ted to the '-•'LTn'ited Nations. ,The Chinese
people are naturally. peaceful, and could make
a great addition to the power and authority
of,elhat organization. It is' aggression, not
.Communism, that the democratic world is to-
day resiting, •
Years 'Ago •
With spring in the air, football
fever was gripping several youths
in Goderich and an effort was being
made to organize teams to partici-
pate in a town league. P1anS were
made ,to have a meeting of every-
one interested in the YMCA rooms.
Bishop Fallon, of London, ad-
ministered confirmation to a class
of 33 'in St. Peter's Church. He
was assisted by Rev. Father Hogan,
o€..-Clintan•;T:.Rev.._-Father . MaeC.oxW
mick, of Kingsbridge; Rev. Father
Dean, oaf' St. Augustine; Rev. Father.
Blair, of Wingham; Reny: Father
Harding of the London cathedral
staff, and the resident priest, Rev.
Father McRae.
License cominissioners for'Centre
Huron renewed liquor licenses of
six hotels And one shop in Gode-
rich. Officers of the Huron County
Temperance League; however, were.
confident that the whole county
would be "dry" from the end of
April, claiming that it was stated
in the Legislature that no licenses
would be given for the year com-
mencing May 1, 1914. -
25 Years Ago
A Ministrel Revue presented
under the auspices of the Goderich
Lions Club played , before large
audiences for three nights. It. was
directed by Desire J. Bourque, of
Perth and the, cast consisted of
about 90 'persons. R. C. Hays was
interlocutor and end men were
Lionel Parsons, Harry Sturdy, Wal-
ter Buchanan and Dr. Graham:
Town Auditors reported to Town
Council tffat there was °•a large
amount of tax arrears and advised
that steps be taken to remedy the
satiation. "Parties who' are in ar-
rears of taxes w,ho are able to
pay r should be made to do so, no
matter who they may be," • the
auditors said.
Annual. .baby fair of Victoria
Public School attracted a large
crowd. ` There were 773 entries
compared With 627 the previous
itor, Signal -Star.
Sir; We were grieved to learn
of the Court' House, an old land-
mark, gone. We, grew up around
X, . There are ' fewissues of the
Signal -Star but'.. what:+ we see a
report of sonfreOldtimer gone.
!It has occuea to me that I
bare _ a lovely , case of mounted
ds ,n&,.wuut'rered if they would
;,acceptable for the' iliiiseum
old;,': Central School I used to
. t
dint r The birds in the case,
tured in Huron County years
6 are. . . . If they are hot ac•
alegtaliti'.le,no harm done.
Yours truly, '
Meaford, Ont.
l lay's Note: We contacted the
ator, of the Huron• County
eft• ' He has on hand the
ntted birds , you ' mention but
hftks You for your offer,
tor, SignaStar.
1writer . 1. Signs Of The
"R aple general had
out atop until
a ce e wer s (Idded
the Editor
humanity, to extend "the frontiers
of life." The U.S.A., by ignoring
the laws of humanity as w' the,
protests of her allies threatens•. to
shorten life, and risks the dem'
A system of examination centres
in the interest of highway safety
was proposed in the Legislature
last Thursday by Tom Pryde, MALA,,
for Huron, during the budget de-,
struction of the world including Mr,,'"Pryde proposed the system
herself. One bomb, similar to that' of examination centres in the pro -
recently exploded in the Pacific, vince where a medial check could
drdpped . on any American city
would wipe that that07frroff the earth,
and Spread deat1i"d'eaii fig eleiif'e'fts
over a large part of this continent.
Today ' men are dying in Japan
from the effect of a both!) exploded'
hundreds of miles away.
The purpose of these instru-
ments of- destruction is to create
fear in the minds of our real or
imaginary enemies. The U.S.A.
poses as a Christian nation. .In his
book, Industry and Humanity, the
late' W. L. Mackenzie., King said:
"Christianity differs from Heathen;
ism in that its attitude is founded
upon faith, not upon fear
Wherever faith has progressed an
attitude of militancy has'given way
to ono on of co-operation."
.Fear~ gives birth to hate; and as
Fear of,.the U.S.A. increases amonL
;the nations of the world there is
d rop��y1o�.,r�tyiona, to finer ase In �h�yatre'd
# an act�om yIing� i;` cease
�rc.t i haste, "hy ,ehemies to
ere, aiidry g liter . bombs to.
eh oII til
w h 10110" k BMA
KItthenor, Ont.
ace ou rtu. ' Do you
at d ithlee
• "Ye, s
:,4 •ts a<I,,�lh �•u&rr�`LVId L. {�fl � .• r
dent and secretary of the Blue
Water Highway Association, met a
group of citizens at the Town Hall
and said that prospects were good
for increased tourist traffic.
The Coalhaven, from Toledo,
opened the shipping seastin at
Goderich harbor, with her youthful
captain, Richard Belcher, at the
bridge. Members of the Town
Council and Board of,;Trade gather-
ed for the annual presentation .of
a silk hat to the skipper.
- 10- Years Agog
Murney Howe, of Picton, arrived
4n-Goderich -supervise-the-w eek--
ing of the old King Edward Hotel
on Kingston street, which he pur-
chased from the Town. The roof
and a good part of the third story
had been taken down and the
interior of the whole builidng had
been pretty well cleared out.
Pending repairs to the CPR
bridge on the harbor hill, the rail-
way company was granted permis-
sion by Town Council to erect signs
limiting loads on the bridge to 10
tons and speed to five miles an
hour. The council accepted no
responsibility as to enforcement
of the regulations.
The first grain cargo of the sea-
son arrived at the Goderich
elevator when the Royalton brought
in 400,000 bushels of wheat from
the head :of the Lakes. Two boats
of the vbinter fleet, the Fort Wildoc
and the Simcoe, left port.
Stationed ' ashore for the, first
time since he joined the navy,
Ldg. S'mn. Wilfred Greenwood, :of
Goderich, at an Eastern Canadian
port, wanted 'to get. back to sea
despite the fact that he had been
three times a survivor of enemy
T.Pboat attacks.
15 Years Ago
Miss E. A. McNaughton, ' and
Philip P. Cargy, of Goderich, :woYi
the open pair_.championship and the
Eli Cuthbertson trophy at the Can-
adian national bridge tournament
held at Toronto. The winners com-
peted with 60 teams, including
many of the highest ranking play-
ers in Canada and the ° United
States. -
.4eturning from their annual
spring trip over .the Blue Water
High ay, Col. C. S. Woodrow?. and
W. D.' Ferguson, of Sarnia, presi-
be made, ._eyes testes}; --cars tested t
finers to test driving ability.
He suggested also that provincial
police could make spot checks at.
any time and require the driver to
report to one of the Centres for
Ditormet FIREMEN
More than 50 representatives of
municipal and rural fire brigades
from the southern part of the Lake
"Huron District attended a meeting
held at the Department of Land's;
and Forests 'Huron . District Office,
near Hespeler, on Saturday. This
meeting was called to give further
attention to ' the .ever inereasing
problem of .bosh and grass fire
a L.0ri/,
io'ri. .. u
., a'tatY r rn ►strict S or-
� the
4 re resents*
led. ,� notttllnettheVirk'
tlrltt,I a resta'tioit '',
e t nt
' ese,
, Oficial representatives of the Taxation Division, Department of National
Revenue, will visit
GODERICH on APRIL 14th and 15th
for the purpose of assisting taxpayers in this area in preparing --their
1953 Inconle Tax returns and answering inquiries on other Income Tax
netters_ These representatives will be available for consultation at the
Taxpayers in this area are invited to take advantage
of this free service to the public.
In a letter to Town Council last
Friday night, the', Goderich Blue
Water Band requested its tax levy
for this year. The,levy represents
one-half mill on the Town's tax
rate. The request was sent to fin-
ance committee for cojlsideration..
who recently skated throughout New York State. and Ontario and who will skate along with
Barbara Ann Scott in the Minto Follies at Ottawa later this month.
EN! 'You're.crazy if you let ago get you
down when only 40, 50 or 60. There'a
such a quick,- easy way to . get new pep and
energy. Try,.Ostrex' Tonic to,
today. For
weakness loss of -',pepless, tired -out,
rundown feeling' duo to ack of iron; condi-
tions yon may call "getting old". Revitalizes,
energizes, irljgorates, stimulates. Helps both
sexes fee:I:yyears youngger'. "Got-acquain
size only 80. At all druggists.
will also tame part
. .sS...S •S•'